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path: root/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/htmlparser.nim')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim b/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df840e15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module parses an HTML document and creates its XML tree representation.
+## It is supposed to handle the *wild* HTML the real world uses.
+## It can be used to parse a wild HTML document and output it as valid XHTML
+## document (if you are lucky):
+## .. code-block:: nimrod
+##   echo loadHtml("mydirty.html")
+## Every tag in the resulting tree is in lower case.
+## **Note:** The resulting ``PXmlNode``s already use the ``clientData`` field, 
+## so it cannot be used by clients of this library.
+import streams, parsexml, xmltree
+  THtmlTag* = enum ## list of all supported HTML tags; order will always be
+                   ## alphabetically
+    tagUnknown,    ## unknown HTML element
+    tagA,          ## the HTML ``a`` element
+    tagAcronym,    ## the HTML ``acronym`` element
+    tagAddress,    ## the HTML ``address`` element
+    tagArea,       ## the HTML ``area`` element
+    tagB,          ## the HTML ``b`` element
+    tagBase,       ## the HTML ``base`` element
+    tagBig,        ## the HTML ``big`` element
+    tagBlockquote, ## the HTML ``blockquote`` element
+    tagBody,       ## the HTML ``body`` element
+    tagBr,         ## the HTML ``br`` element
+    tagButton,     ## the HTML ``button`` element
+    tagCaption,    ## the HTML ``caption`` element
+    tagCite,       ## the HTML ``cite`` element
+    tagCode,       ## the HTML ``code`` element
+    tagCol,        ## the HTML ``col`` element
+    tagColgroup,   ## the HTML ``colgroup`` element
+    tagDd,         ## the HTML ``dd`` element
+    tagDel,        ## the HTML ``del`` element
+    tagDfn,        ## the HTML ``dfn`` element
+    tagDiv,        ## the HTML ``div`` element
+    tagDl,         ## the HTML ``dl`` element
+    tagDt,         ## the HTML ``dt`` element
+    tagEm,         ## the HTML ``em`` element
+    tagFieldset,   ## the HTML ``fieldset`` element
+    tagForm,       ## the HTML ``form`` element
+    tagH1,         ## the HTML ``h1`` element
+    tagH2,         ## the HTML ``h2`` element
+    tagH3,         ## the HTML ``h3`` element
+    tagH4,         ## the HTML ``h4`` element
+    tagH5,         ## the HTML ``h5`` element
+    tagH6,         ## the HTML ``h6`` element
+    tagHead,       ## the HTML ``head`` element
+    tagHtml,       ## the HTML ``html`` element
+    tagHr,         ## the HTML ``hr`` element
+    tagI,          ## the HTML ``i`` element
+    tagImg,        ## the HTML ``img`` element
+    tagInput,      ## the HTML ``input`` element
+    tagIns,        ## the HTML ``ins`` element
+    tagKbd,        ## the HTML ``kbd`` element
+    tagLabel,      ## the HTML ``label`` element
+    tagLegend,     ## the HTML ``legend`` element
+    tagLi,         ## the HTML ``li`` element
+    tagLink,       ## the HTML ``link`` element
+    tagMap,        ## the HTML ``map`` element
+    tagMeta,       ## the HTML ``meta`` element
+    tagNoscript,   ## the HTML ``noscript`` element
+    tagObject,     ## the HTML ``object`` element
+    tagOl,         ## the HTML ``ol`` element
+    tagOptgroup,   ## the HTML ``optgroup`` element
+    tagOption,     ## the HTML ``option`` element
+    tagP,          ## the HTML ``p`` element
+    tagParam,      ## the HTML ``param`` element
+    tagPre,        ## the HTML ``pre`` element
+    tagQ,          ## the HTML ``q`` element
+    tagSamp,       ## the HTML ``samp`` element
+    tagScript,     ## the HTML ``script`` element
+    tagSelect,     ## the HTML ``select`` element
+    tagSmall,      ## the HTML ``small`` element
+    tagSpan,       ## the HTML ``span`` element
+    tagStrong,     ## the HTML ``strong`` element
+    tagStyle,      ## the HTML ``style`` element
+    tagSub,        ## the HTML ``sub`` element
+    tagSup,        ## the HTML ``sup`` element
+    tagTable,      ## the HTML ``table`` element
+    tagTbody,      ## the HTML ``tbody`` element
+    tagTd,         ## the HTML ``td`` element
+    tagTextarea,   ## the HTML ``textarea`` element
+    tagTfoot,      ## the HTML ``tfoot`` element
+    tagTh,         ## the HTML ``th`` element
+    tagThead,      ## the HTML ``thead`` element
+    tagTitle,      ## the HTML ``title`` element
+    tagTr,         ## the HTML ``tr`` element
+    tagTt,         ## the HTML ``tt`` element
+    tagUl,         ## the HTML ``ul`` element
+    tagVar         ## the HTML ``var`` element
+  tagStrs = [
+    "a", "acronym", "address", "area", "b", "base", "big", "blockquote", 
+    "body", "br", "button", "caption", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", 
+    "dd", "del", "dfn", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "fieldset", 
+    "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "html", "hr", 
+    "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "link", 
+    "map", "meta", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", 
+    "p", "param", "pre", "q", "samp", "script", "select", "small", 
+    "span", "strong", "style", "sub", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", 
+    "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "title", "tr", "tt", "ul", "var"
+  ]
+proc binaryStrSearch(x: openarray[string], y: string): int = 
+  ## XXX put this into the library somewhere!
