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path: root/lib/pure
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure')
19 files changed, 129 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim b/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim
index 863a6843b..5bf9183ed 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncfutures.nim
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ proc getHint(entry: StackTraceEntry): string =
   ## We try to provide some hints about stack trace entries that the user
   ## may not be familiar with, in particular calls inside the stdlib.
   result = ""
-  if entry.procname == "processPendingCallbacks":
+  if entry.procname == cstring"processPendingCallbacks":
     if cmpIgnoreStyle(entry.filename, "asyncdispatch.nim") == 0:
       return "Executes pending callbacks"
-  elif entry.procname == "poll":
+  elif entry.procname == cstring"poll":
     if cmpIgnoreStyle(entry.filename, "asyncdispatch.nim") == 0:
       return "Processes asynchronous completion events"
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim b/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim
index e7552e3e3..71a1600dc 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncnet.nim
@@ -493,8 +493,6 @@ proc recvLineInto*(socket: AsyncSocket, resString: FutureVar[string],
   ## **Warning**: ``recvLineInto`` on unbuffered sockets assumes that the
   ## protocol uses ``\r\L`` to delimit a new line.
   assert SocketFlag.Peek notin flags ## TODO:
-  assert(not resString.mget.isNil(),
-         "String inside resString future needs to be initialised")
   result = newFuture[void]("asyncnet.recvLineInto")
   # TODO: Make the async transformation check for FutureVar params and complete
@@ -657,7 +655,7 @@ when defineSsl:
   proc wrapConnectedSocket*(ctx: SslContext, socket: AsyncSocket,
                             handshake: SslHandshakeType,
-                            hostname: string = nil) =
+                            hostname: string = "") =
     ## Wraps a connected socket in an SSL context. This function effectively
     ## turns ``socket`` into an SSL socket.
     ## ``hostname`` should be specified so that the client knows which hostname
@@ -672,7 +670,7 @@ when defineSsl:
     case handshake
     of handshakeAsClient:
-      if not hostname.isNil and not isIpAddress(hostname):
+      if hostname.len > 0 and not isIpAddress(hostname):
         # Set the SNI address for this connection. This call can fail if
         # we're not using TLSv1+.
         discard SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(socket.sslHandle, hostname)
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim b/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
index bfecfe447..545958977 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ proc missingOrExcl*(s: var IntSet, key: int) : bool =
   ## `key` is removed from `s` and false is returned.
   var count = s.elems
   exclImpl(s, key)
-  result = count == s.elems 
+  result = count == s.elems
 proc containsOrIncl*(s: var IntSet, key: int): bool =
   ## returns true if `s` contains `key`, otherwise `key` is included in `s`
@@ -212,7 +212,10 @@ proc initIntSet*: IntSet =
   #newSeq(, InitIntSetSize)
   #result.max = InitIntSetSize-1
- = nil
+  when defined(nimNoNilSeqs):
+ = @[]
+  else:
+ = nil
   result.max = 0
   result.counter = 0
   result.head = nil
@@ -222,7 +225,10 @@ proc clear*(result: var IntSet) =
   #setLen(, InitIntSetSize)
   #for i in 0..InitIntSetSize-1:[i] = nil
   #result.max = InitIntSetSize-1
- = nil
+  when defined(nimNoNilSeqs):
+ = @[]
+  else:
+ = nil
   result.max = 0
   result.counter = 0
   result.head = nil
@@ -234,7 +240,10 @@ proc assign*(dest: var IntSet, src: IntSet) =
   ## copies `src` to `dest`. `dest` does not need to be initialized by
   ## `initIntSet`.
   if src.elems <= src.a.len:
- = nil
+    when defined(nimNoNilSeqs):
+ = @[]
+    else:
+ = nil
     dest.max = 0
     dest.counter = src.counter
     dest.head = nil
@@ -247,11 +256,9 @@ proc assign*(dest: var IntSet, src: IntSet) =
     var it = src.head
     while it != nil:
       var h = it.key and dest.max
       while[h] != nil: h = nextTry(h, dest.max)
       assert([h] == nil)
       var n: PTrunk
       new(n) = dest.head
@@ -259,7 +266,6 @@ proc assign*(dest: var IntSet, src: IntSet) =
       n.bits = it.bits
       dest.head = n[h] = n
       it =
 proc union*(s1, s2: IntSet): IntSet =
@@ -315,7 +321,7 @@ proc len*(s: IntSet): int {.inline.} =
     for _ in s:
