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path: root/lib/pure/sockets.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/sockets.nim')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/sockets.nim b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
index eeec62843..517952781 100755
--- a/lib/pure/sockets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
@@ -10,11 +10,16 @@
 ## This module implements a simple portable type-safe sockets layer.
 ## Most procedures raise EOS on error.
+## For OpenSSL support compile with ``-d:ssl``. When using SSL be aware that
+## most functions will then raise ``ESSL`` on SSL errors.
 import os, parseutils
 from times import epochTime
+when defined(ssl):
+  import openssl
 when defined(Windows):
   import winlean
@@ -22,8 +27,40 @@ else:
 # Note: The enumerations are mapped to Window's constants.
+when defined(ssl):
+  type
+    ESSL* = object of ESynch
+    TSSLCVerifyMode* = enum
+      CVerifyNone, CVerifyPeer
+    TSSLProtVersion* = enum
+      protSSLv2, protSSLv3, protTLSv1, protSSLv23
+    TSSLOptions* = object
+      verifyMode*: TSSLCVerifyMode
+      certFile*, keyFile*: string
+      protVer*: TSSLprotVersion
-  TSocket* = distinct cint ## socket type
+  TSocketImpl = object ## socket type
+    fd: cint
+    case isBuffered: bool # determines whether this socket is buffered.
+    of true:
+      buffer: array[0..4000, char]
+      currPos: int # current index in buffer
+      bufLen: int # current length of buffer
+    of false: nil
+    when defined(ssl):
+      case isSsl: bool
+      of true:
+        sslHandle: PSSL
+        sslContext: PSSLCTX
+        wrapOptions: TSSLOptions
+      of false: nil
+  TSocket* = ref TSocketImpl
   TPort* = distinct int16  ## port type
   TDomain* = enum   ## domain, which specifies the protocol family of the
@@ -65,11 +102,15 @@ type
   ETimeout* = object of ESynch
-  InvalidSocket* = TSocket(-1'i32) ## invalid socket number
+proc newTSocket(fd: int32, isBuff: bool): TSocket =
+  new(result)
+  result.fd = fd
+  result.isBuffered = isBuff
+  if isBuff:
+    result.currPos = 0
-proc `==`*(a, b: TSocket): bool {.borrow.}
-  ## ``==`` for sockets. 
+  InvalidSocket*: TSocket = nil ## invalid socket
 proc `==`*(a, b: TPort): bool {.borrow.}
   ## ``==`` for ports.
@@ -144,18 +185,111 @@ else:
     result = cint(ord(p))
 proc socket*(domain: TDomain = AF_INET, typ: TType = SOCK_STREAM,
-             protocol: TProtocol = IPPROTO_TCP): TSocket =
+             protocol: TProtocol = IPPROTO_TCP, buffered = true): TSocket =
   ## creates a new socket; returns `InvalidSocket` if an error occurs.  
   when defined(Windows):
-    result = TSocket(winlean.socket(ord(domain), ord(typ), ord(protocol)))
+    result = newTSocket(winlean.socket(ord(domain), ord(typ), ord(protocol)), buffered)
-    result = TSocket(posix.socket(ToInt(domain), ToInt(typ), ToInt(protocol)))
+    result = newTSocket(posix.socket(ToInt(domain), ToInt(typ), ToInt(protocol)), buffered)
+when defined(ssl):
+  CRYPTO_malloc_init()
+  SslLibraryInit()
+  SslLoadErrorStrings()
+  ErrLoadBioStrings()
+  OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms()
+  proc SSLError(s = "") =
+    if s != "":
+      raise newException(ESSL, s)
+    let err = ErrGetError()
+    if err == 0:
+      raise newException(ESSL, "An EOF was observed that violates the protocol.")
