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path: root/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim')
1 files changed, 1115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27163e271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+  strutils, math
+when defined(linux):
+  const
+    LibG = ""
+    LibS = ""
+    LibW = ""
+  {.error: "Platform unsupported".}
+{.deadCodeElim: on.}
+{.pragma: pf, pure, final.}
+  PClock* = ptr TClock
+  TClock* {.pf.} = object
+  TTime* {.pf.} = object
+    microseconds*: int64
+  TVector2i* {.pf.} = object
+    x*, y*: cint
+  TVector2f* {.pf.} = object
+    x*, y*: cfloat
+  TVector3f* {.pf.} = object
+    x*, y*, z*: cfloat
+  PInputStream* = ptr TInputStream
+  TInputStream* {.pf.} = object 
+    read*: TInputStreamReadFunc
+    seek*: TInputStreamSeekFunc
+    tell*: TInputStreamTellFunc
+    getSize*: TInputStreamGetSizeFunc
+    userData*: pointer
+  TInputStreamReadFunc* = proc (data: pointer, size: int64, userData: pointer): int64{.
+    cdecl.}
+  TInputStreamSeekFunc* = proc (position: int16, userData: pointer): int64{.
+    cdecl.}
+  TInputStreamTellFunc* = proc (userData: pointer): int64 {.cdecl.}
+  TInputStreamGetSizeFunc* = proc (userData: pointer): int64 {.cdecl.}
+  PWindow* = ptr TWindow
+  TWindow* {.pf.} = object
+  PContextSettings* = ptr TContextSettings
+  TContextSettings*{.pf.} = object
+    depthBits: cint
+    stencilBits: cint
+    antialiasingLevel: cint
+    majorVersion: cint
+    minorVersion: cint
+  TVideoMode* {.pf.} = object
+    width*: cint
+    height*: cint
+    bitsPerPixel*: cint
+  TEventType*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum 
+    EvtClosed, EvtResized, EvtLostFocus, EvtGainedFocus, 
+    EvtTextEntered, EvtKeyPressed, EvtKeyReleased, EvtMouseWheelMoved, 
+    EvtMouseButtonPressed, EvtMouseButtonReleased, EvtMouseMoved, 
+    EvtMouseEntered, EvtMouseLeft, EvtJoystickButtonPressed, 
+    EvtJoystickButtonReleased, EvtJoystickMoved, EvtJoystickConnected, 
+    EvtJoystickDisconnected
+  TKeyEvent*{.pf.} = object 
+    code*: TKeyCode
+    alt*    : bool
+    control*: bool
+    shift*  : bool
+    system* : bool
+  TJoystickConnectEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    joystickId*: cint
+  TJoystickButtonEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    joystickId*: cint
+    button*: cint
+  TJoystickMoveEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    joystickId*: cint
+    axis*: TJoystickAxis
+    position*: cfloat
+  TMouseWheelEvent*{.pf.} = object 
+    delta*: cint
+    x*: cint
+    y*: cint
+  TMouseButtonEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    button*: TMouseButton
+    x*: cint
+    y*: cint
+  TMouseMoveEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    x*: cint
+    y*: cint
+  TTextEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    unicode*: cint
+  PEvent* = ptr TEvent
+  TEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    case kind*: TEventType
+    of EvtKeyPressed, EvtKeyReleased: 
+      key*: TKeyEvent
+    of EvtMouseButtonPressed, EvtMouseButtonReleased:
+      mouseButton*: TMouseButtonEvent
+    of EvtTextEntered:
+      text*: TTextEvent
+    of EvtJoystickConnected, EvtJoystickDisconnected:
+      joystickConnect*: TJoystickConnectEvent
+    of EvtJoystickMoved:
+      joystickMove*: TJoystickMoveEvent
+    of EvtJoystickButtonPressed, EvtJoystickButtonReleased:
+      joystickButton*: TJoystickButtonEvent
+    of EvtResized:
+      size*: TSizeEvent
+    of EvtMouseMoved, EvtMouseEntered, EvtMouseLeft:
+      mouseMove*: TMouseMoveEvent
+    of EvtMouseWheelMoved:
+      mouseWheel*: TMouseWheelEvent
+    else: nil
+  TJoystickAxis*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum 
+    JoystickX, JoystickY, JoystickZ, JoystickR,      
+    JoystickU, JoystickV, JoystickPovX, JoystickPovY
+  TSizeEvent*{.pf.} = object
+    width*: cint
+    height*: cint
+  TMouseButton*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum 
+    MouseLeft, MouseRight, MouseMiddle,  
+    MouseXButton1, MouseXButton2, MouseButtonCount
+  TKeyCode*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum 
+    KeyUnknown = - 1, KeyA, KeyB, KeyC, KeyD, KeyE,
+    KeyF, KeyG, KeyH, KeyI, KeyJ, KeyK, KeyL, KeyM,                 #/< The M key
+    KeyN, KeyO, KeyP, KeyQ, KeyR, KeyS, KeyT, KeyU,                 #/< The U key
+    KeyV, KeyW, KeyX, KeyY, KeyZ, KeyNum0, KeyNum1,              #/< The 1 key
+    KeyNum2, KeyNum3, KeyNum4, KeyNum5, KeyNum6,              #/< The 6 key
+    KeyNum7, KeyNum8, KeyNum9, KeyEscape, KeyLControl,          #/< The left Control key
+    KeyLShift, KeyLAlt, KeyLSystem, KeyRControl,          #/< The right Control key
+    KeyRShift, KeyRAlt, KeyRSystem, KeyMenu,              #/< The Menu key
+    KeyLBracket, KeyRBracket, KeySemiColon, KeyComma,             #/< The , key
+    KeyPeriod, KeyQuote, KeySlash, KeyBackSlash,         #/< The \ key
+    KeyTilde, KeyEqual, KeyDash, KeySpace, KeyReturn,            #/< The Return key
+    KeyBack, KeyTab, KeyPageUp, KeyPageDown, KeyEnd,               #/< The End key
+    KeyHome, KeyInsert, KeyDelete, KeyAdd, KeySubtract,          #/< -
+    KeyMultiply, KeyDivide, KeyLeft, KeyRight, KeyUp,                #/< Up arrow
+    KeyDown, KeyNumpad0, KeyNumpad1, KeyNumpad2,           #/< The numpad 2 key
+    KeyNumpad3,           #/< The numpad 3 key
+    KeyNumpad4,           #/< The numpad 4 key
+    KeyNumpad5,           #/< The numpad 5 key
+    KeyNumpad6,           #/< The numpad 6 key
+    KeyNumpad7,           #/< The numpad 7 key
+    KeyNumpad8,           #/< The numpad 8 key
+    KeyNumpad9,           #/< The numpad 9 key
+    KeyF1,                #/< The F1 key
+    KeyF2,                #/< The F2 key
+    KeyF3,                #/< The F3 key
+    KeyF4,                #/< The F4 key
+    KeyF5,                #/< The F5 key
+    KeyF6,                #/< The F6 key
+    KeyF7,                #/< The F7 key
+    KeyF8,                #/< The F8 key
+    KeyF9,                #/< The F8 key
+    KeyF10,               #/< The F10 key
+    KeyF11,               #/< The F11 key
+    KeyF12,               #/< The F12 key
+    KeyF13,               #/< The F13 key
+    KeyF14,               #/< The F14 key
+    KeyF15,               #/< The F15 key
+    KeyPause,             #/< The Pause key
+    KeyCount              #/< Keep last -- the total number of keyboard keys
+when defined(linux): #or defined(bsd) ??
+  type TWindowHandle* = clong
+#elif defined(mac):
+#  type TWindowHandle* = pointer ##typedef void* sfWindowHandle; <- whatever the hell that is
+#elif defined(windows):
+#  type TWindowHandle* = HWND__ ? windows is crazy. ##struct HWND__; typedef struct HWND__* sfWindowHandle;
+  sfNone*         = 0
+  sfTitlebar*     = 1 shl 0
+  sfResize*       = 1 shl 1
+  sfClose*        = 1 shl 2
+  sfFullscreen*   = 1 shl 3
+  sfDefaultStyle* = sfTitlebar or sfResize or sfClose
