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25 files changed, 833 insertions, 704 deletions
diff --git a/lib/system/alloc.nim b/lib/system/alloc.nim
index ad3419808..76232499e 100644
--- a/lib/system/alloc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/alloc.nim
@@ -98,46 +98,49 @@ const
   SmallChunkSize = PageSize
-  PTrunk = ptr TTrunk
-  TTrunk {.final.} = object
+  PTrunk = ptr Trunk
+  Trunk {.final.} = object
     next: PTrunk         # all nodes are connected with this pointer
     key: int             # start address at bit 0
     bits: array[0..IntsPerTrunk-1, int] # a bit vector
-  TTrunkBuckets = array[0..255, PTrunk]
-  TIntSet {.final.} = object
-    data: TTrunkBuckets
+  TrunkBuckets = array[0..255, PTrunk]
+  IntSet {.final.} = object
+    data: TrunkBuckets
+{.deprecated: [TIntSet: IntSet, TTrunk: Trunk, TTrunkBuckets: TrunkBuckets].}
-  TAlignType = BiggestFloat
-  TFreeCell {.final, pure.} = object
-    next: ptr TFreeCell  # next free cell in chunk (overlaid with refcount)
+  AlignType = BiggestFloat
+  FreeCell {.final, pure.} = object
+    next: ptr FreeCell  # next free cell in chunk (overlaid with refcount)
     zeroField: int       # 0 means cell is not used (overlaid with typ field)
                          # 1 means cell is manually managed pointer
                          # otherwise a PNimType is stored in there
-  PChunk = ptr TBaseChunk
-  PBigChunk = ptr TBigChunk
-  PSmallChunk = ptr TSmallChunk
-  TBaseChunk {.pure, inheritable.} = object
+  PChunk = ptr BaseChunk
+  PBigChunk = ptr BigChunk
+  PSmallChunk = ptr SmallChunk
+  BaseChunk {.pure, inheritable.} = object
     prevSize: int        # size of previous chunk; for coalescing
     size: int            # if < PageSize it is a small chunk
     used: bool           # later will be optimized into prevSize...
-  TSmallChunk = object of TBaseChunk
+  SmallChunk = object of BaseChunk
     next, prev: PSmallChunk  # chunks of the same size
-    freeList: ptr TFreeCell
+    freeList: ptr FreeCell
     free: int            # how many bytes remain
     acc: int             # accumulator for small object allocation
-    data: TAlignType     # start of usable memory
+    data: AlignType      # start of usable memory
-  TBigChunk = object of TBaseChunk # not necessarily > PageSize!
+  BigChunk = object of BaseChunk # not necessarily > PageSize!
     next, prev: PBigChunk    # chunks of the same (or bigger) size
     align: int
-    data: TAlignType     # start of usable memory
+    data: AlignType      # start of usable memory
+{.deprecated: [TAlignType: AlignType, TFreeCell: FreeCell, TBaseChunk: BaseChunk,
+              TBigChunk: BigChunk, TSmallChunk: SmallChunk].}
-template smallChunkOverhead(): expr = sizeof(TSmallChunk)-sizeof(TAlignType)
-template bigChunkOverhead(): expr = sizeof(TBigChunk)-sizeof(TAlignType)
+template smallChunkOverhead(): expr = sizeof(SmallChunk)-sizeof(AlignType)
+template bigChunkOverhead(): expr = sizeof(BigChunk)-sizeof(AlignType)
 proc roundup(x, v: int): int {.inline.} =
   result = (x + (v-1)) and not (v-1)
@@ -156,31 +159,32 @@ sysAssert(roundup(65, 8) == 72, "roundup broken 2")
 # to the OS), a fixed size array can be used.
-  PLLChunk = ptr TLLChunk
-  TLLChunk {.pure.} = object ## *low-level* chunk
+  PLLChunk = ptr LLChunk
+  LLChunk {.pure.} = object ## *low-level* chunk
     size: int                # remaining size
     acc: int                 # accumulator
     next: PLLChunk           # next low-level chunk; only needed for dealloc
-  PAvlNode = ptr TAvlNode
-  TAvlNode {.pure, final.} = object
+  PAvlNode = ptr AvlNode
+  AvlNode {.pure, final.} = object
     link: array[0..1, PAvlNode] # Left (0) and right (1) links
     key, upperBound: int
     level: int
-  TMemRegion {.final, pure.} = object
+  MemRegion {.final, pure.} = object
     minLargeObj, maxLargeObj: int
     freeSmallChunks: array[0..SmallChunkSize div MemAlign-1, PSmallChunk]
     llmem: PLLChunk
     currMem, maxMem, freeMem: int # memory sizes (allocated from OS)
     lastSize: int # needed for the case that OS gives us pages linearly
     freeChunksList: PBigChunk # XXX make this a datastructure with O(1) access
-    chunkStarts: TIntSet
+    chunkStarts: IntSet
     root, deleted, last, freeAvlNodes: PAvlNode
+{.deprecated: [TLLChunk: LLChunk, TAvlNode: AvlNode, TMemRegion: MemRegion].}
 # shared:
-  bottomData: TAvlNode
+  bottomData: AvlNode
   bottom: PAvlNode
 {.push stack_trace: off.}
@@ -191,44 +195,44 @@ proc initAllocator() =[1] = bottom
-proc incCurrMem(a: var TMemRegion, bytes: int) {.inline.} =
+proc incCurrMem(a: var MemRegion, bytes: int) {.inline.} =
   inc(a.currMem, bytes)
-proc decCurrMem(a: var TMemRegion, bytes: int) {.inline.} =
+proc decCurrMem(a: var MemRegion, bytes: int) {.inline.} =
   a.maxMem = max(a.maxMem, a.currMem)
   dec(a.currMem, bytes)
-proc getMaxMem(a: var TMemRegion): int =
+proc getMaxMem(a: var MemRegion): int =
   # Since we update maxPagesCount only when freeing pages,
   # maxPagesCount may not be up to date. Thus we use the
   # maximum of these both values here:
   result = max(a.currMem, a.maxMem)
-proc llAlloc(a: var TMemRegion, size: int): pointer =
+proc llAlloc(a: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
   # *low-level* alloc for the memory managers data structures. Deallocation
   # is done at he end of the allocator's life time.
   if a.llmem == nil or size > a.llmem.size:
-    # the requested size is ``roundup(size+sizeof(TLLChunk), PageSize)``, but
+    # the requested size is ``roundup(size+sizeof(LLChunk), PageSize)``, but
     # since we know ``size`` is a (small) constant, we know the requested size
     # is one page:
-    sysAssert roundup(size+sizeof(TLLChunk), PageSize) == PageSize, "roundup 6"
+    sysAssert roundup(size+sizeof(LLChunk), PageSize) == PageSize, "roundup 6"
     var old = a.llmem # can be nil and is correct with nil
     a.llmem = cast[PLLChunk](osAllocPages(PageSize))
     incCurrMem(a, PageSize)
-    a.llmem.size = PageSize - sizeof(TLLChunk)
-    a.llmem.acc = sizeof(TLLChunk)
+    a.llmem.size = PageSize - sizeof(LLChunk)
+    a.llmem.acc = sizeof(LLChunk) = old
   result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](a.llmem) + a.llmem.acc)
   dec(a.llmem.size, size)
   inc(a.llmem.acc, size)
   zeroMem(result, size)
-proc allocAvlNode(a: var TMemRegion, key, upperBound: int): PAvlNode =
+proc allocAvlNode(a: var MemRegion, key, upperBound: int): PAvlNode =
   if a.freeAvlNodes != nil:
     result = a.freeAvlNodes
     a.freeAvlNodes =[0]
-    result = cast[PAvlNode](llAlloc(a, sizeof(TAvlNode)))
+    result = cast[PAvlNode](llAlloc(a, sizeof(AvlNode)))
   result.key = key
   result.upperBound = upperBound[0] = bottom
@@ -238,13 +242,13 @@ proc allocAvlNode(a: var TMemRegion, key, upperBound: int): PAvlNode =
   sysAssert([0] == bottom, "bottom link[0]")
   sysAssert([1] == bottom, "bottom link[1]")
-proc deallocAvlNode(a: var TMemRegion, n: PAvlNode) {.inline.} =
+proc deallocAvlNode(a: var MemRegion, n: PAvlNode) {.inline.} =[0] = a.freeAvlNodes
   a.freeAvlNodes = n
 include "system/avltree"
-proc llDeallocAll(a: var TMemRegion) =
+proc llDeallocAll(a: var MemRegion) =
   var it = a.llmem
   while it != nil:
     # we know each block in the list has the size of 1 page:
@@ -252,14 +256,14 @@ proc llDeallocAll(a: var TMemRegion) =
     osDeallocPages(it, PageSize)
     it = next
-proc intSetGet(t: TIntSet, key: int): PTrunk =
+proc intSetGet(t: IntSet, key: int): PTrunk =
   var it =[key and high(]
   while it != nil:
     if it.key == key: return it
     it =
   result = nil
-proc intSetPut(a: var TMemRegion, t: var TIntSet, key: int): PTrunk =
+proc intSetPut(a: var MemRegion, t: var IntSet, key: int): PTrunk =
   result = intSetGet(t, key)
   if result == nil:
     result = cast[PTrunk](llAlloc(a, sizeof(result[])))
@@ -267,7 +271,7 @@ proc intSetPut(a: var TMemRegion, t: var TIntSet, key: int): PTrunk =[key and high(] = result
     result.key = key
-proc contains(s: TIntSet, key: int): bool =
+proc contains(s: IntSet, key: int): bool =
   var t = intSetGet(s, key shr TrunkShift)
   if t != nil:
     var u = key and TrunkMask
@@ -275,19 +279,19 @@ proc contains(s: TIntSet, key: int): bool =
     result = false
-proc incl(a: var TMemRegion, s: var TIntSet, key: int) =
+proc incl(a: var MemRegion, s: var IntSet, key: int) =
   var t = intSetPut(a, s, key shr TrunkShift)
   var u = key and TrunkMask
   t.bits[u shr IntShift] = t.bits[u shr IntShift] or (1 shl (u and IntMask))
-proc excl(s: var TIntSet, key: int) =
+proc excl(s: var IntSet, key: int) =
   var t = intSetGet(s, key shr TrunkShift)
   if t != nil:
     var u = key and TrunkMask
     t.bits[u shr IntShift] = t.bits[u shr IntShift] and not
         (1 shl (u and IntMask))
-iterator elements(t: TIntSet): int {.inline.} =
+iterator elements(t: IntSet): int {.inline.} =
   # while traversing it is forbidden to change the set!
   for h in 0..high(
     var r =[h]
@@ -311,7 +315,7 @@ proc isSmallChunk(c: PChunk): bool {.inline.} =
 proc chunkUnused(c: PChunk): bool {.inline.} =
   result = not c.used
-iterator allObjects(m: TMemRegion): pointer {.inline.} =
+iterator allObjects(m: MemRegion): pointer {.inline.} =
   for s in elements(m.chunkStarts):
     # we need to check here again as it could have been modified:
     if s in m.chunkStarts:
@@ -331,7 +335,7 @@ iterator allObjects(m: TMemRegion): pointer {.inline.} =
           yield addr(
 proc isCell(p: pointer): bool {.inline.} =
-  result = cast[ptr TFreeCell](p).zeroField >% 1
+  result = cast[ptr FreeCell](p).zeroField >% 1
 # ------------- chunk management ----------------------------------------------
 proc pageIndex(c: PChunk): int {.inline.} =
@@ -344,7 +348,7 @@ proc pageAddr(p: pointer): PChunk {.inline.} =
   result = cast[PChunk](cast[ByteAddress](p) and not PageMask)
   #sysAssert(Contains(allocator.chunkStarts, pageIndex(result)))
-proc requestOsChunks(a: var TMemRegion, size: int): PBigChunk =
+proc requestOsChunks(a: var MemRegion, size: int): PBigChunk =
   incCurrMem(a, size)
   inc(a.freeMem, size)
   result = cast[PBigChunk](osAllocPages(size))
@@ -373,7 +377,7 @@ proc requestOsChunks(a: var TMemRegion, size: int): PBigChunk =
     result.prevSize = 0 # unknown
   a.lastSize = size # for next request
-proc freeOsChunks(a: var TMemRegion, p: pointer, size: int) =
+proc freeOsChunks(a: var MemRegion, p: pointer, size: int) =
   # update next.prevSize:
   var c = cast[PChunk](p)
   var nxt = cast[ByteAddress](p) +% c.size
@@ -387,7 +391,7 @@ proc freeOsChunks(a: var TMemRegion, p: pointer, size: int) =
   dec(a.freeMem, size)
   #c_fprintf(c_stdout, "[Alloc] back to OS: %ld\n", size)
-proc isAccessible(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): bool {.inline.} =
+proc isAccessible(a: MemRegion, p: pointer): bool {.inline.} =
   result = contains(a.chunkStarts, pageIndex(p))
 proc contains[T](list, x: T): bool =
@@ -396,7 +400,7 @@ proc contains[T](list, x: T): bool =
     if it == x: return true
     it =
-proc writeFreeList(a: TMemRegion) =
+proc writeFreeList(a: MemRegion) =
   var it = a.freeChunksList
   c_fprintf(c_stdout, "freeChunksList: %p\n", it)
   while it != nil:
@@ -427,14 +431,14 @@ proc listRemove[T](head: var T, c: T) {.inline.} = = nil
   c.prev = nil
-proc updatePrevSize(a: var TMemRegion, c: PBigChunk,
+proc updatePrevSize(a: var MemRegion, c: PBigChunk,
                     prevSize: int) {.inline.} =
   var ri = cast[PChunk](cast[ByteAddress](c) +% c.size)
   sysAssert((cast[ByteAddress](ri) and PageMask) == 0, "updatePrevSize")
   if isAccessible(a, ri):
     ri.prevSize = prevSize
-proc freeBigChunk(a: var TMemRegion, c: PBigChunk) =
+proc freeBigChunk(a: var MemRegion, c: PBigChunk) =
   var c = c
   sysAssert(c.size >= PageSize, "freeBigChunk")
   inc(a.freeMem, c.size)
@@ -467,7 +471,7 @@ proc freeBigChunk(a: var TMemRegion, c: PBigChunk) =
     freeOsChunks(a, c, c.size)
-proc splitChunk(a: var TMemRegion, c: PBigChunk, size: int) =
+proc splitChunk(a: var MemRegion, c: PBigChunk, size: int) =
   var rest = cast[PBigChunk](cast[ByteAddress](c) +% size)
   sysAssert(rest notin a.freeChunksList, "splitChunk")
   rest.size = c.size - size
@@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ proc splitChunk(a: var TMemRegion, c: PBigChunk, size: int) =
   incl(a, a.chunkStarts, pageIndex(rest))
   listAdd(a.freeChunksList, rest)
-proc getBigChunk(a: var TMemRegion, size: int): PBigChunk =
+proc getBigChunk(a: var MemRegion, size: int): PBigChunk =
   # use first fit for now:
   sysAssert((size and PageMask) == 0, "getBigChunk 1")
   sysAssert(size > 0, "getBigChunk 2")
@@ -507,16 +511,16 @@ proc getBigChunk(a: var TMemRegion, size: int): PBigChunk =
   incl(a, a.chunkStarts, pageIndex(result))
   dec(a.freeMem, size)
-proc getSmallChunk(a: var TMemRegion): PSmallChunk =
+proc getSmallChunk(a: var MemRegion): PSmallChunk =
   var res = getBigChunk(a, PageSize)
   sysAssert res.prev == nil, "getSmallChunk 1"
   sysAssert == nil, "getSmallChunk 2"
   result = cast[PSmallChunk](res)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-proc isAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): bool {.benign.}
+proc isAllocatedPtr(a: MemRegion, p: pointer): bool {.benign.}
-proc allocInv(a: TMemRegion): bool =
+proc allocInv(a: MemRegion): bool =
   ## checks some (not all yet) invariants of the allocator's data structures.
   for s in low(a.freeSmallChunks)..high(a.freeSmallChunks):
     var c = a.freeSmallChunks[s]
@@ -537,10 +541,10 @@ proc allocInv(a: TMemRegion): bool =
       c =
   result = true
-proc rawAlloc(a: var TMemRegion, requestedSize: int): pointer =
+proc rawAlloc(a: var MemRegion, requestedSize: int): pointer =
   sysAssert(allocInv(a), "rawAlloc: begin")
   sysAssert(roundup(65, 8) == 72, "rawAlloc: roundup broken")
-  sysAssert(requestedSize >= sizeof(TFreeCell), "rawAlloc: requested size too small")
+  sysAssert(requestedSize >= sizeof(FreeCell), "rawAlloc: requested size too small")
   var size = roundup(requestedSize, MemAlign)
   sysAssert(size >= requestedSize, "insufficient allocated size!")
   #c_fprintf(c_stdout, "alloc; size: %ld; %ld\n", requestedSize, size)
@@ -601,11 +605,11 @@ proc rawAlloc(a: var TMemRegion, requestedSize: int): pointer =
   sysAssert(allocInv(a), "rawAlloc: end")
   when logAlloc: cprintf("rawAlloc: %ld %p\n", requestedSize, result)
-proc rawAlloc0(a: var TMemRegion, requestedSize: int): pointer =
+proc rawAlloc0(a: var MemRegion, requestedSize: int): pointer =
   result = rawAlloc(a, requestedSize)
   zeroMem(result, requestedSize)
-proc rawDealloc(a: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) =
+proc rawDealloc(a: var MemRegion, p: pointer) =
   #sysAssert(isAllocatedPtr(a, p), "rawDealloc: no allocated pointer")
   sysAssert(allocInv(a), "rawDealloc: begin")
   var c = pageAddr(p)
@@ -615,7 +619,7 @@ proc rawDealloc(a: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) =
     var s = c.size
     sysAssert(((cast[ByteAddress](p) and PageMask) - smallChunkOverhead()) %%
                s == 0, "rawDealloc 3")
-    var f = cast[ptr TFreeCell](p)
+    var f = cast[ptr FreeCell](p)
     #echo("setting to nil: ", $cast[TAddress](addr(f.zeroField)))
     sysAssert(f.zeroField != 0, "rawDealloc 1")
     f.zeroField = 0
@@ -623,8 +627,8 @@ proc rawDealloc(a: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) =
     c.freeList = f
     when overwriteFree:
       # set to 0xff to check for usage after free bugs:
-      c_memset(cast[pointer](cast[int](p) +% sizeof(TFreeCell)), -1'i32,
-               s -% sizeof(TFreeCell))
+      c_memset(cast[pointer](cast[int](p) +% sizeof(FreeCell)), -1'i32,
+               s -% sizeof(FreeCell))
     # check if it is not in the freeSmallChunks[s] list:
     if < s:
       # add it to the freeSmallChunks[s] array:
@@ -649,7 +653,7 @@ proc rawDealloc(a: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) =
   sysAssert(allocInv(a), "rawDealloc: end")
   when logAlloc: cprintf("rawDealloc: %p\n", p)
-proc isAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): bool =
+proc isAllocatedPtr(a: MemRegion, p: pointer): bool =
   if isAccessible(a, p):
     var c = pageAddr(p)
     if not chunkUnused(c):
@@ -658,16 +662,16 @@ proc isAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): bool =
         var offset = (cast[ByteAddress](p) and (PageSize-1)) -%
         result = (c.acc >% offset) and (offset %% c.size == 0) and
-          (cast[ptr TFreeCell](p).zeroField >% 1)
+          (cast[ptr FreeCell](p).zeroField >% 1)
         var c = cast[PBigChunk](c)
-        result = p == addr( and cast[ptr TFreeCell](p).zeroField >% 1
+        result = p == addr( and cast[ptr FreeCell](p).zeroField >% 1
-proc prepareForInteriorPointerChecking(a: var TMemRegion) {.inline.} =
+proc prepareForInteriorPointerChecking(a: var MemRegion) {.inline.} =
   a.minLargeObj = lowGauge(a.root)
   a.maxLargeObj = highGauge(a.root)
-proc interiorAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): pointer =
+proc interiorAllocatedPtr(a: MemRegion, p: pointer): pointer =
   if isAccessible(a, p):
     var c = pageAddr(p)
     if not chunkUnused(c):
@@ -678,7 +682,7 @@ proc interiorAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): pointer =
         if c.acc >% offset:
           sysAssert(cast[ByteAddress](addr( +% offset ==
                     cast[ByteAddress](p), "offset is not what you think it is")
-          var d = cast[ptr TFreeCell](cast[ByteAddress](addr( +%
+          var d = cast[ptr FreeCell](cast[ByteAddress](addr( +%
                     offset -% (offset %% c.size))
           if d.zeroField >% 1:
             result = d
@@ -686,7 +690,7 @@ proc interiorAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): pointer =
         var c = cast[PBigChunk](c)
         var d = addr(
-        if p >= d and cast[ptr TFreeCell](d).zeroField >% 1:
+        if p >= d and cast[ptr FreeCell](d).zeroField >% 1:
           result = d
           sysAssert isAllocatedPtr(a, result), " result wrong pointer!"
@@ -699,38 +703,38 @@ proc interiorAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): pointer =
         var k = cast[pointer](avlNode.key)
         var c = cast[PBigChunk](pageAddr(k))
         sysAssert(addr( == k, " k is not the same as addr(!")
-        if cast[ptr TFreeCell](k).zeroField >% 1:
+        if cast[ptr FreeCell](k).zeroField >% 1:
           result = k
           sysAssert isAllocatedPtr(a, result), " result wrong pointer!"
 proc ptrSize(p: pointer): int =
-  var x = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](p) -% sizeof(TFreeCell))
+  var x = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](p) -% sizeof(FreeCell))
   var c = pageAddr(p)
   sysAssert(not chunkUnused(c), "ptrSize")
-  result = c.size -% sizeof(TFreeCell)
+  result = c.size -% sizeof(FreeCell)
   if not isSmallChunk(c):
     dec result, bigChunkOverhead()
-proc alloc(allocator: var TMemRegion, size: Natural): pointer =
-  result = rawAlloc(allocator, size+sizeof(TFreeCell))
-  cast[ptr TFreeCell](result).zeroField = 1 # mark it as used
+proc alloc(allocator: var MemRegion, size: Natural): pointer =
+  result = rawAlloc(allocator, size+sizeof(FreeCell))
+  cast[ptr FreeCell](result).zeroField = 1 # mark it as used
   sysAssert(not isAllocatedPtr(allocator, result), "alloc")
-  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](result) +% sizeof(TFreeCell))
+  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](result) +% sizeof(FreeCell))
-proc alloc0(allocator: var TMemRegion, size: Natural): pointer =
+proc alloc0(allocator: var MemRegion, size: Natural): pointer =
   result = alloc(allocator, size)
   zeroMem(result, size)
-proc dealloc(allocator: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) =
+proc dealloc(allocator: var MemRegion, p: pointer) =
   sysAssert(p != nil, "dealloc 0")
-  var x = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](p) -% sizeof(TFreeCell))
+  var x = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](p) -% sizeof(FreeCell))
   sysAssert(x != nil, "dealloc 1")
   sysAssert(isAccessible(allocator, x), "is not accessible")
-  sysAssert(cast[ptr TFreeCell](x).zeroField == 1, "dealloc 2")
+  sysAssert(cast[ptr FreeCell](x).zeroField == 1, "dealloc 2")
   rawDealloc(allocator, x)
   sysAssert(not isAllocatedPtr(allocator, x), "dealloc 3")
-proc realloc(allocator: var TMemRegion, p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
+proc realloc(allocator: var MemRegion, p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
   if newsize > 0:
     result = alloc0(allocator, newsize)
     if p != nil:
@@ -739,7 +743,7 @@ proc realloc(allocator: var TMemRegion, p: pointer, newsize: Natural): pointer =
   elif p != nil:
     dealloc(allocator, p)
-proc deallocOsPages(a: var TMemRegion) =
+proc deallocOsPages(a: var MemRegion) =
   # we free every 'ordinarily' allocated page by iterating over the page bits:
   for p in elements(a.chunkStarts):
     var page = cast[PChunk](p shl PageShift)
@@ -756,9 +760,9 @@ proc deallocOsPages(a: var TMemRegion) =
   # And then we free the pages that are in use for the page bits:
-proc getFreeMem(a: TMemRegion): int {.inline.} = result = a.freeMem
-proc getTotalMem(a: TMemRegion): int {.inline.} = result = a.currMem
-proc getOccupiedMem(a: TMemRegion): int {.inline.} =
+proc getFreeMem(a: MemRegion): int {.inline.} = result = a.freeMem
+proc getTotalMem(a: MemRegion): int {.inline.} = result = a.currMem
+proc getOccupiedMem(a: MemRegion): int {.inline.} =
   result = a.currMem - a.freeMem
 # ---------------------- thread memory region -------------------------------
@@ -769,7 +773,7 @@ template instantiateForRegion(allocator: expr) =
       result = interiorAllocatedPtr(allocator, p)
     proc isAllocatedPtr*(p: pointer): bool =
-      let p = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](p)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(TCell)))
+      let p = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](p)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
       result = isAllocatedPtr(allocator, p)
   proc deallocOsPages = deallocOsPages(allocator)
@@ -803,8 +807,8 @@ template instantiateForRegion(allocator: expr) =
   # -------------------- shared heap region ----------------------------------
   when hasThreadSupport:
-    var sharedHeap: TMemRegion
-    var heapLock: TSysLock
+    var sharedHeap: MemRegion
+    var heapLock: SysLock
   proc allocShared(size: Natural): pointer =
diff --git a/lib/system/arithm.nim b/lib/system/arithm.nim
index f68e2dcd9..907907e24 100644
--- a/lib/system/arithm.nim
+++ b/lib/system/arithm.nim
@@ -10,24 +10,121 @@
 # simple integer arithmetic with overflow checking
-proc raiseOverflow {.compilerproc, noinline, noreturn.} =
+proc raiseOverflow {.compilerproc, noinline.} =
   # a single proc to reduce code size to a minimum
   sysFatal(OverflowError, "over- or underflow")
-proc raiseDivByZero {.compilerproc, noinline, noreturn.} =
+proc raiseDivByZero {.compilerproc, noinline.} =
   sysFatal(DivByZeroError, "division by zero")
-proc addInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
-  result = a +% b
-  if (result xor a) >= int64(0) or (result xor b) >= int64(0):
-    return result