-proc card*(s: IntSet): int {.inline.} = 
+proc card*(s: IntSet): int {.inline.} =
   ## alias for `len() <#len>` _.
   result = s.len()
@@ -361,7 +367,7 @@ when isMainModule:
-  x.excl(1044) 
+  x.excl(1044)
   assert x.containsOrIncl(888) == false
   assert 888 in x
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim b/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
index 308f31eae..f85de7546 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ when isMainModule:
     doAssert clearTable[42] == "asd"
     doAssert(not clearTable.hasKey(123123))
-    doAssert clearTable.getOrDefault(42) == nil
+    doAssert clearTable.getOrDefault(42) == ""
   block: #5482
     var a = [("wrong?","foo"), ("wrong?", "foo2")].newOrderedTable()
diff --git a/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim b/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim
index 6ec71e912..f3b13fac5 100644
--- a/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/concurrency/threadpool.nim
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ proc destroySemaphore(cv: var Semaphore) {.inline.} =
-proc await(cv: var Semaphore) =
+proc blockUntil(cv: var Semaphore) =
   while cv.counter <= 0:
     wait(cv.c, cv.L)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ proc closeBarrier(b: ptr Barrier) {.compilerProc.} =
     b.interest = true
-    while b.left != b.entered: await(
+    while b.left != b.entered: blockUntil(
@@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ proc closeBarrier(b: ptr Barrier) {.compilerProc.} =
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  foreign* = object ## a region that indicates the pointer comes from a
-                    ## foreign thread heap.
   AwaitInfo = object
     cv: Semaphore
     idx: int
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ type
   FlowVarBaseObj = object of RootObj
     ready, usesSemaphore, awaited: bool
     cv: Semaphore #\
-    # for 'awaitAny' support
+    # for 'blockUntilAny' support
     ai: ptr AwaitInfo
     idx: int
     data: pointer  # we incRef and unref it to keep it alive; note this MUST NOT
@@ -130,12 +128,12 @@ type
     q: ToFreeQueue
     readyForTask: Semaphore
-proc await*(fv: FlowVarBase) =
+proc blockUntil*(fv: FlowVarBase) =
   ## waits until the value for the flowVar arrives. Usually it is not necessary
   ## to call this explicitly.
   if fv.usesSemaphore and not fv.awaited:
     fv.awaited = true
-    await(
+    blockUntil(
 proc selectWorker(w: ptr Worker; fn: WorkerProc; data: pointer): bool =
@@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ proc selectWorker(w: ptr Worker; fn: WorkerProc; data: pointer): bool = = data
     w.f = fn
-    await(w.taskStarted)
+    blockUntil(w.taskStarted)
     result = true
 proc cleanFlowVars(w: ptr Worker) =
@@ -178,11 +176,11 @@ proc attach(fv: FlowVarBase; i: int): bool =
 proc finished(fv: FlowVarBase) =
-  doAssert, "flowVar is still attached to an 'awaitAny'"
+  doAssert, "flowVar is still attached to an 'blockUntilAny'"
   # we have to protect against the rare cases where the owner of the flowVar
   # simply disregards the flowVar and yet the "flowVar" has not yet written
   # anything to it:
-  await(fv)
+  blockUntil(fv)
   if return
   let owner = cast[ptr Worker](fv.owner)
   let q = addr(owner.q)
@@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ proc finished(fv: FlowVarBase) =
     #echo "EXHAUSTED!"
-    await(q.empty)
+    blockUntil(q.empty)
     acquire(q.lock)[q.len] = cast[pointer](
   inc q.len
@@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ proc awaitAndThen*[T](fv: FlowVar[T]; action: proc (x: T) {.closure.}) =
   ## to ``action``. Note that due to Nim's parameter passing semantics this
   ## means that ``T`` doesn't need to be copied and so ``awaitAndThen`` can
   ## sometimes be more efficient than ``^``.
-  await(fv)
+  blockUntil(fv)
   when T is string or T is seq:
   elif T is ref:
@@ -231,31 +229,31 @@ proc awaitAndThen*[T](fv: FlowVar[T]; action: proc (x: T) {.closure.}) =
-proc unsafeRead*[T](fv: FlowVar[ref T]): foreign ptr T =
+proc unsafeRead*[T](fv: FlowVar[ref T]): ptr T =
   ## blocks until the value is available and then returns this value.
-  await(fv)
-  result = cast[foreign ptr T](
+  blockUntil(fv)
+  result = cast[ptr T](
 proc `^`*[T](fv: FlowVar[ref T]): ref T =
   ## blocks until the value is available and then returns this value.
-  await(fv)
+  blockUntil(fv)
   let src = cast[ref T](
   deepCopy result, src
 proc `^`*[T](fv: FlowVar[T]): T =
   ## blocks until the value is available and then returns this value.
-  await(fv)
+  blockUntil(fv)
   when T is string or T is seq:
     # XXX closures? deepCopy?
     result = cast[T](
     result = fv.blob
-proc awaitAny*(flowVars: openArray[FlowVarBase]): int =
+proc blockUntilAny*(flowVars: openArray[FlowVarBase]): int =
   ## awaits any of the given flowVars. Returns the index of one flowVar for
-  ## which a value arrived. A flowVar only supports one call to 'awaitAny' at
-  ## the same time. That means if you awaitAny([a,b]) and awaitAny([b,c]) the second
-  ## call will only await 'c'. If there is no flowVar left to be able to wait
+  ## which a value arrived. A flowVar only supports one call to 'blockUntilAny' at
+  ## the same time. That means if you blockUntilAny([a,b]) and blockUntilAny([b,c]) the second
+  ## call will only blockUntil 'c'. If there is no flowVar left to be able to wait
