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path: root/ci/build.bat
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* Adds GitLab CI config.Dominik Picheta2016-08-291-0/+14
='#n16'>16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This module implements the module graph data structure. The module graph
## represents a complete Nim project. Single modules can either be kept in RAM
## or stored in a Sqlite database.
## The caching of modules is critical for 'nimsuggest' and is tricky to get
## right. If module E is being edited, we need autocompletion (and type
## checking) for E but we don't want to recompile depending
## modules right away for faster turnaround times. Instead we mark the module's
## dependencies as 'dirty'. Let D be a dependency of E. If D is dirty, we
## need to recompile it and all of its dependencies that are marked as 'dirty'.
## 'nimsuggest sug' actually is invoked for the file being edited so we know
## its content changed and there is no need to compute any checksums.
## Instead of a recursive algorithm, we use an iterative algorithm:
## - If a module gets recompiled, its dependencies need to be updated.
## - Its dependent module stays the same.

import ast, intsets, tables, options, lineinfos, hashes, idents,
  incremental, btrees, md5

  SigHash* = distinct MD5Digest

  ModuleGraph* = ref object
    modules*: seq[PSym]  ## indexed by int32 fileIdx
    packageSyms*: TStrTable
    deps*: IntSet # the dependency graph or potentially its transitive closure.
    importDeps*: Table[FileIndex, seq[FileIndex]] # explicit import module dependencies
    suggestMode*: bool # whether we are in nimsuggest mode or not.
    invalidTransitiveClosure: bool
    inclToMod*: Table[FileIndex, FileIndex] # mapping of include file to the
                                            # first module that included it
    importStack*: seq[FileIndex]  # The current import stack. Used for detecting recursive
                                  # module dependencies.
    backend*: RootRef # minor hack so that a backend can extend this easily
    config*: ConfigRef
    cache*: IdentCache
    vm*: RootRef # unfortunately the 'vm' state is shared project-wise, this will
                 # be clarified in later compiler implementations.
    doStopCompile*: proc(): bool {.closure.}
    usageSym*: PSym # for nimsuggest
    owners*: seq[PSym]
    methods*: seq[tuple[methods: seq[PSym], dispatcher: PSym]] # needs serialization!
    systemModule*: PSym
    sysTypes*: array[TTypeKind, PType]
    compilerprocs*: TStrTable
    exposed*: TStrTable
    intTypeCache*: array[-5..64, PType]
    opContains*, opNot*: PSym
    emptyNode*: PNode
    incr*: IncrementalCtx
    canonTypes*: Table[SigHash, PType]
    symBodyHashes*: Table[int, SigHash] # symId to digest mapping
    importModuleCallback*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, fileIdx: FileIndex): PSym {.nimcall.}
    includeFileCallback*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, fileIdx: FileIndex): PNode {.nimcall.}
    recordStmt*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; m: PSym; n: PNode) {.nimcall.}
    cacheSeqs*: Table[string, PNode] # state that is shared to support the 'macrocache' API
    cacheCounters*: Table[string, BiggestInt]
    cacheTables*: Table[string, BTree[string, PNode]]
    passes*: seq[TPass]
    onDefinition*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) {.nimcall.}
    onDefinitionResolveForward*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) {.nimcall.}
    onUsage*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) {.nimcall.}
    globalDestructors*: seq[PNode]

  TPassContext* = object of RootObj # the pass's context
  PPassContext* = ref TPassContext

  TPassOpen* = proc (graph: ModuleGraph; module: PSym): PPassContext {.nimcall.}
  TPassClose* = proc (graph: ModuleGraph; p: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode {.nimcall.}
  TPassProcess* = proc (p: PPassContext, topLevelStmt: PNode): PNode {.nimcall.}

  TPass* = tuple[open: TPassOpen,
                 process: TPassProcess,
                 close: TPassClose,
                 isFrontend: bool]

  cb64 = [
    "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N",
    "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
    "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n",
    "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",
    "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9a",
    "9b", "9c"]

proc toBase64a(s: cstring, len: int): string =
  ## encodes `s` into base64 representation.
  result = newStringOfCap(((len + 2) div 3) * 4)
  result.add "__"
  var i = 0
  while i < len - 2:
    let a = ord(s[i])
    let b = ord(s[i+1])
    let c = ord(s[i+2])
    result.add cb64[a shr 2]
    result.add cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]
    result.add cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2) or ((c and 0xC0) shr 6)]
    result.add cb64[c and 0x3F]
    inc(i, 3)
  if i < len-1:
    let a = ord(s[i])
    let b = ord(s[i+1])
    result.add cb64[a shr 2]
    result.add cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]
    result.add cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2)]
  elif i < len:
    let a = ord(s[i])
    result.add cb64[a shr 2]
    result.add cb64[(a and 3) shl 4]

proc `$`*(u: SigHash): string =
  toBase64a(cast[cstring](unsafeAddr u), sizeof(u))

proc `==`*(a, b: SigHash): bool =
  result = equalMem(unsafeAddr a, unsafeAddr b, sizeof(a))

proc hash*(u: SigHash): Hash =
  result = 0
  for x in 0..3:
    result = (result shl 8) or u.MD5Digest[x].int