+    if err == -1:
+      OSError()
+    var errStr = ErrErrorString(err, nil)
+    raise newException(ESSL, $errStr)
+  #
+  proc loadCertificates(socket: var TSocket, certFile, keyFile: string) =
+    if certFile != "":
+      if SSLCTXUseCertificateFile(socket.sslContext, certFile,
+                                  SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1:
+        SSLError()
+    if keyFile != "":
+      if SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(socket.sslContext, keyFile,
+                                     SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1:
+        SSLError()
+      if SSL_CTX_check_private_key(socket.sslContext) != 1:
+        SSLError("Verification of private key file failed.")
+  proc wrapSocket*(socket: var TSocket, protVersion = ProtSSLv23,
+                   verifyMode = CVerifyPeer,
+                   certFile = "", keyFile = "") =
+    ## Creates a SSL context for ``socket`` and wraps the socket in it.
+    ## 
+    ## Protocol version specifies the protocol to use. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1 are 
+    ## are available with the addition of ``ProtSSLv23`` which allows for 
+    ## compatibility with all of them.
+    ##
+    ## There are currently only two options for verify mode; one is ``CVerifyNone``
+    ## and with it certificates will not be verified the other is ``CVerifyPeer``
+    ## and certificates will be verified for it, ``CVerifyPeer`` is the safest choice.
+    ##
+    ## The last two parameters specify the certificate file path and the key file
+    ## path, a server socket will most likely not work without these.
+    ## Certificates can be generated using the following command:
+    ## ``openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout mycert.pem -out mycert.pem``.
+    ##
+    ## **Warning:** Because SSL is meant to be secure I feel the need to warn you
+    ## that this "wrapper" has not been thorougly tested and is therefore 
+    ## most likely very prone to security vulnerabilities.
+    socket.isSSL = true
+    socket.wrapOptions.verifyMode = verifyMode
+    socket.wrapOptions.certFile = certFile
+    socket.wrapOptions.keyFile = keyFile
+    socket.wrapOptions.protVer = protVersion
+    case protVersion
+    of protSSLv23:
+      socket.sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()) # SSlv2,3 and TLS1 support.
+    of protSSLv2:
+      socket.sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv2_method())
+    of protSSLv3:
+      socket.sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_method())
+    of protTLSv1:
+      socket.sslContext = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_method())
+    if socket.sslContext.SSLCTXSetCipherList("ALL") != 1:
+      SSLError()
+    case verifyMode
+    of CVerifyPeer:
+      socket.sslContext.SSLCTXSetVerify(SSLVerifyPeer, nil)
+    of CVerifyNone:
+      socket.sslContext.SSLCTXSetVerify(SSLVerifyNone, nil)
+    if socket.sslContext == nil:
+      SSLError()
+    socket.loadCertificates(certFile, keyFile)
+    socket.sslHandle = SSLNew(socket.sslContext)
+    if socket.sslHandle == nil:
+      SSLError()
+    if SSLSetFd(socket.sslHandle, socket.fd) != 1:
+      SSLError()
+  proc wrapSocket*(socket: var TSocket, wo: TSSLOptions) =
+    ## A variant of the above with a options object.
+    wrapSocket(socket, wo.protVer, wo.verifyMode, wo.certFile, wo.keyFile)
