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path: root/lib/wrappers/claro.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/wrappers/claro.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2748 deletions
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/claro.nim b/lib/wrappers/claro.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 41956c28a..000000000
--- a/lib/wrappers/claro.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2748 +0,0 @@
-# Claro Graphics - an abstraction layer for native UI libraries


-#  $Id$


-#  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License

-#  Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in

-#  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at



-#  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"

-#  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

-#  License for the specific language governing rights and limitations

-#  under the License.


-#  See the LICENSE file for more details.



-## Wrapper for the Claro GUI library. 

-## This wrapper calls ``claro_base_init`` and ``claro_graphics_init`` 

-## automatically on startup, so you don't have to do it and in fact cannot do

-## it because they are not exported.


-{.deadCodeElim: on.}


-when defined(windows): 

-  const 

-    clarodll = "claro.dll"

-elif defined(macosx): 

-  const 

-    clarodll = "libclaro.dylib"


-  const 

-    clarodll = ""


-import cairo



-  Node* {.pure.} = object 

-    next*: ptr Node

-    prev*: ptr Node        # pointer to real structure 

-    data*: pointer


-  List* {.pure.} = object 

-    head*: ptr Node

-    tail*: ptr Node

-    count*: int32

-{.deprecated: [TNode: Node, TList: List].}


-proc list_init*(){.cdecl, importc: "list_init", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc list_create*(list: ptr List){.cdecl, importc: "list_create", 

-                                      dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc node_create*(): ptr Node{.cdecl, importc: "node_create", 

-                                  dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc node_free*(n: ptr Node){.cdecl, importc: "node_free", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc node_add*(data: pointer, n: ptr Node, L: ptr List){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "node_add", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc node_prepend*(data: pointer, n: ptr Node, L: ptr List){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "node_prepend", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc node_del*(n: ptr Node, L: ptr List){.cdecl, importc: "node_del", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc node_find*(data: pointer, L: ptr List): ptr Node{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "node_find", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc node_move*(n: ptr Node, oldlist: ptr List, newlist: ptr List){.

-    cdecl, importc: "node_move", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  ClaroObj*{.pure, inheritable.} = object 

-    typ*: array[0..64 - 1, char]

-    destroy_pending*: cint

-    event_handlers*: List

-    children*: List

-    parent*: ptr ClaroObj

-    appdata*: pointer         # !! this is for APPLICATION USE ONLY !! 


-  Event*{.pure.} = object 

-    obj*: ptr ClaroObj    # the object which this event was sent to 

-    name*: array[0..64 - 1, char]

-    handled*: cint

-    arg_num*: cint            # number of arguments 

-    format*: array[0..16 - 1, char] # format of the arguments sent 

-    arglist*: ptr pointer     # list of args, as per format. 


-  EventFunc* = proc (obj: ptr ClaroObj, event: ptr Event){.cdecl.}

-  EventIfaceFunc* = proc (obj: ptr ClaroObj, event: ptr Event, 

-                           data: pointer){.cdecl.}

-  EventHandler*{.pure.} = object 

-    typ*: array[0..32 - 1, char]

-    data*: pointer

-    fun*: EventFunc   # the function that handles this event 

-{.deprecated: [TEvent: Event, TEventFunc: EventFunc, TClaroObj: ClaroObj,

-              TEventIfaceFunc: EventIfaceFunc, TEventHandler: EventHandler].}


-# #define event_handler(n) void n ( ClaroObj *object, event_t *event )

-#CLVEXP list_t object_list;


-proc object_init*(){.cdecl, importc: "object_init", dynlib: clarodll.}


-proc object_override_next_size*(size: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "object_override_next_size", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  ## Overrides the size of next object to be created, providing the 

-  ## size is more than is requested by default.

-  ## 

-  ## `size` specifies the full size, which is greater than both ClaroObj

-  ## and the size that will be requested automatically.


-proc event_get_arg_ptr*(e: ptr Event, arg: cint): pointer{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "event_get_arg_ptr", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc event_get_arg_double*(e: ptr Event, arg: cint): cdouble{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "event_get_arg_double", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc event_get_arg_int*(e: ptr Event, arg: cint): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "event_get_arg_int", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc object_create*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, size: int32, 

-                    typ: cstring): ptr ClaroObj{.

-    cdecl, importc: "object_create", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc object_destroy*(obj: ptr ClaroObj){.cdecl, importc: "object_destroy", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc object_set_parent*(obj: ptr ClaroObj, parent: ptr ClaroObj){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "object_set_parent", dynlib: clarodll.}


-##define object_cmptype(o,t) (!strcmp(((ClaroObj *)o)->type,t))


-# event functions 


-proc object_addhandler*(obj: ptr ClaroObj, event: cstring, 

-                        fun: EventFunc){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "object_addhandler", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc object_addhandler_interface*(obj: ptr ClaroObj, event: cstring, 

-                                  fun: EventFunc, data: pointer){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "object_addhandler_interface", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc event_send*(obj: ptr ClaroObj, event: cstring, fmt: cstring): cint{.

-    varargs, cdecl, importc: "event_send", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc event_get_name*(event: ptr Event): cstring{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "event_get_name", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc claro_base_init(){.cdecl, importc: "claro_base_init", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc claro_loop*(){.cdecl, importc: "claro_loop", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc claro_run*(){.cdecl, importc: "claro_run", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc claro_shutdown*(){.cdecl, importc: "claro_shutdown", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc mssleep*(ms: cint){.cdecl, importc: "mssleep", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc claro_graphics_init(){.cdecl, importc: "claro_graphics_init", 

-                            dynlib: clarodll.}



-  cWidgetNoBorder* = (1 shl 24)

-  cWidgetCustomDraw* = (1 shl 25)



-  Bounds*{.pure.} = object 

-    x*: cint

-    y*: cint

-    w*: cint

-    h*: cint

-    owner*: ptr ClaroObj

-{.deprecated: [TBounds: Bounds].}



-  cSizeRequestChanged* = 1



-  Font*{.pure.} = object 

-    used*: cint

-    face*: cstring

-    size*: cint

-    weight*: cint

-    slant*: cint

-    decoration*: cint

-    native*: pointer


-  Color*{.pure.} = object 

-    used*: cint

-    r*: cfloat

-    g*: cfloat

-    b*: cfloat

-    a*: cfloat


-  Widget* {.pure.} = object of ClaroObj

-    size_req*: ptr Bounds

-    size*: Bounds

-    size_ct*: Bounds

-    supports_alpha*: cint

-    size_flags*: cint

-    flags*: cint

-    visible*: cint

-    notify_flags*: cint

-    font*: Font

-    native*: pointer          # native widget 

-    ndata*: pointer           # additional native data 

-    container*: pointer       # native widget container (if not ->native) 

-    naddress*: array[0..3, pointer] # addressed for something 

-                                    # we override or need to remember 

-{.deprecated: [TFont: Font, TColor: Color, TWidget: Widget].}


-proc clipboard_set_text*(w: ptr Widget, text: cstring): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "clipboard_set_text", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  ## Sets the (text) clipboard to the specified text value.

-  ##

-  ## `w` The widget requesting the action, some platforms may use this value.

-  ## `text` The text to place in the clipboard.

-  ## returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.



-  cNotifyMouse* = 1'i32

-  cNotifyKey* = 2'i32


-  cFontSlantNormal* = 0

-  cFontSlantItalic* = 1

-  cFontWeightNormal* = 0

-  cFontWeightBold* = 1

-  cFontDecorationNormal* = 0

-  cFontDecorationUnderline* = 1



-proc widget_set_font*(widget: ptr ClaroObj, face: cstring, size: cint, 

-                      weight: cint, slant: cint, decoration: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_set_font", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  ## Sets the font details of the specified widget.

-  ## 

-  ##  `widget` A widget

-  ##  `face` Font face string

-  ##  `size` Size of the font in pixels

-  ##  `weight` The weight of the font

-  ##  `slant` The sland of the font

-  ##  `decoration` The decoration of the font


-proc widget_font_string_width*(widget: ptr ClaroObj, text: cstring, 

-                               chars: cint): cint {.

-    cdecl, importc: "widget_font_string_width", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  ## Calculates the pixel width of the text in the widget's font.

-  ## `chars` is the number of characters of text to calculate. Return value

-  ## is the width of the specified text in pixels.






