summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/tools/trimcc.nim
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* attempt to re-enable trimcc toolAraq2017-01-061-7/+7
* fixes #2723Simon Krauter2017-01-041-1/+1
| | | Added libgdi32.a and libcomdlg32.a to list of essential files
* Improve the trimcc tool's batching algorithm.Clay Sweetser2014-10-141-80/+127
* improved trimcc toolAraq2014-10-091-20/+118
* Make nimrepl and trimcc tools compiledef2014-08-011-1/+1
* minor tweaks; updated todo.txtAraq2014-04-251-1/+1
* fixed typos in the manual; kept trimcc tool up to dateAraq2013-05-211-2/+2
* Removes executable bit for text files.Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz2013-03-161-0/+0
* anonymous procs implemented; however no closure support yetAraq2011-08-011-1/+1
* clean exit codes for all the toolsAraq2011-08-011-1/+1
* fixed pango/pangoutils new wrappersAndreas Rumpf2010-02-261-0/+0
* bugfixes for unicode; xmlparser; htmlparser; scannerrumpf_a@web.de2010-02-201-1/+1
* continued work on html/xmlparserrumpf_a@web.de2010-02-141-0/+0
* implemented multi methodsAndreas Rumpf2009-09-231-3/+4
* added tools and web dirsAndreas Rumpf2009-09-151-0/+28
256'>256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359
#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## The ``parsecfg`` module implements a high performance configuration file 
## parser. The configuration file's syntax is similar to the Windows ``.ini`` 
## format, but much more powerful, as it is not a line based parser. String 
## literals, raw string literals and triple quoted string literals are supported 
## as in the Nimrod programming language.

## This is an example of how a configuration file may look like:
## .. include:: doc/mytest.cfg
##     :literal:
## The file ``examples/parsecfgex.nim`` demonstrates how to use the 
## configuration file parser:
## .. code-block:: nimrod
##     :file: examples/parsecfgex.nim

  hashes, strutils, lexbase, streams

include "system/inclrtl"

  TCfgEventKind* = enum ## enumeration of all events that may occur when parsing
    cfgEof,             ## end of file reached
    cfgSectionStart,    ## a ``[section]`` has been parsed
    cfgKeyValuePair,    ## a ``key=value`` pair has been detected
    cfgOption,          ## a ``--key=value`` command line option
    cfgError            ## an error ocurred during parsing
  TCfgEvent* = object of TObject ## describes a parsing event
    case kind*: TCfgEventKind    ## the kind of the event
    of cfgEof: nil
    of cfgSectionStart: 
      section*: string           ## `section` contains the name of the 
                                 ## parsed section start (syntax: ``[section]``)
    of cfgKeyValuePair, cfgOption: 
      key*, value*: string       ## contains the (key, value) pair if an option
                                 ## of the form ``--key: value`` or an ordinary
                                 ## ``key= value`` pair has been parsed.
                                 ## ``value==""`` if it was not specified in the
                                 ## configuration file.
    of cfgError:                 ## the parser encountered an error: `msg`
      msg*: string               ## contains the error message. No exceptions
                                 ## are thrown if a parse error occurs.
  TTokKind = enum 
    tkInvalid, tkEof,        
    tkSymbol, tkEquals, tkColon, tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkDashDash
  TToken {.final.} = object  # a token
    kind: TTokKind           # the type of the token
    literal: string          # the parsed (string) literal
  TCfgParser* = object of TBaseLexer ## the parser object.
    tok: TToken
    filename: string

# implementation

  SymChars: TCharSet = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF', '.',
                        '/', '\\'} 
proc rawGetTok(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken)

proc open*(c: var TCfgParser, input: PStream, filename: string, 
           lineOffset = 0) {.
  rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## initializes the parser with an input stream. `Filename` is only used
  ## for nice error messages. `lineOffset` can be used to influence the line
  ## number information in the generated error messages., input)
  c.filename = filename
  c.tok.kind = tkInvalid
  c.tok.literal = ""
  inc(c.lineNumber, lineOffset)
  rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
proc close*(c: var TCfgParser) {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## closes the parser `c` and its associated input stream.

