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path: root/tests/vm
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/vm')
6 files changed, 210 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/tests/vm/tasmparser.nim b/tests/vm/tasmparser.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67313c858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/vm/tasmparser.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# bug #1513
+import os, parseutils, strutils, ropes, macros
+  code {.compileTime.} = ""
+  start {.compileTime.} = 0
+  line {.compileTime.} = 1
+  cpp {.compileTime.} = ""
+  token {.compileTime.} = ""
+proc log (msg: string) {.compileTime.} =
+    echo msg
+proc asmx64 () {.compileTime} =
+  #log "code = $1" % code
+  const asmx64pre = "{.emit: \"\"\"{x64asm& x= *x64asm_ptr(`asm0`); try {"
+  const asmx64post = "} catch (Xbyak::Error e) { printf (\"asmx64 error: %s\\n\", e.what ()); }}\"\"\".} "
+  const xp = "x."
+  const symbolStart = { '_', 'a'..'z', 'A' .. 'Z' }
+  const symbol = { '0'..'9' } + symbolStart
+  const eolComment = { ';' }
+  const endOfLine = { '\l', '\r' }
+  const leadingWhiteSpace = { ' ' }
+  const end_or_comment = endOfLine + eolComment + { '\0' }
+  const passthrough_start = { '{', '`' }
+  const passthrough_end = { '}', '`', '\0' }
+  const end_or_symbol_or_comment_or_passthrough = symbolStart + end_or_comment + passthrough_start
+  proc abortAsmParse (err:string) =
+    discard
+  let codeLen = code.len
+  #let codeEnd = codeLen-1
+  cpp.add asmx64pre
+  #log "{$1}\n" % [code]
+  type asmParseState = enum leading, mnemonic, betweenArguments, arguments, endCmd, skipToEndOfLine
+  var state:asmParseState = leading
+  proc checkEnd (err:string) =
+    let ch = code [start]
+    if int (ch) == 0:
+      abortAsmParse (err)
+  proc get_passthrough () =
+    inc start
+    let prev_start = start
+    let prev_token = token
+    start += code.parseUntil (token, passthrough_end, start)
+    checkEnd ("Failed to find passthrough end delimiter from offset $1 for:$2\n$3" % [$prev_start, $(code [prev_start-prev_token.len..prev_start]), token[1..token.len-1]])
+    inc start
+    cpp.add "`"
+    cpp.add token
+    cpp.add "`"
+  var inparse = true
+  proc checkCmdEnd () =
+    if codeLen == start:
+      state = endCmd
+      inparse = false
+  while inparse:
+    checkCmdEnd ()
+    log ("state=$1 start=$2" % [$state, $start])
+    case state:
+    of leading:
+      echo "b100 ", start
+      start += code.skipWhile (leadingWhiteSpace, start)
+      echo "b200 ", start
+      let ch = code [start]
+      if ch in endOfLine:
+        inc (line)
+        #echo "c100 ", start, ' ', code 
+        start += code.skipWhile (endOfline, start)
+        #echo "c200 ", start, ' ', code 
+        continue
+      elif ch in symbolStart:
+        state = mnemonic
+      elif ch in eolComment:
+        state = skipToEndOfLine
+      elif ch in passthrough_start:
+        get_passthrough ()        
+        echo "d100 ", start
+        start += code.parseUntil (token, end_or_symbol_or_comment_or_passthrough, start)
+        echo "d200 ", start
+        cpp.add token
+        state = mnemonic
+      elif int (ch) == 0:
+        break
+      else:
+        abortAsmParse ("after '$3' illegal character at offset $1: $2" % [$start, $(int (ch)), token])
+    of mnemonic:
+      echo "e100 ", start
+      start += code.parseWhile (token, symbol, start)
+      echo "e200 ", start
+      cpp.add xp
+      cpp.add token
+      cpp.add "("
+      state = betweenArguments
+    of betweenArguments:
+      let tmp = start
+      let rcode = code
+      start += rcode.parseUntil (token, end_or_symbol_or_comment_or_passthrough, tmp)
+      cpp.add token
+      if codeLen <= start:
+        state = endCmd
+        continue
+      let ch = code [start]
+      if ch in passthrough_start:
+        get_passthrough ()
+        continue
+      if (ch in {'x', 'X'}) and ('0' == code [start-1]):
+        token = $(code [start])
+        cpp.add token
+        inc start
+        continue
+      state = arguments
+    of arguments:
+      if code [start] in end_or_comment:
+        state = endCmd
+        continue
+      start += code.parseWhile (token, symbol, start)
+      cpp.add xp
+      cpp.add token
+      state = betweenArguments
+    of endCmd:
+      cpp.add ");\n"
+      state = skipToEndOfLine
+    of skipToEndOfLine:
+      echo "a100 ", start
+      start += code.skipUntil (endOfLine, start)
+      echo "a200 ", start
+      start += code.skipWhile (endOfline, start)
+      echo "a300 ", start
+      inc line
+      state = leading
+  cpp.add asmx64post
