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path: root/tests/system
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/system')
16 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/system/t10307.nim b/tests/system/t10307.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5a93c5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/t10307.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+discard """
+  cmd: "nim c --mm:refc -d:useGcAssert $file"
+  output: '''running someProc(true)
+res: yes
+running someProc(false)
+proc someProc(x:bool):cstring =
+  var res:string = ""
+  if x:
+    res = "yes"
+  echo "res: ", res
+  GC_ref(res)
+  result = res
+echo "running someProc(true)"
+echo someProc(true)
+echo "running someProc(false)"
+echo someProc(false)
diff --git a/tests/system/t20938.nim b/tests/system/t20938.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7341cbb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/t20938.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+discard """
+  cmd: "nim c --mm:refc $file"
+  action: "compile"
+template foo(x: typed) =
+  discard x
+  var x = "hello"
+  x.shallowCopy("test")
+  true
diff --git a/tests/system/tconcat.nim b/tests/system/tconcat.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fdce3ea00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tconcat.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+discard """
+  output: "DabcD"
+  x = "abc"
+var v = "D" & x & "D"
+echo v
diff --git a/tests/system/temptyecho.nim b/tests/system/temptyecho.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3c407897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/temptyecho.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+discard """
+output: "\n"
diff --git a/tests/system/tfielditerator.nim b/tests/system/tfielditerator.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1fbf02f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tfielditerator.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+discard """
+  output: '''
+a char: true
+a char: false
+an int: 5
+an int: 6
+a string: abc
+a: a
+b: b
+x: 5
+y: 6
+z: abc
+a char: true
+a char: false
+an int: 5
+an int: 6
+a string: abc
+a string: I'm root!
+CMP false
+CMP true
+CMP true
+CMP false
+CMP true
+CMP true
+a: a
+b: b
+x: 5
+y: 6
+z: abc
+thaRootMan: I'm root!
+myDisc: enC
+c: Z
+block titerator1:
+  type
+    TMyTuple = tuple[a, b: char, x, y: int, z: string]
+  proc p(x: char) = echo "a char: ", x <= 'a'
+  proc p(x: int) = echo "an int: ", x
+  proc p(x: string) = echo "a string: ", x
+  var x: TMyTuple = ('a', 'b', 5, 6, "abc")
+  var y: TMyTuple = ('A', 'b', 5, 9, "abc")
+  for f in fields(x):
+    p f
+  for a, b in fields(x, y):
+    echo a == b
+  for key, val in fieldPairs(x):
+    echo key, ": ", val
+  doAssert x != y
+  doAssert x == x
+  doAssert(not (x < x))
+  doAssert x <= x
+  doAssert y < x
+  doAssert y <= x
+block titerator2:
+  type
+    SomeRootObj = object of RootObj
+      thaRootMan: string
+    TMyObj = object of SomeRootObj
+      a, b: char
+      x, y: int
+      z: string
+    TEnum = enum enA, enB, enC
+    TMyCaseObj = object
+      case myDisc: TEnum
+      of enA: a: int
+      of enB: b: string
+      of enC: c: char
+  proc p(x: char) = echo "a char: ", x <= 'a'
+  proc p(x: int) = echo "an int: ", x
+  proc p(x: string) = echo "a string: ", x
+  proc myobj(a, b: char, x, y: int, z: string): TMyObj =
+    result.a = a; result.b = b; result.x = x; result.y = y; result.z = z
+    result.thaRootMan = "I'm root!"
+  var x = myobj('a', 'b', 5, 6, "abc")
+  var y = myobj('A', 'b', 5, 9, "abc")
+  for f in fields(x):
+    p f
+  for a, b in fields(x, y):
+    echo "CMP ", a == b
+  for key, val in fieldPairs(x):
+    echo key, ": ", val
+  var co = TMyCaseObj(myDisc: enC, c: 'Z')
+  for key, val in fieldPairs(co):
+    echo key, ": ", val
+  for val in fields(co):
+    echo val
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/system/tfields.nim b/tests/system/tfields.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bf3a4e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tfields.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+discard """
+  output: '''
+(one: 1, two: 2, three: 3)
+(one: 4, two: 5, three: 6)
+(one: 7, two: 8, three: 9)
+(foo: 38, other: "string here")
+block tindex:
+  type
+    TMyTuple = tuple[a, b: int]
+  proc indexOf(t: typedesc, name: string): int =
+    ## takes a tuple and looks for the field by name.
+    ## returs index of that field.
+    var
+      d: t
+      i = 0
+    for n, x in fieldPairs(d):
+      if n == name: return i
+    raise newException(ValueError, "No field " & name & " in type " &
+      astToStr(t))
+  doAssert TMyTuple.indexOf("b") == 1
+block ttemplate:
+  # bug #1902
+  # This works.