+  PRenderWindow* = ptr TRenderWindow
+  TRenderWindow* {.pf.} = object
+  PFont* = ptr TFont
+  TFont* {.pf.} = object
+  PImage* = ptr TImage
+  TImage* {.pf.} = object
+  PShader* = ptr TShader
+  TShader* {.pf.} = object
+  PSprite* = ptr TSprite
+  TSprite* {.pf.} = object
+  PText* = ptr TText
+  TText* {.pf.} = object
+  PTexture* = ptr TTexture
+  TTexture* {.pf.} = object
+  PVertexArray* = ptr TVertexArray
+  TVertexArray* {.pf.} = object
+  PView* = ptr TView
+  TView* {.pf.} = object
+  PRenderTexture* = ptr TRenderTexture
+  TRenderTexture* {.pf.} = object
+  PShape* = ptr TShape
+  TShape* {.pf.} = object
+  PCircleShape* = ptr TCircleShape
+  TCircleShape* {.pf.} = object
+  PRectangleShape* = ptr TRectangleShape
+  TRectangleShape* {.pf.} = object
+  PConvexShape* = ptr TConvexShape
+  TConvexShape* {.pf.} = object
+  TTextStyle*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum 
+    TextRegular = 0, TextBold = 1 shl 0, TextItalic = 1 shl 1, 
+    TextUnderlined = 1 shl 2
+  TBlendMode*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum 
+      BlendAlpha, BlendAdd, BlendMultiply, BlendNone
+  PRenderStates* = ptr TRenderStates
+  TRenderStates* {.pf.} = object
+    blendMode*: TBlendMode
+    transform*: TTransform
+    texture*: PTexture
+    shader*: PShader
+  PTransform* = ptr TTransform
+  TTransform* {.pf.} = object
+    matrix*: array[0..8, cfloat]
+  TColor* {.pf.} = object 
+    r*: Uint8
+    g*: Uint8
+    b*: Uint8
+    a*: Uint8
+  PFloatRect* = ptr TFloatRect
+  TFloatRect*{.pf.} = object 
+    left*: cfloat
+    top*: cfloat
+    width*: cfloat
+    height*: cfloat
+  PIntRect* = ptr TIntRect
+  TIntRect*{.pf.} = object 
+    left*: cint
+    top*: cint
+    width*: cint
+    height*: cint
+  TGlyph* {.pf.} = object
+    advance*: cint
+    bounds*: TIntRect
+    textureRect*: TIntRect
+  PVertex* = ptr TVertex
+  TVertex* {.pf.} = object
+    position*: TVector2f
+    color*: TColor
+    texCoords*: TVector2f
+  TPrimitiveType*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum 
+    Points,               #/< List of individual points
+    Lines,                #/< List of individual lines
+    LinesStrip,           #/< List of connected lines, a point uses the previous point to form a line
+    Triangles,            #/< List of individual triangles
+    TrianglesStrip,       #/< List of connected triangles, a point uses the two previous points to form a triangle
+    TrianglesFan,         #/< List of connected triangles, a point uses the common center and the previous point to form a triangle
+    Quads
+proc newWindow*(mode: TVideoMode, title: cstring, style: uint32, settings: PContextSettings = nil): PWindow {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfWindow_create", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc close*(window: PWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfWindow_close", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc isOpen*(window: PWindow): bool {.cdecl, importc: "sfWindow_isOpen", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc pollEvent*(window: PWindow, event: PEvent): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfWindow_pollEvent", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc waitEvent*(window: PWindow, event: PEvent): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfWindow_waitEvent", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc getDesktopMode*(): TVideoMode {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVideoMode_getDesktopMode", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc isKeyPressed*(key: TKeyCode): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc mouseIsButtonPressed*(button: TMouseButton): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfMouse_isButtonPressed", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc mouseGetPosition*(relativeTo: PWindow): TVector2i {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfMouse_getPosition", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc mouseSetPosition*(position: TVector2i, relativeTo: PWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfMouse_setPosition", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc joystickIsConnected*(joystick: cint): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfJoystick_isConnected", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc joystickGetButtonCount*(joystick: cint): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfJoystick_getButtonCount", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc joystickHasAxis*(joystick: cint, axis: TJoystickAxis): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfJoystick_hasAxis", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc joystickIsButtonPressed*(joystick: cint, button: cint): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfJoystick_isButtonPressed", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc joystickGetAxisPosition*(joystick: cint, axis: TJoystickAxis): float {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfJoystick_getAxisPosition", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc joystickUpdate*(): void {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfJoystick_update", dynlib: LibW.}
+proc newRenderWindow*(handle: TWindowHandle, settings: PContextSettings = nil): PRenderWindow{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_createFromHandle", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newRenderWindow*(mode: TVideoMode, title: cstring, style: int32, settings: PContextSettings = nil): PRenderWindow {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(window: PRenderWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc close*(window: PRenderWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_close", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc isOpen*(window: PRenderWindow): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_isOpen", dynlib: LibG.}
+#void sfRenderWindow_setIcon(sfRenderWindow* renderWindow, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const sfUint8* pixels);
+#proc setIcon*(window: PRenderWindow, width, height: cint, pixels: seq[uint8]) {.
