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path: root/tests/misc/tradix.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/misc/tradix.nim')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/tests/misc/tradix.nim b/tests/misc/tradix.nim
index 311aa9ccd..36a4f39f6 100644
--- a/tests/misc/tradix.nim
+++ b/tests/misc/tradix.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # implements and tests an efficient radix tree
-## another method to store an efficient array of pointers: 
-## We use a radix tree with node compression. 
+## another method to store an efficient array of pointers:
+## We use a radix tree with node compression.
 ## There are two node kinds:
 const BitsPerUnit = 8*sizeof(int)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type
     len: int8
     keys: array [0..31, int8]
     vals: array [0..31, PRadixNode]
   TRadixNodeFull = object of TRadixNode
     b: array [0..255, PRadixNode]
   TRadixNodeLeafBits = object of TRadixNode
@@ -27,43 +27,43 @@ type
   root: PRadixNode
-proc searchInner(r: PRadixNode, a: int): PRadixNode = 
+proc searchInner(r: PRadixNode, a: int): PRadixNode =
   case r.kind
   of rnLinear:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLinear](r)
-    for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1: 
+    for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1:
       if ze(x.keys[i]) == a: return x.vals[i]
-  of rnFull: 
+  of rnFull:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeFull](r)
     return x.b[a]
   else: assert(false)
-proc testBit(w, i: int): bool {.inline.} = 
+proc testBit(w, i: int): bool {.inline.} =
   result = (w and (1 shl (i %% BitsPerUnit))) != 0
-proc setBit(w: var int, i: int) {.inline.} = 
+proc setBit(w: var int, i: int) {.inline.} =
   w = w or (1 shl (i %% BitsPerUnit))
-proc resetBit(w: var int, i: int) {.inline.} = 
+proc resetBit(w: var int, i: int) {.inline.} =
   w = w and not (1 shl (i %% BitsPerUnit))
-proc testOrSetBit(w: var int, i: int): bool {.inline.} = 
+proc testOrSetBit(w: var int, i: int): bool {.inline.} =
   var x = (1 shl (i %% BitsPerUnit))
   if (w and x) != 0: return true
   w = w or x
-proc searchLeaf(r: PRadixNode, a: int): bool = 
+proc searchLeaf(r: PRadixNode, a: int): bool =
   case r.kind
   of rnLeafBits:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafBits](r)
     return testBit(x.b[a /% BitsPerUnit], a)
   of rnLeafLinear:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafLinear](r)
-    for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1: 
+    for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1:
       if ze(x.keys[i]) == a: return true
   else: assert(false)
-proc exclLeaf(r: PRadixNode, a: int) = 
+proc exclLeaf(r: PRadixNode, a: int) =
   case r.kind
   of rnLeafBits:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafBits](r)
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ proc exclLeaf(r: PRadixNode, a: int) =
   of rnLeafLinear:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafLinear](r)
     var L = ze(x.len)
-    for i in 0..L-1: 
-      if ze(x.keys[i]) == a: 
+    for i in 0..L-1:
+      if ze(x.keys[i]) == a:
         x.keys[i] = x.keys[L-1]
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ proc excl*(r: PRadixNode, a: ByteAddress): bool =
   if x == nil: return false
   exclLeaf(x, a and 0xff)
-proc addLeaf(r: var PRadixNode, a: int): bool = 
+proc addLeaf(r: var PRadixNode, a: int): bool =
   if r == nil:
     # a linear node:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLinear](alloc(sizeof(TRadixNodeLinear)))
@@ -107,23 +107,23 @@ proc addLeaf(r: var PRadixNode, a: int): bool =
     x.keys[0] = toU8(a)
     r = x
     return false # not already in set
-  case r.kind 
-  of rnLeafBits: 
+  case r.kind
+  of rnLeafBits:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafBits](r)
     return testOrSetBit(x.b[a /% BitsPerUnit], a)
-  of rnLeafLinear: 
+  of rnLeafLinear:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafLinear](r)