-  Image* {.pure.} = object of ClaroObj

-    width*: cint

-    height*: cint

-    native*: pointer

-    native2*: pointer

-    native3*: pointer

-    icon*: pointer

-{.deprecated: [TImage: Image].}


-proc image_load*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, file: cstring): ptr Image{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "image_load", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  ## Loads an image from a file and returns a new image object.

-  ## 

-  ## The supported formats depend on the platform.

-  ## The main effort is to ensure that PNG images will always work.

-  ## Generally, JPEGs and possibly GIFs will also work.

-  ##

-  ## `Parent` object (usually the application's main window), can be nil.


-proc image_load_inline_png*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, data: cstring, 

-                            len: cint): ptr Image{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "image_load_inline_png", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  ## Loads an image from inline data and returns a new image object.

-  ## `Parent` object (usually the application's main window), can be nil.

-  ##  data raw PNG image

-  ##  len size of data


-when true:

-  discard


-  # status icons are not supported on all platforms yet:

-  type 

-    StatusIcon* {.pure.} = object of ClaroObj

-      icon*: ptr Image

-      native*: pointer

-      native2*: pointer

-  {.deprecated: [TStatusIcon: StatusIcon].}


-  #*

-  #  \brief Creates a status icon

-  # 

-  #  \param parent Parent object (usually the application's main window),

-  #                can be NULL.

-  #  \param image The image object for the icon NOT NULL

-  #  \param flags Flags

-  #  \return New status_icon_t object

-  # 


-  proc status_icon_create*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, icon: ptr Image, 

-                           flags: cint): ptr StatusIcon {.

-      cdecl, importc: "status_icon_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-  #*

-  #  \brief sets the status icon's image 

-  # 

-  #  \param status Status Icon

-  #  \param image The image object for the icon

-  # 


-  proc status_icon_set_icon*(status: ptr StatusIcon, icon: ptr Image){.cdecl, 

-      importc: "status_icon_set_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}


-  #*

-  #  \brief sets the status icons's menu

-  # 

-  #  \param status Status Icon

-  #  \param menu The menu object for the popup menu

-  # 


-  proc status_icon_set_menu*(status: ptr StatusIcon, menu: ptr ClaroObj){.cdecl, 

-      importc: "status_icon_set_menu", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  #*

-  #  \brief sets the status icon's visibility

-  # 

-  #  \param status Status Icon

-  #  \param visible whether the status icon is visible or not

-  # 


-  proc status_icon_set_visible*(status: ptr StatusIcon, visible: cint){.cdecl, 

-      importc: "status_icon_set_visible", dynlib: clarodll.}

-  #*

-  #  \brief sets the status icon's tooltip

-  # 

-  #  \param status Status Icon

-  #  \param tooltip Tooltip string

-  # 


-  proc status_icon_set_tooltip*(status: ptr StatusIcon, tooltip: cstring){.cdecl, 

-      importc: "status_icon_set_tooltip", dynlib: clarodll.}



-#  \brief Makes the specified widget visible.


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_show*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_show", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Makes the specified widget invisible.


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_hide*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_hide", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Enables the widget, allowing focus


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_enable*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_enable", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Disables the widget

-#  When disabled, a widget appears greyed and cannot

-#  receive focus.


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_disable*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_disable", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Give focus to the specified widget


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_focus*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_focus", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Closes a widget


-#  Requests that a widget be closed by the platform code. 

-#  This may or may not result in immediate destruction of the widget,

-#  however the actual Claro widget object will remain valid until at

-#  least the next loop iteration.


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_close*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_close", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Retrieve the screen offset of the specified widget.


-#  Retrieves the X and Y screen positions of the widget.


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param dx Pointer to the location to place the X position.

-#  \param dy Pointer to the location to place the Y position.



-proc widget_screen_offset*(widget: ptr Widget, dx: ptr cint, dy: ptr cint){.

-    cdecl, importc: "widget_screen_offset", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the additional notify events that should be sent.


-#  For performance reasons, some events, like mouse and key events,

-#  are not sent by default. By specifying such events here, you can

-#  elect to receive these events.


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param flags Any number of cWidgetNotify flags ORed together.



-proc widget_set_notify*(widget: ptr Widget, flags: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_set_notify", dynlib: clarodll.}




-  CursorType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

-    cCursorNormal = 0,

-    cCursorTextEdit = 1,

-    cCursorWait = 2,

-    cCursorPoint = 3

-{.deprecated: [TCursorType: CursorType].}



-#  \brief Sets the mouse cursor for the widget


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param cursor A valid cCursor* value



-proc widget_set_cursor*(widget: ptr Widget, cursor: CursorType){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_set_cursor", dynlib: clarodll.}



-#  \brief Retrieves the key pressed in a key notify event.


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param event An event resource

-#  \return The keycode of the key pressed.



-proc widget_get_notify_key*(widget: ptr Widget, event: ptr Event): cint{.

-    cdecl, importc: "widget_get_notify_key", dynlib: clarodll.}



-#  \brief Updates the bounds structure with new values


-#  This function should \b always be used instead of setting the

-#  members manually. In the future, there may be a \b real reason

-#  for this.


-#  \param bounds A bounds structure

-#  \param x The new X position

-#  \param y The new Y position

-#  \param w The new width

-#  \param h The new height



-proc bounds_set*(bounds: ptr Bounds, x: cint, y: cint, w: cint, h: cint){.

-    cdecl, importc: "bounds_set", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Create a new bounds object


-#  Creates a new bounds_t for the specified bounds.


-#  \param x X position

-#  \param y Y position

-#  \param w Width

-#  \param h Height

-#  \return A new bounds_t structure



-proc new_bounds*(x: cint, y: cint, w: cint, h: cint): ptr Bounds{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "new_bounds", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc get_req_bounds*(widget: ptr Widget): ptr Bounds{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "get_req_bounds", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  noBoundsVar: Bounds # set to all zero which is correct


-template noBounds*: expr = (addr(bind noBoundsVar))


-#* \internal

-#  \brief Internal pre-inititalisation hook


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_pre_init*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_pre_init", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Internal post-inititalisation hook


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_post_init*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_post_init", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Internal resize event handler


-#  \param obj An object

-#  \param event An event resource



-proc widget_resized_handle*(obj: ptr Widget, event: ptr Event){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_resized_handle", dynlib: clarodll.}

-# CLVEXP bounds_t no_bounds;

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Internal default widget creation function


-#  \param parent The parent of the widget

-#  \param widget_size The size in bytes of the widget's structure

-#  \param widget_name The object type of the widget (*)

-#  \param size_req The initial bounds of the widget

-#  \param flags Widget flags

-#  \param creator The platform function that will be called to actually create

-#                 the widget natively.

-#  \return A new widget object




-  CgraphicsCreateFunction* = proc (widget: ptr Widget) {.cdecl.}

-{.deprecated: [TcgraphicsCreateFunction: CgraphicsCreateFunction].}


-proc newdefault*(parent: ptr Widget, widget_size: int, 

-                 widget_name: cstring, size_req: ptr Bounds, flags: cint, 

-                 creator: CgraphicsCreateFunction): ptr Widget{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "default_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Retrieves the native container of the widget's children


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \return A pointer to the native widget that will hold w's children



-proc widget_get_container*(widget: ptr Widget): pointer{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_get_container", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Sets the content size of the widget.


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param w New width of the content area of the widget

-#  \param h New height of the content area of the widget

-#  \param event Whether to send a content_size event



-proc widget_set_content_size*(widget: ptr Widget, w: cint, h: cint, 

-                              event: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_set_content_size", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Sets the size of the widget.


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param w New width of the widget

-#  \param h New height of the widget

-#  \param event Whether to send a resize event



-proc widget_set_size*(widget: ptr Widget, w: cint, h: cint, event: cint){.

-    cdecl, importc: "widget_set_size", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Sets the position of the widget's content area.


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param x New X position of the widget's content area

-#  \param y New Y position of the widget's content area

-#  \param event Whether to send a content_move event



-proc widget_set_content_position*(widget: ptr Widget, x: cint, y: cint, 

-                                  event: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "widget_set_content_position", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Sets the position of the widget.


