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path: root/src/html/dom.nim
blob: 3e5dddd00a7eb40ab179f8c41ee1e9244be8b8aa (plain) (tree)






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































import std/algorithm
import std/deques
import std/math
import std/options
import std/sets
import std/strutils
import std/tables

import chagashi/charset
import chagashi/decoder
import chame/tags
import css/cssparser
import css/cssvalues
import css/mediaquery
import css/sheet
import html/catom
import html/enums
import html/event
import html/script
import img/bitmap
import img/painter
import img/path
import io/dynstream
import io/promise
import js/console
import js/domexception
import js/timeout
import loader/headers
import loader/loader
import loader/request
import monoucha/fromjs
import monoucha/javascript
import monoucha/jserror
import monoucha/jsopaque
import monoucha/jspropenumlist
import monoucha/jsutils
import monoucha/tojs
import types/blob
import types/color
import types/matrix
import types/opt
import types/referrer
import types/url
import types/vector
import types/winattrs
import utils/mimeguess
import utils/strwidth
import utils/twtstr

  FormMethod* = enum
    fmGet = "get"
    fmPost = "post"
    fmDialog = "dialog"

  FormEncodingType* = enum
    fetUrlencoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    fetMultipart = "multipart/form-data",
    fetTextPlain = "text/plain"

type DocumentReadyState* = enum
  rsLoading = "loading"
  rsInteractive = "interactive"
  rsComplete = "complete"

  DependencyType* = enum
    dtHover, dtChecked, dtFocus

  Location = ref object
    window: Window

  Window* = ref object of EventTarget
    attrs*: WindowAttributes
    internalConsole*: Console
    navigator* {.jsget.}: Navigator
    screen* {.jsget.}: Screen
    settings*: EnvironmentSettings
    loader*: FileLoader
    location* {.jsget.}: Location
    jsrt*: JSRuntime
    jsctx*: JSContext
    document* {.jsufget.}: Document
    timeouts*: TimeoutState
    navigate*: proc(url: URL)
    importMapsAllowed*: bool
    factory*: CAtomFactory
    loadingResourcePromises*: seq[EmptyPromise]
    images*: bool
    # ID of the next image
    imageId: int

  # Navigator stuff
  Navigator* = object
    plugins: PluginArray

  PluginArray* = object

  MimeTypeArray* = object

  Screen* = object

  NamedNodeMap = ref object
    element: Element
    attrlist: seq[Attr]

  Collection = ref CollectionObj
  CollectionObj = object of RootObj
    islive: bool
    childonly: bool
    root: Node
    match: proc(node: Node): bool {.noSideEffect.}
    snapshot: seq[Node]
    livelen: int

  NodeList = ref object of Collection

  HTMLCollection = ref object of Collection

  HTMLAllCollection = ref object of Collection

  DOMTokenList = ref object
    toks*: seq[CAtom]
    element: Element
    localName: CAtom

  DOMStringMap = object
    target {.cursor.}: HTMLElement

  Node* = ref object of EventTarget
    childList*: seq[Node]
    parentNode* {.jsget.}: Node
    index*: int # Index in parents children. -1 for nodes without a parent.
    # Live collection cache: pointers to live collections are saved in all
    # nodes they refer to. These are removed when the collection is destroyed,
    # and invalidated when the owner node's children or attributes change.
    liveCollections: HashSet[pointer]
    childNodes_cached: NodeList
    document_internal: Document # not nil

  Attr* = ref object of Node
    dataIdx: int
    ownerElement*: Element

  DOMImplementation = object
    document: Document

  DocumentWriteBuffer* = ref object
    data*: string
    i*: int

  Document* = ref object of Node
    factory*: CAtomFactory
    charset*: Charset
    window* {.jsget: "defaultView".}: Window
    url* {.jsget: "URL".}: URL
    mode*: QuirksMode
    currentScript: HTMLScriptElement
    isxml*: bool
    implementation {.jsget.}: DOMImplementation
    origin: Origin
    readyState* {.jsget.}: DocumentReadyState
    # document.write
    ignoreDestructiveWrites: int
    throwOnDynamicMarkupInsertion: int
    activeParserWasAborted: bool
    writeBuffers*: seq[DocumentWriteBuffer]

    scriptsToExecSoon*: seq[HTMLScriptElement]
    scriptsToExecInOrder*: Deque[HTMLScriptElement]
    scriptsToExecOnLoad*: Deque[HTMLScriptElement]
    parserBlockingScript*: HTMLScriptElement

    parser_cannot_change_the_mode_flag*: bool
    is_iframe_srcdoc*: bool
    focus*: Element
    contentType* {.jsget.}: string

    renderBlockingElements: seq[Element]

    invalidCollections: HashSet[pointer] # pointers to Collection objects

    all_cached: HTMLAllCollection
    cachedSheets: seq[CSSStylesheet]
    cachedSheetsInvalid*: bool
    children_cached: HTMLCollection
    #TODO I hate this but I really don't want to put chadombuilder into dom too
    parser*: pointer

  CharacterData* = ref object of Node
    data* {.jsget.}: string

  Text* = ref object of CharacterData

  Comment* = ref object of CharacterData

  CDATASection = ref object of CharacterData

  ProcessingInstruction = ref object of CharacterData
    target {.jsget.}: string

  DocumentFragment* = ref object of Node
    host*: Element
    children_cached*: HTMLCollection

  DocumentType* = ref object of Node
    name*: string
    publicId*: string
    systemId*: string

  AttrData* = object
    qualifiedName*: CAtom
    localName*: CAtom
    prefix*: CAtom
    namespace*: CAtom
    value*: string

  Element* = ref object of Node
    namespace*: Namespace
    namespacePrefix*: NamespacePrefix
    prefix*: string
    localName*: CAtom

    id*: CAtom
    name*: CAtom
    classList* {.jsget.}: DOMTokenList
    attrs: seq[AttrData] # sorted by int(qualifiedName)
    attributesInternal: NamedNodeMap
    hover*: bool
    invalid*: bool
    style_cached*: CSSStyleDeclaration
    children_cached: HTMLCollection

    # The owner StyledNode is marked as invalid when one of these no longer
    # matches the DOM value.
    prev*: array[DependencyType, bool]

  AttrDummyElement = ref object of Element

  CSSStyleDeclaration* = ref object
    decls*: seq[CSSDeclaration]
    element: Element

  HTMLElement* = ref object of Element
    dataset {.jsget.}: DOMStringMap

  FormAssociatedElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    form*: HTMLFormElement
    parserInserted*: bool

  HTMLInputElement* = ref object of FormAssociatedElement
    inputType*: InputType
    value* {.jsget.}: string
    checked* {.jsget.}: bool
    xcoord*: int
    ycoord*: int
    file*: WebFile

  HTMLAnchorElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    relList {.jsget.}: DOMTokenList

  HTMLSelectElement* = ref object of FormAssociatedElement

  HTMLSpanElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLOptGroupElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLOptionElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    selected*: bool

  HTMLHeadingElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLBRElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLMenuElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLUListElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLOListElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLLIElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    value* {.jsget.}: Option[int32]

  HTMLStyleElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    sheet: CSSStylesheet

  HTMLLinkElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    sheet*: CSSStylesheet
    relList {.jsget.}: DOMTokenList
    fetchStarted: bool

  HTMLFormElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    constructingEntryList*: bool
    controls*: seq[FormAssociatedElement]
    relList {.jsget.}: DOMTokenList

  HTMLTemplateElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    content*: DocumentFragment

  HTMLUnknownElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLScriptElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    parserDocument*: Document
    preparationTimeDocument*: Document
    forceAsync*: bool
    external*: bool
    readyForParserExec*: bool
    alreadyStarted*: bool
    delayingTheLoadEvent: bool
    ctype: ScriptType
    internalNonce: string
    scriptResult*: ScriptResult
    onReady: (proc())

  HTMLBaseElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLAreaElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    relList {.jsget.}: DOMTokenList

  HTMLButtonElement* = ref object of FormAssociatedElement
    ctype*: ButtonType
    value* {.jsget, jsset.}: string

  HTMLTextAreaElement* = ref object of FormAssociatedElement
    value* {.jsget.}: string

  HTMLLabelElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLCanvasElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    ctx2d: CanvasRenderingContext2D
    bitmap*: Bitmap

  DrawingState = object
    # CanvasTransform
    transformMatrix: Matrix
    # CanvasFillStrokeStyles
    fillStyle: ARGBColor
    strokeStyle: ARGBColor
    # CanvasPathDrawingStyles
    lineWidth: float64
    # CanvasTextDrawingStyles
    textAlign: CSSTextAlign
    # CanvasPath
    path: Path

  RenderingContext = ref object of RootObj

  CanvasRenderingContext2D = ref object of RenderingContext
    canvas {.jsget.}: HTMLCanvasElement
    bitmap: Bitmap
    state: DrawingState
    stateStack: seq[DrawingState]

  TextMetrics = ref object
    # x-direction
    width {.jsget.}: float64
    actualBoundingBoxLeft {.jsget.}: float64
    actualBoundingBoxRight {.jsget.}: float64
    # y-direction
    fontBoundingBoxAscent {.jsget.}: float64
    fontBoundingBoxDescent {.jsget.}: float64
    actualBoundingBoxAscent {.jsget.}: float64
    actualBoundingBoxDescent {.jsget.}: float64
    emHeightAscent {.jsget.}: float64
    emHeightDescent {.jsget.}: float64
    hangingBaseline {.jsget.}: float64
    alphabeticBaseline {.jsget.}: float64
    ideographicBaseline {.jsget.}: float64

  HTMLImageElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
    bitmap*: Bitmap
    fetchStarted: bool

  HTMLVideoElement* = ref object of HTMLElement

  HTMLAudioElement* = ref object of HTMLElement



proc parseColor(element: Element; s: string): ARGBColor

func console(window: Window): Console =
  return window.internalConsole

proc resetTransform(state: var DrawingState) =
  state.transformMatrix = newIdentityMatrix(3)

proc resetState(state: var DrawingState) =
  state.fillStyle = rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)
  state.strokeStyle = rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)
  state.path = newPath()

proc create2DContext*(jctx: JSContext; target: HTMLCanvasElement;
    options: Option[JSValue]): CanvasRenderingContext2D =
  let ctx = CanvasRenderingContext2D(
    bitmap: target.bitmap,
    canvas: target
  return ctx

# CanvasState
proc save(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =

proc restore(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =
  if ctx.stateStack.len > 0:
    ctx.state = ctx.stateStack.pop()

proc reset(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =
  #TODO empty list of subpaths

# CanvasTransform
#TODO scale
proc rotate(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; angle: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  if classify(angle) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  ctx.state.transformMatrix *= newMatrix(
    me = @[
      cos(angle), -sin(angle), 0,
      sin(angle), cos(angle), 0,
      0, 0, 1
    w = 3,
    h = 3

proc translate(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [x, y]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  ctx.state.transformMatrix *= newMatrix(
    me = @[
      1f64, 0, x,
      0, 1, y,
      0, 0, 1
    w = 3,
    h = 3

proc transform(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; a, b, c, d, e, f: float64)
    {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [a, b, c, d, e, f]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  ctx.state.transformMatrix *= newMatrix(
    me = @[
      a, c, e,
      b, d, f,
      0, 0, 1
    w = 3,
    h = 3

#TODO getTransform, setTransform with DOMMatrix (i.e. we're missing DOMMatrix)
proc setTransform(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; a, b, c, d, e, f: float64)
    {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [a, b, c, d, e, f]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f)

proc resetTransform(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =

func transform(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; v: Vector2D): Vector2D =
  let mul = ctx.state.transformMatrix * newMatrix(@[v.x, v.y, 1], 1, 3)
  return Vector2D(x: mul.me[0], y: mul.me[1])

# CanvasFillStrokeStyles
proc fillStyle(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): string {.jsfget.} =
  return ctx.state.fillStyle.serialize()

proc fillStyle(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; s: string) {.jsfset.} =
  #TODO gradient, pattern
  ctx.state.fillStyle = ctx.canvas.parseColor(s)

proc strokeStyle(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): string {.jsfget.} =
  return ctx.state.strokeStyle.serialize()

proc strokeStyle(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; s: string) {.jsfset.} =
  #TODO gradient, pattern
  ctx.state.strokeStyle = ctx.canvas.parseColor(s)

# CanvasRect
proc clearRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [x, y, w, h]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  #TODO clipping regions (right now we just clip to default)
  let bw = float64(ctx.bitmap.width)
  let bh = float64(ctx.bitmap.height)
  let x0 = uint64(min(max(x, 0), bw))
  let x1 = uint64(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
  let y0 = uint64(min(max(y, 0), bh))
  let y1 = uint64(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
  ctx.bitmap.clearRect(x0, x1, y0, y1)

proc fillRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [x, y, w, h]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  #TODO do we have to clip here?
  if w == 0 or h == 0:
  let bw = float64(ctx.bitmap.width)
  let bh = float64(ctx.bitmap.height)
  let x0 = uint64(min(max(x, 0), bw))
  let x1 = uint64(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
  let y0 = uint64(min(max(y, 0), bh))
  let y1 = uint64(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
  ctx.bitmap.fillRect(x0, x1, y0, y1, ctx.state.fillStyle)

proc strokeRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [x, y, w, h]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  #TODO do we have to clip here?
  if w == 0 or h == 0:
  let bw = float64(ctx.bitmap.width)
  let bh = float64(ctx.bitmap.height)
  let x0 = uint64(min(max(x, 0), bw))
  let x1 = uint64(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
  let y0 = uint64(min(max(y, 0), bh))
  let y1 = uint64(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
  ctx.bitmap.strokeRect(x0, x1, y0, y1, ctx.state.strokeStyle)

# CanvasDrawPath
proc beginPath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =

proc fill(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; fillRule = cfrNonZero) {.jsfunc.} =
  #TODO path
  ctx.bitmap.fillPath(ctx.state.path, ctx.state.fillStyle, fillRule)

proc stroke(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} = #TODO path
  ctx.bitmap.strokePath(ctx.state.path, ctx.state.strokeStyle)

proc clip(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; fillRule = cfrNonZero) {.jsfunc.} =
  #TODO path
  discard #TODO implement

#TODO clip, ...

# CanvasUserInterface

# CanvasText
const unifont = readFile"res/unifont_jp-15.0.05.png"
proc loadUnifont(window: Window) =
  #TODO this is very wrong, we should move the unifont file in a CGI script or
  # something
  if unifontBitmap != nil:
  let request = newRequest(
    httpMethod = hmPost,
    body = RequestBody(t: rbtString, s: unifont)
  let response = window.loader.doRequest(request)
  assert response.res == 0
  let dims = response.headers.table["Cha-Image-Dimensions"][0]
  let width = parseUInt64(dims.until('x'), allowSign = false).get
  let height = parseUInt64(dims.after('x'), allowSign = false).get
  let len = int(width) * int(height)
  let bitmap = ImageBitmap(
    px: cast[seq[RGBAColorBE]](newSeqUninitialized[uint32](len)),
    width: width,
    height: height
  response.body.recvDataLoop(addr bitmap.px[0], len * 4)
  unifontBitmap = bitmap

#TODO maxwidth
proc fillText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string; x, y: float64)
    {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [x, y]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  #TODO should not be loaded here...
  let vec = ctx.transform(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
  ctx.bitmap.fillText(text, vec.x, vec.y, ctx.state.fillStyle,

#TODO maxwidth
proc strokeText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string; x, y: float64)
    {.jsfunc.} =
  for v in [x, y]:
    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  #TODO should not be loaded here...
  let vec = ctx.transform(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
  ctx.bitmap.strokeText(text, vec.x, vec.y, ctx.state.strokeStyle,

proc measureText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string): TextMetrics
    {.jsfunc.} =
  let tw = text.width()
  return TextMetrics(
    width: 8 * float64(tw),
    actualBoundingBoxLeft: 0,
    actualBoundingBoxRight: 8 * float64(tw),
    #TODO and the rest...

