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path: root/lib/pure
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure')
32 files changed, 535 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim b/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
index a15442109..6330a6ba9 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
@@ -1228,14 +1228,19 @@ else:
     let newLength = max(len(curList), InitCallbackListSize)
     var newList = newSeqOfCap[Callback](newLength)
+    var eventsExtinguished = false
     for cb in curList:
+      if eventsExtinguished:
+        newList.add(cb)
+        continue
       if not cb(fd):
         # Callback wants to be called again.
         # This callback has returned with EAGAIN, so we don't need to
         # call any other callbacks as they are all waiting for the same event
         # on the same fd.
-        break
+        # We do need to ensure they are called again though.
+        eventsExtinguished = true
     withData(selector,, fdData) do:
       # Descriptor is still present in the queue.
@@ -1601,11 +1606,16 @@ else:
     p.selector.registerEvent(SelectEvent(ev), data)
 proc drain*(timeout = 500) =
-  ## Waits for completion events and processes them. Raises ``ValueError``
+  ## Waits for completion of **all** events and processes them. Raises ``ValueError``
   ## if there are no pending operations. In contrast to ``poll`` this
-  ## processes as many events as are available.
-  if runOnce(timeout) or hasPendingOperations():
-    while hasPendingOperations() and runOnce(timeout): discard
+  ## processes as many events as are available until the timeout has elapsed.
+  var curTimeout = timeout
+  let start = now()
+  while hasPendingOperations():
+    discard runOnce(curTimeout) 
+    curTimeout -= (now() - start)
+    if curTimeout < 0:
+      break
 proc poll*(timeout = 500) =
   ## Waits for completion events and processes them. Raises ``ValueError``
@@ -1635,16 +1645,6 @@ proc createAsyncNativeSocket*(domain: Domain = Domain.AF_INET,
                               inheritable = defined(nimInheritHandles)): AsyncFD =
   createAsyncNativeSocketImpl(domain, sockType, protocol, inheritable)
-proc newAsyncNativeSocket*(domain: cint, sockType: cint,
-    protocol: cint): AsyncFD {.deprecated: "use createAsyncNativeSocket instead".} =
-  createAsyncNativeSocketImpl(domain, sockType, protocol)
-proc newAsyncNativeSocket*(domain: Domain = Domain.AF_INET,
-                           sockType: SockType = SOCK_STREAM,
-                           protocol: Protocol = IPPROTO_TCP): AsyncFD
-                           {.deprecated: "use createAsyncNativeSocket instead".} =
-  createAsyncNativeSocketImpl(domain, sockType, protocol)
 when defined(windows) or defined(nimdoc):
   proc bindToDomain(handle: SocketHandle, domain: Domain) =
     # Extracted into a separate proc, because connect() on Windows requires
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim b/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim
index 132682b23..4e62ecd97 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncftpclient.nim
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ proc expectReply(ftp: AsyncFtpClient): Future[TaintedString] {.async.} =
   var line = await ftp.csock.recvLine()
   result = TaintedString(line)
   var count = 0
-  while line[3] == '-':
+  while line.len > 3 and line[3] == '-':
     ## Multi-line reply.
     line = await ftp.csock.recvLine()
     string(result).add("\n" & line)
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ proc listDirs*(ftp: AsyncFtpClient, dir = ""): Future[seq[string]] {.async.} =
   result = splitLines(await ftp.getLines())
-proc existsFile*(ftp: AsyncFtpClient, file: string): Future[bool] {.async.} =
+proc fileExists*(ftp: AsyncFtpClient, file: string): Future[bool] {.async.} =
   ## Determines whether ``file`` exists.
   var files = await ftp.listDirs()
   for f in items(files):
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim b/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim
index 621a4b00c..219ef6c67 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim
@@ -180,8 +180,7 @@ proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
   # Extract the documentation comment from the original procedure declaration.
   # Note that we're not removing it from the body in order not to make this
   # transformation even more complex.
-  if prc.body.len > 1 and prc.body[0].kind == nnkCommentStmt:
-    outerProcBody.add(prc.body[0])
+  let body2 = extractDocCommentsAndRunnables(prc.body)
   # -> var retFuture = newFuture[T]()
   var retFutureSym = genSym(nskVar, "retFuture")
@@ -276,9 +275,10 @@ proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
   if procBody.kind != nnkEmpty:
-    result.body = quote:
+    body2.add quote do:
+    result.body = body2
   #if prcName == "recvLineInto":
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim b/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim
index 3fc1a0177..410310e29 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim
@@ -853,40 +853,49 @@ proc sendTo*(socket: AsyncSocket, address: string, port: Port, data: string,
       raise newException(IOError, "Couldn't resolve address: " & address)
-proc recvFrom*(socket: AsyncSocket, size: int,
-               flags = {SocketFlag.SafeDisconn}):
-              owned(Future[tuple[data: string, address: string, port: Port]])
+proc recvFrom*(socket: AsyncSocket, data: FutureVar[string], size: int,
+               address: FutureVar[string], port: FutureVar[Port],
+               flags = {SocketFlag.SafeDisconn}): owned(Future[int])
               {.async, since: (1, 3).} =
-  ## Receives a datagram data from ``socket``, which must be at least of size
-  ## ``size``. Returned future will complete once one datagram has been received
-  ## and will return tuple with: data of packet received; and address and port
-  ## of datagram's sender.
-  ## 
+  ## Receives a datagram data from ``socket`` into ``data``, which must be at
+  ## least of size ``size``. The address and port of datagram's sender will be
+  ## stored into ``address`` and ``port``, respectively. Returned future will
+  ## complete once one datagram has been received, and will return size of
+  ## packet received.
+  ##
   ## If an error occurs an OSError exception will be raised.
   ## This proc is normally used with connectionless sockets (UDP sockets).
+  ## 
+  ## **Notes**
+  ## * ``data`` must be initialized to the length of ``size``.
+  ## * ``address`` must be initialized to 46 in length.
   template adaptRecvFromToDomain(domain: Domain) =
     var lAddr = sizeof(sAddr).SockLen
-    let fut = await recvFromInto(AsyncFD(getFd(socket)), cstring(data), size,
-                                 cast[ptr SockAddr](addr sAddr), addr lAddr,
-                                 flags)
+    result = await recvFromInto(AsyncFD(getFd(socket)), cstring(data.mget()), size,
+                                cast[ptr SockAddr](addr sAddr), addr lAddr,
+                                flags)
-    data.setLen(fut)
+    data.mget().setLen(result)
+    data.complete()
+    getAddrString(cast[ptr SockAddr](addr sAddr), address.mget())
- = data
-    result.address = getAddrString(cast[ptr SockAddr](addr sAddr))
+    address.complete()
     when domain == AF_INET6:
-      result.port = ntohs(sAddr.sin6_port).Port
+      port.complete(ntohs(sAddr.sin6_port).Port)
-      result.port = ntohs(sAddr.sin_port).Port
+      port.complete(ntohs(sAddr.sin_port).Port)
   assert(socket.protocol != IPPROTO_TCP,
          "Cannot `recvFrom` on a TCP socket. Use `recv` or `recvInto` instead")
   assert(not socket.closed, "Cannot `recvFrom` on a closed socket")
-  var data = newString(size)
+  assert(size == len(data.mget()),
+         "`date` was not initialized correctly. `size` != `len(data.mget())`")
+  assert(46 == len(address.mget()),
+         "`address` was not initialized correctly. 46 != `len(address.mget())`")
   case socket.domain
   of AF_INET6:
@@ -898,6 +907,30 @@ proc recvFrom*(socket: AsyncSocket, size: int,
     raise newException(ValueError, "Unknown socket address family")
+proc recvFrom*(socket: AsyncSocket, size: int,
+               flags = {SocketFlag.SafeDisconn}):
+              owned(Future[tuple[data: string, address: string, port: Port]])
+              {.async, since: (1, 3).} =
+  ## Receives a datagram data from ``socket``, which must be at least of size
+  ## ``size``. Returned future will complete once one datagram has been received
+  ## and will return tuple with: data of packet received; and address and port
+  ## of datagram's sender.
+  ## 
+  ## If an error occurs an OSError exception will be raised.
+  ## 
+  ## This proc is normally used with connectionless sockets (UDP sockets).