-#  \param widget A widget

-#  \param x New X position of the widget's content area

-#  \param y New Y position of the widget's content area

-#  \param event Whether to send a moved event



-proc widget_set_position*(widget: ptr Widget, x: cint, y: cint, event: cint){.

-    cdecl, importc: "widget_set_position", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Sends a destroy event to the specified widget.


-#  You should use widget_close() in application code instead.


-#  \param widget A widget



-proc widget_destroy*(widget: ptr Widget){.cdecl, importc: "widget_destroy", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}



-  OpenglWidget* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    gldata*: pointer

-{.deprecated: [TOpenglWidget: OpenglWidget].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a OpenGL widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new OpenGL widget object.



-proc newopengl*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                flags: cint): ptr OpenglWidget {.

-    cdecl, importc: "opengl_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Flips the front and back buffers


-#  \param widget A valid OpenGL widget object



-proc opengl_flip*(widget: ptr OpenglWidget) {.cdecl, importc: "opengl_flip", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Activates this OpenGL widget's context


-#  \param widget A valid OpenGL widget object



-proc opengl_activate*(widget: ptr OpenglWidget) {.

-    cdecl, importc: "opengl_activate", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  Button* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..256-1, char]

-{.deprecated: [TButton: Button].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a Button widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Button widget object.



-proc newbutton*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                flags: cint): ptr Button {.

-    cdecl, importc: "button_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Creates a Button widget with a label


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \param label The label for the button

-#  \return A new Button widget object.



-proc newbutton*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, 

-                bounds: ptr Bounds, flags: cint, 

-                label: cstring): ptr Button{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "button_widget_create_with_label", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Changes the label of the button


-#  \param obj A valid Button widget object

-#  \param label The new label for the button



-proc button_set_text*(obj: ptr Button, label: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "button_set_label", dynlib: clarodll.}



-#  \brief Changes the image of the button


-#  \warning This function is not implemented yet and is not portable.

-#           Do not use it.


-#  \param obj A valid Button widget object

-#  \param image The new image for the button



-proc button_set_image*(obj: ptr Button, image: ptr Image){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "button_set_image", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  CTEXT_SLANT_NORMAL* = cFontSlantNormal

-  CTEXT_SLANT_ITALIC* = cFontSlantItalic

-  CTEXT_WEIGHT_NORMAL* = cFontWeightNormal

-  CTEXT_WEIGHT_BOLD* = cFontWeightBold

-  CTEXT_EXTRA_NONE* = cFontDecorationNormal

-  CTEXT_EXTRA_UNDERLINE* = cFontDecorationUnderline





-  Canvas*{.pure.} = object of Widget

-    surface*: cairo.PSurface

-    cr*: cairo.PContext

-    surfdata*: pointer

-    fontdata*: pointer

-    font_height*: cint

-    fr*: cfloat

-    fg*: cfloat

-    fb*: cfloat

-    fa*: cfloat

-    br*: cfloat

-    bg*: cfloat

-    bb*: cfloat

-    ba*: cfloat

-    charsize*: array[0..256 - 1, cairo.TTextExtents]

-    csz_loaded*: cint

-    fontsize*: cint

-{.deprecated: [TCanvas: Canvas].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a Canvas widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Canvas widget object.



-proc newcanvas*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                flags: cint): ptr Canvas{.

-    cdecl, importc: "canvas_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Invalidates and redraws a canvas widget


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.



-proc canvas_redraw*(widget: ptr Canvas){.cdecl, importc: "canvas_redraw", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}

-# claro text functions 


-#  \brief Set the current text color


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param r Red component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param g Green component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param b Blue component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param a Alpha component (0.0 - 1.0)



-proc canvas_set_text_color*(widget: ptr Canvas, r: cdouble, g: cdouble, 

-                            b: cdouble, a: cdouble){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "canvas_set_text_color", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the current text background color


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param r Red component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param g Green component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param b Blue component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param a Alpha component (0.0 - 1.0)



-proc canvas_set_text_bgcolor*(widget: ptr Canvas, r: cdouble, g: cdouble, 

-                              b: cdouble, a: cdouble){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "canvas_set_text_bgcolor", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the current canvas font


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param face The font face

-#  \param size The font height in pixels

-#  \param weight The weight of the font

-#  \param slant The slant of the font

-#  \param decoration Font decorations



-proc canvas_set_text_font*(widget: ptr Canvas, face: cstring, size: cint, 

-                           weight: cint, slant: cint, decoration: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "canvas_set_text_font", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Calculates the width of the specified text


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param text The text to calulate the length of

-#  \param len The number of characters of text to calulcate

-#  \return Width of the text in pixels



-proc canvas_text_width*(widget: ptr Canvas, text: cstring, len: cint): cint{.

-    cdecl, importc: "canvas_text_width", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Calculates the width of the specified text's bounding box


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param text The text to calulate the length of

-#  \param len The number of characters of text to calulcate

-#  \return Width of the text's bounding box in pixels



-proc canvas_text_box_width*(widget: ptr Canvas, text: cstring, 

-                            len: cint): cint{.

-    cdecl, importc: "canvas_text_box_width", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Calculates the number of characters of text that can be displayed

-#         before width pixels.


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param text The text to calulate the length of

-#  \param width The width to fit the text in

-#  \return The number of characters of text that will fit in width pixels.



-proc canvas_text_display_count*(widget: ptr Canvas, text: cstring, 

-                                width: cint): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "canvas_text_display_count", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Displays the specified text on the canvas


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param x The X position at which the text will be drawn

-#  \param y The Y position at which the text will be drawn

-#  \param text The text to calulate the length of

-#  \param len The number of characters of text to calulcate



-proc canvas_show_text*(widget: ptr Canvas, x: cint, y: cint, text: cstring, 

-                       len: cint){.cdecl, importc: "canvas_show_text", 

-                                   dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Draws a filled rectangle


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param x The X position at which the rectangle will start

-#  \param y The Y position at which the rectangle will start

-#  \param w The width of the rectangle

-#  \param h The height of the rectangle

-#  \param r Red component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param g Green component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param b Blue component (0.0 - 1.0)

-#  \param a Alpha component (0.0 - 1.0)



-proc canvas_fill_rect*(widget: ptr Canvas, x: cint, y: cint, w: cint, 

-                       h: cint, r, g, b, a: cdouble){.

-    cdecl, importc: "canvas_fill_rect", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Draws the specified image on the canvas


-#  \param widget A valid Canvas widget object.

-#  \param image The image to draw

-#  \param x The X position at which the image will be drawn

-#  \param y The Y position at which the image will be drawn



-proc canvas_draw_image*(widget: ptr Canvas, image: ptr Image, x: cint, 

-                        y: cint){.cdecl, importc: "canvas_draw_image", 

-                                  dynlib: clarodll.}

-# claro "extensions" of cairo 

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Internal claro extension of cairo text functions



-proc canvas_cairo_buffered_text_width*(widget: ptr Canvas, 

-                                       text: cstring, len: cint): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "canvas_cairo_buffered_text_width", dynlib: clarodll.}

-#* \internal

-#  \brief Internal claro extension of cairo text functions



-proc canvas_cairo_buffered_text_display_count*(widget: ptr Canvas, 

-    text: cstring, width: cint): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "canvas_cairo_buffered_text_display_count", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc canvas_get_cairo_context*(widget: ptr Canvas): cairo.PContext {.cdecl, 

-    importc: "canvas_get_cairo_context", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  CheckBox*{.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..256-1, char]

-    checked*: cint

-{.deprecated: [TCheckBox: CheckBox].}


-#  \brief Creates a Checkbox widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Checkbox widget object.



-proc newcheckbox*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                  flags: cint): ptr CheckBox{.

-    cdecl, importc: "checkbox_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Creates a Checkbox widget with a label


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \param label The label for the checkbox

-#  \return A new Checkbox widget object.



-proc newcheckbox*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, 

-                  bounds: ptr Bounds, flags: cint, 

-                  label: cstring): ptr CheckBox {.cdecl, 

-    importc: "checkbox_widget_create_with_label", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets a new label for the Checkbox widget


-#  \param obj A valid Checkbox widget object.

-#  \param label The new label for the checkbox



-proc checkbox_set_text*(obj: ptr CheckBox, label: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "checkbox_set_label", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Retrieves the checkbox's check state


-#  \param obj A valid Checkbox widget object.