# CanvasDrawImage

# CanvasImageData

# CanvasPathDrawingStyles
proc lineWidth(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): float64 {.jsfget.} =
  return ctx.state.lineWidth

proc lineWidth(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; f: float64) {.jsfset.} =
  if classify(f) in {fcZero, fcNegZero, fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
  ctx.state.lineWidth = f

proc setLineDash(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; segments: seq[float64])
    {.jsfunc.} =
  discard #TODO implement

proc getLineDash(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): seq[float64] {.jsfunc.} =
  discard #TODO implement

# CanvasTextDrawingStyles
proc textAlign(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): string {.jsfget.} =
  case ctx.state.textAlign
  of TextAlignStart: return "start"
  of TextAlignEnd: return "end"
  of TextAlignLeft: return "left"
  of TextAlignRight: return "right"
  of TextAlignCenter: return "center"
  else: doAssert false

proc textAlign(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; s: string) {.jsfset.} =
  ctx.state.textAlign = case s
  of "start": TextAlignStart
  of "end": TextAlignEnd
  of "left": TextAlignLeft
  of "right": TextAlignRight
  of "center": TextAlignCenter
  else: ctx.state.textAlign

# CanvasPath
proc closePath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =

proc moveTo(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  ctx.state.path.moveTo(x, y)

proc lineTo(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  ctx.state.path.lineTo(x, y)

proc quadraticCurveTo(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; cpx, cpy, x,
    y: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  ctx.state.path.quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y)

proc arcTo(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: float64):
    Err[DOMException] {.jsfunc.} =
  return ctx.state.path.arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius)

proc arc(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, radius, startAngle,
    endAngle: float64; counterclockwise = false): Err[DOMException]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  return ctx.state.path.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle,

proc ellipse(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation,
    startAngle, endAngle: float64; counterclockwise = false): Err[DOMException]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  return ctx.state.path.ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle,
    endAngle, counterclockwise)

proc rect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
  ctx.state.path.rect(x, y, w, h)

proc roundRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h, radii: float64)
    {.jsfunc.} =
  ctx.state.path.roundRect(x, y, w, h, radii)

# Reflected attributes.
  ReflectType = enum
    rtStr, rtBool, rtLong, rtUlongGz, rtUlong, rtFunction

  ReflectEntry = object
    attrname: StaticAtom
    funcname: string
    tags: set[TagType]
    case t: ReflectType
    of rtLong:
      i: int32
    of rtUlong, rtUlongGz:
      u: uint32
    of rtFunction:
      ctype: string
    else: discard

func attrType0(s: static string): StaticAtom =
  return parseEnum[StaticAtom](s)

template toset(ts: openArray[TagType]): set[TagType] =
  var tags: system.set[TagType]
  for tag in ts:

func makes(name: static string; ts: set[TagType]): ReflectEntry =
  const attrname = attrType0(name)
    attrname: attrname,
    funcname: name,
    t: rtStr,
    tags: ts

func makes(attrname, funcname: static string; ts: set[TagType]):
    ReflectEntry =
  const attrname = attrType0(attrname)
    attrname: attrname,
    funcname: funcname,
    t: rtStr,
    tags: ts

func makes(name: static string; ts: varargs[TagType]): ReflectEntry =
  makes(name, toset(ts))

func makes(attrname, funcname: static string; ts: varargs[TagType]):
    ReflectEntry =
  makes(attrname, funcname, toset(ts))

func makeb(attrname, funcname: static string; ts: varargs[TagType]):
    ReflectEntry =
  const attrname = attrType0(attrname)
    attrname: attrname,
    funcname: funcname,
    t: rtBool,
    tags: toset(ts)

func makeb(name: static string; ts: varargs[TagType]): ReflectEntry =
  makeb(name, name, ts)

func makeul(name: static string; ts: varargs[TagType]; default = 0u32):
    ReflectEntry =
  const attrname = attrType0(name)
    attrname: attrname,
    funcname: name,
    t: rtUlong,
    tags: toset(ts),
    u: default

func makeulgz(name: static string; ts: varargs[TagType]; default = 0u32):
    ReflectEntry =
  const attrname = attrType0(name)
    attrname: attrname,
    funcname: name,
    t: rtUlongGz,
    tags: toset(ts),
    u: default

func makef(name: static string; ts: set[TagType]; ctype: string): ReflectEntry =
  const attrname = attrType0(name)
    attrname: attrname,
    funcname: name,
    t: rtFunction,
    tags: ts,
    ctype: ctype

const ReflectTable0 = [
  # non-global attributes
  makes("target", TAG_A, TAG_AREA, TAG_LABEL, TAG_LINK),
  makes("href", TAG_LINK),
  makeb("required", TAG_INPUT, TAG_SELECT, TAG_TEXTAREA),
  makeb("novalidate", "noValidate", TAG_FORM),
  makes("rel", TAG_A, TAG_LINK, TAG_LABEL),
  makes("for", "htmlFor", TAG_LABEL),
  makeul("cols", TAG_TEXTAREA, 20u32),
  makeul("rows", TAG_TEXTAREA, 1u32),
#> For historical reasons, the default value of the size IDL attribute does
#> not return the actual size used, which, in the absence of the size content
#> attribute, is either 1 or 4 depending on the presence of the multiple
#> attribute.
  makeulgz("size", TAG_SELECT, 0u32),
  makeulgz("size", TAG_INPUT, 20u32),
  makeul("width", TAG_CANVAS, 300u32),
  makeul("height", TAG_CANVAS, 150u32),
  makes("alt", TAG_IMG),
  makes("src", TAG_IMG, TAG_SCRIPT),
  makes("srcset", TAG_IMG),
  makes("sizes", TAG_IMG),
  #TODO can we add crossOrigin here?
  makes("usemap", "useMap", TAG_IMG),
  makeb("ismap", "isMap", TAG_IMG),
  # "super-global" attributes
  makes("slot", AllTagTypes),
  makes("class", "className", AllTagTypes),
  makef("onclick", AllTagTypes, "click"),

# Forward declarations
func attr*(element: Element; s: StaticAtom): string
func attrb*(element: Element; s: CAtom): bool
proc attr*(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: string)
proc attr*(element: Element; name: StaticAtom; value: string)
func baseURL*(document: Document): URL
proc delAttr(element: Element; i: int; keep = false)
proc reflectAttrs(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: string)

func document*(node: Node): Document =
  if node of Document:
    return Document(node)
  return node.document_internal

proc toAtom*(document: Document; s: string): CAtom =
  return document.factory.toAtom(s)

proc toAtom*(document: Document; at: StaticAtom): CAtom =
  return document.factory.toAtom(at)

proc toStr(document: Document; atom: CAtom): string =
  return document.factory.toStr(atom)

proc toTagType*(document: Document; atom: CAtom): TagType =
  return document.factory.toTagType(atom)

proc toStaticAtom(document: Document; atom: CAtom): StaticAtom =
  return document.factory.toStaticAtom(atom)

proc toAtom*(document: Document; tagType: TagType): CAtom =
  return document.factory.toAtom(tagType)

proc toAtom(document: Document; namespace: Namespace): CAtom =
  #TODO optimize
  assert namespace != NO_NAMESPACE
  return document.toAtom($namespace)

proc toAtom(document: Document; prefix: NamespacePrefix): CAtom =
  #TODO optimize
  assert prefix != NO_PREFIX
  return document.toAtom($prefix)

func tagTypeNoNS(element: Element): TagType =
  return element.document.toTagType(element.localName)

func tagType*(element: Element): TagType =
  if element.namespace != Namespace.HTML:
    return TAG_UNKNOWN
  return element.tagTypeNoNS

func localNameStr*(element: Element): string =
  return element.document.toStr(element.localName)

func findAttr(element: Element; qualifiedName: CAtom): int =
  for i, attr in element.attrs:
    if attr.qualifiedName == qualifiedName:
      return i
  return -1

func findAttr(element: Element; qualifiedName: StaticAtom): int =
  return element.findAttr(element.document.toAtom(qualifiedName))

func findAttrNS(element: Element; namespace, qualifiedName: CAtom): int =
  for i, attr in element.attrs:
    if attr.namespace == namespace and attr.qualifiedName == qualifiedName:
      return i
  return -1

func escapeText(s: string; attribute_mode = false): string =
  var nbsp_mode = false
  var nbsp_prev: char
  for c in s:
    if nbsp_mode:
      if c == char(0xA0):
        result &= "&nbsp;"
        result &= nbsp_prev & c
      nbsp_mode = false
    elif c == '&':
      result &= "&amp;"
    elif c == char(0xC2):
      nbsp_mode = true
      nbsp_prev = c
    elif attribute_mode and c == '"':
      result &= "&quot;"
    elif not attribute_mode and c == '<':
      result &= "&lt;"
    elif not attribute_mode and c == '>':
      result &= "&gt;"
      result &= c

func `$`*(node: Node): string =
  # Note: this function should only be used for debugging.
  if node == nil:
    return "null"
  if node of Element:
    let element = Element(node)
    result = "<" & element.localNameStr
    for attr in element.attrs:
      let k = element.document.toStr(attr.localName)
      result &= ' ' & k & "=\"" & attr.value.escapeText(true) & "\""
    result &= ">\n"
    for node in element.childList:
      for line in ($node).split('\n'):
        result &= "\t" & line & "\n"
    result &= "</" & element.localNameStr & ">"
  elif node of Text:
    let text = Text(node)
    result = text.data.escapeText()
  elif node of Comment:
    result = "<!-- " & Comment(node).data & "-->"
  elif node of ProcessingInstruction:
    result = "" #TODO
  elif node of DocumentType:
    result = "<!DOCTYPE" & ' ' & DocumentType(node).name & ">"
  elif node of Document:
    result = "Node of Document"
  elif node of DocumentFragment:
    result = "Node of DocumentFragment"
    result = "Unknown node"

func parentElement*(node: Node): Element {.jsfget.} =
  let p = node.parentNode
  if p != nil and p of Element:
    return Element(p)
  return nil

iterator elementList*(node: Node): Element {.inline.} =
  for child in node.childList:
    if child of Element:
      yield Element(child)

iterator elementList_rev*(node: Node): Element {.inline.} =
  for i in countdown(node.childList.high, 0):
    let child = node.childList[i]
    if child of Element:
      yield Element(child)

# Returns the node's ancestors
iterator ancestors*(node: Node): Element {.inline.} =
  var element = node.parentElement
  while element != nil:
    yield element
    element = element.parentElement

# Returns the node itself and its ancestors
iterator branch*(node: Node): Node {.inline.} =
  var node = node
  while node != nil:
    yield node
    node = node.parentNode

# Returns the node's descendants
iterator descendants*(node: Node): Node {.inline.} =
  var stack: seq[Node]
  for i in countdown(node.childList.high, 0):
  while stack.len > 0:
    let node = stack.pop()
    yield node
    for i in countdown(node.childList.high, 0):

iterator elements*(node: Node): Element {.inline.} =
  for child in node.descendants:
    if child of Element:
      yield Element(child)

iterator elements*(node: Node; tag: TagType): Element {.inline.} =
  for desc in node.elements:
    if desc.tagType == tag:
      yield desc

iterator elements*(node: Node; tag: set[TagType]): Element {.inline.} =
  for desc in node.elements:
    if desc.tagType in tag:
      yield desc

iterator inputs(form: HTMLFormElement): HTMLInputElement {.inline.} =
  for control in form.controls:
    if control of HTMLInputElement:
      yield HTMLInputElement(control)

iterator radiogroup(form: HTMLFormElement): HTMLInputElement {.inline.} =
  for input in form.inputs:
    if input.inputType == itRadio:
      yield input

iterator radiogroup(document: Document): HTMLInputElement {.inline.} =
  for input in document.elements(TAG_INPUT):
    let input = HTMLInputElement(input)
    if input.form == nil and input.inputType == itRadio:
      yield input

iterator radiogroup*(input: HTMLInputElement): HTMLInputElement {.inline.} =
  if input.form != nil:
    for input in input.form.radiogroup:
      yield input
    for input in input.document.radiogroup:
      yield input

iterator textNodes*(node: Node): Text {.inline.} =
  for node in node.childList:
    if node of Text:
      yield Text(node)

iterator options*(select: HTMLSelectElement): HTMLOptionElement {.inline.} =
  for child in select.elementList:
    if child of HTMLOptionElement:
      yield HTMLOptionElement(child)
    elif child of HTMLOptGroupElement:
      for opt in child.elementList:
        if opt of HTMLOptionElement:
          yield HTMLOptionElement(opt)

func id(collection: Collection): pointer =
  return cast[pointer](collection)

proc populateCollection(collection: Collection) =
  if collection.childonly:
    for child in collection.root.childList:
      if collection.match == nil or collection.match(child):
    for desc in collection.root.descendants:
      if collection.match == nil or collection.match(desc):
  if collection.islive:
    for child in collection.snapshot:

proc refreshCollection(collection: Collection) =
  let document = collection.root.document
  if collection.id in document.invalidCollections:
    for child in collection.snapshot:
      assert collection.id in child.liveCollections

proc finalize0(collection: Collection) =
  if collection.islive:
    for child in collection.snapshot:
      assert collection.id in child.liveCollections

proc finalize(collection: HTMLCollection) {.jsfin.} =

proc finalize(collection: NodeList) {.jsfin.} =

proc finalize(collection: HTMLAllCollection) {.jsfin.} =

func ownerDocument(node: Node): Document {.jsfget.} =
  if node of Document:
    return nil
  return node.document

func hasChildNodes(node: Node): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  return node.childList.len > 0

func len(collection: Collection): int =
  return collection.snapshot.len

type CollectionMatchFun = proc(node: Node): bool {.noSideEffect.}

func newCollection[T: Collection](root: Node; match: CollectionMatchFun;
    islive, childonly: bool): T =
  result = T(
    islive: islive,
    childonly: childonly,
    match: match,
    root: root

func jsNodeType0(node: Node): NodeType =
  if node of CharacterData:
    if node of Text:
      return TEXT_NODE
    elif node of Comment:
      return COMMENT_NODE
    elif node of CDATASection:
    elif node of ProcessingInstruction:
    assert false
  elif node of Element:
    return ELEMENT_NODE
  elif node of Document:
    return DOCUMENT_NODE
  elif node of DocumentType:
  elif node of Attr:
  elif node of DocumentFragment:
  assert false

func jsNodeType(node: Node): uint16 {.jsfget: "nodeType".} =
  return uint16(node.jsNodeType0)

func isElement(node: Node): bool =
  return node of Element

template parentNodeChildrenImpl(parentNode: typed) =
  if parentNode.children_cached == nil:
    parentNode.children_cached = newCollection[HTMLCollection](
      root = parentNode,
      match = isElement,
      islive = true,
      childonly = true
  return parentNode.children_cached

func children(parentNode: Document): HTMLCollection {.jsfget.} =

func children(parentNode: DocumentFragment): HTMLCollection {.jsfget.} =

func children(parentNode: Element): HTMLCollection {.jsfget.} =

func childNodes(node: Node): NodeList {.jsfget.} =
  if node.childNodes_cached == nil:
    node.childNodes_cached = newCollection[NodeList](
      root = node,
      match = nil,
      islive = true,
      childonly = true
  return node.childNodes_cached