   ## on, -1 is returned.
   ## **Note**: This results in non-deterministic behaviour and should be avoided.
   var ai: AwaitInfo
@@ -271,7 +269,7 @@ proc awaitAny*(flowVars: openArray[FlowVarBase]): int =
       inc conflicts
   if conflicts < flowVars.len:
     if result < 0:
-      await(
+      blockUntil(
       result = ai.idx
     for i in 0 .. flowVars.high:
       discard cas(addr flowVars[i].ai, addr ai, nil)
@@ -328,7 +326,7 @@ proc slave(w: ptr Worker) {.thread.} =
       w.ready = true
     readyWorker = w
-    await(w.taskArrived)
+    blockUntil(w.taskArrived)
     # XXX Somebody needs to look into this (why does this assertion fail
     # in Visual Studio?)
     when not defined(vcc) and not defined(tcc): assert(not w.ready)
@@ -353,7 +351,7 @@ proc distinguishedSlave(w: ptr Worker) {.thread.} =
       w.ready = true
-    await(w.taskArrived)
+    blockUntil(w.taskArrived)
     assert(not w.ready)
     if w.q.len != 0: w.cleanFlowVars
@@ -501,7 +499,7 @@ proc nimSpawn3(fn: WorkerProc; data: pointer) {.compilerProc.} =
         # on the current thread instead.
         var self = addr(workersData[localThreadId-1])
         fn(self, data)
-        await(self.taskStarted)
+        blockUntil(self.taskStarted)
     if isSlave:
@@ -526,7 +524,7 @@ proc nimSpawn3(fn: WorkerProc; data: pointer) {.compilerProc.} =
         inc numSlavesWaiting
-    await(gSomeReady)
+    blockUntil(gSomeReady)
     if isSlave:
       withLock numSlavesLock:
@@ -544,7 +542,7 @@ proc nimSpawn4(fn: WorkerProc; data: pointer; id: ThreadId) {.compilerProc.} =
   while true:
     if selectWorker(addr(distinguishedData[id]), fn, data): break
-    await(distinguishedData[id].readyForTask)
+    blockUntil(distinguishedData[id].readyForTask)
 proc sync*() =
@@ -557,7 +555,7 @@ proc sync*() =
       if not allReady: break
       allReady = allReady and workersData[i].ready
     if allReady: break
-    await(gSomeReady)
+    blockUntil(gSomeReady)
     inc toRelease
   for i in 0 ..< toRelease:
diff --git a/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim b/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim
index c38c36874..f54fe87f7 100644
--- a/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/htmlparser.nim
@@ -1869,7 +1869,6 @@ proc entityToUtf8*(entity: string): string =
   ## "" is returned if the entity name is unknown. The HTML parser
   ## already converts entities to UTF-8.
-    doAssert entityToUtf8(nil) == ""
     doAssert entityToUtf8("") == ""
     doAssert entityToUtf8("a") == ""
     doAssert entityToUtf8("gt") == ">"
diff --git a/lib/pure/httpclient.nim b/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
index 72de72718..0192e71e7 100644
--- a/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/httpclient.nim
@@ -378,23 +378,23 @@ proc newMultipartData*: MultipartData =
   ## Constructs a new ``MultipartData`` object.
   MultipartData(content: @[])
