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path: root/tests/manyloc/nake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/manyloc/nake')
2 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/nake/nakefile.nim b/tests/manyloc/nake/nakefile.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..700f9ab49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manyloc/nake/nakefile.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+import nake
+import httpclient, zipfiles, times, math
+  GameAssets = ""
+  BinLibs = ""
+  ExeName = "keineschweine"
+  ServerDefines = "-d:NoSFML -d:NoChipmunk"
+  TestBuildDefines = "-d:escapeMenuTest -d:debugWeps -d:showFPS -d:moreNimrod -d:debugKeys -d:foo -d:recordMode --forceBuild"
+  ReleaseDefines = "-d:release --deadCodeElim:on"
+  ReleaseTestDefines = "-d:debugWeps -d:debugKeys --forceBuild"
+task "testprofile", "..":
+  if shell("nimrod", TestBuildDefines, "--profiler:on", "--stacktrace:on", "compile", ExeName) == 0:
+    shell "."/ExeName, "offline"
+task "test", "Build with test defines":
+  if shell("nimrod", TestBuildDefines, "compile", ExeName) != 0:
+    quit "The build failed."
+task "testrun", "Build with test defines and run":
+  runTask "test"
+  shell "."/ExeName
+task "test2", "Build release test build test release build":
+  if shell("nimrod", ReleaseDefines, ReleaseTestDefines, "compile", ExeName) == 0:
+    shell "."/ExeName
+discard """task "dirserver", "build the directory server":
+  withDir "server":
+    if shell("nimrod", ServerDefines, "compile", "dirserver") != 0:
+      echo "Failed to build the dirserver"
+      quit 1"""
+task "zoneserver", "build the zone server":
+  withDir "enet_server":
+    if shell("nimrod", ServerDefines, "compile", "enet_server") != 0:
+      quit "Failed to build the zoneserver"
+task "zoneserver-gui", "build the zone server, with gui!":
+  withDir "enet_server":
+    if shell("nimrod", ServerDefines, "--app:gui", "compile", "enet_server") != 0:
+      quit "Failed to build the zoneserver"
+task "servers", "build the server and directory server":
+  #runTask "dirserver"
+  runTask "zoneserver"
+  echo "Successfully built both servers :')"
+task "all", "run SERVERS and TEST tasks":
+  runTask "servers"
+  runTask "test"
+task "release", "release build":
+  let res = shell("nimrod", ReleaseDefines, "compile", ExeName)
+  if res != 0:
+    echo "The build failed."
+    quit 1
+  else:
+    runTask "clean"
+    ## zip up all the files and such or something useful here 
+task "testskel", "create skeleton test dir for testing":
+  let dirname = "test-"& $random(5000)
+  removeDir dirName
+  createDir dirName/"data/fnt"
+  copyFile "data/fnt/LiberationMono-Regular", dirName/"data/fnt/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf"
+  copyFile "client_settings.json", dirName/"client_settings.json"
+  runTask "test"
+  copyFile ExeName, dirName/ExeName
+  withDir dirName:
+    shell "."/ExeName
+task "clean", "cleanup generated files":
+  var dirs = @["nimcache", "server"/"nimcache"]
+ var string) =
+    if existsDir(x): removeDir(x))
+task "download", "download game assets":
+  var
+    skipAssets = false
+    path = expandFilename("data")
+  path.add DirSep
+  path.add(extractFilename(gameAssets))
+  if existsFile(path):
+    echo "The file already exists\n",
+      "[R]emove  [M]ove  [Q]uit  [S]kip    Source: ", GameAssets
+    case stdin.readLine.toLower
+    of "r":
+      removeFile path
+    of "m":
+      moveFile path, path/../(extractFilename(gameAssets)&"-old")
+    of "s":
+      skipAssets = true
+    else:
+      quit 0
+  else:
+    echo "Downloading from ", GameAssets
+  if not skipAssets:
+    echo "Downloading to ", path
+    downloadFile gameAssets, path
+    echo "Download finished"
+    let targetDir = parentDir(parentDir(path))
+    when defined(linux):
+      let z7 = findExe("7z")
+      if z7 == "":
+        echo "Could not find 7z"
+      elif shell(z7, "t", path) != 0: ##note to self: make sure this is right
+        echo "Bad download"
+      else:
+        echo "Unpacking..."
+        shell(z7, "x", "-w[$1]" % targetDir, path)
+    else:
+      echo "I do not know how to unpack the data on this system. Perhaps you could ",
+        "fill this part in?"
+  echo "Download binary libs? Only libs for linux are available currently, enjoy the irony.\n",
+    "[Y]es [N]o   Source: ", BinLibs
+  case stdin.readline.toLower
+  of "y", "yes":
+    discard ## o_O
+  else:
+    return
+  path = extractFilename(BinLibs)
+  downloadFile BinLibs, path 
+  echo "Downloaded dem libs ", path
+  when true: echo "Unpack it yourself, sorry."
+  else:  ## this crashes, dunno why
+    var 
+      z: TZipArchive
+      destDir = getCurrentDir()/("unzip"& $random(5000))
+    if not, fmRead):
+      echo "Could not open zip, bad download?"
+      return
+    echo "Extracting to ", destDir
+    createDir destDir
+    #z.extractAll destDir
+    for f in z.walkFiles():
+      z.extractFile(f, destDir/f)
+    z.close()
+    echo "Extracted the libs dir. Copy the ones you need to this dir."
+task "zip-lib", "zip up the libs dir":
+  var z: TZipArchive
+  if not"libs-"& getDateStr() &".zip", fmReadWrite):
+    quit "Could not open zip"
+  for file in walkDirRec("libs", {pcFile, pcDir}):
+    echo "adding file ", file
+    z.addFile(file)
+  z.close()
+  echo "Great success!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/nake/nakefile.nimrod.cfg b/tests/manyloc/nake/nakefile.nimrod.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f3e86fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manyloc/nake/nakefile.nimrod.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+path = "dependencies/nake"