# DOMTokenList
func length(tokenList: DOMTokenList): uint32 {.jsfget.} =
  return uint32(tokenList.toks.len)

func item(tokenList: DOMTokenList; i: int): Option[string] {.jsfunc.} =
  if i < tokenList.toks.len:
    return some(tokenList.element.document.toStr(tokenList.toks[i]))
  return none(string)

func contains*(tokenList: DOMTokenList; a: CAtom): bool =
  return a in tokenList.toks

func contains(tokenList: DOMTokenList; a: StaticAtom): bool =
  return tokenList.element.document.toAtom(a) in tokenList.toks

func jsContains(tokenList: DOMTokenList; s: string): bool
    {.jsfunc: "contains".} =
  return tokenList.element.document.toAtom(s) in tokenList

func `$`(tokenList: DOMTokenList): string {.jsfunc.} =
  var s = ""
  for i, tok in tokenList.toks:
    if i != 0:
      s &= ' '
    s &= tokenList.element.document.toStr(tok)
  return s

proc update(tokenList: DOMTokenList) =
  if not tokenList.element.attrb(tokenList.localName) and
      tokenList.toks.len == 0:
  tokenList.element.attr(tokenList.localName, $tokenList)

func validateDOMToken(tok: string): Err[DOMException] =
  if tok == "":
    return errDOMException("Got an empty string", "SyntaxError")
  if AsciiWhitespace in tok:
    return errDOMException("Got a string containing whitespace",
  return ok()

proc add(tokenList: DOMTokenList; tokens: varargs[string]): Err[DOMException]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  for tok in tokens:
  for tok in tokens:
    let tok = tokenList.element.document.toAtom(tok)
  return ok()

proc remove(tokenList: DOMTokenList; tokens: varargs[string]):
    Err[DOMException] {.jsfunc.} =
  for tok in tokens:
  for tok in tokens:
    let tok = tokenList.element.document.toAtom(tok)
    let i = tokenList.toks.find(tok)
    if i != -1:
  return ok()

proc toggle(tokenList: DOMTokenList; token: string; force = none(bool)):
    DOMResult[bool] {.jsfunc.} =
  let token = tokenList.element.document.toAtom(token)
  let i = tokenList.toks.find(token)
  if i != -1:
    if not force.get(false):
      return ok(false)
    return ok(true)
  if force.get(true):
    return ok(true)
  return ok(false)

proc replace(tokenList: DOMTokenList; token, newToken: string):
    DOMResult[bool] {.jsfunc.} =
  let token = tokenList.element.document.toAtom(token)
  let i = tokenList.toks.find(token)
  if i == -1:
    return ok(false)
  let newToken = tokenList.element.document.toAtom(newToken)
  tokenList.toks[i] = newToken
  return ok(true)

const SupportedTokensMap = {
  satRel: @[
    "alternate", "dns-prefetch", "icon", "manifest", "modulepreload",
    "next", "pingback", "preconnect", "prefetch", "preload", "search",

func supports(tokenList: DOMTokenList; token: string):
    JSResult[bool] {.jsfunc.} =
  let localName = tokenList.element.document.toStaticAtom(tokenList.localName)
  for it in SupportedTokensMap:
    if it[0] == localName:
      let lowercase = token.toLowerAscii()
      return ok(lowercase in it[1])
  return errTypeError("No supported tokens defined for attribute")

func value(tokenList: DOMTokenList): string {.jsfget.} =
  return $tokenList

func getter(tokenList: DOMTokenList; i: uint32): Option[string] {.jsgetprop.} =
  return tokenList.item(int(i))

# DOMStringMap
func validateAttributeName(name: string): Err[DOMException] =
  if name.matchNameProduction():
    return ok()
  return errDOMException("Invalid character in attribute name",

func validateAttributeQName(name: string): Err[DOMException] =
  if name.matchQNameProduction():
    return ok()
  return errDOMException("Invalid character in attribute name",

func hasprop(map: var DOMStringMap; name: string): bool {.jshasprop.} =
  let name = map.target.document.toAtom("data-" & name)
  return map.target.attrb(name)

proc delete(map: var DOMStringMap; name: string): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  let name = map.target.document.toAtom("data-" & name.camelToKebabCase())
  let i = map.target.findAttr(name)
  if i != -1:
  return i != -1

func getter(map: var DOMStringMap; name: string): Option[string]
    {.jsgetprop.} =
  let name = map.target.document.toAtom("data-" & name.camelToKebabCase())
  let i = map.target.findAttr(name)
  if i != -1:
    return some(map.target.attrs[i].value)
  return none(string)

proc setter(map: var DOMStringMap; name, value: string): Err[DOMException]
    {.jssetprop.} =
  var washy = false
  for c in name:
    if not washy or c notin AsciiLowerAlpha:
      washy = c == '-'
    return errDOMException("Lower case after hyphen is not allowed in dataset",
  let name = "data-" & name.camelToKebabCase()
  let aname = map.target.document.toAtom(name)
  map.target.attr(aname, value)
  return ok()

func names(ctx: JSContext; map: var DOMStringMap): JSPropertyEnumList
    {.jspropnames.} =
  var list = newJSPropertyEnumList(ctx, uint32(map.target.attrs.len))
  for attr in map.target.attrs:
    let k = map.target.document.toStr(attr.localName)
    if k.startsWith("data-") and AsciiUpperAlpha notin k:
      list.add(k["data-".len .. ^1].kebabToCamelCase())
  return list

# NodeList
func length(nodeList: NodeList): uint32 {.jsfget.} =
  return uint32(nodeList.len)

func hasprop(nodeList: NodeList; i: uint32): bool {.jshasprop.} =
  return int(i) < nodeList.len

func item(nodeList: NodeList; i: int): Node {.jsfunc.} =
  if i < nodeList.len:
    return nodeList.snapshot[i]

func getter(nodeList: NodeList; i: uint32): Option[Node] {.jsgetprop.} =
  return option(nodeList.item(int(i)))

func names(ctx: JSContext; nodeList: NodeList): JSPropertyEnumList
    {.jspropnames.} =
  let L = nodeList.length
  var list = newJSPropertyEnumList(ctx, L)
  for u in 0 ..< L:
  return list

# HTMLCollection
proc length(collection: HTMLCollection): uint32 {.jsfget.} =
  return uint32(collection.len)

func hasprop(collection: HTMLCollection; u: uint32): bool {.jshasprop.} =
  return u < collection.length

func item(collection: HTMLCollection; u: uint32): Element {.jsfunc.} =
  if u < collection.length:
    return Element(collection.snapshot[int(u)])
  return nil

func namedItem(collection: HTMLCollection; s: string): Element {.jsfunc.} =
  let a = collection.root.document.toAtom(s)
  for it in collection.snapshot:
    let it = Element(it)
    if it.id == a or it.namespace == Namespace.HTML and it.name == a:
      return it
  return nil

func getter[T: uint32|string](collection: HTMLCollection; u: T):
    Option[Element] {.jsgetprop.} =
  when T is uint32:
    return option(collection.item(u))
    return option(collection.namedItem(u))

func names(ctx: JSContext; collection: HTMLCollection): JSPropertyEnumList
    {.jspropnames.} =
  let L = collection.length
  var list = newJSPropertyEnumList(ctx, L)
  var ids: OrderedSet[CAtom]
  for u in 0 ..< L:
    let elem = collection.item(u)
    if elem.id != CAtomNull:
    if elem.namespace == Namespace.HTML:
  for id in ids:
  return list

# HTMLAllCollection
proc length(collection: HTMLAllCollection): uint32 {.jsfget.} =
  return uint32(collection.len)

func hasprop(collection: HTMLAllCollection; i: uint32): bool {.jshasprop.} =
  return int(i) < collection.len

func item(collection: HTMLAllCollection; i: uint32): Element {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = int(i)
  if i < collection.len:
    return Element(collection.snapshot[i])

func getter(collection: HTMLAllCollection; i: uint32): Option[Element]
    {.jsgetprop.} =
  return option(collection.item(i))

func names(ctx: JSContext; collection: HTMLAllCollection): JSPropertyEnumList
    {.jspropnames.} =
  let L = collection.length
  var list = newJSPropertyEnumList(ctx, L)
  for u in 0 ..< L:
  return list

proc all(document: Document): HTMLAllCollection {.jsfget.} =
  if document.all_cached == nil:
    document.all_cached = newCollection[HTMLAllCollection](
      root = document,
      match = isElement,
      islive = true,
      childonly = false
  return document.all_cached

# Location
proc newLocation*(window: Window): Location =
  let location = Location(window: window)
  let ctx = window.jsctx
  if ctx != nil:
    let val = toJS(ctx, location)
    let valueOf = ctx.getOpaque().valRefs[jsvObjectPrototypeValueOf]
    defineProperty(ctx, val, "valueOf", JS_DupValue(ctx, valueOf))
    defineProperty(ctx, val, "toPrimitive", JS_UNDEFINED)
    #TODO [[DefaultProperties]]
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, val)
  return location

func location(document: Document): Location {.jsfget.} =
  if document.window == nil:
    return nil
  return document.window.location

func document(location: Location): Document =
  return location.window.document

func url(location: Location): URL =
  let document = location.document
  if document != nil:
    return document.url
  return newURL("about:blank").get

proc setLocation*(document: Document; s: string): Err[JSError]
    {.jsfset: "location".} =
  if document.location == nil:
    return errTypeError("document.location is not an object")
  let url = parseURL(s)
  if url.isNone:
    return errDOMException("Invalid URL", "SyntaxError")
  return ok()

# Note: we do not implement security checks (as documents are in separate
# windows anyway).
func `$`(location: Location): string {.jsuffunc.} =
  return location.url.serialize()

func href(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return $location

proc setHref(location: Location; s: string): Err[JSError]
    {.jsfset: "href".} =
  if location.document == nil:
    return ok()
  return location.document.setLocation(s)

proc assign(location: Location; s: string): Err[JSError] {.jsuffunc.} =

proc replace(location: Location; s: string): Err[JSError] {.jsuffunc.} =

proc reload(location: Location) {.jsuffunc.} =
  if location.document == nil:

func origin(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.jsOrigin

func protocol(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.protocol

proc protocol(location: Location; s: string): Err[DOMException] {.jsfset.} =
  let document = location.document
  if document == nil:
  let copyURL = newURL(location.url)
  if copyURL.scheme != "http" and copyURL.scheme != "https":
    return errDOMException("Invalid URL", "SyntaxError")
  return ok()

func host(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.host

proc setHost(location: Location; s: string) {.jsfset: "host".} =
  let document = location.document
  if document == nil:
  let copyURL = newURL(location.url)

proc hostname(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.hostname

proc setHostname(location: Location; s: string) {.jsfset: "hostname".} =
  let document = location.document
  if document == nil:
  let copyURL = newURL(location.url)

proc port(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.port

proc setPort(location: Location; s: string) {.jsfset: "port".} =
  let document = location.document
  if document == nil:
  let copyURL = newURL(location.url)

proc pathname(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.pathname

proc setPathname(location: Location; s: string) {.jsfset: "pathname".} =
  let document = location.document
  if document == nil:
  let copyURL = newURL(location.url)

proc search(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.search

proc setSearch(location: Location; s: string) {.jsfset: "search".} =
  let document = location.document
  if document == nil:
  let copyURL = newURL(location.url)

proc hash(location: Location): string {.jsuffget.} =
  return location.url.hash

proc setHash(location: Location; s: string) {.jsfset: "hash".} =
  let document = location.document
  if document == nil:
  let copyURL = newURL(location.url)

func jsOwnerElement(attr: Attr): Element {.jsfget: "ownerElement".} =
  if attr.ownerElement of AttrDummyElement:
    return nil
  return attr.ownerElement

func data(attr: Attr): lent AttrData =
  return attr.ownerElement.attrs[attr.dataIdx]

proc jsNamespaceURI(attr: Attr): string {.jsfget: "namespaceURI".} =
  return attr.ownerElement.document.toStr(attr.data.namespace)

proc jsPrefix(attr: Attr): string {.jsfget: "prefix".} =
  return attr.ownerElement.document.toStr(attr.data.prefix)

proc jsLocalName(attr: Attr): string {.jsfget: "localName".} =
  return attr.ownerElement.document.toStr(attr.data.localName)

proc jsValue(attr: Attr): string {.jsfget: "value".} =
  return attr.data.value

func jsName(attr: Attr): string {.jsfget: "name".} =
  return attr.ownerElement.document.toStr(attr.data.qualifiedName)

func findAttr(map: NamedNodeMap; dataIdx: int): int =
  for i, attr in map.attrlist:
    if attr.dataIdx == dataIdx:
      return i
  return -1

proc getAttr(map: NamedNodeMap; dataIdx: int): Attr =
  let i = map.findAttr(dataIdx)
  if i != -1:
    return map.attrlist[i]
  let attr = Attr(
    document_internal: map.element.document,
    index: -1,
    dataIdx: dataIdx,
    ownerElement: map.element
  return attr

func normalizeAttrQName(element: Element; qualifiedName: string): CAtom =
  if element.namespace == Namespace.HTML and not element.document.isxml:
    return element.document.toAtom(qualifiedName.toLowerAscii())
  return element.document.toAtom(qualifiedName)

func hasAttributes(element: Element): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  return element.attrs.len > 0

func attributes(element: Element): NamedNodeMap {.jsfget.} =
  if element.attributesInternal != nil:
    return element.attributesInternal
  element.attributesInternal = NamedNodeMap(element: element)
  for i, attr in element.attrs:
      document_internal: element.document,
      index: -1,
      dataIdx: i,
      ownerElement: element
  return element.attributesInternal

func findAttr(element: Element; qualifiedName: string): int =
  return element.findAttr(element.normalizeAttrQName(qualifiedName))

func findAttrNS(element: Element; namespace, localName: string): int =
  let namespace = element.document.toAtom(namespace)
  let localName = element.document.toAtom(localName)
  return element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName)

func hasAttribute(element: Element; qualifiedName: string): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  return element.findAttr(qualifiedName) != -1

func hasAttributeNS(element: Element; namespace, localName: string): bool
    {.jsfunc.} =
  return element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName) != -1

func getAttribute(element: Element; qualifiedName: string): Option[string]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = element.findAttr(qualifiedName)
  if i != -1:
    return some(element.attrs[i].value)
  return none(string)

func getAttributeNS(element: Element; namespace, localName: string):
    Option[string] {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName)
  if i != -1:
    return some(element.attrs[i].value)
  return none(string)

proc getNamedItem(map: NamedNodeMap; qualifiedName: string): Option[Attr]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = map.element.findAttr(qualifiedName)
  if i != -1:
    return some(map.getAttr(i))
  return none(Attr)

proc getNamedItemNS(map: NamedNodeMap; namespace, localName: string):
    Option[Attr] {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = map.element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName)
  if i != -1:
    return some(map.getAttr(i))
  return none(Attr)

func length(map: NamedNodeMap): uint32 {.jsfget.} =
  return uint32(map.element.attrs.len)

proc item(map: NamedNodeMap; i: uint32): Option[Attr] {.jsfunc.} =
  if int(i) < map.element.attrs.len:
    return some(map.getAttr(int(i)))
  return none(Attr)

func hasprop[T: uint32|string](map: NamedNodeMap; i: T): bool {.jshasprop.} =
  when T is uint32:
    return int(i) < map.element.attrs.len
    return map.getNamedItem(i).isSome

func getter[T: uint32|string](map: NamedNodeMap; i: T): Option[Attr]
    {.jsgetprop.} =
  when T is uint32:
    return map.item(i)
    return map.getNamedItem(i)

func names(ctx: JSContext; map: NamedNodeMap): JSPropertyEnumList
    {.jspropnames.} =
  let len = if map.element.namespace == Namespace.HTML:
    uint32(map.attrlist.len + map.element.attrs.len)
  var list = newJSPropertyEnumList(ctx, len)
  for u in 0 ..< len:
  var names: HashSet[string]
  let element = map.element
  for attr in element.attrs:
    let name = element.document.toStr(attr.qualifiedName)
    if element.namespace == Namespace.HTML and AsciiUpperAlpha in name:
    if name in names:
  return list

func length(characterData: CharacterData): uint32 {.jsfget.} =
  return uint32(characterData.data.utf16Len)

func tagName(element: Element): string {.jsfget.} =
  if element.namespace == Namespace.HTML:
    return element.document.toStr(element.localName).toUpperAscii()
  return element.document.toStr(element.localName)

func nodeName(node: Node): string {.jsfget.} =
  if node of Element:
    return Element(node).tagName
  if node of Attr:
    let attr = Attr(node)
    return attr.ownerElement.document.toStr(attr.data.qualifiedName)
  if node of DocumentType:
    return DocumentType(node).name
  if node of CDATASection:
    return "#cdata-section"
  if node of Comment:
    return "#comment"
  if node of Document:
    return "#document"
  if node of DocumentFragment:
    return "#document-fragment"
  if node of ProcessingInstruction:
    return ProcessingInstruction(node).target
  assert node of Text
  return "#text"

func scriptingEnabled*(document: Document): bool =
  if document.window == nil:
    return false
  return document.window.settings.scripting

func scriptingEnabled*(element: Element): bool =
  return element.document.scriptingEnabled

func isSubmitButton*(element: Element): bool =
  if element of HTMLButtonElement:
    return element.attr(satType) == "submit"
  elif element of HTMLInputElement:
    let element = HTMLInputElement(element)
    return element.inputType in {itSubmit, itImage}
  return false

func canSubmitImplicitly*(form: HTMLFormElement): bool =
  const BlocksImplicitSubmission = {
    itText, itSearch, itURL, itTel, itEmail, itPassword, itDate, itMonth,
    itWeek, itTime, itDatetimeLocal, itNumber
  var found = false
  for control in form.controls:
    if control of HTMLInputElement:
      let input = HTMLInputElement(control)
      if input.inputType in BlocksImplicitSubmission:
        if found:
          return false
          found = true
    elif control.isSubmitButton():
      return false
  return true

func qualifiedName*(element: Element): string =
  if element.namespacePrefix != NO_PREFIX:
    $element.namespacePrefix & ':' & element.localNameStr

template toOA*(writeBuffer: DocumentWriteBuffer): openArray[char] =
  writeBuffer.data.toOpenArray(writeBuffer.i, writeBuffer.data.high)