-proc add*(p: var MultipartData, name, content: string, filename: string = nil,
-          contentType: string = nil) =
+proc add*(p: var MultipartData, name, content: string, filename: string = "",
+          contentType: string = "") =
   ## Add a value to the multipart data. Raises a `ValueError` exception if
   ## `name`, `filename` or `contentType` contain newline characters.
   if {'\c','\L'} in name:
     raise newException(ValueError, "name contains a newline character")
-  if filename != nil and {'\c','\L'} in filename:
+  if {'\c','\L'} in filename:
     raise newException(ValueError, "filename contains a newline character")
-  if contentType != nil and {'\c','\L'} in contentType:
+  if {'\c','\L'} in contentType:
     raise newException(ValueError, "contentType contains a newline character")
   var str = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" & name & "\""
-  if filename != nil:
+  if filename.len > 0:
     str.add("; filename=\"" & filename & "\"")
-  if contentType != nil:
+  if contentType.len > 0:
     str.add("Content-Type: " & contentType & "\c\L")
   str.add("\c\L" & content & "\c\L")
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ proc addFiles*(p: var MultipartData, xs: openarray[tuple[name, file: string]]):
     var contentType: string
     let (_, fName, ext) = splitFile(file)
     if ext.len > 0:
-      contentType = m.getMimetype(ext[1..ext.high], nil)
+      contentType = m.getMimetype(ext[1..ext.high], "")
     p.add(name, readFile(file), fName & ext, contentType)
   result = p
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ proc `[]=`*(p: var MultipartData, name: string,
   p.add(name, file.content,, file.contentType)
 proc format(p: MultipartData): tuple[contentType, body: string] =
-  if p == nil or p.content == nil or p.content.len == 0:
+  if p == nil or p.content.len == 0:
     return ("", "")
   # Create boundary that is not in the data to be formatted
diff --git a/lib/pure/json.nim b/lib/pure/json.nim
index b9279b18c..69ffb1796 100644
--- a/lib/pure/json.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/json.nim
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ proc processType(typeName: NimNode, obj: NimNode,
       result = quote do:
           verifyJsonKind(`jsonNode`, {JString, JNull}, astToStr(`jsonNode`));
-          if `jsonNode`.kind == JNull: nil else: `jsonNode`.str
+          if `jsonNode`.kind == JNull: "" else: `jsonNode`.str
     of "biggestint":
       result = quote do:
diff --git a/lib/pure/net.nim b/lib/pure/net.nim
index 771e7de10..0e56100d9 100644
--- a/lib/pure/net.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/net.nim
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ proc newSocket*(domain: Domain = AF_INET, sockType: SockType = SOCK_STREAM,
   result = newSocket(fd, domain, sockType, protocol, buffered)
-proc parseIPv4Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
+proc parseIPv4Address(addressStr: string): IpAddress =
   ## Parses IPv4 adresses
   ## Raises EInvalidValue on errors
@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@ proc parseIPv4Address(address_str: string): IpAddress = = IpAddressFamily.IPv4
-  for i in 0 .. high(address_str):
-    if address_str[i] in strutils.Digits: # Character is a number
+  for i in 0 .. high(addressStr):
+    if addressStr[i] in strutils.Digits: # Character is a number
       currentByte = currentByte * 10 +
-        cast[uint16](ord(address_str[i]) - ord('0'))
+        cast[uint16](ord(addressStr[i]) - ord('0'))
       if currentByte > 255'u16:
         raise newException(ValueError,
           "Invalid IP Address. Value is out of range")
       seperatorValid = true
-    elif address_str[i] == '.': # IPv4 address separator
+    elif addressStr[i] == '.': # IPv4 address separator
       if not seperatorValid or byteCount >= 3:
         raise newException(ValueError,
           "Invalid IP Address. The address consists of too many groups")
@@ -265,11 +265,11 @@ proc parseIPv4Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
     raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid IP Address")
   result.address_v4[byteCount] = cast[uint8](currentByte)
-proc parseIPv6Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
+proc parseIPv6Address(addressStr: string): IpAddress =
   ## Parses IPv6 adresses
   ## Raises EInvalidValue on errors = IpAddressFamily.IPv6
-  if address_str.len < 2:
+  if addressStr.len < 2:
     raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid IP Address")
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ proc parseIPv6Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
     v4StartPos = -1
     byteCount = 0
-  for i,c in address_str:
+  for i,c in addressStr:
     if c == ':':
       if not seperatorValid:
         raise newException(ValueError,
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ proc parseIPv6Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
             "Invalid IP Address. Address contains more than one \"::\" seperator")
         dualColonGroup = groupCount
         seperatorValid = false
-      elif i != 0 and i != high(address_str):
+      elif i != 0 and i != high(addressStr):
         if groupCount >= 8:
           raise newException(ValueError,
             "Invalid IP Address. The address consists of too many groups")
@@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ proc parseIPv6Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
         if dualColonGroup != -1: seperatorValid = false
       elif i == 0: # only valid if address starts with ::
-        if address_str[1] != ':':
+        if addressStr[1] != ':':
           raise newException(ValueError,
             "Invalid IP Address. Address may not start with \":\"")
-      else: # i == high(address_str) - only valid if address ends with ::
-        if address_str[high(address_str)-1] != ':':
+      else: # i == high(addressStr) - only valid if address ends with ::
+        if addressStr[high(addressStr)-1] != ':':
           raise newException(ValueError,
             "Invalid IP Address. Address may not end with \":\"")
       lastWasColon = true
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ proc parseIPv6Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
       result.address_v6[groupCount*2+1] = cast[uint8](currentShort and 0xFF)