-  raiseOverflow()
+when defined(builtinOverflow):
+# Builtin compiler functions for improved performance
+  when sizeof(clong) == 8:
+    proc addInt64Overflow[T: int64|int](a, b: T, c: var T): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_saddl_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
-proc subInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
-  result = a -% b
-  if (result xor a) >= int64(0) or (result xor not b) >= int64(0):
-    return result
-  raiseOverflow()
+    proc subInt64Overflow[T: int64|int](a, b: T, c: var T): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_ssubl_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+    proc mulInt64Overflow[T: int64|int](a, b: T, c: var T): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_smull_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+  elif sizeof(clonglong) == 8:
+    proc addInt64Overflow[T: int64|int](a, b: T, c: var T): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_saddll_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+    proc subInt64Overflow[T: int64|int](a, b: T, c: var T): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_ssubll_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+    proc mulInt64Overflow[T: int64|int](a, b: T, c: var T): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_smulll_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+  when sizeof(int) == 8:
+    proc addIntOverflow(a, b: int, c: var int): bool {.inline.} =
+      addInt64Overflow(a, b, c)
+    proc subIntOverflow(a, b: int, c: var int): bool {.inline.} =
+      subInt64Overflow(a, b, c)
+    proc mulIntOverflow(a, b: int, c: var int): bool {.inline.} =
+      mulInt64Overflow(a, b, c)
+  elif sizeof(int) == 4 and sizeof(cint) == 4:
+    proc addIntOverflow(a, b: int, c: var int): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_sadd_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+    proc subIntOverflow(a, b: int, c: var int): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_ssub_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+    proc mulIntOverflow(a, b: int, c: var int): bool {.
+      importc: "__builtin_smul_overflow", nodecl, nosideeffect.}
+  proc addInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
+    if addInt64Overflow(a, b, result):
+      raiseOverflow()
+  proc subInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
+    if subInt64Overflow(a, b, result):
+      raiseOverflow()
+  proc mulInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerproc, inline.} =
+    if mulInt64Overflow(a, b, result):
+      raiseOverflow()
+  proc addInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
+    result = a +% b
+    if (result xor a) >= int64(0) or (result xor b) >= int64(0):
+      return result
+    raiseOverflow()
+  proc subInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
+    result = a -% b
+    if (result xor a) >= int64(0) or (result xor not b) >= int64(0):
+      return result
+    raiseOverflow()
+  #
+  # This code has been inspired by Python's source code.
+  # The native int product x*y is either exactly right or *way* off, being
+  # just the last n bits of the true product, where n is the number of bits
+  # in an int (the delivered product is the true product plus i*2**n for
+  # some integer i).
+  #
+  # The native float64 product x*y is subject to three
+  # rounding errors: on a sizeof(int)==8 box, each cast to double can lose
+  # info, and even on a sizeof(int)==4 box, the multiplication can lose info.
+  # But, unlike the native int product, it's not in *range* trouble:  even
+  # if sizeof(int)==32 (256-bit ints), the product easily fits in the
+  # dynamic range of a float64. So the leading 50 (or so) bits of the float64
+  # product are correct.
+  #
+  # We check these two ways against each other, and declare victory if they're
+  # approximately the same. Else, because the native int product is the only
+  # one that can lose catastrophic amounts of information, it's the native int
+  # product that must have overflowed.
+  #
+  proc mulInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerproc.} =
+    var
+      resAsFloat, floatProd: float64
+    result = a *% b
+    floatProd = toBiggestFloat(a) # conversion
+    floatProd = floatProd * toBiggestFloat(b)
+    resAsFloat = toBiggestFloat(result)
+    # Fast path for normal case: small multiplicands, and no info
+    # is lost in either method.
+    if resAsFloat == floatProd: return result
+    # Somebody somewhere lost info. Close enough, or way off? Note
+    # that a != 0 and b != 0 (else resAsFloat == floatProd == 0).
+    # The difference either is or isn't significant compared to the
+    # true value (of which floatProd is a good approximation).
+    # abs(diff)/abs(prod) <= 1/32 iff
+    #   32 * abs(diff) <= abs(prod) -- 5 good bits is "close enough"
+    if 32.0 * abs(resAsFloat - floatProd) <= abs(floatProd):
+      return result
+    raiseOverflow()
 proc negInt64(a: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
   if a != low(int64): return -a
@@ -51,50 +148,6 @@ proc modInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerProc, inline.} =
   return a mod b
-# This code has been inspired by Python's source code.
-# The native int product x*y is either exactly right or *way* off, being
-# just the last n bits of the true product, where n is the number of bits
-# in an int (the delivered product is the true product plus i*2**n for
-# some integer i).
-# The native float64 product x*y is subject to three
-# rounding errors: on a sizeof(int)==8 box, each cast to double can lose
-# info, and even on a sizeof(int)==4 box, the multiplication can lose info.
-# But, unlike the native int product, it's not in *range* trouble:  even
-# if sizeof(int)==32 (256-bit ints), the product easily fits in the
-# dynamic range of a float64. So the leading 50 (or so) bits of the float64
-# product are correct.
-# We check these two ways against each other, and declare victory if they're
-# approximately the same. Else, because the native int product is the only
-# one that can lose catastrophic amounts of information, it's the native int
-# product that must have overflowed.
-proc mulInt64(a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerproc.} =
-  var
-    resAsFloat, floatProd: float64
-  result = a *% b
-  floatProd = toBiggestFloat(a) # conversion
-  floatProd = floatProd * toBiggestFloat(b)
-  resAsFloat = toBiggestFloat(result)
-  # Fast path for normal case: small multiplicands, and no info
-  # is lost in either method.
-  if resAsFloat == floatProd: return result
-  # Somebody somewhere lost info. Close enough, or way off? Note
-  # that a != 0 and b != 0 (else resAsFloat == floatProd == 0).
-  # The difference either is or isn't significant compared to the
-  # true value (of which floatProd is a good approximation).
-  # abs(diff)/abs(prod) <= 1/32 iff
-  #   32 * abs(diff) <= abs(prod) -- 5 good bits is "close enough"
-  if 32.0 * abs(resAsFloat - floatProd) <= abs(floatProd):
-    return result
-  raiseOverflow()
 proc absInt(a: int): int {.compilerProc, inline.} =
   if a != low(int):
     if a >= 0: return a
@@ -246,6 +299,21 @@ elif false: # asmVersion and (defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc)):
+when not declared(addInt) and defined(builtinOverflow):
+  proc addInt(a, b: int): int {.compilerProc, inline.} =
+    if addIntOverflow(a, b, result):
+      raiseOverflow()
+when not declared(subInt) and defined(builtinOverflow):
+  proc subInt(a, b: int): int {.compilerProc, inline.} =
+    if subIntOverflow(a, b, result):
+      raiseOverflow()
+when not declared(mulInt) and defined(builtinOverflow):
+  proc mulInt(a, b: int): int {.compilerProc, inline.} =
+    if mulIntOverflow(a, b, result):
+      raiseOverflow()
 # Platform independent versions of the above (slower!)
 when not declared(addInt):
   proc addInt(a, b: int): int {.compilerProc, inline.} =
@@ -327,13 +395,13 @@ when not declared(mulInt):
 # We avoid setting the FPU control word here for compatibility with libraries
 # written in other languages.
-proc raiseFloatInvalidOp {.noinline, noreturn.} =
+proc raiseFloatInvalidOp {.noinline.} =
   sysFatal(FloatInvalidOpError, "FPU operation caused a NaN result")
 proc nanCheck(x: float64) {.compilerProc, inline.} =
   if x != x: raiseFloatInvalidOp()
-proc raiseFloatOverflow(x: float64) {.noinline, noreturn.} =
+proc raiseFloatOverflow(x: float64) {.noinline.} =
   if x > 0.0:
     sysFatal(FloatOverflowError, "FPU operation caused an overflow")
diff --git a/lib/system/atomics.nim b/lib/system/atomics.nim
index c97d2fc7f..0b16b63bf 100644
--- a/lib/system/atomics.nim
+++ b/lib/system/atomics.nim
@@ -37,39 +37,40 @@ when someGcc and hasThreadSupport:
     ## and release stores in all threads.
-    TAtomType* = SomeNumber|pointer|ptr|char|bool
+    AtomType* = SomeNumber|pointer|ptr|char|bool
       ## Type Class representing valid types for use with atomic procs
+  {.deprecated: [TAtomType: AtomType].}
-  proc atomicLoadN*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicLoadN*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_load_n", nodecl.}
     ## This proc implements an atomic load operation. It returns the contents at p.
-  proc atomicLoad*[T: TAtomType](p, ret: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+  proc atomicLoad*[T: AtomType](p, ret: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
     importc: "__atomic_load", nodecl.}
     ## This is the generic version of an atomic load. It returns the contents at p in ret.
-  proc atomicStoreN*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+  proc atomicStoreN*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
     importc: "__atomic_store_n", nodecl.}
     ## This proc implements an atomic store operation. It writes val at p.
-  proc atomicStore*[T: TAtomType](p, val: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+  proc atomicStore*[T: AtomType](p, val: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
     importc: "__atomic_store", nodecl.}
     ## This is the generic version of an atomic store. It stores the value of val at p
-  proc atomicExchangeN*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicExchangeN*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_exchange_n", nodecl.}
     ## This proc implements an atomic exchange operation. It writes val at p,
     ## and returns the previous contents at p.
-  proc atomicExchange*[T: TAtomType](p, val, ret: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+  proc atomicExchange*[T: AtomType](p, val, ret: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
     importc: "__atomic_exchange", nodecl.}
     ## This is the generic version of an atomic exchange. It stores the contents at val at p.
     ## The original value at p is copied into ret.
-  proc atomicCompareExchangeN*[T: TAtomType](p, expected: ptr T, desired: T,
+  proc atomicCompareExchangeN*[T: AtomType](p, expected: ptr T, desired: T,
     weak: bool, success_memmodel: AtomMemModel, failure_memmodel: AtomMemModel): bool {.
     importc: "__atomic_compare_exchange_n ", nodecl.}
     ## This proc implements an atomic compare and exchange operation. This compares the
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ when someGcc and hasThreadSupport:
     ## cannot be __ATOMIC_RELEASE nor __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL. It also cannot be a stronger model
     ## than that specified by success_memmodel.
-  proc atomicCompareExchange*[T: TAtomType](p, expected, desired: ptr T,
+  proc atomicCompareExchange*[T: AtomType](p, expected, desired: ptr T,
     weak: bool, success_memmodel: AtomMemModel, failure_memmodel: AtomMemModel): bool {.
     importc: "__atomic_compare_exchange", nodecl.}
     ## This proc implements the generic version of atomic_compare_exchange.
@@ -93,31 +94,31 @@ when someGcc and hasThreadSupport:
     ## value is also a pointer.
   ## Perform the operation return the new value, all memory models are valid
-  proc atomicAddFetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicAddFetch*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_add_fetch", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicSubFetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicSubFetch*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_sub_fetch", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicOrFetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicOrFetch*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_or_fetch ", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicAndFetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicAndFetch*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_and_fetch", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicXorFetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicXorFetch*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_xor_fetch", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicNandFetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicNandFetch*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_nand_fetch ", nodecl.}
   ## Perform the operation return the old value, all memory models are valid
-  proc atomicFetchAdd*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicFetchAdd*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_fetch_add", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicFetchSub*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicFetchSub*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_fetch_sub", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicFetchOr*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicFetchOr*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_fetch_or", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicFetchAnd*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicFetchAnd*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_fetch_and", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicFetchXor*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicFetchXor*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_fetch_xor", nodecl.}
-  proc atomicFetchNand*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+  proc atomicFetchNand*[T: AtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
     importc: "__atomic_fetch_nand", nodecl.}
   proc atomicTestAndSet*(p: pointer, mem: AtomMemModel): bool {.
diff --git a/lib/system/avltree.nim b/lib/system/avltree.nim
index 292097062..5ee37d3eb 100644
--- a/lib/system/avltree.nim
+++ b/lib/system/avltree.nim
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ proc split(t: var PAvlNode) =[0] = temp
     inc t.level
-proc add(a: var TMemRegion, t: var PAvlNode, key, upperBound: int) {.benign.} =
+proc add(a: var MemRegion, t: var PAvlNode, key, upperBound: int) {.benign.} =
   if t == bottom:
     t = allocAvlNode(a, key, upperBound)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ proc add(a: var TMemRegion, t: var PAvlNode, key, upperBound: int) {.benign.} =
-proc del(a: var TMemRegion, t: var PAvlNode, x: int) {.benign.} =
+proc del(a: var MemRegion, t: var PAvlNode, x: int) {.benign.} =
   if t == bottom: return
   a.last = t
   if x <% t.key:
diff --git a/lib/system/cellsets.nim b/lib/system/cellsets.nim
index 0e3a01eba..93c49483b 100644
--- a/lib/system/cellsets.nim
+++ b/lib/system/cellsets.nim
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 # Efficient set of pointers for the GC (and repr)
-  TRefCount = int
+  RefCount = int
-  TCell {.pure.} = object
-    refcount: TRefCount  # the refcount and some flags
+  Cell {.pure.} = object
+    refcount: RefCount  # the refcount and some flags
     typ: PNimType
     when trackAllocationSource:
       filename: cstring
@@ -21,34 +21,35 @@ type
     when useCellIds:
       id: int
-  PCell = ptr TCell
+  PCell = ptr Cell
-  PPageDesc = ptr TPageDesc
-  TBitIndex = range[0..UnitsPerPage-1]
-  TPageDesc {.final, pure.} = object
+  PPageDesc = ptr PageDesc
+  BitIndex = range[0..UnitsPerPage-1]
+  PageDesc {.final, pure.} = object
     next: PPageDesc # all nodes are connected with this pointer
     key: ByteAddress   # start address at bit 0
-    bits: array[TBitIndex, int] # a bit vector
+    bits: array[BitIndex, int] # a bit vector
   PPageDescArray = ptr array[0..1000_000, PPageDesc]
-  TCellSet {.final, pure.} = object
+  CellSet {.final, pure.} = object
     counter, max: int
     head: PPageDesc
     data: PPageDescArray
   PCellArray = ptr array[0..100_000_000, PCell]
-  TCellSeq {.final, pure.} = object
+  CellSeq {.final, pure.} = object
     len, cap: int
     d: PCellArray
+{.deprecated: [TCell: Cell, TBitIndex: BitIndex, TPageDesc: PageDesc,
+              TRefCount: RefCount, TCellSet: CellSet, TCellSeq: CellSeq].}
 # ------------------- cell seq handling ---------------------------------------
-proc contains(s: TCellSeq, c: PCell): bool {.inline.} =
+proc contains(s: CellSeq, c: PCell): bool {.inline.} =
   for i in 0 .. s.len-1:
     if s.d[i] == c: return true
   return false
-proc add(s: var TCellSeq, c: PCell) {.inline.} =
+proc add(s: var CellSeq, c: PCell) {.inline.} =
   if s.len >= s.cap:
     s.cap = s.cap * 3 div 2
     var d = cast[PCellArray](alloc(s.cap * sizeof(PCell)))
@@ -59,12 +60,12 @@ proc add(s: var TCellSeq, c: PCell) {.inline.} =
   s.d[s.len] = c
-proc init(s: var TCellSeq, cap: int = 1024) =
+proc init(s: var CellSeq, cap: int = 1024) =
   s.len = 0
   s.cap = cap
   s.d = cast[PCellArray](alloc0(cap * sizeof(PCell)))
-proc deinit(s: var TCellSeq) = 
+proc deinit(s: var CellSeq) = 
   s.d = nil
   s.len = 0
@@ -75,13 +76,13 @@ proc deinit(s: var TCellSeq) =
   InitCellSetSize = 1024 # must be a power of two!
-proc init(s: var TCellSet) =
+proc init(s: var CellSet) = = cast[PPageDescArray](alloc0(InitCellSetSize * sizeof(PPageDesc)))
   s.max = InitCellSetSize-1
   s.counter = 0
   s.head = nil
-proc deinit(s: var TCellSet) =
+proc deinit(s: var CellSet) =
   var it = s.head
   while it != nil:
     var n =
@@ -98,14 +99,14 @@ proc nextTry(h, maxHash: int): int {.inline.} =
   # generates each int in range(maxHash) exactly once (see any text on
   # random-number generation for proof).
-proc cellSetGet(t: TCellSet, key: ByteAddress): PPageDesc =
+proc cellSetGet(t: CellSet, key: ByteAddress): PPageDesc =
   var h = cast[int](key) and t.max
   while[h] != nil:
     if[h].key == key: return[h]
     h = nextTry(h, t.max)
   return nil
-proc cellSetRawInsert(t: TCellSet, data: PPageDescArray, desc: PPageDesc) =
+proc cellSetRawInsert(t: CellSet, data: PPageDescArray, desc: PPageDesc) =
   var h = cast[int](desc.key) and t.max
   while data[h] != nil:
     sysAssert(data[h] != desc, "CellSetRawInsert 1")
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ proc cellSetRawInsert(t: TCellSet, data: PPageDescArray, desc: PPageDesc) =
   sysAssert(data[h] == nil, "CellSetRawInsert 2")
   data[h] = desc
-proc cellSetEnlarge(t: var TCellSet) =
+proc cellSetEnlarge(t: var CellSet) =
   var oldMax = t.max
   t.max = ((t.max+1)*2)-1
   var n = cast[PPageDescArray](alloc0((t.max + 1) * sizeof(PPageDesc)))
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ proc cellSetEnlarge(t: var TCellSet) =
   dealloc( = n
-proc cellSetPut(t: var TCellSet, key: ByteAddress): PPageDesc =
+proc cellSetPut(t: var CellSet, key: ByteAddress): PPageDesc =
   var h = cast[int](key) and t.max
   while true:
     var x =[h]
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ proc cellSetPut(t: var TCellSet, key: ByteAddress): PPageDesc =
   while[h] != nil: h = nextTry(h, t.max)
   sysAssert([h] == nil, "CellSetPut")
   # the new page descriptor goes into result
-  result = cast[PPageDesc](alloc0(sizeof(TPageDesc)))
+  result = cast[PPageDesc](alloc0(sizeof(PageDesc))) = t.head
   result.key = key
   t.head = result
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ proc cellSetPut(t: var TCellSet, key: ByteAddress): PPageDesc =
 # ---------- slightly higher level procs --------------------------------------
-proc contains(s: TCellSet, cell: PCell): bool =
+proc contains(s: CellSet, cell: PCell): bool =
   var u = cast[ByteAddress](cell)
   var t = cellSetGet(s, u shr PageShift)
   if t != nil:
@@ -155,13 +156,13 @@ proc contains(s: TCellSet, cell: PCell): bool =
     result = false
-proc incl(s: var TCellSet, cell: PCell) {.noinline.} =
+proc incl(s: var CellSet, cell: PCell) {.noinline.} =
   var u = cast[ByteAddress](cell)
   var t = cellSetPut(s, u shr PageShift)
   u = (u %% PageSize) /% MemAlign
   t.bits[u shr IntShift] = t.bits[u shr IntShift] or (1 shl (u and IntMask))
-proc excl(s: var TCellSet, cell: PCell) =
+proc excl(s: var CellSet, cell: PCell) =
   var u = cast[ByteAddress](cell)
   var t = cellSetGet(s, u shr PageShift)
   if t != nil:
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ proc excl(s: var TCellSet, cell: PCell) =
     t.bits[u shr IntShift] = (t.bits[u shr IntShift] and
                               not (1 shl (u and IntMask)))
-proc containsOrIncl(s: var TCellSet, cell: PCell): bool = 
+proc containsOrIncl(s: var CellSet, cell: PCell): bool = 
   var u = cast[ByteAddress](cell)
   var t = cellSetGet(s, u shr PageShift)
   if t != nil:
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ proc containsOrIncl(s: var TCellSet, cell: PCell): bool =
     incl(s, cell)
     result = false
-iterator elements(t: TCellSet): PCell {.inline.} =
+iterator elements(t: CellSet): PCell {.inline.} =
   # while traversing it is forbidden to add pointers to the tree!
   var r = t.head
   while r != nil:
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ iterator elements(t: TCellSet): PCell {.inline.} =
     r =
-iterator elementsExcept(t, s: TCellSet): PCell {.inline.} =
+iterator elementsExcept(t, s: CellSet): PCell {.inline.} =
   var r = t.head
   while r != nil:
     let ss = cellSetGet(s, r.key)
diff --git a/lib/system/cgprocs.nim b/lib/system/cgprocs.nim
index f3acc81f2..6cd2ef08c 100644
--- a/lib/system/cgprocs.nim
+++ b/lib/system/cgprocs.nim
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@
 proc addChar(s: NimString, c: char): NimString {.compilerProc, benign.}
-  TLibHandle = pointer       # private type
-  TProcAddr = pointer        # library loading and loading of procs:
+  LibHandle = pointer       # private type
+  ProcAddr = pointer        # library loading and loading of procs:
+{.deprecated: [TLibHandle: LibHandle, TProcAddr: ProcAddr].}
-proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): TLibHandle {.compilerproc.}
-proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: TLibHandle) {.compilerproc.}
-proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): TProcAddr {.compilerproc.}
+proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): LibHandle {.compilerproc.}
+proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: LibHandle) {.compilerproc.}
+proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: LibHandle, name: cstring): ProcAddr {.compilerproc.}
 proc nimLoadLibraryError(path: string) {.compilerproc, noinline.}
diff --git a/lib/system/channels.nim b/lib/system/channels.nim
index ebd30c353..6739fb83e 100644
--- a/lib/system/channels.nim
+++ b/lib/system/channels.nim
@@ -19,18 +19,20 @@ when not declared(NimString):