-#  \return 1 if the checkbox is checked, otherwise 0



-proc checkbox_checked*(obj: ptr CheckBox): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "checkbox_get_checked", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the checkbox's checked state


-#  \param obj A valid Checkbox widget object.

-#  \param checked 1 if the checkbox should become checked, otherwise 0



-proc checkbox_set_checked*(obj: ptr CheckBox, checked: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "checkbox_set_checked", dynlib: clarodll.}




-#  List items define items in a list_widget




-  ListItem*{.pure.} = object of ClaroObj

-    row*: cint

-    native*: pointer

-    nativeid*: int

-    menu*: ptr ClaroObj

-    enabled*: cint

-    data*: ptr pointer

-    ListItemChildren*: List

-    ListItemParent*: ptr List

-    parent_item*: ptr ListItem # drawing related info, not always required

-    text_color*: Color

-    sel_text_color*: Color

-    back_color*: Color

-    sel_back_color*: Color

-    font*: Font


-  ListWidget* {.pure.} = object of Widget ## List widget, base for 

-                                            ## widgets containing items

-    columns*: cint

-    coltypes*: ptr cint

-    items*: List


-  Combo*{.pure.} = object of ListWidget

-    selected*: ptr ListItem

-{.deprecated: [TListItem: ListItem, TListWidget: ListWidget, TCombo: Combo].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a Combo widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Combo widget object.



-proc newcombo*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-               flags: cint): ptr Combo{.

-    cdecl, importc: "combo_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a row to a Combo widget


-#  \param combo A valid Combo widget object.

-#  \param text The text for the item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc combo_append_row*(combo: ptr Combo, text: cstring): ptr ListItem {.

-    cdecl, importc: "combo_append_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a row at the specified position into a Combo widget


-#  \param combo A valid Combo widget object.

-#  \param pos The index at which this item will be placed.

-#  \param text The text for the item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc combo_insert_row*(combo: ptr Combo, pos: cint, 

-                       text: cstring): ptr ListItem {.

-    cdecl, importc: "combo_insert_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Move a row in a Combo widget


-#  \param combo A valid Combo widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item

-#  \param row New position to place this item



-proc combo_move_row*(combo: ptr Combo, item: ptr ListItem, row: cint){.

-    cdecl, importc: "combo_move_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Remove a row from a Combo widget


-#  \param combo A valid Combo widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc combo_remove_row*(combo: ptr Combo, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "combo_remove_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the currently selected Combo item


-#  \param obj A valid Combo widget object.

-#  \return The currently selected Combo item, or NULL if no item is selected.



-proc combo_get_selected*(obj: ptr Combo): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "combo_get_selected", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the number of rows in a Combo widget


-#  \param obj A valid Combo widget object.

-#  \return Number of rows



-proc combo_get_rows*(obj: ptr Combo): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "combo_get_rows", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Selects a row in a Combo widget


-#  \param obj A valid Combo widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc combo_select_item*(obj: ptr Combo, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "combo_select_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Removes all entries from a Combo widget


-#  \param obj A valid Combo widget object.



-proc combo_clear*(obj: ptr Combo){.cdecl, importc: "combo_clear", 

-                                    dynlib: clarodll.}



-  ContainerWidget* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-{.deprecated: [TContainerWidget: ContainerWidget].}



-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a Container widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Container widget object.



-proc newcontainer*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                   flags: cint): ptr ContainerWidget{.

-    cdecl, importc: "container_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-proc newdialog*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, format: cstring, 

-                flags: cint): ptr ClaroObj{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "dialog_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc dialog_set_text*(obj: ptr ClaroObj, text: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "dialog_set_text", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc dialog_set_default_icon*(typ: cstring, file: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "dialog_set_default_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc dialog_get_default_icon*(dialog_type: cint): cstring{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "dialog_get_default_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc dialog_warning*(format: cstring, text: cstring): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "dialog_warning", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc dialog_info*(format: cstring, text: cstring): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "dialog_info", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc dialog_error*(format: cstring, text: cstring): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "dialog_error", dynlib: clarodll.}

-proc dialog_other*(format: cstring, text: cstring, default_icon: cstring): cint{.

-    cdecl, importc: "dialog_other", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  FontDialog* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    selected*: Font

-{.deprecated: [TFontDialog: FontDialog].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a Font Selection widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Font Selection widget object.



-proc newFontDialog*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, flags: cint): ptr FontDialog {.

-    cdecl, importc: "font_dialog_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Changes the selected font


-#  \param obj A valid Font Selection widget object

-#  \param font The name of the font



-proc font_dialog_set_font*(obj: ptr FontDialog, face: cstring, size: cint, 

-                           weight: cint, slant: cint, decoration: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "font_dialog_set_font", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns a structure representing the currently selected font


-#  \param obj A valid Font Selection widget object

-#  \return A font_t structure containing information about the selected font.



-proc font_dialog_get_font*(obj: ptr FontDialog): ptr Font{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "font_dialog_get_font", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  Frame* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..256-1, char]

-{.deprecated: [TFrame: Frame].}



-#  \brief Creates a Frame widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Frame widget object.



-proc newframe*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-               flags: cint): ptr Frame{.

-    cdecl, importc: "frame_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Creates a Frame widget with a label


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \param label The initial label for the frame

-#  \return A new Frame widget object.



-proc newframe*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, flags: cint, 

-                                     label: cstring): ptr Frame {.cdecl, 

-    importc: "frame_widget_create_with_label", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Creates a Container widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Container widget object.



-proc frame_set_text*(frame: ptr Frame, label: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "frame_set_label", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  ImageWidget* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    src*: ptr Image

-{.deprecated: [TImageWidget: ImageWidget].}



-#  \brief Creates an Image widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Image widget object.



-proc newimageWidget*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                     flags: cint): ptr ImageWidget{.

-    cdecl, importc: "image_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Creates an Image widget with an image


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \param image A valid Image object.

-#  \return A new Image widget object.



-proc newimageWidget*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, 

-                     bounds: ptr Bounds, flags: cint, 

-                     image: ptr Image): ptr ImageWidget{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "image_widget_create_with_image", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the image object of the image widget


-#  \param image A valid image widget

-#  \param src The source image object



-proc image_set_image*(image: ptr ImageWidget, src: ptr Image){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "image_set_image", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  Label*{.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..256-1, char]


-  CLabelJustify* = enum 

-    cLabelLeft = 0x00000001, cLabelRight = 0x00000002, 

-    cLabelCenter = 0x00000004, cLabelFill = 0x00000008

-{.deprecated: [TLabel: Label, TcLabelJustify: CLabelJustify].}



-#  \brief Creates a Label widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Label widget object.



-proc newlabel*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-               flags: cint): ptr Label{.

-    cdecl, importc: "label_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Creates a Label widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Label widget object.



-proc newLabel*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, 

-               bounds: ptr Bounds, flags: cint, 

-               text: cstring): ptr Label{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "label_widget_create_with_text", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the text of a label widget


-#  \param obj A valid label widget

-#  \param text The text this label widget will show



-proc label_set_text*(obj: ptr Label, text: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "label_set_text", dynlib: clarodll.}



-#  \brief Sets the alignment/justification of a label


-#  \param obj A valid label widget

-#  \param text The justification (see cLabelJustify enum)



-proc label_set_justify*(obj: ptr Label, flags: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "label_set_justify", dynlib: clarodll.}









-# functions 


-#  \brief Initialises a list_widget_t derivative's storage space.


-#  \param obj list widget

-#  \param col_num number of columns to be used

-#  \param cols An array of col_num integers, specifying the 

-#              types of the columns.



-proc list_widget_init_ptr*(obj: ptr ListWidget, col_num: cint, 

-                           cols: ptr cint) {.cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_widget_init_ptr", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Copies and passes on the arg list to list_widget_init_ptr.


-#  \param obj list widget

-#  \param col_num number of columns to be used

-#  \param argpi A pointer to a va_list to parse



-#proc list_widget_init_vaptr*(obj: ptr ClaroObj, col_num: cunsignedint, 

-#                             argpi: va_list){.cdecl, 

-#    importc: "list_widget_init_vaptr", dynlib: clarodll.}



-#  Shortcut function, simply calls list_widget_init_ptr with

-#  it's own arguments, and a pointer to the first variable argument.



