// The Nimrod Compiler
// (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
// See the file "copying.txt", included in this
// distribution, for details about the copyright.
unit main;
// implements the command dispatcher and several commands as well as the
// module handling
{$include 'config.inc'}
nsystem, llstream, strutils, ast, astalgo, scanner, syntaxes, rnimsyn,
options, msgs, nos, lists, condsyms, paslex, pasparse, rodread, rodwrite,
ropes, trees, wordrecg, sem, semdata, idents, passes, docgen,
extccomp, cgen, ecmasgen, platform, interact, nimconf, importer,
passaux, depends, transf, evals, types;
procedure MainCommand(const cmd, filename: string);
// ------------------ module handling -----------------------------------------
TFileModuleRec = record
filename: string;
module: PSym;
TFileModuleMap = array of TFileModuleRec;
compMods: TFileModuleMap = {@ignore} nil {@emit @[]};
// all compiled modules
procedure registerModule(const filename: string; module: PSym);
len: int;
len := length(compMods);
setLength(compMods, len+1);
compMods[len].filename := filename;
compMods[len].module := module;
function getModule(const filename: string): PSym;
i: int;
for i := 0 to high(compMods) do
if sameFile(compMods[i].filename, filename) then begin
result := compMods[i].module; exit end;
result := nil;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function newModule(const filename: string): PSym;
// We cannot call ``newSym`` here, because we have to circumvent the ID
// mechanism, which we do in order to assign each module a persistent ID.
fillChar(result^, sizeof(result^), 0);
result.id := -1; // for better error checking
result.kind := skModule;
result.name := getIdent(splitFile(filename).name);
result.owner := result; // a module belongs to itself
result.info := newLineInfo(filename, 1, 1);
include(result.flags, sfUsed);
RegisterModule(filename, result);
StrTableAdd(result.tab, result); // a module knows itself
function CompileModule(const filename: string;
isMainFile, isSystemFile: bool): PSym; forward;
function importModule(const filename: string): PSym;
// this is called by the semantic checking phase
result := getModule(filename);
if result = nil then begin
// compile the module
result := compileModule(filename, false, false);
else if sfSystemModule in result.flags then
liMessage(result.info, errAttemptToRedefine, result.Name.s);
function CompileModule(const filename: string;
isMainFile, isSystemFile: bool): PSym;
rd: PRodReader;
f: string;
rd := nil;
f := addFileExt(filename, nimExt);
result := newModule(filename);
if isMainFile then include(result.flags, sfMainModule);
if isSystemFile then include(result.flags, sfSystemModule);
if (gCmd = cmdCompileToC) or (gCmd = cmdCompileToCpp) then begin
rd := handleSymbolFile(result, f);
if result.id < 0 then
InternalError('handleSymbolFile should have set the module''s ID');
result.id := getID();
processModule(result, f, nil, rd);
procedure CompileProject(const filename: string);
{@discard} CompileModule(
JoinPath(options.libpath, addFileExt('system', nimExt)), false, true);
{@discard} CompileModule(addFileExt(filename, nimExt), true, false);
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.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
.highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */
.highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
.highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */
.highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */
.highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */
.highlight .ges { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */
.highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */
.highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */
.highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */
.highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */
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.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */
.highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */
.highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */
.highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */
.highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */
.highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */
.highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */
.highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */
.highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
.highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */
.highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */
.highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */
.highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */
.highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */
.highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */
.highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */
.highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
.highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */
.highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
.highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */
.highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */
.highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */#
# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## The `tables` module implements variants of an efficient `hash table`:idx:
## (also often named `dictionary`:idx: in other programming languages) that is
## a mapping from keys to values.
## There are several different types of hash tables available:
## * `Table<#Table>`_ is the usual hash table,
## * `OrderedTable<#OrderedTable>`_ is like `Table` but remembers insertion order,
## * `CountTable<#CountTable>`_ is a mapping from a key to its number of occurrences
## For consistency with every other data type in Nim these have **value**
## semantics, this means that `=` performs a copy of the hash table.
## For `ref semantics<manual.html#types-reference-and-pointer-types>`_
## use their `Ref` variants: `TableRef<#TableRef>`_,
## `OrderedTableRef<#OrderedTableRef>`_, and `CountTableRef<#CountTableRef>`_.
## To give an example, when `a` is a `Table`, then `var b = a` gives `b`
## as a new independent table. `b` is initialised with the contents of `a`.
## Changing `b` does not affect `a` and vice versa:
a = {1: "one", 2: "two"}.toTable # creates a Table
b = a
assert a == b
b[3] = "three"
assert 3 notin a
assert 3 in b
assert a != b
## On the other hand, when `a` is a `TableRef` instead, then changes to `b`
## also affect `a`. Both `a` and `b` **ref** the same data structure:
a = {1: "one", 2: "two"}.newTable # creates a TableRef
b = a
assert a == b
b[3] = "three"
assert 3 in a
assert 3 in b
assert a == b
## ----
## # Basic usage
## ## Table
from std/sequtils import zip
names = ["John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"]
years = [1940, 1942, 1943, 1940]
var beatles = initTable[string, int]()
for pairs in zip(names, years):
let (name, birthYear) = pairs
beatles[name] = birthYear
assert beatles == {"George": 1943, "Ringo": 1940, "Paul": 1942, "John": 1940}.toTable
var beatlesByYear = initTable[int, seq[string]]()
for pairs in zip(years, names):
let (birthYear, name) = pairs
if not beatlesByYear.hasKey(birthYear):
# if a key doesn't exist, we create one with an empty sequence
# before we can add elements to it
beatlesByYear[birthYear] = @[]
assert beatlesByYear == {1940: @["John", "Ringo"], 1942: @["Paul"], 1943: @["George"]}.toTable
## ## OrderedTable
## `OrderedTable<#OrderedTable>`_ is used when it is important to preserve
## the insertion order of keys.
a = [('z', 1), ('y', 2), ('x', 3)]
ot = a.toOrderedTable # ordered tables
assert $ot == """{'z': 1, 'y': 2, 'x': 3}"""