 proc listen*(socket: TSocket, backlog = SOMAXCONN) =
   ## Marks ``socket`` as accepting connections. 
   ## ``Backlog`` specifies the maximum length of the 
   ## queue of pending connections.
-  if listen(cint(socket), cint(backlog)) < 0'i32: OSError()
+  if listen(socket.fd, cint(backlog)) < 0'i32: OSError()
 proc invalidIp4(s: string) {.noreturn, noinline.} =
   raise newException(EInvalidValue, "invalid ip4 address: " & s)
@@ -208,7 +342,7 @@ proc bindAddr*(socket: TSocket, port = TPort(0), address = "") =
       name.sin_family = posix.AF_INET
     name.sin_port = sockets.htons(int16(port))
     name.sin_addr.s_addr = sockets.htonl(INADDR_ANY)
-    if bindSocket(cint(socket), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
+    if bindSocket(socket.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
                   sizeof(name)) < 0'i32:
@@ -218,7 +352,7 @@ proc bindAddr*(socket: TSocket, port = TPort(0), address = "") =
     hints.ai_socktype = toInt(SOCK_STREAM)
     hints.ai_protocol = toInt(IPPROTO_TCP)
     gaiNim(address, port, hints, aiList)
-    if bindSocket(cint(socket), aiList.ai_addr, aiList.ai_addrLen) < 0'i32:
+    if bindSocket(socket.fd, aiList.ai_addr, aiList.ai_addrLen) < 0'i32:
 when false:
@@ -245,47 +379,88 @@ proc getSockName*(socket: TSocket): TPort =
   #name.sin_port = htons(cint16(port))
   #name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)
   var namelen: cint = sizeof(name)
-  if getsockname(cint(socket), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
+  if getsockname(socket.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
                  addr(namelen)) == -1'i32:
   result = TPort(sockets.ntohs(name.sin_port))
-proc acceptAddr*(server: TSocket): tuple[sock: TSocket, address: string] =
+proc selectWrite*(writefds: var seq[TSocket], timeout = 500): int
+proc acceptAddr*(server: TSocket): tuple[client: TSocket, address: string] =
   ## Blocks until a connection is being made from a client. When a connection
-  ## is made returns the client socket and address of the connecting client.
+  ## is made sets ``client`` to the client socket and ``address`` to the address
+  ## of the connecting client.
   ## If ``server`` is non-blocking then this function returns immediately, and
   ## if there are no connections queued the returned socket will be
   ## ``InvalidSocket``.
   ## This function will raise EOS if an error occurs.
-  var address: Tsockaddr_in
-  var addrLen: cint = sizeof(address)
-  var sock = accept(cint(server), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(address)),
+  ##
+  ## **Warning:** This function might block even if socket is non-blocking
+  ## when using SSL.
+  var sockAddress: Tsockaddr_in
+  var addrLen: cint = sizeof(sockAddress)
+  var sock = accept(server.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(sockAddress)),
   if sock < 0:
     # TODO: Test on Windows.
     when defined(windows):
       var err = WSAGetLastError()
       if err == WSAEINPROGRESS:
-        return (InvalidSocket, "")
+        client = InvalidSocket
       else: OSError()
       if errno == EAGAIN or errno == EWOULDBLOCK:
         return (InvalidSocket, "")
       else: OSError()
-  else: return (TSocket(sock), $inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr))
+  else: 
+    when defined(ssl):
+      if server.isSSL:
+        # We must wrap the client sock in a ssl context.
+        var client = newTSocket(sock, server.isBuffered)
+        let wo = server.wrapOptions
+        wrapSocket(client, wo.protVer, wo.verifyMode, 
+                   wo.certFile, wo.keyFile)
+        let ret = SSLAccept(client.sslHandle)
+        while ret <= 0:
+          let err = SSLGetError(client.sslHandle, ret)
+          if err != SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT:
+            case err
+            of SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:
+              SSLError("TLS/SSL connection failed to initiate, socket closed prematurely.")
+              SSLError("The operation did not complete. Perhaps you should use connectAsync?")
+            of SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT:
+              var sss: seq[TSocket] = @[client]
+              discard selectWrite(sss, 1500)
+              continue
+            of SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:
+              SSLError("Function for x509 lookup has been called.")