+#  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setIcon", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getSettings*(window: PRenderWindow): TContextSettings {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_getSettings", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc pollEvent*(window: PRenderWindow, event: PEvent): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_pollEvent", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc pollEvent*(window: PRenderWindow; event: var TEvent): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_pollEvent", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc waitEvent*(window: PRenderWindow, event: PEvent): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_waitEvent", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc waitEvent*(window: PRenderWindow, event: var TEvent): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_waitEvent", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPosition*(window: PRenderWindow): TVector2i {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_getPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPosition*(window: PRenderWindow, position: TVector2i) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getSize*(window: PRenderWindow): TVector2i {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_getSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setSize*(window: PRenderWindow, size: TVector2i): void {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTitle*(window: PRenderWindow, title: cstring): void {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setTitle", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setVisible*(window: PRenderWindow, visible: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setVisible", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setMouseCursorVisible*(window: PRenderWindow, show: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setMouseCursorVisible", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setVerticalSyncEnabled*(window: PRenderWindow, enabled: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setVerticalSyncEnabled", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setKeyRepeatEnabled*(window: PRenderWindow, enabled: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setKeyRepeatEnabled", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setActive*(window: PRenderWindow, active: bool): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setActive", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc display*(window: PRenderWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_display", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFramerateLimit*(window: PRenderWindow, limit: uint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setFramerateLimit", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setJoystickThreshold*(window: PRenderWindow, threshold: float) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setJoystickThreshold", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getSystemHandle*(window: PRenderWindow): TWindowHandle {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_getSystemHandle", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc clear*(window: PRenderWindow, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_clear", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setView*(window: PRenderWindow, view: PView) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setView", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getView*(window: PRenderWindow): PView {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_getView", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getDefaultView*(window: PRenderWindow): PView {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_getDefaultView", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getViewport*(window: PRenderWindow, view: PView): TIntRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_getViewport", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc convertCoords*(window: PRenderWindow, point: TVector2i, targetView: PView): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_convertCoords", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, sprite: PSprite, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawSprite", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, text: PText, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawText", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, shape: PShape, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, shape: PCircleShape, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawCircleShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, shape: PRectangleShape, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawRectangleShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, shape: PConvexShape, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawConvexShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, shape: PVertexArray, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawVertexArray", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(window: PRenderWindow, vertices: PVertex, vertexCount: cint, 
+           vertexType: TPrimitiveType, states: PRenderStates = nil) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_drawPrimitives", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc pushGlStates*(window: PRenderWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_pushGLStates", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc popGlStates*(window: PRenderWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_popGLStates", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc resetGlStates*(window: PRenderWindow) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_resetGLStates", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc capture*(window: PRenderWindow): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_capture", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Construct a new render texture
+proc newRenderTexture*(width, height: cint; depthBuffer: Bool): PRenderTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Destroy an existing render texture
+proc destroy*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Get the size of the rendering region of a render texture
+proc getSize*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture): TVector2i {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_getSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Activate or deactivate a render texture as the current target for rendering
+proc setActive*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; active: bool): bool{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_setActive", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Update the contents of the target texture
+proc display*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_display", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Clear the rendertexture with the given color
+proc clear*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; color: TColor){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_clear", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Change the current active view of a render texture
+proc setView*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; view: PView){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_setView", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Get the current active view of a render texture
+proc getView*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture): PView{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_getView", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Get the default view of a render texture
