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path: root/lib/windows/windows.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/windows/windows.nim')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/lib/windows/windows.nim b/lib/windows/windows.nim
index 99339fe8a..579775c2d 100755
--- a/lib/windows/windows.nim
+++ b/lib/windows/windows.nim
@@ -22741,144 +22741,144 @@ proc AnsiLowerBuff*(lpsz: LPSTR, cchLength: DWORD): DWORD{.stdcall,

 # WinBase.h


-proc FreeModule(h: HINST): WINBOOL =

+proc FreeModule*(h: HINST): WINBOOL =

   result = FreeLibrary(h)


-proc MakeProcInstance(p, i: pointer): pointer =

+proc MakeProcInstance*(p, i: pointer): pointer =

   result = p


-proc FreeProcInstance(p: pointer): pointer =

+proc FreeProcInstance*(p: pointer): pointer =

   result = p


-proc GlobalDiscard(hglbMem: HGLOBAL): HGLOBAL =

+proc GlobalDiscard*(hglbMem: HGLOBAL): HGLOBAL =

   result = GlobalReAlloc(hglbMem, 0, GMEM_MOVEABLE)


-proc LocalDiscard(hlocMem: HLOCAL): HLOCAL =

+proc LocalDiscard*(hlocMem: HLOCAL): HLOCAL =

   result = LocalReAlloc(hlocMem, 0, LMEM_MOVEABLE)


 # WinGDI.h


-proc GetGValue(rgb: int32): int8 =

+proc GetGValue*(rgb: int32): int8 =

   result = toU8(rgb shr 8'i32)

-proc RGB(r, g, b: int): COLORREF =

+proc RGB*(r, g, b: int): COLORREF =

   result = toU32(r) or (toU32(g) shl 8) or (toU32(b) shl 16)

-proc RGB(r, g, b: range[0 .. 255]): COLORREF =

+proc RGB*(r, g, b: range[0 .. 255]): COLORREF =

   result = r or g shl 8 or b shl 16


-proc PALETTERGB(r, g, b: range[0..255]): COLORREF =

+proc PALETTERGB*(r, g, b: range[0..255]): COLORREF =

   result = 0x02000000 or RGB(r, g, b)




   result = COLORREF(0x01000000'i32 or i and 0xffff'i32)



-proc GetRValue(rgb: COLORREF): int8 =

+proc GetRValue*(rgb: COLORREF): int8 =

   result = toU8(rgb)


-proc GetGValue(rgb: COLORREF): int8 =

+proc GetGValue*(rgb: COLORREF): int8 =

   result = toU8(rgb shr 8)


-proc GetBValue(rgb: COLORREF): int8 =

+proc GetBValue*(rgb: COLORREF): int8 =

   result = toU8(rgb shr 16)




-proc HIBYTE(w: int32): int8 =

+proc HIBYTE*(w: int32): int8 =

   result = toU8(w shr 8'i32 and 0x000000FF'i32)


-proc HIWORD(L: int32): int16 =

+proc HIWORD*(L: int32): int16 =

   result = toU16(L shr 16'i32 and 0x0000FFFF'i32)


-proc LOBYTE(w: int32): int8 =

+proc LOBYTE*(w: int32): int8 =

   result = toU8(w)


-proc LOWORD(L: int32): int16 =

+proc LOWORD*(L: int32): int16 =

   result = toU16(L)


-proc MAKELONG(a, b: int32): LONG =

+proc MAKELONG*(a, b: int32): LONG =

   result = a and 0x0000ffff'i32 or b shl 16'i32


-proc MAKEWORD(a, b: int32): int16 =

+proc MAKEWORD*(a, b: int32): int16 =

   result = toU16(a and 0xff'i32) or toU16(b shl 8'i32)


-proc SEXT_HIWORD(L: int32): int32 =

+proc SEXT_HIWORD*(L: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

   result = HIWORD(L)


-proc ZEXT_HIWORD(L: int32): int32 =

+proc ZEXT_HIWORD*(L: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

   result = ze(HIWORD(L))


-proc SEXT_LOWORD(L: int32): int32 =

+proc SEXT_LOWORD*(L: int32): int32 =

   result = LOWORD(L)


-proc INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(i: int32): int32 =

+proc INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK*(i: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

   result = i shl 8'i32


-proc INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(i: int32): int32 =

+proc INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK*(i: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

   result = i shl 12'i32


-proc MAKEINTATOM(i: int32): LPTSTR =

+proc MAKEINTATOM*(i: int32): LPTSTR =

   result = cast[LPTSTR](cast[ULONG_PTR](ToU16(i)))


-proc MAKELANGID(p, s: int32): int32 =

+proc MAKELANGID*(p, s: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

   result = toU16(s) shl 10'i16 or toU16(p)


-proc PRIMARYLANGID(lgid: int32): int16 =

+proc PRIMARYLANGID*(lgid: int32): int16 =

   result = toU16(lgid) and 0x000003FF'i16


-proc SUBLANGID(lgid: int32): int32 =

+proc SUBLANGID*(lgid: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

   result = toU16(lgid) shr 10'i16


-proc LANGIDFROMLCID(lcid: int32): int16 =

+proc LANGIDFROMLCID*(lcid: int32): int16 =

   result = toU16(lcid)


-proc SORTIDFROMLCID(lcid: int32): int16 =

+proc SORTIDFROMLCID*(lcid: int32): int16 =

   result = toU16((lcid and 0x000FFFFF'i32) shr 16'i32)


-proc MAKELCID(lgid, srtid: int32): DWORD =

+proc MAKELCID*(lgid, srtid: int32): DWORD =

   result = toU32(srtid shl 16'i32 or lgid and 0xffff'i32)


-proc MAKELPARAM(L, h: int32): LPARAM =

+proc MAKELPARAM*(L, h: int32): LPARAM =

   result = LPARAM(MAKELONG(L, h))


-proc MAKELRESULT(L, h: int32): LRESULT =

+proc MAKELRESULT*(L, h: int32): LRESULT =

   result = LRESULT(MAKELONG(L, h))


-proc MAKEROP4(fore, back: int32): DWORD =

+proc MAKEROP4*(fore, back: int32): DWORD =

   result = back shl 8'i32 and 0xFF000000'i32 or fore


-proc MAKEWPARAM(L, h: int32): WPARAM =

+proc MAKEWPARAM*(L, h: int32): WPARAM =

   result = WPARAM(MAKELONG(L, h))


-proc GET_X_LPARAM(lp: Windows.LParam): int32 =

+proc GET_X_LPARAM*(lp: Windows.LParam): int32 =

   result = int16(LOWORD(lp))


-proc GET_Y_LPARAM(lp: Windows.LParam): int32 =

+proc GET_Y_LPARAM*(lp: Windows.LParam): int32 =

   result = int16(HIWORD(lp))




   result = 0'i16




-proc GetFirstChild(h: HWND): HWND =

+proc GetFirstChild*(h: HWND): HWND =

   result = GetTopWindow(h)


-proc GetNextSibling(h: HWND): HWND =

+proc GetNextSibling*(h: HWND): HWND =

   result = GetWindow(h, GW_HWNDNEXT)


-proc GetWindowID(h: HWND): int32 =

+proc GetWindowID*(h: HWND): int32 =

   result = GetDlgCtrlID(h)


-proc SubclassWindow(h: HWND, p: LONG): LONG =

+proc SubclassWindow*(h: HWND, p: LONG): LONG =

   result = SetWindowLong(h, GWL_WNDPROC, p)


-proc GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(w, L: int32): int32 =

+proc GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD*(w, L: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

   result = HIWORD(w)