+  var
+    data = newFutureVar[string]()
+    address = newFutureVar[string]()
+    port = newFutureVar[Port]()
+  data.mget().setLen(size)
+  address.mget().setLen(46)
+  let read = await recvFrom(socket, data, size, address, port, flags)
+  result = (data.mget(), address.mget(), port.mget())
 when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
     TestCases = enum
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncstreams.nim b/lib/pure/asyncstreams.nim
index 44e73003e..393262c4f 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncstreams.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncstreams.nim
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ proc read*[T](future: FutureStream[T]): owned(Future[(bool, T)]) =
       if resFut.finished: return
       # We don't want this callback called again.
-      future.cb = nil
+      #future.cb = nil
       # The return value depends on whether the FutureStream has finished.
       var res: (bool, T)
diff --git a/lib/pure/cgi.nim b/lib/pure/cgi.nim
index dd7c4d477..734ab9171 100644
--- a/lib/pure/cgi.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/cgi.nim
@@ -32,12 +32,7 @@
 import strutils, os, strtabs, cookies, uri
 export uri.encodeUrl, uri.decodeUrl
-proc handleHexChar(c: char, x: var int) {.inline.} =
-  case c
-  of '0'..'9': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('0'))
-  of 'a'..'f': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10)
-  of 'A'..'F': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10)
-  else: assert(false)
+include includes/decode_helpers
 proc addXmlChar(dest: var string, c: char) {.inline.} =
   case c
@@ -93,40 +88,27 @@ proc getEncodedData(allowedMethods: set[RequestMethod]): string =
 iterator decodeData*(data: string): tuple[key, value: TaintedString] =
   ## Reads and decodes CGI data and yields the (name, value) pairs the
   ## data consists of.
+  proc parseData(data: string, i: int, field: var string): int =
+    result = i
+    while result < data.len:
+      case data[result]
+      of '%': add(field, decodePercent(data, result))
+      of '+': add(field, ' ')
+      of '=', '&': break
+      else: add(field, data[result])
+      inc(result)
   var i = 0
   var name = ""
   var value = ""
   # decode everything in one pass:
   while i < data.len:
     setLen(name, 0) # reuse memory
-    while i < data.len:
-      case data[i]
-      of '%':
-        var x = 0
-        handleHexChar(data[i+1], x)
-        handleHexChar(data[i+2], x)
-        inc(i, 2)
-        add(name, chr(x))
-      of '+': add(name, ' ')
-      of '=', '&': break
-      else: add(name, data[i])
-      inc(i)
+    i = parseData(data, i, name)
     if i >= data.len or data[i] != '=': cgiError("'=' expected")
     inc(i) # skip '='
     setLen(value, 0) # reuse memory
-    while i < data.len:
-      case data[i]
-      of '%':
-        var x = 0
-        if i+2 < data.len:
-          handleHexChar(data[i+1], x)
-          handleHexChar(data[i+2], x)
-        inc(i, 2)
-        add(value, chr(x))
-      of '+': add(value, ' ')
-      of '&', '\0': break
-      else: add(value, data[i])
-      inc(i)
+    i = parseData(data, i, value)
     yield (name.TaintedString, value.TaintedString)
     if i < data.len:
       if data[i] == '&': inc(i)
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/deques.nim b/lib/pure/collections/deques.nim
index d096874a3..8150563cc 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/deques.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/deques.nim
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ const
   defaultInitialSize* = 4
 template initImpl(result: typed, initialSize: int) =
-  assert isPowerOfTwo(initialSize)
-  result.mask = initialSize-1
-  newSeq(, initialSize)
+  let correctSize = nextPowerOfTwo(initialSize)
+  result.mask = correctSize-1
+  newSeq(, correctSize)
 template checkIfInitialized(deq: typed) =
   when compiles(defaultInitialSize):
@@ -82,11 +82,6 @@ proc initDeque*[T](initialSize: int = 4): Deque[T] =
   ## Optionally, the initial capacity can be reserved via `initialSize`
   ## as a performance optimization.
   ## The length of a newly created deque will still be 0.
-  ##
-  ## ``initialSize`` must be a power of two (default: 4).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this you could use the
-  ## `nextPowerOfTwo proc<math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ from the
-  ## `math module<math.html>`_.
 proc len*[T](deq: Deque[T]): int {.inline.} =
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/hashcommon.nim b/lib/pure/collections/hashcommon.nim
index e998145e7..336dbc07d 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/hashcommon.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/hashcommon.nim
@@ -30,17 +30,23 @@ proc nextTry(h, maxHash: Hash): Hash {.inline.} =
   result = (h + 1) and maxHash
 proc mustRehash[T](t: T): bool {.inline.} =
+  # If this is changed, make sure to synchronize it with `slotsNeeded` below
   assert(t.dataLen > t.counter)
   result = (t.dataLen * 2 < t.counter * 3) or (t.dataLen - t.counter < 4)
-proc rightSize*(count: Natural): int {.inline.} =
+proc slotsNeeded(count: Natural): int {.inline.} =
+  # Make sure to synchronize with `mustRehash` above
+  result = nextPowerOfTwo(count * 3 div 2 + 4)
+proc rightSize*(count: Natural): int {.inline, deprecated: "Deprecated since 1.4.0".} =
+  ## **Deprecated since Nim v1.4.0**, it is not needed anymore
+  ## because picking the correct size is done internally.
+  ##
   ## Return the value of ``initialSize`` to support ``count`` items.
   ## If more items are expected to be added, simply add that
   ## expected extra amount to the parameter before calling this.
-  #
-  # Make sure to synchronize with `mustRehash`
-  result = nextPowerOfTwo(count * 3 div 2 + 4)
+  result = count
 template rawGetKnownHCImpl() {.dirty.} =
   if t.dataLen == 0:
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim b/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
index f101d508e..51d8ade85 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
@@ -527,7 +527,8 @@ proc insert*[T](dest: var seq[T], src: openArray[T], pos = 0) =
     assert dest == outcome
   var j = len(dest) - 1
-  var i = len(dest) + len(src) - 1
+  var i = j + len(src)
+  if i == j: return
   dest.setLen(i + 1)
   # Move items after `pos` to the end of the sequence.
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/setimpl.nim b/lib/pure/collections/setimpl.nim
index d798cbcb3..20da6b6c2 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/setimpl.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/setimpl.nim
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ template dataLen(t): untyped = len(
 include hashcommon
 template initImpl(s: typed, size: int) =
-  assert isPowerOfTwo(size)
+  let correctSize = slotsNeeded(size)
   when s is OrderedSet:
     s.first = -1
     s.last = -1
   s.counter = 0
-  newSeq(, size)
+  newSeq(, correctSize)
 template rawInsertImpl() {.dirty.} =
   if data.len == 0:
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim b/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
index 2b270c2cb..b019da2a7 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
@@ -94,11 +94,6 @@ include setimpl
 proc init*[A](s: var HashSet[A], initialSize = defaultInitialSize) =
   ## Initializes a hash set.
-  ## The `initialSize` parameter needs to be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this, you can use
-  ## `math.nextPowerOfTwo proc <math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ or
-  ## `rightSize proc <#rightSize,Natural>`_ from this module.
-  ##
   ## Starting from Nim v0.20, sets are initialized by default and it is
   ## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
@@ -222,7 +217,7 @@ proc toHashSet*[A](keys: openArray[A]): HashSet[A] =
     assert len(b) == 5
     ## b == {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'r'}
-  result = initHashSet[A](rightSize(keys.len))
+  result = initHashSet[A](keys.len)
   for key in items(keys): result.incl(key)
 iterator items*[A](s: HashSet[A]): A =
@@ -628,11 +623,6 @@ template forAllOrderedPairs(yieldStmt: untyped) {.dirty.} =
 proc init*[A](s: var OrderedSet[A], initialSize = defaultInitialSize) =
   ## Initializes an ordered hash set.
-  ## The `initialSize` parameter needs to be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this, you can use
-  ## `math.nextPowerOfTwo proc <math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ or
-  ## `rightSize proc <#rightSize,Natural>`_ from this module.