+  for name, value in (n: "v").fieldPairs:
+    echo name
+  template wrapper(): void =
+    for name, value in (n: "v").fieldPairs:
+      echo name
+  wrapper()
+block tbreak:
+  # bug #2134
+  type
+    TestType = object
+      one: int
+      two: int
+      three: int
+  var
+    ab = TestType(one:1, two:2, three:3)
+    ac = TestType(one:4, two:5, three:6)
+    ad = TestType(one:7, two:8, three:9)
+    tstSeq = [ab, ac, ad]
+  for tstElement in mitems(tstSeq):
+    echo tstElement
+    for tstField in fields(tstElement):
+      #for tstField in [1,2,4,6]:
+      echo tstField
+      if tstField == 4:
+        break
+block timplicit_with_partial:
+  type
+    Base = ref object of RootObj
+    Foo {.partial.} = ref object of Base
+  proc my(f: Foo) =
+    #var = f
+    let = 38
+    let f.other = "string here"
+    echo f[]
+    echo + 5
+  var g: Foo
+  new(g)
+  my(g)
+  type
+    FooTask {.partial.} = ref object of RootObj
+  proc foo(t: FooTask) {.liftLocals: t.} =
+    var x = 90
+    if true:
+      var x = 10
+      while x < 100:
+        inc x
+      echo x
+    echo x
+  foo(FooTask())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/system/tgcregions.nim b/tests/system/tgcregions.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e14865be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tgcregions.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+discard """
+cmd: "nim c --gc:regions $file"
+# issue #12597
+# it just tests that --gc:regions compiles. Nothing else.   :'(
diff --git a/tests/system/timmutableinc.nim b/tests/system/timmutableinc.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e857800b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/timmutableinc.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+discard """
+  errormsg: "type mismatch: got <int>"
+  file: "timmutableinc.nim"
+  line: 8
+var x = 0
diff --git a/tests/system/tinvalidnot.nim b/tests/system/tinvalidnot.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df0291a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tinvalidnot.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+discard """
+  errormsg: "type mismatch"
+  file: "tinvalidnot.nim"
+  line: 14
+# BUG: following compiles, but should not:
+proc nodeOfDegree(x: int): bool =
+  result = false
+proc main =
+  for j in 0..2:
+    for i in 0..10:
+      if not nodeOfDegree(1) >= 0: #ERROR_MSG type mismatch
+        echo "Yes"
+      else:
+        echo "No"
diff --git a/tests/system/tlocals.nim b/tests/system/tlocals.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e59976102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tlocals.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+discard """
+  matrix: "--mm:refc; --mm:orc"
+  output: '''(x: "string here", a: 1)
+b is 5
+x is 12'''
+proc simple[T](a: T) =
+  var
+    x = "string here"
+  echo locals()
+type Foo2[T]=object
+  a2: T
+proc numFields*(T: typedesc[tuple|object]): int=
+  var t:T
+  for _ in t.fields: inc result
+proc test(baz: int, qux: var int): int =
+  var foo: Foo2[int]
+  let bar = "abc"
+  let c1 = locals()
+  doAssert numFields( == 1
+  doAssert == "abc"
+  doAssert c1.baz == 123
+  doAssert c1.result == 0
+  doAssert c1.qux == 456
+var x1 = 456
+discard test(123, x1)
+# bug #11958
+proc foo() =
+  var a = 5
+  proc bar() {.nimcall.} =
+    var b = 5
+    for k, v in fieldpairs(locals()):
+      echo k, " is ", v
+  bar()
+proc foo2() =
+  var a = 5
+  proc bar2() {.nimcall.} =
+    for k, v in fieldpairs(locals()):
+      echo k, " is ", v
+  bar2()
+proc foo3[T](y: T) =
+  var a = 5
+  proc bar2[T](x: T) {.nimcall.} =
+    for k, v in fieldpairs(locals()):
+      echo k, " is ", v
+  bar2(y)
+block: # bug #12682
+  template foo(): untyped =
+    var c1 = locals()
+    1
+  proc testAll()=
+    doAssert foo() == 1
+    let c2=locals()
+  testAll()
diff --git a/tests/system/tlowhigh.nim b/tests/system/tlowhigh.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ae871255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tlowhigh.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+discard """
+    action: run
+    output: '''
+var x: range[-1'f32..1'f32]
+doAssert x.low == -1'f32
+doAssert x.high == 1'f32
+doAssert x.type.low == -1'f32
+doAssert x.type.high == 1'f32
+var y: range[-1'f64..1'f64]
+doAssert y.low == -1'f64
+doAssert y.high == 1'f64
+doAssert y.type.low == -1'f64
+doAssert y.type.high == 1'f64
+# bug #11972
+var num: uint8
+doAssert num.high.float == 255.0
+echo high(uint64)
+echo high(int64)
+echo high(uint32)
+echo low(uint64)
+echo low(uint32)
diff --git a/tests/system/tmagics.nim b/tests/system/tmagics.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e52912b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tmagics.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+discard """