     var L = ze(x.len)
-    for i in 0..L-1: 
+    for i in 0..L-1:
       if ze(x.keys[i]) == a: return true
     if L <= high(x.keys):
       x.keys[L] = toU8(a)
-    else: 
+    else:
       # transform into a full node:
       var y = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafBits](alloc0(sizeof(TRadixNodeLeafBits)))
       y.kind = rnLeafBits
-      for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1: 
+      for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1:
         var u = ze(x.keys[i])
         setBit(y.b[u /% BitsPerUnit], u)
       setBit(y.b[a /% BitsPerUnit], a)
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ proc addLeaf(r: var PRadixNode, a: int): bool =
       r = y
   else: assert(false)
-proc addInner(r: var PRadixNode, a: int, d: int): bool = 
-  if d == 0: 
+proc addInner(r: var PRadixNode, a: int, d: int): bool =
+  if d == 0:
     return addLeaf(r, a and 0xff)
   var k = a shr d and 0xff
   if r == nil:
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ proc addInner(r: var PRadixNode, a: int, d: int): bool =
   of rnLinear:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLinear](r)
     var L = ze(x.len)
-    for i in 0..L-1: 
+    for i in 0..L-1:
       if ze(x.keys[i]) == k: # already exists
         return addInner(x.vals[i], a, d-8)
     if L <= high(x.keys):
       x.keys[L] = toU8(k)
       return addInner(x.vals[L], a, d-8)
-    else: 
+    else:
       # transform into a full node:
       var y = cast[ptr TRadixNodeFull](alloc0(sizeof(TRadixNodeFull)))
       y.kind = rnFull
@@ -162,55 +162,55 @@ proc addInner(r: var PRadixNode, a: int, d: int): bool =
       r = y
       return addInner(y.b[k], a, d-8)
-  of rnFull: 
+  of rnFull:
     var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeFull](r)
     return addInner(x.b[k], a, d-8)
   else: assert(false)
-proc incl*(r: var PRadixNode, a: ByteAddress) {.inline.} = 
+proc incl*(r: var PRadixNode, a: ByteAddress) {.inline.} =
   discard addInner(r, a, 24)
-proc testOrIncl*(r: var PRadixNode, a: ByteAddress): bool {.inline.} = 
+proc testOrIncl*(r: var PRadixNode, a: ByteAddress): bool {.inline.} =
   return addInner(r, a, 24)
-iterator innerElements(r: PRadixNode): tuple[prefix: int, n: PRadixNode] = 
+iterator innerElements(r: PRadixNode): tuple[prefix: int, n: PRadixNode] =
   if r != nil:
-    case r.kind 
-    of rnFull: 
+    case r.kind
+    of rnFull:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeFull](r)
       for i in 0..high(r.b):
-        if r.b[i] != nil: 
+        if r.b[i] != nil:
           yield (i, r.b[i])
-    of rnLinear: 
+    of rnLinear:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLinear](r)
-      for i in 0..ze(r.len)-1: 
+      for i in 0..ze(r.len)-1:
         yield (ze(r.keys[i]), r.vals[i])
     else: assert(false)
-iterator leafElements(r: PRadixNode): int = 
+iterator leafElements(r: PRadixNode): int =
   if r != nil:
     case r.kind
-    of rnLeafBits: 
+    of rnLeafBits:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafBits](r)
       # iterate over any bit:
-      for i in 0..high(r.b): 
+      for i in 0..high(r.b):
         if r.b[i] != 0: # test all bits for zero
-          for j in 0..BitsPerUnit-1: 
-            if testBit(r.b[i], j): 
+          for j in 0..BitsPerUnit-1:
+            if testBit(r.b[i], j):
               yield i*BitsPerUnit+j
-    of rnLeafLinear: 
+    of rnLeafLinear:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafLinear](r)
-      for i in 0..ze(r.len)-1: 
+      for i in 0..ze(r.len)-1:
         yield ze(r.keys[i])
     else: assert(false)
-iterator elements*(r: PRadixNode): ByteAddress {.inline.} = 
-  for p1, n1 in innerElements(r): 
+iterator elements*(r: PRadixNode): ByteAddress {.inline.} =
+  for p1, n1 in innerElements(r):
     for p2, n2 in innerElements(n1):
       for p3, n3 in innerElements(n2):
-        for p4 in leafElements(n3): 