-proc list_widget_init*(obj: ptr ListWidget, col_num: cint){.varargs, 

-    cdecl, importc: "list_widget_init", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Inserts a row to a list under parent at the position specified.


-#  \param list list to insert item in

-#  \param parent item in tree to be used as parent. NULL specifies

-#   that it should be a root node.

-#  \param row item will be inserted before the item currently at

-#   this position. -1 specifies an append.

-#  \param argp points to the first element of an array containing

-#  the column data as specified by the types in list_widget_init.




-#  Shortcut function, calls list_widget_row_insert_ptr with

-#  it's own arguments, a position at the end of the list, and

-#  a pointer to the first variable argument.



-proc list_widget_row_append*(list: ptr ListWidget, 

-                             parent: ptr ListItem): ptr ListItem{.

-    varargs, cdecl, importc: "list_widget_row_append", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  Shortcut function, calls list_widget_row_insert_ptr with

-#  it's own arguments, and a pointer to the first variable argument.



-proc list_widget_row_insert*(list: ptr ListWidget, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                             pos: cint): ptr ListItem {.varargs, cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_widget_row_insert", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Removes a row from a list


-#  \param list List widget to operate on

-#  \param item The item to remove



-proc list_widget_row_remove*(list: ptr ListWidget, item: ptr ListItem){.

-    cdecl, importc: "list_widget_row_remove", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Moves a row to a new position in the list


-#  \param list List widget to operate on

-#  \param item The item to move 

-#  \param row Row position to place item before. Passing the current

-#             position will result in no change.



-proc list_widget_row_move*(list: ptr ListWidget, item: ptr ListItem, 

-                           row: cint){.cdecl, importc: "list_widget_row_move", 

-                                       dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Return the nth row under parent in the list


-#  \param list List widget search

-#  \param parent Parent of the item

-#  \param row Row index of item to return



-proc list_widget_get_row*(list: ptr ListWidget, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                          row: cint): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_widget_get_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Edit items of a row in the list.


-#  \param list List widget to edit

-#  \param item Row to modify

-#  \param args num,val,...,-1 where num is the column and val is the new 

-#              value of the column's type. Terminate with -1. 

-#              Don't forget the -1.




-#  \brief Edit items of a row in the list.


-#  \param list List-based (list_widget_t) object

-#  \param item Row to modify

-#  \param ... num,val,...,-1 where num is the column and val is the new 

-#              value of the column's type. Terminate with -1. 

-#              Don't forget the -1.



-proc list_widget_edit_row*(list: ptr ListWidget, item: ptr ListItem){.

-    varargs, cdecl, importc: "list_widget_edit_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the text color of an item.

-#  This is currently only supported by the TreeView widget.


-#  \param item Target list item

-#  \param r Red component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param g Green component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param b Blue component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param a Alpha component between 0.0 and 1.0 (reserved for future use,

-#          should be 1.0)



-proc list_item_set_text_color*(item: ptr ListItem, r: cfloat, g: cfloat, 

-                               b: cfloat, a: cfloat){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_item_set_text_color", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the text background color of an item.

-#  This is currently only supported by the TreeView widget.


-#  \param item Target list item

-#  \param r Red component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param g Green component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param b Blue component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param a Alpha component between 0.0 and 1.0 (reserved for future use,

-#           should be 1.0)



-proc list_item_set_text_bgcolor*(item: ptr ListItem, r: cfloat, g: cfloat, 

-                                 b: cfloat, a: cfloat){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_item_set_text_bgcolor", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the text color of a selected item.

-#  This is currently only supported by the TreeView widget.


-#  \param item Target list item

-#  \param r Red component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param g Green component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param b Blue component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param a Alpha component between 0.0 and 1.0 (reserved for future use,

-#         should be 1.0)



-proc list_item_set_sel_text_color*(item: ptr ListItem, r: cfloat, g: cfloat, 

-                                   b: cfloat, a: cfloat){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_item_set_sel_text_color", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the text background color of a selected item.

-#  This is currently only supported by the TreeView widget.


-#  \param item Target list item

-#  \param r Red component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param g Green component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param b Blue component between 0.0 and 1.0

-#  \param a Alpha component between 0.0 and 1.0 (reserved for future use,

-#          should be 1.0)



-proc list_item_set_sel_text_bgcolor*(item: ptr ListItem, r: cfloat, 

-                                     g: cfloat, b: cfloat, a: cfloat){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_item_set_sel_text_bgcolor", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the font details of the specified item.


-#  \param item Target list item

-#  \param weight The weight of the font

-#  \param slant The slant of the font

-#  \param decoration Font decorations



-proc list_item_set_font_extra*(item: ptr ListItem, weight: cint, 

-                               slant: cint, decoration: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "list_item_set_font_extra", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  Listbox* {.pure.} = object of ListWidget

-    selected*: ptr ListItem

-{.deprecated: [TListbox: Listbox].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a ListBox widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new ListBox widget object.



-proc newlistbox*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                 flags: cint): ptr Listbox{.

-    cdecl, importc: "listbox_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a row at the specified position into a ListBox widget


-#  \param listbox A valid ListBox widget object.

-#  \param pos The index at which this item will be placed.

-#  \param text The text for the item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc listbox_insert_row*(listbox: ptr Listbox, pos: cint, 

-                         text: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "listbox_insert_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a row to a ListBox widget


-#  \param listbox A valid ListBox widget object.

-#  \param text The text for the item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc listbox_append_row*(listbox: ptr Listbox, text: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "listbox_append_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Move a row in a ListBox widget


-#  \param listbox A valid ListBox widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item

-#  \param row New position to place this item



-proc listbox_move_row*(listbox: ptr Listbox, item: ptr ListItem, row: cint){.

-    cdecl, importc: "listbox_move_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Remove a row from a ListBox widget


-#  \param listbox A valid ListBox widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc listbox_remove_row*(listbox: ptr Listbox, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "listbox_remove_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the currently selected ListBox item


-#  \param obj A valid ListBox widget object.

-#  \return The currently selected ListBox item, or NULL if no item is selected.



-proc listbox_get_selected*(obj: ptr Listbox): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "listbox_get_selected", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the number of rows in a ListBox widget


-#  \param obj A valid ListBox widget object.

-#  \return Number of rows



-proc listbox_get_rows*(obj: ptr Listbox): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "listbox_get_rows", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Selects a row in a ListBox widget


-#  \param obj A valid ListBox widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc listbox_select_item*(obj: ptr Listbox, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "listbox_select_item", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  cListViewTypeNone* = 0

-  cListViewTypeText* = 1

-  cListViewTypeCheckBox* = 2

-  cListViewTypeProgress* = 3


-# whole row checkboxes.. will we really need this? hmm.



-  cListViewRowCheckBoxes* = 1



-  Listview* {.pure.} = object of ListWidget

-    titles*: cstringArray

-    nativep*: pointer

-    selected*: ptr ListItem

-{.deprecated: [TListview: Listview].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a ListView widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \param columns The number of columns in the listview

-#  \param ... specifies the titles and types of each column. 

-#             ("Enable",cListViewTypeCheckBox,"Title",cListViewTypeText,...)

-#  \return A new ListView widget object.



-proc newlistview*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, columns: cint, 

-                  flags: cint): ptr Listview {.varargs, cdecl, 

-    importc: "listview_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a row to a ListView widget


-#  \param listview A valid ListView widget object.

-#  \param ... A list of values for each column

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc listview_append_row*(listview: ptr Listview): ptr ListItem{.varargs, 

-    cdecl, importc: "listview_append_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a row at the specified position into a ListView widget


-#  \param listview A valid ListView widget object.

-#  \param pos The index at which this item will be placed.

-#  \param ... A list of values for each column

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc listview_insert_row*(listview: ptr Listview, pos: cint): ptr ListItem{.

-    varargs, cdecl, importc: "listview_insert_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Move a row in a ListView widget


-#  \param listview A valid ListView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item

-#  \param row New position to place this item



-proc listview_move_row*(listview: ptr Listview, item: ptr ListItem, 

-                        row: cint){.cdecl, importc: "listview_move_row", 

-                                    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Remove a row from a ListView widget


-#  \param listview A valid ListView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc listview_remove_row*(listview: ptr Listview, item: ptr ListItem){.

