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path: root/lib/wrappers/opengl/opengl.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/wrappers/opengl/opengl.nim')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/opengl/opengl.nim b/lib/wrappers/opengl/opengl.nim
index fab8183f5..a61159016 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/opengl/opengl.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/opengl/opengl.nim
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@


 ## This module is a wrapper around `opengl`:idx:. If you define the symbol

-## ``useGlew`` this wrapper does not use Nimrod's ``dynlib`` mechanism, 
-## but `glew`:idx: instead. However, this shouldn't be necessary anymore; even
-## extension loading for the different operating systems is handled here.
-## You need to call ``loadExtensions`` after a rendering context has been
+## ``useGlew`` this wrapper does not use Nimrod's ``dynlib`` mechanism, 

+## but `glew`:idx: instead. However, this shouldn't be necessary anymore; even

+## extension loading for the different operating systems is handled here.


+## You need to call ``loadExtensions`` after a rendering context has been

 ## created to load any extension proc that your code uses.


 when defined(linux):

   import X, XLib, XUtil

 elif defined(windows):

@@ -39,58 +39,58 @@ when defined(useGlew):
   {.pragma: wgl, header: "<GL/wglew.h>".}

   {.pragma: glu, dynlib: gludll.}


-  # quite complex ... thanks to extension support for various platforms:
-  import dynlib
-  let oglHandle = LoadLib(ogldll)
-  if isNil(oglHandle): quit("could not load: " & ogldll)
-  when defined(windows):
-    var wglGetProcAddress = cast[proc (s: cstring): pointer {.stdcall.}](
-      symAddr(oglHandle, "wglGetProcAddress"))
-  elif defined(linux):
-    var glXGetProcAddress = cast[proc (s: cstring): pointer {.cdecl.}](
-      symAddr(oglHandle, "glXGetProcAddress"))
-    var glXGetProcAddressARB = cast[proc (s: cstring): pointer {.cdecl.}](
-      symAddr(oglHandle, "glXGetProcAddressARB"))
-  proc glGetProc(h: TLibHandle; procName: cstring): pointer =
-    when defined(windows):
-      result = symAddr(h, procname)
-      if result != nil: return
-      if not isNil(wglGetProcAddress): result = wglGetProcAddress(ProcName)
-    elif defined(linux):
-      if not isNil(glXGetProcAddress): result = glXGetProcAddress(ProcName)
-      if result != nil: return 
-      if not isNil(glXGetProcAddressARB): 
-        result = glXGetProcAddressARB(ProcName)
-        if result != nil: return
-      result = symAddr(h, procname)
-    else:
-      result = symAddr(h, procName)
-    if result == nil: raiseInvalidLibrary(procName)
-  var gluHandle: TLibHandle
-  proc gluGetProc(procname: cstring): pointer =
-    if gluHandle == nil:
-      gluHandle = LoadLib(gludll)
-      if gluHandle == nil: quit("could not load: " & gludll)
-    result = glGetProc(gluHandle, procname)
-  # undocumented 'dynlib' feature: the string literal is replaced by
-  # the imported proc name:
-  {.pragma: ogl, dynlib: glGetProc(oglHandle, "").}

+  # quite complex ... thanks to extension support for various platforms:

+  import dynlib


+  let oglHandle = LoadLib(ogldll)

+  if isNil(oglHandle): quit("could not load: " & ogldll)


+  when defined(windows):

+    var wglGetProcAddress = cast[proc (s: cstring): pointer {.stdcall.}](

+      symAddr(oglHandle, "wglGetProcAddress"))

+  elif defined(linux):

+    var glXGetProcAddress = cast[proc (s: cstring): pointer {.cdecl.}](

+      symAddr(oglHandle, "glXGetProcAddress"))

+    var glXGetProcAddressARB = cast[proc (s: cstring): pointer {.cdecl.}](

+      symAddr(oglHandle, "glXGetProcAddressARB"))


+  proc glGetProc(h: TLibHandle; procName: cstring): pointer =

+    when defined(windows):

+      result = symAddr(h, procname)

+      if result != nil: return

+      if not isNil(wglGetProcAddress): result = wglGetProcAddress(ProcName)

+    elif defined(linux):

+      if not isNil(glXGetProcAddress): result = glXGetProcAddress(ProcName)

+      if result != nil: return 

+      if not isNil(glXGetProcAddressARB): 

+        result = glXGetProcAddressARB(ProcName)

+        if result != nil: return

+      result = symAddr(h, procname)

+    else:

+      result = symAddr(h, procName)

+    if result == nil: raiseInvalidLibrary(procName)


+  var gluHandle: TLibHandle


+  proc gluGetProc(procname: cstring): pointer =

+    if gluHandle == nil:

+      gluHandle = LoadLib(gludll)

+      if gluHandle == nil: quit("could not load: " & gludll)

+    result = glGetProc(gluHandle, procname)


+  # undocumented 'dynlib' feature: the string literal is replaced by

+  # the imported proc name:

+  {.pragma: ogl, dynlib: glGetProc(oglHandle, "0").}

   {.pragma: oglx, dynlib: glGetProc(oglHandle, "0").}

-  {.pragma: wgl, dynlib: glGetProc(oglHandle, "").}

-  {.pragma: glu, dynlib: gluGetProc("").}
-  proc nimLoadProcs0() {.importc.}
-  template loadExtensions*() =
-    ## call this after your rendering context has been setup if you use
-    ## extensions.
-    bind nimLoadProcs0
+  {.pragma: wgl, dynlib: glGetProc(oglHandle, "0").}

+  {.pragma: glu, dynlib: gluGetProc("").}


+  proc nimLoadProcs0() {.importc.}


+  template loadExtensions*() =

+    ## call this after your rendering context has been setup if you use

+    ## extensions.

+    bind nimLoadProcs0




@@ -9104,7 +9104,7 @@ proc glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN*(rc: GLuint,
 proc glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN*(rc: PGLuint, 

     tc: PGLfloat, c: PGLfloat, n: PGLfloat, v: PGLfloat){.stdcall, importc, ogl.}

   # window support functions

-when defined(windows): 
+when defined(windows): 

   when not defined(wglGetProcAddress):

     proc wglGetProcAddress*(ProcName: cstring): Pointer{.stdcall, importc, wgl.}

   proc wglCopyContext*(p1: HGLRC, p2: HGLRC, p3: int): BOOL{.stdcall, importc, wgl.}

@@ -9446,11 +9446,11 @@ when defined(LINUX):
       stdcall, importc, oglx.}

   proc glXGetSelectedEvent*(dpy: PDisplay, draw: GLXDrawable, 

                             event_mask: PGLuint){.stdcall, importc, oglx.}

-    # GLX_VERSION_1_4
+    # GLX_VERSION_1_4

   when not defined(glXGetProcAddress):

     proc glXGetProcAddress*(name: cstring): pointer{.stdcall, importc, oglx.}

     # GLX_ARB_get_proc_address

-  when not defined(glXGetProcAddressARB):
+  when not defined(glXGetProcAddressARB):

     proc glXGetProcAddressARB*(name: cstring): pointer{.stdcall, importc, oglx.}

     # GLX_ARB_create_context

   proc glXCreateContextAttribsARB*(dpy: PDisplay, config: GLXFBConfig,