#TODO :(
proc CDB_parseDocumentWriteChunk(wrapper: pointer) {.importc.}

# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dynamic-markup-insertion.html#document-write-steps
proc write(document: Document; text: varargs[string]): Err[DOMException]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  if document.isxml:
    return errDOMException("document.write not supported in XML documents",
  if document.throwOnDynamicMarkupInsertion > 0:
    return errDOMException("throw-on-dynamic-markup-insertion counter > 0",
  if document.activeParserWasAborted:
    return ok()
  assert document.parser != nil
  #TODO if insertion point is undefined... (open document)
  if document.writeBuffers.len == 0:
    return ok() #TODO (probably covered by open above)
  let buffer = document.writeBuffers[^1]
  for s in text:
    buffer.data &= s
  if document.parserBlockingScript == nil:
  return ok()

func findFirst*(document: Document; tagType: TagType): HTMLElement =
  for element in document.elements(tagType):
    return HTMLElement(element)

func html*(document: Document): HTMLElement =
  return document.findFirst(TAG_HTML)

func head*(document: Document): HTMLElement {.jsfget.} =
  return document.findFirst(TAG_HEAD)

func body*(document: Document): HTMLElement {.jsfget.} =
  return document.findFirst(TAG_BODY)

func select*(option: HTMLOptionElement): HTMLSelectElement =
  for anc in option.ancestors:
    if anc of HTMLSelectElement:
      return HTMLSelectElement(anc)
  return nil

func countChildren(node: Node; nodeType: type): int =
  for child in node.childList:
    if child of nodeType:
      inc result

func hasChild(node: Node; nodeType: type): bool =
  for child in node.childList:
    if child of nodeType:
      return true

func hasChildExcept(node: Node; nodeType: type; ex: Node): bool =
  for child in node.childList:
    if child == ex:
    if child of nodeType:
      return true
  return false

func previousSibling*(node: Node): Node {.jsfget.} =
  let i = node.index - 1
  if node.parentNode == nil or i < 0:
    return nil
  return node.parentNode.childList[i]

func nextSibling*(node: Node): Node {.jsfget.} =
  let i = node.index + 1
  if node.parentNode == nil or i >= node.parentNode.childList.len:
    return nil
  return node.parentNode.childList[i]

func hasNextSibling(node: Node; nodeType: type): bool =
  var node = node.nextSibling
  while node != nil:
    if node of nodeType:
      return true
    node = node.nextSibling
  return false

func hasPreviousSibling(node: Node; nodeType: type): bool =
  var node = node.previousSibling
  while node != nil:
    if node of nodeType:
      return true
    node = node.previousSibling
  return false

func nodeValue(node: Node): Option[string] {.jsfget.} =
  if node of CharacterData:
    return some(CharacterData(node).data)
  elif node of Attr:
    return some(Attr(node).data.value)
  return none(string)

func textContent*(node: Node): string =
  if node of CharacterData:
    result = CharacterData(node).data
    result = ""
    for child in node.childList:
      if not (child of Comment):
        result &= child.textContent

func jsTextContent(node: Node): Option[string] {.jsfget: "textContent".} =
  if node of Document or node of DocumentType:
    return none(string) # null
  return some(node.textContent)

func childTextContent*(node: Node): string =
  for child in node.childList:
    if child of Text:
      result &= Text(child).data

func rootNode(node: Node): Node =
  var node = node
  while node.parentNode != nil:
    node = node.parentNode
  return node

func isConnected(node: Node): bool {.jsfget.} =
  return node.rootNode of Document #TODO shadow root

func inSameTree*(a, b: Node): bool =
  a.rootNode == b.rootNode

# a == b or a in b's ancestors
func contains*(a, b: Node): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  if b != nil:
    for node in b.branch:
      if node == a:
        return true
  return false

func firstChild*(node: Node): Node {.jsfget.} =
  if node.childList.len == 0:
    return nil
  return node.childList[0]

func lastChild*(node: Node): Node {.jsfget.} =
  if node.childList.len == 0:
    return nil
  return node.childList[^1]

func firstElementChild*(node: Node): Element {.jsfget.} =
  for child in node.elementList:
    return child
  return nil

func lastElementChild*(node: Node): Element {.jsfget.} =
  for child in node.elementList_rev:
    return child
  return nil

func findAncestor*(node: Node; tagTypes: set[TagType]): Element =
  for element in node.ancestors:
    if element.tagType in tagTypes:
      return element
  return nil

func getElementById(node: Node; id: string): Element {.jsfunc.} =
  if id.len == 0:
    return nil
  let id = node.document.toAtom(id)
  for child in node.elements:
    if child.id == id:
      return child
  return nil

func getElementsByTagName0(root: Node; tagName: string): HTMLCollection =
  if tagName == "*":
    return newCollection[HTMLCollection](
      islive = true,
      childonly = false
  let localName = root.document.toAtom(tagName)
  let localNameLower = root.document.toAtom(tagName.toLowerAscii())
  return newCollection[HTMLCollection](
    func(node: Node): bool =
      if node of Element:
        let element = Element(node)
        if element.namespace == Namespace.HTML:
          return element.localName == localNameLower
        return element.localName == localName
      return false,
    islive = true,
    childonly = false

func getElementsByTagName(document: Document; tagName: string): HTMLCollection
    {.jsfunc.} =
  return document.getElementsByTagName0(tagName)

func getElementsByTagName(element: Element; tagName: string): HTMLCollection
    {.jsfunc.} =
  return element.getElementsByTagName0(tagName)

func getElementsByClassName0(node: Node; classNames: string): HTMLCollection =
  var classAtoms = newSeq[CAtom]()
  let document = node.document
  let isquirks = document.mode == QUIRKS
  if isquirks:
    for class in classNames.split(AsciiWhitespace):
    for class in classNames.split(AsciiWhitespace):
  return newCollection[HTMLCollection](node,
    func(node: Node): bool =
      if node of Element:
        let element = Element(node)
        if isquirks:
          var cl = newSeq[CAtom]()
          for tok in element.classList.toks:
            let s = document.toStr(tok)
          for class in classAtoms:
            if class notin cl:
              return false
          for class in classAtoms:
            if class notin element.classList.toks:
              return false
        return true,
    islive = true,
    childonly = false

func getElementsByClassName(document: Document; classNames: string):
    HTMLCollection {.jsfunc.} =
  return document.getElementsByClassName0(classNames)

func getElementsByClassName(element: Element; classNames: string):
    HTMLCollection {.jsfunc.} =
  return element.getElementsByClassName0(classNames)

func previousElementSibling*(elem: Element): Element {.jsfget.} =
  let p = elem.parentNode
  if p == nil: return nil
  for i in countdown(elem.index - 1, 0):
    let node = p.childList[i]
    if node of Element:
      return Element(node)
  return nil

func nextElementSibling*(elem: Element): Element {.jsfget.} =
  let p = elem.parentNode
  if p == nil: return nil
  for i in elem.index + 1 .. p.childList.high:
    let node = p.childList[i]
    if node of Element:
      return Element(node)
  return nil

func documentElement(document: Document): Element {.jsfget.} =

func attr*(element: Element; s: CAtom): string =
  let i = element.findAttr(s)
  if i != -1:
    return element.attrs[i].value
  return ""

func attr*(element: Element; s: StaticAtom): string =
  return element.attr(element.document.toAtom(s))

func attrl*(element: Element; s: StaticAtom): Option[int32] =
  return parseInt32(element.attr(s))

func attrulgz*(element: Element; s: StaticAtom): Option[uint32] =
  let x = parseUInt32(element.attr(s), allowSign = true)
  if x.isSome and x.get > 0:
    return x
  return none(uint32)

func attrul*(element: Element; s: StaticAtom): Option[uint32] =
  let x = parseUInt32(element.attr(s), allowSign = true)
  if x.isSome and x.get >= 0:
    return x
  return none(uint32)

func attrb*(element: Element; s: CAtom): bool =
  return element.findAttr(s) != -1

func attrb*(element: Element; at: StaticAtom): bool =
  let atom = element.document.toAtom(at)
  return element.attrb(atom)

# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#serialising-html-fragments
func serializesAsVoid(element: Element): bool =
  return element.tagType in VoidElements + Extra

func serializeFragment(node: Node): string

func serializeFragmentInner(child: Node; parentType: TagType): string =
  result = ""
  if child of Element:
    let element = Element(child)
    let tags = element.localNameStr
    result &= '<'
    #TODO qualified name if not HTML, SVG or MathML
    result &= tags
    #TODO custom elements
    for attr in element.attrs:
      #TODO namespaced attrs
      let k = element.document.toStr(attr.localName)
      result &= ' ' & k & "=\"" & attr.value.escapeText(true) & "\""
    result &= '>'
    result &= element.serializeFragment()
    result &= "</"
    result &= tags
    result &= '>'
  elif child of Text:
    let text = Text(child)
    const LiteralTags = {
    result = if parentType in LiteralTags:
  elif child of Comment:
    result &= "<!--" & Comment(child).data & "-->"
  elif child of ProcessingInstruction:
    let inst = ProcessingInstruction(child)
    result &= "<?" & inst.target & " " & inst.data & '>'
  elif child of DocumentType:
    result &= "<!DOCTYPE " & DocumentType(child).name & '>'

func serializeFragment(node: Node): string =
  var node = node
  var parentType = TAG_UNKNOWN
  if node of Element:
    let element = Element(node)
    if element.serializesAsVoid():
      return ""
    if element of HTMLTemplateElement:
      node = HTMLTemplateElement(element).content
      parentType = element.tagType
      if parentType == TAG_NOSCRIPT and not element.scriptingEnabled:
        # Pretend parentType is not noscript, so we do not append literally
        # in serializeFragmentInner.
        parentType = TAG_UNKNOWN
  var s = ""
  for child in node.childList:
    s &= child.serializeFragmentInner(parentType)
  return s

# Element attribute reflection (getters)
func jsId(element: Element): string {.jsfget: "id".} =
  return element.document.toStr(element.id)

func innerHTML(element: Element): string {.jsfget.} =
  #TODO xml
  return element.serializeFragment()

func outerHTML(element: Element): string {.jsfget.} =
  #TODO xml
  return element.serializeFragmentInner(TAG_UNKNOWN)

func crossOrigin0(element: HTMLElement): CORSAttribute =
  if not element.attrb(satCrossorigin):
    return caNoCors
  case element.attr(satCrossorigin)
  of "anonymous", "":
    return caAnonymous
  of "use-credentials":
    return caUseCredentials
    return caAnonymous

func crossOrigin(element: HTMLScriptElement): CORSAttribute {.jsfget.} =
  return element.crossOrigin0

func crossOrigin(element: HTMLImageElement): CORSAttribute {.jsfget.} =
  return element.crossOrigin0

func referrerpolicy(element: HTMLScriptElement): Option[ReferrerPolicy] =
  return strictParseEnum[ReferrerPolicy](element.attr(satReferrerpolicy))

proc sheets*(document: Document): seq[CSSStylesheet] =
  if document.cachedSheetsInvalid:
    for elem in document.html.descendants:
      if elem of HTMLStyleElement:
        let style = HTMLStyleElement(elem)
        style.sheet = parseStylesheet(style.textContent, document.factory)
        if style.sheet != nil:
      elif elem of HTMLLinkElement:
        let link = HTMLLinkElement(elem)
        if link.sheet != nil:
      else: discard
    document.cachedSheetsInvalid = false
  return document.cachedSheets

func inputString*(input: HTMLInputElement): string =
  case input.inputType
  of itCheckbox, itRadio:
    if input.checked:
      " "
  of itSearch, itText, itEmail, itURL, itTel:
  of itPassword:
  of itReset:
    if input.value != "":
  of itSubmit, itButton:
    if input.value != "":
  of itFile:
    let s = if input.file != nil: input.file.name else: ""
  else: input.value

func textAreaString*(textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement): string =
  let split = textarea.value.split('\n')
  let rows = int(textarea.attrul(satRows).get(1))
  for i in 0 ..< rows:
    let cols = int(textarea.attrul(satCols).get(20))
    if cols > 2:
      if i < split.len:
        result &= '[' & split[i].padToWidth(cols - 2) & "]\n"
        result &= '[' & ' '.repeat(cols - 2) & "]\n"
      result &= "[]\n"

func isButton*(element: Element): bool =
  if element of HTMLButtonElement:
    return true
  if element of HTMLInputElement:
    let element = HTMLInputElement(element)
    return element.inputType in {itSubmit, itButton, itReset, itImage}
  return false

func action*(element: Element): string =
  if element.isSubmitButton():
    if element.attrb(satFormaction):
      return element.attr(satFormaction)
  if element of FormAssociatedElement:
    let element = FormAssociatedElement(element)
    if element.form != nil:
      if element.form.attrb(satAction):
        return element.form.attr(satAction)
  if element of HTMLFormElement:
    return element.attr(satAction)
  return ""

func enctype*(element: Element): FormEncodingType =
  if element of HTMLFormElement:
    # Note: see below, this is not in the standard.
    if element.attrb(satEnctype):
      let s = element.attr(satEnctype)
      return parseEnumNoCase[FormEncodingType](s).get(fetUrlencoded)
  if element.isSubmitButton():
    if element.attrb(satFormenctype):
      let s = element.attr(satFormenctype)
      return parseEnumNoCase[FormEncodingType](s).get(fetUrlencoded)
  if element of FormAssociatedElement:
    let element = FormAssociatedElement(element)
    if (let form = element.form; form != nil):
      if form.attrb(satEnctype):
        let s = form.attr(satEnctype)
        return parseEnumNoCase[FormEncodingType](s).get(fetUrlencoded)
  return fetUrlencoded

func parseFormMethod(s: string): FormMethod =
  return parseEnumNoCase[FormMethod](s).get(fmGet)

func formmethod*(element: Element): FormMethod =
  if element of HTMLFormElement:
    # The standard says nothing about this, but this code path is reached
    # on implicit form submission and other browsers seem to agree on this
    # behavior.
    return parseFormMethod(element.attr(satMethod))
  if element.isSubmitButton():
    if element.attrb(satFormmethod):
      return parseFormMethod(element.attr(satFormmethod))
  if element of FormAssociatedElement:
    let element = FormAssociatedElement(element)
    if element.form != nil:
      if element.form.attrb(satMethod):
        return parseFormMethod(element.form.attr(satMethod))
  return fmGet

func findAnchor*(document: Document; id: string): Element =
  if id.len == 0:
    return nil
  let id = document.toAtom(id)
  for child in document.elements:
    if child.id == id:
      return child
    if child of HTMLAnchorElement and child.name == id:
      return child
  return nil

func findAutoFocus*(document: Document): Element =
  for child in document.elements:
    if child.attrb(satAutofocus):
      return child
  return nil

