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develstricter set type match, implicit conversion for literals (#24176)metagn4 months
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# Configuration file for the Nim Compiler.
# (c) 2017 Andreas Rumpf

# Feel free to edit the default values as you need.

# You may set environment variables with
# @putenv "key" "val"
# Environment variables can be accessed like so:
#  gcc.path %= "$CC_PATH"

cc = gcc

# additional options always passed to the compiler:
--parallel_build: "0" # 0 to auto-detect number of processors


# Examples of how to setup a cross-compiler:

# Cross-compiling for Raspberry Pi.
# (This compiler is available in gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf package on Ubuntu)
arm.linux.gcc.exe = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
arm.linux.gcc.linkerexe = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"

# For OpenWRT, you will also need to adjust PATH to point to your toolchain. 
mips.linux.gcc.exe = "mips-openwrt-linux-gcc"
mips.linux.gcc.linkerexe = "mips-openwrt-linux-gcc"


@if nimbabel:
  @if not windows:
    # TODO:

@if release or quick:
  @if nimHasNilChecks:

@if release:

@if unix:
  @if not bsd or haiku:
    # -fopenmp
    gcc.options.linker = "-ldl"
    gcc.cpp.options.linker = "-ldl"
    clang.options.linker = "-ldl"
    clang.cpp.options.linker = "-ldl"
    tcc.options.linker = "-ldl"
  @if bsd or haiku:
    # BSD got posix_spawn only recently, so we deactivate it for osproc:
    # at least NetBSD has problems with thread local storage:
  @if haiku:
    # -fopenmp
    gcc.options.linker = "-lroot -lnetwork"
    gcc.cpp.options.linker = "-lroot -lnetwork"
    clang.options.linker = "-lroot -lnetwork"
    clang.cpp.options.linker = "-lroot -lnetwork"
    tcc.options.linker = "-lroot -lnetwork"

@if android:
  cc = clang
  @if termux:
    gcc.options.linker = "-landroid-glob"
    gcc.cpp.options.linker = "-landroid-glob"
    clang.options.linker = "-landroid-glob"
    clang.cpp.options.linker = "-landroid-glob"
    tcc.options.linker = "-landroid-glob"

# Configuration for the Intel C/C++ compiler:
@if windows:
  icl.options.speed = "/Ox /arch:SSE2"
  icl.options.always = "/nologo"

# Configuration for the GNU C/C++ compiler:
@if windows:
  #gcc.path = r"$nim\dist\mingw\bin"
  @if gcc or tcc:

@if macosx or freebsd:
  cc = clang
  gcc.options.always = "-w"
  gcc.cpp.options.always = "-w -fpermissive"
@elif windows:
  gcc.options.always = "-w -mno-ms-bitfields"
  gcc.cpp.options.always = "-w -fpermissive -mno-ms-bitfields"
  gcc.options.always = "-w"
  gcc.cpp.options.always = "-w -fpermissive"

# Configuration for Objective-C compiler:
# Options for GNUStep. GNUStep configuration varies wildly, so you'll probably
# have to add additional compiler and linker flags on a per-project basis.
gcc.objc.options.linker = "-lobjc -lgnustep-base"
llvm_gcc.objc.options.linker = "-lobjc -lgnustep-base"
clang.objc.options.linker = "-lobjc -lgnustep-base"

# Options for Mac OS X. Mac OS X uses its own Objective-C stack that is
# totally different from GNUStep.
@if macosx:
  gcc.objc.options.linker = "-framework Foundation"
  llvm_gcc.objc.options.linker = "-framework Foundation"
  clang.objc.options.linker = "-framework Foundation"

# Options for FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD linker to add locations for searching
# shared libraries.
@if freebsd or openbsd or netbsd:
  gcc.options.linker = "-Wl,-rpath=.:/usr/local/lib:/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib"
  gcc.cpp.options.linker = "-Wl,-rpath=.:/usr/local/lib:/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib"
  llvm_gcc.options.linker = "-Wl,-rpath=.:/usr/local/lib:/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib"
  llvm_gcc.cpp.options.linker = "-Wl,-rpath=.:/usr/local/lib:/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib"
  clang.options.linker = "-Wl,-rpath=.:/usr/local/lib:/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib"
  clang.cpp.options.linker = "-Wl,-rpath=.:/usr/local/lib:/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib"