+proc getDefaultView*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture): PView{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_getDefaultView", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Get the viewport of a view applied to this target
+proc getViewport*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; view: PView): TIntRect{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_getViewport", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Convert a point in texture coordinates into view coordinates
+proc convertCoords*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; point: TVector2i; targetView: PView): TVector2f{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_convertCoords", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Draw a drawable object to the render-target
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; sprite: PSprite; states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawSprite", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; text: PText; states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawText", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; shape: PShape; states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; shape: PCircleShape; 
+            states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawCircleShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; shape: PConvexShape; 
+            states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawConvexShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; shape: PRectangleShape; 
+            states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawRectangleShape", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; va: PVertexArray; 
+            states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawVertexArray", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Draw primitives defined by an array of vertices to a render texture
+proc draw*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; vertices: PVertex; vertexCount: cint; 
+            primitiveType: TPrimitiveType; states: PRenderStates){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_drawPrimitives", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Save the current OpenGL render states and matrices
+#/ This function can be used when you mix SFML drawing
+#/ and direct OpenGL rendering. Combined with popGLStates,
+#/ it ensures that:
+#/ * SFML's internal states are not messed up by your OpenGL code
+#/ * your OpenGL states are not modified by a call to a SFML function
+#/ Note that this function is quite expensive: it saves all the
+#/ possible OpenGL states and matrices, even the ones you
+#/ don't care about. Therefore it should be used wisely.
+#/ It is provided for convenience, but the best results will
+#/ be achieved if you handle OpenGL states yourself (because
+#/ you know which states have really changed, and need to be
+#/ saved and restored). Take a look at the resetGLStates
+#/ function if you do so.
+proc pushGLStates*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_pushGLStates", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Restore the previously saved OpenGL render states and matrices
+#/ See the description of pushGLStates to get a detailed
+#/ description of these functions.
+proc popGLStates*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_popGLStates", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Reset the internal OpenGL states so that the target is ready for drawing
+#/ This function can be used when you mix SFML drawing
+#/ and direct OpenGL rendering, if you choose not to use
+#/ pushGLStates/popGLStates. It makes sure that all OpenGL
+#/ states needed by SFML are set, so that subsequent sfRenderTexture_draw*()
+#/ calls will work as expected.
+proc resetGLStates*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_resetGLStates", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Get the target texture of a render texture
+proc getTexture*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture): PTexture{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_getTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Enable or disable the smooth filter on a render texture
+proc setSmooth*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture; smooth: bool){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_setSmooth", dynlib: LibG.}
+#Tell whether the smooth filter is enabled or not for a render texture
+proc isSmooth*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_isSmooth", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc intRect*(left, top, width, height: cint): TIntRect =
+  result.left   = left
+    = top
+  result.width  = width
+  result.height = height
+proc floatRect*(left, top, width, height: cfloat): TFloatRect =
+  result.left   = left
+    = top 
+  result.width  = width
+  result.height = height
+proc contains*(rect: PFloatRect, x, y: cfloat): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFloatRect_contains", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc contains*(rect: PIntRect, x: cint, y: cint): bool{.cdecl, 
+  importc: "sfIntRect_contains", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc intersects*(rect1, rect2, intersection: PFloatRect): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFloatRect_intersects", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc intersects*(rect1, rect2, intersection: PIntRect): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfIntRect_intersects", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newFont*(filename: cstring): PFont {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_createFromFile", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newFont*(data: pointer, sizeInBytes: cint): PFont {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_createFromMemory", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newFont*(stream: PInputStream): PFont {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_createFromStream", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(font: PFont): PFont {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(font: PFont) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getGlyph*(font: PFont, codePoint: Uint32, characterSize: cint, bold: bool): TGlyph{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getGlyph", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getKerning*(font: PFont, first: Uint32, second: Uint32, characterSize: cint): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getKerning", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getLineSpacing*(font: PFont, characterSize: cint): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getLineSpacing", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTexture*(font: PFont, characterSize: cint): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+#getDefaultFont() has been removed from CSFML
+proc getDefaultFont*(): PFont {.
