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path: root/lib/system
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/system')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/system/alloc.nim b/lib/system/alloc.nim
index ca2d76225..ffb7aaf86 100644
--- a/lib/system/alloc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/alloc.nim
@@ -436,8 +436,9 @@ proc requestOsChunks(a: var MemRegion, size: int): PBigChunk =
         a.nextChunkSize = PageSize*4
         a.nextChunkSize = min(roundup(usedMem shr 2, PageSize), a.nextChunkSize * 2)
-  var size = size
+        a.nextChunkSize = min(a.nextChunkSize, MaxBigChunkSize)
+  var size = size
   if size > a.nextChunkSize:
     result = cast[PBigChunk](osAllocPages(size))
' href='#n100'>100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## BTree implementation with few features, but good enough for the
## Nim compiler's needs.

  M = 512    # max children per B-tree node = M-1
             # (must be even and greater than 2)
  Mhalf = M div 2

  Node[Key, Val] = ref object
    entries: int
    keys: array[M, Key]
    case isInternal: bool
    of false:
      vals: array[M, Val]
    of true:
      links: array[M, Node[Key, Val]]
  BTree*[Key, Val] = object
    root: Node[Key, Val]
    entries: int      ## number of key-value pairs

proc initBTree*[Key, Val](): BTree[Key, Val] =
  BTree[Key, Val](root: Node[Key, Val](entries: 0, isInternal: false))

template less(a, b): bool = cmp(a, b) < 0
template eq(a, b): bool = cmp(a, b) == 0

proc getOrDefault*[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val], key: Key): Val =
  var x = b.root
  while x.isInternal:
    for j in 0..<x.entries:
      if j+1 == x.entries or less(key, x.keys[j+1]):
        x = x.links[j]
  assert(not x.isInternal)
  for j in 0..<x.entries:
    if eq(key, x.keys[j]): return x.vals[j]

proc contains*[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val], key: Key): bool =
  var x = b.root
  while x.isInternal:
    for j in 0..<x.entries:
      if j+1 == x.entries or less(key, x.keys[j+1]):
        x = x.links[j]
  assert(not x.isInternal)
  for j in 0..<x.entries:
    if eq(key, x.keys[j]): return true
  return false

proc copyHalf[Key, Val](h, result: Node[Key, Val]) =
  for j in 0..<Mhalf:
    result.keys[j] = h.keys[Mhalf + j]
  if h.isInternal:
    for j in 0..<Mhalf:
      result.links[j] = h.links[Mhalf + j]
    for j in 0..<Mhalf:
      shallowCopy(result.vals[j], h.vals[Mhalf + j])

proc split[Key, Val](h: Node[Key, Val]): Node[Key, Val] =
  ## split node in half
  result = Node[Key, Val](entries: Mhalf, isInternal: h.isInternal)
  h.entries = Mhalf
  copyHalf(h, result)

proc insert[Key, Val](h: Node[Key, Val], key: Key, val: Val): Node[Key, Val] =
  #var t = Entry(key: key, val: val, next: nil)
  var newKey = key
  var j = 0
  if not h.isInternal:
    while j < h.entries:
      if eq(key, h.keys[j]):
        h.vals[j] = val
      if less(key, h.keys[j]): break
      inc j
    for i in countdown(h.entries, j+1):
      shallowCopy(h.vals[i], h.vals[i-1])
    h.vals[j] = val
    var newLink: Node[Key, Val] = nil
    while j < h.entries:
      if j+1 == h.entries or less(key, h.keys[j+1]):
        let u = insert(h.links[j], key, val)
        inc j
        if u == nil: return nil
        newKey = u.keys[0]
        newLink = u
      inc j
    for i in countdown(h.entries, j+1):
      h.links[i] = h.links[i-1]
    h.links[j] = newLink

  for i in countdown(h.entries, j+1):
    h.keys[i] = h.keys[i-1]
  h.keys[j] = newKey
  inc h.entries
  return if h.entries < M: nil else: split(h)

proc add*[Key, Val](b: var BTree[Key, Val]; key: Key; val: Val) =
  let u = insert(b.root, key, val)
  inc b.entries
  if u == nil: return

  # need to split root
  let t = Node[Key, Val](entries: 2, isInternal: true)
  t.keys[0] = b.root.keys[0]
  t.links[0] = b.root
  t.keys[1] = u.keys[0]
  t.links[1] = u
  b.root = t

proc toString[Key, Val](h: Node[Key, Val], indent: string; result: var string) =
  if not h.isInternal:
    for j in 0..<h.entries:
      result.add($h.keys[j] & " " & $h.vals[j] & "\n")
    for j in 0..<h.entries:
      if j > 0: result.add(indent & "(" & $h.keys[j] & ")\n")
      toString(h.links[j], indent & "   ", result)

proc `$`[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val]): string =
  result = ""
  toString(b.root, "", result)

proc hasNext*[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val]; index: int): bool = index < b.entries

proc countSubTree[Key, Val](it: Node[Key, Val]): int =
  if it.isInternal:
    result = 0
    for k in 0..<it.entries:
      inc result, countSubTree(it.links[k])
    result = it.entries

proc next*[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val]; index: int): (Key, Val, int) =
  var it = b.root
  var i = index
  # navigate to the right leaf:
  while it.isInternal:
    var sum = 0
    for k in 0..<it.entries:
      let c = countSubTree(it.links[k])
      inc sum, c
      if sum > i:
        it = it.links[k]
        dec i, (sum - c)
  result = (it.keys[i], it.vals[i], index+1)

iterator pairs*[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val]): (Key, Val) =
  var i = 0
  while hasNext(b, i):
    let (k, v, i2) = next(b, i)
    i = i2
    yield (k, v)

proc len*[Key, Val](b: BTree[Key, Val]): int {.inline.} = b.entries