-  ##
   ## Starting from Nim v0.20, sets are initialized by default and it is
   ## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
@@ -685,7 +675,7 @@ proc toOrderedSet*[A](keys: openArray[A]): OrderedSet[A] =
     assert len(b) == 5
     ## b == {'a', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'd'} # different than in HashSet
-  result = initOrderedSet[A](rightSize(keys.len))
+  result = initOrderedSet[A](keys.len)
   for key in items(keys): result.incl(key)
 proc contains*[A](s: OrderedSet[A], key: A): bool =
@@ -980,7 +970,7 @@ when isMainModule and not defined(release):
     block toSeqAndString:
       var a = toHashSet([2, 7, 5])
-      var b = initHashSet[int](rightSize(a.len))
+      var b = initHashSet[int](a.len)
       for x in [2, 7, 5]: b.incl(x)
       assert($a == $b)
       #echo a
@@ -1098,20 +1088,6 @@ when isMainModule and not defined(release):
       assert b.len == 1
-    block:
-      type FakeTable = object
-        dataLen: int
-        counter: int
-        countDeleted: int
-      var t: FakeTable
-      for i in 0 .. 32:
-        var s = rightSize(i)
-        t.dataLen = s
-        t.counter = i
-        doAssert s > i and not mustRehash(t),
-          "performance issue: rightSize() will not elide enlarge() at: " & $i
     block missingOrExcl:
       var s = toOrderedSet([2, 3, 6, 7])
       assert s.missingOrExcl(4) == true
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/sharedlist.nim b/lib/pure/collections/sharedlist.nim
index f9182acce..790529b79 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/sharedlist.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/sharedlist.nim
@@ -94,10 +94,4 @@ proc deinitSharedList*[A](t: var SharedList[A]) =
   deinitLock t.lock
-proc initSharedList*[A](): SharedList[A] {.deprecated: "use 'init' instead".} =
-  ## This is not posix compliant, may introduce undefined behavior.
-  initLock result.lock
-  result.head = nil
-  result.tail = nil
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/sharedtables.nim b/lib/pure/collections/sharedtables.nim
index 23b653c82..cbd922db7 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/sharedtables.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/sharedtables.nim
@@ -207,15 +207,11 @@ proc len*[A, B](t: var SharedTable[A, B]): int =
   withLock t:
     result = t.counter
-proc init*[A, B](t: var SharedTable[A, B], initialSize = 64) =
+proc init*[A, B](t: var SharedTable[A, B], initialSize = 32) =
   ## creates a new hash table that is empty.
   ## This proc must be called before any other usage of `t`.
-  ##
-  ## `initialSize` needs to be a power of two. If you need to accept runtime
-  ## values for this you could use the ``nextPowerOfTwo`` proc from the
-  ## `math <math.html>`_ module or the ``rightSize`` proc from this module.
-  assert isPowerOfTwo(initialSize)
+  let initialSize = slotsNeeded(initialSize)
   t.counter = 0
   t.dataLen = initialSize = cast[KeyValuePairSeq[A, B]](allocShared0(
@@ -225,13 +221,3 @@ proc init*[A, B](t: var SharedTable[A, B], initialSize = 64) =
 proc deinitSharedTable*[A, B](t: var SharedTable[A, B]) =
   deinitLock t.lock
-proc initSharedTable*[A, B](initialSize = 64): SharedTable[A, B] {.deprecated:
-  "use 'init' instead".} =
-  ## This is not posix compliant, may introduce undefined behavior.
-  assert isPowerOfTwo(initialSize)
-  result.counter = 0
-  result.dataLen = initialSize
- = cast[KeyValuePairSeq[A, B]](allocShared0(
-                                     sizeof(KeyValuePair[A, B]) * initialSize))
-  initLock result.lock
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim b/lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim
index 47c14af93..b9d7c70d9 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ template ctAnd(a, b): bool =
   else: false
 template initImpl(result: typed, size: int) =
+  let correctSize = slotsNeeded(size)
   when ctAnd(declared(SharedTable), type(result) is SharedTable):
-    init(result, size)
+    init(result, correctSize)
-    assert isPowerOfTwo(size)
     result.counter = 0
-    newSeq(, size)
+    newSeq(, correctSize)
     when compiles(result.first):
       result.first = -1
       result.last = -1
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim b/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
index 2ea58ce1f..cf864c640 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ type
     ## <#newTable,int>`_.
-  defaultInitialSize* = 64
+  defaultInitialSize* = 32
 # ------------------------------ helpers ---------------------------------
@@ -288,12 +288,6 @@ proc enlarge[A, B](t: var Table[A, B]) =
 proc initTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): Table[A, B] =
   ## Creates a new hash table that is empty.
-  ## ``initialSize`` must be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this you could use the
-  ## `nextPowerOfTwo proc<math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ from the
-  ## `math module<math.html>`_ or the `rightSize proc<#rightSize,Natural>`_
-  ## from this module.
-  ##
   ## Starting from Nim v0.20, tables are initialized by default and it is
   ## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
@@ -335,7 +329,7 @@ proc toTable*[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): Table[A, B] =
     let b = toTable(a)
     assert b == {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
-  result = initTable[A, B](rightSize(pairs.len))
+  result = initTable[A, B](pairs.len)
   for key, val in items(pairs): result[key] = val
 proc `[]`*[A, B](t: Table[A, B], key: A): B =
@@ -780,12 +774,6 @@ iterator allValues*[A, B](t: Table[A, B]; key: A): B =
 proc newTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): <//>TableRef[A, B] =
   ## Creates a new ref hash table that is empty.
-  ## ``initialSize`` must be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this you could use the
-  ## `nextPowerOfTwo proc<math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ from the
-  ## `math module<math.html>`_ or the `rightSize proc<#rightSize,Natural>`_
-  ## from this module.
-  ##
   ## See also:
   ## * `newTable proc<#newTable,openArray[]>`_ for creating a `TableRef`
   ##   from a collection of `(key, value)` pairs
@@ -1260,12 +1248,6 @@ template forAllOrderedPairs(yieldStmt: untyped) {.dirty.} =
 proc initOrderedTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): OrderedTable[A, B] =
   ## Creates a new ordered hash table that is empty.
-  ## ``initialSize`` must be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this you could use the
-  ## `nextPowerOfTwo proc<math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ from the
-  ## `math module<math.html>`_ or the `rightSize proc<#rightSize,Natural>`_
-  ## from this module.
-  ##
   ## Starting from Nim v0.20, tables are initialized by default and it is
   ## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
@@ -1309,7 +1291,7 @@ proc toOrderedTable*[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): OrderedTable[A, B] =
     let b = toOrderedTable(a)
     assert b == {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
-  result = initOrderedTable[A, B](rightSize(pairs.len))
+  result = initOrderedTable[A, B](pairs.len)
   for key, val in items(pairs): result[key] = val
 proc `[]`*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A): B =
@@ -1771,12 +1753,6 @@ iterator mvalues*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B]): var B =
 proc newOrderedTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): <//>OrderedTableRef[A, B] =
   ## Creates a new ordered ref hash table that is empty.
-  ## ``initialSize`` must be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this you could use the
-  ## `nextPowerOfTwo proc<math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ from the
-  ## `math module<math.html>`_ or the `rightSize proc<#rightSize,Natural>`_
-  ## from this module.
-  ##
   ## See also:
   ## * `newOrderedTable proc<#newOrderedTable,openArray[]>`_ for creating
   ##   an `OrderedTableRef` from a collection of `(key, value)` pairs
@@ -1803,7 +1779,7 @@ proc newOrderedTable*[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): <//>OrderedTableRef[A, B]
     let b = newOrderedTable(a)
     assert b == {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
-  result = newOrderedTable[A, B](rightSize(pairs.len))
+  result = newOrderedTable[A, B](pairs.len)
   for key, val in items(pairs): result.add(key, val)
@@ -2251,12 +2227,6 @@ proc inc*[A](t: var CountTable[A], key: A, val: Positive = 1)
 proc initCountTable*[A](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): CountTable[A] =
   ## Creates a new count table that is empty.
-  ## ``initialSize`` must be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this you could use the
-  ## `nextPowerOfTwo proc<math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ from the
-  ## `math module<math.html>`_ or the `rightSize proc<#rightSize,Natural>`_
-  ## from this module.