+  error, cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getDefaultFont", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newCircleShape*(): PCircleShape {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(shape: PCircleShape): PCircleShape {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(shape: PCircleShape) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPosition*(shape: PCircleShape, position: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setRotation*(shape: PCircleShape, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setScale*(shape: PCircleShape, scale: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOrigin*(shape: PCircleShape, origin: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPosition*(shape: PCircleShape): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getRotation*(shape: PCircleShape): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getScale*(shape: PCircleShape): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOrigin*(shape: PCircleShape): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc move*(shape: PCircleShape, offset: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_move", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc rotate*(shape: PCircleShape, angle: cfloat){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_rotate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc scale*(shape: PCircleShape, factors: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_scale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTransform*(shape: PCircleShape): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getInverseTransform*(shape: PCircleShape): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getInverseTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTexture*(shape: PCircleShape, texture: PTexture, resetRect: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTextureRect*(shape: PCircleShape, rect: TIntRect) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setTextureRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFillColor*(shape: PCircleShape, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setFillColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOutlineColor*(shape: PCircleShape, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setOutlineColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOutlineThickness*(shape: PCircleShape, thickness: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setOutlineThickness", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTexture*(shape: PCircleShape): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTextureRect*(shape: PCircleShape): TIntRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getTextureRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getFillColor*(shape: PCircleShape): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getFillColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOutlineColor*(shape: PCircleShape): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getOutlineColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOutlineThickness*(shape: PCircleShape): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getOutlineThickness", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPointCount*(shape: PCircleShape): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getPointCount", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPoint*(shape: PCircleShape, index: cint): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getPoint", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setRadius*(shape: PCircleShape, radius: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setRadius", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getRadius*(shape: PCircleShape): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getRadius", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPointCount*(shape: PCircleShape, count: cint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_setPointCount", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getLocalBounds*(shape: PCircleShape): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getLocalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getGlobalBounds*(shape: PCircleShape): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfCircleShape_getGlobalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newRectangleShape*(): PRectangleShape {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(shape: PRectangleShape): PRectangleShape {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(shape: PRectangleShape){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPosition*(shape: PRectangleShape, position: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setRotation*(shape: PRectangleShape, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setScale*(shape: PRectangleShape, scale: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOrigin*(shape: PRectangleShape, origin: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPosition*(shape: PRectangleShape): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getRotation*(shape: PRectangleShape): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getScale*(shape: PRectangleShape): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOrigin*(shape: PRectangleShape): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc move*(shape: PRectangleShape, offset: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_move", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc rotate*(shape: PRectangleShape, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_rotate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc scale*(shape: PRectangleShape, factors: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_scale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTransform*(shape: PRectangleShape): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getInverseTransform*(shape: PRectangleShape): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getInverseTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTexture*(shape: PRectangleShape, texture: PTexture, resetRect: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTextureRect*(shape: PRectangleShape, rect: TIntRect) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setTextureRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFillColor*(shape: PRectangleShape, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setFillColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOutlineColor*(shape: PRectangleShape, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setOutlineColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOutlineThickness*(shape: PRectangleShape, thickness: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setOutlineThickness", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTexture*(shape: PRectangleShape): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTextureRect*(shape: PRectangleShape): TIntRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getTextureRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getFillColor*(shape: PRectangleShape): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getFillColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOutlineColor*(shape: PRectangleShape): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getOutlineColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOutlineThickness*(shape: PRectangleShape): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getOutlineThickness", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPointCount*(shape: PRectangleShape): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getPointCount", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPoint*(shape: PRectangleShape, index: cint): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getPoint", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setSize*(shape: PRectangleShape, size: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_setSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getSize*(shape: PRectangleShape): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getLocalBounds*(shape: PRectangleShape): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getLocalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getGlobalBounds*(shape: PRectangleShape): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfRectangleShape_getGlobalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newView*(): PView {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc viewFromRect*(rectangle: TFloatRect): PView{.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_createFromRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(view: PView): PView {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(view: PView) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setCenter*(view: PView, center: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_setCenter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setSize*(view: PView, size: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_setSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setRotation*(view: PView, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_setRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setViewport*(view: PView, viewport: TFloatRect) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_setViewport", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc reset*(view: PView, rectangle: TFloatRect) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_reset", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getCenter*(view: PView): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_getCenter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getSize*(view: PView): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_getSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getRotation*(view: PView): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_getRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getViewport*(view: PView): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_getViewport", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc move*(view: PView, offset: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_move", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc rotate*(view: PView, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_rotate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc zoom*(view: PView, factor: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfView_zoom", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newImage*(width, height: cint): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newImage*(width, height: cint, color: TColor): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_createFromColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newImage*(width, height: cint, pixels: pointer): PImage {. ##same deal as setIcon()
