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path: root/tests/misc/tsizeof.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/misc/tsizeof.nim')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/tests/misc/tsizeof.nim b/tests/misc/tsizeof.nim
index 0597535f9..ecdd44fca 100644
--- a/tests/misc/tsizeof.nim
+++ b/tests/misc/tsizeof.nim
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
 discard """
-  file: "tsize.nim"
-  output: "40 3 12 32"
+  output: "OK"
-  TMyRecord {.final.} = object
-    x, y: int
-    b: bool
-    r: float
-    s: string
   TMyEnum = enum
     tmOne, tmTwo, tmThree, tmFour
@@ -16,13 +10,345 @@ type
   TMyArray2 = array[1..3, int32]
   TMyArray3 = array[TMyEnum, float64]
   mysize1 = sizeof(TMyArray1)
   mysize2 = sizeof(TMyArray2)
   mysize3 = sizeof(TMyArray3)
-write(stdout, sizeof(TMyRecord))
-echo ' ', mysize1, ' ', mysize2, ' ',mysize3
+assert mysize1 == 3
+assert mysize2 == 12
+assert mysize3 == 32
+import macros, typetraits
+macro testSizeAlignOf(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
+  result = newStmtList()
+  for arg in args:
+    result.add quote do:
+      let
+        c_size = c_sizeof(`arg`)
+        nim_size = sizeof(`arg`)
+        c_align = c_alignof(type(`arg`))
+        nim_align = alignof(`arg`)
+      if nim_size != c_size or nim_align != c_align:
+        var msg = strAlign(`arg` & ": ")
+        if nim_size != c_size:
+          msg.add  " size(got, expected):  " & $nim_size  & " != " & $c_size
+        if nim_align != c_align:
+          msg.add  " align(get, expected): " & $nim_align & " != " & $c_align
+        echo msg
+macro testOffsetOf(a,b1,b2: untyped): untyped =
+  let typeName = newLit(a.repr)
+  let member   = newLit(b2.repr)
+  result = quote do:
+    let
+      c_offset   = c_offsetof(`a`,`b1`)
+      nim_offset = offsetof(`a`,`b2`)
+    if c_offset != nim_offset:
+      echo `typeName`, ".", `member`, " offset: ", c_offset, " != ", nim_offset
+template testOffsetOf(a,b: untyped): untyped =
+  testOffsetOf(a,b,b)
+proc strAlign(arg: string): string =
+  const minLen = 22
+  result = arg
+  for i in 0 ..< minLen - arg.len:
+    result &= ' '
+macro c_offsetof(a: typed, b: untyped): int32 =
+  ## Buffet proof implementation that works on actual offsetof operator
+  ## in the c backend. Assuming of course this implementation is
+  ## correct.
+  let bliteral =
+    if b.kind == nnkStrLit:
+      b
+    else:
+      newLit(repr(b))
+  result = quote do:
+    var res: int32
+    {.emit: [res, " = offsetof(", `a`, ", ", `bliteral`, ");"] .}
+    res
+macro c_sizeof(a: typed): int32 =
+  ## Buffet proof implementation that works using the sizeof operator
+  ## in the c backend. Assuming of course this implementation is
+  ## correct.
+  result = quote do:
+    var res: int32
+    {.emit: [res, " = sizeof(", `a`, ");"] .}
+    res
+macro c_alignof(arg: untyped): untyped =
+  ## Buffet proof implementation that works on actual alignment
+  ## behavior measured at runtime.
+  let typeSym = genSym(nskType, "AlignTestType"&arg.repr)
+  result = quote do:
+    type
+      `typeSym` = object
+        causeAlign: byte
+        member: `arg`
+    c_offsetof(`typeSym`, member)
+macro testAlign(arg:untyped):untyped =
+  let prefix = newLit(arg.lineinfo & "  alignof " & arg.repr & " ")
+  result = quote do:
+    let cAlign = c_alignof(`arg`)
+    let nimAlign = alignof(`arg`)
+    if cAlign != nimAlign:
+      echo `prefix`, cAlign, " != ", nimAlign
+  MyEnum {.pure.} = enum
+    ValueA
+    ValueB
+    ValueC
+  OtherEnum {.pure, size: 8.} = enum
+    ValueA
+    ValueB
+  Enum1 {.pure, size: 1.} = enum
+    ValueA
+    ValueB
+  Enum2 {.pure, size: 2.} = enum
+    ValueA
+    ValueB
+  Enum4 {.pure, size: 4.} = enum
+    ValueA
+    ValueB
+  Enum8 {.pure, size: 8.} = enum
+    ValueA
+    ValueB
+template testinstance(body: untyped): untyped =
+  block:
+    {.pragma: objectconfig.}
+    body
+  block:
+    {.pragma: objectconfig, packed.}
+    body
+  type
+    EnumObjectA  {.objectconfig.} = object
+      a : Enum1
+      b : Enum2
+      c : Enum4
+      d : Enum8
+    EnumObjectB  {.objectconfig.} = object
+      a : Enum8
+      b : Enum4
+      c : Enum2
+      d : Enum1
+    TrivialType  {.objectconfig.} = object
+      x,y,z: int8
+    SimpleAlignment {.objectconfig.} = object
+      # behaves differently on 32bit Windows and 32bit Linux
+      a,b: int8
+      c: int64
+    AlignAtEnd {.objectconfig.} = object
+      a: int64
+      b,c: int8
+    SimpleBranch {.objectconfig.} = object
+      case kind: MyEnum
+      of MyEnum.ValueA:
+        a: int16
+      of MyEnum.ValueB:
+        b: int32
+      of MyEnum.ValueC:
+        c: int64
+    PaddingBeforeBranchA {.objectconfig.} = object
+      cause: int8
+      case kind: MyEnum
+      of MyEnum.ValueA:
+        a: int16
+      of MyEnum.ValueB:
+        b: int32
+      of MyEnum.ValueC:
+        c: int64
+    PaddingBeforeBranchB {.objectconfig.} = object
+      cause: int8
+      case kind: MyEnum
+      of MyEnum.ValueA:
+        a: int8
+      of MyEnum.ValueB:
+        b: int16
+      of MyEnum.ValueC:
+        c: int32
+    PaddingAfterBranch {.objectconfig.} = object
+      case kind: MyEnum
+      of MyEnum.ValueA:
+        a: int8
+      of MyEnum.ValueB:
+        b: int16
+      of MyEnum.ValueC:
+        c: int32
+      cause: int64
+    RecursiveStuff {.objectconfig.} = object
+      case kind: MyEnum    # packedOffset:    0
+      of MyEnum.ValueA:    # packedOffset:
+        a: int16           # packedOffset:    1
+      of MyEnum.ValueB:    # packedOffset:
+        b: int32           # packedOffset:    1
+      of MyEnum.ValueC:    # packedOffset:
+        case kind2: MyEnum # packedOffset:    1
+        of MyEnum.ValueA:  # packedOffset:
+          ca1: int8
+          ca2: int32
+        of MyEnum.ValueB:  # packedOffset:
+          cb: int32        # packedOffset:    2
+        of MyEnum.ValueC:  # packedOffset:
+          cc: int64        # packedOffset:    2
+        d1: int8
+        d2: int64
+    Foobar {.objectconfig.} = object
+      case kind: OtherEnum
+      of OtherEnum.ValueA:
+        a: uint8
+      of OtherEnum.ValueB:
+        b: int8
+      c: int8
+    Bazing {.objectconfig.} = object of RootObj
+      a: int64
+      # TODO test on 32 bit system
+      # only there the object header is smaller than the first member
+    InheritanceA {.objectconfig.} = object of RootObj
+      a: char
+    InheritanceB {.objectconfig.} = object of InheritanceA
+      b: char
+    InheritanceC {.objectconfig.} = object of InheritanceB
+      c: char
+    #Float128Test = object
+    #  a: byte
+    #  b: float128
+    #Bazang = object of RootObj
+    #  a: float128
+  const trivialSize = sizeof(TrivialType) # needs to be able to evaluate at compile time
+  testAlign(SimpleAlignment)
+  proc main(): void =
+    var t : TrivialType
+    var a : SimpleAlignment
+    var b : AlignAtEnd
+    var c : SimpleBranch
+    var d : PaddingBeforeBranchA
+    var e : PaddingBeforeBranchB
+    var f : PaddingAfterBranch
+    var g : RecursiveStuff
+    var ro : RootObj
+    var
+      e1: Enum1
+      e2: Enum2
+      e4: Enum4
+      e8: Enum8
+    var
+      eoa: EnumObjectA
+      eob: EnumObjectB
+    testSizeAlignOf(t,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,ro, e1, e2, e4, e8, eoa, eob)
+    testOffsetOf(TrivialType, x)
+    testOffsetOf(TrivialType, y)
+    testOffsetOf(TrivialType, z)
+    testOffsetOf(SimpleAlignment, a)
+    testOffsetOf(SimpleAlignment, b)
+    testOffsetOf(SimpleAlignment, c)
+    testOffsetOf(AlignAtEnd, a)
+    testOffsetOf(AlignAtEnd, b)
+    testOffsetOf(AlignAtEnd, c)
+    testOffsetOf(SimpleBranch, "_Ukind", a)
+    testOffsetOf(SimpleBranch, "_Ukind", b)
+    testOffsetOf(SimpleBranch, "_Ukind", c)
+    testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchA, cause)
+    testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchA, "_Ukind", a)
+    testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchB, cause)
+    testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchB, "_Ukind", a)
+    testOffsetOf(PaddingAfterBranch, "_Ukind", a)
+    testOffsetOf(PaddingAfterBranch, cause)
+    testOffsetOf(Foobar, c)
+    testOffsetOf(Bazing, a)
+    testOffsetOf(InheritanceA, a)
+    testOffsetOf(InheritanceB, b)
+    testOffsetOf(InheritanceC, c)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, a)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, b)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, c)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, d)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, a)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, b)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, c)
+    testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, d)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, kind)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S1.a",              a)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S2.b",              b)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S3.kind2",          kind2)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S3._Ukind2.S1.ca1", ca1)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S3._Ukind2.S1.ca2", ca2)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S3._Ukind2.S2.cb",  cb)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "",  cc)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S3.d1",             d1)
+    testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, "_Ukind.S3.d2",             d2)
+  main()
+echo "OK"