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1 files changed, 122 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/tjsonmacro.nim b/tests/stdlib/tjsonmacro.nim
index c2a4ed406..938030d8e 100644
--- a/tests/stdlib/tjsonmacro.nim
+++ b/tests/stdlib/tjsonmacro.nim
@@ -5,17 +5,26 @@ discard """
 import json, strutils, options, tables
-when true:
+# The definition of the `%` proc needs to be here, since the `% c` calls below
+# can only find our custom `%` proc for `Pix` if defined in global scope.
+  Pix = tuple[x, y: uint8, ch: uint16]
+proc `%`(p: Pix): JsonNode =
+  result = %* { "x" : % p.x,
+                "y" : % p.y,
+                "ch" : % }
+proc testJson() =
   # Tests inspired by own use case (with some additional tests).
   # This should succeed.
     Point[T] = object
       x, y: T
-    ReplayEventKind* = enum
+    ReplayEventKind = enum
       FoodAppeared, FoodEaten, DirectionChanged
-    ReplayEvent* = object
+    ReplayEvent = object
       time*: float
       case kind*: ReplayEventKind
       of FoodAppeared, FoodEaten:
@@ -28,7 +37,7 @@ when true:
       of DirectionChanged:
         playerPos*: float
-    Replay* = ref object
+    Replay = ref object
       events*: seq[ReplayEvent]
       test: int
       test2: string
@@ -286,24 +295,26 @@ when true:
     doAssert parsed.color == Red
-    type
-      Car = object
-        engine: tuple[name: string, capacity: float]
-        model: string
+    when not defined(js):
+      # disable on js because of #12492
+      type
+        Car = object
+          engine: tuple[name: string, capacity: float]
+          model: string
-    let j = """
-      {"engine": {"name": "V8", "capacity": 5.5}, "model": "Skyline"}
-    """
+      let j = """
+        {"engine": {"name": "V8", "capacity": 5.5}, "model": "Skyline"}
+      """
-    var i = 0
-    proc mulTest: JsonNode =
-      return parseJson(j)
+      var i = 0
+      proc mulTest(): JsonNode =
+        inc i
+        return parseJson(j)
-    let parsed = mulTest().to(Car)
-    doAssert == "V8"
+      let parsed = mulTest().to(Car)
+      doAssert == "V8"
-    doAssert i == 1
+      doAssert i == 1
     # Option[T] support!
@@ -424,7 +435,11 @@ when true:
     let s = """{"a": 1, "b": 2}"""
     let t = parseJson(s).to(Table[string, int])
-    doAssert t["a"] == 1
+    when not defined(js):
+      # For some reason on the JS backend `{"b": 2, "a": 0}` is
+      # sometimes the value of `t`. This needs investigation. I can't
+      # reproduce it right now in an isolated test.
+      doAssert t["a"] == 1
     doAssert t["b"] == 2
@@ -480,6 +495,7 @@ when true:
     doAssert Table[string,int](t.dict)["a"] == 1
     doAssert Table[string,int](t.dict)["b"] == 2
     doAssert array[3, float](t.arr) == [1.0,2.0,7.0]
     doAssert MyRef(t.person).name == "boney"
     doAssert MyObj(t.distFruit).color == 11
     doAssert == "honey"
@@ -526,109 +542,99 @@ when true:
       doAssert == "smith"
       doAssert MyRef(w).name == "smith"
-# bug #12015
-# The definition of the `%` proc needs to be here, since the `% c` calls below
-# can only find our custom `%` proc for `Pix` if defined in global scope.
-  Pix = tuple[x, y: uint8, ch: uint16]
-proc `%`(p: Pix): JsonNode =
-  result = %* { "x" : % p.x,
-                "y" : % p.y,
-                "ch" : % }
-  type
-    Cluster = object
-      works: tuple[x, y: uint8, ch: uint16] # working
-      fails: Pix # previously broken
+  block:
+    # bug #12015
+    type
+      Cluster = object
+        works: tuple[x, y: uint8, ch: uint16] # working
+        fails: Pix # previously broken
-  let data = (x: 123'u8, y: 53'u8, ch: 1231'u16)
-  let c = Cluster(works: data, fails: data)
-  let cFromJson = (% c).to(Cluster)
-  doAssert c == cFromJson
+    let data = (x: 123'u8, y: 53'u8, ch: 1231'u16)
+    let c = Cluster(works: data, fails: data)
+    let cFromJson = (% c).to(Cluster)
+    doAssert c == cFromJson
-  # bug related to #12015
-  type
-    PixInt = tuple[x, y, ch: int]
-    SomePix = Pix | PixInt
-    Cluster[T: SomePix] = seq[T]
-    ClusterObject[T: SomePix] = object
-      data: Cluster[T]
-    RecoEvent[T: SomePix] = object
-      cluster: seq[ClusterObject[T]]
-  let data = @[(x: 123'u8, y: 53'u8, ch: 1231'u16)]
-  var c = RecoEvent[Pix](cluster: @[ClusterObject[Pix](data: data)])
-  let cFromJson = (% c).to(RecoEvent[Pix])
-  doAssert c == cFromJson
-# TODO: when the issue with the limeted vm registers is solved, the
-# exact same test as above should be evaluated at compile time as
-# well, to ensure that the vm functionality won't diverge from the
-# runtime functionality. Until then, the following test should do it.