-    cdecl, importc: "listview_remove_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the currently selected ListView item


-#  \param obj A valid ListView widget object.

-#  \return The currently selected ListView item, or NULL if no item is selected.



-proc listview_get_selected*(obj: ptr Listview): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "listview_get_selected", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the number of rows in a ListView widget


-#  \param obj A valid ListView widget object.

-#  \return Number of rows



-proc listview_get_rows*(obj: ptr Listview): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "listview_get_rows", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Selects a row in a ListView widget


-#  \param obj A valid ListView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc listview_select_item*(obj: ptr Listview, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "listview_select_item", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  cMenuPopupAtCursor* = 1



-  Menu* {.pure.} = object of ListWidget

-{.deprecated: [TMenu: Menu].}



-#  \brief Creates a Menu widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Menu widget object.



-proc newmenu*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, flags: cint): ptr Menu {.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menu_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a row to a Menu widget


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \param image An image object, or NULL.

-#  \param title A string title, or NULL.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menu_append_item*(menu: ptr Menu, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                       image: ptr Image, title: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menu_append_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a row into a Menu widget


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \param pos The position at which to insert this item

-#  \param image An image object, or NULL.

-#  \param title A string title, or NULL.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menu_insert_item*(menu: ptr Menu, parent: ptr ListItem, pos: cint, 

-                       image: ptr Image, title: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menu_insert_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a separator to a Menu widget


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menu_append_separator*(menu: ptr Menu, 

-                            parent: ptr ListItem): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menu_append_separator", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a separator into a Menu widget


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \param pos The position at which to insert this item

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menu_insert_separator*(menu: ptr Menu, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                            pos: cint): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menu_insert_separator", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Move a row in a Menu widget


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item

-#  \param row New position to place this item



-proc menu_move_item*(menu: ptr Menu, item: ptr ListItem, row: cint){.

-    cdecl, importc: "menu_move_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Remove a row from a Menu widget


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc menu_remove_item*(menu: ptr Menu, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menu_remove_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the number of rows in a Menu widget


-#  \param obj A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param parent Item whose children count to return, 

-#  or NULL for root item count.

-#  \return Number of rows



-proc menu_item_count*(obj: ptr Menu, parent: ptr ListItem): cint{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menu_item_count", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Disables a menu item (no focus and greyed out)


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc menu_disable_item*(menu: ptr Menu, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menu_disable_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Enables a menu item (allows focus and not greyed out)


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc menu_enable_item*(menu: ptr Menu, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menu_enable_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Pops up the menu at the position specified


-#  \param menu A valid Menu widget object.

-#  \param x The X position

-#  \param y The Y position

-#  \param flags Flags



-proc menu_popup*(menu: ptr Menu, x: cint, y: cint, flags: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menu_popup", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#   Menu modifiers




-  cModifierShift* = 1 shl 0

-  cModifierCommand* = 1 shl 1



-  Menubar* {.pure.} = object of ListWidget

-{.deprecated: [TMenubar: Menubar].}


-#  \brief Creates a MenuBar widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new MenuBar widget object.



-proc newmenubar*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, flags: cint): ptr Menubar {.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menubar_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Add a key binding to a menu items


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param item The item

-#  \param utf8_key The key to use, NOT NULL.

-#  \param modifier The modifier key, or 0.



-proc menubar_add_key_binding*(menubar: ptr Menubar, item: ptr ListItem, 

-                              utf8_key: cstring, modifier: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menubar_add_key_binding", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a row to a MenuBar widget


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \param image An image object, or NULL.

-#  \param title A string title, or NULL.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menubar_append_item*(menubar: ptr Menubar, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                          image: ptr Image, title: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menubar_append_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a row into a MenuBar widget


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \param pos The position at which to insert this item

-#  \param image An image object, or NULL.

-#  \param title A string title, or NULL.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menubar_insert_item*(menubar: ptr Menubar, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                          pos: cint, image: ptr Image, 

-                          title: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menubar_insert_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a separator to a MenuBar widget


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menubar_append_separator*(menubar: ptr Menubar, 

-                               parent: ptr ListItem): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menubar_append_separator", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a separator into a MenuBar widget


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param parent The item to place the new item under, or NULL for a root item.

-#  \param pos The position at which to insert this item

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc menubar_insert_separator*(menubar: ptr Menubar, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                               pos: cint): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "menubar_insert_separator", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Move a row in a MenuBar widget


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item

-#  \param row New position to place this item



-proc menubar_move_item*(menubar: ptr Menubar, item: ptr ListItem, 

-                        row: cint){.cdecl, importc: "menubar_move_item", 

-                                    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Remove a row from a MenuBar widget


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc menubar_remove_item*(menubar: ptr Menubar, item: ptr ListItem) {.

-    cdecl, importc: "menubar_remove_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the number of rows in a MenuBar widget


-#  \param obj A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param parent Item whose children count to return, or NULL for root

-#         item count.

-#  \return Number of rows



-proc menubar_item_count*(obj: ptr Menubar, parent: ptr ListItem): cint{.

-    cdecl, importc: "menubar_item_count", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Disables a menu item (no focus and greyed out)


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc menubar_disable_item*(menubar: ptr Menubar, item: ptr ListItem){.

-    cdecl, importc: "menubar_disable_item", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Enables a menu item (allows focus and not greyed out)


-#  \param menubar A valid MenuBar widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc menubar_enable_item*(menubar: ptr Menubar, item: ptr ListItem){.

-    cdecl, importc: "menubar_enable_item", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  Progress* {.pure.} = object of Widget


-  CProgressStyle* = enum 

-    cProgressLeftRight = 0x00000000, cProgressRightLeft = 0x00000001, 

-    cProgressTopBottom = 0x00000002, cProgressBottomTop = 0x00000004

-{.deprecated: [TProgress: Progress, TcProgressStyle: CProgressStyle].}



-#  \brief Creates a Progress widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Progress widget object.



-proc newprogress*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                  flags: cint): ptr Progress {.

-    cdecl, importc: "progress_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the value of a progress widget


-#  \param progress A valid progress widget object

-#  \param percentage Progress value



-proc progress_set_level*(progress: ptr Progress, percentage: cdouble){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "progress_set_level", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the orientation of a progress widget


-#  \param progress A valid progress widget object

-#  \param flags One of the cProgressStyle values



-proc progress_set_orientation*(progress: ptr Progress, flags: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "progress_set_orientation", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  RadioGroup* {.pure.} = object of ClaroObj

-    buttons*: List

-    selected*: ptr ClaroObj

-    ndata*: pointer


-  RadioButton* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..256-1, char]

-    group*: ptr RadioGroup

-{.deprecated: [TRadioGroup: RadioGroup, TRadioButton: RadioButton].}



-#  \brief Creates a Radio Group widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Radio Group widget object.



-proc newRadiogroup*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, flags: cint): ptr RadioGroup {.

-    cdecl, importc: "radiogroup_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Creates a Radio Button widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param group A valid Radio Group widget object

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param label The label of the radio widget

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Radio Button widget object.



-proc newradiobutton*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, group: ptr RadioGroup, 

-                     bounds: ptr Bounds, label: cstring, 

-                     flags: cint): ptr RadioButton{.

-    cdecl, importc: "radiobutton_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the label of a Radio Button


-#  \param obj A valid Radio Button widget

-#  \param label The new label for the Radio Button



-proc radiobutton_set_text*(obj: ptr RadioButton, label: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "radiobutton_set_label", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Set the group of a Radio Button


-#  \param rbutton A valid Radio Button widget

-#  \param group A valid Radio Group widget object



-proc radiobutton_set_group*(rbutton: ptr RadioButton, group: ptr RadioGroup){.

-    cdecl, importc: "radiobutton_set_group", dynlib: clarodll.}






-  Scrollbar* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    min*: cint

-    max*: cint

-    pagesize*: cint

-{.deprecated: [TScrollbar: Scrollbar].}



-  cScrollbarHorizontal* = 0

-  cScrollbarVertical* = 1


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a ScrollBar widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new ScrollBar widget object.



-proc newscrollbar*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                   flags: cint): ptr Scrollbar{.