proc getColumn*(c: TCfgParser): int {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## get the current column the parser has arrived at.
  result = getColNumber(c, c.bufpos)

proc getLine*(c: TCfgParser): int {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## get the current line the parser has arrived at.
  result = c.lineNumber

proc getFilename*(c: TCfgParser): string {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## get the filename of the file that the parser processes.
  result = c.filename

proc handleHexChar(c: var TCfgParser, xi: var int) = 
  case c.buf[c.bufpos]
  of '0'..'9': 
    xi = (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('0'))
  of 'a'..'f': 
    xi = (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('a') + 10)
  of 'A'..'F': 
    xi = (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('A') + 10)

proc handleDecChars(c: var TCfgParser, xi: var int) = 
  while c.buf[c.bufpos] in {'0'..'9'}: 
    xi = (xi * 10) + (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('0'))

proc getEscapedChar(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken) = 
  inc(c.bufpos)               # skip '\'
  case c.buf[c.bufpos]
  of 'n', 'N': 
    add(tok.literal, "\n")
  of 'r', 'R', 'c', 'C': 
    add(tok.literal, '\c')
  of 'l', 'L': 
    add(tok.literal, '\L')
  of 'f', 'F': 
    add(tok.literal, '\f')
  of 'e', 'E': 
    add(tok.literal, '\e')
  of 'a', 'A': 
    add(tok.literal, '\a')
  of 'b', 'B': 
    add(tok.literal, '\b')
  of 'v', 'V': 
    add(tok.literal, '\v')
  of 't', 'T': 
    add(tok.literal, '\t')
  of '\'', '"': 
    add(tok.literal, c.buf[c.bufpos])
  of '\\': 
    add(tok.literal, '\\')
  of 'x', 'X': 
    var xi = 0
    handleHexChar(c, xi)
    handleHexChar(c, xi)
    add(tok.literal, chr(xi))
  of '0'..'9': 
    var xi = 0
    handleDecChars(c, xi)
    if (xi <= 255): add(tok.literal, chr(xi))
    else: tok.kind = tkInvalid
  else: tok.kind = tkInvalid
proc handleCRLF(c: var TCfgParser, pos: int): int = 
  case c.buf[pos]
  of '\c': result = lexbase.handleCR(c, pos)
  of '\L': result = lexbase.handleLF(c, pos)
  else: result = pos
proc getString(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken, rawMode: bool) = 
  var pos = c.bufpos + 1          # skip "
  var buf = c.buf                 # put `buf` in a register
  tok.kind = tkSymbol
  if (buf[pos] == '"') and (buf[pos + 1] == '"'): 
    # long string literal:
    inc(pos, 2)               # skip ""
                              # skip leading newline:
    pos = handleCRLF(c, pos)
    buf = c.buf
    while true: 
      case buf[pos]
      of '"': 
        if (buf[pos + 1] == '"') and (buf[pos + 2] == '"'): break 
        add(tok.literal, '"')
      of '\c', '\L': 
        pos = handleCRLF(c, pos)
        buf = c.buf
        add(tok.literal, "\n")
      of lexbase.EndOfFile: 
        tok.kind = tkInvalid
        add(tok.literal, buf[pos])
    c.bufpos = pos + 3       # skip the three """
    # ordinary string literal
    while true: 
      var ch = buf[pos]
      if ch == '"': 
        inc(pos)              # skip '"'
      if ch in {'\c', '\L', lexbase.EndOfFile}: 
        tok.kind = tkInvalid
      if (ch == '\\') and not rawMode: 
        c.bufpos = pos
        getEscapedChar(c, tok)
        pos = c.bufpos
        add(tok.literal, ch)
    c.bufpos = pos

proc getSymbol(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken) = 
  var pos = c.bufpos
  var buf = c.buf
  while true: 
    add(tok.literal, buf[pos])
    if not (buf[pos] in SymChars): break 
  c.bufpos = pos
  tok.kind = tkSymbol

