summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/tests/testament
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/testament')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1979 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testament/backend.nim b/tests/testament/backend.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 385f1171c..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/backend.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#              The Nim Tester
-#        (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
-#    Look at license.txt for more info.
-#    All rights reserved.
-import strutils, os, osproc, json
-  MachineId* = distinct string
-  CommitId = distinct string
-proc `$`*(id: MachineId): string {.borrow.}
-#proc `$`(id: CommitId): string {.borrow.} # not used
-  thisMachine: MachineId
-  thisCommit: CommitId
-  thisBranch: string
-proc `()`(cmd: string{lit}): string = cmd.execProcess.string.strip
-proc getMachine*(): MachineId =
-  var name = "hostname"()
-  if name.len == 0:
-    name = when defined(posix): getenv"HOSTNAME".string
-           else: getenv"COMPUTERNAME".string
-  if name.len == 0:
-    quit "cannot determine the machine name"
-  result = MachineId(name)
-proc getCommit(): CommitId =
-  const commLen = "commit ".len
-  let hash = "git log -n 1"()[commLen..commLen+10]
-  thisBranch = "git symbolic-ref --short HEAD"()
-  if hash.len == 0 or thisBranch.len == 0: quit "cannot determine git HEAD"
-  result = CommitId(hash)
-  results: File
-  currentCategory: string
-  entries: int
-proc writeTestResult*(name, category, target,
-                      action, result, expected, given: string) =
-  createDir("testresults")
-  if currentCategory != category:
-    if currentCategory.len > 0:
-      results.writeLine("]")
-      close(results)
-    currentCategory = category
-    results = open("testresults" / category.addFileExt"json", fmWrite)
-    results.writeLine("[")
-    entries = 0
-  let jentry = %*{"name": name, "category": category, "target": target,
-    "action": action, "result": result, "expected": expected, "given": given,
-    "machine": thisMachine.string, "commit": thisCommit.string, "branch": thisBranch}
-  if entries > 0:
-    results.writeLine(",")
-  results.write($jentry)
-  inc entries
-proc open*() =
-  thisMachine = getMachine()
-  thisCommit = getCommit()
-proc close*() =
-  if currentCategory.len > 0:
-    results.writeLine("]")
-    close(results)
diff --git a/tests/testament/caasdriver.nim b/tests/testament/caasdriver.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 30383bddb..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/caasdriver.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-import osproc, streams, os, strutils, re
-## Compiler as a service tester.
-## Please read docs/idetools.txt for information about this.
-  TRunMode = enum
-    ProcRun, CaasRun, SymbolProcRun
-  NimSession* = object
-    nim: Process # Holds the open process for CaasRun sessions, nil otherwise.
-    mode: TRunMode # Stores the type of run mode the session was started with.
-    lastOutput: string # Preserves the last output, needed for ProcRun mode.
-    filename: string # Appended to each command starting with '>'. Also a var.
-    modname: string # Like filename but without extension.
-    nimcache: string # Input script based name for the nimcache dir.
-  modes = [CaasRun, ProcRun, SymbolProcRun]
-  filenameReplaceVar = "$TESTNIM"
-  moduleReplaceVar = "$MODULE"
-  silentReplaceVar = "$SILENT"
-  silentReplaceText = "--verbosity:0 --hints:off"
-  TesterDir = getAppDir() / ".."
-  NimBin = TesterDir / "../bin/nim"
-proc replaceVars(session: var NimSession, text: string): string =
-  result = text.replace(filenameReplaceVar, session.filename)
-  result = result.replace(moduleReplaceVar, session.modname)
-  result = result.replace(silentReplaceVar, silentReplaceText)
-proc startNimSession(project, script: string, mode: TRunMode):
-                        NimSession =
-  let (dir, name, ext) = project.splitFile
-  result.mode = mode
-  result.lastOutput = ""
-  result.filename = name & ext
-  result.modname = name
-  let (nimcacheDir, nimcacheName, nimcacheExt) = script.splitFile
-  result.nimcache = "SymbolProcRun." & nimcacheName
-  if mode == SymbolProcRun:
-    removeDir(nimcacheDir / result.nimcache)
-  else:
-    removeDir(nimcacheDir / "nimcache")
-  if mode == CaasRun:
-    result.nim = startProcess(NimBin, workingDir = dir,
-      args = ["serve", "--server.type:stdin", name])
-proc doCaasCommand(session: var NimSession, command: string): string =
-  assert session.mode == CaasRun
-  session.nim.inputStream.write(session.replaceVars(command) & "\n")
-  session.nim.inputStream.flush
-  result = ""
-  while true:
-    var line = TaintedString("")
-    if session.nim.outputStream.readLine(line):
-      if line.string == "": break
-      result.add(line.string & "\n")
-    else:
-      result = "FAILED TO EXECUTE: " & command & "\n" & result
-      break
-proc doProcCommand(session: var NimSession, command: string): string =
-  try:
-    assert session.mode == ProcRun or session.mode == SymbolProcRun
-  except:
-    result = "FAILED TO EXECUTE: " & command & "\n" & result
-  var
-    process = startProcess(NimBin, args = session.replaceVars(command).split)
-    stream = outputStream(process)
-    line = TaintedString("")
-  result = ""
-  while stream.readLine(line):
-    if result.len > 0: result &= "\n"
-    result &= line.string
-  process.close()
-proc doCommand(session: var NimSession, command: string) =
-  if session.mode == CaasRun:
-    if not session.nim.running:
-      session.lastOutput = "FAILED TO EXECUTE: " & command & "\n" &
-          "Exit code " & $session.nim.peekExitCode
-      return
-    session.lastOutput = doCaasCommand(session,
-                                       command & " " & session.filename)
-  else:
-    var command = command
-    # For symbol runs we prepend the necessary parameters to avoid clobbering
-    # the normal nimcache.
-    if session.mode == SymbolProcRun:
-      command = "--symbolFiles:on --nimcache:" & session.nimcache &
-                " " & command
-    session.lastOutput = doProcCommand(session,
-                                       command & " " & session.filename)
-proc destroy(session: var NimSession) {.destructor.} =
-  if session.mode == CaasRun:
-    session.nim.close
-proc doScenario(script: string, output: Stream, mode: TRunMode, verbose: bool): bool =
-  result = true
-  var f = open(script)
-  var project = TaintedString("")
-  if f.readLine(project):
-    var
-      s = startNimSession(script.parentDir / project.string, script, mode)
-      tline = TaintedString("")
-      ln = 1
-    while f.readLine(tline):
-      var line = tline.string
-      inc ln
-      # Filter lines by run mode, removing the prefix if the mode is current.
-      for testMode in modes:
-        if line.startsWith($testMode):
-          if testMode != mode:
-            line = ""
-          else:
-            line = line[len($testMode)..len(line) - 1].strip
-          break
-      if line.strip.len == 0: continue
-      if line.startsWith("#"):
-        output.writeLine line
-        continue
-      elif line.startsWith(">"):
-        s.doCommand(line.substr(1).strip)
-        output.writeLine line, "\n", if verbose: s.lastOutput else: ""
-      else:
-        var expectMatch = true
-        var pattern = s.replaceVars(line)
-        if line.startsWith("!"):
-          pattern = pattern.substr(1).strip
-          expectMatch = false
-        let actualMatch =
-          s.lastOutput.find(re(pattern, flags = {reStudy})) != -1
-        if expectMatch == actualMatch:
-          output.writeLine "SUCCESS ", line
-        else:
-          output.writeLine "FAILURE ", line
-          result = false
-iterator caasTestsRunner*(filter = "", verbose = false): tuple[test,
-                                              output: string, status: bool,
-                                              mode: TRunMode] =
-  for scenario in os.walkFiles(TesterDir / "caas/*.txt"):
-    if filter.len > 0 and find(scenario, filter) == -1: continue
-    for mode in modes:
-      var outStream = newStringStream()
-      let r = doScenario(scenario, outStream, mode, verbose)
-      yield (scenario,, r, mode)
-when isMainModule:
-  var
-    filter = ""
-    failures = 0
-    verbose = false
-  for i in 0..paramCount() - 1:
-    let param = string(paramStr(i + 1))
-    case param
-    of "verbose": verbose = true
-    else: filter = param
-  if verbose and len(filter) > 0:
-    echo "Running only test cases matching filter '$1'" % [filter]
-  for test, output, result, mode in caasTestsRunner(filter, verbose):
-    if not result or verbose:
-      echo "Mode ", $mode, " (", if result: "succeeded)" else: "failed)"
-      echo test
-      echo output
-      echo "---------\n"
-    if not result:
-      failures += 1
-  quit(failures)
diff --git a/tests/testament/categories.nim b/tests/testament/categories.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 59ce70315..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/categories.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim Tester
-#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Include for the tester that contains test suites that test special features
-## of the compiler.