+              SSLError()
+            else:
+              SSLError("Unknown error")
+        return (client, $inet_ntoa(sockAddress.sin_addr))
+    return (newTSocket(sock, server.isBuffered), $inet_ntoa(sockAddress.sin_addr))
 proc accept*(server: TSocket): TSocket =
   ## Equivalent to ``acceptAddr`` but doesn't return the address, only the
   ## socket.
-  var (client, a) = acceptAddr(server)
+  let (client, a) = acceptAddr(server)
   return client
 proc close*(socket: TSocket) =
   ## closes a socket.
   when defined(windows):
-    discard winlean.closeSocket(cint(socket))
+    discard winlean.closeSocket(socket.fd)
-    discard posix.close(cint(socket))
+    discard posix.close(socket.fd)
+  when defined(ssl):
+    if socket.isSSL:
+      discard SSLShutdown(socket.sslHandle)
+      SSLCTXFree(socket.sslContext)
 proc getServByName*(name, proto: string): TServent =
   ## well-known getservbyname proc.
@@ -365,7 +540,7 @@ proc getSockOptInt*(socket: TSocket, level, optname: int): int =
   ## getsockopt for integer options.
   var res: cint
   var size: cint = sizeof(res)
-  if getsockopt(cint(socket), cint(level), cint(optname), 
+  if getsockopt(socket.fd, cint(level), cint(optname), 
                 addr(res), addr(size)) < 0'i32:
   result = int(res)
@@ -373,7 +548,7 @@ proc getSockOptInt*(socket: TSocket, level, optname: int): int =
 proc setSockOptInt*(socket: TSocket, level, optname, optval: int) =
   ## setsockopt for integer options.
   var value = cint(optval)
-  if setsockopt(cint(socket), cint(level), cint(optname), addr(value),  
+  if setsockopt(socket.fd, cint(level), cint(optname), addr(value),  
                 sizeof(value)) < 0'i32:
@@ -395,7 +570,7 @@ proc connect*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
   var success = false
   var it = aiList
   while it != nil:
-    if connect(cint(socket), it.ai_addr, it.ai_addrlen) == 0'i32:
+    if connect(socket.fd, it.ai_addr, it.ai_addrlen) == 0'i32:
       success = true
     it = it.ai_next
@@ -403,6 +578,24 @@ proc connect*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
   if not success: OSError()
+  when defined(ssl):
+    if socket.isSSL:
+      let ret = SSLConnect(socket.sslHandle)
+      if ret <= 0:
+        let err = SSLGetError(socket.sslHandle, ret)
+        case err
+          SSLError("TLS/SSL connection failed to initiate, socket closed prematurely.")
+          SSLError("The operation did not complete. Perhaps you should use connectAsync?")
+        of SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:
+          SSLError("Function for x509 lookup has been called.")
+          SSLError()
+        else:
+          SSLError("Unknown error")
   when false:
     var s: TSockAddrIn
     s.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(name)
@@ -415,7 +608,7 @@ proc connect*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
       of AF_INET: s.sin_family = posix.AF_INET
       of AF_INET6: s.sin_family = posix.AF_INET6
       else: nil
-    if connect(cint(socket), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(s)), sizeof(s)) < 0'i32:
+    if connect(socket.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(s)), sizeof(s)) < 0'i32:
 proc connectAsync*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
@@ -431,7 +624,7 @@ proc connectAsync*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
   var success = false
   var it = aiList
   while it != nil:
-    var ret = connect(cint(socket), it.ai_addr, it.ai_addrlen)
+    var ret = connect(socket.fd, it.ai_addr, it.ai_addrlen)
     if ret == 0'i32:
       success = true
@@ -453,6 +646,26 @@ proc connectAsync*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
   if not success: OSError()
+  when defined(ssl):
+    if socket.isSSL:
+      var ret = SSLConnect(socket.sslHandle)
+      if ret <= 0:
+        var errret = SSLGetError(socket.sslHandle, ret)
+        case errret
+          SSLError("TLS/SSL connection failed to initiate, socket closed prematurely.")
+          SSLError("Unexpected error occured.") # This should just not happen.
+          return
+        of SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:
+          SSLError("Function for x509 lookup has been called.")