-  ##
   ## Starting from Nim v0.20, tables are initialized by default and it is
   ## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
@@ -2269,7 +2239,7 @@ proc initCountTable*[A](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): CountTable[A] =
 proc toCountTable*[A](keys: openArray[A]): CountTable[A] =
   ## Creates a new count table with every member of a container ``keys``
   ## having a count of how many times it occurs in that container.
-  result = initCountTable[A](rightSize(keys.len))
+  result = initCountTable[A](keys.len)
   for key in items(keys):
 proc `[]`*[A](t: CountTable[A], key: A): int =
@@ -2617,12 +2587,6 @@ proc inc*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A, val = 1)
 proc newCountTable*[A](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): <//>CountTableRef[A] =
   ## Creates a new ref count table that is empty.
-  ## ``initialSize`` must be a power of two (default: 64).
-  ## If you need to accept runtime values for this you could use the
-  ## `nextPowerOfTwo proc<math.html#nextPowerOfTwo,int>`_ from the
-  ## `math module<math.html>`_ or the `rightSize proc<#rightSize,Natural>`_
-  ## from this module.
-  ##
   ## See also:
   ## * `newCountTable proc<#newCountTable,openArray[A]>`_ for creating
   ##   a `CountTableRef` from a collection
@@ -2634,7 +2598,7 @@ proc newCountTable*[A](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): <//>CountTableRef[A] =
 proc newCountTable*[A](keys: openArray[A]): <//>CountTableRef[A] =
   ## Creates a new ref count table with every member of a container ``keys``
   ## having a count of how many times it occurs in that container.
-  result = newCountTable[A](rightSize(keys.len))
+  result = newCountTable[A](keys.len)
   for key in items(keys):
 proc `[]`*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A): int =
@@ -2670,14 +2634,14 @@ proc inc*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A, val = 1) =
     doAssert a == newCountTable("aaabbbbbbbbbbb")
   t[].inc(key, val)
-proc smallest*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): (A, int) =
+proc smallest*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] =
   ## Returns the ``(key, value)`` pair with the smallest ``val``. Efficiency: O(n)
   ## See also:
   ## * `largest proc<#largest,CountTableRef[A]>`_
-proc largest*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): (A, int) =
+proc largest*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] =
   ## Returns the ``(key, value)`` pair with the largest ``val``. Efficiency: O(n)
   ## See also:
diff --git a/lib/pure/colors.nim b/lib/pure/colors.nim
index d57e309e9..dbcb1b4a2 100644
--- a/lib/pure/colors.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/colors.nim
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ proc parseColor*(name: string): Color =
     assert parseColor(b) == Color(0x01_79_fc)
     doAssertRaises(ValueError): discard parseColor(c)
-  if name[0] == '#':
+  if name.len > 0 and name[0] == '#':
     result = Color(parseHexInt(name))
     var idx = binarySearch(colorNames, name, colorNameCmp)
@@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ proc isColor*(name: string): bool =
     assert b.isColor
     assert not c.isColor
+  if name.len == 0: return false
   if name[0] == '#':
     for i in 1 .. name.len-1:
       if name[i] notin {'0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F'}: return false
diff --git a/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim b/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim
index 2abcafb80..f0269f526 100644
--- a/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ proc finished(fv: var FlowVarBaseObj) =
   # the worker thread waits for "data" to be set to nil before shutting down = nil
-proc `=destroy`[T](fv: var FlowVarObj[T]) = 
+proc `=destroy`[T](fv: var FlowVarObj[T]) =
@@ -321,15 +321,15 @@ var
   currentPoolSize: int
   maxPoolSize = MaxThreadPoolSize
   minPoolSize = 4
-  gSomeReady : Semaphore
+  gSomeReady: Semaphore
   readyWorker: ptr Worker
 # A workaround for recursion deadlock issue
   numSlavesLock: Lock
-  numSlavesRunning {.guard: numSlavesLock}: int
-  numSlavesWaiting {.guard: numSlavesLock}: int
+  numSlavesRunning {.guard: numSlavesLock.}: int
+  numSlavesWaiting {.guard: numSlavesLock.}: int
   isSlave {.threadvar.}: bool
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ proc pinnedSpawn*(id: ThreadId; call: sink typed): void {.magic: "Spawn".}
   ## ``call`` has to be proc call ``p(...)`` where ``p`` is gcsafe and has a
   ## return type that is either ``void`` or compatible with ``FlowVar[T]``.
-template spawnX*(call): void =
+template spawnX*(call) =
   ## Spawns a new task if a CPU core is ready, otherwise executes the
   ## call in the calling thread.
diff --git a/lib/pure/includes/decode_helpers.nim b/lib/pure/includes/decode_helpers.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74fe37d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/includes/decode_helpers.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Include file that implements 'decodePercent' and friends. Do not import it!
+proc handleHexChar(c: char, x: var int, f: var bool) {.inline.} =
+  case c
+  of '0'..'9': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('0'))
+  of 'a'..'f': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10)
+  of 'A'..'F': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10)
+  else: f = true
+proc decodePercent(s: string, i: var int): char =
+  ## Converts `%xx` hexadecimal to the charracter with ordinal number `xx`.
+  ##
+  ## If `xx` is not a valid hexadecimal value, it is left intact: only the
+  ## leading `%` is returned as-is, and `xx` characters will be processed in the
+  ## next step (e.g. in `uri.decodeUrl`) as regular characters.
+  result = '%'
+  if i+2 < s.len:
+    var x = 0
+    var failed = false
+    handleHexChar(s[i+1], x, failed)
+    handleHexChar(s[i+2], x, failed)
+    if not failed:
+      result = chr(x)
+      inc(i, 2)
diff --git a/lib/pure/logging.nim b/lib/pure/logging.nim
index 2637fdf9d..fa6285a04 100644
--- a/lib/pure/logging.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/logging.nim
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ proc substituteLog*(frmt: string, level: Level,
     doAssert substituteLog(defaultFmtStr, lvlInfo, "a message") == "INFO a message"
     doAssert substituteLog("$levelid - ", lvlError, "an error") == "E - an error"
+    doAssert substituteLog("$levelid", lvlDebug, "error") == "Derror"
   var msgLen = 0
   for arg in args:
     msgLen += arg.len
@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ proc substituteLog*(frmt: string, level: Level,
       var v = ""
       let app = when defined(js): "" else: getAppFilename()
-      while frmt[i] in IdentChars:
+      while i < frmt.len and frmt[i] in IdentChars:
       case v
@@ -364,7 +365,12 @@ method log*(logger: ConsoleLogger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
     let ln = substituteLog(logger.fmtStr, level, args)
     when defined(js):
       let cln: cstring = ln
-      {.emit: "console.log(`cln`);".}
+      case level
+      of lvlDebug: {.emit: "console.debug(`cln`);".}
+      of lvlInfo:  {.emit: "`cln`);".}
+      of lvlWarn:  {.emit: "console.warn(`cln`);".}
+      of lvlError: {.emit: "console.error(`cln`);".}
+      else:        {.emit: "console.log(`cln`);".}
         var handle = stdout
@@ -504,7 +510,6 @@ when not defined(js):
   # ------
   proc countLogLines(logger: RollingFileLogger): int =
-    result = 0
     let fp = open(logger.baseName, fmRead)
     for line in fp.lines():
@@ -531,7 +536,7 @@ when not defined(js):
                             mode: FileMode = fmReadWrite,
                             levelThreshold = lvlAll,
                             fmtStr = defaultFmtStr,
-                            maxLines = 1000,
+                            maxLines: Positive = 1000,
                             bufSize: int = -1): RollingFileLogger =
     ## Creates a new `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_.
diff --git a/lib/pure/nativesockets.nim b/lib/pure/nativesockets.nim
index 67e24eedc..49a1192df 100644
--- a/lib/pure/nativesockets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/nativesockets.nim
@@ -461,6 +461,40 @@ proc getAddrString*(sockAddr: ptr SockAddr): string =
         return "unix"
     raise newException(IOError, "Unknown socket family in getAddrString")
+proc getAddrString*(sockAddr: ptr SockAddr, strAddress: var string) =
+  ## Stores in ``strAddress`` the string representation of the address inside
+  ## ``sockAddr``
+  ## 
+  ## **Note**
+  ## * ``strAddress`` must be initialized to 46 in length.