   else: # Must parse IPv4 address
-    for i,c in address_str[v4StartPos..high(address_str)]:
+    for i,c in addressStr[v4StartPos..high(addressStr)]:
       if c in strutils.Digits: # Character is a number
         currentShort = currentShort * 10 + cast[uint32](ord(c) - ord('0'))
         if currentShort > 255'u32:
@@ -386,21 +386,21 @@ proc parseIPv6Address(address_str: string): IpAddress =
     raise newException(ValueError,
       "Invalid IP Address. The address consists of too many groups")
-proc parseIpAddress*(address_str: string): IpAddress =
+proc parseIpAddress*(addressStr: string): IpAddress =
   ## Parses an IP address
   ## Raises EInvalidValue on error
-  if address_str == nil:
-    raise newException(ValueError, "IP Address string is nil")
-  if address_str.contains(':'):
-    return parseIPv6Address(address_str)
+  if addressStr.len == 0:
+    raise newException(ValueError, "IP Address string is empty")
+  if addressStr.contains(':'):
+    return parseIPv6Address(addressStr)
-    return parseIPv4Address(address_str)
+    return parseIPv4Address(addressStr)
-proc isIpAddress*(address_str: string): bool {.tags: [].} =
+proc isIpAddress*(addressStr: string): bool {.tags: [].} =
   ## Checks if a string is an IP address
   ## Returns true if it is, false otherwise
-    discard parseIpAddress(address_str)
+    discard parseIpAddress(addressStr)
   except ValueError:
     return false
   return true
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ when defineSsl:
   proc pskClientCallback(ssl: SslPtr; hint: cstring; identity: cstring; max_identity_len: cuint; psk: ptr cuchar;
     max_psk_len: cuint): cuint {.cdecl.} =
     let ctx = SSLContext(context: ssl.SSL_get_SSL_CTX)
-    let hintString = if hint == nil: nil else: $hint
+    let hintString = if hint == nil: "" else: $hint
     let (identityString, pskString) = (ctx.clientGetPskFunc)(hintString)
     if psk.len.cuint > max_psk_len:
       return 0
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ when defineSsl:
   proc wrapConnectedSocket*(ctx: SSLContext, socket: Socket,
                             handshake: SslHandshakeType,
-                            hostname: string = nil) =
+                            hostname: string = "") =
     ## Wraps a connected socket in an SSL context. This function effectively
     ## turns ``socket`` into an SSL socket.
     ## ``hostname`` should be specified so that the client knows which hostname
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ when defineSsl:
     wrapSocket(ctx, socket)
     case handshake
     of handshakeAsClient:
-      if not hostname.isNil and not isIpAddress(hostname):
+      if hostname.len > 0 and not isIpAddress(hostname):
         # Discard result in case OpenSSL version doesn't support SNI, or we're
         # not using TLSv1+
         discard SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(socket.sslHandle, hostname)
diff --git a/lib/pure/parseopt2.nim b/lib/pure/parseopt2.nim
index b54a56c0c..51a70b6d1 100644
--- a/lib/pure/parseopt2.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/parseopt2.nim
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ type
 proc initOptParser*(cmdline: seq[string]): OptParser {.rtl.} =
   ## Initalizes option parses with cmdline. cmdline should not contain
   ## argument 0 - program name.
-  ## If cmdline == nil default to current command line arguments.
+  ## If cmdline.len == 0 default to current command line arguments.
   result.remainingShortOptions = ""
   when not defined(createNimRtl):
-    if cmdline == nil:
+    if cmdline.len == 0:
       result.cmd = commandLineParams()
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ proc initOptParser*(cmdline: string): OptParser {.rtl, deprecated.} =
   ## and calls initOptParser(openarray[string])
   ## Do not use.
   if cmdline == "": # backward compatibility
-    return initOptParser(seq[string](nil))
+    return initOptParser(@[])
     return initOptParser(cmdline.split)
diff --git a/lib/pure/parsexml.nim b/lib/pure/parsexml.nim
index e0000aad3..fe933fb79 100644
--- a/lib/pure/parsexml.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/parsexml.nim
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ type
     kind: XmlEventKind
     err: XmlErrorKind
     state: ParserState
+    cIsEmpty: bool
     filename: string
     options: set[XmlParseOption]
@@ -125,7 +126,8 @@ proc open*(my: var XmlParser, input: Stream, filename: string,
   my.kind = xmlError
   my.a = ""
   my.b = ""
-  my.c = nil
+  my.c = ""
+  my.cIsEmpty = true
   my.options = options
 proc close*(my: var XmlParser) {.inline.} =
@@ -482,6 +484,7 @@ proc parseTag(my: var XmlParser) =
     my.kind = xmlElementOpen
     my.state = stateAttr
     my.c = my.a # save for later
+    my.cIsEmpty = false
     my.kind = xmlElementStart
     let slash = my.buf[my.bufpos] == '/'
@@ -490,7 +493,8 @@ proc parseTag(my: var XmlParser) =
     if slash and my.buf[my.bufpos] == '>':
       my.state = stateEmptyElementTag
-      my.c = nil
+      my.c = ""
+      my.cIsEmpty = true
     elif my.buf[my.bufpos] == '>':
@@ -678,7 +682,7 @@ proc next*(my: var XmlParser) =
   of stateEmptyElementTag:
     my.state = stateNormal
     my.kind = xmlElementEnd
-    if not my.c.isNil:
+    if not my.cIsEmpty:
       my.a = my.c
   of stateError:
     my.kind = xmlError
diff --git a/lib/pure/pegs.nim b/lib/pure/pegs.nim
index d16527a56..02a2d6900 100644
--- a/lib/pure/pegs.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/pegs.nim
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ template fillMatches(s, caps, c) =
     if startIdx != -1:
       caps[k] = substr(s, startIdx, endIdx)
-      caps[k] = nil
+      caps[k] = ""
 proc matchLen*(s: string, pattern: Peg, matches: var openArray[string],
                start = 0): int {.nosideEffect, rtl, extern: "npegs$1Capture".} =
@@ -1854,7 +1854,7 @@ when isMainModule:
   assert match("prefix/start", peg"^start$", 7)
   if "foo" =~ peg"{'a'}?.*":
-    assert matches[0] == nil
+    assert matches[0].len == 0
   else: assert false
   if "foo" =~ peg"{''}.*":
diff --git a/lib/pure/ropes.nim b/lib/pure/ropes.nim
index 9b9cdb52a..fb371cdce 100644
--- a/lib/pure/ropes.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/ropes.nim