   pbytes = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, byte]

-  TRawChannel {.pure, final.} = object ## msg queue for a thread

+  RawChannel {.pure, final.} = object ## msg queue for a thread

     rd, wr, count, mask: int

     data: pbytes

-    lock: TSysLock

-    cond: TSysCond

+    lock: SysLock

+    cond: SysCond

     elemType: PNimType

     ready: bool

-    region: TMemRegion

-  PRawChannel = ptr TRawChannel

-  TLoadStoreMode = enum mStore, mLoad

-  TChannel* {.gcsafe.}[TMsg] = TRawChannel ## a channel for thread communication


+    region: MemRegion

+  PRawChannel = ptr RawChannel

+  LoadStoreMode = enum mStore, mLoad

+  Channel* {.gcsafe.}[TMsg] = RawChannel ## a channel for thread communication
+{.deprecated: [TRawChannel: RawChannel, TLoadStoreMode: LoadStoreMode,
+              TChannel: Channel].}
 const ChannelDeadMask = -2


 proc initRawChannel(p: pointer) =

@@ -49,9 +51,9 @@ proc deinitRawChannel(p: pointer) =


 proc storeAux(dest, src: pointer, mt: PNimType, t: PRawChannel, 

-              mode: TLoadStoreMode) {.benign.}

+              mode: LoadStoreMode) {.benign.}

 proc storeAux(dest, src: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, t: PRawChannel,

-              mode: TLoadStoreMode) {.benign.} =

+              mode: LoadStoreMode) {.benign.} =


     d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)

     s = cast[ByteAddress](src)

@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ proc storeAux(dest, src: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, t: PRawChannel,
   of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "storeAux")


 proc storeAux(dest, src: pointer, mt: PNimType, t: PRawChannel, 

-              mode: TLoadStoreMode) =

+              mode: LoadStoreMode) =


     d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)

     s = cast[ByteAddress](src)

@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ template sendImpl(q: expr) {.immediate.} =



-proc send*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg], msg: TMsg) =

+proc send*[TMsg](c: var Channel[TMsg], msg: TMsg) =

   ## sends a message to a thread. `msg` is deeply copied.

   var q = cast[PRawChannel](addr(c))


@@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ proc llRecv(q: PRawChannel, res: pointer, typ: PNimType) =
     sysFatal(ValueError, "cannot receive message of wrong type")

   rawRecv(q, res, typ)


-proc recv*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): TMsg =

+proc recv*[TMsg](c: var Channel[TMsg]): TMsg =

   ## receives a message from the channel `c`. This blocks until

   ## a message has arrived! You may use ``peek`` to avoid the blocking.

   var q = cast[PRawChannel](addr(c))

@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ proc recv*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): TMsg =
   llRecv(q, addr(result), cast[PNimType](getTypeInfo(result)))



-proc tryRecv*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): tuple[dataAvailable: bool,

+proc tryRecv*[TMsg](c: var Channel[TMsg]): tuple[dataAvailable: bool,

                                                   msg: TMsg] =

   ## try to receives a message from the channel `c` if available. Otherwise

   ## it returns ``(false, default(msg))``.

@@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ proc tryRecv*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): tuple[dataAvailable: bool,
         result.dataAvailable = true



-proc peek*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): int =

+proc peek*[TMsg](c: var Channel[TMsg]): int =

   ## returns the current number of messages in the channel `c`. Returns -1

   ## if the channel has been closed. **Note**: This is dangerous to use

   ## as it encourages races. It's much better to use ``tryRecv`` instead.

@@ -249,15 +251,15 @@ proc peek*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): int =

     result = -1


-proc open*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]) =

+proc open*[TMsg](c: var Channel[TMsg]) =

   ## opens a channel `c` for inter thread communication.



-proc close*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]) =

+proc close*[TMsg](c: var Channel[TMsg]) =

   ## closes a channel `c` and frees its associated resources.



-proc ready*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): bool =

+proc ready*[TMsg](c: var Channel[TMsg]): bool =

   ## returns true iff some thread is waiting on the channel `c` for

   ## new messages.

   var q = cast[PRawChannel](addr(c))

