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3 files changed, 91 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/math.nim b/lib/pure/math.nim
index a9e9010f6..b91c7f0d8 100644
--- a/lib/pure/math.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/math.nim
@@ -202,28 +202,52 @@ when not defined(JS):
     ## computes x to power raised of y.
   # C procs:
-  proc srand(seed: cint) {.importc: "srand", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
-  proc rand(): cint {.importc: "rand", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
+  when defined(vcc):
+    # The "secure" random, available from Windows XP
+    #
+    # Present in some variants of MinGW but not enough to justify
+    # `when defined(windows)` yet
+    proc rand_s(val: var cuint) {.importc: "rand_s", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
+    # To behave like the normal version
+    proc rand(): cuint = rand_s(result)
+  else:
+    proc srand(seed: cint) {.importc: "srand", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
+    proc rand(): cint {.importc: "rand", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
   when not defined(windows):
     proc srand48(seed: clong) {.importc: "srand48", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
     proc drand48(): float {.importc: "drand48", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
     proc random(max: float): float =
       result = drand48() * max
-  when defined(windows):
-    proc random(max: float): float =
-      # we are hardcodeing this because
-      # importcing macros is extremely problematic
-      # and because the value is publicly documented
-      # on MSDN and very unlikely to change
-      const rand_max = 32767
-      result = (float(rand()) / float(rand_max)) * max
-  proc randomize() =
-    randomize(cast[int](epochTime()))
-  proc randomize(seed: int) =
-    srand(cint(seed))
-    when declared(srand48): srand48(seed)
+  else:
+    when defined(vcc): # Windows with Visual C
+      proc random(max: float): float =
+        # we are hardcoding this because
+        # importc-ing macros is extremely problematic
+        # and because the value is publicly documented
+        # on MSDN and very unlikely to change
+        # See
+        const rand_max = 4294967295 # UINT_MAX
+        result = (float(rand()) / float(rand_max)) * max
+      proc randomize() = discard
+      proc randomize(seed: int) = discard
+    else: # Windows with another compiler
+      proc random(max: float): float =
+        # we are hardcoding this because
+        # importc-ing macros is extremely problematic
+        # and because the value is publicly documented
+        # on MSDN and very unlikely to change
+        const rand_max = 32767
+        result = (float(rand()) / float(rand_max)) * max
+  when not defined(vcc): # the above code for vcc uses `discard` instead
+    # this is either not Windows or is Windows without vcc
+    proc randomize() =
+      randomize(cast[int](epochTime()))
+    proc randomize(seed: int) =
+      srand(cint(seed)) # rand_s doesn't use srand
+      when declared(srand48): srand48(seed)
   proc random(max: int): int =
     result = int(rand()) mod max
diff --git a/lib/pure/terminal.nim b/lib/pure/terminal.nim
index 15e2eefec..2efdf72d5 100644
--- a/lib/pure/terminal.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/terminal.nim
@@ -406,22 +406,43 @@ proc isatty*(f: File): bool =
   result = isatty(getFileHandle(f)) != 0'i32
-proc styledEchoProcessArg(s: string) = write stdout, s
-proc styledEchoProcessArg(style: Style) = setStyle({style})
-proc styledEchoProcessArg(style: set[Style]) = setStyle style
-proc styledEchoProcessArg(color: ForegroundColor) = setForegroundColor color
-proc styledEchoProcessArg(color: BackgroundColor) = setBackgroundColor color
+  TerminalCmd* = enum  ## commands that can be expressed as arguments
+    resetStyle         ## reset attributes
+template styledEchoProcessArg(s: string) = write stdout, s
+template styledEchoProcessArg(style: Style) = setStyle({style})
+template styledEchoProcessArg(style: set[Style]) = setStyle style
+template styledEchoProcessArg(color: ForegroundColor) = setForegroundColor color
+template styledEchoProcessArg(color: BackgroundColor) = setBackgroundColor color
+template styledEchoProcessArg(cmd: TerminalCmd) =
+  when cmd == resetStyle:
+    resetAttributes()