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type
     length: int
     data: string # != nil if a leaf
-proc isConc(r: Rope): bool {.inline.} = return isNil(
+proc isConc(r: Rope): bool {.inline.} = return r.length > 0
 # Note that the left and right pointers are not needed for leafs.
 # Leaves have relatively high memory overhead (~30 bytes on a 32
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ proc isConc(r: Rope): bool {.inline.} = return isNil(
 proc len*(a: Rope): int {.rtl, extern: "nro$1".} =
   ## the rope's length
   if a == nil: result = 0
-  else: result = a.length
+  else: result = abs a.length
 proc newRope(): Rope = new(result)
 proc newRope(data: string): Rope =
-  result.length = len(data)
+  result.length = -len(data) = data
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ proc insertInCache(s: string, tree: Rope): Rope =
       result.left = t
       t.right = nil
-proc rope*(s: string = nil): Rope {.rtl, extern: "nro$1Str".} =
+proc rope*(s: string = ""): Rope {.rtl, extern: "nro$1Str".} =
   ## Converts a string to a rope.
   if s.len == 0:
     result = nil
@@ -170,17 +170,7 @@ proc `&`*(a, b: Rope): Rope {.rtl, extern: "nroConcRopeRope".} =
     result = a
     result = newRope()
-    result.length = a.length + b.length
-    when false:
-      # XXX rebalancing would be nice, but is too expensive.
-      result.left = a.left
-      var x = newRope()
-      x.left = a.right
-      x.right = b
-      result.right = x
-    else:
-      result.left = a
-      result.right = b
+    result.length = abs(a.length) + abs(b.length)
 proc `&`*(a: Rope, b: string): Rope {.rtl, extern: "nroConcRopeStr".} =
   ## the concatenation operator for ropes.
@@ -229,7 +219,6 @@ iterator leaves*(r: Rope): string =
         it = it.left
         assert(it != nil)
-      assert( != nil)
 iterator items*(r: Rope): char =
@@ -250,54 +239,6 @@ proc `$`*(r: Rope): string  {.rtl, extern: "nroToString".}=
   result = newStringOfCap(r.len)
   for s in leaves(r): add(result, s)
-when false:
-  # Format string caching seems reasonable: All leaves can be shared and format
-  # string parsing has to be done only once. A compiled format string is stored
-  # as a rope. A negative length is used for the index into the args array.
-  proc compiledArg(idx: int): Rope =
-    new(result)
-    result.length = -idx
-  proc compileFrmt(frmt: string): Rope =
-    var i = 0
-    var length = len(frmt)
-    result = nil
-    var num = 0
-    while i < length:
-      if frmt[i] == '$':
-        inc(i)
-        case frmt[i]
-        of '$':
-          add(result, "$")
-          inc(i)
-        of '#':
-          inc(i)
-          add(result, compiledArg(num+1))
-          inc(num)
-        of '0'..'9':
-          var j = 0
-          while true:
-            j = j * 10 + ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0')
-            inc(i)
-            if frmt[i] notin {'0'..'9'}: break
-          add(s, compiledArg(j))
-        of '{':
-          inc(i)
-          var j = 0
-          while frmt[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-            j = j * 10 + ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0')
-            inc(i)
-          if frmt[i] == '}': inc(i)
-          else: raise newException(EInvalidValue, "invalid format string")
-          add(s, compiledArg(j))
-        else: raise newException(EInvalidValue, "invalid format string")
-      var start = i
-      while i < length:
-        if frmt[i] != '$': inc(i)
-        else: break
-      if i - 1 >= start:
-        add(result, substr(frmt, start, i-1))
 proc `%`*(frmt: string, args: openArray[Rope]): Rope {.