proc hash*(x: FileIndex): Hash {.borrow.}

when defined(nimfind):
  template onUse*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
    when compiles(c.c.graph):
      if c.c.graph.onUsage != nil: c.c.graph.onUsage(c.c.graph, s, info)
      if c.graph.onUsage != nil: c.graph.onUsage(c.graph, s, info)

  template onDef*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
    when compiles(c.c.graph):
      if c.c.graph.onDefinition != nil: c.c.graph.onDefinition(c.c.graph, s, info)
      if c.graph.onDefinition != nil: c.graph.onDefinition(c.graph, s, info)

  template onDefResolveForward*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
    when compiles(c.c.graph):
      if c.c.graph.onDefinitionResolveForward != nil:
        c.c.graph.onDefinitionResolveForward(c.c.graph, s, info)
      if c.graph.onDefinitionResolveForward != nil:
        c.graph.onDefinitionResolveForward(c.graph, s, info)

  template onUse*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard
  template onDef*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard
  template onDefResolveForward*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard

proc stopCompile*(g: ModuleGraph): bool {.inline.} =
  result = g.doStopCompile != nil and g.doStopCompile()

proc createMagic*(g: ModuleGraph; name: string, m: TMagic): PSym =
  result = newSym(skProc, getIdent(g.cache, name), nil, unknownLineInfo, {})
  result.magic = m

proc newModuleGraph*(cache: IdentCache; config: ConfigRef): ModuleGraph =
  result = ModuleGraph()
  result.deps = initIntSet()
  result.importDeps = initTable[FileIndex, seq[FileIndex]]()
  result.modules = @[]
  result.importStack = @[]
  result.inclToMod = initTable[FileIndex, FileIndex]()
  result.config = config
  result.cache = cache
  result.owners = @[]
  result.methods = @[]
  result.opNot = createMagic(result, "not", mNot)
  result.opContains = createMagic(result, "contains", mInSet)
  result.emptyNode = newNode(nkEmpty)
  result.recordStmt = proc (graph: ModuleGraph; m: PSym; n: PNode) {.nimcall.} =
  result.cacheSeqs = initTable[string, PNode]()
  result.cacheCounters = initTable[string, BiggestInt]()
  result.cacheTables = initTable[string, BTree[string, PNode]]()
  result.canonTypes = initTable[SigHash, PType]()
  result.symBodyHashes = initTable[int, SigHash]()

proc resetAllModules*(g: ModuleGraph) =
  g.deps = initIntSet()
  g.modules = @[]
  g.importStack = @[]
  g.inclToMod = initTable[FileIndex, FileIndex]()
  g.usageSym = nil
  g.owners = @[]
  g.methods = @[]

proc getModule*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex): PSym =
  if fileIdx.int32 >= 0 and fileIdx.int32 < g.modules.len:
    result = g.modules[fileIdx.int32]

proc dependsOn(a, b: int): int {.inline.} = (a shl 15) + b

proc addDep*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, dep: FileIndex) =
  assert m.position ==
  addModuleDep(g.incr, g.config,, dep, isIncludeFile = false)
  if g.suggestMode:
    g.deps.incl m.position.dependsOn(
    # we compute the transitive closure later when querying the graph lazily.
    # this improves efficiency quite a lot:
    #invalidTransitiveClosure = true

proc addIncludeDep*(g: ModuleGraph; module, includeFile: FileIndex) =
  addModuleDep(g.incr, g.config, module, includeFile, isIncludeFile = true)
  discard hasKeyOrPut(g.inclToMod, includeFile, module)

proc parentModule*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex): FileIndex =
  ## returns 'fileIdx' if the file belonging to this index is
  ## directly used as a module or else the module that first
  ## references this include file.
  if fileIdx.int32 >= 0 and fileIdx.int32 < g.modules.len and g.modules[fileIdx.int32] != nil:
    result = fileIdx
    result = g.inclToMod.getOrDefault(fileIdx)

proc transitiveClosure(g: var IntSet; n: int) =
  # warshall's algorithm
  for k in 0..<n:
    for i in 0..<n:
      for j in 0..<n:
        if i != j and not g.contains(i.dependsOn(j)):
          if g.contains(i.dependsOn(k)) and g.contains(k.dependsOn(j)):
            g.incl i.dependsOn(j)

proc markDirty*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex) =
  let m = g.getModule fileIdx
  if m != nil: incl m.flags, sfDirty

proc markClientsDirty*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex) =
  # we need to mark its dependent modules D as dirty right away because after
  # nimsuggest is done with this module, the module's dirty flag will be
  # cleared but D still needs to be remembered as 'dirty'.
  if g.invalidTransitiveClosure:
    g.invalidTransitiveClosure = false
    transitiveClosure(g.deps, g.modules.len)

  # every module that *depends* on this file is also dirty:
  for i in 0i32..<g.modules.len.int32:
    let m = g.modules[i]
    if m != nil and g.deps.contains(i.dependsOn(
      incl m.flags, sfDirty

proc isDirty*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym): bool =
  result = g.suggestMode and sfDirty in m.flags