# Forward declaration hack
isDefaultPassive = func (eventTarget: EventTarget): bool =
  if eventTarget of Window:
    return true
  if not (eventTarget of Node):
    return false
  let node = Node(eventTarget)
  return EventTarget(node.document) == eventTarget or
    EventTarget(node.document.html) == eventTarget or
    EventTarget(node.document.body) == eventTarget

proc parseColor(element: Element; s: string): ARGBColor =
  let cval = parseComponentValue(s)
  #TODO return element style
  # For now we just use white.
  let ec = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  if cval.isNone:
    return ec
  let color0 = cssColor(cval.get)
  if color0.isNone:
    return ec
  let color = color0.get
  if color.t != ctRGB:
    return ec
  return color.argbcolor

#TODO ??
func target0*(element: Element): string =
  if element.attrb(satTarget):
    return element.attr(satTarget)
  for base in element.document.elements(TAG_BASE):
    if base.attrb(satTarget):
      return base.attr(satTarget)
  return ""

# HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils (for <a> and <area>)
func href0[T: HTMLAnchorElement|HTMLAreaElement](element: T): string =
  if not element.attrb(satHref):
    return ""
  let url = parseURL(element.attr(satHref), some(element.document.baseURL))
  if url.isSome:
    return $url.get
  return ""

# <base>
func href(base: HTMLBaseElement): string {.jsfget.} =
  #TODO with fallback base url
  let url = parseURL(base.attr(satHref))
  if url.isSome:
    return $url.get
  return ""

# <a>
func href*(anchor: HTMLAnchorElement): string {.jsfget.} =

proc href(anchor: HTMLAnchorElement; href: string) {.jsfset.} =
  anchor.attr(satHref, href)

func `$`(anchor: HTMLAnchorElement): string {.jsfunc.} =

proc setRelList(anchor: HTMLAnchorElement; s: string) {.jsfset: "relList".} =
  anchor.attr(satRel, s)

# <area>
func href(area: HTMLAreaElement): string {.jsfget.} =

proc href(area: HTMLAreaElement; href: string) {.jsfset.} =
  area.attr(satHref, href)

func `$`(area: HTMLAreaElement): string {.jsfunc.} =

proc setRelList(area: HTMLAreaElement; s: string) {.jsfset: "relList".} =
  area.attr(satRel, s)

# <label>
func control*(label: HTMLLabelElement): FormAssociatedElement {.jsfget.} =
  let f = label.attr(satFor)
  if f != "":
    let elem = label.document.getElementById(f)
    #TODO the supported check shouldn't be needed, just labelable
    if elem of FormAssociatedElement and elem.tagType in LabelableElements:
      return FormAssociatedElement(elem)
    return nil
  for elem in label.elements(LabelableElements):
    if elem of FormAssociatedElement: #TODO remove this
      return FormAssociatedElement(elem)
    return nil
  return nil

func form(label: HTMLLabelElement): HTMLFormElement {.jsfget.} =
  let control = label.control
  if control != nil:
    return control.form

# <link>
proc setRelList(link: HTMLLinkElement; s: string) {.jsfset: "relList".} =
  link.attr(satRel, s)

# <form>
proc setRelList(form: HTMLFormElement; s: string) {.jsfset: "relList".} =
  form.attr(satRel, s)

# <input>
func jsForm(this: HTMLInputElement): HTMLFormElement {.jsfget: "form".} =
  return this.form

# <select>
func jsForm(this: HTMLSelectElement): HTMLFormElement {.jsfget: "form".} =
  return this.form

# <button>
func jsForm(this: HTMLButtonElement): HTMLFormElement {.jsfget: "form".} =
  return this.form

# <textarea>
func jsForm(this: HTMLTextAreaElement): HTMLFormElement {.jsfget: "form".} =
  return this.form

# <video>
func getSrc*(this: HTMLVideoElement|HTMLAudioElement): string =
  var src = this.attr(satSrc)
  if src == "":
    for el in this.elements(TAG_SOURCE):
      src = el.attr(satSrc)
      if src != "":

func newText*(document: Document; data: string): Text =
  return Text(
    document_internal: document,
    data: data,
    index: -1

func newText(ctx: JSContext; data = ""): Text {.jsctor.} =
  let window = ctx.getGlobalOpaque(Window).get
  return window.document.newText(data)

func newCDATASection(document: Document; data: string): CDATASection =
  return CDATASection(
    document_internal: document,
    data: data,
    index: -1

func newProcessingInstruction(document: Document; target, data: string):
    ProcessingInstruction =
  return ProcessingInstruction(
    document_internal: document,
    target: target,
    data: data,
    index: -1

func newDocumentFragment(document: Document): DocumentFragment =
  return DocumentFragment(
    document_internal: document,
    index: -1

func newDocumentFragment(ctx: JSContext): DocumentFragment {.jsctor.} =
  let window = ctx.getGlobalOpaque(Window).get
  return window.document.newDocumentFragment()

func newComment(document: Document; data: string): Comment =
  return Comment(
    document_internal: document,
    data: data,
    index: -1

func newComment(ctx: JSContext; data: string = ""): Comment {.jsctor.} =
  let window = ctx.getGlobalOpaque(Window).get
  return window.document.newComment(data)

#TODO custom elements
proc newHTMLElement*(document: Document; localName: CAtom;
    namespace = Namespace.HTML; prefix = NO_PREFIX): HTMLElement =
  let tagType = document.toTagType(localName)
  case tagType
    result = HTMLInputElement()
  of TAG_A:
    let anchor = HTMLAnchorElement()
    let localName = document.toAtom(satRel)
    anchor.relList = DOMTokenList(element: anchor, localName: localName)
    result = anchor
    result = HTMLSelectElement()
    result = HTMLOptGroupElement()
    result = HTMLOptionElement()
  of TAG_H1, TAG_H2, TAG_H3, TAG_H4, TAG_H5, TAG_H6:
    result = HTMLHeadingElement()
  of TAG_BR:
    result = HTMLBRElement()
  of TAG_SPAN:
    result = HTMLSpanElement()
  of TAG_OL:
    result = HTMLOListElement()
  of TAG_UL:
    result = HTMLUListElement()
  of TAG_MENU:
    result = HTMLMenuElement()
  of TAG_LI:
    result = HTMLLIElement()
    result = HTMLStyleElement()
  of TAG_LINK:
    let link = HTMLLinkElement()
    let localName = document.toAtom(satRel)
    link.relList = DOMTokenList(element: link, localName: localName)
    result = link
  of TAG_FORM:
    let form = HTMLFormElement()
    let localName = document.toAtom(satRel)
    form.relList = DOMTokenList(element: form, localName: localName)
    result = form
    result = HTMLTemplateElement(
      content: DocumentFragment(
        document_internal: document,
        host: result
    result = HTMLUnknownElement()
    result = HTMLScriptElement(forceAsync: true)
  of TAG_BASE:
    result = HTMLBaseElement()
    result = HTMLButtonElement()
    result = HTMLTextAreaElement()
    result = HTMLLabelElement()
    let bitmap = if document.scriptingEnabled: newBitmap(300, 150) else: nil
    result = HTMLCanvasElement(bitmap: bitmap)
  of TAG_IMG:
    result = HTMLImageElement()
    result = HTMLVideoElement()
    result = HTMLAudioElement()
  of TAG_AREA:
    let area = HTMLAreaElement()
    let localName = document.toAtom(satRel)
    area.relList = DOMTokenList(element: area, localName: localName)
    result = area
    result = HTMLElement()
  result.localName = localName
  result.namespace = namespace
  result.namespacePrefix = prefix
  result.document_internal = document
  let localName = document.toAtom(satClassList)
  result.classList = DOMTokenList(element: result, localName: localName)
  result.index = -1
  result.dataset = DOMStringMap(target: result)

proc newHTMLElement*(document: Document; tagType: TagType): HTMLElement =
  let localName = document.toAtom(tagType)
  return document.newHTMLElement(localName, Namespace.HTML, NO_PREFIX)

func newDocument*(factory: CAtomFactory): Document =
  assert factory != nil
  let document = Document(
    url: newURL("about:blank").get,
    index: -1,
    factory: factory
  document.implementation = DOMImplementation(document: document)
  document.contentType = "application/xml"
  return document

func newDocument(ctx: JSContext): Document {.jsctor.} =
  let global = JS_GetGlobalObject(ctx)
  let window = fromJS[Window](ctx, global).get
  JS_FreeValue(ctx, global)
  return newDocument(window.factory)

func newDocumentType*(document: Document; name, publicId, systemId: string):
    DocumentType =
  return DocumentType(
    document_internal: document,
    name: name,
    publicId: publicId,
    systemId: systemId,
    index: -1

func isHostIncludingInclusiveAncestor*(a, b: Node): bool =
  for parent in b.branch:
    if parent == a:
      return true
  let root = b.rootNode
  if root of DocumentFragment and DocumentFragment(root).host != nil:
    for parent in root.branch:
      if parent == a:
        return true
  return false

func baseURL*(document: Document): URL =
  #TODO frozen base url...
  var href = ""
  for base in document.elements(TAG_BASE):
    if base.attrb(satHref):
      href = base.attr(satHref)
  if href == "":
    return document.url
  if document.url == nil:
    return newURL("about:blank").get #TODO ???
  let url = parseURL(href, some(document.url))
  if url.isNone:
    return document.url
  return url.get

func baseURI(node: Node): string {.jsfget.} =
  return $node.document.baseURL

func parseURL*(document: Document; s: string): Option[URL] =
  #TODO encodings
  return parseURL(s, some(document.baseURL))

func media*[T: HTMLLinkElement|HTMLStyleElement](element: T): string =
  return element.attr(satMedia)

func title*(document: Document): string {.jsfget.} =
  if (let title = document.findFirst(TAG_TITLE); title != nil):
    return title.childTextContent.stripAndCollapse()
  return ""

# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-elements.html#concept-option-disabled
func isDisabled*(option: HTMLOptionElement): bool =
  if option.parentElement of HTMLOptGroupElement and
    return true
  return option.attrb(satDisabled)

func text(option: HTMLOptionElement): string {.jsfget.} =
  var s = ""
  for child in option.descendants:
    let parent = child.parentElement
    if child of Text and (parent.tagTypeNoNS != TAG_SCRIPT or
        parent.namespace notin {Namespace.HTML, Namespace.SVG}):
      s &= Text(child).data
  return s.stripAndCollapse()

func value*(option: HTMLOptionElement): string {.jsfget.} =
  if option.attrb(satValue):
    return option.attr(satValue)
  return option.text

proc invalidateCollections(node: Node) =
  for id in node.liveCollections:

proc delAttr(element: Element; i: int; keep = false) =
  let map = element.attributesInternal
  let name = element.attrs[i].qualifiedName
  element.attrs.delete(i) # ordering matters
  if map != nil:
    # delete from attrlist + adjust indices invalidated
    var j = -1
    for i, attr in map.attrlist.mpairs:
      if attr.dataIdx == i:
        j = i
      elif attr.dataIdx > i:
        dec attr.dataIdx
    if j != -1:
      if keep:
        let attr = map.attrlist[j]
        let data = attr.data
        attr.ownerElement = AttrDummyElement(
          document_internal: attr.ownerElement.document,
          index: -1,
          attrs: @[data]
        attr.dataIdx = 0
      map.attrlist.del(j) # ordering does not matter
  element.reflectAttrs(name, "")
  element.invalid = true

proc newCSSStyleDeclaration(element: Element; value: string):
    CSSStyleDeclaration =
  let inlineRules = value.parseDeclarations2()
  var decls: seq[CSSDeclaration]
  for rule in inlineRules:
    if rule.name.isSupportedProperty():
  return CSSStyleDeclaration(decls: inlineRules, element: element)

proc cssText(this: CSSStyleDeclaration): string {.jsfunc.} =
  #TODO this is incorrect
  return $this.decls

func length(this: CSSStyleDeclaration): uint32 =
  return uint32(this.decls.len)

func item(this: CSSStyleDeclaration; u: uint32): Option[string] =
  if u < this.length:
    return some(this.decls[int(u)].name)
  return none(string)

func find(this: CSSStyleDeclaration; s: string): int =
  for i, decl in this.decls:
    if decl.name == s:
      return i
  return -1

proc getPropertyValue(this: CSSStyleDeclaration; s: string): string =
  if (let i = this.find(s); i != -1):
    return $this.decls[i].value
  return ""

# https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#idl-attribute-to-css-property
func IDLAttributeToCSSProperty(s: string; dashPrefix = false): string =
  result = if dashPrefix: "-" else: ""
  for c in s:
    if c in AsciiUpperAlpha:
      result &= '-'
      result &= c.toLowerAscii()
      result &= c

proc getter[T: uint32|string](this: CSSStyleDeclaration; u: T):
    Option[string] {.jsgetprop.} =
  when T is uint32:
    return this.item(u)
    if u.isSupportedProperty():
      return some(this.getPropertyValue(u))
    let u = IDLAttributeToCSSProperty(u)
    if u.isSupportedProperty():
      return some(this.getPropertyValue(u))
    return none(string)

proc setValue(this: CSSStyleDeclaration; i: int; cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]):
    Err[void] =
  if i notin 0 .. this.decls.high:
    return err()
  var dummy: seq[CSSComputedEntry]
  ?parseComputedValues(dummy, this.decls[i].name, cvals)
  this.decls[i].value = cvals
  return ok()

proc setter[T: uint32|string](this: CSSStyleDeclaration; u: T;
    value: string) {.jssetprop.} =
  let cvals = parseComponentValues(value)
  when u is uint32:
    if this.setValue(int(u), cvals).isNone:
    if (let i = this.find(u); i != -1):
      if this.setValue(i, cvals).isNone:
      var dummy: seq[CSSComputedEntry]
      let val0 = parseComputedValues(dummy, u, cvals)
      if val0.isNone:
      this.decls.add(CSSDeclaration(name: u, value: cvals))
  this.element.attr(satStyle, $this.decls)

proc style*(element: Element): CSSStyleDeclaration {.jsfget.} =
  if element.style_cached == nil:
    element.style_cached = CSSStyleDeclaration(element: element)
  return element.style_cached

# Forward declaration hack
var appliesFwdDecl*: proc(mqlist: MediaQueryList; window: Window): bool
  {.nimcall, noSideEffect.}

