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path: root/lib/pure/marshal.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/marshal.nim')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/marshal.nim b/lib/pure/marshal.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f96d177ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/marshal.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@


+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library

+#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf


+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this

+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.



+## This module contains procs for serialization and deseralization of 

+## arbitrary Nimrod data structures. The serialization format uses JSON.


+import streams, typeinfo, json, intsets, tables


+proc ptrToInt(x: pointer): int {.inline.} =

+  result = cast[int](x) # don't skip alignment


+proc storeAny(s: PStream, a: TAny, stored: var TIntSet) =

+  case a.kind

+  of akNone: assert false

+  of akBool: s.write($getBool(a))

+  of akChar: s.write(escapeJson($getChar(a)))

+  of akArray, akSequence:

+    if a.kind == akSequence and isNil(a): s.write("null")

+    else:

+      s.write("[")

+      for i in 0 .. a.len-1:

+        if i > 0: s.write(", ")

+        storeAny(s, a[i], stored)

+      s.write("]")

+  of akObject, akPureObject, akTuple:

+    s.write("{")

+    var i = 0

+    for key, val in fields(a):

+      if i > 0: s.write(", ")

+      s.write(escapeJson(key))

+      s.write(": ")

+      storeAny(s, val, stored)

+      inc(i)

+    s.write("}")

+  of akSet:

+    s.write("[")

+    var i = 0

+    for e in elements(a):

+      if i > 0: s.write(", ")

+      s.write($e)

+      inc(i)

+    s.write("]")

+  of akRange: storeAny(s, skipRange(a), stored)

+  of akEnum: s.write(getEnumField(a).escapeJson)

+  of akPtr, akRef:

+    var x = a.getPointer

+    if isNil(x): s.write("null")

+    elif stored.containsOrIncl(x.ptrToInt):

+      # already stored, so we simply write out the pointer as an int:

+      s.write($x.ptrToInt)

+    else:

+      # else as a [value, key] pair:

+      # (reversed order for convenient x[0] access!)

+      s.write("[")

+      s.write($x.ptrToInt)

+      s.write(", ")

+      storeAny(s, a[], stored)

+      s.write("]")

+  of akProc, akPointer, akCString: s.write($a.getPointer.ptrToInt)

+  of akString:

+    var x = getString(a)

+    if IsNil(x): s.write("null")

+    else: s.write(escapeJson(x))

+  of akInt..akInt64: s.write($getBiggestInt(a))

+  of akFloat..akFloat128: s.write($getBiggestFloat(a))


+proc loadAny(p: var TJsonParser, a: TAny, t: var TTable[biggestInt, pointer]) =

+  case a.kind

+  of akNone: assert false

+  of akBool: 

+    case p.kind

+    of jsonFalse: setBiggestInt(a, 0)

+    of jsonTrue: setBiggestInt(a, 1)

+    else: raiseParseErr(p, "'true' or 'false' expected for a bool")

+    next(p)

+  of akChar:

+    if p.kind == jsonString:

+      var x = p.str

+      if x.len == 1:

+        setBiggestInt(a, ord(x[0]))

+        next(p)

+        return

+    raiseParseErr(p, "string of length 1 expected for a char")

+  of akEnum: 

+    if p.kind == jsonString:

+      setBiggestInt(a, getEnumOrdinal(a, p.str))

+      next(p)

+      return

+    raiseParseErr(p, "string expected for an enum")

+  of akArray:

+    if p.kind != jsonArrayStart: raiseParseErr(p, "'[' expected for an array")

+    next(p)

+    var i = 0

+    while p.kind != jsonArrayEnd and p.kind != jsonEof:

+      loadAny(p, a[i], t)

+      inc(i)

+    if p.kind == jsonArrayEnd: next(p)

+    else: raiseParseErr(p, "']' end of array expected")

+  of akSequence:

+    case p.kind 

+    of jsonNull:

+      setPointer(a, nil)

+      next(p)

+    of jsonArrayStart:

+      next(p)

+      invokeNewSeq(a, 0)
+      var i = 0
+      while p.kind != jsonArrayEnd and p.kind != jsonEof:

+        extendSeq(a)
+        loadAny(p, a[i], t)

+        inc(i)

+      if p.kind == jsonArrayEnd: next(p)

+      else: raiseParseErr(p, "")

+    else:
+      raiseParseErr(p, "'[' expected for a seq")

+  of akObject, akPureObject, akTuple:

+    if a.kind == akObject: setObjectRuntimeType(a)
+    if p.kind != jsonObjectStart: raiseParseErr(p, "'{' expected for an object")

+    next(p)

+    while p.kind != jsonObjectEnd and p.kind != jsonEof:

+      if p.kind != jsonString: 

+        raiseParseErr(p, "string expected for a field name")

+      var fieldName = p.str

+      next(p)

+      loadAny(p, a[fieldName], t)