-# included from tester.nim
-# ---------------- ROD file tests ---------------------------------------------
-  rodfilesDir = "tests/rodfiles"
-proc delNimCache(filename, options: string) =
-  for target in low(TTarget)..high(TTarget):
-    let dir = nimcacheDir(filename, options, target)
-    try:
-      removeDir(dir)
-    except OSError:
-      echo "[Warning] could not delete: ", dir
-proc runRodFiles(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  template test(filename: string, clearCacheFirst=false) =
-    if clearCacheFirst: delNimCache(filename, options)
-    testSpec r, makeTest(rodfilesDir / filename, options, cat, actionRun)
-  # test basic recompilation scheme:
-  test "hallo", true
-  test "hallo"
-  when false:
-    # test incremental type information:
-    test "hallo2"
-  # test type converters:
-  test "aconv", true
-  test "bconv"
-  # test G, A, B example from the documentation; test init sections:
-  test "deada", true
-  test "deada2"
-  when false:
-    # test method generation:
-    test "bmethods", true
-    test "bmethods2"
-    # test generics:
-    test "tgeneric1", true
-    test "tgeneric2"
-proc compileRodFiles(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  template test(filename: untyped, clearCacheFirst=true) =
-    if clearCacheFirst: delNimCache(filename, options)
-    testSpec r, makeTest(rodfilesDir / filename, options, cat)
-  # test DLL interfacing:
-  test "gtkex1", true
-  test "gtkex2"
-# --------------------- flags tests -------------------------------------------
-proc flagTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  # --genscript
-  const filename = "tests"/"flags"/"tgenscript"
-  const genopts = " --genscript"
-  let nimcache = nimcacheDir(filename, genopts, targetC)
-  testSpec r, makeTest(filename, genopts, cat)
-  when defined(windows):
-    testExec r, makeTest(filename, " cmd /c cd " & nimcache &
-                         " && compile_tgenscript.bat", cat)
-  elif defined(posix):
-    testExec r, makeTest(filename, " sh -c \"cd " & nimcache &
-                         " && sh\"", cat)
-  # Run
-  testExec r, makeTest(filename, " " & nimcache / "tgenscript", cat)
-# --------------------- DLL generation tests ----------------------------------
-proc safeCopyFile(src, dest: string) =
-  try:
-    copyFile(src, dest)
-  except OSError:
-    echo "[Warning] could not copy: ", src, " to ", dest
-proc runBasicDLLTest(c, r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  const rpath = when defined(macosx):
-      " --passL:-rpath --passL:@loader_path"
-    else:
-      ""
-  testSpec c, makeTest("lib/nimrtl.nim",
-    options & " --app:lib -d:createNimRtl --threads:on", cat)
-  testSpec c, makeTest("tests/dll/server.nim",
-    options & " --app:lib -d:useNimRtl --threads:on" & rpath, cat)
-  when defined(Windows):
-    # windows looks in the dir of the exe (yay!):
-    var nimrtlDll = DynlibFormat % "nimrtl"
-    safeCopyFile("lib" / nimrtlDll, "tests/dll" / nimrtlDll)
-  else:
-    # posix relies on crappy LD_LIBRARY_PATH (ugh!):
-    const libpathenv = when defined(haiku):
-                         "LIBRARY_PATH"
-                       else:
-                         "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
-    var libpath = getEnv(libpathenv).string
-    # Temporarily add the lib directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
-    putEnv(libpathenv, "tests/dll" & (if libpath.len > 0: ":" & libpath else: ""))
-    defer: putEnv(libpathenv, libpath)
-    var nimrtlDll = DynlibFormat % "nimrtl"
-    safeCopyFile("lib" / nimrtlDll, "tests/dll" / nimrtlDll)
-  testSpec r, makeTest("tests/dll/client.nim", options & " -d:useNimRtl --threads:on" & rpath,
-                       cat, actionRun)
-proc dllTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  # dummy compile result:
-  var c = initResults()
-  runBasicDLLTest c, r, cat, options
-  runBasicDLLTest c, r, cat, options & " -d:release"
-  when not defined(windows):
-    # still cannot find a recent Windows version of boehm.dll:
-    runBasicDLLTest c, r, cat, options & " --gc:boehm"
-    runBasicDLLTest c, r, cat, options & " -d:release --gc:boehm"
-# ------------------------------ GC tests -------------------------------------
-proc gcTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  template testWithNone(filename: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                  " --gc:none", cat, actionRun)
-    testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                  " -d:release --gc:none", cat, actionRun)
-  template testWithoutMs(filename: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options, cat, actionRun)
-    testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                  " -d:release", cat, actionRun)
-    testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                  " -d:release -d:useRealtimeGC", cat, actionRun)
-  template testWithoutBoehm(filename: untyped) =
-    testWithoutMs filename
-    testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                  " --gc:markAndSweep", cat, actionRun)
-    testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                  " -d:release --gc:markAndSweep", cat, actionRun)
-  template test(filename: untyped) =
-    testWithoutBoehm filename
-    when not defined(windows) and not defined(android):
-      # AR: cannot find any boehm.dll on the net, right now, so disabled
-      # for windows:
-      testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                    " --gc:boehm", cat, actionRun)
-      testSpec r, makeTest("tests/gc" / filename, options &
-                    " -d:release --gc:boehm", cat, actionRun)
-  testWithoutBoehm "foreign_thr"
-  test "gcemscripten"
-  test "growobjcrash"
-  test "gcbench"
-  test "gcleak"
-  test "gcleak2"
-  testWithoutBoehm "gctest"
-  testWithNone "gctest"
-  test "gcleak3"
-  test "gcleak4"
-  # Disabled because it works and takes too long to run:
-  #test "gcleak5"
-  testWithoutBoehm "weakrefs"
-  test "cycleleak"
-  testWithoutBoehm "closureleak"
-  testWithoutMs "refarrayleak"
-  testWithoutBoehm "tlists"
-  testWithoutBoehm "thavlak"
-  test "stackrefleak"
-  test "cyclecollector"
-proc longGCTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  when defined(windows):
-    let cOptions = "-ldl -DWIN"
-  else:
-    let cOptions = "-ldl"
-  var c = initResults()
-  # According to ioTests, this should compile the file
-  testNoSpec c, makeTest("tests/realtimeGC/shared", options, cat, actionCompile)
-  testC r, makeTest("tests/realtimeGC/cmain", cOptions, cat, actionRun)
-  testSpec r, makeTest("tests/realtimeGC/nmain", options & "--threads: on", cat, actionRun)
-# ------------------------- threading tests -----------------------------------
-proc threadTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  template test(filename: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options, cat, actionRun)
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options & " -d:release", cat, actionRun)
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options & " --tlsEmulation:on", cat, actionRun)
-  for t in os.walkFiles("tests/threads/t*.nim"):
-    test(t)
-# ------------------------- IO tests ------------------------------------------
-proc ioTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  # We need readall_echo to be compiled for this test to run.
-  # dummy compile result:
-  var c = initResults()
-  testSpec c, makeTest("tests/system/helpers/readall_echo", options, cat)
-  testSpec r, makeTest("tests/system/tio", options, cat)
-# ------------------------- async tests ---------------------------------------
-proc asyncTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  template test(filename: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options, cat)
-  for t in os.walkFiles("tests/async/t*.nim"):
-    test(t)
-# ------------------------- debugger tests ------------------------------------
-proc debuggerTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  testNoSpec r, makeTest("tools/nimgrep", options & " --debugger:on", cat)
-# ------------------------- JS tests ------------------------------------------
-proc jsTests(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  template test(filename: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options & " -d:nodejs", cat,
-                         actionRun), targetJS
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options & " -d:nodejs -d:release", cat,
-                         actionRun), targetJS
-  for t in os.walkFiles("tests/js/t*.nim"):
-    test(t)
-  for testfile in ["exception/texceptions", "exception/texcpt1",
-                   "exception/texcsub", "exception/tfinally",
-                   "exception/tfinally2", "exception/tfinally3",
-                   "exception/tunhandledexc",
-                   "actiontable/tactiontable", "method/tmultim1",
-                   "method/tmultim3", "method/tmultim4",
-                   "varres/tvarres0", "varres/tvarres3", "varres/tvarres4",
-                   "varres/tvartup", "misc/tints", "misc/tunsignedinc",
-                   "async/tjsandnativeasync"]:
-    test "tests/" & testfile & ".nim"
-  for testfile in ["strutils", "json", "random", "times", "logging"]:
-    test "lib/pure/" & testfile & ".nim"
-# ------------------------- nim in action -----------
-proc testNimInAction(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  let options = options & " --nilseqs:on"
-  template test(filename: untyped, action: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options, cat, action)
-  template testJS(filename: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options, cat, actionCompile), targetJS
-  template testCPP(filename: untyped) =
-    testSpec r, makeTest(filename, options, cat, actionCompile), targetCPP
-  let tests = [
-    "niminaction/Chapter1/various1",
-    "niminaction/Chapter2/various2",
-    "niminaction/Chapter2/resultaccept",
-    "niminaction/Chapter2/resultreject",
-    "niminaction/Chapter2/explicit_discard",
-    "niminaction/Chapter2/no_def_eq",
-    "niminaction/Chapter2/no_iterator",
-    "niminaction/Chapter2/no_seq_type",
-    "niminaction/Chapter3/ChatApp/src/server",
-    "niminaction/Chapter3/ChatApp/src/client",
-    "niminaction/Chapter3/various3",
-    "niminaction/Chapter6/WikipediaStats/concurrency_regex",
-    "niminaction/Chapter6/WikipediaStats/concurrency",
-    "niminaction/Chapter6/WikipediaStats/naive",
-    "niminaction/Chapter6/WikipediaStats/parallel_counts",
-    "niminaction/Chapter6/WikipediaStats/race_condition",
-    "niminaction/Chapter6/WikipediaStats/sequential_counts",
-    "niminaction/Chapter6/WikipediaStats/unguarded_access",
-    "niminaction/Chapter7/Tweeter/src/tweeter",
-    "niminaction/Chapter7/Tweeter/src/createDatabase",
-    "niminaction/Chapter7/Tweeter/tests/database_test",
-    "niminaction/Chapter8/sdl/sdl_test"
-    ]
-  # Verify that the files have not been modified. Death shall fall upon
-  # whoever edits these hashes without dom96's permission, j/k. But please only
-  # edit when making a conscious breaking change, also please try to make your
-  # commit message clear and notify me so I can easily compile an errata later.
