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path: root/tests/niminaction/Chapter2/various2.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/niminaction/Chapter2/various2.nim')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/niminaction/Chapter2/various2.nim b/tests/niminaction/Chapter2/various2.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f6a3f453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/niminaction/Chapter2/various2.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+discard """
+  exitCode: 0
+  outputsub: '''42 is greater than 0'''
+if 42 >= 0:
+  echo "42 is greater than 0"
+echo("Output: ",
+  5)
+echo(5 +
+  5)
+# --- Removed code that is supposed to fail here. Not going to test those. ---
+# Single-line comment
+Multiline comment
+when false:
+  echo("Commented-out code")
+let decimal = 42
+let hex = 0x42
+let octal = 0o42
+let binary = 0b101010
+let a: int16 = 42
+let b = 42'i8
+let c = 1'f32 # --- Changed names here to avoid clashes ---
+let d = 1.0e19
+let e = false
+let f = true
+let g = 'A'
+let h = '\109'
+let i = '\x79'
+let text = "The book title is \"Nim in Action\""
+let filepath = "C:\\Program Files\\Nim"
+# --- Changed name here to avoid clashes ---
+let filepath1 = r"C:\Program Files\Nim"
+let multiLine = """foo
+  bar
+  baz
+echo multiLine
+import strutils
+# --- Changed name here to avoid clashes ---
+let multiLine1 = """foo
+  bar
+  baz
+echo multiLine1.unindent
+doAssert multiLine1.unindent == "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
+proc fillString(): string =
+  result = ""
+  echo("Generating string")
+  for i in 0 .. 4:
+    result.add($i) #<1>
+const count = fillString()
+  text1 = "hello"
+  number: int = 10
+  isTrue = false
+var 火 = "Fire"
+let ogień = true
+var `var` = "Hello"
+proc myProc(name: string): string = "Hello " & name
+discard myProc("Dominik")
+proc bar(): int #<1>
+proc foo(): float = bar().float
+proc bar(): int = foo().int
+proc noReturn() = echo("Hello")
+proc noReturn2(): void = echo("Hello")
+proc noReturn3 = echo("Hello")
+proc message(recipient: string): auto =
+  "Hello " & recipient
+doAssert message("Dom") == "Hello Dom"
+proc max(a: int, b: int): int =
+  if a > b: a else: b
+doAssert max(5, 10) == 10
+proc max2(a, b: int): int =
+  if a > b: a else: b
+proc genHello(name: string, surname = "Doe"): string =
+  "Hello " & name & " " & surname
+# -- Leaving these as asserts as that is in the original code, just in case
+# -- somehow in the future `assert` is removed :)
+assert genHello("Peter") == "Hello Peter Doe"
+assert genHello("Peter", "Smith") == "Hello Peter Smith"
+proc genHello2(names: varargs[string]): string =
+  result = ""
+  for name in names:
+    result.add("Hello " & name & "\n")
+doAssert genHello2("John", "Bob") == "Hello John\nHello Bob\n"
+proc getUserCity(firstName, lastName: string): string =
+  case firstName
+  of "Damien": return "Tokyo"
+  of "Alex": return "New York"
+  else: return "Unknown"
+proc getUserCity(userID: int): string =
+  case userID
+  of 1: return "Tokyo"
+  of 2: return "New York"
+  else: return "Unknown"
+doAssert getUserCity("Damien", "Lundi") == "Tokyo"
+doAssert getUserCity(2) == "New York" # -- Errata here: missing closing "
+import sequtils
+let numbers = @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+let odd = filter(numbers, proc (x: int): bool = x mod 2 != 0)
+doAssert odd == @[1, 3, 5]
+import sequtils, future
+let numbers1 = @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+let odd1 = filter(numbers1, (x: int) -> bool => x mod 2 != 0)
+assert odd1 == @[1, 3, 5]
+proc isValid(x: int, validator: proc (x: int): bool) =
+  if validator(x): echo(x, " is valid")
+  else: echo(x, " is NOT valid")
+import future
+proc isValid2(x: int, validator: (x: int) -> bool) =
+  if validator(x): echo(x, " is valid")
+  else: echo(x, " is NOT valid")
+var list: array[3, int]
+list[0] = 1
+list[1] = 42
+assert list[0] == 1
+assert list[1] == 42
+assert list[2] == 0 #<1>
+echo list.repr #<2>
+# echo list[500]
+var list2: array[-10 .. -9, int]
+list2[-10] = 1
+list2[-9] = 2
+var list3 = ["Hi", "There"]
+var list4 = ["My", "name", "is", "Dominik"]
+for item in list4:
+  echo(item)
+for i in list4.low .. list4.high:
+  echo(list4[i])
+var list5: seq[int] = @[]
+  list5[0] = 1
+assert list5[0] == 1
+  echo list5[42]
+# -- Errata: var list: seq[int]; echo(list[0]). This now creates an exception,
+# --         not a SIGSEGV.