# Configuration for the VxWorks
# This has been tested with VxWorks 6.9 only
@if vxworks:
  # For now we only support compiling RTPs applications (i.e. no DKMs)
  gcc.options.always = "-mrtp -fno-strict-aliasing -D_C99 -D_HAS_C9X -std=c99 -fasm -Wall -Wno-write-strings"
  # The linker config must add the VxWorks common library for the selected
  # processor which is usually found in:
  # "$WIND_BASE/target/lib/usr/lib/PROCESSOR_FAMILY/PROCESSOR_TYPE/common",
  # where PROCESSOR_FAMILY and PROCESSOR_TYPE are those supported by the VxWorks
  # compiler (e.g. ppc/PPC32 or mips/MIPSI64, etc)
  # For now we only support the PowerPC CPU
  gcc.options.linker %= "-L $WIND_BASE/target/lib/usr/lib/ppc/PPC32/common -mrtp -fno-strict-aliasing -D_C99 -D_HAS_C9X -std=c99 -fasm -Wall -Wno-write-strings"

gcc.options.speed = "-O3 -fno-strict-aliasing"
gcc.options.size = "-Os"
@if windows:
  gcc.options.debug = "-g3 -O0 -gdwarf-3"
  gcc.options.debug = "-g3 -O0"
gcc.cpp.options.speed = "-O3 -fno-strict-aliasing"
gcc.cpp.options.size = "-Os"
gcc.cpp.options.debug = "-g3 -O0"
#passl = "-pg"

# Configuration for the LLVM GCC compiler:
llvm_gcc.options.debug = "-g"
llvm_gcc.options.always = "-w"
llvm_gcc.options.speed = "-O2"
llvm_gcc.options.size = "-Os"

# Configuration for the LLVM CLang compiler:
clang.options.debug = "-g"
clang.options.always = "-w"
clang.options.speed = "-O3"
clang.options.size = "-Os"

# Configuration for the Visual C/C++ compiler:
vcc.exe =     "vccexe.exe"
vcc.cpp.exe = "vccexe.exe"
vcc.linkerexe =     "vccexe.exe"
vcc.cpp.linkerexe = "vccexe.exe"

# set the options for specific platforms:
vcc.options.always =      "/nologo"
@if release:
  # no debug symbols in release builds
  vcc.options.always %= "${vcc.options.always} /Z7" # Get VCC to output full debug symbols in the obj file
vcc.cpp.options.always %=  "${vcc.options.always} /EHsc"
vcc.options.linker =      "/nologo /DEBUG /Zi /F33554432" # set the stack size to 32 MiB
vcc.cpp.options.linker %=  "${vcc.options.linker}"
@if i386:
vcc.options.always %=      "--platform:x86 ${vcc.options.always}"
vcc.cpp.options.always %=  "--platform:x86 ${vcc.cpp.options.always}"
vcc.options.linker %=      "--platform:x86 ${vcc.options.linker}"
vcc.cpp.options.linker %=  "--platform:x86 ${vcc.cpp.options.linker}"
@elif amd64:
vcc.options.always %=      "--platform:amd64 ${vcc.options.always}"
vcc.cpp.options.always %=  "--platform:amd64 ${vcc.cpp.options.always}"
vcc.options.linker %=      "--platform:amd64 ${vcc.options.linker}"
vcc.cpp.options.linker %=  "--platform:amd64 ${vcc.cpp.options.linker}"
@elif arm:
vcc.options.always %=      "--platform:arm ${vcc.options.always}"
vcc.cpp.options.always %=  "--platform:arm ${vcc.cpp.options.always}"
vcc.options.linker %=      "--platform:arm ${vcc.options.linker}"
vcc.cpp.options.linker %=  "--platform:arm ${vcc.cpp.options.linker}"

vcc.options.debug =     "/Od"
vcc.cpp.options.debug = "/Od"
vcc.options.speed =     "/O2"
vcc.cpp.options.speed = "/O2"
vcc.options.size =     "/O1"
vcc.cpp.options.size = "/O1"

# Configuration for the Tiny C Compiler:
tcc.options.always = "-w"