-    cdecl, importc: "scrollbar_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the width that scrollbars should be on this platform


-#  \return Width of vertical scrollbars



-proc scrollbar_get_sys_width*(): cint{.cdecl, 

-                                       importc: "scrollbar_get_sys_width", 

-                                       dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the range of a ScrollBar widget


-#  \param w A valid ScrollBar widget object

-#  \param min The minimum value

-#  \param max The maximum value



-proc scrollbar_set_range*(w: ptr Scrollbar, min: cint, max: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "scrollbar_set_range", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the position of a ScrollBar widget


-#  \param w A valid ScrollBar widget object

-#  \param pos The new position



-proc scrollbar_set_pos*(w: ptr Scrollbar, pos: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "scrollbar_set_pos", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Gets the position of a ScrollBar widget


-#  \param w A valid ScrollBar widget object

-#  \return The current position



-proc scrollbar_get_pos*(w: ptr Scrollbar): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "scrollbar_get_pos", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the page size of a ScrollBar widget


-#  \param w A valid ScrollBar widget object

-#  \param pagesize The size of a page (the number of units visible at one time)



-proc scrollbar_set_pagesize*(w: ptr Scrollbar, pagesize: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "scrollbar_set_pagesize", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  CSplitterChildren* = enum 

-    cSplitterFirst = 0, cSplitterSecond = 1

-  SplitterChild* {.pure.} = object 

-    flex*: cint

-    size*: cint

-    w*: ptr Widget


-  Splitter* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    pair*: array[0..1, SplitterChild]

-{.deprecated: [TcSplitterChildren: CSplitterChildren, TSplitter: Splitter,

-              TSplitterChild: SplitterChild].}



-  cSplitterHorizontal* = 0

-  cSplitterVertical* = 1


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a Splitter widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Splitter widget object.



-proc newsplitter*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds,

-                  flags: cint): ptr Splitter{.

-    cdecl, importc: "splitter_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the sizing information of a child


-#  \param splitter A valid splitter widget object

-#  \param child The child number, either cSplitterFirst or cSplitterSecond.

-#  \param flex 1 if this child should receive extra space as the splitter 

-#         expands, 0 if not

-#  \param size The size of this child



-proc splitter_set_info*(splitter: ptr Splitter, child: cint, flex: cint, 

-                        size: cint){.cdecl, importc: "splitter_set_info", 

-                                     dynlib: clarodll.}



-  Statusbar* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..256 - 1, char]

-{.deprecated: [TStatusbar: Statusbar].}




-#  \brief Creates a StatusBar widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new StatusBar widget object.



-proc newstatusbar*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, flags: cint): ptr Statusbar {.cdecl, 

-    importc: "statusbar_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the text of a statusbar


-#  \param obj A valid StatusBar widget

-#  \param text The new text



-proc statusbar_set_text*(obj: ptr Statusbar, text: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "statusbar_set_text", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief obtains a stock image


-#  \param stock_id The string ID of the stock image, NOT NULL.

-#  \return The Image object.



-proc stock_get_image*(stock_id: cstring): ptr Image{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "stock_get_image", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief adds a stock id image


-#  \param stock_id The string ID of the stock image, NOT NULL.

-#  \param img The Image object to add.

-#  \return The Image object.



-proc stock_add_image*(stock_id: cstring, img: ptr Image){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "stock_add_image", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  CLARO_TEXTAREA_MAXIMUM = (1024 * 1024)



-  TextArea* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..CLARO_TEXTAREA_MAXIMUM - 1, char]

-{.deprecated: [TTextArea: TextArea].}




-#  \brief Creates a TextArea widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new TextArea widget object.



-proc newtextarea*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                  flags: cint): ptr TextArea{.

-    cdecl, importc: "textarea_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the text of a textarea


-#  \param obj A valid TextArea widget

-#  \param text The new text



-proc textarea_set_text*(obj: ptr TextArea, text: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "textarea_set_text", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Retrieve the text of a textarea


-#  \param obj A valid TextArea widget

-#  \return Pointer to an internal reference of the text. Should not be changed.



-proc textarea_get_text*(obj: ptr TextArea): cstring{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "textarea_get_text", dynlib: clarodll.}






-  TextBox* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    text*: array[0..CLARO_TEXTBOX_MAXIMUM-1, char]

-{.deprecated: [TTextBox: TextBox].}



-  cTextBoxTypePassword* = 1


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a TextBox widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new TextBox widget object.



-proc newtextbox*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                 flags: cint): ptr TextBox{.

-    cdecl, importc: "textbox_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the text of a textbox


-#  \param obj A valid TextBox widget

-#  \param text The new text



-proc textbox_set_text*(obj: ptr TextBox, text: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "textbox_set_text", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Retrieve the text of a textbox


-#  \param obj A valid TextBox widget

-#  \return Pointer to an internal reference of the text. Should not be changed.



-proc textbox_get_text*(obj: ptr TextBox): cstring{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "textbox_get_text", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Retrieve the cursor position inside a textbox


-#  \param obj A valid TextBox widget

-#  \return Cursor position inside TextBox



-proc textbox_get_pos*(obj: ptr TextBox): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "textbox_get_pos", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the cursor position inside a textbox


-#  \param obj A valid TextBox widget

-#  \param pos New cursor position inside TextBox



-proc textbox_set_pos*(obj: ptr TextBox, pos: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "textbox_set_pos", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  cToolbarShowText* = 1

-  cToolbarShowImages* = 2

-  cToolbarShowBoth* = 3

-  cToolbarAutoSizeButtons* = 4



-  Toolbar* {.pure.} = object of ListWidget

-{.deprecated: [TToolbar: Toolbar].}


-#  \brief Creates a ToolBar widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new ToolBar widget object.



-proc newtoolbar*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, flags: cint): ptr Toolbar{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "toolbar_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a row to a ToolBar widget


-#  \param toolbar A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \param image An image object, or NULL.

-#  \param title A string title, or NULL.

-#  \param tooltip A string tooltip, or NULL.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc toolbar_append_icon*(toolbar: ptr Toolbar, image: ptr Image, 

-                          title: cstring, tooltip: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "toolbar_append_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a row into a ToolBar widget


-#  \param toolbar A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \param pos The position at which to insert this item

-#  \param image An image object, or NULL.

-#  \param title A string title, or NULL.

-#  \param tooltip A string tooltip, or NULL.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc toolbar_insert_icon*(toolbar: ptr Toolbar, pos: cint, 

-                          image: ptr Image, title: cstring, 

-                          tooltip: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "toolbar_insert_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a separator to a ToolBar widget


-#  \param toolbar A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc toolbar_append_separator*(toolbar: ptr Toolbar): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "toolbar_append_separator", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a separator into a ToolBar widget


-#  \param toolbar A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \param pos The position at which to insert this item

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc toolbar_insert_separator*(toolbar: ptr Toolbar, 

-                               pos: cint): ptr ListItem {.

-    cdecl, importc: "toolbar_insert_separator", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Assign a menu widget to an item.


-#  This will show a small down arrow next to the item

-#  that will open this menu.


-#  \param toolbar A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \param item Toolbar item the menu is for.

-#  \param menu Menu widget object, or NULL to remove a menu.



-proc toolbar_set_item_menu*(toolbar: ptr Toolbar, item: ptr ListItem, 

-                            menu: ptr Menu){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "toolbar_set_item_menu", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Move a row in a ToolBar widget


-#  \param toolbar A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item

-#  \param row New position to place this item



-proc toolbar_move_icon*(toolbar: ptr Toolbar, item: ptr ListItem, 

-                        row: cint){.cdecl, importc: "toolbar_move_icon", 

-                                    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Remove a row from a ToolBar widget


-#  \param toolbar A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc toolbar_remove_icon*(toolbar: ptr Toolbar, item: ptr ListItem){.

-    cdecl, importc: "toolbar_remove_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the number of rows in a ToolBar widget


-#  \param obj A valid ToolBar widget object.

-#  \return Number of rows



-proc toolbar_item_count*(obj: ptr Toolbar): cint{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "toolbar_item_count", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief TreeView widget




-  Treeview* {.pure.} = object of ListWidget

-    selected*: ptr ListItem

-{.deprecated: [TTreeview: Treeview].}


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a TreeView widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new TreeView widget object.



-proc newtreeview*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                  flags: cint): ptr Treeview{.

-    cdecl, importc: "treeview_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Append a row to a TreeView


-#  \param treeview A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param parent The item under which to place the new item, or NULL for a root node.