# see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#link-type-stylesheet
#TODO make this somewhat compliant with ^this
proc loadResource(window: Window; link: HTMLLinkElement) =
  if satStylesheet notin link.relList:
  if link.fetchStarted:
  link.fetchStarted = true
  let href = link.attr(satHref)
  if href == "":
  let url = parseURL(href, window.document.url.some)
  if url.isSome:
    let url = url.get
    let media = link.media
    if media != "":
      let cvals = parseComponentValues(media)
      let media = parseMediaQueryList(cvals)
      if not media.appliesFwdDecl(window):
    let p = window.loader.fetch(
    ).then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]): Promise[JSResult[string]] =
      if res.isSome:
        let res = res.get
        if res.getContentType() == "text/css":
          return res.text()
    ).then(proc(s: JSResult[string]) =
      if s.isSome:
        #TODO non-utf-8 css?
        link.sheet = parseStylesheet(s.get, window.factory)
        window.document.cachedSheetsInvalid = true

proc getImageId(window: Window): int =
  result = window.imageId
  inc window.imageId

proc loadResource(window: Window; image: HTMLImageElement) =
  if not window.images or image.fetchStarted:
  image.fetchStarted = true
  let src = image.attr(satSrc)
  if src == "":
  let url = parseURL(src, window.document.url.some)
  if url.isSome:
    let url = url.get
    if window.document.url.scheme == "https" and url.scheme == "http":
      # mixed content :/
      #TODO maybe do this in loader?
      url.scheme = "https"
    let p = window.loader.fetch(newRequest(url))
      .then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]): Promise[JSResult[Response]] =
        if res.isNone:
        let response = res.get
        let contentType = response.getContentType("image/x-unknown")
        if contentType.until('/') != "image":
        let request = newRequest(
          newURL("img-codec+" & contentType.after('/') & ":decode").get,
          httpMethod = hmPost,
          body = RequestBody(t: rbtOutput, outputId: response.outputId)
        let r = window.loader.fetch(request)
        return r
      ).then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]): EmptyPromise =
        if res.isNone:
        let response = res.get
        # we can close immediately; loader will not clean this output up until
        # the `resume' command in pager.
        if "Cha-Image-Dimensions" notin response.headers.table:
          window.console.error("Cha-Image-Dimensions missing in", $response.url)
        let dims = response.headers.table["Cha-Image-Dimensions"][0]
        let width = parseUInt64(dims.until('x'), allowSign = false)
        let height = parseUInt64(dims.after('x'), allowSign = false)
        if width.isNone or height.isNone:
          window.console.error("wrong Cha-Image-Dimensions in", $response.url)
        image.bitmap = NetworkBitmap(
          width: width.get,
          height: height.get,
          outputId: response.outputId,
          imageId: window.getImageId()

proc reflectEvent(element: Element; target: EventTarget; name: StaticAtom;
    ctype, value: string) =
  let document = element.document
  let ctx = document.window.jsctx
  let urls = document.baseURL.serialize(excludepassword = true)
  let fun = ctx.newFunction(["event"], value)
  assert ctx != nil
  if JS_IsException(fun):
    document.window.console.error("Exception in body content attribute of",
      urls, ctx.getExceptionMsg())
    let jsTarget = ctx.toJS(target)
    ctx.definePropertyC(jsTarget, $name, JS_DupValue(ctx, fun))
    JS_FreeValue(ctx, jsTarget)
    #TODO this is subtly wrong. In fact, we should not pass `fun'
    # directly here, but a wrapper function that calls fun. Currently
    # you can run removeEventListener with element.onclick, that should
    # not work.
    doAssert ctx.addEventListener(target, ctype, fun).isSome
  JS_FreeValue(ctx, fun)

proc reflectAttrs(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: string) =
  let name = element.document.toStaticAtom(name)
  template reflect_str(element: Element; n: StaticAtom; val: untyped) =
    if name == n:
      element.val = value
  template reflect_atom(element: Element; n: StaticAtom; val: untyped) =
    if name == n:
      element.val = element.document.toAtom(value)
  template reflect_bool(element: Element; n: StaticAtom; val: untyped) =
    if name == n:
      element.val = true
  template reflect_domtoklist0(element: Element; val: untyped) =
    for x in value.split(AsciiWhitespace):
      if x != "":
        let a = element.document.toAtom(x)
        if a notin element.val:
  template reflect_domtoklist(element: Element; n: StaticAtom; val: untyped) =
    if name == n:
      element.reflect_domtoklist0 val
  element.reflect_atom satId, id
  element.reflect_atom satName, name
  element.reflect_domtoklist satClass, classList
  #TODO internalNonce
  if name == satStyle:
    element.style_cached = newCSSStyleDeclaration(element, value)
  if name == satOnclick and element.scriptingEnabled:
    element.reflectEvent(element, name, "click", value)
  case element.tagType
  of TAG_BODY:
    if name == satOnload and element.scriptingEnabled:
      element.reflectEvent(element.document.window, name, "load", value)
    let input = HTMLInputElement(element)
    input.reflect_str satValue, value
    input.reflect_bool satChecked, checked
    if name == satType:
      input.inputType = parseEnumNoCase[InputType](value).get(itText)
    let option = HTMLOptionElement(element)
    option.reflect_bool satSelected, selected
    let button = HTMLButtonElement(element)
    button.reflect_str satValue, value
    if name == satType:
      button.ctype = parseEnumNoCase[ButtonType](value).get(btSubmit)
  of TAG_LINK:
    let link = HTMLLinkElement(element)
    if name == satRel:
      link.reflect_domtoklist0 relList # do not return
    if link.isConnected and satStylesheet in link.relList and
        name in {satHref, satRel}:
      link.fetchStarted = false
      let window = link.document.window
      if window != nil:
  of TAG_A:
    let anchor = HTMLAnchorElement(element)
    anchor.reflect_domtoklist satRel, relList
  of TAG_AREA:
    let area = HTMLAreaElement(element)
    area.reflect_domtoklist satRel, relList
    if element.scriptingEnabled and name in {satWidth, satHeight}:
      let w = element.attrul(satWidth).get(300)
      let h = element.attrul(satHeight).get(150)
      let canvas = HTMLCanvasElement(element)
      if canvas.bitmap == nil or canvas.bitmap.width != w or
          canvas.bitmap.height != h:
        canvas.bitmap = newBitmap(w, h)
  of TAG_IMG:
    let image = HTMLImageElement(element)
    # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/images.html#relevant-mutations
    if name == satSrc:
      image.fetchStarted = false
      let window = image.document.window
      if window != nil:
  else: discard

func cmpAttrName(a: AttrData; b: CAtom): int =
  return cmp(int(a.qualifiedName), int(b))

# Returns the attr index if found, or the negation - 1 of an upper bound
# (where a new attr with the passed name may be inserted).
func findAttrOrNext(element: Element; qualName: CAtom): int =
  for i, data in element.attrs:
    if data.qualifiedName == qualName:
      return i
    if int(data.qualifiedName) > int(qualName):
      return -(i + 1)
  return -(element.attrs.len + 1)

proc attr*(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: string) =
  let i = element.findAttrOrNext(name)
  if i >= 0:
    element.attrs[i].value = value
    element.invalid = true
      qualifiedName: name,
      localName: name,
      value: value
    ), -(i + 1))
  element.reflectAttrs(name, value)

proc attr*(element: Element; name: StaticAtom; value: string) =
  element.attr(element.document.toAtom(name), value)

proc attrns*(element: Element; localName: CAtom; prefix: NamespacePrefix;
    namespace: Namespace; value: sink string) =
  if prefix == NO_PREFIX and namespace == NO_NAMESPACE:
    element.attr(localName, value)
  let namespace = element.document.toAtom(namespace)
  let i = element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName)
  var prefixAtom, qualifiedName: CAtom
  if prefix != NO_PREFIX:
    prefixAtom = element.document.toAtom(prefix)
    let tmp = $prefix & ':' & element.document.toStr(localName)
    qualifiedName = element.document.toAtom(tmp)
    qualifiedName = localName
  if i != -1:
    element.attrs[i].prefix = prefixAtom
    element.attrs[i].qualifiedName = qualifiedName
    element.attrs[i].value = value
    element.invalid = true
      prefix: prefixAtom,
      localName: localName,
      qualifiedName: qualifiedName,
      namespace: namespace,
      value: value
    ), element.attrs.upperBound(qualifiedName, cmpAttrName))
  element.reflectAttrs(qualifiedName, value)

proc attrl(element: Element; name: StaticAtom; value: int32) =
  element.attr(name, $value)

proc attrul(element: Element; name: StaticAtom; value: uint32) =
  element.attr(name, $value)

proc attrulgz(element: Element; name: StaticAtom; value: uint32) =
  if value > 0:
    element.attrul(name, value)

proc setAttribute(element: Element; qualifiedName, value: string):
    Err[DOMException] {.jsfunc.} =
  let qualifiedName = if element.namespace == Namespace.HTML and
      not element.document.isxml:
  element.attr(qualifiedName, value)
  return ok()

proc setAttributeNS(element: Element; namespace, qualifiedName,
    value: string): Err[DOMException] {.jsfunc.} =
  let ps = qualifiedName.until(':')
  let prefix = if ps.len < qualifiedName.len: ps else: ""
  let localName = element.document.toAtom(qualifiedName.substr(prefix.len))
  #TODO atomize here
  if prefix != "" and namespace == "" or
      prefix == "xml" and namespace != $Namespace.XML or
      (qualifiedName == "xmlns" or prefix == "xmlns") and
        namespace != $Namespace.XMLNS or
      namespace == $Namespace.XMLNS and qualifiedName != "xmlns" and
        prefix != "xmlns":
    return errDOMException("Unexpected namespace", "NamespaceError")
  let qualifiedName = element.document.toAtom(qualifiedName)
  let namespace = element.document.toAtom(namespace)
  let i = element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName)
  if i != -1:
    element.attrs[i].value = value
      localName: localName,
      namespace: namespace,
      qualifiedName: qualifiedName,
      value: value
  return ok()

proc removeAttribute(element: Element; qualifiedName: string) {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = element.findAttr(qualifiedName)
  if i != -1:

proc removeAttributeNS(element: Element; namespace, localName: string)
    {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName)
  if i != -1:

proc toggleAttribute(element: Element; qualifiedName: string;
    force = none(bool)): DOMResult[bool] {.jsfunc.} =
  let qualifiedName = element.normalizeAttrQName(qualifiedName)
  if not element.attrb(qualifiedName):
    if force.get(true):
      element.attr(qualifiedName, "")
      return ok(true)
    return ok(false)
  if not force.get(false):
    let i = element.findAttr(qualifiedName)
    if i != -1:
    return ok(false)
  return ok(true)

proc value(attr: Attr; s: string) {.jsfset.} =
  attr.ownerElement.attr(attr.data.qualifiedName, s)

proc setNamedItem(map: NamedNodeMap; attr: Attr): DOMResult[Attr]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  if attr.ownerElement == map.element:
    # Setting attr on its owner element does nothing, since the "get an
    # attribute by namespace and local name" step is used for retrieval
    # (which will always return self).
  if attr.jsOwnerElement != nil:
    return errDOMException("Attribute is currently in use",
  let i = map.element.findAttrNS(attr.data.namespace, attr.data.localName)
  attr.ownerElement = map.element
  if i != -1:
    map.element.attrs[i] = attr.data
    return ok(attr)
  return ok(nil)

proc setNamedItemNS(map: NamedNodeMap; attr: Attr): DOMResult[Attr]
    {.jsfunc.} =
  return map.setNamedItem(attr)

proc removeNamedItem(map: NamedNodeMap; qualifiedName: string):
    DOMResult[Attr] {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = map.element.findAttr(qualifiedName)
  if i != -1:
    let attr = map.getAttr(i)
    map.element.delAttr(i, keep = true)
    return ok(attr)
  return errDOMException("Item not found", "NotFoundError")

proc removeNamedItemNS(map: NamedNodeMap; namespace, localName: string):
    DOMResult[Attr] {.jsfunc.} =
  let i = map.element.findAttrNS(namespace, localName)
  if i != -1:
    let attr = map.getAttr(i)
    map.element.delAttr(i, keep = true)
    return ok(attr)
  return errDOMException("Item not found", "NotFoundError")

proc jsId(element: Element; id: string) {.jsfset: "id".} =
  element.attr(satId, id)

# Pass an index to avoid searching for the node in parent's child list.
proc remove*(node: Node; suppressObservers: bool) =
  let parent = node.parentNode
  assert parent != nil
  assert node.index != -1
  #TODO live ranges
  #TODO NodeIterator
  for i in node.index ..< parent.childList.len - 1:
    parent.childList[i] = parent.childList[i + 1]
    parent.childList[i].index = i
  parent.childList.setLen(parent.childList.len - 1)
  node.parentNode = nil
  node.index = -1
  if node.document != nil and (node of HTMLStyleElement or
      node of HTMLLinkElement):
    node.document.cachedSheetsInvalid = true

  #TODO assigned, shadow root, shadow root again, custom nodes, registered
  # observers
  #TODO not suppress observers => queue tree mutation record

proc remove*(node: Node) {.jsfunc.} =
  node.remove(suppressObservers = false)

proc adopt(document: Document; node: Node) =
  let oldDocument = node.document
  if node.parentNode != nil:
  if oldDocument != document:
    #TODO shadow root
    for desc in node.descendants:
      desc.document_internal = document
      if desc of Element:
        for attr in Element(desc).attributes.attrlist:
          attr.document_internal = document
    #TODO custom elements
    #..adopting steps

proc resetElement*(element: Element) =
  case element.tagType
    let input = HTMLInputElement(element)
    case input.inputType
    of itCheckbox, itRadio:
      input.checked = input.attrb(satChecked)
    of itFile:
      input.file = nil
      input.value = input.attr(satValue)
    input.invalid = true
    let select = HTMLSelectElement(element)
    if not select.attrb(satMultiple):
      if select.attrul(satSize).get(1) == 1:
        var i = 0
        var firstOption: HTMLOptionElement
        for option in select.options:
          if firstOption == nil:
            firstOption = option
          if option.selected:
            inc i
        if i == 0 and firstOption != nil:
          firstOption.selected = true
        elif i > 2:
          # Set the selectedness of all but the last selected option element to
          # false.
          var j = 0
          for option in select.options:
            if j == i: break
            if option.selected:
              option.selected = false
              inc j
    let textarea = HTMLTextAreaElement(element)
    textarea.value = textarea.childTextContent()
    textarea.invalid = true
  else: discard

proc setForm*(element: FormAssociatedElement; form: HTMLFormElement) =
  case element.tagType
    let input = HTMLInputElement(element)
    input.form = form
    let select = HTMLSelectElement(element)
    select.form = form
    let button = HTMLButtonElement(element)
    button.form = form
    let textarea = HTMLTextAreaElement(element)
    textarea.form = form
    discard #TODO
  else: assert false

proc resetFormOwner(element: FormAssociatedElement) =
  element.parserInserted = false
  if element.form != nil:
    if element.tagType notin ListedElements:
    let lastForm = element.findAncestor({TAG_FORM})
    if not element.attrb(satForm) and lastForm == element.form:
  element.form = nil
  if element.tagType in ListedElements and element.isConnected:
    let form = element.document.getElementById(element.attr(satForm))
    if form of HTMLFormElement:

proc elementInsertionSteps(element: Element) =
  if element of HTMLOptionElement:
    if element.parentElement != nil:
      let parent = element.parentElement
      var select: HTMLSelectElement
      if parent of HTMLSelectElement:
        select = HTMLSelectElement(parent)
      elif parent.tagType == TAG_OPTGROUP and parent.parentElement != nil and
          parent.parentElement of HTMLSelectElement:
        select = HTMLSelectElement(parent.parentElement)
      if select != nil:
  elif element of FormAssociatedElement:
    let element = FormAssociatedElement(element)
    if element.parserInserted:
  elif element of HTMLLinkElement:
    let window = element.document.window
    if window != nil:
      let link = HTMLLinkElement(element)
  elif element of HTMLImageElement:
    let window = element.document.window
    if window != nil:
      let image = HTMLImageElement(element)

proc insertionSteps(insertedNode: Node) =
  if insertedNode of Element:
    let element = Element(insertedNode)

func isValidParent(node: Node): bool =
  return node of Element or node of Document or node of DocumentFragment

func isValidChild(node: Node): bool =
  return node.isValidParent or node of DocumentType or node of CharacterData

func checkParentValidity(parent: Node): Err[DOMException] =
  if parent.isValidParent():
    return ok()
  const msg = "Parent must be a document, a document fragment, or an element."
  return errDOMException(msg, "HierarchyRequestError")

# WARNING the ordering of the arguments in the standard is whack so this
# doesn't match that
func preInsertionValidity*(parent, node, before: Node): Err[DOMException] =
  if node.isHostIncludingInclusiveAncestor(parent):
    return errDOMException("Parent must be an ancestor",
  if before != nil and before.parentNode != parent:
    return errDOMException("Reference node is not a child of parent",
  if not node.isValidChild():
    return errDOMException("Node is not a valid child", "HierarchyRequestError")
  if node of Text and parent of Document:
    return errDOMException("Cannot insert text into document",
  if node of DocumentType and not (parent of Document):
    return errDOMException("Document type can only be inserted into document",
  if parent of Document:
    if node of DocumentFragment:
      let elems = node.countChildren(Element)
      if elems > 1 or node.hasChild(Text):
        return errDOMException("Document fragment has invalid children",
      elif elems == 1 and (parent.hasChild(Element) or
          before != nil and (before of DocumentType or
        return errDOMException("Document fragment has invalid children",
    elif node of Element:
      if parent.hasChild(Element):
        return errDOMException("Document already has an element child",
      elif before != nil and (before of DocumentType or
        return errDOMException("Cannot insert element before document type",
    elif node of DocumentType:
      if parent.hasChild(DocumentType) or
          before != nil and before.hasPreviousSibling(Element) or
          before == nil and parent.hasChild(Element):
        const msg = "Cannot insert document type before an element node"
        return errDOMException(msg, "HierarchyRequestError")
    else: discard
  return ok() # no exception reached

proc insertNode(parent, node, before: Node) =
  parent.childList.setLen(parent.childList.len + 1)
  if before == nil:
    node.index = parent.childList.high
    node.index = before.index
    for i in countdown(parent.childList.high - 1, node.index):
      parent.childList[i + 1] = parent.childList[i]
      parent.childList[i + 1].index = i + 1
  parent.childList[node.index] = node
  node.parentNode = parent
  if node.document != nil and (node of HTMLStyleElement or
      node of HTMLLinkElement):
    node.document.cachedSheetsInvalid = true
  if node of Element:
    #TODO shadow root