+  block:
+    # bug related to #12015
+    type
+      PixInt = tuple[x, y, ch: int]
+      SomePix = Pix | PixInt
+      Cluster[T: SomePix] = seq[T]
+      ClusterObject[T: SomePix] = object
+        data: Cluster[T]
+      RecoEvent[T: SomePix] = object
+        cluster: seq[ClusterObject[T]]
-  var t = parseJson("""
-    {
-      "name":"Bongo",
-      "email":"",
-      "list": [11,7,15],
-      "year": 1975,
-      "dict": {"a": 1, "b": 2},
-      "arr": [1.0, 2.0, 7.0],
-      "person": {"name": "boney"},
-      "dog": {"name": "honey"},
-      "fruit": {"color": 10},
-      "distfruit": {"color": 11},
-      "emails": ["abc", "123"]
-    }
-  """)
-  doAssert t["name"].getStr == "Bongo"
-  doAssert t["email"].getStr == ""
-  doAssert t["list"][0].getInt == 11
-  doAssert t["list"][1].getInt == 7
-  doAssert t["list"][2].getInt == 15
-  doAssert t["year"].getInt == 1975
-  doAssert t["dict"]["a"].getInt == 1
-  doAssert t["dict"]["b"].getInt == 2
-  doAssert t["arr"][0].getFloat == 1.0
-  doAssert t["arr"][1].getFloat == 2.0
-  doAssert t["arr"][2].getFloat == 7.0
-  doAssert t["person"]["name"].getStr == "boney"
-  doAssert t["distfruit"]["color"].getInt == 11
-  doAssert t["dog"]["name"].getStr == "honey"
-  doAssert t["fruit"]["color"].getInt == 10
-  doAssert t["emails"][0].getStr == "abc"
-  doAssert t["emails"][1].getStr == "123"
-  # ref objects with cycles.
-  type
-    Misdirection = object
-      cycle: Cycle
+    let data = @[(x: 123'u8, y: 53'u8, ch: 1231'u16)]
+    var c = RecoEvent[Pix](cluster: @[ClusterObject[Pix](data: data)])
+    let cFromJson = (% c).to(RecoEvent[Pix])
+    doAssert c == cFromJson
-    Cycle = ref object
-      foo: string
-      cycle: Misdirection
-  let data = """
-    {"cycle": null}
-  """
+  block:
+    # ref objects with cycles.
+    type
+      Misdirection = object
+        cycle: Cycle
-  let dataParsed = parseJson(data)
-  let dataDeser = to(dataParsed, Misdirection)
+      Cycle = ref object
+        foo: string
+        cycle: Misdirection
-  # ref object from #12316
-  type
-    Foo = ref Bar
-    Bar = object
+    let data = """
+      {"cycle": null}
+    """
+    let dataParsed = parseJson(data)
+    let dataDeser = to(dataParsed, Misdirection)
-  discard "null" Foo
+  block:
+    # ref object from #12316
+    type
+      Foo = ref Bar
+      Bar = object
+    discard "null" Foo
+  block:
+    # named array #12289
+    type Vec = array[2, int]
+    let arr = "[1,2]" Vec
+    doAssert arr == [1,2]
+  block:
+    # test error message in exception
-  # named array #12289
-  type Vec = array[2, int]
-  let arr = "[1,2]" Vec
-  doAssert arr == [1,2]
+    type
+      MyType = object
+        otherMember: string
+        member: MySubType
+      MySubType = object
+        somethingElse: string
+        list: seq[MyData]
+      MyData = object
+        value: int
+    let jsonNode = parseJson("""
+      {
+        "otherMember": "otherValue",
+        "member": {
+          "somethingElse": "something",
+          "list": [{"value": 1}, {"value": 2}, {}]
+        }
+      }
+    """)
+    try:
+      let tmp =
+      doAssert false, "this should be unreachable"
+    except KeyError:
+      doAssert getCurrentExceptionMsg().contains ".member.list[2].value"
+  testJson()