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path: root/lib/system/widestrs.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/system/widestrs.nim')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/system/widestrs.nim b/lib/system/widestrs.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..588093d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/system/widestrs.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@


+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library

+#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf


+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this

+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.



+## Nimrod support for C/C++'s `wide strings`:idx:. This is part of the system

+## module! Do not import it directly!



+  TUtf16Char* = distinct int16

+  WideCString* = ptr array[0.. 1_000_000, TUtf16Char]


+proc len*(w: WideCString): int =

+  ## returns the length of a widestring. This traverses the whole string to

+  ## find the binary zero end marker!

+  while int16(w[result]) != 0'i16: inc result


+when true:

+  const

+    UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR = TUtf16Char(0xFFFD'i16)

+    UNI_MAX_BMP = 0x0000FFFF

+    UNI_MAX_UTF16 = 0x0010FFFF


+    UNI_MAX_LEGAL_UTF32 = 0x0010FFFF


+    halfShift = 10

+    halfBase = 0x0010000

+    halfMask = 0x3FF


+    UNI_SUR_HIGH_START = 0xD800





+  template ones(n: expr): expr = ((1 shl n)-1)


+  template fastRuneAt(s: cstring, i: int, result: expr, doInc = true) =

+    ## Returns the unicode character ``s[i]`` in `result`. If ``doInc == true``

+    ## `i` is incremented by the number of bytes that have been processed.

+    bind ones


+    if ord(s[i]) <=% 127:

+      result = ord(s[i])

+      when doInc: inc(i)

+    elif ord(s[i]) shr 5 == 0b110:

+      #assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)

+      result = (ord(s[i]) and (ones(5))) shl 6 or (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6))

+      when doInc: inc(i, 2)

+    elif ord(s[i]) shr 4 == 0b1110:

+      #assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)

+      #assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)

+      result = (ord(s[i]) and ones(4)) shl 12 or

+               (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 6 or

+               (ord(s[i+2]) and ones(6))

+      when doInc: inc(i, 3)

+    elif ord(s[i]) shr 3 == 0b11110:

+      #assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)

+      #assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)

+      #assert(ord(s[i+3]) shr 6 == 0b10)

+      result = (ord(s[i]) and ones(3)) shl 18 or

+               (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 12 or

+               (ord(s[i+2]) and ones(6)) shl 6 or

+               (ord(s[i+3]) and ones(6))

+      when doInc: inc(i, 4)

+    else:

+      result = 0xFFFD

+      when doInc: inc(i)


+  iterator runes(s: cstring): int =

+    var

+      i = 0

+      result: int

+    while s[i] != '\0':

+      fastRuneAt(s, i, result, true)

+      yield result


+  proc allocWideCString*(source: cstring, L: int): WideCString =

+    ## free after usage with `dealloc`.

+    result = cast[wideCString](alloc(L * 4 + 2))

+    var d = 0

+    for ch in runes(source):

+      if ch <=% UNI_MAX_BMP:

+        if ch >=% UNI_SUR_HIGH_START and ch <=% UNI_SUR_LOW_END:

+          result[d] = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR

+        else:

+          result[d] = TUtf16Char(toU16(ch))

+      elif ch >% UNI_MAX_UTF16:

+        result[d] = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR

+      else:

+        let ch = ch -% halfBase

+        result[d] = TUtf16Char(toU16((ch shr halfShift) +% UNI_SUR_HIGH_START))

+        inc d

+        result[d] = TUtf16Char(toU16((ch and halfMask) +% UNI_SUR_LOW_START))

+      inc d

+    result[d] = TUtf16Char(0'i16)


+  proc allocWideCString*(s: cstring): WideCString =

+    ## free after usage with `dealloc`.

+    if s.isNil: return nil


+    when not defined(c_strlen):

+      proc c_strlen(a: CString): int {.nodecl, noSideEffect, importc: "strlen".}


+    let L = cstrlen(s)

+    result = allocWideCString(s, L)


+  proc allocWideCString*(s: string): WideCString =

+    ## free after usage with `dealloc`.

+    result = allocWideCString(s, s.len)


+  proc `$`*(w: wideCString, estimate: int): string =

+    result = newStringOfCap(estimate + estimate shr 2)


+    var i = 0

+    while w[i].int16 != 0'i16:

+      var ch = w[i].int

+      inc i

+      if ch >=% UNI_SUR_HIGH_START and ch <=% UNI_SUR_HIGH_END:

+        # If the 16 bits following the high surrogate are in the source buffer...