+  var list = newSeq[string](3)
+  assert list[0] == nil
+  list[0] = "Foo"
+  list[1] = "Bar"
+  list[2] = "Baz"
+  list.add("Lorem")
+  let list = @[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]
+  for i in 0 .. <list.len:
+    stdout.write($list[i] & " ")
+var collection: set[int16]
+doAssert collection == {}
+  let collection = {'a', 'x', 'r'}
+  doAssert 'a' in collection
+  let collection = {'a', 'T', 'z'}
+  let isAllLowerCase = {'A' .. 'Z'} * collection == {}
+  doAssert(not isAllLowerCase)
+let age = 10
+if age > 0 and age <= 10:
+  echo("You're still a child")
+elif age > 10 and age < 18:
+  echo("You're a teenager")
+  echo("You're an adult")
+let variable = "Arthur"
+case variable
+of "Arthur", "Zaphod", "Ford":
+  echo("Male")
+of "Marvin":
+  echo("Robot")
+of "Trillian":
+  echo("Female")
+  echo("Unknown")
+let ageDesc = if age < 18: "Non-Adult" else: "Adult"
+  var i = 0
+  while i < 3:
+    echo(i)
+block label:
+  var i = 0
+  while true:
+    while i < 5:
+      if i > 3: break label
+iterator values(): int =
+  var i = 0
+  while i < 5:
+    yield i
+for value in values():
+  echo(value)
+import os
+for filename in walkFiles("*.nim"):
+  echo(filename)
+for item in @[1, 2, 3]:
+  echo(item)
+for i, value in @[1, 2, 3]: echo("Value at ", i, ": ", value)
+  proc second() =
+    raise newException(IOError, "Somebody set us up the bomb")
+  proc first() =
+    second()
+  first()
+  proc second() =
+    raise newException(IOError, "Somebody set us up the bomb")
+  proc first() =
+    try:
+      second()
+    except:
+      echo("Cannot perform second action because: " &
+        getCurrentExceptionMsg())
+  first()
+  type
+    Person = object
+      name: string
+      age: int
+  var person: Person
+  var person1 = Person(name: "Neo", age: 28)
+  type
+    PersonObj = object
+      name: string
+      age: int
+    PersonRef = ref PersonObj
+  # proc setName(person: PersonObj) =
+  # = "George"
+  proc setName(person: PersonRef) =
+ = "George"
+  type
+    Dog = object
+      name: string
+    Cat = object
+      name: string
+  let dog: Dog = Dog(name: "Fluffy")
+  let cat: Cat = Cat(name: "Fluffy")
+  type
+    Dog = tuple
+      name: string
+    Cat = tuple
+      name: string
+  let dog: Dog = (name: "Fluffy")
+  let cat: Cat = (name: "Fluffy")
+  echo(dog == cat)
+  type
+    Point = tuple[x, y: int]
+    Point2 = (int, int)
+  let pos: Point = (x: 100, y: 50)
+  doAssert pos == (100, 50)
+  let pos1: Point = (x: 100, y: 50)
+  let (x, y) = pos1 #<1>
+  let (left, _) = pos1
+  doAssert x == pos1[0]
+  doAssert y == pos1[1]
+  doAssert left == x
+  type
+    Color = enum
+      colRed,
+      colGreen,
+      colBlue
+  let color: Color = colRed
+  type
+    Color {.pure.} = enum
+      red, green, blue
+  let color =
\ No newline at end of file