+    if p.kind == jsonObjectEnd: next(p)

+    else: raiseParseErr(p, "'}' end of object expected")

+  of akSet:

+    if p.kind != jsonArrayStart: raiseParseErr(p, "'[' expected for a set")

+    next(p)

+    while p.kind != jsonArrayEnd and p.kind != jsonEof:

+      if p.kind != jsonInt: raiseParseErr(p, "int expected for a set")

+      inclSetElement(a,

+      next(p)

+    if p.kind == jsonArrayEnd: next(p)

+    else: raiseParseErr(p, "']' end of array expected")

+  of akPtr, akRef:

+    case p.kind 

+    of jsonNull:

+      setPointer(a, nil)

+      next(p)

+    of jsonInt:

+      setPointer(a, t[p.getInt])

+      next(p)

+    of jsonArrayStart:

+      next(p)

+      if a.kind == akRef: invokeNew(a)
+      else: setPointer(a, alloc0(a.baseTypeSize))      
+      if p.kind == jsonInt:
+        t[p.getInt] = getPointer(a)
+        next(p)
+      else: raiseParseErr(p, "index for ref type expected")
+      loadAny(p, a[], t)
+      if p.kind == jsonArrayEnd: next(p)

+      else: raiseParseErr(p, "']' end of ref-address pair expected")

+    else: raiseParseErr(p, "int for pointer type expected")

+  of akProc, akPointer, akCString: 

+    case p.kind 

+    of jsonNull:

+      setPointer(a, nil)

+      next(p)

+    of jsonInt:

+      setPointer(a, cast[pointer](

+      next(p)

+    else: raiseParseErr(p, "int for pointer type expected")

+  of akString:

+    case p.kind 

+    of jsonNull:

+      setPointer(a, nil)

+      next(p)

+    of jsonString:

+      setString(a, p.str)

+      next(p)

+    else: raiseParseErr(p, "string expected")

+  of akInt..akInt64: 

+    if p.kind == jsonInt:

+      setBiggestInt(a, getInt(p))

+      next(p)

+      return

+    raiseParseErr(p, "int expected")

+  of akFloat..akFloat128:

+    if p.kind == jsonFloat:

+      setBiggestFloat(a, getFloat(p))

+      next(p)

+      return

+    raiseParseErr(p, "float expected")
+  of akRange: loadAny(p, a.skipRange, t)


+proc loadAny(s: PStream, a: TAny, t: var TTable[biggestInt, pointer]) =

+  var p: TJsonParser

+  open(p, s, "unknown file")

+  next(p)

+  loadAny(p, a, t)

+  close(p)


+proc load*[T](s: PStream, data: var T) =

+  ## loads `data` from the stream `s`. Raises `EIO` in case of an error.

+  var tab = initTable[biggestInt, pointer]()
+  loadAny(s, toAny(data), tab)


+proc store*[T](s: PStream, data: T) =

+  ## stores `data` into the stream `s`. Raises `EIO` in case of an error.

+  var stored = initIntSet()

+  var d: T

+  shallowCopy(d, data)

+  storeAny(s, toAny(d), stored)

+proc `$$`*[T](x: T): string =
+  ## returns a string representation of `x`.
+  var stored = initIntSet()

+  var d: T

+  shallowCopy(d, x)

+  var s = newStringStream()
+  storeAny(s, toAny(d), stored)

+  result =
+proc to*[T](data: string): T =
+  ## reads data and transforms it to a ``T``.
+  var tab = initTable[biggestInt, pointer]()
+  loadAny(newStringStream(data), toAny(result), tab)


+when isMainModule:
+  template testit(x: expr) = echo($$to[type(x)]($$x))
+  var x: array[0..4, array[0..4, string]] = [

+    ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], 

+    ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], 

+    ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"]]

+  testit(x)

+  var test2: tuple[name: string, s: int] = ("tuple test", 56)
+  testit(test2)
+  type
+    TE = enum
+      blah, blah2
+    TestObj = object
+      test, asd: int
+      case test2: TE
+      of blah:
+        help: string
+      else:
+        nil
+    PNode = ref TNode
+    TNode = object
+      next, prev: PNode
+      data: string
+  proc buildList(): PNode =
+    new(result)
+    new(
+    new(result.prev)
+ = "middle"
+ = "next"
+ = "prev"
+ = result.prev
+ = result
+ = result
+    result.prev.prev =
+  var test3: TestObj
+  test3.test = 42
+  test3.test2 = blah
+  testit(test3)
+  var test4: ref tuple[a, b: string]
+  new(test4)
+  test4.a = "ref string test: A"
+  test4.b = "ref string test: B"
+  testit(test4)
+  var test5 = @[(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)]
+  testit(test5)
+  var test6: set[char] = {'A'..'Z', '_'}
+  testit(test6)
+  var test7 = buildList()
+  echo($$test7)
+  testit(test7)