+  echo ($cpp)
+macro asmx64x (code_in:expr) : stmt =
+  code = $code_in
+  echo ("code.len = $1, code = >>>$2<<<" % [$code.len, code])
+  asmx64 ()
+  discard result
+asmx64x """
+    mov rax, {m}
+    ret
diff --git a/tests/vm/tcompiletimetable.nim b/tests/vm/tcompiletimetable.nim
index f1d3ecd4e..df6ead56f 100644
--- a/tests/vm/tcompiletimetable.nim
+++ b/tests/vm/tcompiletimetable.nim
@@ -2,18 +2,19 @@ discard """
   msg: '''2
-  '''
+Got Hi
+Got Hey'''
 # bug #404
-import macros, tables
+import macros, tables, strtabs
 var ZOOT{.compileTime.} = initTable[int, int](2)
 var iii {.compiletime.} = 1
 macro zoo:stmt=
-  zoot[iii] = iii*2
+  ZOOT[iii] = iii*2
   inc iii
   echo iii
@@ -29,9 +30,7 @@ tupleUnpack
 # bug #903
-import strtabs
-var x {.compileTime.}: PStringTable
+var x {.compileTime.}: StringTableRef
 macro addStuff(stuff, body: expr): stmt {.immediate.} =
   result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
diff --git a/tests/vm/tconsteval.nim b/tests/vm/tconsteval.nim
index 16fd8f4b8..96a1bafe8 100644
--- a/tests/vm/tconsteval.nim
+++ b/tests/vm/tconsteval.nim
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import strutils
   HelpText = """
-|         Maintenance program for Nimrod                          |
+|         Maintenance program for Nim                             |
 |             Version $1|
 |             (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf                              |
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ Options:
   --help, -h               shows this help and quits
 Possible Commands:
   boot [options]           bootstraps with given command line options
-  clean                    cleans Nimrod project; removes generated files
+  clean                    cleans Nim project; removes generated files
   web                      generates the website
   csource [options]        builds the C sources for installation
   zip                      builds the installation ZIP package
   inno                     builds the Inno Setup installer
-""" % [NimrodVersion & repeatChar(44-len(NimrodVersion)), 
+""" % [NimVersion & repeatChar(44-len(NimVersion)), 
        CompileDate, CompileTime]
-echo helpText
+echo HelpText
diff --git a/tests/vm/trgba.nim b/tests/vm/trgba.nim
index b1d94702f..22eec4d6e 100644
--- a/tests/vm/trgba.nim
+++ b/tests/vm/trgba.nim
@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ discard """
 #bug #1009
-  TAggRgba8* = array[4, Byte]
+  TAggRgba8* = array[4, byte]
-template R*(self: TAggRgba8): Byte = self[0]   
-template G*(self: TAggRgba8): Byte = self[1]   
-template B*(self: TAggRgba8): Byte = self[2]   
-template A*(self: TAggRgba8): Byte = self[3]   
+template R*(self: TAggRgba8): byte = self[0]   
+template G*(self: TAggRgba8): byte = self[1]   
+template B*(self: TAggRgba8): byte = self[2]   
+template A*(self: TAggRgba8): byte = self[3]   
-template `R=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: Byte) = 
+template `R=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: byte) = 
   self[0] = val   
-template `G=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: Byte) =   
+template `G=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: byte) =   
   self[1] = val   
-template `B=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: Byte) =   
+template `B=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: byte) =   
   self[2] = val   
-template `A=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: Byte) =   
+template `A=`*(self: TAggRgba8, val: byte) =   
   self[3] = val   
 proc ABGR* (val: int| int64): TAggRgba8 =
diff --git a/tests/vm/twrongarray.nim b/tests/vm/twrongarray.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1514d0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/vm/twrongarray.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+discard """
+  errormsg: "cannot evaluate at compile time: size"
+  line: 16
+#bug #1343
+when false:
+  proc one(dummy: int, size: int) =
+    var x: array[size, int] # compile error: constant expression expected
+  proc three(size: int) =
+    var x: array[size * 1, int] # compile error: cannot evaluate at compile time: size
+proc two(dummy: int, size: int) =
+  var x: array[size * 1, int] # compiles, but shouldn't?
+  #assert(x.len == size) # just for fun
diff --git a/tests/vm/twrongconst.nim b/tests/vm/twrongconst.nim
index 5c0c80f9f..68ab2757c 100644
--- a/tests/vm/twrongconst.nim
+++ b/tests/vm/twrongconst.nim
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ discard """
 var x: array[100, char]
-template Foo : expr = x[42]
+template foo : expr = x[42]
 const myConst = foo