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1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/includes/asyncfutures.nim b/lib/pure/includes/asyncfutures.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fda78c1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/includes/asyncfutures.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# TODO: This shouldn't need to be included, but should ideally be exported.
+  FutureBase* = ref object of RootObj ## Untyped future.
+    cb: proc () {.closure,gcsafe.}
+    finished: bool
+    error*: ref Exception ## Stored exception
+    errorStackTrace*: string
+    when not defined(release):
+      stackTrace: string ## For debugging purposes only.
+      id: int
+      fromProc: string
+  Future*[T] = ref object of FutureBase ## Typed future.
+    value: T ## Stored value
+  FutureVar*[T] = distinct Future[T]
+  FutureError* = object of Exception
+    cause*: FutureBase
+{.deprecated: [PFutureBase: FutureBase, PFuture: Future].}
+when not defined(release):
+  var currentID = 0
+proc callSoon*(cbproc: proc ()) {.gcsafe.}
+proc newFuture*[T](fromProc: string = "unspecified"): Future[T] =
+  ## Creates a new future.
+  ##
+  ## Specifying ``fromProc``, which is a string specifying the name of the proc
+  ## that this future belongs to, is a good habit as it helps with debugging.
+  new(result)
+  result.finished = false
+  when not defined(release):
+    result.stackTrace = getStackTrace()
+ = currentID
+    result.fromProc = fromProc
+proc newFutureVar*[T](fromProc = "unspecified"): FutureVar[T] =
+  ## Create a new ``FutureVar``. This Future type is ideally suited for
+  ## situations where you want to avoid unnecessary allocations of Futures.
+  ##
+  ## Specifying ``fromProc``, which is a string specifying the name of the proc
+  ## that this future belongs to, is a good habit as it helps with debugging.
+  result = FutureVar[T](newFuture[T](fromProc))
+proc clean*[T](future: FutureVar[T]) =
+  ## Resets the ``finished`` status of ``future``.
+  Future[T](future).finished = false
+  Future[T](future).error = nil
+proc checkFinished[T](future: Future[T]) =
+  ## Checks whether `future` is finished. If it is then raises a
+  ## ``FutureError``.
+  when not defined(release):
+    if future.finished:
+      var msg = ""
+      msg.add("An attempt was made to complete a Future more than once. ")
+      msg.add("Details:")
+      msg.add("\n  Future ID: " & $
+      msg.add("\n  Created in proc: " & future.fromProc)
+      msg.add("\n  Stack trace to moment of creation:")
+      msg.add("\n" & indent(future.stackTrace.strip(), 4))
+      when T is string:
+        msg.add("\n  Contents (string): ")
+        msg.add("\n" & indent(future.value.repr, 4))
+      msg.add("\n  Stack trace to moment of secondary completion:")
+      msg.add("\n" & indent(getStackTrace().strip(), 4))
+      var err = newException(FutureError, msg)
+      err.cause = future
+      raise err
+proc complete*[T](future: Future[T], val: T) =
+  ## Completes ``future`` with value ``val``.
+  #assert(not future.finished, "Future already finished, cannot finish twice.")
+  checkFinished(future)
+  assert(future.error == nil)
+  future.value = val
+  future.finished = true
+  if future.cb != nil:
+    future.cb()
+proc complete*(future: Future[void]) =
+  ## Completes a void ``future``.
+  #assert(not future.finished, "Future already finished, cannot finish twice.")
+  checkFinished(future)
+  assert(future.error == nil)
+  future.finished = true
+  if future.cb != nil:
+    future.cb()
+proc complete*[T](future: FutureVar[T]) =
+  ## Completes a ``FutureVar``.
+  template fut: expr = Future[T](future)
+  checkFinished(fut)
+  assert(fut.error == nil)
+  fut.finished = true
+  if fut.cb != nil:
+    fut.cb()
+proc complete*[T](future: FutureVar[T], val: T) =
+  ## Completes a ``FutureVar`` with value ``val``.
+  ##
+  ## Any previously stored value will be overwritten.
+  template fut: expr = Future[T](future)
+  checkFinished(fut)
+  assert(fut.error == nil)
+  fut.finished = true
+  fut.value = val
+  if fut.cb != nil:
+    fut.cb()
+proc fail*[T](future: Future[T], error: ref Exception) =
+  ## Completes ``future`` with ``error``.
+  #assert(not future.finished, "Future already finished, cannot finish twice.")
+  checkFinished(future)
+  future.finished = true
+  future.error = error
+  future.errorStackTrace =
+    if getStackTrace(error) == "": getStackTrace() else: getStackTrace(error)
+  if future.cb != nil:
+    future.cb()
+  else:
+    # This is to prevent exceptions from being silently ignored when a future
+    # is discarded.
+    # TODO: This may turn out to be a bad idea.
+    # Turns out this is a bad idea.
+    #raise error
+    discard
+proc `callback=`*(future: FutureBase, cb: proc () {.closure,gcsafe.}) =
+  ## Sets the callback proc to be called when the future completes.
+  ##
+  ## If future has already completed then ``cb`` will be called immediately.
+  ##
+  ## **Note**: You most likely want the other ``callback`` setter which
+  ## passes ``future`` as a param to the callback.
