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path: root/tests/macros/tmacros_issues.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/macros/tmacros_issues.nim')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/macros/tmacros_issues.nim b/tests/macros/tmacros_issues.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecdcd5da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/macros/tmacros_issues.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+discard """
+  msg: '''
+proc init(foo129050: int; bar129052: typedesc[int]): int =
+  foo129050
+IntLit 5
+proc (x: int): string => typeDesc[proc[string, int]]
+proc (x: int): void => typeDesc[proc[void, int]]
+proc (x: int) => typeDesc[proc[void, int]]
+x => uncheckedArray[int]
+  output: '''
+range[0 .. 100]
+array[0 .. 100, int]
+import macros, parseutils
+block t7723:
+  macro foo1(): untyped =
+    result = newStmtList()
+    result.add quote do:
+      proc init(foo: int, bar: typedesc[int]): int =
+        foo
+  expandMacros:
+    foo1()
+  doAssert init(1, int) == 1
+block t8706:
+  macro varargsLen(args:varargs[untyped]): untyped =
+    doAssert args.kind == nnkArglist
+    doAssert args.len == 0
+    result = newLit(args.len)
+  template bar(a0:varargs[untyped]): untyped =
+    varargsLen(a0)
+  template foo(x: int, a0:varargs[untyped]): untyped =
+    bar(a0)
+  doAssert foo(42) == 0
+  doAssert bar() == 0
+block t9194:
+  type
+    Foo1 = range[0 .. 100]
+    Foo2 = array[0 .. 100, int]
+  macro get(T: typedesc): untyped =
+    # Get the X out of typedesc[X]
+    let tmp = getTypeImpl(T)
+    result = newStrLitNode(getTypeImpl(tmp[1]).repr)
+  echo Foo1.get
+  echo Foo2.get
+block t1944:
+  template t(e: untyped): untyped =
+    macro m(eNode: untyped): untyped =
+      echo eNode.treeRepr
+    m e
+  t 5
+block t926:
+  proc test(f: var NimNode) {.compileTime.} =
+    f = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
+    f.add newCall(newIdentNode("echo"), newLit(10))
+  macro blah(prc: untyped): untyped =
+    result = prc
+    test(result)
+  proc test() {.blah.} =
+    echo 5
+block t2211:
+  macro showType(t:typed): untyped =
+    let ty = t.getType
+    echo t.repr, " => ", ty.repr
+  showType(proc(x:int): string)
+  showType(proc(x:int): void)
+  showType(proc(x:int))
+  var x: UncheckedArray[int]
+  showType(x)
+block t1140:
+  proc parse_until_symbol(node: NimNode, value: string, index: var int): bool {.compiletime.} =
+    var splitValue: string
+    var read = value.parseUntil(splitValue, '$', index)
+    # when false:
+    if false:
+        var identifier: string
+        read = value.parseWhile(identifier, {}, index)
+        node.add newCall("add", ident("result"), newCall("$", ident(identifier)))
+    if splitValue.len > 0:
+        node.insert node.len, newCall("add", ident("result"), newStrLitNode(splitValue))
+  proc parse_template(node: NimNode, value: string) {.compiletime.} =
+      var index = 0
+      while index < value.len and
+          parse_until_symbol(node, value, index): discard
+  macro tmpli(body: untyped): typed =
+      result = newStmtList()
+      result.add parseExpr("result = \"\"")
+      result.parse_template body[1].strVal
+  proc actual: string = tmpli html"""
+      <p>Test!</p>
+      """
+  proc another: string = tmpli html"""
+      <p>what</p>
+      """
+block tbugs:
+  type
+    Foo = object
+      s: char
+  iterator test2(f: string): Foo =
+    for i in f:
+      yield Foo(s: i)
+  macro test(): untyped =
+    for i in test2("asdf"):
+      echo i.s
+  test()
+  # bug 1297
+  type TType = tuple[s: string]
+  macro echotest(): untyped =
+    var t: TType
+    t.s = ""
+    t.s.add("test")
+    result = newCall(newIdentNode("echo"), newStrLitNode(t.s))
+  echotest()
+  # bug #1103
+  type
+      Td = tuple
+          a:string
+          b:int
+  proc get_data(d: Td) : string {.compileTime.} =
+      result = d.a # Works if a literal string is used here.
+      # Bugs if line A or B is active. Works with C
+      result &= "aa"          # A
+      #result.add("aa")       # B
+      #result = result & "aa" # C
+  macro m(s:static[Td]) : untyped =
+      echo get_data(s)
+      echo get_data(s)
+      result = newEmptyNode()
+  const s = ("TT", 3)
+  m(s)
+  m(s)
+  # bug #933
+  proc nilcheck(): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+    echo(result == nil) # true
+    echo(result.isNil) # true
+    echo(repr(result)) # nil
+  macro testnilcheck(): untyped =
+    result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
+    discard nilcheck()
+  testnilcheck()
+  # bug #1323
+  proc calc(): array[1, int] =
+    result[0].inc()
+    result[0].inc()
+  const c = calc()
+  doAssert c[0] == 2
+  # bug #3046
+  macro sampleMacroInt(i: int): untyped =
+    echo i.intVal
+  macro sampleMacroBool(b: bool): untyped =
+    echo b.boolVal
+  sampleMacroInt(42)
+  sampleMacroBool(false)
+  sampleMacroBool(system.true)