+          SSLError()
+        else:
+          SSLError("Unknown Error")
 proc timeValFromMilliseconds(timeout = 500): TTimeVal =
   if timeout != -1:
     var seconds = timeout div 1000
@@ -467,14 +680,14 @@ proc timeValFromMilliseconds(timeout = 500): TTimeVal =
 proc createFdSet(fd: var TFdSet, s: seq[TSocket], m: var int) = 
   for i in items(s): 
-    m = max(m, int(i))
-    FD_SET(cint(i), fd)
+    m = max(m, int(i.fd))
+    FD_SET(i.fd, fd)
 proc pruneSocketSet(s: var seq[TSocket], fd: var TFdSet) = 
   var i = 0
   var L = s.len
   while i < L:
-    if FD_ISSET(cint(s[i]), fd) != 0'i32:
+    if FD_ISSET(s[i].fd, fd) != 0'i32:
       s[i] = s[L-1]
@@ -552,19 +765,64 @@ proc select*(readfds: var seq[TSocket], timeout = 500): int =
     result = int(select(cint(m+1), addr(rd), nil, nil, nil))
   pruneSocketSet(readfds, (rd))
+proc readIntoBuf(socket: TSocket, flags: int32): int =
+  result = 0
+  when defined(ssl):
+    if socket.isSSL:
+      result = SSLRead(socket.sslHandle, addr(socket.buffer), int(socket.buffer.high))
+    else:
+      result = recv(socket.fd, addr(socket.buffer), int(socket.buffer.high), flags)
+  else:
+    result = recv(socket.fd, addr(socket.buffer), int(socket.buffer.high), flags)
+  if result <= 0: return
+  socket.bufLen = result
+  socket.currPos = 0
+template retRead(flags, read: int) =
+  let res = socket.readIntoBuf(flags)
+  if res <= 0:
+    if read > 0:
+      return read
+    else:
+      return res
 proc recv*(socket: TSocket, data: pointer, size: int): int =
   ## receives data from a socket
-  result = recv(cint(socket), data, size, 0'i32)
-template waitFor(): stmt =
-  if timeout - int(waited * 1000.0) < 1:
-    raise newException(ETimeout, "Call to recv() timed out.")
-  var s = @[socket]
-  var startTime = epochTime()
-  if select(s, timeout - int(waited * 1000.0)) != 1:
-    raise newException(ETimeout, "Call to recv() timed out.")
-  waited += (epochTime() - startTime)
+  if socket.isBuffered:
+    if socket.bufLen == 0:
+      retRead(0'i32, 0)
+    var read = 0
+    while read < size:
+      if socket.currPos >= socket.bufLen:
+        retRead(0'i32, read)
+      let chunk = min(socket.bufLen, size-read)
+      var d = cast[cstring](data)
+      copyMem(addr(d[read]), addr(socket.buffer[socket.currPos]), chunk)
+    result = read
+  else:
+    when defined(ssl):
+      if socket.isSSL:
+        result = SSLRead(socket.sslHandle, data, size)
+      else:
+        result = recv(socket.fd, data, size, 0'i32)
+    else:
+      result = recv(socket.fd, data, size, 0'i32)
+proc waitFor(socket: TSocket, waited: var float, timeout: int) =
+  if socket.bufLen == 0:
+    if timeout - int(waited * 1000.0) < 1:
+      raise newException(ETimeout, "Call to recv() timed out.")
+    var s = @[socket]
+    var startTime = epochTime()
+    if select(s, timeout - int(waited * 1000.0)) != 1:
+      raise newException(ETimeout, "Call to recv() timed out.")