   rtl, extern: "nroFormat".} =
   ## `%` substitution operator for ropes. Does not support the ``$identifier``
diff --git a/lib/pure/smtp.nim b/lib/pure/smtp.nim
index c2c674b84..d9b863a52 100644
--- a/lib/pure/smtp.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/smtp.nim
@@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ proc newSmtp*(useSsl = false, debug=false,
     when compiledWithSsl:
-      raise newException(SystemError,
-                         "SMTP module compiled without SSL support")
+      {.error: "SMTP module compiled without SSL support".}
 proc newAsyncSmtp*(useSsl = false, debug=false,
                    sslContext = defaultSslContext): AsyncSmtp =
@@ -133,8 +132,7 @@ proc newAsyncSmtp*(useSsl = false, debug=false,
     when compiledWithSsl:
-      raise newException(SystemError,
-                         "SMTP module compiled without SSL support")
+      {.error: "SMTP module compiled without SSL support".}
 proc quitExcpt(smtp: AsyncSmtp, msg: string): Future[void] =
   var retFuture = newFuture[void]()
diff --git a/lib/pure/streams.nim b/lib/pure/streams.nim
index 1ab73faea..09626136f 100644
--- a/lib/pure/streams.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/streams.nim
@@ -377,7 +377,10 @@ when not defined(js):
   proc ssClose(s: Stream) =
     var s = StringStream(s)
- = nil
+    when defined(nimNoNilSeqs):
+ = ""
+    else:
+ = nil
   proc newStringStream*(s: string = ""): StringStream =
     ## creates a new stream from the string `s`.
diff --git a/lib/pure/strutils.nim b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
index be7ff60a2..33f153587 100644
--- a/lib/pure/strutils.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
@@ -358,9 +358,6 @@ proc isNilOrEmpty*(s: string): bool {.noSideEffect, procvar, rtl,
 proc isNilOrWhitespace*(s: string): bool {.noSideEffect, procvar, rtl, extern: "nsuIsNilOrWhitespace".} =
   ## Checks if `s` is nil or consists entirely of whitespace characters.
-  if len(s) == 0:
-    return true
   result = true
   for c in s:
     if not c.isSpaceAscii():
@@ -1378,9 +1375,11 @@ proc find*(s: string, sub: char, start: Natural = 0, last: Natural = 0): int {.n
       if sub == s[i]: return i
     when hasCStringBuiltin:
-      let found = c_memchr(s[start].unsafeAddr, sub, last-start+1)
-      if not found.isNil:
-        return cast[ByteAddress](found) -% cast[ByteAddress](s.cstring)
+      let L = last-start+1
+      if L > 0:
+        let found = c_memchr(s[start].unsafeAddr, sub, L)
+        if not found.isNil:
+          return cast[ByteAddress](found) -% cast[ByteAddress](s.cstring)
       for i in start..last:
         if sub == s[i]: return i
@@ -1527,7 +1526,7 @@ proc replace*(s, sub: string, by = ""): string {.noSideEffect,
   elif subLen == 1:
     # when the pattern is a single char, we use a faster
     # char-based search that doesn't need a skip table:
-    var c = sub[0]
+    let c = sub[0]
     let last = s.high
     var i = 0
     while true:
diff --git a/lib/pure/unittest.nim b/lib/pure/unittest.nim
index aa07a4fa6..757bf4745 100644
--- a/lib/pure/unittest.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/unittest.nim
@@ -176,10 +176,7 @@ method suiteEnded*(formatter: OutputFormatter) {.base, gcsafe.} =
 proc addOutputFormatter*(formatter: OutputFormatter) =
-  if formatters == nil:
-    formatters = @[formatter]
-  else:
-    formatters.add(formatter)
+  formatters.add(formatter)
 proc newConsoleOutputFormatter*(outputLevel: OutputLevel = PRINT_ALL,
                                 colorOutput = true): ConsoleOutputFormatter =
@@ -225,7 +222,7 @@ method testStarted*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter, testName: string) =
   formatter.isInTest = true
 method failureOccurred*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter, checkpoints: seq[string], stackTrace: string) =
-  if stackTrace != nil:
+  if stackTrace.len > 0:
     echo stackTrace
   let prefix = if formatter.isInSuite: "    " else: ""
   for msg in items(checkpoints):
@@ -236,7 +233,7 @@ method testEnded*(formatter: ConsoleOutputFormatter, testResult: TestResult) =
   if formatter.outputLevel != PRINT_NONE and
      (formatter.outputLevel == PRINT_ALL or testResult.status == FAILED):
-    let prefix = if testResult.suiteName != nil: "  " else: ""
+    let prefix = if testResult.suiteName.len > 0: "  " else: ""
     template rawPrint() = echo(prefix, "[", $testResult.status, "] ", testResult.testName)
     when not defined(ECMAScript):
       if formatter.colorOutput and not defined(ECMAScript):
@@ -301,7 +298,7 @@ method failureOccurred*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter, checkpoints: seq[string