diff --git a/lib/system/chcks.nim b/lib/system/chcks.nim
index 2f6d25a12..6caf99d27 100644
--- a/lib/system/chcks.nim
+++ b/lib/system/chcks.nim
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
 # Implementation of some runtime checks.
-proc raiseRangeError(val: BiggestInt) {.compilerproc, noreturn, noinline.} =
+proc raiseRangeError(val: BiggestInt) {.compilerproc, noinline.} =
   when hostOS == "standalone":
     sysFatal(RangeError, "value out of range")
     sysFatal(RangeError, "value out of range: ", $val)
-proc raiseIndexError() {.compilerproc, noreturn, noinline.} =
+proc raiseIndexError() {.compilerproc, noinline.} =
   sysFatal(IndexError, "index out of bounds")
-proc raiseFieldError(f: string) {.compilerproc, noreturn, noinline.} =
+proc raiseFieldError(f: string) {.compilerproc, noinline.} =
   sysFatal(FieldError, f, " is not accessible")
 proc chckIndx(i, a, b: int): int =
diff --git a/lib/system/debugger.nim b/lib/system/debugger.nim
index 7b5169344..63ccd770b 100644
--- a/lib/system/debugger.nim
+++ b/lib/system/debugger.nim
@@ -10,22 +10,23 @@
 ## This file implements basic features for any debugger.
-  TVarSlot* {.compilerproc, final.} = object ## a slot in a frame
+  VarSlot* {.compilerproc, final.} = object ## a slot in a frame
     address*: pointer ## the variable's address
     typ*: PNimType    ## the variable's type
     name*: cstring    ## the variable's name; for globals this is ""
-  PExtendedFrame = ptr TExtendedFrame
-  TExtendedFrame = object  # If the debugger is enabled the compiler
+  PExtendedFrame = ptr ExtendedFrame
+  ExtendedFrame = object  # If the debugger is enabled the compiler
                            # provides an extended frame. Of course
                            # only slots that are
                            # needed are allocated and not 10_000,
                            # except for the global data description.
-    f: TFrame
-    slots: array[0..10_000, TVarSlot]
+    f: Frame
+    slots: array[0..10_000, VarSlot]
+{.deprecated: [TVarSlot: VarSlot, TExtendedFrame: ExtendedFrame].}
-  dbgGlobalData: TExtendedFrame # this reserves much space, but
+  dbgGlobalData: ExtendedFrame  # this reserves much space, but
                                 # for now it is the most practical way
 proc dbgRegisterGlobal(name: cstring, address: pointer,
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ proc dbgRegisterGlobal(name: cstring, address: pointer,
   dbgGlobalData.slots[i].address = address
-proc getLocal*(frame: PFrame; slot: int): TVarSlot {.inline.} =
+proc getLocal*(frame: PFrame; slot: int): VarSlot {.inline.} =
   ## retrieves the meta data for the local variable at `slot`. CAUTION: An
   ## invalid `slot` value causes a corruption!
   result = cast[PExtendedFrame](frame).slots[slot]
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ proc getGlobalLen*(): int {.inline.} =
   ## gets the number of registered globals.
   result = dbgGlobalData.f.len
-proc getGlobal*(slot: int): TVarSlot {.inline.} =
+proc getGlobal*(slot: int): VarSlot {.inline.} =
   ## retrieves the meta data for the global variable at `slot`. CAUTION: An
   ## invalid `slot` value causes a corruption!
   result = dbgGlobalData.slots[slot]
@@ -56,13 +57,13 @@ proc getGlobal*(slot: int): TVarSlot {.inline.} =
 # ------------------- breakpoint support ------------------------------------
-  TBreakpoint* = object  ## represents a break point
+  Breakpoint* = object   ## represents a break point
     low*, high*: int     ## range from low to high; if disabled
                          ## both low and high are set to their negative values
     filename*: cstring   ## the filename of the breakpoint
-  dbgBP: array[0..127, TBreakpoint] # breakpoints
+  dbgBP: array[0..127, Breakpoint] # breakpoints
   dbgBPlen: int
   dbgBPbloom: int64  # we use a bloom filter to speed up breakpoint checking
@@ -131,16 +132,16 @@ proc canonFilename*(filename: cstring): cstring =
     if fileMatches(result, filename): return result
   result = nil
-iterator listBreakpoints*(): ptr TBreakpoint =
+iterator listBreakpoints*(): ptr Breakpoint =
   ## lists all breakpoints.
   for i in 0..dbgBPlen-1: yield addr(dbgBP[i])
-proc isActive*(b: ptr TBreakpoint): bool = b.low > 0
-proc flip*(b: ptr TBreakpoint) =
+proc isActive*(b: ptr Breakpoint): bool = b.low > 0
+proc flip*(b: ptr Breakpoint) =
   ## enables or disables 'b' depending on its current state.
   b.low = -b.low; b.high = -b.high
-proc checkBreakpoints*(filename: cstring, line: int): ptr TBreakpoint =
+proc checkBreakpoints*(filename: cstring, line: int): ptr Breakpoint =
   ## in which breakpoint (if any) we are.
   if (dbgBPbloom and line) != line: return nil
   for b in listBreakpoints():
@@ -149,29 +150,30 @@ proc checkBreakpoints*(filename: cstring, line: int): ptr TBreakpoint =
 # ------------------- watchpoint support ------------------------------------
-  THash = int
-  TWatchpoint {.pure, final.} = object
+  Hash = int
+  Watchpoint {.pure, final.} = object
     name: cstring
     address: pointer
     typ: PNimType
-    oldValue: THash
+    oldValue: Hash
+{.deprecated: [THash: Hash, TWatchpoint: Watchpoint].}
-  watchpoints: array [0..99, TWatchpoint]
+  watchpoints: array [0..99, Watchpoint]
   watchpointsLen: int
-proc `!&`(h: THash, val: int): THash {.inline.} =
+proc `!&`(h: Hash, val: int): Hash {.inline.} =
   result = h +% val
   result = result +% result shl 10
   result = result xor (result shr 6)
-proc `!$`(h: THash): THash {.inline.} =
+proc `!$`(h: Hash): Hash {.inline.} =
   result = h +% h shl 3
   result = result xor (result shr 11)
   result = result +% result shl 15
-proc hash(data: pointer, size: int): THash =
-  var h: THash = 0
+proc hash(data: pointer, size: int): Hash =
+  var h: Hash = 0
   var p = cast[cstring](data)
   var i = 0
   var s = size
@@ -181,14 +183,14 @@ proc hash(data: pointer, size: int): THash =
   result = !$h
-proc hashGcHeader(data: pointer): THash =
+proc hashGcHeader(data: pointer): Hash =
   const headerSize = sizeof(int)*2
   result = hash(cast[pointer](cast[int](data) -% headerSize), headerSize)
 proc genericHashAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, shallow: bool,
-                    h: THash): THash
+                    h: Hash): Hash
 proc genericHashAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, shallow: bool,
-                    h: THash): THash =
+                    h: Hash): Hash =
   var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
   case n.kind
   of nkSlot:
@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ proc genericHashAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, shallow: bool,
   of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "genericHashAux")
 proc genericHashAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, shallow: bool, 
-                    h: THash): THash =
+                    h: Hash): Hash =
   sysAssert(mt != nil, "genericHashAux 2")
   case mt.kind
   of tyString:
diff --git a/lib/system/dyncalls.nim b/lib/system/dyncalls.nim
index 44f7b67c3..8ef583482 100644
--- a/lib/system/dyncalls.nim
+++ b/lib/system/dyncalls.nim
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 {.push stack_trace: off.}
-  NilLibHandle: TLibHandle = nil
+  NilLibHandle: LibHandle = nil
 proc rawWrite(f: File, s: string) = 
   # we cannot throw an exception here!
@@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ when defined(posix):
     RTLD_NOW {.importc: "RTLD_NOW", header: "<dlfcn.h>".}: int
-  proc dlclose(lib: TLibHandle) {.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
-  proc dlopen(path: cstring, mode: int): TLibHandle {.
+  proc dlclose(lib: LibHandle) {.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
+  proc dlopen(path: cstring, mode: int): LibHandle {.
       importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
-  proc dlsym(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): TProcAddr {.
+  proc dlsym(lib: LibHandle, name: cstring): ProcAddr {.
       importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
   proc dlerror(): cstring {.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
-  proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: TLibHandle) =
+  proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: LibHandle) =
-  proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): TLibHandle =
+  proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): LibHandle =
     result = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW)
     #c_fprintf(c_stdout, "%s\n", dlerror())
-  proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): TProcAddr =
+  proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: LibHandle, name: cstring): ProcAddr =
     result = dlsym(lib, name)
     if result == nil: procAddrError(name)
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ elif defined(windows) or defined(dos):
       THINSTANCE {.importc: "HINSTANCE".} = object
         x: pointer
-    proc getProcAddress(lib: THINSTANCE, name: cstring): TProcAddr {.
+    proc getProcAddress(lib: THINSTANCE, name: cstring): ProcAddr {.
         importcpp: "(void*)GetProcAddress(@)", header: "<windows.h>", stdcall.}
       THINSTANCE {.importc: "HINSTANCE".} = pointer
-    proc getProcAddress(lib: THINSTANCE, name: cstring): TProcAddr {.
+    proc getProcAddress(lib: THINSTANCE, name: cstring): ProcAddr {.
         importc: "GetProcAddress", header: "<windows.h>", stdcall.}
   proc freeLibrary(lib: THINSTANCE) {.
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ elif defined(windows) or defined(dos):
   proc winLoadLibrary(path: cstring): THINSTANCE {.
       importc: "LoadLibraryA", header: "<windows.h>", stdcall.}
-  proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: TLibHandle) =
+  proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: LibHandle) =
-  proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): TLibHandle =
-    result = cast[TLibHandle](winLoadLibrary(path))
+  proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): LibHandle =
+    result = cast[LibHandle](winLoadLibrary(path))
-  proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): TProcAddr =
+  proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: LibHandle, name: cstring): ProcAddr =
     result = getProcAddress(cast[THINSTANCE](lib), name)
     if result == nil: procAddrError(name)
@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ elif defined(mac):
   {.error: "no implementation for dyncalls yet".}
-  proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: TLibHandle) =
+  proc nimUnloadLibrary(lib: LibHandle) =
     dyld_present {.importc: "_dyld_present", header: "<dyld.h>".}: int
-  proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): TLibHandle =
+  proc nimLoadLibrary(path: string): LibHandle =
       img: NSObjectFileImage
       ret: NSObjectFileImageReturnCode
@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ elif defined(mac):
         modul = NSLinkModule(img, path, NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE or
-        result = TLibHandle(modul)
+        result = LibHandle(modul)
-  proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): TProcAddr =
+  proc nimGetProcAddr(lib: LibHandle, name: cstring): ProcAddr =
       nss: NSSymbol
     nss = NSLookupSymbolInModule(NSModule(lib), name)
-    result = TProcAddr(NSAddressOfSymbol(nss))
+    result = ProcAddr(NSAddressOfSymbol(nss))
     if result == nil: ProcAddrError(name)
diff --git a/lib/system/endb.nim b/lib/system/endb.nim
index 003698421..ef2664796 100644
--- a/lib/system/endb.nim
+++ b/lib/system/endb.nim
@@ -20,63 +20,65 @@ const
   EndbEnd = "***\n"
-  TStaticStr = object
+  StaticStr = object
     len: int
     data: array[0..100, char]
-  TBreakpointFilename = object
-    b: ptr TBreakpoint
-    filename: TStaticStr
+  BreakpointFilename = object
+    b: ptr Breakpoint
+    filename: StaticStr
-  TDbgState = enum
+  DbgState = enum
     dbOff,        # debugger is turned off
     dbStepInto,   # debugger is in tracing mode
     dbQuiting,    # debugger wants to quit
     dbBreakpoints # debugger is only interested in breakpoints
+{.deprecated: [TStaticStr: StaticStr, TBreakpointFilename: BreakpointFilename,
+              TDbgState: DbgState].}
-  dbgUser: TStaticStr   # buffer for user input; first command is ``step_into``
+  dbgUser: StaticStr    # buffer for user input; first command is ``step_into``
                         # needs to be global cause we store the last command
                         # in it
-  dbgState: TDbgState   # state of debugger
+  dbgState: DbgState    # state of debugger
   dbgSkipToFrame: PFrame # frame to be skipped to
   maxDisplayRecDepth: int = 5 # do not display too much data!
-  brkPoints: array[0..127, TBreakpointFilename]
+  brkPoints: array[0..127, BreakpointFilename]
-proc setLen(s: var TStaticStr, newLen=0) =
+proc setLen(s: var StaticStr, newLen=0) =
   s.len = newLen[newLen] = '\0'
-proc add(s: var TStaticStr, c: char) =
+proc add(s: var StaticStr, c: char) =
   if s.len < high([s.len] = c[s.len+1] = '\0'
     inc s.len
-proc add(s: var TStaticStr, c: cstring) =
+proc add(s: var StaticStr, c: cstring) =
   var i = 0
   while c[i] != '\0':
     add s, c[i]
     inc i
-proc assign(s: var TStaticStr, c: cstring) =
+proc assign(s: var StaticStr, c: cstring) =
   add s, c
-proc `==`(a, b: TStaticStr): bool =
+proc `==`(a, b: StaticStr): bool =
   if a.len == b.len:
     for i in 0 .. a.len-1:
       if[i] !=[i]: return false
     return true
-proc `==`(a: TStaticStr, b: cstring): bool =
+proc `==`(a: StaticStr, b: cstring): bool =
   result = c_strcmp(, b) == 0
-proc write(f: TFile, s: TStaticStr) =
+proc write(f: File, s: StaticStr) =
   write(f, cstring(
 proc listBreakPoints() =
@@ -95,14 +97,14 @@ proc listBreakPoints() =
       write(stdout, "\n")
   write(stdout, EndbEnd)
-proc openAppend(filename: cstring): TFile =
+proc openAppend(filename: cstring): File =
   var p: pointer = fopen(filename, "ab")
   if p != nil:
-    result = cast[TFile](p)
+    result = cast[File](p)
     write(result, "----------------------------------------\n")
 proc dbgRepr(p: pointer, typ: PNimType): string =
-  var cl: TReprClosure
+  var cl: ReprClosure
   cl.recDepth = maxDisplayRecDepth
   # locks for the GC turned out to be a bad idea...
@@ -112,12 +114,12 @@ proc dbgRepr(p: pointer, typ: PNimType): string =
   # dec(recGcLock)
-proc writeVariable(stream: TFile, slot: TVarSlot) =
+proc writeVariable(stream: File, slot: VarSlot) =
   write(stream, " = ")
   writeln(stream, dbgRepr(slot.address, slot.typ))
-proc listFrame(stream: TFile, f: PFrame) =
+proc listFrame(stream: File, f: PFrame) =
   write(stream, EndbBeg)
   write(stream, "| Frame (")
   write(stream, f.len)
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ proc listFrame(stream: TFile, f: PFrame) =
     writeln(stream, getLocal(f, i).name)
   write(stream, EndbEnd)
-proc listLocals(stream: TFile, f: PFrame) =
+proc listLocals(stream: File, f: PFrame) =
   write(stream, EndbBeg)
   write(stream, "| Frame (")
   write(stream, f.len)
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ proc listLocals(stream: TFile, f: PFrame) =
     writeVariable(stream, getLocal(f, i))
   write(stream, EndbEnd)
-proc listGlobals(stream: TFile) =
+proc listGlobals(stream: File) =
   write(stream, EndbBeg)
   write(stream, "| Globals:\n")
   for i in 0 .. getGlobalLen()-1:
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ proc dbgShowExecutionPoint() =
   write(stdout, framePtr.procname)
   write(stdout, " ***\n")
-proc scanAndAppendWord(src: cstring, a: var TStaticStr, start: int): int =
+proc scanAndAppendWord(src: cstring, a: var StaticStr, start: int): int =
   result = start
   # skip whitespace:
   while src[result] in {'\t', ' '}: inc(result)
@@ -184,11 +186,11 @@ proc scanAndAppendWord(src: cstring, a: var TStaticStr, start: int): int =
     else: break
-proc scanWord(src: cstring, a: var TStaticStr, start: int): int =
+proc scanWord(src: cstring, a: var StaticStr, start: int): int =
   result = scanAndAppendWord(src, a, start)
-proc scanFilename(src: cstring, a: var TStaticStr, start: int): int =
+proc scanFilename(src: cstring, a: var StaticStr, start: int): int =
   result = start
   setLen a
   while src[result] in {'\t', ' '}: inc(result)
@@ -250,8 +252,8 @@ proc hasExt(s: cstring): bool =
     if s[i] == '.': return true
     inc i
-proc parseBreakpoint(s: cstring, start: int): TBreakpoint =
-  var dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+proc parseBreakpoint(s: cstring, start: int): Breakpoint =
+  var dbgTemp: StaticStr
   var i = scanNumber(s, result.low, start)
   if result.low == 0: result.low = framePtr.line
   i = scanNumber(s, result.high, i)
@@ -279,11 +281,11 @@ proc breakpointToggle(s: cstring, start: int) =
     if not b.isNil: b.flip
     else: debugOut("[Warning] unknown breakpoint ")
-proc dbgEvaluate(stream: TFile, s: cstring, start: int, f: PFrame) =
-  var dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+proc dbgEvaluate(stream: File, s: cstring, start: int, f: PFrame) =
+  var dbgTemp: StaticStr
   var i = scanWord(s, dbgTemp, start)
   while s[i] in {' ', '\t'}: inc(i)
-  var v: TVarSlot
+  var v: VarSlot
   if s[i] == '.':
     add(dbgTemp, '.')
@@ -299,7 +301,7 @@ proc dbgEvaluate(stream: TFile, s: cstring, start: int, f: PFrame) =
         writeVariable(stream, v)  
 proc dbgOut(s: cstring, start: int, currFrame: PFrame) =
-  var dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+  var dbgTemp: StaticStr
   var i = scanFilename(s, dbgTemp, start)
   if dbgTemp.len == 0:
@@ -312,7 +314,7 @@ proc dbgOut(s: cstring, start: int, currFrame: PFrame) =
 proc dbgStackFrame(s: cstring, start: int, currFrame: PFrame) =
-  var dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+  var dbgTemp: StaticStr
   var i = scanFilename(s, dbgTemp, start)
   if dbgTemp.len == 0:
     # just write it to stdout:
@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ proc dbgStackFrame(s: cstring, start: int, currFrame: PFrame) =
     listFrame(stream, currFrame)
-proc readLine(f: TFile, line: var TStaticStr): bool =
+proc readLine(f: File, line: var StaticStr): bool =
   while true:
     var c = fgetc(f)
     if c < 0'i32:
@@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ proc commandPrompt() =
     again = true
     dbgFramePtr = framePtr # for going down and up the stack
     dbgDown = 0 # how often we did go down
-    dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+    dbgTemp: StaticStr
   while again:
     write(stdout, "*** endb| >>")
diff --git a/lib/system/excpt.nim b/lib/system/excpt.nim
index 189d52f57..f157f428c 100644
--- a/lib/system/excpt.nim
+++ b/lib/system/excpt.nim
@@ -365,5 +365,6 @@ when not defined(noSignalHandler):
 proc setControlCHook(hook: proc () {.noconv.} not nil) =
   # ugly cast, but should work on all architectures:
-  type TSignalHandler = proc (sig: cint) {.noconv, benign.}
-  c_signal(SIGINT, cast[TSignalHandler](hook))
+  type SignalHandler = proc (sig: cint) {.noconv, benign.}
+  {.deprecated: [TSignalHandler: SignalHandler].}
+  c_signal(SIGINT, cast[SignalHandler](hook))
diff --git a/lib/system/gc.nim b/lib/system/gc.nim
index c4374d00c..ae8bb724f 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc.nim
@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ const
   rcShift = 3      # shift by rcShift to get the reference counter
   colorMask = 0b011
-  TWalkOp = enum
+  WalkOp = enum
     waMarkGlobal,    # part of the backup/debug mark&sweep
     waMarkPrecise,   # part of the backup/debug mark&sweep
     waZctDecRef, waPush, waCycleDecRef, waMarkGray, waScan, waScanBlack,
     waCollectWhite #, waDebug
-  TFinalizer {.compilerproc.} = proc (self: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
+  Finalizer {.compilerproc.} = proc (self: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
     # A ref type can have a finalizer that is called before the object's
     # storage is freed.
-  TGcStat {.final, pure.} = object
+  GcStat {.final, pure.} = object
     stackScans: int          # number of performed stack scans (for statistics)
     cycleCollections: int    # number of performed full collections
     maxThreshold: int        # max threshold that has been set
@@ -64,35 +64,36 @@ type
     cycleTableSize: int      # max entries in cycle table
     maxPause: int64          # max measured GC pause in nanoseconds
-  TGcHeap {.final, pure.} = object # this contains the zero count and
+  GcHeap {.final, pure.} = object # this contains the zero count and
                                    # non-zero count table
     stackBottom: pointer
     cycleThreshold: int
     when useCellIds:
       idGenerator: int
-    zct: TCellSeq            # the zero count table
-    decStack: TCellSeq       # cells in the stack that are to decref again
-    cycleRoots: TCellSet
-    tempStack: TCellSeq      # temporary stack for recursion elimination
+    zct: CellSeq             # the zero count table
+    decStack: CellSeq        # cells in the stack that are to decref again
+    cycleRoots: CellSet
+    tempStack: CellSeq       # temporary stack for recursion elimination
     recGcLock: int           # prevent recursion via finalizers; no thread lock
     when withRealTime:
-      maxPause: TNanos       # max allowed pause in nanoseconds; active if > 0
-    region: TMemRegion       # garbage collected region
-    stat: TGcStat
+      maxPause: Nanos        # max allowed pause in nanoseconds; active if > 0
+    region: MemRegion        # garbage collected region
+    stat: GcStat
     when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
-      marked: TCellSet
+      marked: CellSet
+{.deprecated: [TWalkOp: WalkOp, TFinalizer: Finalizer, TGcHeap: GcHeap,
+              TGcStat: GcStat].}
-  gch {.rtlThreadVar.}: TGcHeap
+  gch {.rtlThreadVar.}: GcHeap
 when not defined(useNimRtl):
-template acquire(gch: TGcHeap) =
+template acquire(gch: GcHeap) =
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
-template release(gch: TGcHeap) =
+template release(gch: GcHeap) =
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
@@ -104,18 +105,18 @@ template gcAssert(cond: bool, msg: string) =
       quit 1
-proc addZCT(s: var TCellSeq, c: PCell) {.noinline.} =
+proc addZCT(s: var CellSeq, c: PCell) {.noinline.} =
   if (c.refcount and ZctFlag) == 0:
     c.refcount = c.refcount or ZctFlag
     add(s, c)
 proc cellToUsr(cell: PCell): pointer {.inline.} =
   # convert object (=pointer to refcount) to pointer to userdata
-  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](cell)+%ByteAddress(sizeof(TCell)))
+  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](cell)+%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
 proc usrToCell(usr: pointer): PCell {.inline.} =