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_createFromPixels", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newImage*(filename: cstring): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_createFromFile", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newImage*(data: pointer, size: cint): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_createFromMemory", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newImage*(stream: PInputStream): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_createFromStream", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(image: PImage): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(image: PImage) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc save*(image: PImage, filename: cstring): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_saveToFile", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getSize*(image: PImage): TVector2i {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_getSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc createMask*(image: PImage, color: TColor, alpha: cchar) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_createMaskFromColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(destination, source: PImage, destX, destY: cint;
+            sourceRect: TIntRect, applyAlpha: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_copyImage", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPixel*(image: PImage, x, y: cint, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_setPixel", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPixel*(image: PImage, x, y: cint): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_getPixel", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPixels*(image: PImage): pointer {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_getPixelsPtr", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc flipHorizontally*(image: PImage) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_flipHorizontally", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc flipVertically*(image: PImage) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfImage_flipVertically", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newSprite*(): PSprite {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(sprite: PSprite): PSprite {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(sprite: PSprite) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPosition*(sprite: PSprite, position: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_setPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setRotation*(sprite: PSprite, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_setRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setScale*(sprite: PSprite, scale: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_setScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOrigin*(sprite: PSprite, origin: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_setOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPosition*(sprite: PSprite): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getRotation*(sprite: PSprite): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getScale*(sprite: PSprite): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOrigin*(sprite: PSprite): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc move*(sprite: PSprite, offset: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_move", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc rotate*(sprite: PSprite, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_rotate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc scale*(sprite: PSprite, factor: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_scale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTransform*(sprite: PSprite): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getInverseTransform*(sprite: PSprite): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getInverseTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTexture*(sprite: PSprite, texture: PTexture, resetRect: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_setTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTextureRect*(sprite: PSprite, rectangle: TIntRect) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_setTextureRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setColor*(sprite: PSprite, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_setColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTexture*(sprite: PSprite): TTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getTexture", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTextureRect*(sprite: PSprite): TIntRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getTextureRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getColor*(sprite: PSprite): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getLocalBounds*(sprite: PSprite): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getLocalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getGlobalBounds*(sprite: PSprite): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSprite_getGlobalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newTexture*(width, height: cint): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newTexture*(filename: cstring): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_createFromFile", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newTexture*(data: pointer, size: cint, area: PIntRect): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_createFromMemory", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newTexture*(stream: PInputStream, area: PIntRect): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_createFromStream", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newTexture*(image: PImage, area: PIntRect = nil): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_createFromImage", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(texture: PTexture): PTexture {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(texture: PTexture) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getSize*(texture: PTexture): TVector2i {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_getSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copyToImage*(texture: PTexture): PImage {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_copyToImage", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc updateFromPixels*(texture: PTexture, pixels: pointer, width, height, x, y: cint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_updateFromPixels", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc updateFromImage*(texture: PTexture, image: PImage, x, y: cint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_updateFromImage", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc updateFromWindow*(texture: PTexture, window: PWindow, x, y: cint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_updateFromWindow", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc updateFromWindow*(texture: PTexture, window: PRenderWindow, x, y: cint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_updateFromRenderWindow", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc bindGL*(texture: PTexture) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_bind", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setSmooth*(texture: PTexture, smooth: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_setSmooth", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc isSmooth*(texture: PTexture): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_isSmooth", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setRepeated*(texture: PTexture, repeated: bool) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_setRepeated", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc isRepeated*(texture: PTexture): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_isRepeated", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc textureMaxSize*(): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTexture_getMaximumSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newVertexArray*(): PVertexArray {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(vertexArray: PVertexArray): PVertexArray {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(va: PVertexArray) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getVertexCount*(va: PVertexArray): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_getVertexCount", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getVertex*(va: PVertexArray, index: cint): PVertex {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_getVertex", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc clear*(va: PVertexArray) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_clear", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc resize*(va: PVertexArray, size: cint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_resize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc append*(va: PVertexArray, vertex: TVertex) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_append", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPrimitiveType*(va: PVertexArray, primitiveType: TPrimitiveType) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_setPrimitiveType", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPrimitiveType*(va: PVertexArray): TPrimitiveType {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_getPrimitiveType", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getBounds*(va: PVertexArray): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfVertexArray_getBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newText*(): PText {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_create", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc copy*(text: PText): PText {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(text: PText) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setPosition*(text: PText, position: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setRotation*(text: PText, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setScale*(text: PText, scale: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setOrigin*(text: PText, origin: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getPosition*(text: PText): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getPosition", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getRotation*(text: PText): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getRotation", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getScale*(text: PText): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getScale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getOrigin*(text: PText): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getOrigin", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc move*(text: PText, offset: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_move", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc rotate*(text: PText, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_rotate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc scale*(text: PText, factors: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_scale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getTransform*(text: PText): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getInverseTransform*(text: PText): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getInverseTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setString*(text: PText, string: cstring) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setString", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setUnicodeString*(text: PText, string: ptr Uint32) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setUnicodeString", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFont*(text: PText, font: PFont) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setFont", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setCharacterSize*(text: PText, size: cint) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setCharacterSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setStyle*(text: PText, style: TTextStyle) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setStyle", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setColor*(text: PText, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_setColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getString*(text: PText): cstring {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getString", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getUnicodeString*(text: PText): ptr Uint32 {.cdecl, 
+  importc: "sfText_getUnicodeString", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getFont*(text: PText): PFont {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getFont", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getCharacterSize*(text: PText): cint {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getCharacterSize", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getStyle*(text: PText): Uint32 {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getStyle", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getColor*(text: PText): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getColor", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc findCharacterPos*(text: PText, index: cint): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_findCharacterPos", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getLocalBounds*(text: PText): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getLocalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getGlobalBounds*(text: PText): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfText_getGlobalBounds", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc transformFromMatrix*(a00, a01, a02, a10, a11, a12, a20, a21, a22: cfloat): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_fromMatrix", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getMatrix*(transform: PTransform, matrix: ptr cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_getMatrix", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc getInverse*(transform: PTransform): TTransform {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_getInverse", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc transformPoint*(transform: PTransform, point: TVector2f): TVector2f {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_transformPoint", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc transformRect*(transform: PTransform, rectangle: TFloatRect): TFloatRect {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_transformRect", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc combine*(transform: PTransform, other: PTransform) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_combine", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc translate*(transform: PTransform, x, y: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_translate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc rotate*(transform: PTransform, angle: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_rotate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc rotateWithCenter*(transform: PTransform, angle, centerX, centerY: cfloat){.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_rotateWithCenter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc scale*(transform: PTransform, scaleX, scaleY: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_scale", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc scaleWithCenter*(transform: PTransform, scaleX, scaleY, centerX, centerY: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTransform_scaleWithCenter", dynlib: LibG.}
+let IdentityMatrix*: TTransform = transformFromMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+proc newShader*(VSfilename: cstring, fragmentShaderFilename: cstring): PShader {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_createFromFile", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newShaderFromStr*(vertexShader: cstring, fragmentShader: cstring): PShader {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_createFromMemory", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newShader*(vertexShaderStream: PInputStream, fragmentShaderStream: PInputStream): PShader {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_createFromStream", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc destroy*(shader: PShader) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFloatParameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, x: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setFloatParameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFloat2Parameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, x, y: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setFloat2Parameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFloat3Parameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, x, y, z: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setFloat3Parameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setFloat4Parameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, x, y, z, w: cfloat) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setFloat4Parameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setVector2Parameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, vector: TVector2f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setVector2Parameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setVector3Parameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, vector: TVector3f) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setVector3Parameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setColorParameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, color: TColor) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setColorParameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTransformParameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, transform: TTransform) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setTransformParameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setTextureParameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring, texture: PTexture) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setTextureParameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc setCurrentTextureParameter*(shader: PShader, name: cstring) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_setCurrentTextureParameter", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc bindGL*(shader: PShader) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_bind", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc unbindGL*(shader: PShader) {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_unbind", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc shaderIsAvailable*(): bool {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfShader_isAvailable", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc color*(red, green, blue: cchar): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfColor_fromRGB", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc color*(red, green, blue: int): TColor {.inline.} =
+  return color(red.cchar, green.cchar, blue.cchar)
+proc color*(red, green, blue, alpha: cchar): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfColor_fromRGBA", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc color*(red, green, blue, alpha: int): TColor {.inline.} =
+  return color(red.cchar, green.cchar, blue.cchar, alpha.cchar)
+proc `+`*(color1, color2: TColor): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfColor_add", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc `*`*(color1, color2: TColor): TColor {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfColor_modulate", dynlib: LibG.}
+proc newColor*(r,g,b: int): TColor {.inline.} =
+  return color(r,g,b)
+proc newColor*(r,g,b,a: int): TColor {.inline.} = 
+  return color(r,g,b,a)
+proc newClock*(): PClock {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfClock_create", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc copy*(clocK: PClock): PClock {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfClock_copy", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc destroy*(clock: PClock): PClock {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfClock_destroy", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc getElapsedTime*(clock: PClock): TTime {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfClock_getElapsedTime", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc restart*(clock: PClock): TTime {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfClock_restart", dynlib: LibS, discardable.}
+proc asSeconds*(time: TTime): cfloat {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTime_asSeconds", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc asMilliseconds*(time: TTime): int32 {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTime_asMilliseconds", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc asMicroseconds*(time: TTime): int64 {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfTime_asMicroseconds", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc seconds*(seconds: cfloat): TTime {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfSeconds", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc milliseconds*(ms: int32): TTime {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfMilliseconds", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc microseconds*(us: int64): TTime {.
