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path: root/tests/stdlib/tospaths.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/stdlib/tospaths.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/tospaths.nim b/tests/stdlib/tospaths.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index ce00b5a95..000000000
--- a/tests/stdlib/tospaths.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-  output: ""
-# test the ospaths module
-import os, pathnorm
-doAssert unixToNativePath("") == ""
-doAssert unixToNativePath(".") == $CurDir
-doAssert unixToNativePath("..") == $ParDir
-doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/"))
-doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/", "a"))
-doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a"))
-doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a", "a"))
-doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a/b"))
-doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a/b", "a"))
-doAssert unixToNativePath("a/b") == joinPath("a", "b")
-when defined(macos):
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("./") == ":"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("./abc") == ":abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("../abc") == "::abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("../../abc") == ":::abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc", "a") == "abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc/def", "a") == "abc:def"
-elif doslikeFileSystem:
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("./") == ".\\"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("./abc") == ".\\abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("../abc") == "..\\abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("../../abc") == "..\\..\\abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc", "a") == "a:\\abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc/def", "a") == "a:\\abc\\def"
-  #Tests for unix
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("./") == "./"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("./abc") == "./abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("../abc") == "../abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("../../abc") == "../../abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc", "a") == "/abc"
-  doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc/def", "a") == "/abc/def"
-block extractFilenameTest:
-  doAssert extractFilename("") == ""
-  when defined(posix):
-    doAssert extractFilename("foo/bar") == "bar"
-    doAssert extractFilename("foo/bar.txt") == "bar.txt"
-    doAssert extractFilename("foo/") == ""
-    doAssert extractFilename("/") == ""
-  when doslikeFileSystem:
-    doAssert extractFilename(r"foo\bar") == "bar"
-    doAssert extractFilename(r"foo\bar.txt") == "bar.txt"
-    doAssert extractFilename(r"foo\") == ""
-    doAssert extractFilename(r"C:\") == ""
-block lastPathPartTest:
-  doAssert lastPathPart("") == ""
-  when defined(posix):
-    doAssert lastPathPart("foo/bar.txt") == "bar.txt"
-    doAssert lastPathPart("foo/") == "foo"
-    doAssert lastPathPart("/") == ""
-  when doslikeFileSystem:
-    doAssert lastPathPart(r"foo\bar.txt") == "bar.txt"
-    doAssert lastPathPart(r"foo\") == "foo"
-template canon(x): untyped = normalizePath(x, '/')
-doAssert canon"/foo/../bar" == "/bar"
-doAssert canon"foo/../bar" == "bar"
-doAssert canon"/f/../bar///" == "/bar"
-doAssert canon"f/..////bar" == "bar"
-doAssert canon"../bar" == "../bar"
-doAssert canon"/../bar" == "/../bar"
-doAssert canon("foo/../../bar/") == "../bar"
-doAssert canon("./bla/blob/") == "bla/blob"
-doAssert canon(".hiddenFile") == ".hiddenFile"
-doAssert canon("./bla/../../blob/./zoo.nim") == "../blob/zoo.nim"
-doAssert canon("C:/file/to/this/long") == "C:/file/to/this/long"
-doAssert canon("") == ""
-doAssert canon("foobar") == "foobar"
-doAssert canon("f/////////") == "f"
-doAssert relativePath("/foo/bar//baz.nim", "/foo", '/') == "bar/baz.nim"
-doAssert normalizePath("./foo//bar/../baz", '/') == "foo/baz"
-doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other/bad", '/') == "../../me/bar/z.nim"
-doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other", '/') == "../me/bar/z.nim"
-doAssert relativePath("/Users///me/bar//z.nim", "//Users/", '/') == "me/bar/z.nim"
-doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/me", '/') == "bar/z.nim"
-doAssert relativePath("", "/users/moo", '/') == ""
-doAssert relativePath("foo", "", '/') == "foo"
-doAssert joinPath("usr", "") == unixToNativePath"usr/"
-doAssert joinPath("", "lib") == "lib"
-doAssert joinPath("", "/lib") == unixToNativePath"/lib"
-doAssert joinPath("usr/", "/lib") == unixToNativePath"usr/lib"