-  var testHashes: seq[string] = @[]
-  for test in tests:
-    testHashes.add(getMD5(readFile("tests" / test.addFileExt("nim")).string))
-  const refHashes = @[
-    "51afdfa84b3ca3d810809d6c4e5037ba", "30f07e4cd5eaec981f67868d4e91cfcf",
-    "d14e7c032de36d219c9548066a97e846", "2e40bfd5daadb268268727da91bb4e81",
-    "c5d3853ed0aba04bf6d35ba28a98dca0", "058603145ff92d46c009006b06e5b228",
-    "7b94a029b94ddb7efafddd546c965ff6", "586d74514394e49f2370dfc01dd9e830",
-    "e1901837b757c9357dc8d259fd0ef0f6", "097670c7ae12e825debaf8ec3995227b",
-    "a8cb7b78cc78d28535ab467361db5d6e", "bfaec2816a1848991b530c1ad17a0184",
-    "47cb71bb4c1198d6d29cdbee05aa10b9", "87e4436809f9d73324cfc4f57f116770",
-    "7b7db5cddc8cf8fa9b6776eef1d0a31d", "e6e40219f0f2b877869b738737b7685e",
-    "6532ee87d819f2605a443d5e94f9422a", "9a8fe78c588d08018843b64b57409a02",
-    "03a801275b8b76b4170c870cd0da079d", "20bb7d3e2d38d43b0cb5fcff4909a4a8",
-    "af6844598f534fab6942abfa4dfe9ab2", "2a7a17f84f6503d9bc89a5ab8feea127"
-  ]
-  doAssert testHashes == refHashes, "Nim in Action tests were changed."
-  # Run the tests.
-  for testfile in tests:
-    test "tests/" & testfile & ".nim", actionCompile
-  let jsFile = "tests/niminaction/Chapter8/canvas/canvas_test.nim"
-  testJS jsFile
-  let cppFile = "tests/niminaction/Chapter8/sfml/sfml_test.nim"
-  testCPP cppFile
-# ------------------------- manyloc -------------------------------------------
-#proc runSpecialTests(r: var TResults, options: string) =
-#  for t in ["lib/packages/docutils/highlite"]:
-#    testSpec(r, t, options)
-proc findMainFile(dir: string): string =
-  # finds the file belonging to ".nim.cfg"; if there is no such file
-  # it returns the some ".nim" file if there is only one:
-  const cfgExt = ".nim.cfg"
-  result = ""
-  var nimFiles = 0
-  for kind, file in os.walkDir(dir):
-    if kind == pcFile:
-      if file.endsWith(cfgExt): return file[.. ^(cfgExt.len+1)] & ".nim"
-      elif file.endsWith(".nim"):
-        if result.len == 0: result = file
-        inc nimFiles
-  if nimFiles != 1: result.setlen(0)
-proc manyLoc(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  for kind, dir in os.walkDir("tests/manyloc"):
-    if kind == pcDir:
-      when defined(windows):
-        if dir.endsWith"nake": continue
-      if dir.endsWith"named_argument_bug": continue
-      let mainfile = findMainFile(dir)
-      if mainfile != "":
-        testNoSpec r, makeTest(mainfile, options, cat)
-proc compileExample(r: var TResults, pattern, options: string, cat: Category) =
-  for test in os.walkFiles(pattern):
-    testNoSpec r, makeTest(test, options, cat)
-proc testStdlib(r: var TResults, pattern, options: string, cat: Category) =
-  for test in os.walkFiles(pattern):
-    let name = extractFilename(test)
-    if name notin disabledFiles:
-      let contents = readFile(test).string
-      if contents.contains("when isMainModule"):
-        testSpec r, makeTest(test, options, cat, actionRunNoSpec)
-      else:
-        testNoSpec r, makeTest(test, options, cat, actionCompile)
-# ----------------------------- nimble ----------------------------------------
-type PackageFilter = enum
-  pfCoreOnly
-  pfExtraOnly
-  pfAll
-var nimbleDir = getEnv("NIMBLE_DIR").string
-if nimbleDir.len == 0: nimbleDir = getHomeDir() / ".nimble"
-  nimbleExe = findExe("nimble")
-  #packageDir = nimbleDir / "pkgs" # not used
-  packageIndex = nimbleDir / "packages.json"
-proc waitForExitEx(p: Process): int =
-  var outp = outputStream(p)
-  var line = newStringOfCap(120).TaintedString
-  while true:
-    if outp.readLine(line):
-      discard
-    else:
-      result = peekExitCode(p)
-      if result != -1: break
-  close(p)
-proc getPackageDir(package: string): string =
-  ## TODO - Replace this with dom's version comparison magic.
-  var commandOutput = execCmdEx("nimble path $#" % package)
-  if commandOutput.exitCode != QuitSuccess:
-    return ""
-  else:
-    result = commandOutput[0].string
-iterator listPackages(filter: PackageFilter): tuple[name, url: string] =
-  let packageList = parseFile(packageIndex)
-  for package in packageList.items():
-    let
-      name = package["name"].str
-      url = package["url"].str
-      isCorePackage = "nim-lang" in normalize(url)
-    case filter:
-    of pfCoreOnly:
-      if isCorePackage:
-        yield (name, url)
-    of pfExtraOnly:
-      if not isCorePackage:
-        yield (name, url)
-    of pfAll:
-      yield (name, url)
-proc testNimblePackages(r: var TResults, cat: Category, filter: PackageFilter) =
-  if nimbleExe == "":
-    echo("[Warning] - Cannot run nimble tests: Nimble binary not found.")
-    return
-  if execCmd("$# update" % nimbleExe) == QuitFailure:
-    echo("[Warning] - Cannot run nimble tests: Nimble update failed.")
-    return
-  let packageFileTest = makeTest("PackageFileParsed", "", cat)
-  try:
-    for name, url in listPackages(filter):
-      var test = makeTest(name, "", cat)
-      echo(url)
-      let
-        installProcess = startProcess(nimbleExe, "", ["install", "-y", name])
-        installStatus = waitForExitEx(installProcess)
-      installProcess.close
-      if installStatus != QuitSuccess:
-        r.addResult(test, targetC, "", "", reInstallFailed)
-        continue
-      let
-        buildPath = getPackageDir(name).strip
-        buildProcess = startProcess(nimbleExe, buildPath, ["build"])
-        buildStatus = waitForExitEx(buildProcess)
-      buildProcess.close
-      if buildStatus != QuitSuccess:
-        r.addResult(test, targetC, "", "", reBuildFailed)
-      r.addResult(test, targetC, "", "", reSuccess)
-    r.addResult(packageFileTest, targetC, "", "", reSuccess)
-  except JsonParsingError:
-    echo("[Warning] - Cannot run nimble tests: Invalid package file.")
-    r.addResult(packageFileTest, targetC, "", "", reBuildFailed)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const AdditionalCategories = ["debugger", "examples", "lib"]
-proc `&.?`(a, b: string): string =
-  # candidate for the stdlib?
-  result = if b.startswith(a): b else: a & b
-#proc `&?.`(a, b: string): string = # not used
-  # candidate for the stdlib?