-#  \param image An image to go to the left of the item, or NULL for no image.

-#  \param title The text for the item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc treeview_append_row*(treeview: ptr Treeview, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                          image: ptr Image, title: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "treeview_append_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Insert a row at the specified position into a TreeView


-#  \param treeview A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param parent The item under which to place the new item, or NULL for a root node.

-#  \param pos The index at which this item will be placed.

-#  \param image An image to go to the left of the item, or NULL for no image.

-#  \param title The text for the item.

-#  \return A new list item.



-proc treeview_insert_row*(treeview: ptr Treeview, parent: ptr ListItem, 

-                          pos: cint, image: ptr Image, 

-                          title: cstring): ptr ListItem{.

-    cdecl, importc: "treeview_insert_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Move a row in a TreeView


-#  \param treeview A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item

-#  \param row New position to place this item



-proc treeview_move_row*(treeview: ptr Treeview, item: ptr ListItem, 

-                        row: cint){.cdecl, importc: "treeview_move_row", 

-                                    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Remove a row from a TreeView


-#  \param treeview A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc treeview_remove_row*(treeview: ptr Treeview, item: ptr ListItem){.

-    cdecl, importc: "treeview_remove_row", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Expand a row in a TreeView


-#  \param treeview A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc treeview_expand*(treeview: ptr Treeview, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "treeview_expand", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Collapse a row in a TreeView


-#  \param treeview A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc treeview_collapse*(treeview: ptr Treeview, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "treeview_collapse", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the currently selected TreeView item


-#  \param obj A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \return The currently selected TreeView item, or NULL if no item is selected.



-proc treeview_get_selected*(obj: ptr Treeview): ptr ListItem{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "treeview_get_selected", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the number of rows in a TreeView


-#  \param obj A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param parent Return the number of children of this item, or the number of

-#                root items if NULL

-#  \return Number of rows



-proc treeview_get_rows*(obj: ptr Treeview, parent: ptr ListItem): cint{.

-    cdecl, importc: "treeview_get_rows", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Selects a row in a TreeView


-#  \param obj A valid TreeView widget object.

-#  \param item A valid list item



-proc treeview_select_item*(obj: ptr Treeview, item: ptr ListItem){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "treeview_select_item", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  cWindowModalDialog* = 1

-  cWindowCenterParent* = 2

-  cWindowNoResizing* = 4



-  Window* {.pure.} = object of Widget

-    title*: array[0..512 - 1, char]

-    icon*: ptr Image

-    menubar*: ptr Widget

-    workspace*: ptr Widget

-    exsp_tools*: cint

-    exsp_status*: cint

-    exsp_init*: cint

-{.deprecated: [TWindow: Window].}



-  cWindowFixedSize* = 1


-# functions 


-#  \brief Creates a Window widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Window widget object.



-proc newwindow*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                flags: cint): ptr Window {.

-    cdecl, importc: "window_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets a Window's title


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object

-#  \param title The new title for the window



-proc window_set_title*(w: ptr Window, title: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "window_set_title", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Makes a window visible


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object



-proc window_show*(w: ptr Window){.cdecl, importc: "window_show", 

-                                     dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Makes a window invisible


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object



-proc window_hide*(w: ptr Window){.cdecl, importc: "window_hide", 

-                                     dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Gives focus to a window


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object



-proc window_focus*(w: ptr Window){.cdecl, importc: "window_focus", 

-                                      dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Maximises a window


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object



-proc window_maximize*(w: ptr Window){.cdecl, importc: "window_maximise", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Minimises a window


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object



-proc window_minimize*(w: ptr Window){.cdecl, importc: "window_minimise", 

-    dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Restores a window


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object



-proc window_restore*(w: ptr Window){.cdecl, importc: "window_restore", 

-                                        dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets a window's icon


-#  \param w A valid Window widget object

-#  \param icon A valid Image object



-proc window_set_icon*(w: ptr Window, icon: ptr Image){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "window_set_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}



-  cWorkspaceTileHorizontally* = 0

-  cWorkspaceTileVertically* = 1



-  Workspace*{.pure.} = object of Widget


-  WorkspaceWindow*{.pure.} = object of Widget

-    icon*: ptr Image

-    title*: array[0..512 - 1, char]

-    workspace*: ptr Workspace

-{.deprecated: [TWorkspace: Workspace, TWorkspaceWindow: WorkspaceWindow].}


-# functions (workspace) 


-#  \brief Creates a Workspace widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Workspace widget object.



-proc newworkspace*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                   flags: cint): ptr Workspace{.

-    cdecl, importc: "workspace_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the active (visible) workspace child


-#  \param workspace A valid workspace widget

-#  \param child A valid workspace window widget



-proc workspace_set_active*(workspace: ptr Workspace, child: ptr ClaroObj){.

-    cdecl, importc: "workspace_set_active", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Returns the active (visible) workspace child


-#  \param workspace A valid workspace widget

-#  \return The active workspace window widget



-proc workspace_get_active*(workspace: ptr Workspace): ptr Workspace{.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_get_active", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Cascades all workspace windows


-#  \param workspace A valid workspace widget



-proc workspace_cascade*(workspace: ptr Workspace){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_cascade", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Tiles all workspace windows


-#  \param workspace A valid workspace widget

-#  \param dir The direction to tile child widgets



-proc workspace_tile*(workspace: ptr Workspace, dir: cint){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_tile", dynlib: clarodll.}

-# functions (workspace_window) 


-#  \brief Creates a Workspace widget


-#  \param parent The parent widget of this widget, NOT NULL.

-#  \param bounds The initial bounds of this widget, or NO_BOUNDS.

-#  \param flags Widget flags.

-#  \return A new Workspace widget object.



-proc newWorkspaceWindow*(parent: ptr ClaroObj, 

-                         bounds: ptr Bounds, 

-                         flags: cint): ptr WorkspaceWindow{.

-    cdecl, importc: "workspace_window_widget_create", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the title of a Workspace Window widget


-#  \param window A valid Workspace Window widget

-#  \param title The new title for the widget



-proc workspace_window_set_title*(window: ptr WorkspaceWindow, 

-                                 title: cstring){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_window_set_title", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Makes a Workspace Window widget visible


-#  \param window A valid Workspace Window widget



-proc workspace_window_show*(window: ptr WorkspaceWindow){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_window_show", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Makes a Workspace Window widget invisible


-#  \param window A valid Workspace Window widget



-proc workspace_window_hide*(window: ptr WorkspaceWindow){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_window_hide", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Restores a Workspace Window widget


-#  \param window A valid Workspace Window widget



-proc workspace_window_restore*(window: ptr WorkspaceWindow){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_window_restore", dynlib: clarodll.}

-# American spelling 



-#  \brief Minimises a Workspace Window widget


-#  \param window A valid Workspace Window widget



-proc workspace_window_minimize*(window: ptr WorkspaceWindow){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_window_minimise", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Maxmimises a Workspace Window widget


-#  \param window A valid Workspace Window widget



-proc workspace_window_maximize*(window: ptr WorkspaceWindow){.cdecl, 

-    importc: "workspace_window_maximise", dynlib: clarodll.}


-#  \brief Sets the icon of a Workspace Window widget


-#  \param window A valid Workspace Window widget

-#  \param icon A valid Image object.



-proc workspace_window_set_icon*(w: ptr WorkspaceWindow, icon: ptr Image){.

-    cdecl, importc: "workspace_window_set_icon", dynlib: clarodll.}





-when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:

-  var w = newWindow(nil, newBounds(100, 100, 230, 230), 0)

-  window_set_title(w, "Hello, World!")


-  var t = newTextbox(w, new_bounds(10, 10, 210, -1), 0)

-  widget_set_notify(t, cNotifyKey)

-  textbox_set_text(t, "Yeehaw!")


-  var b = newButton(w, new_bounds(40, 45, 150, -1), 0, "Push my button!")


-  proc push_my_button(obj: ptr ClaroObj, event: ptr Event) {.cdecl.} =

-    textbox_set_text(t, "You pushed my button!")

-    var button = cast[ptr Button](obj)

-    button_set_text(button, "Ouch!")


-  object_addhandler(b, "pushed", push_my_button)


-  window_show(w)

-  window_focus(w)


-  claro_loop()