+  matrix: "--mm:refc"
+  output: '''
+joinable: false
+block tlowhigh:
+  type myEnum = enum e1, e2, e3, e4, e5
+  var a: array[myEnum, int]
+  for i in low(a) .. high(a):
+    a[i] = 0
+  proc sum(a: openArray[int]): int =
+    result = 0
+    for i in low(a)..high(a):
+      inc(result, a[i])
+  doAssert sum([1, 2, 3, 4]) == 10
+block t8693:
+  type Foo = int | float
+  proc bar(t1, t2: typedesc): bool =
+    echo (t1 is t2)
+    (t2 is t1)
+  proc bar[T](x: T, t2: typedesc): bool =
+    echo (T is t2)
+    (t2 is T)
+  doAssert bar(int, Foo) == false
+  doAssert bar(4, Foo) == false
+  doAssert bar(any, int)
+  doAssert bar(int, any) == false
+  doAssert bar(Foo, Foo)
+  doAssert bar(any, Foo)
+  doAssert bar(Foo, any) == false
+block t9442:
+  var v1: ref char
+  var v2: string
+  var v3: seq[char]
+  GC_ref(v1)
+  GC_unref(v1)
+  GC_ref(v2)
+  GC_unref(v2)
+  GC_ref(v3)
+  GC_unref(v3)
+block: # bug #6499
+  let x = (chr, 0)
+  doAssert x[1] == 0
+block: # bug #12229
+  proc foo(T: typedesc) = discard
+  foo(ref)
diff --git a/tests/system/tmemory.nim b/tests/system/tmemory.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..553037011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tmemory.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import std/assertions
+block: # cmpMem
+  type
+    SomeHash = array[15, byte]
+  var
+    a: SomeHash
+    b: SomeHash
+  a[^1] = byte(1)
+  let c = a
+  doAssert cmpMem(a.addr, b.addr, sizeof(SomeHash)) > 0
+  doAssert cmpMem(b.addr, a.addr, sizeof(SomeHash)) < 0
+  doAssert cmpMem(a.addr, c.addr, sizeof(SomeHash)) == 0
diff --git a/tests/system/tnew.nim b/tests/system/tnew.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c28c1187f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tnew.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+discard """
+matrix: "--mm:refc; --mm:orc"
+outputsub: '''
+Simple tree node allocation worked!
+Simple cycle allocation worked!
+joinable: false
+# Test the implementation of the new operator
+# and the code generation for gc walkers
+# (and the garbage collector):
+  PNode = ref TNode
+  TNode = object
+    data: int
+    str: string
+    le, ri: PNode
+  TStressTest = ref array[0..45, array[1..45, TNode]]
+proc finalizer(n: PNode) =
+  write(stdout,
+  write(stdout, " is now freed\n")
+proc newNode(data: int, le, ri: PNode): PNode =
+  when defined(gcDestructors): # using finalizer breaks the test for orc
+    new(result)
+  else:
+    new(result, finalizer)
+  result.le = le
+  result.ri = ri
+ = data
+# now loop and build a tree
+proc main() =
+  var
+    i = 0
+    p: TStressTest
+  while i < 1000:
+    var n: PNode
+    n = newNode(i, nil, newNode(i + 10000, nil, nil))
+    inc(i)
+  new(p)
+  write(stdout, "Simple tree node allocation worked!\n")
+  i = 0
+  while i < 1000:
+    var m = newNode(i + 20000, nil, nil)
+    var k = newNode(i + 30000, nil, nil)
+    m.le = m
+    m.ri = k
+    k.le = m
+    k.ri = k
+    inc(i)
+  write(stdout, "Simple cycle allocation worked!\n")
diff --git a/tests/system/tnewderef.nim b/tests/system/tnewderef.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3394dbddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tnewderef.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+discard """
+  output: 3
+var x: ref int
+x[] = 3
+echo x[]
diff --git a/tests/system/tslices.nim b/tests/system/tslices.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0c68f8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/tslices.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+discard """
+output: '''
+# Test the new slices.
+var mystr = "Abgrund"
+# mystr[..1] = "Zu" # deprecated
+mystr[0..1] = "Zu"
+mystr[4..4] = "5"
+  TEnum = enum e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6
+var myarr: array[TEnum, int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+myarr[e1..e3] = myarr[e4..e6]
+# myarr[..e3] = myarr[e4..e6] # deprecated
+myarr[0..e3] = myarr[e4..e6]
+for x in items(myarr): stdout.write(x)
+var myarr2: array[0..5, int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+myarr2[0..2] = myarr2[3..5]
+for x in items(myarr2): stdout.write(x)
+var myseq = @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+myseq[0..2] = myseq[^3 .. ^1]
+for x in items(myseq): stdout.write(x)
+echo mystr
+mystr[4..4] = "u"
+# test full replacement
+# mystr[.. ^2] = "egerichtet"  # deprecated
+mystr[0 .. ^2] = "egerichtet"
+echo mystr
+mystr[0..2] = "ve"
+echo mystr
+var s = "abcdef"
+s[1 .. ^2] = "xyz"
+assert s == "axyzf"
+# issue mentioned in PR #19219
+type Foo = distinct uint64
+# < here calls `pred` which used to cause a codegen error
+# `pred` compiles because distinct ordinals are considered ordinal
+const slice = 0 ..< 42.Foo