-  #result = if a.endswith(b): a else: a & b
-proc processSingleTest(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options, test: string) =
-  let test = "tests" & DirSep &.? cat.string / test
-  let target = if cat.string.normalize == "js": targetJS else: targetC
-  if existsFile(test): testSpec r, makeTest(test, options, cat), target
-  else: echo "[Warning] - ", test, " test does not exist"
-proc processCategory(r: var TResults, cat: Category, options: string) =
-  case cat.string.normalize
-  of "rodfiles":
-    when false:
-      compileRodFiles(r, cat, options)
-      runRodFiles(r, cat, options)
-  of "js":
-    # only run the JS tests on Windows or Linux because Travis is bad
-    # and other OSes like Haiku might lack nodejs:
-    if not defined(linux) and isTravis:
-      discard
-    else:
-      jsTests(r, cat, options)
-  of "dll":
-    dllTests(r, cat, options)
-  of "flags":
-    flagTests(r, cat, options)
-  of "gc":
-    gcTests(r, cat, options)
-  of "longgc":
-    longGCTests(r, cat, options)
-  of "debugger":
-    debuggerTests(r, cat, options)
-  of "manyloc":
-    manyLoc r, cat, options
-  of "threads":
-    threadTests r, cat, options & " --threads:on"
-  of "io":
-    ioTests r, cat, options
-  of "async":
-    asyncTests r, cat, options
-  of "lib":
-    testStdlib(r, "lib/pure/*.nim", options, cat)
-    testStdlib(r, "lib/packages/docutils/highlite", options, cat)
-  of "examples":
-    compileExample(r, "examples/*.nim", options, cat)
-    compileExample(r, "examples/gtk/*.nim", options, cat)
-    compileExample(r, "examples/talk/*.nim", options, cat)
-  of "nimble-core":
-    testNimblePackages(r, cat, pfCoreOnly)
-  of "nimble-extra":
-    testNimblePackages(r, cat, pfExtraOnly)
-  of "nimble-all":
-    testNimblePackages(r, cat, pfAll)
-  of "niminaction":
-    testNimInAction(r, cat, options)
-  of "untestable":
-    # We can't test it because it depends on a third party.
-    discard # TODO: Move untestable tests to someplace else, i.e. nimble repo.
-  else:
-    var testsRun = 0
-    for name in os.walkFiles("tests" & DirSep &.? cat.string / "t*.nim"):
-      testSpec r, makeTest(name, options, cat)
-      inc testsRun
-    if testsRun == 0:
-      echo "[Warning] - Invalid category specified \"", cat.string, "\", no tests were run"
diff --git a/tests/testament/htmlgen.nim b/tests/testament/htmlgen.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a10fe00c..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/htmlgen.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim Tester
-#        (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## HTML generator for the tester.
-import cgi, backend, strutils, json, os, tables, times
-import "testamenthtml.templ"
-proc generateTestResultPanelPartial(outfile: File, testResultRow: JsonNode) =
-  let
-    trId = htmlQuote(testResultRow["category"].str & "_" & testResultRow["name"].str).
-        multiReplace({".": "_", " ": "_", ":": "_"})
-    name = testResultRow["name"].str.htmlQuote()
-    category = testResultRow["category"].str.htmlQuote()
-    target = testResultRow["target"].str.htmlQuote()
-    action = testResultRow["action"].str.htmlQuote()
-    result = htmlQuote testResultRow["result"].str
-    expected = testResultRow["expected"].getStr
-    gotten = testResultRow["given"].getStr
-    timestamp = "unknown"
-  var
-    panelCtxClass, textCtxClass, bgCtxClass: string
-    resultSign, resultDescription: string
-  case result
-  of "reSuccess":
-    panelCtxClass = "success"
-    textCtxClass = "success"
-    bgCtxClass = "success"
-    resultSign = "ok"
-    resultDescription = "PASS"
-  of "reIgnored":
-    panelCtxClass = "info"
-    textCtxClass = "info"
-    bgCtxClass = "info"
-    resultSign = "question"
-    resultDescription = "SKIP"
-  else:
-    panelCtxClass = "danger"
-    textCtxClass = "danger"
-    bgCtxClass = "danger"
-    resultSign = "exclamation"
-    resultDescription = "FAIL"
-  outfile.generateHtmlTestresultPanelBegin(
-    trId, name, target, category, action, resultDescription,
-    timestamp, result, resultSign, panelCtxClass, textCtxClass, bgCtxClass
-  )
-  if expected.isNilOrWhitespace() and gotten.isNilOrWhitespace():
-    outfile.generateHtmlTestresultOutputNone()
-  else:
-    outfile.generateHtmlTestresultOutputDetails(
-      expected.strip().htmlQuote,
-      gotten.strip().htmlQuote
-    )
-  outfile.generateHtmlTestresultPanelEnd()
-  AllTests = object
-    data: JSonNode
-    totalCount, successCount, ignoredCount, failedCount: int
-    successPercentage, ignoredPercentage, failedPercentage: BiggestFloat
-proc allTestResults(onlyFailing = false): AllTests =
- = newJArray()
-  for file in os.walkFiles("testresults/*.json"):
-    let data = parseFile(file)
-    if data.kind != JArray:
-      echo "[ERROR] ignoring json file that is not an array: ", file
-    else:
-      for elem in data:
-        let state = elem["result"].str
-        inc result.totalCount
-        if state.contains("reSuccess"): inc result.successCount
-        elif state.contains("reIgnored"): inc result.ignoredCount
-        if not onlyFailing or not(state.contains("reSuccess")):
- elem
-  result.successPercentage = 100 *
-    (result.successCount.toBiggestFloat / result.totalCount.toBiggestFloat)
-  result.ignoredPercentage = 100 *
-    (result.ignoredCount.toBiggestFloat / result.totalCount.toBiggestFloat)
-  result.failedCount = result.totalCount -
-    result.successCount - result.ignoredCount
-  result.failedPercentage = 100 *
-    (result.failedCount.toBiggestFloat / result.totalCount.toBiggestFloat)
-proc generateTestResultsPanelGroupPartial(outfile: File, allResults: JsonNode) =
-  for testresultRow in allResults:
-    generateTestResultPanelPartial(outfile, testresultRow)
-proc generateAllTestsContent(outfile: File, allResults: AllTests,
-  onlyFailing = false) =
-  if < 1: return # Nothing to do if there is no data.
-  # Only results from one test run means that test run environment info is the
-  # same for all tests
-  let
-    firstRow =[0]
-    commit = htmlQuote firstRow["commit"].str
-    branch = htmlQuote firstRow["branch"].str
-    machine = htmlQuote firstRow["machine"].str
-  outfile.generateHtmlAllTestsBegin(
-    machine, commit, branch,
-    allResults.totalCount,
-    allResults.successCount,
-    formatBiggestFloat(allResults.successPercentage, ffDecimal, 2) & "%",
-    allResults.ignoredCount,
-    formatBiggestFloat(allResults.ignoredPercentage, ffDecimal, 2) & "%",
-    allResults.failedCount,
-    formatBiggestFloat(allResults.failedPercentage, ffDecimal, 2) & "%",
-    onlyFailing
-  )
-  generateTestResultsPanelGroupPartial(outfile,
-  outfile.generateHtmlAllTestsEnd()
-proc generateHtml*(filename: string, onlyFailing: bool) =
-  let
-    currentTime = getTime().local()
-    timestring = htmlQuote format(currentTime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 'UTC'zzz")
-  var outfile = open(filename, fmWrite)
-  outfile.generateHtmlBegin()
-  generateAllTestsContent(outfile, allTestResults(onlyFailing), onlyFailing)
-  outfile.generateHtmlEnd(timestring)
-  outfile.flushFile()
-  close(outfile)
-proc dumpJsonTestResults*(prettyPrint, onlyFailing: bool) =
-  var
-    outfile = stdout
-    jsonString: string
-  let results = allTestResults(onlyFailing)
-  if prettyPrint:
-    jsonString =
-  else:
-    jsonString = $
-  outfile.writeLine(jsonString)
diff --git a/tests/testament/specs.nim b/tests/testament/specs.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index c51a3343e..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/specs.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim Tester