+  assert(46 == len(strAddress),
+         "`strAddress` was not initialized correctly. 46 != `len(strAddress)`")
+  if sockAddr.sa_family.cint == nativeAfInet:
+    let addr4 = addr cast[ptr Sockaddr_in](sockAddr).sin_addr
+    when not useWinVersion:
+      if posix.inet_ntop(posix.AF_INET, addr4, addr strAddress[0],
+                         strAddress.len.int32) == nil:
+        raiseOSError(osLastError())
+    else:
+      if winlean.inet_ntop(winlean.AF_INET, addr4, addr strAddress[0],
+                           strAddress.len.int32) == nil:
+        raiseOSError(osLastError())
+  elif sockAddr.sa_family.cint == nativeAfInet6:
+    let addr6 = addr cast[ptr Sockaddr_in6](sockAddr).sin6_addr
+    when not useWinVersion:
+      if posix.inet_ntop(posix.AF_INET6, addr6, addr strAddress[0],
+                         strAddress.len.int32) == nil:
+        raiseOSError(osLastError())
+      if posix.IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(addr6) != 0:
+        strAddress = strAddress.substr("::ffff:".len)
+    else:
+      if winlean.inet_ntop(winlean.AF_INET6, addr6, addr strAddress[0],
+                           strAddress.len.int32) == nil:
+        raiseOSError(osLastError())
+  else:
+    raise newException(IOError, "Unknown socket family in getAddrString")
+  setLen(strAddress, len(cstring(strAddress)))
 when defined(posix) and not defined(nimdoc):
   proc makeUnixAddr*(path: string): Sockaddr_un =
     result.sun_family = AF_UNIX.TSa_Family
@@ -622,7 +656,7 @@ proc pruneSocketSet(s: var seq[SocketHandle], fd: var TFdSet) =
 proc selectRead*(readfds: var seq[SocketHandle], timeout = 500): int =
   ## When a socket in ``readfds`` is ready to be read from then a non-zero
   ## value will be returned specifying the count of the sockets which can be
-  ## read from. The sockets which can be read from will also be removed
+  ## read from. The sockets which cannot be read from will also be removed
   ## from ``readfds``.
   ## ``timeout`` is specified in milliseconds and ``-1`` can be specified for
@@ -644,7 +678,7 @@ proc selectWrite*(writefds: var seq[SocketHandle],
                   timeout = 500): int {.tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
   ## When a socket in ``writefds`` is ready to be written to then a non-zero
   ## value will be returned specifying the count of the sockets which can be
-  ## written to. The sockets which can be written to will also be removed
+  ## written to. The sockets which cannot be written to will also be removed
   ## from ``writefds``.
   ## ``timeout`` is specified in milliseconds and ``-1`` can be specified for
diff --git a/lib/pure/net.nim b/lib/pure/net.nim
index c1896dc1c..7aeffbc35 100644
--- a/lib/pure/net.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/net.nim
@@ -513,10 +513,10 @@ when defineSsl:
   proc loadCertificates(ctx: SslCtx, certFile, keyFile: string) =
-    if certFile != "" and not existsFile(certFile):
+    if certFile != "" and not fileExists(certFile):
       raise newException(system.IOError,
           "Certificate file could not be found: " & certFile)
-    if keyFile != "" and not existsFile(keyFile):
+    if keyFile != "" and not fileExists(keyFile):
       raise newException(system.IOError, "Key file could not be found: " & keyFile)
     if certFile != "":
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ when defineSsl:
       if verifyMode != CVerifyNone:
         # Use the caDir and caFile parameters if set
         if caDir != "" or caFile != "":
-          if newCTX.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(caDir, caFile) != 0:
+          if newCTX.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(caFile, caDir) != 0:
             raise newException(IOError, "Failed to load SSL/TLS CA certificate(s).")
diff --git a/lib/pure/os.nim b/lib/pure/os.nim
index dcb63458b..8bbceddeb 100644
--- a/lib/pure/os.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/os.nim
@@ -1097,14 +1097,14 @@ when defined(windows) and not weirdTarget:
     result = f.cFileName[0].int == dot and (f.cFileName[1].int == 0 or
              f.cFileName[1].int == dot and f.cFileName[2].int == 0)
-proc existsFile*(filename: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
+proc fileExists*(filename: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
                                           tags: [ReadDirEffect], noNimJs.} =
   ## Returns true if `filename` exists and is a regular file or symlink.
   ## Directories, device files, named pipes and sockets return false.
   ## See also:
-  ## * `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_
+  ## * `dirExists proc <#dirExists,string>`_
   ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
@@ -1117,13 +1117,13 @@ proc existsFile*(filename: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
     var res: Stat
     return stat(filename, res) >= 0'i32 and S_ISREG(res.st_mode)
-proc existsDir*(dir: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect],
+proc dirExists*(dir: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect],
                                      noNimJs.} =
   ## Returns true if the directory `dir` exists. If `dir` is a file, false
   ## is returned. Follows symlinks.
   ## See also:
-  ## * `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_
+  ## * `fileExists proc <#fileExists,string>`_
   ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
@@ -1143,8 +1143,8 @@ proc symlinkExists*(link: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   ## regardless of whether the link points to a directory or file.
   ## See also:
-  ## * `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_
-  ## * `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_
+  ## * `fileExists proc <#fileExists,string>`_
+  ## * `dirExists proc <#dirExists,string>`_
   when defined(windows):
     when useWinUnicode:
       wrapUnary(a, getFileAttributesW, link)
@@ -1156,21 +1156,14 @@ proc symlinkExists*(link: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
     var res: Stat
     return lstat(link, res) >= 0'i32 and S_ISLNK(res.st_mode)
-proc fileExists*(filename: string): bool {.inline, noNimJs.} =
-  ## Alias for `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_.
-  ##
-  ## See also:
-  ## * `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_
-  ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
-  existsFile(filename)
-proc dirExists*(dir: string): bool {.inline, noNimJs.} =
-  ## Alias for `existsDir proc <#existsDir,string>`_.
-  ##
-  ## See also:
-  ## * `existsFile proc <#existsFile,string>`_
-  ## * `symlinkExists proc <#symlinkExists,string>`_
-  existsDir(dir)
+when not defined(nimscript):
+  when not defined(js): # `noNimJs` doesn't work with templates, this should improve.
+    template existsFile*(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped {.deprecated: "use fileExists".} =
+      fileExists(args)
+    template existsDir*(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped {.deprecated: "use dirExists".} =
+      dirExists(args)
+  # {.deprecated: [existsFile: fileExists].} # pending bug #14819; this would avoid above mentioned issue
 when not defined(windows) and not weirdTarget:
   proc checkSymlink(path: string): bool =
@@ -1200,7 +1193,7 @@ proc findExe*(exe: string, followSymlinks: bool = true;
   template checkCurrentDir() =
     for ext in extensions:
       result = addFileExt(exe, ext)
-      if existsFile(result): return
+      if fileExists(result): return
   when defined(posix):
     if '/' in exe: checkCurrentDir()
@@ -1216,7 +1209,7 @@ proc findExe*(exe: string, followSymlinks: bool = true;
       var x = expandTilde(candidate) / exe
     for ext in extensions:
       var x = addFileExt(x, ext)
-      if existsFile(x):
+      if fileExists(x):
         when not defined(windows):
           while followSymlinks: # doubles as if here
             if x.checkSymlink:
@@ -2027,7 +2020,7 @@ proc expandFilename*(filename: string): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
     # way of retrieving the true filename
     for x in walkFiles(result):
       result = x
-    if not existsFile(result) and not existsDir(result):
+    if not fileExists(result) and not dirExists(result):
       # consider using: `raiseOSError(osLastError(), result)`
       raise newException(OSError, "file '" & result & "' does not exist")
@@ -2324,7 +2317,7 @@ proc existsOrCreateDir*(dir: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
   result = not rawCreateDir(dir)
   if result:
     # path already exists - need to check that it is indeed a directory
-    if not existsDir(dir):
+    if not dirExists(dir):
       raise newException(IOError, "Failed to create '" & dir & "'")
 proc createDir*(dir: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
@@ -2893,7 +2886,7 @@ when not weirdTarget and defined(openbsd):
       # search in path
       for p in split(string(getEnv("PATH")), {PathSep}):
         var x = joinPath(p, exePath)
-        if existsFile(x):
+        if fileExists(x):
           return expandFilename(x)
       result = ""
@@ -2908,7 +2901,7 @@ when not (defined(windows) or defined(macosx) or weirdTarget):
         # iterate over any path in the $PATH environment variable
         for p in split(string(getEnv("PATH")), {PathSep}):
           var x = joinPath(p, result)
-          if existsFile(x): return x
+          if fileExists(x): return x
       result = ""
diff --git a/lib/pure/osproc.nim b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
index 3e3391d52..5113695d8 100644
--- a/lib/pure/osproc.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
 include "system/inclrtl"
-  strutils, os, strtabs, streams, cpuinfo
+  strutils, os, strtabs, streams, cpuinfo, streamwrapper,
+  std/private/since
 export quoteShell, quoteShellWindows, quoteShellPosix
@@ -237,6 +238,10 @@ proc inputStream*(p: Process): Stream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
 proc outputStream*(p: Process): Stream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
   ## Returns ``p``'s output stream for reading from.
+  ## You cannot perform peek/write/setOption operations to this stream.