+    waited += (epochTime() - startTime)
 proc recv*(socket: TSocket, data: var string, size: int, timeout: int): int =
   ## overload with a ``timeout`` parameter in miliseconds.
@@ -572,14 +830,30 @@ proc recv*(socket: TSocket, data: var string, size: int, timeout: int): int =
   var read = 0
   while read < size:
-    waitFor()
-    result = recv(cint(socket), addr(data[read]), 1, 0'i32)
+    waitFor(socket, waited, timeout)
+    result = recv(socket, addr(data[read]), 1)
     if result < 0:
   result = read
+proc peekChar(socket: TSocket, c: var char): int =
+  if socket.isBuffered:
+    result = 1
+    if socket.bufLen == 0 or socket.currPos > socket.bufLen-1:
+      var res = socket.readIntoBuf(0'i32)
+      if res <= 0:
+        result = res
+    c = socket.buffer[socket.currPos]
+  else:
+    when defined(ssl):
+      if socket.isSSL:
+        raise newException(ESSL, "Sorry, you cannot use recvLine on an unbuffered SSL socket.")
+    result = recv(socket.fd, addr(c), 1, MSG_PEEK)
 proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var TaintedString): bool =
   ## retrieves a line from ``socket``. If a full line is received ``\r\L`` is not
   ## added to ``line``, however if solely ``\r\L`` is received then ``data``
@@ -590,6 +864,9 @@ proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var TaintedString): bool =
   ## If the socket is disconnected, ``line`` will be set to ``""`` and ``True``
   ## will be returned.
+  ##
+  ## **Warning:** Using this function on a unbuffered ssl socket will result
+  ## in an error.
   template addNLIfEmpty(): stmt =
     if line.len == 0:
@@ -597,13 +874,13 @@ proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var TaintedString): bool =
   setLen(line.string, 0)
   while true:
     var c: char
-    var n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+    var n = recv(socket, addr(c), 1)
     if n < 0: return
     elif n == 0: return true
     if c == '\r':
-      n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, MSG_PEEK)
+      n = peekChar(socket, c)
       if n > 0 and c == '\L':
-        discard recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+        discard recv(socket, addr(c), 1)
       elif n <= 0: return false
       return true
@@ -624,15 +901,15 @@ proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var TaintedString, timeout: int): bool =
   setLen(line.string, 0)
   while true:
     var c: char
-    waitFor()
-    var n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+    waitFor(socket, waited, timeout)
+    var n = recv(socket, addr(c), 1)
     if n < 0: return
     elif n == 0: return true
     if c == '\r':
-      waitFor()
-      n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, MSG_PEEK)
+      waitFor(socket, waited, timeout)
+      n = peekChar(socket, c)
       if n > 0 and c == '\L':
-        discard recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+        discard recv(socket, addr(c), 1)
       elif n <= 0: return false
       return true
@@ -651,15 +928,15 @@ proc recvLineAsync*(socket: TSocket, line: var TaintedString): TRecvLineResult =
   setLen(line.string, 0)
   while true:
     var c: char
-    var n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+    var n = recv(socket, addr(c), 1)
     if n < 0: 
       return (if line.len == 0: RecvFail else: RecvPartialLine)
     elif n == 0: 
       return (if line.len == 0: RecvDisconnected else: RecvPartialLine)
     if c == '\r':
-      n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, MSG_PEEK)
+      n = peekChar(socket, c)
       if n > 0 and c == '\L':
-        discard recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+        discard recv(socket, addr(c), 1)
       elif n <= 0: 
         return (if line.len == 0: RecvFail else: RecvPartialLine)
       return RecvFullLine
@@ -671,7 +948,7 @@ proc recv*(socket: TSocket): TaintedString =
   ## Socket errors will result in an ``EOS`` error.
   ## If socket is not a connectionless socket and socket is not connected
   ## ``""`` will be returned.
-  const bufSize = 1000
+  const bufSize = 4000
   result = newStringOfCap(bufSize).TaintedString
   var pos = 0
   while true:
@@ -699,9 +976,10 @@ proc recvTimeout*(socket: TSocket, timeout: int): TaintedString =
   ## overloaded variant to support a ``timeout`` parameter, the ``timeout``
   ## parameter specifies the amount of miliseconds to wait for data on the
   ## socket.
-  var s = @[socket]
-  if != 1:
-    raise newException(ETimeout, "Call to recv() timed out.")
