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path: root/tinyc/examples
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* TinyC upgrade (#6593)Dmitry Atamanov2017-10-283-4/+3
* Removes executable bit for text files.Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz2013-03-165-0/+0
* tiny C support; cosmetic improvements for the docsAraq2010-08-285-0/+164
n32' href='#n32'>32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
import nake
import httpclient, zip/zipfiles, times, random, sequtils


  GameAssets = ""
  BinLibs = ""
  ExeName = "keineschweine"
  ServerDefines = "-d:NoSFML -d:NoChipmunk"
  TestBuildDefines = "-d:escapeMenuTest -d:debugWeps -d:showFPS -d:moreNim -d:debugKeys -d:foo -d:recordMode --forceBuild"
  ReleaseDefines = "-d:release"
  ReleaseTestDefines = "-d:debugWeps -d:debugKeys --forceBuild"

task "testprofile", "..":
  if shell("nim", TestBuildDefines, "--profiler:on", "--stacktrace:on", "compile", ExeName) == 0:
    shell "."/ExeName, "offline"

task "test", "Build with test defines":
  if shell("nim", TestBuildDefines, "compile", ExeName) != 0:
    quit "The build failed."

task "testrun", "Build with test defines and run":
  runTask "test"
  shell "."/ExeName

task "test2", "Build release test build test release build":
  if shell("nim", ReleaseDefines, ReleaseTestDefines, "compile", ExeName) == 0:
    shell "."/ExeName

discard """task "dirserver", "build the directory server":
  withDir "server":
    if shell("nim", ServerDefines, "compile", "dirserver") != 0:
      echo "Failed to build the dirserver"
      quit 1"""

task "zoneserver", "build the zone server":
  withDir "enet_server":
    if shell("nim", ServerDefines, "compile", "enet_server") != 0:
      quit "Failed to build the zoneserver"
task "zoneserver-gui", "build the zone server, with gui!":
  withDir "enet_server":
    if shell("nim", ServerDefines, "--app:gui", "compile", "enet_server") != 0:
      quit "Failed to build the zoneserver"

task "servers", "build the server and directory server":
  #runTask "dirserver"
  runTask "zoneserver"
  echo "Successfully built both servers :')"

task "all", "run SERVERS and TEST tasks":
  runTask "servers"
  runTask "test"

task "release", "release build":
  let res = shell("nim", ReleaseDefines, "compile", ExeName)
  if res != 0:
    echo "The build failed."
    quit 1
    runTask "clean"
    ## zip up all the files and such or something useful here

task "testskel", "create skeleton test dir for testing":
  let dirname = "test-"& $random(5000)
  removeDir dirName
  createDir dirName/"data/fnt"
  copyFile "data/fnt/LiberationMono-Regular", dirName/"data/fnt/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf"
  copyFile "client_settings.json", dirName/"client_settings.json"
  runTask "test"
  copyFile ExeName, dirName/ExeName
  withDir dirName:
    shell "."/ExeName

task "clean", "cleanup generated files":
  var dirs = @["nimcache", "server"/"nimcache"]
  dirs.apply(proc(x: var string) =
    if existsDir(x): removeDir(x))

task "download", "download game assets":
    skipAssets = false
    path = expandFilename("data")
    client = newHttpClient()
  path.add DirSep
  if existsFile(path):
    echo "The file already exists\n",
      "[R]emove  [M]ove  [Q]uit  [S]kip    Source: ", GameAssets
    case stdin.readLine.toLowerAscii
    of "r":
      removeFile path
    of "m":
      moveFile path, path/../(extractFilename(GameAssets)&"-old")
    of "s":
      skipAssets = true
      quit 0
    echo "Downloading from ", GameAssets
  if not skipAssets:
    echo "Downloading to ", path
    client.downloadFile(GameAssets, path)
    echo "Download finished"

    let targetDir = parentDir(parentDir(path))
    when defined(linux):
      let z7 = findExe("7z")
      if z7 == "":
        echo "Could not find 7z"
      elif shell(z7, "t", path) != 0: ##note to self: make sure this is right
        echo "Bad download"
        echo "Unpacking..."
        shell(z7, "x", "-w[$1]" % targetDir, path)
      echo "I do not know how to unpack the data on this system. Perhaps you could ",
        "fill this part in?"

  echo "Download binary libs? Only libs for linux are available currently, enjoy the irony.\n",
    "[Y]es [N]o   Source: ", BinLibs
  case stdin.readline.toLowerAscii
  of "y", "yes":
    discard ## o_O
  path = extractFilename(BinLibs)
  client.downloadFile(BinLibs, path)
  echo "Downloaded dem libs ", path
  when true: echo "Unpack it yourself, sorry."
  else:  ## this crashes, dunno why
      z: TZipArchive
      destDir = getCurrentDir()/("unzip"& $random(5000))
    if not, fmRead):
      echo "Could not open zip, bad download?"
    echo "Extracting to ", destDir
    createDir destDir
    #z.extractAll destDir
    for f in z.walkFiles():
      z.extractFile(f, destDir/f)
    echo "Extracted the libs dir. Copy the ones you need to this dir."

task "zip-lib", "zip up the libs dir":
  var z: ZipArchive
  if not"libs-" & getDateStr() & ".zip", fmReadWrite):
    quit "Could not open zip"
  for file in walkDirRec("libs", {pcFile, pcDir}):
    echo "adding file ", file
  echo "Great success!"