+  ## Use `peekableOutputStream proc <#peekableOutputStream,Process>`_
+  ## if you need to peek stream.
+  ##
   ## **WARNING**: The returned `Stream` should not be closed manually as it
   ## is closed when closing the Process ``p``.
@@ -247,6 +252,10 @@ proc outputStream*(p: Process): Stream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
 proc errorStream*(p: Process): Stream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
   ## Returns ``p``'s error stream for reading from.
+  ## You cannot perform peek/write/setOption operations to this stream.
+  ## Use `peekableErrorStream proc <#peekableErrorStream,Process>`_
+  ## if you need to peek stream.
+  ##
   ## **WARNING**: The returned `Stream` should not be closed manually as it
   ## is closed when closing the Process ``p``.
@@ -254,6 +263,30 @@ proc errorStream*(p: Process): Stream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
   ## * `inputStream proc <#inputStream,Process>`_
   ## * `outputStream proc <#outputStream,Process>`_
+proc peekableOutputStream*(p: Process): Stream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [], since: (1, 3).}
+  ## Returns ``p``'s output stream for reading from.
+  ##
+  ## You can peek returned stream.
+  ##
+  ## **WARNING**: The returned `Stream` should not be closed manually as it
+  ## is closed when closing the Process ``p``.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `outputStream proc <#outputStream,Process>`_
+  ## * `peekableErrorStream proc <#peekableErrorStream,Process>`_
+proc peekableErrorStream*(p: Process): Stream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [], since: (1, 3).}
+  ## Returns ``p``'s error stream for reading from.
+  ##
+  ## You can run peek operation to returned stream.
+  ##
+  ## **WARNING**: The returned `Stream` should not be closed manually as it
+  ## is closed when closing the Process ``p``.
+  ##
+  ## See also:
+  ## * `errorStream proc <#errorStream,Process>`_
+  ## * `peekableOutputStream proc <#peekableOutputStream,Process>`_
 proc inputHandle*(p: Process): FileHandle {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1",
   tags: [].} =
   ## Returns ``p``'s input file handle for writing to.
@@ -737,6 +770,18 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
       p.errStream = newFileHandleStream(p.errHandle)
     result = p.errStream
+  proc peekableOutputStream(p: Process): Stream =
+    streamAccess(p)
+    if p.outStream == nil:
+      p.outStream = newFileHandleStream(p.outHandle).newPipeOutStream
+    result = p.outStream
+  proc peekableErrorStream(p: Process): Stream =
+    streamAccess(p)
+    if p.errStream == nil:
+      p.errStream = newFileHandleStream(p.errHandle).newPipeOutStream
+    result = p.errStream
   proc execCmd(command: string): int =
       si: STARTUPINFO
@@ -1360,28 +1405,40 @@ elif not defined(useNimRtl):
         p.exitStatus = status
         result = exitStatusLikeShell(status)
-  proc createStream(stream: var owned(Stream), handle: var FileHandle,
-                    fileMode: FileMode) =
+  proc createStream(handle: var FileHandle,
+                    fileMode: FileMode): owned FileStream =
     var f: File
     if not open(f, handle, fileMode): raiseOSError(osLastError())
-    stream = newFileStream(f)
+    return newFileStream(f)
   proc inputStream(p: Process): Stream =
     if p.inStream == nil:
-      createStream(p.inStream, p.inHandle, fmWrite)
+      p.inStream = createStream(p.inHandle, fmWrite)
     return p.inStream
   proc outputStream(p: Process): Stream =
     if p.outStream == nil:
-      createStream(p.outStream, p.outHandle, fmRead)
+      p.outStream = createStream(p.outHandle, fmRead)
     return p.outStream
   proc errorStream(p: Process): Stream =
     if p.errStream == nil:
-      createStream(p.errStream, p.errHandle, fmRead)
+      p.errStream = createStream(p.errHandle, fmRead)
+    return p.errStream
+  proc peekableOutputStream(p: Process): Stream =
+    streamAccess(p)
+    if p.outStream == nil:
+      p.outStream = createStream(p.outHandle, fmRead).newPipeOutStream
+    return p.outStream
+  proc peekableErrorStream(p: Process): Stream =
+    streamAccess(p)
+    if p.errStream == nil:
+      p.errStream = createStream(p.errHandle, fmRead).newPipeOutStream
     return p.errStream
   proc csystem(cmd: cstring): cint {.nodecl, importc: "system",
@@ -1446,6 +1503,7 @@ proc execCmdEx*(command: string, options: set[ProcessOption] = {
   ## A convenience proc that runs the `command`, and returns its `output` and
   ## `exitCode`. `env` and `workingDir` params behave as for `startProcess`.
   ## If `input.len > 0`, it is passed as stdin.
+  ##
   ## Note: this could block if `input.len` is greater than your OS's maximum
   ## pipe buffer size.
@@ -1456,15 +1514,17 @@ proc execCmdEx*(command: string, options: set[ProcessOption] = {
   ## * `execProcess proc
   ##   <#execProcess,string,string,openArray[string],StringTableRef,set[ProcessOption]>`_
-  runnableExamples:
-    var result = execCmdEx("nim r --hints:off -", options = {}, input = "echo 3*4")
-    import strutils, strtabs
-    stripLineEnd(result[0]) ## portable way to remove trailing newline, if any
-    doAssert result == ("12", 0)
-    doAssert execCmdEx("ls --nonexistant").exitCode != 0
-    when defined(posix):
-      assert execCmdEx("echo $FO", env = newStringTable({"FO": "B"})) == ("B\n", 0)
-      assert execCmdEx("echo $PWD", workingDir = "/") == ("/\n", 0)
+  ## Example:
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: Nim
+  ##   var result = execCmdEx("nim r --hints:off -", options = {}, input = "echo 3*4")
+  ##   import strutils, strtabs
+  ##   stripLineEnd(result[0]) ## portable way to remove trailing newline, if any
+  ##   doAssert result == ("12", 0)
+  ##   doAssert execCmdEx("ls --nonexistant").exitCode != 0
+  ##   when defined(posix):
+  ##     assert execCmdEx("echo $FO", env = newStringTable({"FO": "B"})) == ("B\n", 0)
+  ##     assert execCmdEx("echo $PWD", workingDir = "/") == ("/\n", 0)
   when (NimMajor, NimMinor, NimPatch) < (1, 3, 5):
     doAssert input.len == 0
diff --git a/lib/pure/parseopt.nim b/lib/pure/parseopt.nim
index a95a5b48d..94df5ea40 100644
--- a/lib/pure/parseopt.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/parseopt.nim
@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ proc handleShortOption(p: var OptParser; cmd: string) =
   while i < cmd.len and cmd[i] in {'\t', ' '}:
     p.inShortState = false
-  if i < cmd.len and cmd[i] in {':', '='} or
-      card(p.shortNoVal) > 0 and p.key.string[0] notin p.shortNoVal:
+  if i < cmd.len and (cmd[i] in {':', '='} or
+      card(p.shortNoVal) > 0 and p.key.string[0] notin p.shortNoVal):
     if i < cmd.len and cmd[i] in {':', '='}:
     p.inShortState = false
diff --git a/lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim b/lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim
index 806316b02..d04244307 100644
--- a/lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/ssl_certs.nim
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ iterator scanSSLCertificates*(useEnvVars = false): string =
     when not defined(haiku):
       for p in certificate_paths:
         if p.endsWith(".pem") or p.endsWith(".crt"):
-          if existsFile(p):
+          if fileExists(p):
             yield p
-        elif existsDir(p):
+        elif dirExists(p):
           for fn in joinPath(p, "*").walkFiles():
             yield fn
diff --git a/lib/pure/streamwrapper.nim b/lib/pure/streamwrapper.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b99982f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/streamwrapper.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2020 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements stream wrapper.