   # convert pointer to userdata to object (=pointer to refcount)
-  result = cast[PCell](cast[ByteAddress](usr)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(TCell)))
+  result = cast[PCell](cast[ByteAddress](usr)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
 proc canBeCycleRoot(c: PCell): bool {.inline.} =
   result = ntfAcyclic notin c.typ.flags
@@ -152,11 +153,11 @@ template gcTrace(cell, state: expr): stmt {.immediate.} =
   when traceGC: traceCell(cell, state)
 # forward declarations:
-proc collectCT(gch: var TGcHeap) {.benign.}
+proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap) {.benign.}
 proc isOnStack*(p: pointer): bool {.noinline, benign.}
-proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.}
-proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.}
-proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.}
+proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp) {.benign.}
+proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp) {.benign.}
+proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp) {.benign.}
 # we need the prototype here for debugging purposes
 when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ proc prepareDealloc(cell: PCell) =
     # prevend recursive entering here by a lock.
     # XXX: we should set the cell's children to nil!
-    (cast[TFinalizer](cell.typ.finalizer))(cellToUsr(cell))
+    (cast[Finalizer](cell.typ.finalizer))(cellToUsr(cell))
 proc rtlAddCycleRoot(c: PCell) {.rtl, inl.} =
@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ proc unsureAsgnRef(dest: PPointer, src: pointer) {.compilerProc.} =
 proc initGC() =
   when not defined(useNimRtl):
     when traceGC:
-      for i in low(TCellState)..high(TCellState): init(states[i])
+      for i in low(CellState)..high(CellState): init(states[i])
     gch.cycleThreshold = InitialCycleThreshold
     gch.stat.stackScans = 0
     gch.stat.cycleCollections = 0
@@ -308,12 +309,13 @@ proc setupForeignThreadGc*() =
 when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
-    TGlobalMarkerProc = proc () {.nimcall, benign.}
+    GlobalMarkerProc = proc () {.nimcall, benign.}
+  {.deprecated: [TGlobalMarkerProc: GlobalMarkerProc].}
     globalMarkersLen: int
-    globalMarkers: array[0.. 7_000, TGlobalMarkerProc]
+    globalMarkers: array[0.. 7_000, GlobalMarkerProc]
-  proc nimRegisterGlobalMarker(markerProc: TGlobalMarkerProc) {.compilerProc.} =
+  proc nimRegisterGlobalMarker(markerProc: GlobalMarkerProc) {.compilerProc.} =
     if globalMarkersLen <= high(globalMarkers):
       globalMarkers[globalMarkersLen] = markerProc
       inc globalMarkersLen
@@ -321,11 +323,11 @@ when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
       echo "[GC] cannot register global variable; too many global variables"
       quit 1
-proc cellsetReset(s: var TCellSet) =
+proc cellsetReset(s: var CellSet) =
-proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.} =
+proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: WalkOp) {.benign.} =
   var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
   case n.kind
   of nkSlot: forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), n.typ, op)
@@ -345,7 +347,7 @@ proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.} =
     if m != nil: forAllSlotsAux(dest, m, op)
   of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "forAllSlotsAux")
-proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp) =
   var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
   if dest == nil: return # nothing to do
   if ntfNoRefs notin mt.flags:
@@ -359,7 +361,7 @@ proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) =
         forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% i *% mt.base.size), mt.base, op)
     else: discard
-proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp) =
   gcAssert(cell != nil, "forAllChildren: 1")
   gcAssert(isAllocatedPtr(gch.region, cell), "forAllChildren: 2")
   gcAssert(cell.typ != nil, "forAllChildren: 3")
@@ -380,7 +382,7 @@ proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) =
             GenericSeqSize), cell.typ.base, op)
     else: discard
-proc addNewObjToZCT(res: PCell, gch: var TGcHeap) {.inline.} =
+proc addNewObjToZCT(res: PCell, gch: var GcHeap) {.inline.} =
   # we check the last 8 entries (cache line) for a slot that could be reused.
   # In 63% of all cases we succeed here! But we have to optimize the heck
   # out of this small linear search so that ``newObj`` is not slowed down.
@@ -431,13 +433,13 @@ proc gcInvariant*() =
-proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
+proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var GcHeap): pointer =
   # generates a new object and sets its reference counter to 0
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "rawNewObj begin")
   gcAssert(typ.kind in {tyRef, tyString, tySequence}, "newObj: 1")
-  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(TCell)))
+  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(Cell)))
   gcAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "newObj: 2")
   # now it is buffered in the ZCT
   res.typ = typ
@@ -486,7 +488,7 @@ proc newObjRC1(typ: PNimType, size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "newObjRC1 after collectCT")
-  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(TCell)))
+  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(Cell)))
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "newObjRC1 after rawAlloc")
   sysAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "newObj: 2")
   # now it is buffered in the ZCT
@@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ proc newSeqRC1(typ: PNimType, len: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
   cast[PGenericSeq](result).reserved = len
   when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(size)
-proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
+proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var GcHeap): pointer =
   var ol = usrToCell(old)
@@ -523,13 +525,13 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
   gcAssert(ol.typ.kind in {tyString, tySequence}, "growObj: 2")
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "growObj begin")
-  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, newsize + sizeof(TCell)))
+  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, newsize + sizeof(Cell)))
   var elemSize = 1
   if ol.typ.kind != tyString: elemSize = ol.typ.base.size
   var oldsize = cast[PGenericSeq](old).len*elemSize + GenericSeqSize
-  copyMem(res, ol, oldsize + sizeof(TCell))
-  zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](res)+% oldsize +% sizeof(TCell)),
+  copyMem(res, ol, oldsize + sizeof(Cell))
+  zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](res)+% oldsize +% sizeof(Cell)),
   sysAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "growObj: 3")
   # This can be wrong for intermediate temps that are nevertheless on the
@@ -564,7 +566,7 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
     sysAssert(ol.typ != nil, "growObj: 5")
-    zeroMem(ol, sizeof(TCell))
+    zeroMem(ol, sizeof(Cell))
   when useCellIds:
     inc gch.idGenerator
@@ -580,7 +582,7 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int): pointer {.rtl.} =
 # ---------------- cycle collector -------------------------------------------
-proc freeCyclicCell(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
+proc freeCyclicCell(gch: var GcHeap, c: PCell) =
   gcTrace(c, csCycFreed)
   when logGC: writeCell("cycle collector dealloc cell", c)
@@ -589,7 +591,7 @@ proc freeCyclicCell(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
     rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
     gcAssert(c.typ != nil, "freeCyclicCell")
-    zeroMem(c, sizeof(TCell))
+    zeroMem(c, sizeof(Cell))
 proc markGray(s: PCell) =
   if s.color != rcGray:
@@ -620,7 +622,7 @@ proc collectWhite(s: PCell) =
     forAllChildren(s, waCollectWhite)
     freeCyclicCell(gch, s)
-proc markRoots(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc markRoots(gch: var GcHeap) =
   var tabSize = 0
   for s in elements(gch.cycleRoots):
     #writeCell("markRoot", s)
@@ -635,7 +637,7 @@ proc markRoots(gch: var TGcHeap) =
   gch.stat.cycleTableSize = max(gch.stat.cycleTableSize, tabSize)
 when useBackupGc:
-  proc sweep(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+  proc sweep(gch: var GcHeap) =
     for x in allObjects(gch.region):
       if isCell(x):
         # cast to PCell is correct here:
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@ when useBackupGc:
         if c notin gch.marked: freeCyclicCell(gch, c)
 when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
-  proc markS(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
+  proc markS(gch: var GcHeap, c: PCell) =
     incl(gch.marked, c)
     gcAssert gch.tempStack.len == 0, "stack not empty!"
     forAllChildren(c, waMarkPrecise)
@@ -653,10 +655,10 @@ when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
       if not containsOrIncl(gch.marked, d):
         forAllChildren(d, waMarkPrecise)
-  proc markGlobals(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+  proc markGlobals(gch: var GcHeap) =
     for i in 0 .. < globalMarkersLen: globalMarkers[i]()
-  proc stackMarkS(gch: var TGcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
+  proc stackMarkS(gch: var GcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
     # the addresses are not as cells on the stack, so turn them to cells:
     var cell = usrToCell(p)
     var c = cast[TAddress](cell)
@@ -688,7 +690,7 @@ when logGC:
       forAllChildren(s, waDebug)
       c_fprintf(c_stdout, "}\n")
-proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp) =
   if p == nil: return
   var c: PCell = usrToCell(p)
   gcAssert(c != nil, "doOperation: 1")
@@ -733,19 +735,19 @@ proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp) =
   #of waDebug: debugGraph(c)
 proc nimGCvisit(d: pointer, op: int) {.compilerRtl.} =
-  doOperation(d, TWalkOp(op))
+  doOperation(d, WalkOp(op))
-proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool {.benign.}
+proc collectZCT(gch: var GcHeap): bool {.benign.}
 when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
-  proc markStackAndRegistersForSweep(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl,
+  proc markStackAndRegistersForSweep(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl,
-proc collectRoots(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectRoots(gch: var GcHeap) =
   for s in elements(gch.cycleRoots):
-proc collectCycles(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCycles(gch: var GcHeap) =
   # ensure the ZCT 'color' is not used:
   while gch.zct.len > 0: discard collectZCT(gch)
   when useBackupGc:
@@ -778,7 +780,7 @@ proc collectCycles(gch: var TGcHeap) =
     if cycleRootsLen != 0:
       cfprintf(cstdout, "cycle roots: %ld\n", cycleRootsLen)
-proc gcMark(gch: var TGcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
+proc gcMark(gch: var GcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
   # the addresses are not as cells on the stack, so turn them to cells:
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "gcMark begin")
   var cell = usrToCell(p)
@@ -798,7 +800,7 @@ proc gcMark(gch: var TGcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
         add(gch.decStack, cell)
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "gcMark end")
-proc markThreadStacks(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc markThreadStacks(gch: var GcHeap) =
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
     {.error: "not fully implemented".}
     var it = threadList
@@ -887,7 +889,7 @@ elif stackIncreases:
     jmpbufSize {.importc: "sizeof(jmp_buf)", nodecl.}: int
-      # a little hack to get the size of a TJmpBuf in the generated C code
+      # a little hack to get the size of a JmpBuf in the generated C code
       # in a platform independent way
   template forEachStackSlot(gch, gcMark: expr) {.immediate, dirty.} =
@@ -922,6 +924,15 @@ else:
     if c_setjmp(registers) == 0'i32: # To fill the C stack with registers.
       var max = cast[ByteAddress](gch.stackBottom)
       var sp = cast[ByteAddress](addr(registers))
+      when defined(amd64):
+        # words within the jmp_buf structure may not be properly aligned.
+        let regEnd = sp +% sizeof(registers)
+        while sp <% regEnd:
+          gcMark(gch, cast[PPointer](sp)[])
+          gcMark(gch, cast[PPointer](sp +% sizeof(pointer) div 2)[])
+          sp = sp +% sizeof(pointer)
+      # Make sure sp is word-aligned
+      sp = sp and not (sizeof(pointer) - 1)
       # loop unrolled:
       while sp <% max - 8*sizeof(pointer):
         gcMark(gch, cast[PStackSlice](sp)[0])
@@ -938,18 +949,18 @@ else:
         gcMark(gch, cast[PPointer](sp)[])
         sp = sp +% sizeof(pointer)
-proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
+proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
   forEachStackSlot(gch, gcMark)
 when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
-  proc markStackAndRegistersForSweep(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+  proc markStackAndRegistersForSweep(gch: var GcHeap) =
     forEachStackSlot(gch, stackMarkS)
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # end of non-portable code
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool =
+proc collectZCT(gch: var GcHeap): bool =
   # Note: Freeing may add child objects to the ZCT! So essentially we do
   # deep freeing, which is bad for incremental operation. In order to
   # avoid a deep stack, we move objects to keep the ZCT small.
@@ -959,7 +970,7 @@ proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool =
   when withRealTime:
     var steps = workPackage
-    var t0: TTicks
+    var t0: Ticks
     if gch.maxPause > 0: t0 = getticks()
   while L[] > 0:
     var c = gch.zct.d[0]
@@ -992,7 +1003,7 @@ proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool =
         rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
         sysAssert(c.typ != nil, "collectZCT 2")
-        zeroMem(c, sizeof(TCell))
+        zeroMem(c, sizeof(Cell))
     when withRealTime:
       if steps == 0:
         steps = workPackage
@@ -1005,7 +1016,7 @@ proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool =
             return false
   result = true
-proc unmarkStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc unmarkStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) =
   var d = gch.decStack.d
   for i in 0..gch.decStack.len-1:
     sysAssert isAllocatedPtr(gch.region, d[i]), "unmarkStackAndRegisters"
@@ -1017,7 +1028,7 @@ proc unmarkStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) =
     #sysAssert c.typ != nil, "unmarkStackAndRegisters 2"
   gch.decStack.len = 0
-proc collectCTBody(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCTBody(gch: var GcHeap) =
   when withRealTime:
     let t0 = getticks()
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "collectCT: begin")
@@ -1049,11 +1060,11 @@ proc collectCTBody(gch: var TGcHeap) =
         c_fprintf(c_stdout, "[GC] missed deadline: %ld\n", duration)
 when useMarkForDebug or useBackupGc:
-  proc markForDebug(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+  proc markForDebug(gch: var GcHeap) =
-proc collectCT(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap) =
   # stackMarkCosts prevents some pathological behaviour: Stack marking
   # becomes more expensive with large stacks and large stacks mean that
   # cells with RC=0 are more likely to be kept alive by the stack.
@@ -1068,13 +1079,13 @@ proc collectCT(gch: var TGcHeap) =
 when withRealTime:
-  proc toNano(x: int): TNanos {.inline.} =
+  proc toNano(x: int): Nanos {.inline.} =
     result = x * 1000
   proc GC_setMaxPause*(MaxPauseInUs: int) =
     gch.maxPause = MaxPauseInUs.toNano
-  proc GC_step(gch: var TGcHeap, us: int, strongAdvice: bool) =
+  proc GC_step(gch: var GcHeap, us: int, strongAdvice: bool) =
     gch.maxPause = us.toNano
     if (gch.zct.len >= ZctThreshold or (cycleGC and
diff --git a/lib/system/gc2.nim b/lib/system/gc2.nim
index 4e3dee51c..015e08c9e 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc2.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc2.nim
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ const
                               # was replaced by a resize operation.
                               # see growObj for details
-  rcColorMask = TRefCount(0b00111)
+  rcColorMask = RefCount(0b00111)
   rcZct = 0b01000             # already added to ZCT
   rcInCycleRoots = 0b10000    # already buffered as cycle candidate
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ const
   CollectCyclesStats = false
-  TWalkOp = enum
+  WalkOp = enum
-  TFinalizer {.compilerproc.} = proc (self: pointer) {.nimcall.}
+  Finalizer {.compilerproc.} = proc (self: pointer) {.nimcall.}
     # A ref type can have a finalizer that is called before the object's
     # storage is freed.
-  TGcStat {.final, pure.} = object
+  GcStat {.final, pure.} = object
     stackScans: int          # number of performed stack scans (for statistics)
     cycleCollections: int    # number of performed full collections
     maxThreshold: int        # max threshold that has been set
@@ -113,16 +113,16 @@ type
     cycleTableSize: int      # max entries in cycle table  
     maxPause: int64          # max measured GC pause in nanoseconds
-  TGcHeap {.final, pure.} = object # this contains the zero count and
+  GcHeap {.final, pure.} = object # this contains the zero count and
                                    # non-zero count table
     stackBottom: pointer
     stackTop: pointer
     cycleThreshold: int
-    zct: TCellSeq            # the zero count table
-    decStack: TCellSeq       # cells in the stack that are to decref again
-    cycleRoots: TCellSeq
-    tempStack: TCellSeq      # temporary stack for recursion elimination
-    freeStack: TCellSeq      # objects ready to be freed
+    zct: CellSeq             # the zero count table
+    decStack: CellSeq        # cells in the stack that are to decref again
+    cycleRoots: CellSeq
+    tempStack: CellSeq       # temporary stack for recursion elimination
+    freeStack: CellSeq       # objects ready to be freed
     recGcLock: int           # prevent recursion via finalizers; no thread lock
     cycleRootsTrimIdx: int   # Trimming is a light-weight collection of the 
                              # cycle roots table that uses a cheap linear scan
@@ -132,21 +132,22 @@ type
                              # This index indicates the start of the range of
                              # such new objects within the table.
     when withRealTime:
-      maxPause: TNanos       # max allowed pause in nanoseconds; active if > 0
-    region: TMemRegion       # garbage collected region
-    stat: TGcStat
+      maxPause: Nanos        # max allowed pause in nanoseconds; active if > 0
+    region: MemRegion        # garbage collected region
+    stat: GcStat
+{.deprecated: [TWalkOp: WalkOp, TFinalizer: Finalizer, TGcStat: GcStat,
+              TGcHeap: GcHeap].}
-  gch* {.rtlThreadVar.}: TGcHeap
+  gch* {.rtlThreadVar.}: GcHeap
 when not defined(useNimRtl):
-template acquire(gch: TGcHeap) = 
+template acquire(gch: GcHeap) = 
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
-template release(gch: TGcHeap) = 
+template release(gch: GcHeap) = 
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ template isDead(c: Pcell): expr =
   c.isBitUp(rcReallyDead) # also covers rcRetiredBuffer
 template clearBit(c: PCell, bit): expr =
-  c.refcount = c.refcount and (not TRefCount(bit))
+  c.refcount = c.refcount and (not RefCount(bit))
 when debugGC:
   var gcCollectionIdx = 0
@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ when debugGC:
       c_fprintf(c_stdout, "[GC] %s: %p %d rc=%ld\n",
                 msg, c, kind, c.refcount shr rcShift)
-proc addZCT(zct: var TCellSeq, c: PCell) {.noinline.} =
+proc addZCT(zct: var CellSeq, c: PCell) {.noinline.} =
   if c.isBitDown(rcZct):
     c.setBit rcZct
     zct.add c
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ template setStackTop(gch) =
     var stackTop {.volatile.}: pointer
     gch.stackTop = addr(stackTop)
-template addCycleRoot(cycleRoots: var TCellSeq, c: PCell) =
+template addCycleRoot(cycleRoots: var CellSeq, c: PCell) =
   if c.color != rcCycleCandidate:
     c.setColor rcCycleCandidate
@@ -233,11 +234,11 @@ template addCycleRoot(cycleRoots: var TCellSeq, c: PCell) =
 proc cellToUsr(cell: PCell): pointer {.inline.} =
   # convert object (=pointer to refcount) to pointer to userdata
-  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](cell)+%ByteAddress(sizeof(TCell)))
+  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](cell)+%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
 proc usrToCell*(usr: pointer): PCell {.inline.} =
   # convert pointer to userdata to object (=pointer to refcount)
-  result = cast[PCell](cast[ByteAddress](usr)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(TCell)))
+  result = cast[PCell](cast[ByteAddress](usr)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
 proc canbeCycleRoot(c: PCell): bool {.inline.} =
   result = ntfAcyclic notin c.typ.flags
@@ -254,11 +255,11 @@ when BitsPerPage mod (sizeof(int)*8) != 0:
   {.error: "(BitsPerPage mod BitsPerUnit) should be zero!".}
 # forward declarations:
-proc collectCT(gch: var TGcHeap)
+proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap)
 proc isOnStack*(p: pointer): bool {.noinline.}
-proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp)
-proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp)
-proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp)
+proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp)
+proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp)
+proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp)
 # we need the prototype here for debugging purposes
 proc prepareDealloc(cell: PCell) =
@@ -269,18 +270,19 @@ proc prepareDealloc(cell: PCell) =
     # prevend recursive entering here by a lock.
     # XXX: we should set the cell's children to nil!
-    (cast[TFinalizer](cell.typ.finalizer))(cellToUsr(cell))
+    (cast[Finalizer](cell.typ.finalizer))(cellToUsr(cell))
 when traceGC:
   # traceGC is a special switch to enable extensive debugging
-    TCellState = enum
+    CellState = enum
       csAllocated, csFreed
+  {.deprecated: [TCellState: CellState].}
-    states: array[TCellState, TCellSet]
+    states: array[CellState, CellSet]
-  proc traceCell(c: PCell, state: TCellState) =
+  proc traceCell(c: PCell, state: CellState) =
     case state
     of csAllocated:
       if c in states[csAllocated]:
@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ when traceGC:
     incl(states[state], c)