proc skip(c: var TCfgParser) = 
  var pos = c.bufpos
  var buf = c.buf
  while true: 
    case buf[pos]
    of ' ', '\t': 
    of '#', ';': 
      while not (buf[pos] in {'\c', '\L', lexbase.EndOfFile}): inc(pos)
    of '\c', '\L': 
      pos = handleCRLF(c, pos)
      buf = c.buf
      break                   # EndOfFile also leaves the loop
  c.bufpos = pos

proc rawGetTok(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken) = 
  tok.kind = tkInvalid
  setLen(tok.literal, 0)
  case c.buf[c.bufpos]
  of '=': 
    tok.kind = tkEquals
    tok.literal = "="
  of '-': 
    if c.buf[c.bufpos] == '-': inc(c.bufpos)
    tok.kind = tkDashDash
    tok.literal = "--"
  of ':': 
    tok.kind = tkColon
    tok.literal = ":"
  of 'r', 'R': 
    if c.buf[c.bufpos + 1] == '\"': 
      getString(c, tok, true)
      getSymbol(c, tok)
  of '[': 
    tok.kind = tkBracketLe
    tok.literal = "]"
  of ']': 
    tok.kind = tkBracketRi
    tok.literal = "]"
  of '"': 
    getString(c, tok, false)
  of lexbase.EndOfFile: 
    tok.kind = tkEof
    tok.literal = "[EOF]"
  else: getSymbol(c, tok)
proc errorStr*(c: TCfgParser, msg: string): string {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## returns a properly formated error message containing current line and
  ## column information.
  result = `%`("$1($2, $3) Error: $4", 
               [c.filename, $getLine(c), $getColumn(c), msg])
proc warningStr*(c: TCfgParser, msg: string): string {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## returns a properly formated warning message containing current line and
  ## column information.
  result = `%`("$1($2, $3) Warning: $4", 
               [c.filename, $getLine(c), $getColumn(c), msg])

proc ignoreMsg*(c: TCfgParser, e: TCfgEvent): string {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## returns a properly formated warning message containing that
  ## an entry is ignored.
  case e.kind 
  of cfgSectionStart: result = c.warningStr("section ignored: " & e.section)
  of cfgKeyValuePair: result = c.warningStr("key ignored: " & e.key)
  of cfgOption: 
    result = c.warningStr("command ignored: " & e.key & ": " & e.value)
  of cfgError: result = e.msg
  of cfgEof: result = ""

proc getKeyValPair(c: var TCfgParser, kind: TCfgEventKind): TCfgEvent = 
  if c.tok.kind == tkSymbol: 
    result.kind = kind
    result.key = c.tok.literal
    result.value = ""
    rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
    if c.tok.kind in {tkEquals, tkColon}: 
      rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
      if c.tok.kind == tkSymbol: 
        result.value = c.tok.literal
        reset result
        result.kind = cfgError
        result.msg = errorStr(c, "symbol expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
      rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
    result.kind = cfgError
    result.msg = errorStr(c, "symbol expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
    rawGetTok(c, c.tok)

proc next*(c: var TCfgParser): TCfgEvent {.rtl, extern: "npc$1".} =
  ## retrieves the first/next event. This controls the parser.
  case c.tok.kind  
  of tkEof: 
    result.kind = cfgEof
  of tkDashDash: 
    rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
    result = getKeyValPair(c, cfgOption)
  of tkSymbol: 
    result = getKeyValPair(c, cfgKeyValuePair)
  of tkBracketLe: 
    rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
    if c.tok.kind == tkSymbol: 
      result.kind = cfgSectionStart
      result.section = c.tok.literal
      result.kind = cfgError
      result.msg = errorStr(c, "symbol expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
    rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
    if c.tok.kind == tkBracketRi: 
      rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
      result.kind = cfgError
      result.msg = errorStr(c, "']' expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
  of tkInvalid, tkEquals, tkColon, tkBracketRi: 
    result.kind = cfgError
    result.msg = errorStr(c, "invalid token: " & c.tok.literal)
    rawGetTok(c, c.tok)