+        let ch2 = w[i].int

+        # If it's a low surrogate, convert to UTF32:

+        if ch2 >=% UNI_SUR_LOW_START and ch2 <=% UNI_SUR_LOW_END:

+          ch = ((ch -% UNI_SUR_HIGH_START) shr halfShift) +%

+                (ch2 -% UNI_SUR_LOW_START) +% halfBase

+          inc i


+      if ch <=% 127:

+        result.add chr(ch)

+      elif ch <=% 0x07FF:

+        result.add chr((ch shr 6) or 0b110_00000)

+        result.add chr((ch and ones(6)) or 0b10_000000)

+      elif ch <=% 0xFFFF:

+        result.add chr(ch shr 12 or 0b1110_0000)

+        result.add chr(ch shr 6 and ones(6) or 0b10_0000_00)

+        result.add chr(ch and ones(6) or 0b10_0000_00)

+      elif ch <=% 0x0010FFFF:

+        result.add chr(ch shr 18 or 0b1111_0000)

+        result.add chr(ch shr 12 and ones(6) or 0b10_0000_00)

+        result.add chr(ch shr 6 and ones(6) or 0b10_0000_00)

+        result.add chr(ch and ones(6) or 0b10_0000_00)

+      else:

+        # replacement char:

+        result.add chr(0xFFFD shr 12 or 0b1110_0000)

+        result.add chr(0xFFFD shr 6 and ones(6) or 0b10_0000_00)

+        result.add chr(0xFFFD and ones(6) or 0b10_0000_00)


+  proc `$`*(s: WideCString): string =

+    result = s $ 80



+  const

+    utf8Encoding = 65001


+  proc MultiByteToWideChar*(

+    CodePage: int32,

+    dwFlags: int32,

+    lpMultiByteStr: cstring,

+    cbMultiByte: cint,

+    lpWideCharStr: WideCString,

+    cchWideChar: cint): cint {.

+      stdcall, importc: "MultiByteToWideChar", dynlib: "kernel32".}


+  proc WideCharToMultiByte*(

+    CodePage: int32,

+    dwFlags: int32,

+    lpWideCharStr: WideCString,

+    cchWideChar: cint,

+    lpMultiByteStr: cstring,

+    cbMultiByte: cint,

+    lpDefaultChar: cstring=nil,

+    lpUsedDefaultChar: pointer=nil): cint {.

+      stdcall, importc: "WideCharToMultiByte", dynlib: "kernel32".}


+  proc raiseEncodingError() {.noinline, noreturn.} =

+    raise newException(EOS, "error in unicode conversion")


+  proc `$`*(s: WideCString, len: int): string =

+    # special case: empty string: needed because MultiByteToWideChar

+    # returns 0 in case of error:

+    if len == 0: return ""


+    # educated guess of capacity:

+    var cap = len + len shr 2

+    result = newStringOfCap(cap)


+    let m = WideCharToMultiByte(

+      CodePage = utf8Encoding,

+      dwFlags = 0'i32,

+      lpWideCharStr = s,

+      cchWideChar = cint(len),

+      lpMultiByteStr = cstring(result),

+      cbMultiByte = cap)

+    if m == 0:

+      # try again; ask for capacity:

+      cap = WideCharToMultiByte(

+        CodePage = utf8Encoding,

+        dwFlags = 0'i32,

+        lpWideCharStr = s,

+        cchWideChar = cint(len),

+        lpMultiByteStr = nil,

+        cbMultiByte = cint(0))

+      # and do the conversion properly:

+      result = newStringOfCap(cap)

+      let m = WideCharToMultiByte(

+        CodePage = utf8Encoding,

+        dwFlags = 0'i32,

+        lpWideCharStr = s,

+        cchWideChar = cint(len),

+        lpMultiByteStr = cstring(result),

+        cbMultiByte = cap)

+      if m == 0: raiseEncodingError()

+      setLen(result, m)

+    elif m <= cap:

+      setLen(result, m)

+    else:

+      sysAssert(false, "") # cannot happen


+  proc `$`*(s: WideCString): string =

+    result = s $ s.len


+  proc allocWideCString*(s: string): WideCString =

+    ## free after usage with `dealloc`.

+    let cap = s.len+1

+    result = cast[wideCString](alloc0(cap * 2))

+    # special case: empty string: needed because MultiByteToWideChar

+    # return 0 in case of error:

+    if s.len == 0: return

+    # convert to utf-16 LE

+    let m = MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage = utf8Encoding, dwFlags = 0'i32, 

+                                lpMultiByteStr = cstring(s),

+                                cbMultiByte = cint(s.len),

+                                lpWideCharStr = result,

+                                cchWideChar = cint(cap))

+    if m == 0: raiseEncodingError()


+  proc allocWideCString*(s: cstring): WideCString =

+    ## free after usage with `dealloc`.

+    if s.isNil: return nil


+    when not defined(c_strlen):

+      proc c_strlen(a: CString): int {.nodecl, noSideEffect, importc: "strlen".}


+    let len = cstrlen(s)

+    let cap = len+1

+    result = cast[wideCString](alloc0(cap * 2))

+    # special case: empty string: needed because MultiByteToWideChar

+    # return 0 in case of error:

+    if s.len == 0: return

+    # convert to utf-16 LE

+    let m = MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage = utf8Encoding, dwFlags = 0'i32, 

+                                lpMultiByteStr = s,

+                                cbMultiByte = cint(len),

+                                lpWideCharStr = result,

+                                cchWideChar = cint(cap))

+    if m == 0: raiseEncodingError()