+  cdecl, importc: "sfMicroseconds", dynlib: LibS.}
+proc newContextSettings*(depthBits: cint = 0,
+                         stencilBits: cint = 0,
+                         antialiasingLevel: cint = 0,
+                         majorVersion: cint = 0,
+                         minorVersion: cint = 0): TContextSettings =
+  result.depthBits = depthBits
+  result.stencilBits = stencilBits
+  result.antialiasingLevel = antialiasingLevel
+  result.majorVersion = majorVersion
+  result.minorVersion = minorVersion
+proc newCircleShape*(radius: cfloat; pointCount: cint = 30): PCircleShape = 
+  result = newCircleShape()
+  result.setRadius radius
+  result.setPointCount pointCount
+proc newText*(str: string, font: PFont, size: int): PText =
+  result = newText()
+  result.setString(str)
+  result.setFont(font)
+  result.setCharacterSize(size.cint)
+proc newVertexArray*(primitiveType: TPrimitiveType, vertexCount: cint = 0): PVertexArray =
+  result = newVertexArray()
+  result.setPrimitiveType(primitiveType)
+  if vertexCount != 0:
+    result.resize(vertexCount)
+proc videoMode*(width, height, bpp: cint): TVideoMode =
+  result.width = width
+  result.height = height
+  result.bitsPerPixel = bpp
+proc `[]`*(a: PVertexArray, index: int): PVertex =
+  return getVertex(a, index.cint)
+proc `$` *(a: TContextSettings): string =
+  return "<TContextSettings stencil=$1 aa=$2 major=$3 minor=$4 depth=$5>" % [
+    $a.stencilBits, $a.antialiasingLevel, $a.majorVersion, $a.minorVersion, $a.depthBits]
+proc `$` *(a: TVideoMode): string = 
+  return "<TVideoMode $1x$2 $3bpp>" % [$a.width, $a.height, $a.bitsPerPixel]
+proc `$` *(a: TFloatRect): string = 
+  return "<TFloatRect $1,$2 $3x$4>" % [$a.left, $, $a.width, $a.height]
+proc `$` *(a: PView): string = 
+  return $a.getViewport()
+proc `$` *(a: TVector2f): string = 
+  return "<TVector2f $1,$2>" % [$a.x, $a.y]
+proc vec2i*(x, y: int): TVector2i =
+  result.x = x.cint
+  result.y = y.cint
+proc vec2f*(x, y: float): TVector2f =
+  result.x = x.cfloat
+  result.y = y.cfloat
+proc `+`*(a, b: TVector2f): TVector2f {.inline.} =
+  result.x = a.x + b.x
+  result.y = a.y + b.y
+proc `-`*(a: TVector2f): TVector2f {.inline.} =
+  result.x = -a.x
+  result.y = -a.y
+proc `-`*(a, b: TVector2f): TVector2f {.inline.}=
+  result.x = a.x - b.x
+  result.y = a.y - b.y
+proc `*`*(a: TVector2f, b: cfloat): TVector2f {.inline.} =
+  result.x = a.x * b
+  result.y = a.y * b
+proc `*`*(a, b: TVector2f): TVector2f {.inline.} =
+  result.x = a.x * b.x
+  result.y = a.y * b.y
+proc `/`*(a: TVector2f, b: cfloat): TVector2f {.inline.} =
+  result.x = a.x / b
+  result.y = a.y / b
+proc `+=` *(a: var TVector2f, b: TVector2f) {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  a = a + b
+proc `-=` *(a: var TVector2f, b: TVector2f) {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  a = a - b
+proc `*=` *(a: var TVector2f, b: float) {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  a = a * b
+proc `*=` *(a: var TVector2f, b: TVector2f) {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  a = a * b
+proc `/=` *(a: var TVector2f, b: float) {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  a = a / b
+proc `<` *(a, b: TVector2f): bool {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  return a.x < b.x or (a.x == b.x and a.y < b.y)
+proc `<=` *(a, b: TVector2f): bool {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  return a.x <= b.x and a.y <= b.y
+proc `==` *(a, b: TVector2f): bool {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
+  return a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y
+proc length*(a: TVector2f): float {.inline.} =
+  return sqrt(pow(a.x, 2.0) + pow(a.y, 2.0))
+proc lengthSq*(a: TVector2f): float {.inline.} =
+  return pow(a.x, 2.0) + pow(a.y, 2.0)
+proc distanceSq*(a, b: TVector2f): float {.inline.} =
+  return pow(a.x - b.x, 2.0) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2.0)
+proc distance*(a, b: TVector2f): float {.inline.} =
+  return sqrt(pow(a.x - b.x, 2.0) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2.0))
+proc permul*(a, b: TVector2f): TVector2f =
+  result.x = a.x * b.x
+  result.y = a.y * b.y
+proc rotate*(a: TVector2f, phi: float): TVector2f =
+  var c = cos(phi)
+  var s = sin(phi)
+  result.x = a.x * c - a.y * s
+  result.y = a.x * s + a.y * c
+proc perpendicular(a: TVector2f): TVector2f =
+  result.x = -a.x
+  result.y =  a.y
+proc cross(a, b: TVector2f): float =
+  return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x