   proc computeCellWeight(c: PCell): int =
-    var x: TCellSet
+    var x: CellSet
     let startLen = gch.tempStack.len
@@ -363,30 +365,32 @@ proc rtlAddZCT(c: PCell) {.rtl, inl.} =
   WithHeapLock: addZCT(gch.zct, c)
-  TCyclicMode = enum
+  CyclicMode = enum
-  TReleaseType = enum
+  ReleaseType = enum
-  THeapType = enum
+  HeapType = enum
+{.deprecated: [TCyclicMode: CyclicMode, TReleaseType: ReleaseType,
+              THeapType: HeapType].}
-template `++` (rc: TRefCount, heapType: THeapType): stmt =
+template `++` (rc: RefCount, heapType: HeapType): stmt =
   when heapType == SharedHeap:
     discard atomicInc(rc, rcIncrement)
     inc rc, rcIncrement
-template `--`(rc: TRefCount): expr =
+template `--`(rc: RefCount): expr =
   dec rc, rcIncrement
   rc <% rcIncrement
-template `--` (rc: TRefCount, heapType: THeapType): expr =
+template `--` (rc: RefCount, heapType: HeapType): expr =
   (when heapType == SharedHeap: atomicDec(rc, rcIncrement) <% rcIncrement else: --rc)
 template doDecRef(cc: PCell,
@@ -479,7 +483,7 @@ when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
 proc initGC() =
   when not defined(useNimRtl):
     when traceGC:
-      for i in low(TCellState)..high(TCellState): init(states[i])
+      for i in low(CellState)..high(CellState): init(states[i])
     gch.cycleThreshold = InitialCycleThreshold
     gch.stat.stackScans = 0
     gch.stat.cycleCollections = 0
@@ -494,7 +498,7 @@ proc initGC() =
-proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: WalkOp) =
   var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
   case n.kind
   of nkSlot: forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), n.typ, op)
@@ -514,7 +518,7 @@ proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: TWalkOp) =
     if m != nil: forAllSlotsAux(dest, m, op)
   of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "forAllSlotsAux")
-proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp) =
   var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
   if dest == nil: return # nothing to do
   if ntfNoRefs notin mt.flags:
@@ -528,7 +532,7 @@ proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) =
         forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% i *% mt.base.size), mt.base, op)
     else: discard
-proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp) =
   sysAssert(cell != nil, "forAllChildren: 1")
   sysAssert(cell.typ != nil, "forAllChildren: 2")
   sysAssert cell.typ.kind in {tyRef, tySequence, tyString}, "forAllChildren: 3"
@@ -549,7 +553,7 @@ proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) =
                             cell.typ.base, op)
     else: discard
-proc addNewObjToZCT(res: PCell, gch: var TGcHeap) {.inline.} =
+proc addNewObjToZCT(res: PCell, gch: var GcHeap) {.inline.} =
   # we check the last 8 entries (cache line) for a slot that could be reused.
   # In 63% of all cases we succeed here! But we have to optimize the heck
   # out of this small linear search so that ``newObj`` is not slowed down.
@@ -593,7 +597,7 @@ proc addNewObjToZCT(res: PCell, gch: var TGcHeap) {.inline.} =
     add(gch.zct, res)
-proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var TGcHeap, rc1 = false): pointer =
+proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var GcHeap, rc1 = false): pointer =
   # generates a new object and sets its reference counter to 0
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "rawNewObj begin")
@@ -602,7 +606,7 @@ proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var TGcHeap, rc1 = false): pointer
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "rawNewObj after collect")
-  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(TCell)))
+  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(Cell)))
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "rawNewObj after rawAlloc")
   sysAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "newObj: 2")
@@ -638,20 +642,20 @@ proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var TGcHeap, rc1 = false): pointer
-proc freeCell(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
+proc freeCell(gch: var GcHeap, c: PCell) =
   # prepareDealloc(c)
   gcTrace(c, csFreed)
   when reallyDealloc: rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
     sysAssert(c.typ != nil, "collectCycles")
-    zeroMem(c, sizeof(TCell))
+    zeroMem(c, sizeof(Cell))
-template eraseAt(cells: var TCellSeq, at: int): stmt =
+template eraseAt(cells: var CellSeq, at: int): stmt =
   cells.d[at] = cells.d[cells.len - 1]
   dec cells.len
-template trimAt(roots: var TCellSeq, at: int): stmt =
+template trimAt(roots: var CellSeq, at: int): stmt =
   # This will remove a cycle root candidate during trimming.
   # a candidate is removed either because it received a refup and
   # it's no longer a candidate or because it received further refdowns
@@ -696,7 +700,7 @@ proc newSeqRC1(typ: PNimType, len: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
   cast[PGenericSeq](result).len = len
   cast[PGenericSeq](result).reserved = len
-proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
+proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var GcHeap): pointer =
   var ol = usrToCell(old)
@@ -704,7 +708,7 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
   sysAssert(ol.typ.kind in {tyString, tySequence}, "growObj: 2")
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "growObj begin")
-  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, newsize + sizeof(TCell)))
+  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, newsize + sizeof(Cell)))
   var elemSize = if ol.typ.kind != tyString: ol.typ.base.size
                  else: 1
@@ -713,8 +717,8 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
   # XXX: This should happen outside
   # call user-defined move code
   # call user-defined default constructor
-  copyMem(res, ol, oldsize + sizeof(TCell))
-  zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](res)+% oldsize +% sizeof(TCell)),
+  copyMem(res, ol, oldsize + sizeof(Cell))
+  zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](res)+% oldsize +% sizeof(Cell)),
   sysAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "growObj: 3")
@@ -778,26 +782,27 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int): pointer {.rtl.} =
 # ---------------- cycle collector -------------------------------------------
-proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp) =
   if p == nil: return
   var c: PCell = usrToCell(p)
   sysAssert(c != nil, "doOperation: 1")
   gch.tempStack.add c
 proc nimGCvisit(d: pointer, op: int) {.compilerRtl.} =
-  doOperation(d, TWalkOp(op))
+  doOperation(d, WalkOp(op))
-  TRecursionType = enum 
+  RecursionType = enum 
+{.deprecated: [TRecursionType: RecursionType].}
-proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool
+proc collectZCT(gch: var GcHeap): bool
-template pseudoRecursion(typ: TRecursionType, body: stmt): stmt =
+template pseudoRecursion(typ: RecursionType, body: stmt): stmt =
-proc trimCycleRoots(gch: var TGcHeap, startIdx = gch.cycleRootsTrimIdx) =
+proc trimCycleRoots(gch: var GcHeap, startIdx = gch.cycleRootsTrimIdx) =
   var i = startIdx
   while i < gch.cycleRoots.len:
     if gch.cycleRoots.d[i].color != rcCycleCandidate:
@@ -808,7 +813,7 @@ proc trimCycleRoots(gch: var TGcHeap, startIdx = gch.cycleRootsTrimIdx) =
   gch.cycleRootsTrimIdx = gch.cycleRoots.len
 # we now use a much simpler and non-recursive algorithm for cycle removal
-proc collectCycles(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCycles(gch: var GcHeap) =
   if gch.cycleRoots.len == 0: return
   gch.stat.cycleTableSize = max(gch.stat.cycleTableSize, gch.cycleRoots.len)
@@ -990,7 +995,7 @@ var gcDebugging* = false
 var seqdbg* : proc (s: PGenericSeq) {.cdecl.}
-proc gcMark(gch: var TGcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
+proc gcMark(gch: var GcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
   # the addresses are not as cells on the stack, so turn them to cells:
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "gcMark begin")
   var cell = usrToCell(p)
@@ -1025,7 +1030,7 @@ proc gcMark(gch: var TGcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
         add(gch.decStack, cell)
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "gcMark end")
-proc markThreadStacks(gch: var TGcHeap) = 
+proc markThreadStacks(gch: var GcHeap) = 
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
     {.error: "not fully implemented".}
     var it = threadList
@@ -1074,7 +1079,7 @@ proc stackSize(): int {.noinline.} =
   jmpbufSize {.importc: "sizeof(jmp_buf)", nodecl.}: int
-    # a little hack to get the size of a TJmpBuf in the generated C code
+    # a little hack to get the size of a JmpBuf in the generated C code
     # in a platform independent way
 when defined(sparc): # For SPARC architecture.
@@ -1086,7 +1091,7 @@ when defined(sparc): # For SPARC architecture.
     var x = cast[ByteAddress](p)
     result = a <=% x and x <=% b
-  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
+  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
     when defined(sparcv9):
       asm  """"flushw \n" """
@@ -1117,7 +1122,7 @@ elif stackIncreases:
     var x = cast[ByteAddress](p)
     result = a <=% x and x <=% b
-  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
+  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
     var registers: C_JmpBuf
     if c_setjmp(registers) == 0'i32: # To fill the C stack with registers.
       var max = cast[ByteAddress](gch.stackBottom)
@@ -1140,7 +1145,7 @@ else:
     var x = cast[ByteAddress](p)
     result = a <=% x and x <=% b
-  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
+  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
     # We use a jmp_buf buffer that is in the C stack.
     # Used to traverse the stack and registers assuming
     # that 'setjmp' will save registers in the C stack.
@@ -1181,7 +1186,7 @@ else:
 # end of non-portable code
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-proc releaseCell(gch: var TGcHeap, cell: PCell) =
+proc releaseCell(gch: var GcHeap, cell: PCell) =
   if cell.color != rcReallyDead:
     cell.setColor rcReallyDead
@@ -1210,13 +1215,13 @@ proc releaseCell(gch: var TGcHeap, cell: PCell) =
   #  recursion).
   # We can ignore it now as the ZCT cleaner will reach it soon.
-proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool =
+proc collectZCT(gch: var GcHeap): bool =
   const workPackage = 100
   var L = addr(gch.zct.len)
   when withRealtime:
     var steps = workPackage
-    var t0: TTicks
+    var t0: Ticks
     if gch.maxPause > 0: t0 = getticks()
   while L[] > 0:
@@ -1257,7 +1262,7 @@ proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool =
-proc unmarkStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc unmarkStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) =
   var d = gch.decStack.d
   for i in 0 .. <gch.decStack.len:
     sysAssert isAllocatedPtr(gch.region, d[i]), "unmarkStackAndRegisters"
@@ -1283,7 +1288,7 @@ proc unmarkStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) =
   gch.decStack.len = 0
-proc collectCTBody(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCTBody(gch: var GcHeap) =
   when withRealtime:
     let t0 = getticks()
   when debugGC: inc gcCollectionIdx
@@ -1315,20 +1320,20 @@ proc collectCTBody(gch: var TGcHeap) =
       if gch.maxPause > 0 and duration > gch.maxPause:
         c_fprintf(c_stdout, "[GC] missed deadline: %ld\n", duration)
-proc collectCT(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap) =
   if (gch.zct.len >= ZctThreshold or (cycleGC and
       getOccupiedMem(gch.region)>=gch.cycleThreshold) or alwaysGC) and 
       gch.recGcLock == 0:
 when withRealtime:
-  proc toNano(x: int): TNanos {.inline.} =
+  proc toNano(x: int): Nanos {.inline.} =
     result = x * 1000
   proc GC_setMaxPause*(MaxPauseInUs: int) =
     gch.maxPause = MaxPauseInUs.toNano
-  proc GC_step(gch: var TGcHeap, us: int, strongAdvice: bool) =
+  proc GC_step(gch: var GcHeap, us: int, strongAdvice: bool) =
     gch.maxPause = us.toNano
     if (gch.zct.len >= ZctThreshold or (cycleGC and
diff --git a/lib/system/gc_ms.nim b/lib/system/gc_ms.nim
index e287bf5d9..ee80c61e9 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc_ms.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc_ms.nim
@@ -26,49 +26,50 @@ when defined(memProfiler):
   proc nimProfile(requestedSize: int)
-  TWalkOp = enum
+  WalkOp = enum
     waMarkGlobal,  # we need to mark conservatively for global marker procs
                    # as these may refer to a global var and not to a thread
                    # local
     waMarkPrecise  # fast precise marking
-  TFinalizer {.compilerproc.} = proc (self: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
+  Finalizer {.compilerproc.} = proc (self: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
     # A ref type can have a finalizer that is called before the object's
     # storage is freed.
-  TGlobalMarkerProc = proc () {.nimcall, benign.}
+  GlobalMarkerProc = proc () {.nimcall, benign.}
-  TGcStat = object
+  GcStat = object
     collections: int         # number of performed full collections
     maxThreshold: int        # max threshold that has been set
     maxStackSize: int        # max stack size
     freedObjects: int        # max entries in cycle table
-  TGcHeap = object           # this contains the zero count and
+  GcHeap = object            # this contains the zero count and
                              # non-zero count table
     stackBottom: pointer
     cycleThreshold: int
     when useCellIds:
       idGenerator: int
     when withBitvectors:
-      allocated, marked: TCellSet
-    tempStack: TCellSeq      # temporary stack for recursion elimination
+      allocated, marked: CellSet
+    tempStack: CellSeq       # temporary stack for recursion elimination
     recGcLock: int           # prevent recursion via finalizers; no thread lock
-    region: TMemRegion       # garbage collected region
-    stat: TGcStat
-    additionalRoots: TCellSeq # dummy roots for GC_ref/unref
+    region: MemRegion        # garbage collected region
+    stat: GcStat
+    additionalRoots: CellSeq # dummy roots for GC_ref/unref
+{.deprecated: [TWalkOp: WalkOp, TFinalizer: Finalizer, TGcStat: GcStat,
+              TGlobalMarkerProc: GlobalMarkerProc, TGcHeap: GcHeap].}
-  gch {.rtlThreadVar.}: TGcHeap
+  gch {.rtlThreadVar.}: GcHeap
 when not defined(useNimRtl):
-template acquire(gch: TGcHeap) =
+template acquire(gch: GcHeap) =
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
-template release(gch: TGcHeap) =
+template release(gch: GcHeap) =
   when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap:
@@ -80,11 +81,11 @@ template gcAssert(cond: bool, msg: string) =
 proc cellToUsr(cell: PCell): pointer {.inline.} =
   # convert object (=pointer to refcount) to pointer to userdata
-  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](cell)+%ByteAddress(sizeof(TCell)))
+  result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](cell)+%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
 proc usrToCell(usr: pointer): PCell {.inline.} =
   # convert pointer to userdata to object (=pointer to refcount)
-  result = cast[PCell](cast[ByteAddress](usr)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(TCell)))
+  result = cast[PCell](cast[ByteAddress](usr)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
 proc canbeCycleRoot(c: PCell): bool {.inline.} =
   result = ntfAcyclic notin c.typ.flags
@@ -101,9 +102,9 @@ proc internRefcount(p: pointer): int {.exportc: "getRefcount".} =
   globalMarkersLen: int
-  globalMarkers: array[0.. 7_000, TGlobalMarkerProc]
+  globalMarkers: array[0.. 7_000, GlobalMarkerProc]
-proc nimRegisterGlobalMarker(markerProc: TGlobalMarkerProc) {.compilerProc.} =
+proc nimRegisterGlobalMarker(markerProc: GlobalMarkerProc) {.compilerProc.} =
   if globalMarkersLen <= high(globalMarkers):
     globalMarkers[globalMarkersLen] = markerProc
     inc globalMarkersLen
@@ -116,11 +117,11 @@ when BitsPerPage mod (sizeof(int)*8) != 0:
   {.error: "(BitsPerPage mod BitsPerUnit) should be zero!".}
 # forward declarations:
-proc collectCT(gch: var TGcHeap) {.benign.}
+proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap) {.benign.}
 proc isOnStack*(p: pointer): bool {.noinline, benign.}
-proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.}
-proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.}
-proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.}
+proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp) {.benign.}
+proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp) {.benign.}
+proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp) {.benign.}
 # we need the prototype here for debugging purposes
 proc prepareDealloc(cell: PCell) =
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ proc prepareDealloc(cell: PCell) =
     # prevend recursive entering here by a lock.
     # XXX: we should set the cell's children to nil!
-    (cast[TFinalizer](cell.typ.finalizer))(cellToUsr(cell))
+    (cast[Finalizer](cell.typ.finalizer))(cellToUsr(cell))
 proc nimGCref(p: pointer) {.compilerProc.} =
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ proc setupForeignThreadGc*() =
-proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.} =
+proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: WalkOp) {.benign.} =
   var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
   case n.kind
   of nkSlot: forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), n.typ, op)
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: TWalkOp) {.benign.} =
     if m != nil: forAllSlotsAux(dest, m, op)
   of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "forAllSlotsAux")
-proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp) =
   var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
   if dest == nil: return # nothing to do
   if ntfNoRefs notin mt.flags:
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: TWalkOp) =
         forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% i *% mt.base.size), mt.base, op)
     else: discard
-proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp) =
   gcAssert(cell != nil, "forAllChildren: 1")
   gcAssert(cell.typ != nil, "forAllChildren: 2")
   gcAssert cell.typ.kind in {tyRef, tySequence, tyString}, "forAllChildren: 3"
@@ -228,12 +229,12 @@ proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: TWalkOp) =
             GenericSeqSize), cell.typ.base, op)
     else: discard
-proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
+proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var GcHeap): pointer =
   # generates a new object and sets its reference counter to 0
   gcAssert(typ.kind in {tyRef, tyString, tySequence}, "newObj: 1")
-  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(TCell)))
+  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(Cell)))
   gcAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "newObj: 2")
   # now it is buffered in the ZCT
   res.typ = typ
@@ -285,20 +286,20 @@ proc newSeqRC1(typ: PNimType, len: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
   cast[PGenericSeq](result).reserved = len
   when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(size)
-proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
+proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var GcHeap): pointer =
   var ol = usrToCell(old)
   sysAssert(ol.typ != nil, "growObj: 1")
   gcAssert(ol.typ.kind in {tyString, tySequence}, "growObj: 2")
-  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, newsize + sizeof(TCell)))
+  var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, newsize + sizeof(Cell)))
   var elemSize = 1
   if ol.typ.kind != tyString: elemSize = ol.typ.base.size
   var oldsize = cast[PGenericSeq](old).len*elemSize + GenericSeqSize
-  copyMem(res, ol, oldsize + sizeof(TCell))
-  zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](res)+% oldsize +% sizeof(TCell)),
+  copyMem(res, ol, oldsize + sizeof(Cell))
+  zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](res)+% oldsize +% sizeof(Cell)),
   sysAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "growObj: 3")
   when false:
@@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
     when withBitvectors: excl(gch.allocated, ol)
     when reallyDealloc: rawDealloc(gch.region, ol)
-      zeroMem(ol, sizeof(TCell))
+      zeroMem(ol, sizeof(Cell))
   when withBitvectors: incl(gch.allocated, res)
   when useCellIds:
     inc gch.idGenerator
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int): pointer {.rtl.} =
 # ----------------- collector -----------------------------------------------
-proc mark(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
+proc mark(gch: var GcHeap, c: PCell) =
   when withBitvectors:
     incl(gch.marked, c)
     gcAssert gch.tempStack.len == 0, "stack not empty!"
@@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ proc mark(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
         d.refCount = rcBlack
         forAllChildren(d, waMarkPrecise)
-proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp) =
+proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp) =
   if p == nil: return
   var c: PCell = usrToCell(p)
   gcAssert(c != nil, "doOperation: 1")
@@ -359,17 +360,17 @@ proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: TWalkOp) =
   of waMarkPrecise: add(gch.tempStack, c)
 proc nimGCvisit(d: pointer, op: int) {.compilerRtl.} =
-  doOperation(d, TWalkOp(op))
+  doOperation(d, WalkOp(op))
-proc freeCyclicCell(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
+proc freeCyclicCell(gch: var GcHeap, c: PCell) =
   inc gch.stat.freedObjects
   when reallyDealloc: rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
     gcAssert(c.typ != nil, "freeCyclicCell")
-    zeroMem(c, sizeof(TCell))
+    zeroMem(c, sizeof(Cell))
-proc sweep(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc sweep(gch: var GcHeap) =
   when withBitvectors:
     for c in gch.allocated.elementsExcept(gch.marked):
@@ -391,12 +392,12 @@ when false:
           quit 1
-proc markGlobals(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc markGlobals(gch: var GcHeap) =
   for i in 0 .. < globalMarkersLen: globalMarkers[i]()
   let d = gch.additionalRoots.d
   for i in 0 .. < gch.additionalRoots.len: mark(gch, d[i])
-proc gcMark(gch: var TGcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
+proc gcMark(gch: var GcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
   # the addresses are not as cells on the stack, so turn them to cells:
   var cell = usrToCell(p)
   var c = cast[ByteAddress](cell)
@@ -446,7 +447,7 @@ when defined(sparc): # For SPARC architecture.
     var x = cast[ByteAddress](p)
     result = a <=% x and x <=% b