# WARNING ditto
proc insert*(parent, node, before: Node; suppressObservers = false) =
  var nodes = if node of DocumentFragment:
  let count = nodes.len
  if count == 0:
  if node of DocumentFragment:
    for i in countdown(node.childList.high, 0):
    #TODO tree mutation record
  if before != nil:
    #TODO live ranges
  if parent of Element:
    Element(parent).invalid = true
  for node in nodes:
    insertNode(parent, node, before)

proc insertBefore*(parent, node, before: Node): DOMResult[Node] {.jsfunc.} =
  ?parent.preInsertionValidity(node, before)
  let referenceChild = if before == node:
  parent.insert(node, referenceChild)
  return ok(node)

proc appendChild(parent, node: Node): DOMResult[Node] {.jsfunc.} =
  return parent.insertBefore(node, nil)

proc append*(parent, node: Node) =
  discard parent.appendChild(node)

#TODO replaceChild

proc removeChild(parent, node: Node): DOMResult[Node] {.jsfunc.} =
  if node.parentNode != parent:
    return errDOMException("Node is not a child of parent", "NotFoundError")
  return ok(node)

# WARNING the ordering of the arguments in the standard is whack so this
# doesn't match that
# Note: the standard returns child if not err. We don't, it's just a
# pointless copy.
proc replace*(parent, child, node: Node): Err[DOMException] =
  if node.isHostIncludingInclusiveAncestor(parent):
    return errDOMException("Parent must be an ancestor",
  if child.parentNode != parent:
    return errDOMException("Node to replace is not a child of parent",
  if not node.isValidChild():
    return errDOMException("Node is not a valid child", "HierarchyRequesError")
  if node of Text and parent of Document or
      node of DocumentType and not (parent of Document):
    return errDOMException("Replacement cannot be placed in parent",
  let childNextSibling = child.nextSibling
  let childPreviousSibling = child.previousSibling
  if parent of Document:
    if node of DocumentFragment:
      let elems = node.countChildren(Element)
      if elems > 1 or node.hasChild(Text):
        return errDOMException("Document fragment has invalid children",
      elif elems == 1 and (parent.hasChildExcept(Element, child) or
          childNextSibling != nil and childNextSibling of DocumentType):
        return errDOMException("Document fragment has invalid children",
    elif node of Element:
      if parent.hasChildExcept(Element, child):
        return errDOMException("Document already has an element child",
      elif childNextSibling != nil and childNextSibling of DocumentType:
        return errDOMException("Cannot insert element before document type ",
    elif node of DocumentType:
      if parent.hasChildExcept(DocumentType, child) or
          childPreviousSibling != nil and childPreviousSibling of DocumentType:
        const msg = "Cannot insert document type before an element node"
        return errDOMException(msg, "HierarchyRequestError")
  let referenceChild = if childNextSibling == node:
  #NOTE the standard says "if parent is not null", but the adoption step
  # that made it necessary has been removed.
  child.remove(suppressObservers = true)
  parent.insert(node, referenceChild, suppressObservers = true)
  #TODO tree mutation record
  return ok()

proc replaceAll(parent, node: Node) =
  var removedNodes = parent.childList # copy
  for child in removedNodes:
  assert parent != node
  if node != nil:
    if node of DocumentFragment:
      var addedNodes = node.childList # copy
      for child in addedNodes:
  #TODO tree mutation record

proc createTextNode*(document: Document; data: string): Text {.jsfunc.} =
  return newText(document, data)

proc textContent*(node: Node; data: Option[string]) {.jsfset.} =
  if node of Element or node of DocumentFragment:
    let x = if data.isSome:
  elif node of CharacterData:
    CharacterData(node).data = data.get("")
  elif node of Attr:
    value(Attr(node), data.get(""))

proc reset*(form: HTMLFormElement) =
  for control in form.controls:
    control.invalid = true

proc renderBlocking*(element: Element): bool =
  if "render" in element.attr(satBlocking).split(AsciiWhitespace):
    return true
  if element of HTMLScriptElement:
    let element = HTMLScriptElement(element)
    if element.ctype == CLASSIC and element.parserDocument != nil and
        not element.attrb(satAsync) and not element.attrb(satDefer):
      return true
  return false

proc blockRendering*(element: Element) =
  let document = element.document
  if document.contentType == "text/html" and document.body == nil:

proc markAsReady(element: HTMLScriptElement; res: ScriptResult) =
  element.scriptResult = res
  if element.onReady != nil:
    element.onReady = nil
  element.delayingTheLoadEvent = false

proc createClassicScript(ctx: JSContext; source: string; baseURL: URL;
    options: ScriptOptions; mutedErrors = false): Script =
  let urls = baseURL.serialize(excludepassword = true)
  let record = compileScript(ctx, source, urls)
  return Script(
    record: record,
    baseURL: baseURL,
    options: options,
    mutedErrors: mutedErrors

type OnCompleteProc = proc(element: HTMLScriptElement, res: ScriptResult)

proc fetchClassicScript(element: HTMLScriptElement; url: URL;
    options: ScriptOptions; cors: CORSAttribute; cs: Charset;
    onComplete: OnCompleteProc) =
  let window = element.document.window
  if not element.scriptingEnabled:
    element.onComplete(ScriptResult(t: RESULT_NULL))
  let request = createPotentialCORSRequest(url, rdScript, cors)
  request.client = some(window.settings)
  #TODO make this non-blocking somehow
  let response = window.loader.doRequest(request.request)
  if response.res != 0:
    element.onComplete(ScriptResult(t: RESULT_NULL))
  let s = response.body.recvAll()
  let cs = if cs == CHARSET_UNKNOWN: CHARSET_UTF_8 else: cs
  let source = s.decodeAll(cs)
  let script = window.jsctx.createClassicScript(source, url, options, false)
  element.onComplete(ScriptResult(t: RESULT_SCRIPT, script: script))

#TODO settings object
proc fetchDescendantsAndLink(element: HTMLScriptElement; script: Script;
    destination: RequestDestination; onComplete: OnCompleteProc)
proc fetchSingleModule(element: HTMLScriptElement; url: URL;
    destination: RequestDestination; options: ScriptOptions;
    referrer: URL; isTopLevel: bool; onComplete: OnCompleteProc)

#TODO settings object
proc fetchExternalModuleGraph(element: HTMLScriptElement; url: URL;
    options: ScriptOptions; onComplete: OnCompleteProc) =
  let window = element.document.window
  if not element.scriptingEnabled:
    element.onComplete(ScriptResult(t: RESULT_NULL))
  window.importMapsAllowed = false
    isTopLevel = true,
    onComplete = proc(element: HTMLScriptElement; res: ScriptResult) =
      if res.t == RESULT_NULL:
        element.fetchDescendantsAndLink(res.script, rdScript, onComplete)

proc fetchDescendantsAndLink(element: HTMLScriptElement; script: Script;
    destination: RequestDestination; onComplete: OnCompleteProc) =

#TODO settings object
proc fetchSingleModule(element: HTMLScriptElement; url: URL;
    destination: RequestDestination; options: ScriptOptions,
    referrer: URL; isTopLevel: bool; onComplete: OnCompleteProc) =
  discard #TODO implement
  let moduleType = "javascript"
  #TODO moduleRequest
  let settings = element.document.window.settings
  let i = settings.moduleMap.find(url, moduleType)
  if i != -1:
    if settings.moduleMap[i].value.t == RESULT_FETCHING:
      #TODO await value
      assert false
  let destination = fetchDestinationFromModuleType(destination, moduleType)
  let mode = if destination in {rdWorker, rdSharedworker, rdServiceworker}:
  #TODO client
  #TODO initiator type
  let request = newRequest(
    mode = mode,
    referrer = referrer,
    destination = destination
  discard request #TODO

proc execute*(element: HTMLScriptElement) =
  let document = element.document
  if document != element.preparationTimeDocument:
  let i = document.renderBlockingElements.find(element)
  if i != -1:
  #TODO this should work eventually (when module & importmap are implemented)
  #assert element.scriptResult != nil
  if element.scriptResult == nil:
  if element.scriptResult.t == RESULT_NULL:
    #TODO fire error event
  let needsInc = element.external or element.ctype == MODULE
  if needsInc:
    inc document.ignoreDestructiveWrites
  case element.ctype
    let oldCurrentScript = document.currentScript
    #TODO not if shadow root
    document.currentScript = element
    let window = document.window
    if window != nil and window.jsctx != nil:
      let script = element.scriptResult.script
      let urls = script.baseURL.serialize(excludepassword = true)
      let ctx = window.jsctx
      if JS_IsException(script.record):
        window.console.error("Exception in document", urls,
        let ret = ctx.evalFunction(script.record)
        if JS_IsException(ret):
          window.console.error("Exception in document", urls,
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, ret)
    document.currentScript = oldCurrentScript
  else: discard #TODO
  if needsInc:
    dec document.ignoreDestructiveWrites

# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#prepare-the-script-element
proc prepare*(element: HTMLScriptElement) =
  if element.alreadyStarted:
  let parserDocument = element.parserDocument
  element.parserDocument = nil
  if parserDocument != nil and not element.attrb(satAsync):
    element.forceAsync = true
  let sourceText = element.childTextContent
  if not element.attrb(satSrc) and sourceText == "":
  if not element.isConnected:
  let t = element.attr(satType)
  let typeString = if t != "":
    t.strip(chars = AsciiWhitespace).toLowerAscii()
  elif (let l = element.attr(satLanguage); l != ""):
    "text/" & l.toLowerAscii()
  if typeString.isJavaScriptType():
    element.ctype = CLASSIC
  elif typeString == "module":
    element.ctype = MODULE
  elif typeString == "importmap":
    element.ctype = IMPORTMAP
  if parserDocument != nil:
    element.parserDocument = parserDocument
    element.forceAsync = false
  element.alreadyStarted = true
  element.preparationTimeDocument = element.document
  if parserDocument != nil and
      parserDocument != element.preparationTimeDocument:
  if not element.scriptingEnabled:
  if element.attrb(satNomodule) and element.ctype == CLASSIC:
  #TODO content security policy
  if element.ctype == CLASSIC and element.attrb(satEvent) and
    let f = element.attr(satFor).strip(chars = AsciiWhitespace)
    let event = element.attr(satEvent).strip(chars = AsciiWhitespace)
    if not f.equalsIgnoreCase("window"):
    if not event.equalsIgnoreCase("onload") and
        not event.equalsIgnoreCase("onload()"):
  let cs = getCharset(element.attr(satCharset))
  let encoding = if cs != CHARSET_UNKNOWN: cs else: element.document.charset
  let classicCORS = element.crossOrigin
  let parserMetadata = if element.parserDocument != nil:
  var options = ScriptOptions(
    nonce: element.internalNonce,
    integrity: element.attr(satIntegrity),
    parserMetadata: parserMetadata,
    referrerpolicy: element.referrerpolicy
  #TODO settings object
  if element.attrb(satSrc):
    if element.ctype == IMPORTMAP:
      #TODO fire error event
    let src = element.attr(satSrc)
    if src == "":
      #TODO fire error event
    element.external = true
    let url = element.document.parseURL(src)
    if url.isNone:
      #TODO fire error event
    if element.renderBlocking:
    element.delayingTheLoadEvent = true
    if element in element.document.renderBlockingElements:
      options.renderBlocking = true
    if element.ctype == CLASSIC:
      element.fetchClassicScript(url.get, options, classicCORS, encoding,
      element.fetchExternalModuleGraph(url.get, options, markAsReady)
    let baseURL = element.document.baseURL
    if element.ctype == CLASSIC:
      let ctx = element.document.window.jsctx
      let script = ctx.createClassicScript(sourceText, baseURL, options)
      element.markAsReady(ScriptResult(t: RESULT_SCRIPT, script: script))
      element.markAsReady(ScriptResult(t: RESULT_NULL))
  if element.ctype == CLASSIC and element.attrb(satSrc) or
      element.ctype == MODULE:
    let prepdoc = element.preparationTimeDocument
    if element.attrb(satAsync):
      element.onReady = (proc() =
        let i = prepdoc.scriptsToExecSoon.find(element)
    elif element.parserDocument == nil:
      element.onReady = (proc() =
        if prepdoc.scriptsToExecInOrder.len > 0 and
            prepdoc.scriptsToExecInOrder[0] != element:
          while prepdoc.scriptsToExecInOrder.len > 0:
            let script = prepdoc.scriptsToExecInOrder[0]
            if script.scriptResult == nil:
    elif element.ctype == MODULE or element.attrb(satDefer):
      element.onReady = (proc() =
        element.readyForParserExec = true
      element.parserDocument.parserBlockingScript = element
      element.onReady = (proc() =
        element.readyForParserExec = true
    #TODO if CLASSIC, parserDocument != nil, parserDocument has a style sheet
    # that is blocking scripts, either the parser is an XML parser or a HTML
    # parser with a script level <= 1

#TODO options/custom elements
proc createElement(document: Document; localName: string):
    DOMResult[Element] {.jsfunc.} =
  if not localName.matchNameProduction():
    return errDOMException("Invalid character in element name",
  let localName = if not document.isxml:
  let namespace = if not document.isxml:
    #TODO or content type is application/xhtml+xml
  return ok(document.newHTMLElement(localName, namespace))

