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path: root/nim/transtmp.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'nim/transtmp.pas')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nim/transtmp.pas b/nim/transtmp.pas
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..df61aa00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nim/transtmp.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+//           The Nimrod Compiler
+//        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
+//    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+//    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+// This module implements a transformator. It transforms the syntax tree 
+// to ease the work of the code generators. Does the transformation to 
+// introduce temporaries to split up complex expressions. 
+procedure transInto(c: PContext; var dest: PNode; father, src: PNode); forward;
+// transforms the expression `src` into the destination `dest`. Uses `father`
+// for temorary statements. If dest = nil, the expression is put into a 
+// temporary.
+function transTmp(c: PContext; father, src: PNode): PNode; 
+// convienence proc
+  result := nil;
+  transInto(c, result, father, src);
+function newLabel(c: PContext): PSym;
+  inc(gTmpId);
+  result := newSym(skLabel, getIdent(genPrefix +{&} ToString(gTmpId), 
+                   c.transCon.owner));
+function fewCmps(s: PNode): bool;
+// this function estimates whether it is better to emit code
+// for constructing the set or generating a bunch of comparisons directly
+  assert(s.kind in [nkSetConstr, nkConstSetConstr]);
+  if (s.typ.size <= platform.intSize) and
+      (s.kind = nkConstSetConstr) then
+    result := false      // it is better to emit the set generation code
+  else if skipRange(s.typ.sons[0]).Kind in [tyInt..tyInt64] then
+    result := true       // better not emit the set if int is basetype!
+  else
+    result := sonsLen(s) <= 8 // 8 seems to be a good value
+function transformIn(c: PContext; father, n: PNode): PNode;
+  a, b, e, setc: PNode;
+  destLabel, label2: PSym;
+  if (n.sons[1].kind = nkSetConstr) and fewCmps(n.sons[1]) then begin
+    // a set constructor but not a constant set:
+    // do not emit the set, but generate a bunch of comparisons
+    result := newSymNode(newTemp(c, n.typ,;
+    e := transTmp(c, father, n.sons[2]);
+    setc := n.sons[1];
+    destLabel := newLabel(c);
+    for i := 0 to sonsLen(setc)-1 do begin
+      if setc.sons[i].kind = nkRange then begin
+        a := transTmp(c, father, setc.sons[i].sons[0]);
+        b := transTmp(c, father, setc.sons[i].sons[1]);
+        label2 := newLabel(c);
+        addSon(father, newLt(result, e, a)); // e < a? --> goto end
+        addSon(father, newCondJmp(result, label2));
+        addSon(father, newLe(result, e, b)); // e <= b? --> goto set end
+        addSon(father, newCondJmp(result, destLabel));
+        addSon(father, newLabelNode(label2));
+      end
+      else begin
+        a := transTmp(c, father, setc.sons[i]);
+        addSon(father, newEq(result, e, a));
+        addSon(father, newCondJmp(result, destLabel));
+      end
+    end;
+    addSon(father, newLabelNode(destLabel));
+  end
+  else begin
+    result := n;
+  end
+procedure transformOp2(c: PContext; var dest: PNode; father, n: PNode);
+  a, b: PNode;
+  if dest = nil then dest := newSymNode(newTemp(c, n.typ,;
+  a := transTmp(c, father, n.sons[1]);
+  b := transTmp(c, father, n.sons[2]);
+  addSon(father, newAsgnStmt(dest, newOp2(n, a, b)));
+procedure transformOp1(c: PContext; var dest: PNode; father, n: PNode);
+  a: PNode;
+  if dest = nil then dest := newSymNode(newTemp(c, n.typ,;
+  a := transTmp(c, father, n.sons[1]);
+  addSon(father, newAsgnStmt(dest, newOp1(n, a)));
+procedure genTypeInfo(c: PContext; initSection: PNode);
+procedure genNew(c: PContext; father, n: PNode);
+  // how do we handle compilerprocs?
+function transformCase(c: PContext; father, n: PNode): PNode;
+  ty: PType;
+  e: PNode;
+  ty := skipGeneric(n.sons[0].typ);
+  if ty.kind = tyString then begin
+    // transform a string case to a bunch of comparisons:
+    result := newNodeI(nkIfStmt, n);
+    e := transTmp(c, father, n.sons[0]);
+  end
+  else result := n
+procedure transInto(c: PContext; var dest: PNode; father, src: PNode); 
+  if src = nil then exit;
+  if (src.typ <> nil) and (src.typ.kind = tyGenericInst) then 
+    src.typ := skipGeneric(src.typ);
+  case src.kind of 
+    nkIdent..nkNilLit: begin
+      if dest = nil then dest := copyTree(src)
+      else begin
+        // generate assignment:
+        addSon(father, newAsgnStmt(dest, src));
+      end
+    end;
+    nkCall: begin
+    end;
+  end;