+## **Since** version 1.2.
+import deques, streams
+  PipeOutStream*[T] = ref object of T
+    # When stream peek operation is called, it reads from base stream
+    # type using `baseReadDataImpl` and stores the content to this buffer.
+    # Next stream read operation returns data in the buffer so that previus peek
+    # operation looks like didn't changed read positon.
+    # When stream read operation that returns N byte data is called and the size is smaller than buffer size,
+    # first N elements are removed from buffer.
+    # Deque type can do such operation more efficiently than seq type.
+    buffer: Deque[char]
+    baseReadLineImpl: typeof(StreamObj.readLineImpl)
+    baseReadDataImpl: typeof(StreamObj.readDataImpl)
+proc posReadLine[T](s: Stream, line: var TaintedString): bool =
+  var s = PipeOutStream[T](s)
+  assert s.baseReadLineImpl != nil
+  let n = s.buffer.len
+  line.string.setLen(0)
+  for i in 0..<n:
+    var c = s.buffer.popFirst
+    if c == '\c':
+      c = readChar(s)
+      return true
+    elif c == '\L': return true
+    elif c == '\0':
+      return line.len > 0
+    line.string.add(c)
+  var line2: string
+  result = s.baseReadLineImpl(s, line2)
+  line.add line2
+proc posReadData[T](s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int =
+  var s = PipeOutStream[T](s)
+  assert s.baseReadDataImpl != nil
+  let
+    dest = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[char]](buffer)
+    n = min(s.buffer.len, bufLen)
+  result = n
+  for i in 0..<n:
+    dest[i] = s.buffer.popFirst
+  if bufLen > n:
+    result += s.baseReadDataImpl(s, addr dest[n], bufLen - n)
+proc posReadDataStr[T](s: Stream, buffer: var string, slice: Slice[int]): int =
+  posReadData[T](s, addr buffer[slice.a], slice.len)
+proc posPeekData[T](s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int =
+  var s = PipeOutStream[T](s)
+  assert s.baseReadDataImpl != nil
+  let
+    dest = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[char]](buffer)
+    n = min(s.buffer.len, bufLen)
+  result = n
+  for i in 0..<n:
+    dest[i] = s.buffer[i]
+  if bufLen > n:
+    let
+      newDataNeeded = bufLen - n
+      numRead = s.baseReadDataImpl(s, addr dest[n], newDataNeeded)
+    result += numRead
+    for i in 0..<numRead:
+      s.buffer.addLast dest[n + i]
+proc newPipeOutStream*[T](s: sink (ref T)): owned PipeOutStream[T] =
+  ## Wrap pipe for reading with PipeOutStream so that you can use peek* procs and generate runtime error
+  ## when setPosition/getPosition is called or write operation is performed.
+  ##
+  ## Example:
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: Nim
+  ##   import osproc, streamwrapper
+  ##   var
+  ##     p = startProcess(exePath)
+  ##     outStream = p.outputStream().newPipeOutStream()
+  ##   echo outStream.peekChar
+  ##   p.close()
+  assert s.readDataImpl != nil
+  new(result)
+  for dest, src in fields((ref T)(result)[], s[]):
+    dest = src
+  wasMoved(s[])
+  if result.readLineImpl != nil:
+    result.baseReadLineImpl = result.readLineImpl
+    result.readLineImpl = posReadLine[T]
+  result.baseReadDataImpl = result.readDataImpl
+  result.readDataImpl = posReadData[T]
+  result.readDataStrImpl = posReadDataStr[T]
+  result.peekDataImpl = posPeekData[T]
+  # Set nil to anything you may not call.
+  result.setPositionImpl = nil
+  result.getPositionImpl = nil
+  result.writeDataImpl = nil
+  result.flushImpl = nil
diff --git a/lib/pure/strformat.nim b/lib/pure/strformat.nim
index 5f7ef380d..c37b6b1c0 100644
--- a/lib/pure/strformat.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/strformat.nim
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ Formatting floats
 .. code-block:: nim
     import strformat
     doAssert fmt"{-12345:08}" == "-0012345"
     doAssert fmt"{-1:3}" == " -1"
     doAssert fmt"{-1:03}" == "-01"
@@ -81,6 +80,52 @@ Formatting floats
     doAssert fmt"{123.456:13e}" == " 1.234560e+02"
+Debugging strings
+``fmt"{expr=}"`` expands to ``fmt"expr={expr}"`` namely the text of the expression, 
+an equal sign and the results of evaluated expression.
+.. code-block:: nim
+    import strformat
+    doAssert fmt"{123.456=}" == "123.456=123.456"
+    doAssert fmt"{123.456=:>9.3f}" == "123.456=  123.456"
+    let x = "hello"
+    doAssert fmt"{x=}" == "x=hello" 
+    doAssert fmt"{x =}" == "x =hello"
+    let y = 3.1415926
+    doAssert fmt"{y=:.2f}" == fmt"y={y:.2f}"
+    doAssert fmt"{y=}" == fmt"y={y}"
+    doAssert fmt"{y = : <8}" == fmt"y = 3.14159 "
+    proc hello(a: string, b: float): int = 12
+    let a = "hello"
+    let b = 3.1415926
+    doAssert fmt"{hello(x, y) = }" == "hello(x, y) = 12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x.hello(y) = }" == "x.hello(y) = 12"
+    doAssert fmt"{hello x, y = }" == "hello x, y = 12"
+Note that it is space sensitive:
+.. code-block:: nim
+    import strformat
+    let x = "12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x=}" == "x=12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x =:}" == "x =12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x =}" == "x =12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x= :}" == "x= 12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x= }" == "x= 12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x = :}" == "x = 12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x = }" == "x = 12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x   =  :}" == "x   =  12"
+    doAssert fmt"{x   =  }" == "x   =  12"
 Implementation details
@@ -552,8 +597,18 @@ proc strformatImpl(pattern: NimNode; openChar, closeChar: char): NimNode =
         var subexpr = ""
         while i < f.len and f[i] != closeChar and f[i] != ':':
-          subexpr.add f[i]
-          inc i
+          if f[i] == '=':
+            let start = i
+            inc i
+            i += f.skipWhitespace(i)
+            if f[i] == closeChar or f[i] == ':':
+              result.add newCall(bindSym"add", res, newLit(subexpr & f[start ..< i]))
+            else:
+              subexpr.add f[start ..< i]
+          else:
+            subexpr.add f[i]
+            inc i
         var x: NimNode
           x = parseExpr(subexpr)
diff --git a/lib/pure/strutils.nim b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
index 1ffc8bf22..32d6ede1e 100644
--- a/lib/pure/strutils.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
@@ -2935,11 +2935,6 @@ proc isEmptyOrWhitespace*(s: string): bool {.noSideEffect, rtl,