#TODO createElementNS

proc createDocumentFragment(document: Document): DocumentFragment {.jsfunc.} =
  return newDocumentFragment(document)

proc createDocumentType(implementation: var DOMImplementation; qualifiedName,
    publicId, systemId: string): DOMResult[DocumentType] {.jsfunc.} =
  if not qualifiedName.matchQNameProduction():
    return errDOMException("Invalid character in document type name",
  let document = implementation.document
  return ok(document.newDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId))

proc createHTMLDocument(ctx: JSContext; implementation: var DOMImplementation;
    title = none(string)): Document {.jsfunc.} =
  let doc = newDocument(ctx)
  doc.contentType = "text/html"
  doc.append(doc.newDocumentType("html", "", ""))
  let html = doc.newHTMLElement(TAG_HTML)
  let head = doc.newHTMLElement(TAG_HEAD)
  if title.isSome:
    let titleElement = doc.newHTMLElement(TAG_TITLE)
  #TODO set origin
  return doc

proc hasFeature(implementation: var DOMImplementation): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  return true

proc createCDATASection(document: Document; data: string):
    DOMResult[CDATASection] {.jsfunc.} =
  if not document.isxml:
    return errDOMException("CDATA sections are not supported in HTML",
  if "]]>" in data:
    return errDOMException("CDATA sections may not contain the string ]]>",
  return ok(newCDATASection(document, data))

proc createComment*(document: Document; data: string): Comment {.jsfunc.} =
  return newComment(document, data)

proc createProcessingInstruction(document: Document; target, data: string):
    DOMResult[ProcessingInstruction] {.jsfunc.} =
  if not target.matchNameProduction() or "?>" in data:
    return errDOMException("Invalid data for processing instruction",
  return ok(newProcessingInstruction(document, target, data))

proc clone(node: Node; document = none(Document), deep = false): Node =
  let document = document.get(node.document)
  let copy = if node of Element:
    #TODO is value
    let element = Element(node)
    let x = document.newHTMLElement(element.localName, element.namespace,
    x.attrs = element.attrs
    #TODO namespaced attrs?
    # Cloning steps
    if x of HTMLScriptElement:
      let x = HTMLScriptElement(x)
      let element = HTMLScriptElement(element)
      x.alreadyStarted = element.alreadyStarted
    elif x of HTMLInputElement:
      let x = HTMLInputElement(x)
      let element = HTMLInputElement(element)
      x.value = element.value
      #TODO dirty value flag
      x.checked = element.checked
      #TODO dirty checkedness flag
  elif node of Attr:
    let attr = Attr(node)
    let data = attr.data
    let x = Attr(
      ownerElement: AttrDummyElement(
        document_internal: attr.ownerElement.document,
        index: -1,
        attrs: @[data]
      dataIdx: 0
  elif node of Text:
    let text = Text(node)
    let x = document.newText(text.data)
  elif node of CDATASection:
    let x = document.newCDATASection("")
    #TODO is this really correct??
    # really, I don't know. only relevant with xhtml anyway...
  elif node of Comment:
    let comment = Comment(node)
    let x = document.newComment(comment.data)
  elif node of ProcessingInstruction:
    let procinst = ProcessingInstruction(node)
    let x = document.newProcessingInstruction(procinst.target, procinst.data)
  elif node of Document:
    let document = Document(node)
    let x = newDocument(document.factory)
    x.charset = document.charset
    x.contentType = document.contentType
    x.url = document.url
    x.isxml = document.isxml
    x.mode = document.mode
  elif node of DocumentType:
    let doctype = DocumentType(node)
    let x = document.newDocumentType(doctype.name, doctype.publicId,
  elif node of DocumentFragment:
    let x = document.newDocumentFragment()
    assert false
  if deep:
    for child in node.childList:
      copy.append(child.clone(deep = true))
  return copy

proc cloneNode(node: Node; deep = false): Node {.jsfunc.} =
  #TODO shadow root
  return node.clone(deep = deep)

func equals(a, b: AttrData): bool =
  return a.qualifiedName == b.qualifiedName and
    a.namespace == b.namespace and
    a.value == b.value

func isEqualNode(node, other: Node): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  if node.childList.len != other.childList.len:
    return false
  if node of DocumentType:
    if not (other of DocumentType):
      return false
    let node = DocumentType(node)
    let other = DocumentType(other)
    if node.name != other.name or node.publicId != other.publicId or
        node.systemId != other.systemId:
      return false
  elif node of Element:
    if not (other of Element):
      return false
    let node = Element(node)
    let other = Element(other)
    if node.namespace != other.namespace or
        node.namespacePrefix != other.namespacePrefix or
        node.localName != other.localName or
        node.attrs.len != other.attrs.len:
      return false
    for i, attr in node.attrs:
      if not attr.equals(other.attrs[i]):
        return false
  elif node of Attr:
    if not (other of Attr):
      return false
    if not Attr(node).data.equals(Attr(other).data):
      return false
  elif node of ProcessingInstruction:
    if not (other of ProcessingInstruction):
      return false
    let node = ProcessingInstruction(node)
    let other = ProcessingInstruction(other)
    if node.target != other.target or node.data != other.data:
      return false
  elif node of CharacterData:
    if node of Text and not (other of Text) or
        node of Comment and not (other of Comment):
      return false
    return CharacterData(node).data == CharacterData(other).data
  for i, child in node.childList:
    if not child.isEqualNode(other.childList[i]):
      return false

func isSameNode(node, other: Node): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  return node == other

# Forward definition hack (these are set in selectors.nim)
var doqsa*: proc (node: Node; q: string): seq[Element]
var doqs*: proc (node: Node; q: string): Element

proc querySelectorAll*(node: Node; q: string): seq[Element] {.jsfunc.} =
  return doqsa(node, q)

proc querySelector*(node: Node; q: string): Element {.jsfunc.} =
  return doqs(node, q)

const (ReflectTable, TagReflectMap, ReflectAllStartIndex) = (func(): (
    Table[TagType, seq[int16]],
    int16) =
  var i: int16 = 0
  while i < ReflectTable0.len:
    let x = ReflectTable0[i]
    if x.tags == AllTagTypes:
    for tag in result[0][i].tags:
      if tag notin result[1]:
        result[1][tag] = newSeq[int16]()
    assert result[0][i].tags.len != 0
    inc i
  result[2] = i
  while i < ReflectTable0.len:
    let x = ReflectTable0[i]
    assert x.tags == AllTagTypes
    inc i

proc jsReflectGet(ctx: JSContext; this: JSValue; magic: cint): JSValue
    {.cdecl.} =
  let entry = ReflectTable[uint16(magic)]
  let op = getOpaque0(this)
  if unlikely(not ctx.isInstanceOf(this, "Element") or op == nil):
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx,
      "Reflected getter called on a value that is not an element")
  let element = cast[Element](op)
  if element.tagType notin entry.tags:
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Invalid tag type %s", element.tagType)
  case entry.t
  of rtStr:
    let x = toJS(ctx, element.attr(entry.attrname))
    return x
  of rtBool:
    return toJS(ctx, element.attrb(entry.attrname))
  of rtLong:
    return toJS(ctx, element.attrl(entry.attrname).get(entry.i))
  of rtUlong:
    return toJS(ctx, element.attrul(entry.attrname).get(entry.u))
  of rtUlongGz:
    return toJS(ctx, element.attrulgz(entry.attrname).get(entry.u))
  of rtFunction:
    return JS_GetPropertyStr(ctx, this, cstring($entry.attrname))

proc jsReflectSet(ctx: JSContext; this, val: JSValue; magic: cint): JSValue
    {.cdecl.} =
  if unlikely(not ctx.isInstanceOf(this, "Element")):
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx,
      "Reflected getter called on a value that is not an element")
  let entry = ReflectTable[uint16(magic)]
  let op = getOpaque0(this)
  assert op != nil
  let element = cast[Element](op)
  if element.tagType notin entry.tags:
    return JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "Invalid tag type %s", element.tagType)
  case entry.t
  of rtStr:
    let x = fromJS[string](ctx, val)
    if x.isSome:
      element.attr(entry.attrname, x.get)
  of rtBool:
    let x = fromJS[bool](ctx, val)
    if x.isSome:
      if x.get:
        element.attr(entry.attrname, "")
        let i = element.findAttr(entry.attrname)
        if i != -1:
  of rtLong:
    let x = fromJS[int32](ctx, val)
    if x.isSome:
      element.attrl(entry.attrname, x.get)
  of rtUlong:
    let x = fromJS[uint32](ctx, val)
    if x.isSome:
      element.attrul(entry.attrname, x.get)
  of rtUlongGz:
    let x = fromJS[uint32](ctx, val)
    if x.isSome:
      element.attrulgz(entry.attrname, x.get)
  of rtFunction:
    if JS_IsFunction(ctx, val):
      let target = fromJS[EventTarget](ctx, this).get
      ctx.definePropertyC(this, $entry.attrname, JS_DupValue(ctx, val))
      #TODO I haven't checked but this might also be wrong
      doAssert ctx.addEventListener(target, entry.ctype, val).isSome
  return JS_DupValue(ctx, val)

func getReflectFunctions(tags: set[TagType]): seq[TabGetSet] =
  for tag in tags:
    if tag in TagReflectMap:
      for i in TagReflectMap[tag]:
          name: ReflectTable[i].funcname,
          get: jsReflectGet,
          set: jsReflectSet,
          magic: i
  return result

func getElementReflectFunctions(): seq[TabGetSet] =
  result = @[]
  for i in ReflectAllStartIndex ..< int16(ReflectTable.len):
    let entry = ReflectTable[i]
    assert entry.tags == AllTagTypes
      name: ReflectTable[i].funcname,
      get: jsReflectGet,
      set: jsReflectSet,
      magic: i

proc getContext*(jctx: JSContext; this: HTMLCanvasElement; contextId: string;
    options = none(JSValue)): RenderingContext {.jsfunc.} =
  if contextId == "2d":
    if this.ctx2d != nil:
      return this.ctx2d
    return create2DContext(jctx, this, options)
  return nil

# Note: the standard says quality should be converted in a strange way for
# backwards compat, but I don't care.
proc toBlob(ctx: JSContext; this: HTMLCanvasElement; callback: JSValue;
    contentType = "image/png"; quality = none(float64)): JSValue {.jsfunc.} =
  if not contentType.startsWith("image/"):
  let url = newURL("img-codec+" & contentType.after('/') & ":encode")
  if url.isNone:
  #TODO this is dumb (and slow)
  var s = newString(this.bitmap.px.len * 4)
  copyMem(addr s[0], addr this.bitmap.px[0], this.bitmap.px.len * 4)
  let headers = newHeaders({
    "Cha-Image-Dimensions": $this.bitmap.width & 'x' & $this.bitmap.height
  if (var quality = quality.get(-1); 0 <= quality and quality <= 1):
    quality *= 99
    quality += 1
    headers.add("Cha-Image-Quality", $quality)
  let request = newRequest(
    httpMethod = hmPost,
    headers = headers,
    body = RequestBody(t: rbtString, s: s)
  # callback will go out of scope when we return, so capture a new reference.
  let callback = JS_DupValue(ctx, callback)
  let window = this.document.window
  let contentType = contentType.toLowerAscii()
  window.loader.fetch(request).then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]):
      EmptyPromise =
    if res.isNone:
      if contentType != "image/png":
        # redo as PNG.
        # Note: this sounds dumb, and is dumb, but also standard mandated so
        # whatever.
        discard ctx.toBlob(this, callback, "image/png", quality)
      else: # the png encoder doesn't work...
        window.console.error("missing/broken PNG encoder")
      JS_FreeValue(ctx, callback)
    let response = res.get
    if "Cha-Image-Dimensions" notin response.headers.table:
      window.console.error("Cha-Image-Dimensions missing")
      JS_FreeValue(ctx, callback)
    let dims = response.headers.table["Cha-Image-Dimensions"][0]
    let width = parseUInt64(dims.until('x'), allowSign = false)
    let height = parseUInt64(dims.after('x'), allowSign = false)
    if width.isNone or height.isNone:
      window.console.error("wrong Cha-Image-Dimensions")
      JS_FreeValue(ctx, callback)
    response.blob().then(proc(blob: JSResult[Blob]) =
      let jsBlob = toJS(ctx, blob)
      let res = JS_Call(ctx, callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, jsBlob.toJSValueArray())
      if JS_IsException(res):
        window.console.error("Exception in canvas toBlob:",
        JS_FreeValue(ctx, res)
      JS_FreeValue(ctx, callback)

# Forward declaration hack
var domParseHTMLFragment*: proc(element: Element; s: string): seq[Node]

# https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-fragment-parsing-algorithm
proc fragmentParsingAlgorithm*(element: Element; s: string): DocumentFragment =
  #TODO xml
  let newChildren = domParseHTMLFragment(element, s)
  let fragment = element.document.newDocumentFragment()
  for child in newChildren:
  return fragment

proc innerHTML(element: Element; s: string) {.jsfset.} =
  #TODO shadow root
  let fragment = fragmentParsingAlgorithm(element, s)
  let ctx = if element of HTMLTemplateElement:

proc outerHTML(element: Element; s: string): Err[DOMException] {.jsfset.} =
  let parent0 = element.parentNode
  if parent0 == nil:
    return ok()
  if parent0 of Document:
    let ex = newDOMException("outerHTML is disallowed for Document children",
    return err(ex)
  let parent = if parent0 of DocumentFragment:
    # neither a document, nor a document fragment => parent must be an
    # element node
  let fragment = fragmentParsingAlgorithm(parent, s)
  return parent.replace(element, fragment)

type InsertAdjacentPosition = enum
  iapBeforeBegin = "beforebegin"
  iapAfterEnd = "afterend"
  iapAfterBegin = "afterbegin"
  iapBeforeEnd = "beforeend"

func parseInsertAdjacentPosition(s: string): DOMResult[InsertAdjacentPosition] =
  for iap in InsertAdjacentPosition.low .. InsertAdjacentPosition.high:
    if ($iap).equalsIgnoreCase(s):
      return ok(iap)
  return errDOMException("Invalid position", "SyntaxError")

# https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dom-element-insertadjacenthtml
proc insertAdjacentHTML(element: Element; position, text: string):
    Err[DOMException] {.jsfunc.} =
  let position = ?parseInsertAdjacentPosition(position)
  let ctx0 = case position
  of iapBeforeBegin, iapAfterEnd:
    if element.parentNode of Document or element.parentNode == nil:
      return errDOMException("Parent is not a valid element",
  of iapAfterBegin, iapBeforeEnd:
  let document = ctx0.document
  let ctx = if not (ctx0 of Element) or not document.isxml or
      Element(ctx0).namespace == Namespace.HTML:
  let fragment = ctx.fragmentParsingAlgorithm(text)
  case position
  of iapBeforeBegin:
    ctx.parentNode.insert(fragment, ctx)
  of iapAfterBegin:
    ctx.insert(fragment, ctx.firstChild)
  of iapBeforeEnd:
  of iapAfterEnd:
    ctx.parentNode.insert(fragment, ctx.nextSibling)

proc registerElements(ctx: JSContext; nodeCID: JSClassID) =
  let elementCID = ctx.registerType(Element, parent = nodeCID)
  const extra_getset = getElementReflectFunctions()
  let htmlElementCID = ctx.registerType(HTMLElement, parent = elementCID,
    has_extra_getset = true, extra_getset = extra_getset)
  template register(t: typed; tags: set[TagType]) =
    const extra_getset = getReflectFunctions(tags)
    ctx.registerType(t, parent = htmlElementCID,
      has_extra_getset = true, extra_getset = extra_getset)
  template register(t: typed; tag: TagType) =
    register(t, {tag})
  register(HTMLInputElement, TAG_INPUT)
  register(HTMLAnchorElement, TAG_A)
  register(HTMLSelectElement, TAG_SELECT)
  register(HTMLSpanElement, TAG_SPAN)
  register(HTMLOptGroupElement, TAG_OPTGROUP)
  register(HTMLOptionElement, TAG_OPTION)
  register(HTMLHeadingElement, {TAG_H1, TAG_H2, TAG_H3, TAG_H4, TAG_H5, TAG_H6})
  register(HTMLBRElement, TAG_BR)
  register(HTMLMenuElement, TAG_MENU)
  register(HTMLUListElement, TAG_UL)
  register(HTMLOListElement, TAG_OL)
  register(HTMLLIElement, TAG_LI)
  register(HTMLStyleElement, TAG_STYLE)
  register(HTMLLinkElement, TAG_LINK)
  register(HTMLFormElement, TAG_FORM)
  register(HTMLTemplateElement, TAG_TEMPLATE)
  register(HTMLUnknownElement, TAG_UNKNOWN)
  register(HTMLScriptElement, TAG_SCRIPT)
  register(HTMLBaseElement, TAG_BASE)
  register(HTMLAreaElement, TAG_AREA)
  register(HTMLButtonElement, TAG_BUTTON)
  register(HTMLTextAreaElement, TAG_TEXTAREA)
  register(HTMLLabelElement, TAG_LABEL)
  register(HTMLCanvasElement, TAG_CANVAS)
  register(HTMLImageElement, TAG_IMG)
  register(HTMLVideoElement, TAG_VIDEO)
  register(HTMLAudioElement, TAG_AUDIO)

proc addDOMModule*(ctx: JSContext) =
  let eventTargetCID = ctx.getClass("EventTarget")
  let nodeCID = ctx.registerType(Node, parent = eventTargetCID)
  ctx.defineConsts(nodeCID, NodeType, uint16)
  ctx.registerType(HTMLAllCollection, ishtmldda = true)
  ctx.registerType(Document, parent = nodeCID)
  let characterDataCID = ctx.registerType(CharacterData, parent = nodeCID)
  ctx.registerType(Comment, parent = characterDataCID)
  ctx.registerType(CDATASection, parent = characterDataCID)
  ctx.registerType(DocumentFragment, parent = nodeCID)
  ctx.registerType(ProcessingInstruction, parent = characterDataCID)
  ctx.registerType(Text, parent = characterDataCID)
  ctx.registerType(DocumentType, parent = nodeCID)
  ctx.registerType(Attr, parent = nodeCID)