+        for p4 in leafElements(n3):
           yield p1 shl 24 or p2 shl 16 or p3 shl 8 or p4
 proc main() =
     numbers = [128, 1, 2, 3, 4, 255, 17, -8, 45, 19_000]
@@ -224,31 +224,31 @@ main()
 when false:
-  proc traverse(r: PRadixNode, prefix: int, d: int) = 
+  proc traverse(r: PRadixNode, prefix: int, d: int) =
     if r == nil: return
-    case r.kind 
-    of rnLeafBits: 
+    case r.kind
+    of rnLeafBits:
       assert(d == 0)
       var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafBits](r)
       # iterate over any bit:
-      for i in 0..high(x.b): 
+      for i in 0..high(x.b):
         if x.b[i] != 0: # test all bits for zero
-          for j in 0..BitsPerUnit-1: 
-            if testBit(x.b[i], j): 
+          for j in 0..BitsPerUnit-1:
+            if testBit(x.b[i], j):
               visit(prefix or i*BitsPerUnit+j)
-    of rnLeafLinear: 
+    of rnLeafLinear:
       assert(d == 0)
       var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafLinear](r)
-      for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1: 
+      for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1:
         visit(prefix or ze(x.keys[i]))
-    of rnFull: 
+    of rnFull:
       var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeFull](r)
       for i in 0..high(r.b):
-        if r.b[i] != nil: 
+        if r.b[i] != nil:
           traverse(r.b[i], prefix or (i shl d), d-8)
-    of rnLinear: 
+    of rnLinear:
       var x = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLinear](r)
-      for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1: 
+      for i in 0..ze(x.len)-1:
         traverse(x.vals[i], prefix or (ze(x.keys[i]) shl d), d-8)
@@ -261,59 +261,59 @@ when false:
     i.r = r
     i.x = 0
     i.p = 0
-  proc nextr(i: var TRadixIter): PRadixNode = 
+  proc nextr(i: var TRadixIter): PRadixNode =
     if i.r == nil: return nil
-    case i.r.kind 
-    of rnFull: 
+    case i.r.kind
+    of rnFull:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeFull](i.r)
       while i.x <= high(r.b):
-        if r.b[i.x] != nil: 
+        if r.b[i.x] != nil:
           i.p = i.x
           return r.b[i.x]
-    of rnLinear: 
+    of rnLinear:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLinear](i.r)
-      if i.x < ze(r.len): 
+      if i.x < ze(r.len):
         i.p = ze(r.keys[i.x])
         result = r.vals[i.x]
     else: assert(false)
-  proc nexti(i: var TRadixIter): int = 
+  proc nexti(i: var TRadixIter): int =
     result = -1
-    case i.r.kind 
-    of rnLeafBits: 
+    case i.r.kind
+    of rnLeafBits:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafBits](i.r)
-      # iterate over any bit:    
-      for i in 0..high(r.b): 
+      # iterate over any bit:
+      for i in 0..high(r.b):
         if x.b[i] != 0: # test all bits for zero
-          for j in 0..BitsPerUnit-1: 
-            if testBit(x.b[i], j): 
+          for j in 0..BitsPerUnit-1:
+            if testBit(x.b[i], j):
               visit(prefix or i*BitsPerUnit+j)
-    of rnLeafLinear: 
+    of rnLeafLinear:
       var r = cast[ptr TRadixNodeLeafLinear](i.r)
-      if i.x < ze(r.len): 
+      if i.x < ze(r.len):
         result = ze(r.keys[i.x])
-  iterator elements(r: PRadixNode): ByteAddress {.inline.} = 
+  iterator elements(r: PRadixNode): ByteAddress {.inline.} =
       a, b, c, d: TRadixIter
     init(a, r)
-    while true: 
+    while true:
       var x = nextr(a)
-      if x != nil: 
+      if x != nil:
         init(b, x)
-        while true: 
+        while true:
           var y = nextr(b)
-          if y != nil: 
+          if y != nil:
             init(c, y)
             while true:
               var z = nextr(c)
-              if z != nil: 
+              if z != nil:
                 init(d, z)
                 while true:
                   var q = nexti(d)
-                  if q != -1: 
+                  if q != -1:
                     yield a.p shl 24 or b.p shl 16 or c.p shl 8 or q