   ## Checks if `s` is empty or consists entirely of whitespace characters.
   result = s.allCharsInSet(Whitespace)
-proc isNilOrWhitespace*(s: string): bool {.noSideEffect, rtl,
-    extern: "nsuIsNilOrWhitespace",
-    deprecated: "use isEmptyOrWhitespace instead".} =
-  ## Alias for isEmptyOrWhitespace
-  result = isEmptyOrWhitespace(s)
 when isMainModule:
   proc nonStaticTests =
diff --git a/lib/pure/terminal.nim b/lib/pure/terminal.nim
index e798bbaf1..99a333cc6 100644
--- a/lib/pure/terminal.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/terminal.nim
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type
 var gTerm {.threadvar.}: owned(PTerminal)
-proc newTerminal(): owned(PTerminal) {.gcsafe.}
+proc newTerminal(): owned(PTerminal) {.gcsafe, raises: [].}
 proc getTerminal(): PTerminal {.inline.} =
   if isNil(gTerm):
diff --git a/lib/pure/typetraits.nim b/lib/pure/typetraits.nim
index 317376405..0e23077ac 100644
--- a/lib/pure/typetraits.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/typetraits.nim
@@ -93,6 +93,18 @@ since (1, 1):
   type StaticParam*[value: static type] = object
     ## used to wrap a static value in `genericParams`
+since (1, 3, 5):
+  template elementType*(a: untyped): typedesc =
+    ## return element type of `a`, which can be any iterable (over which you
+    ## can iterate)
+    runnableExamples:
+      iterator myiter(n: int): auto =
+        for i in 0..<n: yield i
+      doAssert elementType(@[1,2]) is int
+      doAssert elementType("asdf") is char
+      doAssert elementType(myiter(3)) is int
+    typeof(block: (for ai in a: ai))
 import std/macros
 macro genericParamsImpl(T: typedesc): untyped =
@@ -109,6 +121,9 @@ macro genericParamsImpl(T: typedesc): untyped =
       of nnkTypeDef:
         impl = impl[2]
+      of nnkTypeOfExpr:
+        impl = getTypeInst(impl[0])
+        continue
       of nnkBracketExpr:
         for i in 1..<impl.len:
           let ai = impl[i]
@@ -118,8 +133,32 @@ macro genericParamsImpl(T: typedesc): untyped =
             ret = ai
           of ntyStatic: doAssert false
-            since (1, 1):
-              ret = newTree(nnkBracketExpr, @[bindSym"StaticParam", ai])
+            # getType from a resolved symbol might return a typedesc symbol.
+            # If so, use it directly instead of wrapping it in StaticParam.
+            if (ai.kind == nnkSym and ai.symKind == nskType) or
+               (ai.kind == nnkBracketExpr and ai[0].kind == nnkSym and
+                ai[0].symKind == nskType):
+              ret = ai
+            elif ai.kind == nnkInfix and ai[0].kind == nnkIdent and
+                 ai[0].strVal == "..":
+              # For built-in array types, the "2" is translated to "0..1" then
+              # automagically translated to "range[0..1]". However this is not
+              # reflected in the AST, thus requiring manual transformation here.
+              #
+              # We will also be losing some context here:
+              #   var a: array[10, int]
+              # will be translated to:
+              #   var a: array[0..9, int]
+              # after typecheck. This means that we can't get the exact
+              # definition as typed by the user, which will cause confusion for
+              # users expecting:
+              #   genericParams(typeof(a)) is (StaticParam(10), int)
+              # to be true while in fact the result will be:
+              #   genericParams(typeof(a)) is (range[0..9], int)
+              ret = newTree(nnkBracketExpr, @[bindSym"range", ai])
+            else:
+              since (1, 1):
+                ret = newTree(nnkBracketExpr, @[bindSym"StaticParam", ai])
           result.add ret
@@ -129,32 +168,20 @@ since (1, 1):
   template genericParams*(T: typedesc): untyped =
     ## return tuple of generic params for generic `T`
-      type Foo[T1, T2]=object
+      type Foo[T1, T2] = object
       doAssert genericParams(Foo[float, string]) is (float, string)
       type Bar[N: static float, T] = object
       doAssert genericParams(Bar[1.0, string]) is (StaticParam[1.0], string)
       doAssert genericParams(Bar[1.0, string]).get(0).value == 1.0
+      doAssert genericParams(seq[Bar[2.0, string]]).get(0) is Bar[2.0, string]
+      var s: seq[Bar[3.0, string]]
+      doAssert genericParams(typeof(s)) is (Bar[3.0, string],)
+      # NOTE: For the builtin array type, the index generic param will
+      #       **always** become a range type after it's bound to a variable.
+      doAssert genericParams(array[10, int]) is (StaticParam[10], int)
+      var a: array[10, int]
+      doAssert genericParams(typeof(a)) is (range[0..9], int)
     type T2 = T
-when isMainModule:
-  static:
-    doAssert $type(42) == "int"
-    doAssert == "int"
-  const a1 = name(int)
-  const a2 = $(int)
-  const a3 = $int
-  doAssert a1 == "int"
-  doAssert a2 == "int"
-  doAssert a3 == "int"
-  proc fun[T: typedesc](t: T) =
-    const a1 = name(t)
-    const a2 = $(t)
-    const a3 = $t
-    doAssert a1 == "int"
-    doAssert a2 == "int"
-    doAssert a3 == "int"
-  fun(int)
diff --git a/lib/pure/unittest.nim b/lib/pure/unittest.nim
index bea7d9c44..98be959e3 100644
--- a/lib/pure/unittest.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/unittest.nim
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 ##     echo "suite teardown: run once after the tests"
 import std/private/since
+import std/exitprocs
   macros, strutils, streams, times, sets, sequtils
@@ -498,7 +499,7 @@ template test*(name, body) {.dirty.} =
   ## .. code-block::
   ##  [OK] roses are red
-  bind shouldRun, checkpoints, formatters, ensureInitialized, testEnded, exceptionTypeName
+  bind shouldRun, checkpoints, formatters, ensureInitialized, testEnded, exceptionTypeName, setProgramResult
@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ template test*(name, body) {.dirty.} =
       if testStatusIMPL == TestStatus.FAILED:
-        programResult = 1
+        setProgramResult 1
       let testResult = TestResult(
         suiteName: when declared(testSuiteName): testSuiteName else: "",
         testName: name,
@@ -560,12 +561,11 @@ template fail* =
   ##  fail()
   ## outputs "Checkpoint A" before quitting.
-  bind ensureInitialized
+  bind ensureInitialized, setProgramResult
   when declared(testStatusIMPL):
     testStatusIMPL = TestStatus.FAILED
-    programResult = 1
+    setProgramResult 1
@@ -576,8 +576,7 @@ template fail* =
       formatter.failureOccurred(checkpoints, "")
-  when declared(programResult):
-    if abortOnError: quit(programResult)
+  if abortOnError: quit(1)
   checkpoints = @[]
@@ -679,7 +678,7 @@ macro check*(conditions: untyped): untyped =
     result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
     for node in checked:
       if node.kind != nnkCommentStmt:
-        result.add(newCall(!"check", node))
+        result.add(newCall(newIdentNode("check"), node))
     let lineinfo = newStrLitNode(checked.lineInfo)
diff --git a/lib/pure/uri.nim b/lib/pure/uri.nim
index b163a2ab4..04a9d97bd 100644
--- a/lib/pure/uri.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/uri.nim
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
 import std/private/since
 import strutils, parseutils, base64
+include includes/decode_helpers
   Url* = distinct string
@@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ proc decodeUrl*(s: string, decodePlus = true): string =
   ## This means that any ``%xx`` (where ``xx`` denotes a hexadecimal
   ## value) are converted to the character with ordinal number ``xx``,
   ## and every other character is carried over.
+  ## If ``xx`` is not a valid hexadecimal value, it is left intact.
   ## As a special rule, when the value of ``decodePlus`` is true, ``+``
   ## characters are converted to a space.
@@ -101,12 +104,7 @@ proc decodeUrl*(s: string, decodePlus = true): string =
     assert decodeUrl("") == " is a test"
     assert decodeUrl("",
         false) == " is a test"
-  proc handleHexChar(c: char, x: var int) {.inline.} =
-    case c
-    of '0'..'9': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('0'))
-    of 'a'..'f': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10)
-    of 'A'..'F': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10)
-    else: assert(false)
+    assert decodeUrl("abc%xyz") == "abc%xyz"
   result = newString(s.len)
   var i = 0
@@ -114,11 +112,7 @@ proc decodeUrl*(s: string, decodePlus = true): string =
   while i < s.len:
     case s[i]
     of '%':
-      var x = 0
-      handleHexChar(s[i+1], x)
-      handleHexChar(s[i+2], x)
-      inc(i, 2)
-      result[j] = chr(x)
+      result[j] = decodePercent(s, i)
     of '+':
       if decodePlus:
         result[j] = ' '