 macro styledEcho*(m: varargs[expr]): stmt =
   ## to be documented.
   let m = callsite()
+  var reset = false
   result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
   for i in countup(1, m.len - 1):
-    result.add(newCall(bindSym"styledEchoProcessArg", m[i]))
+    let item = m[i]
+    case item.kind
+    of nnkStrLit..nnkTripleStrLit:
+      if i == m.len - 1:
+        # optimize if string literal is last, just call writeln
+        result.add(newCall(bindSym"writeln", bindSym"stdout", item))
+        if reset: result.add(newCall(bindSym"resetAttributes"))
+        return
+      else:
+        # if it is string literal just call write, do not enable reset
+        result.add(newCall(bindSym"write", bindSym"stdout", item))
+    else:
+      result.add(newCall(bindSym"styledEchoProcessArg", item))
+      reset = true
   result.add(newCall(bindSym"write", bindSym"stdout", newStrLitNode("\n")))
-  result.add(newCall(bindSym"resetAttributes"))
+  if reset: result.add(newCall(bindSym"resetAttributes"))
 when defined(nimdoc):
   proc getch*(): char =
diff --git a/lib/system/jssys.nim b/lib/system/jssys.nim
index f082023ee..5a9333a0e 100644
--- a/lib/system/jssys.nim
+++ b/lib/system/jssys.nim
@@ -37,9 +37,7 @@ type
   framePtr {.importc, nodecl, volatile.}: PCallFrame
-  excHandler {.importc, nodecl, volatile.}: PSafePoint = nil
-    # list of exception handlers
-    # a global variable for the root of all try blocks
+  excHandler {.importc, nodecl, volatile.}: int = 0
   lastJSError {.importc, nodecl, volatile.}: PJSError = nil
 {.push stacktrace: off, profiler:off.}
@@ -52,9 +50,7 @@ proc nimCharToStr(x: char): string {.compilerproc.} =
   result[0] = x
 proc getCurrentExceptionMsg*(): string =
-  if excHandler != nil and excHandler.exc != nil:
-    return $excHandler.exc.msg
-  elif lastJSError != nil:
+  if lastJSError != nil:
     return $lastJSError.message
     return ""
@@ -99,32 +95,41 @@ proc rawWriteStackTrace(): string =
     result = "No stack traceback available\n"
-proc raiseException(e: ref Exception, ename: cstring) {.
+proc unhandledException(e: ref Exception) {.
     compilerproc, asmNoStackFrame.} =
- = ename
-  if excHandler != nil:
-    excHandler.exc = e
+  when NimStackTrace:
+    var buf = rawWriteStackTrace()
-    when NimStackTrace:
-      var buf = rawWriteStackTrace()
-    else:
-      var buf = ""
+    var buf = ""
     if e.msg != nil and e.msg[0] != '\0':
       add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception: ")
       add(buf, e.msg)
       add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception")
     add(buf, " [")
-    add(buf, ename)
+    add(buf,
     add(buf, "]\n")
-  asm """throw `e`;"""
+proc raiseException(e: ref Exception, ename: cstring) {.
+    compilerproc, asmNoStackFrame.} =
+ = ename
+  when not defined(noUnhandledHandler):
+    if excHandler == 0:
+      unhandledException(e)
+  asm "throw `e`;"
 proc reraiseException() {.compilerproc, asmNoStackFrame.} =
-  if excHandler == nil:
+  if lastJSError == nil:
     raise newException(ReraiseError, "no exception to reraise")
-    asm """throw excHandler.exc;"""
+    when not defined(noUnhandledHandler):
+      if excHandler == 0:
+        var isNimException : bool
+        asm "`isNimException` = lastJSError.m_type;"
+        if isNimException:
+          unhandledException(cast[ref Exception](lastJSError))
+    asm "throw lastJSError;"
 proc raiseOverflow {.exportc: "raiseOverflow", noreturn.} =
   raise newException(OverflowError, "over- or underflow")