+  if socket.bufLen == 0:
+    var s = @[socket]
+    if != 1:
+      raise newException(ETimeout, "Call to recv() timed out.")
   return socket.recv
@@ -718,7 +996,24 @@ proc recvAsync*(socket: TSocket, s: var TaintedString): bool =
   var pos = 0
   while true:
     var bytesRead = recv(socket, addr(string(s)[pos]), bufSize-1)
-    if bytesRead == -1:
+    when defined(ssl):
+      if socket.isSSL:
+        if bytesRead <= 0:
+          var ret = SSLGetError(socket.sslHandle, bytesRead)
+          case ret
+          of SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:
+            SSLError("TLS/SSL connection failed to initiate, socket closed prematurely.")
+            SSLError("Unexpected error occured.") # This should just not happen.
+            return false
+          of SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:
+            SSLError("Function for x509 lookup has been called.")
+            SSLError()
+          else: SSLError("Unknown Error")
+    if bytesRead == -1 and not (when defined(ssl): socket.isSSL else: false):
       when defined(windows):
         # TODO: Test on Windows
         var err = WSAGetLastError()
@@ -746,19 +1041,46 @@ proc skip*(socket: TSocket) =
 proc send*(socket: TSocket, data: pointer, size: int): int =
   ## sends data to a socket.
+  when defined(ssl):
+    if socket.isSSL:
+      return SSLWrite(socket.sslHandle, cast[cstring](data), size)
   when defined(windows) or defined(macosx):
-    result = send(cint(socket), data, size, 0'i32)
+    result = send(socket.fd, data, size, 0'i32)
-    result = send(cint(socket), data, size, int32(MSG_NOSIGNAL))
+    result = send(socket.fd, data, size, int32(MSG_NOSIGNAL))
 proc send*(socket: TSocket, data: string) =
   ## sends data to a socket.
-  if send(socket, cstring(data), data.len) != data.len: OSError()
+  if send(socket, cstring(data), data.len) != data.len:
+    when defined(ssl):
+      if socket.isSSL:
+        SSLError()
+    OSError()
 proc sendAsync*(socket: TSocket, data: string): bool =
   ## sends data to a non-blocking socket. Returns whether ``data`` was sent.
   result = true
   var bytesSent = send(socket, cstring(data), data.len)
+  when defined(ssl):
+    if socket.isSSL:
+      if bytesSent <= 0:
+          let ret = SSLGetError(socket.sslHandle, bytesSent)
+          case ret
+          of SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:
+            SSLError("TLS/SSL connection failed to initiate, socket closed prematurely.")
+            SSLError("Unexpected error occured.") # This should just not happen.
+            return false
+          of SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP:
+            SSLError("Function for x509 lookup has been called.")
+            SSLError()
+          else: SSLError("Unknown Error")
+      else:
+        return
   if bytesSent == -1:
     when defined(windows):
       var err = WSAGetLastError()
@@ -792,15 +1114,15 @@ proc setBlocking*(s: TSocket, blocking: bool) =
   ## sets blocking mode on socket
   when defined(Windows):
     var mode = clong(ord(not blocking)) # 1 for non-blocking, 0 for blocking
-    if SOCKET_ERROR == ioctlsocket(TWinSocket(s), FIONBIO, addr(mode)):
+    if SOCKET_ERROR == ioctlsocket(TWinSocket(s.fd), FIONBIO, addr(mode)):
   else: # BSD sockets
-    var x: int = fcntl(cint(s), F_GETFL, 0)
+    var x: int = fcntl(s.fd, F_GETFL, 0)
     if x == -1:
       var mode = if blocking: x and not O_NONBLOCK else: x or O_NONBLOCK
-      if fcntl(cint(s), F_SETFL, mode) == -1:
+      if fcntl(s.fd, F_SETFL, mode) == -1:
 proc connect*(socket: TSocket, timeout: int, name: string, port = TPort(0),