-#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-import parseutils, strutils, os, osproc, streams, parsecfg
-var compilerPrefix* = "compiler" / "nim "
-let isTravis* = existsEnv("TRAVIS")
-let isAppVeyor* = existsEnv("APPVEYOR")
-proc cmdTemplate*(): string =
-  compilerPrefix & "$target --lib:lib --hints:on -d:testing --nimblePath:tests/deps $options $file"
-  TTestAction* = enum
-    actionCompile = "compile"
-    actionRun = "run"
-    actionReject = "reject"
-    actionRunNoSpec = "runNoSpec"
-  TResultEnum* = enum
-    reNimcCrash,     # nim compiler seems to have crashed
-    reMsgsDiffer,       # error messages differ
-    reFilesDiffer,      # expected and given filenames differ
-    reLinesDiffer,      # expected and given line numbers differ
-    reOutputsDiffer,
-    reExitcodesDiffer,
-    reInvalidPeg,
-    reCodegenFailure,
-    reCodeNotFound,
-    reExeNotFound,
-    reInstallFailed     # package installation failed
-    reBuildFailed       # package building failed
-    reIgnored,          # test is ignored
-    reSuccess           # test was successful
-  TTarget* = enum
-    targetC = "C"
-    targetCpp = "C++"
-    targetObjC = "ObjC"
-    targetJS = "JS"
-  TSpec* = object
-    action*: TTestAction
-    file*, cmd*: string
-    outp*: string
-    line*, column*: int
-    tfile*: string
-    tline*, tcolumn*: int
-    exitCode*: int
-    msg*: string
-    ccodeCheck*: string
-    maxCodeSize*: int
-    err*: TResultEnum
-    substr*, sortoutput*: bool
-    targets*: set[TTarget]
-    nimout*: string
-  targetToExt*: array[TTarget, string] = ["c", "cpp", "m", "js"]
-  targetToCmd*: array[TTarget, string] = ["c", "cpp", "objc", "js"]
-when not declared(parseCfgBool):
-  # candidate for the stdlib:
-  proc parseCfgBool(s: string): bool =
-    case normalize(s)
-    of "y", "yes", "true", "1", "on": result = true
-    of "n", "no", "false", "0", "off": result = false
-    else: raise newException(ValueError, "cannot interpret as a bool: " & s)
-proc extractSpec(filename: string): string =
-  const tripleQuote = "\"\"\""
-  var x = readFile(filename).string
-  var a = x.find(tripleQuote)
-  var b = x.find(tripleQuote, a+3)
-  # look for """ only in the first section
-  if a >= 0 and b > a and a < 40:
-    result = x.substr(a+3, b-1).replace("'''", tripleQuote)
-  else:
-    #echo "warning: file does not contain spec: " & filename
-    result = ""
-when not defined(nimhygiene):
-  {.pragma: inject.}
-template parseSpecAux(fillResult: untyped) =
-  var ss = newStringStream(extractSpec(filename))
-  var p {.inject.}: CfgParser
-  open(p, ss, filename, 1)
-  while true:
-    var e {.inject.} = next(p)
-    case e.kind
-    of cfgEof: break
-    of cfgSectionStart, cfgOption, cfgError:
-      echo ignoreMsg(p, e)
-    of cfgKeyValuePair:
-      fillResult
-  close(p)
-proc specDefaults*(result: var TSpec) =
-  result.msg = ""
-  result.outp = ""
-  result.nimout = ""
-  result.ccodeCheck = ""
-  result.cmd = cmdTemplate()
-  result.line = 0
-  result.column = 0
-  result.tfile = ""
-  result.tline = 0
-  result.tcolumn = 0
-  result.maxCodeSize = 0
-proc parseTargets*(value: string): set[TTarget] =
-  for v in value.normalize.splitWhitespace:
-    case v
-    of "c": result.incl(targetC)
-    of "cpp", "c++": result.incl(targetCpp)
-    of "objc": result.incl(targetObjC)
-    of "js": result.incl(targetJS)
-    else: echo "target ignored: " & v
-proc parseSpec*(filename: string): TSpec =
-  specDefaults(result)
-  result.file = filename
-  parseSpecAux:
-    case normalize(e.key)
-    of "action":
-      case e.value.normalize
-      of "compile": result.action = actionCompile
-      of "run": result.action = actionRun
-      of "reject": result.action = actionReject
-      else: echo ignoreMsg(p, e)
-    of "file": result.file = e.value
-    of "line": discard parseInt(e.value, result.line)
-    of "column": discard parseInt(e.value, result.column)
-    of "tfile": result.tfile = e.value
-    of "tline": discard parseInt(e.value, result.tline)
-    of "tcolumn": discard parseInt(e.value, result.tcolumn)
-    of "output":
-      result.action = actionRun
-      result.outp = e.value
-    of "outputsub":
-      result.action = actionRun
-      result.outp = e.value
-      result.substr = true
-    of "sortoutput":
-      result.sortoutput = parseCfgBool(e.value)
-    of "exitcode":
-      discard parseInt(e.value, result.exitCode)
-      result.action = actionRun
-    of "msg":
-      result.msg = e.value
-      if result.action != actionRun:
-        result.action = actionCompile
-    of "errormsg", "errmsg":
-      result.msg = e.value
-      result.action = actionReject
-    of "nimout":
-      result.nimout = e.value
-    of "disabled":
-      case e.value.normalize
-      of "y", "yes", "true", "1", "on": result.err = reIgnored
-      of "n", "no", "false", "0", "off": discard
-      of "win", "windows":
-        when defined(windows): result.err = reIgnored
-      of "linux":
-        when defined(linux): result.err = reIgnored
-      of "bsd":
-        when defined(bsd): result.err = reIgnored
-      of "macosx":
-        when defined(macosx): result.err = reIgnored
-      of "unix":
-        when defined(unix): result.err = reIgnored
-      of "posix":
-        when defined(posix): result.err = reIgnored
-      of "travis":
-        if isTravis: result.err = reIgnored
-      of "appveyor":
-        if isAppVeyor: result.err = reIgnored
-      else:
-        raise newException(ValueError, "cannot interpret as a bool: " & e.value)
-    of "cmd":
-      if e.value.startsWith("nim "):
-        result.cmd = compilerPrefix & e.value[4..^1]
-      else:
-        result.cmd = e.value
-    of "ccodecheck": result.ccodeCheck = e.value
-    of "maxcodesize": discard parseInt(e.value, result.maxCodeSize)
-    of "target", "targets":
-      for v in e.value.normalize.splitWhitespace:
-        case v
-        of "c": result.targets.incl(targetC)
-        of "cpp", "c++": result.targets.incl(targetCpp)
-        of "objc": result.targets.incl(targetObjC)
-        of "js": result.targets.incl(targetJS)
-        else: echo ignoreMsg(p, e)
-    else: echo ignoreMsg(p, e)
diff --git a/tests/testament/testamenthtml.templ b/tests/testament/testamenthtml.templ
deleted file mode 100644
index 9190f370e..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/testamenthtml.templ
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-#? stdtmpl(subsChar = '%', metaChar = '#', emit = "outfile.write")
-#import strutils
-#proc htmlQuote*(raw: string): string =
-#  result = raw.multiReplace(
-#    ("&", "&amp;"),
-#    ("\"", "&quot;"),
-#    ("'", "&apos;"),
-#    ("<", "&lt;"),
-#    (">", "&gt;")
-#  )
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlBegin*(outfile: File) =
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
-    <title>Testament Test Results</title>
-    <script src="" integrity="sha256-ihAoc6M/JPfrIiIeayPE9xjin4UWjsx2mjW/rtmxLM4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
-    <script src="" integrity="sha256-U5ZEeKfGNOja007MMD3YBI0A3OSZOQbeG6z2f2Y0hu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-916EbMg70RQy9LHiGkXzG8hSg9EdNy97GazNG/aiY1w=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-ZT4HPpdCOt2lvDkXokHuhJfdOKSPFLzeAJik5U/Q+l4=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
-    <script>
-        /**
-        * Callback function that is executed for each Element in an array.