-  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
+  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
     when defined(sparcv9):
       asm  """"flushw \n" """
@@ -479,10 +480,10 @@ elif stackIncreases:
     jmpbufSize {.importc: "sizeof(jmp_buf)", nodecl.}: int
-      # a little hack to get the size of a TJmpBuf in the generated C code
+      # a little hack to get the size of a JmpBuf in the generated C code
       # in a platform independent way
-  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
+  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
     var registers: C_JmpBuf
     if c_setjmp(registers) == 0'i32: # To fill the C stack with registers.
       var max = cast[ByteAddress](gch.stackBottom)
@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ else:
     var x = cast[ByteAddress](p)
     result = a <=% x and x <=% b
-  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var TGcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
+  proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
     # We use a jmp_buf buffer that is in the C stack.
     # Used to traverse the stack and registers assuming
     # that 'setjmp' will save registers in the C stack.
@@ -514,6 +515,15 @@ else:
     if c_setjmp(registers) == 0'i32: # To fill the C stack with registers.
       var max = cast[ByteAddress](gch.stackBottom)
       var sp = cast[ByteAddress](addr(registers))
+      when defined(amd64):
+        # words within the jmp_buf structure may not be properly aligned.
+        let regEnd = sp +% sizeof(registers)
+        while sp <% regEnd:
+          gcMark(gch, cast[PPointer](sp)[])
+          gcMark(gch, cast[PPointer](sp +% sizeof(pointer) div 2)[])
+          sp = sp +% sizeof(pointer)
+      # Make sure sp is word-aligned
+      sp = sp and not (sizeof(pointer) - 1)
       # loop unrolled:
       while sp <% max - 8*sizeof(pointer):
         gcMark(gch, cast[PStackSlice](sp)[0])
@@ -534,7 +544,7 @@ else:
 # end of non-portable code
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-proc collectCTBody(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCTBody(gch: var GcHeap) =
   gch.stat.maxStackSize = max(gch.stat.maxStackSize, stackSize())
@@ -549,7 +559,7 @@ proc collectCTBody(gch: var TGcHeap) =
   gch.stat.maxThreshold = max(gch.stat.maxThreshold, gch.cycleThreshold)
   sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "collectCT: end")
-proc collectCT(gch: var TGcHeap) =
+proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap) =
   if getOccupiedMem(gch.region) >= gch.cycleThreshold and gch.recGcLock == 0:
diff --git a/lib/system/jssys.nim b/lib/system/jssys.nim
index 3b55f62ca..4a26e1e08 100644
--- a/lib/system/jssys.nim
+++ b/lib/system/jssys.nim
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ else:
 proc log*(s: cstring) {.importc: "console.log", varargs, nodecl.}
-  PSafePoint = ptr TSafePoint
-  TSafePoint {.compilerproc, final.} = object
+  PSafePoint = ptr SafePoint
+  SafePoint {.compilerproc, final.} = object
     prev: PSafePoint # points to next safe point
     exc: ref Exception
-  PCallFrame = ptr TCallFrame
-  TCallFrame {.importc, nodecl, final.} = object
+  PCallFrame = ptr CallFrame
+  CallFrame {.importc, nodecl, final.} = object
     prev: PCallFrame
     procname: cstring
     line: int # current line number
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type
     lineNumber {.importc.}: int
     message {.importc.}: cstring
     stack {.importc.}: cstring
+{.deprecated: [TSafePoint: SafePoint, TCallFrame: CallFrame].}
   framePtr {.importc, nodecl, volatile.}: PCallFrame
@@ -60,12 +61,13 @@ proc getCurrentExceptionMsg*(): string =
 proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PCallFrame): string =
-    TTempFrame = tuple[procname: cstring, line: int]
+    TempFrame = tuple[procname: cstring, line: int]
+  {.deprecated: [TTempFrame: TempFrame].}
     it = f
     i = 0
     total = 0
-    tempFrames: array [0..63, TTempFrame]
+    tempFrames: array [0..63, TempFrame]
   while it != nil and i <= high(tempFrames):
     tempFrames[i].procname = it.procname
     tempFrames[i].line = it.line
@@ -260,17 +262,17 @@ proc eqStrings(a, b: string): bool {.asmNoStackFrame, compilerProc.} =
-  TDocument {.importc.} = object of RootObj
+  Document {.importc.} = object of RootObj
     write: proc (text: cstring) {.nimcall.}
     writeln: proc (text: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    createAttribute: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    createElement: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    createTextNode: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    getElementById: proc (id: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByName: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByTagName: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
-  TNodeType* = enum
+    createAttribute: proc (identifier: cstring): ref Node {.nimcall.}
+    createElement: proc (identifier: cstring): ref Node {.nimcall.}
+    createTextNode: proc (identifier: cstring): ref Node {.nimcall.}
+    getElementById: proc (id: cstring): ref Node {.nimcall.}
+    getElementsByName: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref Node] {.nimcall.}
+    getElementsByTagName: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref Node] {.nimcall.}
+  NodeType* = enum
     ElementNode = 1,
@@ -283,35 +285,36 @@ type
-  TNode* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
-    attributes*: seq[ref TNode]
-    childNodes*: seq[ref TNode]
+  Node* {.importc.} = object of RootObj
+    attributes*: seq[ref Node]
+    childNodes*: seq[ref Node]
     data*: cstring
-    firstChild*: ref TNode
-    lastChild*: ref TNode
-    nextSibling*: ref TNode
+    firstChild*: ref Node
+    lastChild*: ref Node
+    nextSibling*: ref Node
     nodeName*: cstring
-    nodeType*: TNodeType
+    nodeType*: NodeType
     nodeValue*: cstring
-    parentNode*: ref TNode
-    previousSibling*: ref TNode
-    appendChild*: proc (child: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    parentNode*: ref Node
+    previousSibling*: ref Node
+    appendChild*: proc (child: ref Node) {.nimcall.}
     appendData*: proc (data: cstring) {.nimcall.}
     cloneNode*: proc (copyContent: bool) {.nimcall.}
     deleteData*: proc (start, len: int) {.nimcall.}
     getAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring): cstring {.nimcall.}
-    getAttributeNode*: proc (attr: cstring): ref TNode {.nimcall.}
-    getElementsByTagName*: proc (): seq[ref TNode] {.nimcall.}
+    getAttributeNode*: proc (attr: cstring): ref Node {.nimcall.}
+    getElementsByTagName*: proc (): seq[ref Node] {.nimcall.}
     hasChildNodes*: proc (): bool {.nimcall.}
-    insertBefore*: proc (newNode, before: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    insertBefore*: proc (newNode, before: ref Node) {.nimcall.}
     insertData*: proc (position: int, data: cstring) {.nimcall.}
     removeAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    removeAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    removeChild*: proc (child: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
-    replaceChild*: proc (newNode, oldNode: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    removeAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref Node) {.nimcall.}
+    removeChild*: proc (child: ref Node) {.nimcall.}
+    replaceChild*: proc (newNode, oldNode: ref Node) {.nimcall.}
     replaceData*: proc (start, len: int, text: cstring) {.nimcall.}
     setAttribute*: proc (name, value: cstring) {.nimcall.}
-    setAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode) {.nimcall.}
+    setAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref Node) {.nimcall.}
+{.deprecated: [TNode: Node, TNodeType: NodeType, TDocument: Document].}
 when defined(kwin):
   proc rawEcho {.compilerproc, asmNoStackFrame.} =
@@ -337,7 +340,7 @@ elif defined(nodejs):
-    document {.importc, nodecl.}: ref TDocument
+    document {.importc, nodecl.}: ref Document
   proc ewriteln(x: cstring) =
     var node = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
diff --git a/lib/system/mmdisp.nim b/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
index a378f86e7..86d834ceb 100644
--- a/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
+++ b/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ const
   PPointer = ptr pointer
-  TByteArray = array[0..1000_0000, byte]
-  PByte = ptr TByteArray
+  ByteArray = array[0..1000_0000, byte]
+  PByte = ptr ByteArray
   PString = ptr string
+{.deprecated: [TByteArray: ByteArray].}
 # Page size of the system; in most cases 4096 bytes. For exotic OS or
 # CPU this needs to be changed:
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ when defined(boehmgc):
   elif defined(macosx):
     const boehmLib = "libgc.dylib"
-    const boehmLib = "/usr/lib/"
+    const boehmLib = ""
   proc boehmGCinit {.importc: "GC_init", dynlib: boehmLib.}
   proc boehmGC_disable {.importc: "GC_disable", dynlib: boehmLib.}
@@ -180,16 +181,17 @@ when defined(boehmgc):
     dest[] = src
-    TMemRegion = object {.final, pure.}
+    MemRegion = object {.final, pure.}
+  {.deprecated: [TMemRegion: MemRegion].}
-  proc alloc(r: var TMemRegion, size: int): pointer =
+  proc alloc(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
     result = boehmAlloc(size)
     if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-  proc alloc0(r: var TMemRegion, size: int): pointer =
+  proc alloc0(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
     result = alloc(size)
     zeroMem(result, size)
-  proc dealloc(r: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) = boehmDealloc(p)
-  proc deallocOsPages(r: var TMemRegion) {.inline.} = discard
+  proc dealloc(r: var MemRegion, p: pointer) = boehmDealloc(p)
+  proc deallocOsPages(r: var MemRegion) {.inline.} = discard
   proc deallocOsPages() {.inline.} = discard
   include "system/cellsets"
@@ -257,14 +259,15 @@ elif defined(nogc) and defined(useMalloc):
     dest[] = src
-    TMemRegion = object {.final, pure.}
+    MemRegion = object {.final, pure.}
+  {.deprecated: [TMemRegion: MemRegion].}
-  proc alloc(r: var TMemRegion, size: int): pointer =
+  proc alloc(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
     result = alloc(size)
-  proc alloc0(r: var TMemRegion, size: int): pointer =
+  proc alloc0(r: var MemRegion, size: int): pointer =
     result = alloc0(size)
-  proc dealloc(r: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) = dealloc(p)
-  proc deallocOsPages(r: var TMemRegion) {.inline.} = discard
+  proc dealloc(r: var MemRegion, p: pointer) = dealloc(p)
+  proc deallocOsPages(r: var MemRegion) {.inline.} = discard
   proc deallocOsPages() {.inline.} = discard
 elif defined(nogc):
@@ -313,7 +316,7 @@ elif defined(nogc):
   proc asgnRefNoCycle(dest: PPointer, src: pointer) {.compilerproc, inline.} =
     dest[] = src
-  var allocator {.rtlThreadVar.}: TMemRegion
+  var allocator {.rtlThreadVar.}: MemRegion
   include "system/cellsets"
@@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ else:
   include "system/cellsets"
   when not leakDetector:
-    sysAssert(sizeof(TCell) == sizeof(TFreeCell), "sizeof TFreeCell")
+    sysAssert(sizeof(Cell) == sizeof(FreeCell), "sizeof FreeCell")
   when compileOption("gc", "v2"):
     include "system/gc2"
   elif defined(gcMarkAndSweep):
@@ -335,4 +338,3 @@ else:
     include "system/gc"
diff --git a/lib/system/profiler.nim b/lib/system/profiler.nim
index 6d6863caa..c93456fb3 100644
--- a/lib/system/profiler.nim
+++ b/lib/system/profiler.nim
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ const
   MaxTraceLen = 20 # tracking the last 20 calls is enough
-  TStackTrace* = array [0..MaxTraceLen-1, cstring]
-  TProfilerHook* = proc (st: TStackTrace) {.nimcall.}
+  StackTrace* = array [0..MaxTraceLen-1, cstring]
+  ProfilerHook* = proc (st: StackTrace) {.nimcall.}
+{.deprecated: [TStackTrace: StackTrace, TProfilerHook: ProfilerHook].}
-proc captureStackTrace(f: PFrame, st: var TStackTrace) =
+proc captureStackTrace(f: PFrame, st: var StackTrace) =
     firstCalls = 5
@@ -51,14 +52,15 @@ proc captureStackTrace(f: PFrame, st: var TStackTrace) =
 when defined(memProfiler):
-    TMemProfilerHook* = proc (st: TStackTrace, requestedSize: int) {.nimcall, benign.}
+    MemProfilerHook* = proc (st: StackTrace, requestedSize: int) {.nimcall, benign.}
+  {.deprecated: [TMemProfilerHook: MemProfilerHook].}
-    profilerHook*: TMemProfilerHook
+    profilerHook*: MemProfilerHook
       ## set this variable to provide a procedure that implements a profiler in
       ## user space. See the `nimprof` module for a reference implementation.
-  proc callProfilerHook(hook: TMemProfilerHook, requestedSize: int) =
-    var st: TStackTrace
+  proc callProfilerHook(hook: MemProfilerHook, requestedSize: int) =
+    var st: StackTrace
     captureStackTrace(framePtr, st)
     hook(st, requestedSize)
@@ -70,15 +72,15 @@ else:
     SamplingInterval = 50_000
       # set this to change the default sampling interval
-    profilerHook*: TProfilerHook
+    profilerHook*: ProfilerHook
       ## set this variable to provide a procedure that implements a profiler in
       ## user space. See the `nimprof` module for a reference implementation.
     gTicker {.threadvar.}: int
-  proc callProfilerHook(hook: TProfilerHook) {.noinline.} =
+  proc callProfilerHook(hook: ProfilerHook) {.noinline.} =
     # 'noinline' so that 'nimProfile' does not perform the stack allocation
     # in the common case.
-    var st: TStackTrace
+    var st: StackTrace
     captureStackTrace(framePtr, st)
diff --git a/lib/system/repr.nim b/lib/system/repr.nim
index f1029ff6a..f3b69954a 100644
--- a/lib/system/repr.nim
+++ b/lib/system/repr.nim
@@ -121,38 +121,39 @@ proc reprSet(p: pointer, typ: PNimType): string {.compilerRtl.} =
   reprSetAux(result, p, typ)
-  TReprClosure {.final.} = object # we cannot use a global variable here
+  ReprClosure {.final.} = object # we cannot use a global variable here
                                   # as this wouldn't be thread-safe
-    when declared(TCellSet):
-      marked: TCellSet
+    when declared(CellSet):
+      marked: CellSet
     recdepth: int       # do not recurse endlessly
     indent: int         # indentation
+{.deprecated: [TReprClosure: ReprClosure].}
 when not defined(useNimRtl):
-  proc initReprClosure(cl: var TReprClosure) =
+  proc initReprClosure(cl: var ReprClosure) =
     # Important: cellsets does not lock the heap when doing allocations! We
     # have to do it here ...
     when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap and declared(heapLock):
-    when declared(TCellSet):
+    when declared(CellSet):
     cl.recdepth = -1      # default is to display everything!
     cl.indent = 0
-  proc deinitReprClosure(cl: var TReprClosure) =
-    when declared(TCellSet): deinit(cl.marked)
+  proc deinitReprClosure(cl: var ReprClosure) =
+    when declared(CellSet): deinit(cl.marked)
     when hasThreadSupport and hasSharedHeap and declared(heapLock): 
-  proc reprBreak(result: var string, cl: TReprClosure) =
+  proc reprBreak(result: var string, cl: ReprClosure) =
     add result, "\n"
     for i in add result, ' '
   proc reprAux(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,
-               cl: var TReprClosure) {.benign.}
+               cl: var ReprClosure) {.benign.}
   proc reprArray(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,
-                 cl: var TReprClosure) =
+                 cl: var ReprClosure) =
     add result, "["
     var bs = typ.base.size
     for i in 0..typ.size div bs - 1:
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
     add result, "]"
   proc reprSequence(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,
-                    cl: var TReprClosure) =
+                    cl: var ReprClosure) =
     if p == nil:
       add result, "nil"
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
     add result, "]"
   proc reprRecordAux(result: var string, p: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode,
-                     cl: var TReprClosure) {.benign.} =
+                     cl: var ReprClosure) {.benign.} =
     case n.kind
     of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "reprRecordAux")
     of nkSlot:
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
       if m != nil: reprRecordAux(result, p, m, cl)
   proc reprRecord(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,
-                  cl: var TReprClosure) =
+                  cl: var ReprClosure) =
     add result, "["
     let oldLen = result.len
     reprRecordAux(result, p, typ.node, cl)
@@ -201,9 +202,9 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
     add result, "]"
   proc reprRef(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,
-               cl: var TReprClosure) =
+               cl: var ReprClosure) =
     # we know that p is not nil here:
-    when declared(TCellSet):
+    when declared(CellSet):
       when defined(boehmGC) or defined(nogc):
         var cell = cast[PCell](p)
@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
         reprAux(result, p, typ.base, cl)
   proc reprAux(result: var string, p: pointer, typ: PNimType,
-               cl: var TReprClosure) =
+               cl: var ReprClosure) =
     if cl.recdepth == 0:
       add result, "..."
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
 proc reprOpenArray(p: pointer, length: int, elemtyp: PNimType): string {.
                    compilerRtl.} =
-    cl: TReprClosure
+    cl: ReprClosure
   result = "["
   var bs = elemtyp.size
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ proc reprOpenArray(p: pointer, length: int, elemtyp: PNimType): string {.
 when not defined(useNimRtl):
   proc reprAny(p: pointer, typ: PNimType): string =
-      cl: TReprClosure
+      cl: ReprClosure
     result = ""
     if typ.kind in {tyObject, tyTuple, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tySet}:
diff --git a/lib/system/sets.nim b/lib/system/sets.nim
index 626d43c33..22d6d57c0 100644
--- a/lib/system/sets.nim
+++ b/lib/system/sets.nim
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 # set handling
-  TNimSet = array [0..4*2048-1, uint8]
+  NimSet = array [0..4*2048-1, uint8]
+{.deprecated: [TNimSet: NimSet].}
 proc countBits32(n: int32): int {.compilerproc.} =
   var v = n
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ proc countBits64(n: int64): int {.compilerproc.} =
   result = countBits32(toU32(n and 0xffff'i64)) +
            countBits32(toU32(n shr 16'i64))
-proc cardSet(s: TNimSet, len: int): int {.compilerproc.} =
+proc cardSet(s: NimSet, len: int): int {.compilerproc.} =
   result = 0
   for i in countup(0, len-1):
     inc(result, countBits32(int32(s[i])))
diff --git a/lib/system/syslocks.nim b/lib/system/syslocks.nim
index 8b38f34f3..ec8c26275 100644
--- a/lib/system/syslocks.nim
+++ b/lib/system/syslocks.nim
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 when defined(Windows):
-    THandle = int
-    TSysLock {.final, pure.} = object # CRITICAL_SECTION in WinApi
+    Handle = int
+    SysLock {.final, pure.} = object # CRITICAL_SECTION in WinApi
       DebugInfo: pointer
       LockCount: int32
       RecursionCount: int32
@@ -20,85 +20,87 @@ when defined(Windows):
       LockSemaphore: int
       Reserved: int32
-    TSysCond = THandle
+    SysCond = Handle
+  {.deprecated: [THandle: Handle, TSysLock: SysLock, TSysCond: SysCond].}
-  proc initSysLock(L: var TSysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+  proc initSysLock(L: var SysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "InitializeCriticalSection".}
     ## Initializes the lock `L`.
-  proc tryAcquireSysAux(L: var TSysLock): int32 {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+  proc tryAcquireSysAux(L: var SysLock): int32 {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "TryEnterCriticalSection".}
     ## Tries to acquire the lock `L`.
-  proc tryAcquireSys(L: var TSysLock): bool {.inline.} = 
+  proc tryAcquireSys(L: var SysLock): bool {.inline.} = 
     result = tryAcquireSysAux(L) != 0'i32
-  proc acquireSys(L: var TSysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+  proc acquireSys(L: var SysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "EnterCriticalSection".}
     ## Acquires the lock `L`.
-  proc releaseSys(L: var TSysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+  proc releaseSys(L: var SysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "LeaveCriticalSection".}
     ## Releases the lock `L`.
-  proc deinitSys(L: var TSysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+  proc deinitSys(L: var SysLock) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "DeleteCriticalSection".}
   proc createEvent(lpEventAttributes: pointer, 
                    bManualReset, bInitialState: int32,
-                   lpName: cstring): TSysCond {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+                   lpName: cstring): SysCond {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CreateEventA".}
-  proc closeHandle(hObject: THandle) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+  proc closeHandle(hObject: Handle) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CloseHandle".}
-  proc waitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle, dwMilliseconds: int32): int32 {.
+  proc waitForSingleObject(hHandle: Handle, dwMilliseconds: int32): int32 {.
     stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "WaitForSingleObject", noSideEffect.}
-  proc signalSysCond(hEvent: TSysCond) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
+  proc signalSysCond(hEvent: SysCond) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "SetEvent".}
-  proc initSysCond(cond: var TSysCond) {.inline.} =
+  proc initSysCond(cond: var SysCond) {.inline.} =
     cond = createEvent(nil, 0'i32, 0'i32, nil)
-  proc deinitSysCond(cond: var TSysCond) {.inline.} =
+  proc deinitSysCond(cond: var SysCond) {.inline.} =
-  proc waitSysCond(cond: var TSysCond, lock: var TSysLock) =
+  proc waitSysCond(cond: var SysCond, lock: var SysLock) =
     discard waitForSingleObject(cond, -1'i32)
-  proc waitSysCondWindows(cond: var TSysCond) =
+  proc waitSysCondWindows(cond: var SysCond) =
     discard waitForSingleObject(cond, -1'i32)
-    TSysLock {.importc: "pthread_mutex_t", pure, final,
+    SysLock {.importc: "pthread_mutex_t", pure, final,
                header: "<sys/types.h>".} = object
-    TSysCond {.importc: "pthread_cond_t", pure, final,
+    SysCond {.importc: "pthread_cond_t", pure, final,
                header: "<sys/types.h>".} = object
-  proc initSysLock(L: var TSysLock, attr: pointer = nil) {.
+  proc initSysLock(L: var SysLock, attr: pointer = nil) {.