+  future.cb = cb
+  if future.finished:
+    callSoon(future.cb)
+proc `callback=`*[T](future: Future[T],
+    cb: proc (future: Future[T]) {.closure,gcsafe.}) =
+  ## Sets the callback proc to be called when the future completes.
+  ##
+  ## If future has already completed then ``cb`` will be called immediately.
+  future.callback = proc () = cb(future)
+proc injectStacktrace[T](future: Future[T]) =
+  # TODO: Come up with something better.
+  when not defined(release):
+    var msg = ""
+    msg.add("\n  " & future.fromProc & "'s lead up to read of failed Future:")
+    if not future.errorStackTrace.isNil and future.errorStackTrace != "":
+      msg.add("\n" & indent(future.errorStackTrace.strip(), 4))
+    else:
+      msg.add("\n    Empty or nil stack trace.")
+    future.error.msg.add(msg)
+proc read*[T](future: Future[T] | FutureVar[T]): T =
+  ## Retrieves the value of ``future``. Future must be finished otherwise
+  ## this function will fail with a ``ValueError`` exception.
+  ##
+  ## If the result of the future is an error then that error will be raised.
+  let fut = Future[T](future)
+  if fut.finished:
+    if fut.error != nil:
+      injectStacktrace(fut)
+      raise fut.error
+    when T isnot void:
+      return fut.value
+  else:
+    # TODO: Make a custom exception type for this?
+    raise newException(ValueError, "Future still in progress.")
+proc readError*[T](future: Future[T]): ref Exception =
+  ## Retrieves the exception stored in ``future``.
+  ##
+  ## An ``ValueError`` exception will be thrown if no exception exists
+  ## in the specified Future.
+  if future.error != nil: return future.error
+  else:
+    raise newException(ValueError, "No error in future.")
+proc mget*[T](future: FutureVar[T]): var T =
+  ## Returns a mutable value stored in ``future``.
+  ##
+  ## Unlike ``read``, this function will not raise an exception if the
+  ## Future has not been finished.
+  result = Future[T](future).value
+proc finished*[T](future: Future[T] | FutureVar[T]): bool =
+  ## Determines whether ``future`` has completed.
+  ##
+  ## ``True`` may indicate an error or a value. Use ``failed`` to distinguish.
+  (Future[T](future)).finished
+proc failed*(future: FutureBase): bool =
+  ## Determines whether ``future`` completed with an error.
+  return future.error != nil
+proc asyncCheck*[T](future: Future[T]) =
+  ## Sets a callback on ``future`` which raises an exception if the future
+  ## finished with an error.
+  ##
+  ## This should be used instead of ``discard`` to discard void futures.
+  future.callback =
+    proc () =
+      if future.failed:
+        injectStacktrace(future)
+        raise future.error
+proc `and`*[T, Y](fut1: Future[T], fut2: Future[Y]): Future[void] =
+  ## Returns a future which will complete once both ``fut1`` and ``fut2``
+  ## complete.
+  var retFuture = newFuture[void]("asyncdispatch.`and`")
+  fut1.callback =
+    proc () =
+      if not retFuture.finished:
+        if fut1.failed:
+        elif fut2.finished: retFuture.complete()
+  fut2.callback =
+    proc () =
+      if not retFuture.finished:
+        if fut2.failed:
+        elif fut1.finished: retFuture.complete()
+  return retFuture
+proc `or`*[T, Y](fut1: Future[T], fut2: Future[Y]): Future[void] =
+  ## Returns a future which will complete once either ``fut1`` or ``fut2``
+  ## complete.
+  var retFuture = newFuture[void]("asyncdispatch.`or`")
+  proc cb[X](fut: Future[X]) =
+    if fut.failed:
+    if not retFuture.finished: retFuture.complete()
+  fut1.callback = cb[T]
+  fut2.callback = cb[Y]
+  return retFuture
+proc all*[T](futs: varargs[Future[T]]): auto =
+  ## Returns a future which will complete once
+  ## all futures in ``futs`` complete.
+  ##
+  ## If the awaited futures are not ``Future[void]``, the returned future
+  ## will hold the values of all awaited futures in a sequence.
+  ##
+  ## If the awaited futures *are* ``Future[void]``,
+  ## this proc returns ``Future[void]``.
+  when T is void:
+    var
+      retFuture = newFuture[void]("asyncdispatch.all")
+      completedFutures = 0
+    let totalFutures = len(futs)
+    for fut in futs:
+      fut.callback = proc(f: Future[T]) =
+        if f.failed:
+        elif not retFuture.finished:
+          inc(completedFutures)
+          if completedFutures == totalFutures:
+            retFuture.complete()
+    return retFuture
+  else:
+    var
+      retFuture = newFuture[seq[T]]("asyncdispatch.all")
+      retValues = newSeq[T](len(futs))
+      completedFutures = 0
+    for i, fut in futs:
+      proc setCallback(i: int) =
+        fut.callback = proc(f: Future[T]) =
+          if f.failed:
+          elif not retFuture.finished:
+            retValues[i] =
+            inc(completedFutures)
+            if completedFutures == len(retValues):
+              retFuture.complete(retValues)
+      setCallback(i)
+    return retFuture