-        * @callback executeForElement
-        * @param {Element} elem Element to operate on
-        */
-        /**
-        *
-        * @param {number} index
-        * @param {Element[]} elemArray
-        * @param {executeForElement} executeOnItem
-        */
-        function executeAllAsync(elemArray, index, executeOnItem) {
-            for (var i = 0; index < elemArray.length && i < 100; i++ , index++) {
-                var item = elemArray[index];
-                executeOnItem(item);
-            }
-            if (index < elemArray.length) {
-                setTimeout(executeAllAsync, 0, elemArray, index, executeOnItem);
-            }
-        }
-        /** @param {Element} elem */
-        function executeShowOnElement(elem) {
-            while (elem.classList.contains("hidden")) {
-                elem.classList.remove("hidden");
-            }
-        }
-        /** @param {Element} elem */
-        function executeHideOnElement(elem) {
-            if (!elem.classList.contains("hidden")) {
-                elem.classList.add("hidden");
-            }
-        }
-        /** @param {Element} elem */
-        function executeExpandOnElement(elem) {
-            $(elem).collapse("show");
-        }
-        /** @param {Element} elem */
-        function executeCollapseOnElement(elem) {
-            $(elem).collapse("hide");
-        }
-        /**
-        * @param {string} [category] Optional bootstrap panel context class (danger, warning, info, success)
-        * @param {executeForElement} executeOnEachPanel
-        */
-        function wholePanelAll(category, executeOnEachPanel) {
-            var selector = "div.panel";
-            if (typeof category === "string" && category) {
-                selector += "-" + category;
-            }
-            var jqPanels = $(selector);
-            /** @type {Element[]} */
-            var elemArray = jqPanels.toArray();
-            setTimeout(executeAllAsync, 0, elemArray, 0, executeOnEachPanel);
-        }
-        /**
-        * @param {string} [category] Optional bootstrap panel context class (danger, warning, info, success)
-        * @param {executeForElement} executeOnEachPanel
-        */
-        function panelBodyAll(category, executeOnEachPanelBody) {
-            var selector = "div.panel";
-            if (typeof category === "string" && category) {
-                selector += "-" + category;
-            }
-            var jqPanels = $(selector);
-            var jqPanelBodies = $("div.panel-body", jqPanels);
-            /** @type {Element[]} */
-            var elemArray = jqPanelBodies.toArray();
-            setTimeout(executeAllAsync, 0, elemArray, 0, executeOnEachPanelBody);
-        }
-        /**
-        * @param {string} [category] Optional bootstrap panel context class (danger, warning, info, success)
-        */
-        function showAll(category) {
-            wholePanelAll(category, executeShowOnElement);
-        }
-        /**
-        * @param {string} [category] Optional bootstrap panel context class (danger, warning, info, success)
-        */
-        function hideAll(category) {
-            wholePanelAll(category, executeHideOnElement);
-        }
-        /**
-        * @param {string} [category] Optional bootstrap panel context class (danger, warning, info, success)
-        */
-        function expandAll(category) {
-            panelBodyAll(category, executeExpandOnElement);
-        }
-        /**
-        * @param {string} [category] Optional bootstrap panel context class (danger, warning, info, success)
-        */
-        function collapseAll(category) {
-            panelBodyAll(category, executeCollapseOnElement);
-        }
-    </script>
-    <div class="container">
-        <h1>Testament Test Results <small>Nim Tester</small></h1>
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlAllTestsBegin*(outfile: File, machine, commit, branch: string,
-#  totalCount: BiggestInt,
-#  successCount: BiggestInt, successPercentage: string,
-#  ignoredCount: BiggestInt, ignoredPercentage: string,
-#  failedCount: BiggestInt, failedPercentage: string, onlyFailing = false) =
-        <dl class="dl-horizontal">
-            <dt>Hostname</dt>
-            <dd>%machine</dd>
-            <dt>Git Commit</dt>
-            <dd><code>%commit</code></dd>
-            <dt title="Git Branch reference">Branch ref.</dt>
-            <dd>%branch</dd>
-        </dl>
-        <dl class="dl-horizontal">
-            <dt>All Tests</dt>
-            <dd>
-                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"></span>
-                %totalCount
-            </dd>
-            <dt>Successful Tests</dt>
-            <dd>
-                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign"></span>
-                %successCount (%successPercentage)
-            </dd>
-            <dt>Skipped Tests</dt>
-            <dd>
-                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span>
-                %ignoredCount (%ignoredPercentage)
-            </dd>
-            <dt>Failed Tests</dt>
-            <dd>
-                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span>
-                %failedCount (%failedPercentage)
-            </dd>
-        </dl>
-        <div class="table-responsive">
-            <table class="table table-condensed">
-#  if not onlyFailing:
-                <tr>
-                    <th class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">All Tests</th>
-                    <td>
-                        <div class="btn-group">
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="showAll();">Show All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="hideAll();">Hide All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="expandAll();">Expand All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="collapseAll();">Collapse All</button>
-                        </div>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">Successful Tests</th>
-                    <td>
-                        <div class="btn-group">
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="showAll('success');">Show All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="hideAll('success');">Hide All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="expandAll('success');">Expand All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="collapseAll('success');">Collapse All</button>
-                        </div>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-#  end if
-                <tr>
-                    <th class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">Skipped Tests</th>
-                    <td>
-                        <div class="btn-group">
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="showAll('info');">Show All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="hideAll('info');">Hide All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="expandAll('info');">Expand All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="collapseAll('info');">Collapse All</button>
-                        </div>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th class="text-right" style="vertical-align:middle">Failed Tests</th>
-                    <td>
-                        <div class="btn-group">
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="showAll('danger');">Show All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="hideAll('danger');">Hide All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="expandAll('danger');">Expand All</button>
-                            <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="collapseAll('danger');">Collapse All</button>
-                        </div>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-            </table>
-        </div>
-        <div class="panel-group">
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlTestresultPanelBegin*(outfile: File, trId, name, target, category,
-#  action, resultDescription, timestamp, result, resultSign,
-#  panelCtxClass, textCtxClass, bgCtxClass: string) =
-            <div id="panel-testResult-%trId" class="panel panel-%panelCtxClass">
-                <div class="panel-heading" style="cursor:pointer" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#panel-body-testResult-%trId" aria-controls="panel-body-testResult-%trId" aria-expanded="false">
-                    <div class="row">
-                        <h4 class="col-xs-3 col-sm-1 panel-title">
-                            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-%resultSign-sign"></span>
-                            <strong>%resultDescription</strong>
-                        </h4>
-                        <h4 class="col-xs-1 panel-title"><span class="badge">%target</span></h4>
-                        <h4 class="col-xs-5 col-sm-7 panel-title" title="%name"><code class="text-%textCtxClass">%name</code></h4>
-                        <h4 class="col-xs-3 col-sm-3 panel-title text-right"><span class="badge">%category</span></h4>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-                <div id="panel-body-testResult-%trId" class="panel-body collapse bg-%bgCtxClass">
-                    <dl class="dl-horizontal">
-                        <dt>Name</dt>
-                        <dd><code class="text-%textCtxClass">%name</code></dd>
-                        <dt>Category</dt>
-                        <dd><span class="badge">%category</span></dd>
-                        <dt>Timestamp</dt>
-                        <dd>%timestamp</dd>
-                        <dt>Nim Action</dt>
-                        <dd><code class="text-%textCtxClass">%action</code></dd>
-                        <dt>Nim Backend Target</dt>
-                        <dd><span class="badge">%target</span></dd>
-                        <dt>Code</dt>
-                        <dd><code class="text-%textCtxClass">%result</code></dd>
-                    </dl>
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlTestresultOutputDetails*(outfile: File, expected, gotten: string) =
-                    <div class="table-responsive">
-                        <table class="table table-condensed">
-                            <thead>
-                                <tr>
-                                    <th>Expected</th>
-                                    <th>Actual</th>
-                                </tr>
-                            </thead>
-                            <tbody>
-                                <tr>
-                                    <td><pre>%expected</pre></td>
-                                    <td><pre>%gotten</pre></td>
-                                </tr>
-                            </tbody>
-                        </table>
-                    </div>
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlTestresultOutputNone*(outfile: File) =
-                    <p class="sr-only">No output details</p>
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlTestresultPanelEnd*(outfile: File) =
-                </div>
-            </div>
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlAllTestsEnd*(outfile: File) =
-        </div>
-#end proc
-#proc generateHtmlEnd*(outfile: File, timestamp: string) =
-        <hr />
-        <footer>
-            <p>
-                Report generated by: <code>testament</code> &ndash; Nim Tester
-                <br />
-                Made with Nim. Generated on: %timestamp
-            </p>
-        </footer>
-    </div>
diff --git a/tests/testament/tester.nim b/tests/testament/tester.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f44f871..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/tester.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim Tester
-#        (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## This program verifies Nim against the testcases.
-  parseutils, strutils, pegs, os, osproc, streams, parsecfg, json,
-  marshal, backend, parseopt, specs, htmlgen, browsers, terminal,
-  algorithm, compiler/nodejs, times, sets, md5
-  resultsFile = "testresults.html"
-  #jsonFile = "testresults.json" # not used
-  Usage = """Usage:
-  tester [options] command [arguments]
-  all                         run all tests
-  c|cat|category <category>   run all the tests of a certain category
-  r|run <test>                run single test file
-  html                        generate $1 from the database
-  arguments are passed to the compiler
-  --print                   also print results to the console
-  --failing                 only show failing/ignored tests
-  --targets:"c c++ js objc" run tests for specified targets (default: all)
-  --nim:path                use a particular nim executable (default: compiler/nim)
-""" % resultsFile
-  Category = distinct string
-  TResults = object
-    total, passed, skipped: int
-    data: string
-  TTest = object
-    name: string
-    cat: Category
-    options: string
-    action: TTestAction
-    startTime: float
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  pegLineError =
-    peg"{[^(]*} '(' {\d+} ', ' {\d+} ') ' ('Error') ':' \s* {.*}"
-  pegLineTemplate =
-    peg"""
-      {[^(]*} '(' {\d+} ', ' {\d+} ') '
-      'template/generic instantiation' ( ' of `' [^`]+ '`' )? ' from here' .*
-    """
-  pegOtherError = peg"'Error:' \s* {.*}"
-  pegSuccess = peg"'Hint: operation successful'.*"
-  pegOfInterest = pegLineError / pegOtherError
-var targets = {low(TTarget)..high(TTarget)}
-proc normalizeMsg(s: string): string =
-  result = newStringOfCap(s.len+1)
-  for x in splitLines(s):
-    if result.len > 0: result.add '\L'
-    result.add x.strip
-proc getFileDir(filename: string): string =
-  result = filename.splitFile().dir
-  if not result.isAbsolute():
-    result = getCurrentDir() / result
-proc nimcacheDir(filename, options: string, target: TTarget): string =
-  ## Give each test a private nimcache dir so they don't clobber each other's.