+  var a = 0
+  var b = len(x) - 1
+  while a <= b: 
+    var mid = (a + b) div 2
+    var c = cmp(x[mid], y)
+    if c < 0: 
+      a = mid + 1
+    elif c > 0: 
+      b = mid - 1
+    else: 
+      return mid
+  result = - 1
+proc htmlTag*(n: PXmlNode): THtmlTag = 
+  ## gets `n`'s tag as a ``THtmlTag``. Even though results are cached, this is
+  ## can be more expensive than comparing ``tag`` directly to a string.
+  if n.clientData == 0:
+    n.clientData = binaryStrSearch(tagStrs, n.tag)+1
+  result = THtmlTag(n.clientData)
+proc parseElement(x: var TXmlParser, doc: var PDocument): PElement =
+  var n = doc.createElement("")
+  while True:
+    case x.kind()
+    of xmlEof:
+      break
+    of xmlElementStart:
+      if n.tagName() != "":
+        n.appendChild(parseElement(x, doc))
+      else:
+        n = doc.createElement(x.elementName)
+    of xmlElementOpen:
+      if n.tagName() != "":
+        n.appendChild(parseElement(x, doc))
+      else:
+        if x.elementName.contains(':'):
+          #TODO: NamespaceURI
+          n = doc.createElementNS("nil", x.elementName)
+        else:  
+          n = doc.createElement(x.elementName)
+    of xmlElementEnd:
+      if x.elementName == n.nodeName:
+        # n.normalize() # Remove any whitespace etc.
+        return n
+      else: #The wrong element is ended
+        raise newException(EMismatchedTag, "Mismatched tag at line " & 
+          $x.getLine() & " column " & $x.getColumn)
+    of xmlCharData:
+      n.appendChild(parseText(x, doc))
+    of xmlAttribute:
+      if x.attrKey.contains(':'):
+        #TODO: NamespaceURI
+        n.setAttributeNS("nil", x.attrKey, x.attrValue)
+      else:
+        n.setAttribute(x.attrKey, x.attrValue)
+    of xmlCData:
+      n.appendChild(doc.createCDATASection(x.charData()))
+    of xmlComment:
+      n.appendChild(doc.createComment(x.charData()))
+    of xmlPI:
+      n.appendChild(doc.createProcessingInstruction(x.PIName(), x.PIRest()))
+    of xmlWhitespace, xmlElementClose, xmlEntity, xmlSpecial:
+      # Unused 'events'
+    else:
+      raise newException(EParserError, "Unexpected XML Parser event")
+  raise newException(EMismatchedTag, 
+    "Mismatched tag at line " & $x.getLine() & " column " & $x.getColumn)
+proc parse*(x: var TXmlParser, father: PXmlNode) =
+proc parseHtml*(s: PStream, filename: string, 
+                errors: var seq[string]): PXmlNode = 
+  ## parses the HTML from stream `s` and returns a ``PXmlNode``. Every
+  ## occured parsing error is added to the `errors` sequence.
+  var x: TXmlParser
+  open(x, s, filename, {reportComments})
+  result = newElement("html")
+  while true:
+    case x.kind
+    of xmlWhitespace: nil # just skip it
+    of xmlComment: 
+      result.add(newComment(x.text))
+  while True:
+    case x.kind
+    of xmlEof: break
+    of xmlElementStart, xmlElementOpen:
+      var el: PElement = parseElement(x, XmlDoc)
+      XmlDoc = dom.createDocument(el)
+    of xmlWhitespace, xmlElementClose, xmlEntity, xmlSpecial:
+      # Unused 'events'
+    else:
+      raise newException(EParserError, "Unexpected XML Parser event")
+  close(x)
+proc parseHtml*(s: PStream): PXmlNode = 
+  ## parses the HTML from stream `s` and returns a ``PXmlNode``. All parsing
+  ## errors are ignored.
+  var errors: seq[string] = @[]
+  result = parseHtml(s, "unknown_html_doc", errors)
+proc loadHtml*(path: string, reportErrors = false): PXmlNode = 
+  ## Loads and parses HTML from file specified by ``path``, and returns 
+  ## a ``PXmlNode``. If `reportErrors` is true, the parsing errors are
+  ## ``echo``ed.
+  var s = newFileStream(path, fmRead)
+  if s == nil: raise newException(EIO, "Unable to read file: " & path)
+  var errors: seq[string] = @[]
+  result = parseHtml(s, path, errors)
+  if reportErrors: 
+    for msg in items(errors): echo(msg)