     importc: "pthread_mutex_init", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
-  proc acquireSys(L: var TSysLock) {.noSideEffect,
+  proc acquireSys(L: var SysLock) {.noSideEffect,
     importc: "pthread_mutex_lock", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc tryAcquireSysAux(L: var TSysLock): cint {.noSideEffect,
+  proc tryAcquireSysAux(L: var SysLock): cint {.noSideEffect,
     importc: "pthread_mutex_trylock", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc tryAcquireSys(L: var TSysLock): bool {.inline.} = 
+  proc tryAcquireSys(L: var SysLock): bool {.inline.} = 
     result = tryAcquireSysAux(L) == 0'i32
-  proc releaseSys(L: var TSysLock) {.noSideEffect,
+  proc releaseSys(L: var SysLock) {.noSideEffect,
     importc: "pthread_mutex_unlock", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc deinitSys(L: var TSysLock) {.noSideEffect,
+  proc deinitSys(L: var SysLock) {.noSideEffect,
     importc: "pthread_mutex_destroy", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc initSysCond(cond: var TSysCond, cond_attr: pointer = nil) {.
+  proc initSysCond(cond: var SysCond, cond_attr: pointer = nil) {.
     importc: "pthread_cond_init", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
-  proc waitSysCond(cond: var TSysCond, lock: var TSysLock) {.
+  proc waitSysCond(cond: var SysCond, lock: var SysLock) {.
     importc: "pthread_cond_wait", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
-  proc signalSysCond(cond: var TSysCond) {.
+  proc signalSysCond(cond: var SysCond) {.
     importc: "pthread_cond_signal", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
-  proc deinitSysCond(cond: var TSysCond) {.noSideEffect,
+  proc deinitSysCond(cond: var SysCond) {.noSideEffect,
     importc: "pthread_cond_destroy", header: "<pthread.h>".}
diff --git a/lib/system/sysspawn.nim b/lib/system/sysspawn.nim
index 6f45f1509..5f8f2b2c5 100644
--- a/lib/system/sysspawn.nim
+++ b/lib/system/sysspawn.nim
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ when not declared(NimString):
   CondVar = object
-    c: TSysCond
+    c: SysCond
     when defined(posix):
-      stupidLock: TSysLock
+      stupidLock: SysLock
       counter: int
 proc createCondVar(): CondVar =
diff --git a/lib/system/threads.nim b/lib/system/threads.nim
index d8e011ecb..865271a50 100644
--- a/lib/system/threads.nim
+++ b/lib/system/threads.nim
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 ##  import locks
 ##  var
-##    thr: array [0..4, TThread[tuple[a,b: int]]]
-##    L: TLock
+##    thr: array [0..4, Thread[tuple[a,b: int]]]
+##    L: Lock
 ##  proc threadFunc(interval: tuple[a,b: int]) {.thread.} =
 ##    for i in interval.a..interval.b:
@@ -51,40 +51,41 @@ const
 when defined(windows):
-    TSysThread = THandle
-    TWinThreadProc = proc (x: pointer): int32 {.stdcall.}
+    SysThread = Handle
+    WinThreadProc = proc (x: pointer): int32 {.stdcall.}
+  {.deprecated: [TSysThread: SysThread, TWinThreadProc: WinThreadProc].}
   proc createThread(lpThreadAttributes: pointer, dwStackSize: int32,
-                     lpStartAddress: TWinThreadProc, 
+                     lpStartAddress: WinThreadProc, 
                      lpParameter: pointer,
                      dwCreationFlags: int32, 
-                     lpThreadId: var int32): TSysThread {.
+                     lpThreadId: var int32): SysThread {.
     stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CreateThread".}
-  proc winSuspendThread(hThread: TSysThread): int32 {.
+  proc winSuspendThread(hThread: SysThread): int32 {.
     stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "SuspendThread".}
-  proc winResumeThread(hThread: TSysThread): int32 {.
+  proc winResumeThread(hThread: SysThread): int32 {.
     stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "ResumeThread".}
   proc waitForMultipleObjects(nCount: int32,
-                              lpHandles: ptr TSysThread,
+                              lpHandles: ptr SysThread,
                               bWaitAll: int32,
                               dwMilliseconds: int32): int32 {.
     stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "WaitForMultipleObjects".}
-  proc terminateThread(hThread: TSysThread, dwExitCode: int32): int32 {.
+  proc terminateThread(hThread: SysThread, dwExitCode: int32): int32 {.
     stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "TerminateThread".}
-    TThreadVarSlot = distinct int32
+    ThreadVarSlot = distinct int32
   when true:
-    proc threadVarAlloc(): TThreadVarSlot {.
+    proc threadVarAlloc(): ThreadVarSlot {.
       importc: "TlsAlloc", stdcall, header: "<windows.h>".}
-    proc threadVarSetValue(dwTlsIndex: TThreadVarSlot, lpTlsValue: pointer) {.
+    proc threadVarSetValue(dwTlsIndex: ThreadVarSlot, lpTlsValue: pointer) {.
       importc: "TlsSetValue", stdcall, header: "<windows.h>".}
-    proc tlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex: TThreadVarSlot): pointer {.
+    proc tlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex: ThreadVarSlot): pointer {.
       importc: "TlsGetValue", stdcall, header: "<windows.h>".}
     proc getLastError(): uint32 {.
@@ -92,16 +93,16 @@ when defined(windows):
     proc setLastError(x: uint32) {.
       importc: "SetLastError", stdcall, header: "<windows.h>".}
-    proc threadVarGetValue(dwTlsIndex: TThreadVarSlot): pointer =
+    proc threadVarGetValue(dwTlsIndex: ThreadVarSlot): pointer =
       let realLastError = getLastError()
       result = tlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex)
-    proc threadVarAlloc(): TThreadVarSlot {.
+    proc threadVarAlloc(): ThreadVarSlot {.
       importc: "TlsAlloc", stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32".}
-    proc threadVarSetValue(dwTlsIndex: TThreadVarSlot, lpTlsValue: pointer) {.
+    proc threadVarSetValue(dwTlsIndex: ThreadVarSlot, lpTlsValue: pointer) {.
       importc: "TlsSetValue", stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32".}
-    proc threadVarGetValue(dwTlsIndex: TThreadVarSlot): pointer {.
+    proc threadVarGetValue(dwTlsIndex: ThreadVarSlot): pointer {.
       importc: "TlsGetValue", stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32".}
@@ -111,55 +112,58 @@ else:
   {.passC: "-pthread".}
-    TSysThread {.importc: "pthread_t", header: "<sys/types.h>",
+    SysThread {.importc: "pthread_t", header: "<sys/types.h>",
                  final, pure.} = object
-    Tpthread_attr {.importc: "pthread_attr_t",
+    Pthread_attr {.importc: "pthread_attr_t",
                      header: "<sys/types.h>", final, pure.} = object
-    Ttimespec {.importc: "struct timespec",
+    Timespec {.importc: "struct timespec",
                 header: "<time.h>", final, pure.} = object
       tv_sec: int
       tv_nsec: int
+  {.deprecated: [TSysThread: SysThread, Tpthread_attr: PThreadAttr,
+                Ttimespec: Timespec].}
-  proc pthread_attr_init(a1: var TPthread_attr) {.
+  proc pthread_attr_init(a1: var PthreadAttr) {.
     importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc pthread_attr_setstacksize(a1: var TPthread_attr, a2: int) {.
+  proc pthread_attr_setstacksize(a1: var PthreadAttr, a2: int) {.
     importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc pthread_create(a1: var TSysThread, a2: var TPthread_attr,
+  proc pthread_create(a1: var SysThread, a2: var PthreadAttr,
             a3: proc (x: pointer): pointer {.noconv.}, 
             a4: pointer): cint {.importc: "pthread_create", 
             header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc pthread_join(a1: TSysThread, a2: ptr pointer): cint {.
+  proc pthread_join(a1: SysThread, a2: ptr pointer): cint {.
     importc, header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc pthread_cancel(a1: TSysThread): cint {.
+  proc pthread_cancel(a1: SysThread): cint {.
     importc: "pthread_cancel", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-    TThreadVarSlot {.importc: "pthread_key_t", pure, final,
+    ThreadVarSlot {.importc: "pthread_key_t", pure, final,
                    header: "<sys/types.h>".} = object
+  {.deprecated: [TThreadVarSlot: ThreadVarSlot].}
-  proc pthread_getspecific(a1: TThreadVarSlot): pointer {.
+  proc pthread_getspecific(a1: ThreadVarSlot): pointer {.
     importc: "pthread_getspecific", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc pthread_key_create(a1: ptr TThreadVarSlot, 
+  proc pthread_key_create(a1: ptr ThreadVarSlot, 
                           destruct: proc (x: pointer) {.noconv.}): int32 {.
     importc: "pthread_key_create", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc pthread_key_delete(a1: TThreadVarSlot): int32 {.
+  proc pthread_key_delete(a1: ThreadVarSlot): int32 {.
     importc: "pthread_key_delete", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc pthread_setspecific(a1: TThreadVarSlot, a2: pointer): int32 {.
+  proc pthread_setspecific(a1: ThreadVarSlot, a2: pointer): int32 {.
     importc: "pthread_setspecific", header: "<pthread.h>".}
-  proc threadVarAlloc(): TThreadVarSlot {.inline.} =
+  proc threadVarAlloc(): ThreadVarSlot {.inline.} =
     discard pthread_key_create(addr(result), nil)
-  proc threadVarSetValue(s: TThreadVarSlot, value: pointer) {.inline.} =
+  proc threadVarSetValue(s: ThreadVarSlot, value: pointer) {.inline.} =
     discard pthread_setspecific(s, value)
-  proc threadVarGetValue(s: TThreadVarSlot): pointer {.inline.} =
+  proc threadVarGetValue(s: ThreadVarSlot): pointer {.inline.} =
     result = pthread_getspecific(s)
   when useStackMaskHack:
-    proc pthread_attr_setstack(attr: var TPthread_attr, stackaddr: pointer,
+    proc pthread_attr_setstack(attr: var PthreadAttr, stackaddr: pointer,
                                size: int): cint {.
       importc: "pthread_attr_setstack", header: "<pthread.h>".}
@@ -175,13 +179,13 @@ when emulatedThreadVars:
 # allocations are needed. Currently less than 7K are used on a 64bit machine.
 # We use ``float`` for proper alignment:
-  TThreadLocalStorage = array [0..1_000, float]
+  ThreadLocalStorage = array [0..1_000, float]
-  PGcThread = ptr TGcThread
-  TGcThread {.pure, inheritable.} = object
-    sys: TSysThread
+  PGcThread = ptr GcThread
+  GcThread {.pure, inheritable.} = object
+    sys: SysThread
     when emulatedThreadVars and not useStackMaskHack:
-      tls: TThreadLocalStorage
+      tls: ThreadLocalStorage
     when hasSharedHeap:
@@ -190,15 +194,16 @@ type
       stackSize: int
+{.deprecated: [TThreadLocalStorage: ThreadLocalStorage, TGcThread: GcThread].}
 # XXX it'd be more efficient to not use a global variable for the 
 # thread storage slot, but to rely on the implementation to assign slot X
 # for us... ;-)
-var globalsSlot: TThreadVarSlot
+var globalsSlot: ThreadVarSlot
 when not defined(useNimRtl):
   when not useStackMaskHack:
-    var mainThread: TGcThread
+    var mainThread: GcThread
 proc initThreadVarsEmulation() {.compilerProc, inline.} =
   when not defined(useNimRtl):
@@ -206,7 +211,7 @@ proc initThreadVarsEmulation() {.compilerProc, inline.} =
     when declared(mainThread):
       threadVarSetValue(globalsSlot, addr(mainThread))
-#const globalsSlot = TThreadVarSlot(0)
+#const globalsSlot = ThreadVarSlot(0)
 #sysAssert ==
 when emulatedThreadVars:
@@ -228,7 +233,7 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
   when emulatedThreadVars:
-    if nimThreadVarsSize() > sizeof(TThreadLocalStorage):
+    if nimThreadVarsSize() > sizeof(ThreadLocalStorage):
       echo "too large thread local storage size requested"
       quit 1
@@ -269,26 +274,27 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
 # use ``stdcall`` since it is mapped to ``noconv`` on UNIX anyway.
-  TThread* {.pure, final.}[TArg] =
-      object of TGcThread ## Nim thread. A thread is a heavy object (~14K)
+  Thread* {.pure, final.}[TArg] =
+      object of GcThread  ## Nim thread. A thread is a heavy object (~14K)
                           ## that **must not** be part of a message! Use
-                          ## a ``TThreadId`` for that.
+                          ## a ``ThreadId`` for that.
     when TArg is void:
       dataFn: proc () {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
       dataFn: proc (m: TArg) {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
       data: TArg
-  TThreadId*[TArg] = ptr TThread[TArg] ## the current implementation uses
+  ThreadId*[TArg] = ptr Thread[TArg]  ## the current implementation uses
                                        ## a pointer as a thread ID.
+{.deprecated: [TThread: Thread, TThreadId: ThreadId].}
 when not defined(boehmgc) and not hasSharedHeap:
   proc deallocOsPages()
 template threadProcWrapperBody(closure: expr) {.immediate.} =
   when declared(globalsSlot): threadVarSetValue(globalsSlot, closure)
-  var t = cast[ptr TThread[TArg]](closure)
+  var t = cast[ptr Thread[TArg]](closure)
   when useStackMaskHack:
-    var tls: TThreadLocalStorage
+    var tls: ThreadLocalStorage
   when not defined(boehmgc) and not defined(nogc) and not hasSharedHeap:
     # init the GC for this thread:
@@ -319,35 +325,35 @@ else:
-proc running*[TArg](t: TThread[TArg]): bool {.inline.} = 
+proc running*[TArg](t: Thread[TArg]): bool {.inline.} = 
   ## returns true if `t` is running.
   result = t.dataFn != nil
 when hostOS == "windows":
-  proc joinThread*[TArg](t: TThread[TArg]) {.inline.} = 
+  proc joinThread*[TArg](t: Thread[TArg]) {.inline.} = 
     ## waits for the thread `t` to finish.
     discard waitForSingleObject(t.sys, -1'i32)
-  proc joinThreads*[TArg](t: varargs[TThread[TArg]]) = 
+  proc joinThreads*[TArg](t: varargs[Thread[TArg]]) = 
     ## waits for every thread in `t` to finish.
-    var a: array[0..255, TSysThread]
+    var a: array[0..255, SysThread]
     sysAssert a.len >= t.len, "a.len >= t.len"
     for i in 0..t.high: a[i] = t[i].sys
     discard waitForMultipleObjects(t.len.int32,
-                                   cast[ptr TSysThread](addr(a)), 1, -1)
+                                   cast[ptr SysThread](addr(a)), 1, -1)
-  proc joinThread*[TArg](t: TThread[TArg]) {.inline.} =
+  proc joinThread*[TArg](t: Thread[TArg]) {.inline.} =
     ## waits for the thread `t` to finish.
     discard pthread_join(t.sys, nil)
-  proc joinThreads*[TArg](t: varargs[TThread[TArg]]) =
+  proc joinThreads*[TArg](t: varargs[Thread[TArg]]) =
     ## waits for every thread in `t` to finish.
     for i in 0..t.high: joinThread(t[i])
 when false:
   # XXX a thread should really release its heap here somehow:
-  proc destroyThread*[TArg](t: var TThread[TArg]) =
+  proc destroyThread*[TArg](t: var Thread[TArg]) =
     ## forces the thread `t` to terminate. This is potentially dangerous if
     ## you don't have full control over `t` and its acquired resources.
     when hostOS == "windows":
@@ -358,7 +364,7 @@ when false:
     t.dataFn = nil
 when hostOS == "windows":
-  proc createThread*[TArg](t: var TThread[TArg],
+  proc createThread*[TArg](t: var Thread[TArg],
                            tp: proc (arg: TArg) {.thread.}, 
                            param: TArg) =
     ## creates a new thread `t` and starts its execution. Entry point is the
@@ -373,7 +379,7 @@ when hostOS == "windows":
     if t.sys <= 0:
       raise newException(ResourceExhaustedError, "cannot create thread")
-  proc createThread*[TArg](t: var TThread[TArg], 
+  proc createThread*[TArg](t: var Thread[TArg], 
                            tp: proc (arg: TArg) {.thread.}, 
                            param: TArg) =
     ## creates a new thread `t` and starts its execution. Entry point is the
@@ -382,29 +388,29 @@ else:
     when TArg isnot void: = param
     t.dataFn = tp
     when hasSharedHeap: t.stackSize = ThreadStackSize
-    var a {.noinit.}: Tpthread_attr
+    var a {.noinit.}: PthreadAttr
     pthread_attr_setstacksize(a, ThreadStackSize)
     if pthread_create(t.sys, a, threadProcWrapper[TArg], addr(t)) != 0:
       raise newException(ResourceExhaustedError, "cannot create thread")
-proc threadId*[TArg](t: var TThread[TArg]): TThreadId[TArg] {.inline.} =
+proc threadId*[TArg](t: var Thread[TArg]): ThreadId[TArg] {.inline.} =
   ## returns the thread ID of `t`.
   result = addr(t)
-proc myThreadId*[TArg](): TThreadId[TArg] =
+proc myThreadId*[TArg](): ThreadId[TArg] =
   ## returns the thread ID of the thread that calls this proc. This is unsafe
   ## because the type ``TArg`` is not checked for consistency!
-  result = cast[TThreadId[TArg]](threadVarGetValue(globalsSlot))
+  result = cast[ThreadId[TArg]](threadVarGetValue(globalsSlot))
 when false:
-  proc mainThreadId*[TArg](): TThreadId[TArg] =
+  proc mainThreadId*[TArg](): ThreadId[TArg] =
     ## returns the thread ID of the main thread.
-    result = cast[TThreadId[TArg]](addr(mainThread))
+    result = cast[ThreadId[TArg]](addr(mainThread))
 when useStackMaskHack:
   proc runMain(tp: proc () {.thread.}) {.compilerproc.} =
-    var mainThread: TThread[pointer]
+    var mainThread: Thread[pointer]
     createThread(mainThread, tp)
diff --git a/lib/system/timers.nim b/lib/system/timers.nim
index e5de791ac..74748c541 100644
--- a/lib/system/timers.nim
+++ b/lib/system/timers.nim
@@ -11,83 +11,86 @@
 ## `<>`_
-  TTicks = distinct int64
-  TNanos = int64
+  Ticks = distinct int64
+  Nanos = int64
+{.deprecated: [TTicks: Ticks, TNanos: Nanos].}
 when defined(windows):
-  proc QueryPerformanceCounter(res: var TTicks) {.
+  proc QueryPerformanceCounter(res: var Ticks) {.
     importc: "QueryPerformanceCounter", stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32".}
   proc QueryPerformanceFrequency(res: var int64) {.
     importc: "QueryPerformanceFrequency", stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32".}
-  proc getTicks(): TTicks {.inline.} =
+  proc getTicks(): Ticks {.inline.} =
-  proc `-`(a, b: TTicks): TNanos =
+  proc `-`(a, b: Ticks): Nanos =
     var frequency: int64
     var performanceCounterRate = 1e+9'f64 / float64(frequency)
-    result = TNanos(float64(a.int64 - b.int64) * performanceCounterRate)
+    result = Nanos(float64(a.int64 - b.int64) * performanceCounterRate)
 elif defined(macosx):
-    TMachTimebaseInfoData {.pure, final, 
+    MachTimebaseInfoData {.pure, final, 
         importc: "mach_timebase_info_data_t", 
         header: "<mach/mach_time.h>".} = object
       numer, denom: int32
+  {.deprecated: [TMachTimebaseInfoData: MachTimebaseInfoData].}
   proc mach_absolute_time(): int64 {.importc, header: "<mach/mach.h>".}
-  proc mach_timebase_info(info: var TMachTimebaseInfoData) {.importc,
+  proc mach_timebase_info(info: var MachTimebaseInfoData) {.importc,
     header: "<mach/mach_time.h>".}
-  proc getTicks(): TTicks {.inline.} =
-    result = TTicks(mach_absolute_time())
+  proc getTicks(): Ticks {.inline.} =
+    result = Ticks(mach_absolute_time())
-  var timeBaseInfo: TMachTimebaseInfoData
+  var timeBaseInfo: MachTimebaseInfoData
-  proc `-`(a, b: TTicks): TNanos =
+  proc `-`(a, b: Ticks): Nanos =
     result = (a.int64 - b.int64)  * timeBaseInfo.numer div timeBaseInfo.denom
 elif defined(posixRealtime):
-    TClockid {.importc: "clockid_t", header: "<time.h>", final.} = object
+    Clockid {.importc: "clockid_t", header: "<time.h>", final.} = object
-    TTimeSpec {.importc: "struct timespec", header: "<time.h>", 
+    TimeSpec {.importc: "struct timespec", header: "<time.h>", 
                final, pure.} = object ## struct timespec
       tv_sec: int  ## Seconds. 
       tv_nsec: int ## Nanoseconds. 
+  {.deprecated: [TClockid: Clickid, TTimeSpec: TimeSpec].}
-    CLOCK_REALTIME {.importc: "CLOCK_REALTIME", header: "<time.h>".}: TClockid
+    CLOCK_REALTIME {.importc: "CLOCK_REALTIME", header: "<time.h>".}: Clockid
-  proc clock_gettime(clkId: TClockid, tp: var TTimespec) {.
+  proc clock_gettime(clkId: Clockid, tp: var Timespec) {.
     importc: "clock_gettime", header: "<time.h>".}
-  proc getTicks(): TTicks =
-    var t: TTimespec
+  proc getTicks(): Ticks =
+    var t: Timespec
     clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, t)
-    result = TTicks(int64(t.tv_sec) * 1000000000'i64 + int64(t.tv_nsec))
+    result = Ticks(int64(t.tv_sec) * 1000000000'i64 + int64(t.tv_nsec))
-  proc `-`(a, b: TTicks): TNanos {.borrow.}
+  proc `-`(a, b: Ticks): Nanos {.borrow.}
   # fallback Posix implementation:  
-    Ttimeval {.importc: "struct timeval", header: "<sys/select.h>", 
+    Timeval {.importc: "struct timeval", header: "<sys/select.h>", 
                final, pure.} = object ## struct timeval
       tv_sec: int  ## Seconds. 
       tv_usec: int ## Microseconds. 
-  proc posix_gettimeofday(tp: var Ttimeval, unused: pointer = nil) {.
+  {.deprecated: [Ttimeval: Timeval].}
+  proc posix_gettimeofday(tp: var Timeval, unused: pointer = nil) {.
     importc: "gettimeofday", header: "<sys/time.h>".}
-  proc getTicks(): TTicks =
-    var t: Ttimeval
+  proc getTicks(): Ticks =
+    var t: Timeval
-    result = TTicks(int64(t.tv_sec) * 1000_000_000'i64 + 
+    result = Ticks(int64(t.tv_sec) * 1000_000_000'i64 + 
                     int64(t.tv_usec) * 1000'i64)
-  proc `-`(a, b: TTicks): TNanos {.borrow.}
+  proc `-`(a, b: Ticks): Nanos {.borrow.}
diff --git a/lib/system/widestrs.nim b/lib/system/widestrs.nim
index 1e8bc6791..e7b7f3972 100644
--- a/lib/system/widestrs.nim
+++ b/lib/system/widestrs.nim
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ when not declared(NimString):
   {.error: "You must not import this module explicitly".}
-  TUtf16Char* = distinct int16
-  WideCString* = ref array[0.. 1_000_000, TUtf16Char]
+  Utf16Char* = distinct int16
+  WideCString* = ref array[0.. 1_000_000, Utf16Char]
+{.deprecated: [TUtf16Char: Utf16Char].}
 proc len*(w: WideCString): int =
   ## returns the length of a widestring. This traverses the whole string to
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ proc len*(w: WideCString): int =
   while int16(w[result]) != 0'i16: inc result
   UNI_MAX_BMP = 0x0000FFFF
   UNI_MAX_UTF16 = 0x0010FFFF
@@ -89,16 +90,16 @@ proc newWideCString*(source: cstring, L: int): WideCString =
       if ch >=% UNI_SUR_HIGH_START and ch <=% UNI_SUR_LOW_END:
         result[d] = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR
-        result[d] = TUtf16Char(toU16(ch))
+        result[d] = Utf16Char(toU16(ch))
     elif ch >% UNI_MAX_UTF16:
       result[d] = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR
       let ch = ch -% halfBase
-      result[d] = TUtf16Char(toU16((ch shr halfShift) +% UNI_SUR_HIGH_START))
+      result[d] = Utf16Char(toU16((ch shr halfShift) +% UNI_SUR_HIGH_START))
       inc d
-      result[d] = TUtf16Char(toU16((ch and halfMask) +% UNI_SUR_LOW_START))
+      result[d] = Utf16Char(toU16((ch and halfMask) +% UNI_SUR_LOW_START))
     inc d
-  result[d] = TUtf16Char(0'i16)
+  result[d] = Utf16Char(0'i16)
 proc newWideCString*(s: cstring): WideCString =
   if s.isNil: return nil