-  let hashInput = options & $target
-  return "nimcache" / (filename & '_' & hashInput.getMD5)
-proc callCompiler(cmdTemplate, filename, options: string,
-                  target: TTarget, extraOptions=""): TSpec =
-  let nimcache = nimcacheDir(filename, options, target)
-  let options = options & " " & ("--nimCache:" & nimcache).quoteShell & extraOptions
-  let c = parseCmdLine(cmdTemplate % ["target", targetToCmd[target],
-                       "options", options, "file", filename.quoteShell,
-                       "filedir", filename.getFileDir()])
-  var p = startProcess(command=c[0], args=c[1.. ^1],
-                       options={poStdErrToStdOut, poUsePath})
-  let outp = p.outputStream
-  var suc = ""
-  var err = ""
-  var tmpl = ""
-  var x = newStringOfCap(120)
-  result.nimout = ""
-  while outp.readLine(x.TaintedString) or running(p):
-    result.nimout.add(x & "\n")
-    if x =~ pegOfInterest:
-      # `err` should contain the last error/warning message
-      err = x
-    elif x =~ pegLineTemplate and err == "":
-      # `tmpl` contains the last template expansion before the error
-      tmpl = x
-    elif x =~ pegSuccess:
-      suc = x
-  close(p)
-  result.msg = ""
-  result.file = ""
-  result.outp = ""
-  result.line = 0
-  result.column = 0
-  result.tfile = ""
-  result.tline = 0
-  result.tcolumn = 0
-  if tmpl =~ pegLineTemplate:
-    result.tfile = extractFilename(matches[0])
-    result.tline = parseInt(matches[1])
-    result.tcolumn = parseInt(matches[2])
-  if err =~ pegLineError:
-    result.file = extractFilename(matches[0])
-    result.line = parseInt(matches[1])
-    result.column = parseInt(matches[2])
-    result.msg = matches[3]
-  elif err =~ pegOtherError:
-    result.msg = matches[0]
-  elif suc =~ pegSuccess:
-    result.err = reSuccess
-proc callCCompiler(cmdTemplate, filename, options: string,
-                  target: TTarget): TSpec =
-  let c = parseCmdLine(cmdTemplate % ["target", targetToCmd[target],
-                       "options", options, "file", filename.quoteShell,
-                       "filedir", filename.getFileDir()])
-  var p = startProcess(command="gcc", args=c[5 .. ^1],
-                       options={poStdErrToStdOut, poUsePath})
-  let outp = p.outputStream
-  var x = newStringOfCap(120)
-  result.nimout = ""
-  result.msg = ""
-  result.file = ""
-  result.outp = ""
-  result.line = -1
-  while outp.readLine(x.TaintedString) or running(p):
-    result.nimout.add(x & "\n")
-  close(p)
-  if p.peekExitCode == 0:
-    result.err = reSuccess
-proc initResults: TResults =
- = 0
-  result.passed = 0
-  result.skipped = 0
- = ""
-#proc readResults(filename: string): TResults = # not used
-#  result =[TResults](readFile(filename).string)
-#proc writeResults(filename: string, r: TResults) = # not used
-#  writeFile(filename, $$r)
-proc `$`(x: TResults): string =
-  result = ("Tests passed: $1 / $3 <br />\n" &
-            "Tests skipped: $2 / $3 <br />\n") %
-            [$x.passed, $x.skipped, $]
-proc addResult(r: var TResults, test: TTest, target: TTarget,
-               expected, given: string, success: TResultEnum) =
-  let name = & " " & $target & test.options
-  let duration = epochTime() - test.startTime
-  let durationStr = duration.formatFloat(ffDecimal, precision = 8)
-  backend.writeTestResult(name = name,
-                          category =,
-                          target = $target,
-                          action = $test.action,
-                          result = $success,
-                          expected = expected,
-                          given = given)
-"$#\t$#\t$#\t$#", name, expected, given, $success)
-  if success == reSuccess:
-    styledEcho fgGreen, "PASS: ", fgCyan, alignLeft(name, 60), fgBlue, " (", durationStr, " secs)"
-  elif success == reIgnored:
-    styledEcho styleDim, fgYellow, "SKIP: ", styleBright, fgCyan, name
-  else:
-    styledEcho styleBright, fgRed, "FAIL: ", fgCyan, name
-    styledEcho styleBright, fgCyan, "Test \"",, "\"", " in category \"",, "\""
-    styledEcho styleBright, fgRed, "Failure: ", $success
-    styledEcho fgYellow, "Expected:"
-    styledEcho styleBright, expected, "\n"
-    styledEcho fgYellow, "Gotten:"
-    styledEcho styleBright, given, "\n"
-  if existsEnv("APPVEYOR"):
-    let (outcome, msg) =
-      if success == reSuccess:
-        ("Passed", "")
-      elif success == reIgnored:
-        ("Skipped", "")
-      else:
-        ("Failed", "Failure: " & $success & "\nExpected:\n" & expected & "\n\n" & "Gotten:\n" & given)
-    var p = startProcess("appveyor", args=["AddTest","\\", "/") & test.options,
-                         "-Framework", "nim-testament", "-FileName",
-               ,
-                         "-Outcome", outcome, "-ErrorMessage", msg,
-                         "-Duration", $(duration*1000).int],
-                         options={poStdErrToStdOut, poUsePath, poParentStreams})
-    discard waitForExit(p)
-    close(p)
-proc cmpMsgs(r: var TResults, expected, given: TSpec, test: TTest, target: TTarget) =
-  if strip(expected.msg) notin strip(given.msg):
-    r.addResult(test, target, expected.msg, given.msg, reMsgsDiffer)
-  elif expected.nimout.len > 0 and expected.nimout.normalizeMsg notin given.nimout.normalizeMsg:
-    r.addResult(test, target, expected.nimout, given.nimout, reMsgsDiffer)
-  elif expected.tfile == "" and extractFilename(expected.file) != extractFilename(given.file) and
-      "internal error:" notin expected.msg:
-    r.addResult(test, target, expected.file, given.file, reFilesDiffer)
-  elif expected.line != given.line and expected.line != 0 or
-       expected.column != given.column and expected.column != 0:
-    r.addResult(test, target, $expected.line & ':' & $expected.column,
-                      $given.line & ':' & $given.column,
-                      reLinesDiffer)
-  elif expected.tfile != "" and extractFilename(expected.tfile) != extractFilename(given.tfile) and
-      "internal error:" notin expected.msg:
-    r.addResult(test, target, expected.tfile, given.tfile, reFilesDiffer)
-  elif expected.tline != given.tline and expected.tline != 0 or
-       expected.tcolumn != given.tcolumn and expected.tcolumn != 0:
-    r.addResult(test, target, $expected.tline & ':' & $expected.tcolumn,
-                      $given.tline & ':' & $given.tcolumn,
-                      reLinesDiffer)
-  else:
-    r.addResult(test, target, expected.msg, given.msg, reSuccess)
-    inc(r.passed)
-proc generatedFile(test: TTest, target: TTarget): string =
-  let (_, name, _) =
-  let ext = targetToExt[target]
-  result = nimcacheDir(, test.options, target) /
-    (if target == targetJS: "" else: "compiler_") &
-    name.changeFileExt(ext)
-proc needsCodegenCheck(spec: TSpec): bool =
-  result = spec.maxCodeSize > 0 or spec.ccodeCheck.len > 0
-proc codegenCheck(test: TTest, target: TTarget, spec: TSpec, expectedMsg: var string,
-                  given: var TSpec) =
-  try:
-    let genFile = generatedFile(test, target)
-    let contents = readFile(genFile).string
-    let check = spec.ccodeCheck
-    if check.len > 0:
-      if check[0] == '\\':
-        # little hack to get 'match' support:
-        if not contents.match(check.peg):
-          given.err = reCodegenFailure
-      elif contents.find(check.peg) < 0:
-        given.err = reCodegenFailure
-      expectedMsg = check
-    if spec.maxCodeSize > 0 and contents.len > spec.maxCodeSize:
-      given.err = reCodegenFailure
-      given.msg = "generated code size: " & $contents.len
-      expectedMsg = "max allowed size: " & $spec.maxCodeSize
-  except ValueError:
-    given.err = reInvalidPeg
-    echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
-  except IOError:
-    given.err = reCodeNotFound
-    echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
-proc nimoutCheck(test: TTest; expectedNimout: string; given: var TSpec) =
-  let exp = expectedNimout.strip.replace("\C\L", "\L")
-  let giv = given.nimout.strip.replace("\C\L", "\L")
-  if exp notin giv:
-    given.err = reMsgsDiffer
-proc makeDeterministic(s: string): string =
-  var x = splitLines(s)
-  sort(x, system.cmp)
-  result = join(x, "\n")
-proc compilerOutputTests(test: TTest, target: TTarget, given: var TSpec,
-                         expected: TSpec; r: var TResults) =
-  var expectedmsg: string = ""
-  var givenmsg: string = ""
-  if given.err == reSuccess:
-    if expected.needsCodegenCheck:
-      codegenCheck(test, target, expected, expectedmsg, given)
-      givenmsg = given.msg
-    if expected.nimout.len > 0:
-      expectedmsg = expected.nimout
-      givenmsg = given.nimout.strip
-      nimoutCheck(test, expectedmsg, given)
-  else:
-    givenmsg = given.nimout.strip
-  if given.err == reSuccess: inc(r.passed)
-  r.addResult(test, target, expectedmsg, givenmsg, given.err)
-proc testSpec(r: var TResults, test: TTest, target = targetC) =
-  let tname =".nim")
-  #echo "TESTING ", tname
-  var expected: TSpec
-  if test.action != actionRunNoSpec:
-    expected = parseSpec(tname)
-    if test.action == actionRun and expected.action == actionCompile:
-      expected.action = actionRun
-  else:
-    specDefaults expected
-    expected.action = actionRunNoSpec
-  if expected.err == reIgnored:
-    r.addResult(test, target, "", "", reIgnored)
-    inc(r.skipped)
-    inc(
-    return
-  if expected.targets == {}:
-    expected.targets.incl(target)
-  for target in expected.targets:
-    inc(
-    if target notin targets:
-      r.addResult(test, target, "", "", reIgnored)
-      inc(r.skipped)
-      continue
-    case expected.action
-    of actionCompile:
-      var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,, test.options, target,
-        extraOptions=" --stdout --hint[Path]:off --hint[Processing]:off")
-      compilerOutputTests(test, target, given, expected, r)
-    of actionRun, actionRunNoSpec:
-      # In this branch of code "early return" pattern is clearer than deep
-      # nested conditionals - the empty rows in between to clarify the "danger"
-      var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,, test.options,
-                               target)
-      if given.err != reSuccess:
-        r.addResult(test, target, "", given.msg, given.err)
-        continue
-      let isJsTarget = target == targetJS
-      var exeFile: string
-      if isJsTarget:
-        let (_, file, _) = splitFile(tname)
-        exeFile = nimcacheDir(, test.options, target) / file & ".js"
-      else:
-        exeFile = changeFileExt(tname, ExeExt)
-      if not existsFile(exeFile):
-        r.addResult(test, target, expected.outp, "executable not found", reExeNotFound)
-        continue
-      let nodejs = if isJsTarget: findNodeJs() else: ""
-      if isJsTarget and nodejs == "":
-        r.addResult(test, target, expected.outp, "nodejs binary not in PATH",
-                    reExeNotFound)
-        continue
-      let exeCmd = (if isJsTarget: nodejs & " " else: "") & exeFile
-      var (buf, exitCode) = execCmdEx(exeCmd, options = {poStdErrToStdOut})
-      # Treat all failure codes from nodejs as 1. Older versions of nodejs used
-      # to return other codes, but for us it is sufficient to know that it's not 0.
-      if exitCode != 0: exitCode = 1
-      let bufB = if expected.sortoutput: makeDeterministic(strip(buf.string))
-                 else: strip(buf.string)
-      let expectedOut = strip(expected.outp)
-      if exitCode != expected.exitCode:
-        r.addResult(test, target, "exitcode: " & $expected.exitCode,
-                          "exitcode: " & $exitCode & "\n\nOutput:\n" &
-                          bufB, reExitCodesDiffer)
-        continue
-      if bufB != expectedOut and expected.action != actionRunNoSpec:
-        if not (expected.substr and expectedOut in bufB):
-          given.err = reOutputsDiffer
-          r.addResult(test, target, expected.outp, bufB, reOutputsDiffer)
-          continue
-      compilerOutputTests(test, target, given, expected, r)
-      continue
-    of actionReject:
-      var given = callCompiler(expected.cmd,, test.options,
-                               target)
-      cmpMsgs(r, expected, given, test, target)
-      continue
-proc testNoSpec(r: var TResults, test: TTest, target = targetC) =
-  # does not extract the spec because the file is not supposed to have any
-  #let tname =".nim")
-  inc(
-  let given = callCompiler(cmdTemplate(),, test.options, target)
-  r.addResult(test, target, "", given.msg, given.err)
-  if given.err == reSuccess: inc(r.passed)
-proc testC(r: var TResults, test: TTest) =
-  # runs C code. Doesn't support any specs, just goes by exit code.
-  let tname =".c")
-  inc(
-  styledEcho "Processing ", fgCyan, extractFilename(tname)
-  var given = callCCompiler(cmdTemplate(), & ".c", test.options, targetC)
-  if given.err != reSuccess:
-    r.addResult(test, targetC, "", given.msg, given.err)
-  elif test.action == actionRun:
-    let exeFile = changeFileExt(, ExeExt)
-    var (_, exitCode) = execCmdEx(exeFile, options = {poStdErrToStdOut, poUsePath})
-    if exitCode != 0: given.err = reExitCodesDiffer
-  if given.err == reSuccess: inc(r.passed)
-proc testExec(r: var TResults, test: TTest) =
-  # runs executable or script, just goes by exit code
-  inc(
-  let (outp, errC) = execCmdEx(test.options.strip())
-  var given: TSpec
-  specDefaults(given)
-  if errC == 0:
-    given.err = reSuccess
-  else:
-    given.err = reExitCodesDiffer
-    given.msg = outp.string
-  if given.err == reSuccess: inc(r.passed)
-  r.addResult(test, targetC, "", given.msg, given.err)
-proc makeTest(test, options: string, cat: Category, action = actionCompile,
-              env: string = ""): TTest =
-  # start with 'actionCompile', will be overwritten in the spec:
-  result = TTest(cat: cat, name: test, options: options,
-                 action: action, startTime: epochTime())
-when defined(windows):
-  const
-    # array of modules disabled from compilation test of stdlib.
-    disabledFiles = ["coro.nim", "fsmonitor.nim"]
-  const
-    # array of modules disabled from compilation test of stdlib.
-    disabledFiles = ["-"]
-include categories
-# proc runCaasTests(r: var TResults) =
-#   for test, output, status, mode in caasTestsRunner():
-#     r.addResult(test, "", output & "-> " & $mode,
-#                 if status: reSuccess else: reOutputsDiffer)
-proc main() =
-  os.putenv "NIMTEST_COLOR", "never"
-  var optPrintResults = false
-  var optFailing = false
-  var targetsStr = ""
-  var p = initOptParser()
-  while p.kind == cmdLongoption:
-    case p.key.string.normalize
-    of "print", "verbose": optPrintResults = true
-    of "failing": optFailing = true
-    of "pedantic": discard "now always enabled"
-    of "targets":
-      targetsStr = p.val.string
-      targets = parseTargets(targetsStr)
-    of "nim": compilerPrefix = p.val.string
-    else: quit Usage
-  if p.kind != cmdArgument: quit Usage
-  var action = p.key.string.normalize
-  var r = initResults()
-  case action
-  of "all":
-    let testsDir = "tests" & DirSep
-    var myself = quoteShell(findExe("tests" / "testament" / "tester"))
-    if targetsStr.len > 0:
-      myself &= " " & quoteShell("--targets:" & targetsStr)
-    myself &= " " & quoteShell("--nim:" & compilerPrefix)
-    var cmds: seq[string] = @[]
-    let rest = if p.cmdLineRest.string.len > 0: " " & p.cmdLineRest.string else: ""
-    for kind, dir in walkDir(testsDir):
-      assert testsDir.startsWith(testsDir)
-      let cat = dir[testsDir.len .. ^1]
-      if kind == pcDir and cat notin ["testament", "testdata", "nimcache"]:
-        cmds.add(myself & " cat " & quoteShell(cat) & rest)
-    for cat in AdditionalCategories:
-      cmds.add(myself & " cat " & quoteShell(cat) & rest)
-    quit osproc.execProcesses(cmds, {poEchoCmd, poStdErrToStdOut, poUsePath, poParentStreams})
-  of "c", "cat", "category":
-    var cat = Category(p.key)
-    processCategory(r, cat, p.cmdLineRest.string)
-  of "r", "run":
-    let (dir, file) = splitPath(p.key.string)
-    let (_, subdir) = splitPath(dir)
-    var cat = Category(subdir)
-    processSingleTest(r, cat, p.cmdLineRest.string, file)
-  of "html":
-    generateHtml(resultsFile, optFailing)
-  else:
-    quit Usage
-  if optPrintResults:
-    if action == "html": openDefaultBrowser(resultsFile)
-    else: echo r,
-  backend.close()
-  var failed = - r.passed - r.skipped
-  if failed != 0:
-    echo "FAILURE! total: ",, " passed: ", r.passed, " skipped: ",
-      r.skipped, " failed: ", failed
-    quit(QuitFailure)
-if paramCount() == 0:
-  quit Usage
diff --git a/tests/testament/tester.nim.cfg b/tests/testament/tester.nim.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 27fd67075..000000000
--- a/tests/testament/tester.nim.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-path = "$nim" # For compiler/nodejs