   ## ``stackTrace`` is provided only if the failure occurred due to an exception.
   ## ``checkpoints`` is never ``nil``.
-  if stackTrace != nil:
+  if stackTrace.len > 0:
     formatter.testStackTrace = stackTrace
 method testEnded*(formatter: JUnitOutputFormatter, testResult: TestResult) =
@@ -392,7 +389,7 @@ proc shouldRun(currentSuiteName, testName: string): bool =
   return false
 proc ensureInitialized() =
-  if formatters == nil:
+  if formatters.len == 0:
     formatters = @[OutputFormatter(defaultConsoleFormatter())]
   if not disabledParamFiltering and not testsFilters.isValid:
@@ -507,7 +504,7 @@ template test*(name, body) {.dirty.} =
       if testStatusIMPL == FAILED:
         programResult += 1
       let testResult = TestResult(
-        suiteName: when declared(testSuiteName): testSuiteName else: nil,
+        suiteName: when declared(testSuiteName): testSuiteName else: "",
         testName: name,
         status: testStatusIMPL
@@ -555,7 +552,7 @@ template fail* =
     when declared(stackTrace):
       formatter.failureOccurred(checkpoints, stackTrace)
-      formatter.failureOccurred(checkpoints, nil)
+      formatter.failureOccurred(checkpoints, "")
   when not defined(ECMAScript):
     if abortOnError: quit(programResult)
diff --git a/lib/pure/xmldom.nim b/lib/pure/xmldom.nim
index 8cd47aa39..1a9e4ae26 100644
--- a/lib/pure/xmldom.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/xmldom.nim
@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ proc createAttribute*(doc: PDocument, name: string): PAttr =
   attrNode.fName = name
   attrNode.fNodeName = name
-  attrNode.fLocalName = nil
-  attrNode.prefix = nil
-  attrNode.fNamespaceURI = nil
+  attrNode.fLocalName = ""
+  attrNode.prefix = ""
+  attrNode.fNamespaceURI = ""
   attrNode.value = ""
   attrNode.fSpecified = false
   return attrNode
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ proc createAttributeNS*(doc: PDocument, namespaceURI: string, qualifiedName: str
     attrNode.prefix = qualifiedName.split(':')[0]
     attrNode.fLocalName = qualifiedName.split(':')[1]
-    attrNode.prefix = nil
+    attrNode.prefix = ""
     attrNode.fLocalName = qualifiedName
   attrNode.value = ""
@@ -298,9 +298,9 @@ proc createElement*(doc: PDocument, tagName: string): PElement =
   elNode.fTagName = tagName
   elNode.fNodeName = tagName
-  elNode.fLocalName = nil
-  elNode.prefix = nil
-  elNode.fNamespaceURI = nil
+  elNode.fLocalName = ""
+  elNode.prefix = ""
+  elNode.fNamespaceURI = ""
   elNode.childNodes = @[]
   elNode.attributes = @[]
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ proc createElementNS*(doc: PDocument, namespaceURI: string, qualifiedName: strin
     elNode.prefix = qualifiedName.split(':')[0]
     elNode.fLocalName = qualifiedName.split(':')[1]
-    elNode.prefix = nil
+    elNode.prefix = ""
     elNode.fLocalName = qualifiedName
   elNode.fNamespaceURI = namespaceURI
   elNode.childNodes = @[]
@@ -893,22 +893,22 @@ proc tagName*(el: PElement): string =
 proc getAttribute*(el: PNode, name: string): string =
   ## Retrieves an attribute value by ``name``
   if isNil(el.attributes):
-    return nil
+    return ""
   var attribute = el.attributes.getNamedItem(name)
   if not isNil(attribute):
     return attribute.value
-    return nil
+    return ""
 proc getAttributeNS*(el: PNode, namespaceURI: string, localName: string): string =
   ## Retrieves an attribute value by ``localName`` and ``namespaceURI``
   if isNil(el.attributes):
-    return nil
+    return ""
   var attribute = el.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName)
   if not isNil(attribute):
     return attribute.value
-    return nil
+    return ""
 proc getAttributeNode*(el: PElement, name: string): PAttr =
   ## Retrieves an attribute node by ``name``
diff --git a/lib/pure/xmldomparser.nim b/lib/pure/xmldomparser.nim
index 7c7f7b99c..8d995102e 100644
--- a/lib/pure/xmldomparser.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/xmldomparser.nim
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ proc loadXMLStream*(stream: Stream): PDocument =
   ## a ``PDocument``
   var x: XmlParser
-  open(x, stream, nil, {reportComments})
+  open(x, stream, "", {reportComments})
   var xmlDoc: PDocument
   var dom: PDOMImplementation = getDOM()
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
   for i in items(xml.getElementsByTagName("*")):
-    if i.namespaceURI != nil:
+    if i.namespaceURI.len > 0:
       echo(i.nodeName, "=", i.namespaceURI)