## ## CountTable
## `CountTable<#CountTable>`_ is useful for counting number of items of some
## container (e.g. string, sequence or array), as it is a mapping where the
## items are the keys, and their number of occurrences are the values.
## For that purpose `toCountTable proc<#toCountTable,openArray[A]>`_
## comes handy:
let myString = "abracadabra"
let letterFrequencies = toCountTable(myString)
assert $letterFrequencies == "{'a': 5, 'd': 1, 'b': 2, 'r': 2, 'c': 1}"
## The same could have been achieved by manually iterating over a container
## and increasing each key's value with `inc proc
## <#inc,CountTable[A],A,int>`_:
let myString = "abracadabra"
var letterFrequencies = initCountTable[char]()
for c in myString:
assert $letterFrequencies == "{'d': 1, 'r': 2, 'c': 1, 'a': 5, 'b': 2}"
## ----
## ## Hashing
## If you are using simple standard types like `int` or `string` for the
## keys of the table you won't have any problems, but as soon as you try to use
## a more complex object as a key you will be greeted by a strange compiler
## error:
## Error: type mismatch: got (Person)
## but expected one of:
## hashes.hash(x: openArray[A]): Hash
## hashes.hash(x: int): Hash
## hashes.hash(x: float): Hash
## What is happening here is that the types used for table keys require to have
## a `hash()` proc which will convert them to a `Hash <hashes.html#Hash>`_
## value, and the compiler is listing all the hash functions it knows.
## Additionally there has to be a `==` operator that provides the same
## semantics as its corresponding `hash` proc.
## After you add `hash` and `==` for your custom type everything will work.
## Currently, however, `hash` for objects is not defined, whereas
## `system.==` for objects does exist and performs a "deep" comparison (every
## field is compared) which is usually what you want. So in the following
## example implementing only `hash` suffices:
import std/hashes
Person = object
firstName, lastName: string
proc hash(x: Person): Hash =
## Piggyback on the already available string hash proc.
## Without this proc nothing works!
result = x.firstName.hash !& x.lastName.hash
result = !$result
salaries = initTable[Person, int]()
p1, p2: Person
p1.firstName = "Jon"
p1.lastName = "Ross"
salaries[p1] = 30_000
p2.firstName = "소진"
p2.lastName = "박"
salaries[p2] = 45_000
## ----
## # See also
## * `json module<json.html>`_ for table-like structure which allows
## heterogeneous members
## * `strtabs module<strtabs.html>`_ for efficient hash tables
## mapping from strings to strings
## * `hashes module<hashes.html>`_ for helper functions for hashing
import std/private/since
import std/[hashes, math, algorithm]
when not defined(nimHasEffectsOf):
{.pragma: effectsOf.}
KeyValuePair[A, B] = tuple[hcode: Hash, key: A, val: B]
KeyValuePairSeq[A, B] = seq[KeyValuePair[A, B]]
Table*[A, B] = object
## Generic hash table, consisting of a key-value pair.
## `data` and `counter` are internal implementation details which
## can't be accessed.
## For creating an empty Table, use `initTable proc<#initTable>`_.
data: KeyValuePairSeq[A, B]
counter: int
TableRef*[A, B] = ref Table[A, B] ## Ref version of `Table<#Table>`_.
## For creating a new empty TableRef, use `newTable proc
## <#newTable>`_.
# ------------------------------ helpers ---------------------------------
# Do NOT move these to tableimpl.nim, because sharedtables uses that
# file and has its own implementation.
template maxHash(t): untyped = high(t.data)
template dataLen(t): untyped = len(t.data)
include tableimpl
proc raiseKeyError[T](key: T) {.noinline, noreturn.} =
when compiles($key):
raise newException(KeyError, "key not found: " & $key)
raise newException(KeyError, "key not found")
template get(t, key): untyped =
## retrieves the value at `t[key]`. The value can be modified.
## If `key` is not in `t`, the `KeyError` exception is raised.
mixin rawGet
var hc: Hash
var index = rawGet(t, key, hc)
if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val
proc enlarge[A, B](t: var Table[A, B]) =
var n: KeyValuePairSeq[A, B]
newSeq(n, len(t.data) * growthFactor)
swap(t.data, n)
for i in countup(0, high(n)):
let eh = n[i].hcode
if isFilled(eh):
var j: Hash = eh and maxHash(t)
while isFilled(t.data[j].hcode):
j = nextTry(j, maxHash(t))
when defined(js):
rawInsert(t, t.data, n[i].key, n[i].val, eh, j)
rawInsert(t, t.data, move n[i].key, move n[i].val, eh, j)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------ Table ------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
proc initTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): Table[A, B] =
## Creates a new hash table that is empty.
## Starting from Nim v0.20, tables are initialized by default and it is
## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
## See also:
## * `toTable proc<#toTable,openArray[]>`_
## * `newTable proc<#newTable>`_ for creating a `TableRef`
a = initTable[int, string]()
b = initTable[char, seq[int]]()
initImpl(result, initialSize)
proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) =
## Inserts a `(key, value)` pair into `t`.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],Table[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `del proc<#del,Table[A,B],A>`_ for removing a key from the table
var a = initTable[char, int]()
a['x'] = 7
a['y'] = 33
doAssert a == {'x': 7, 'y': 33}.toTable
proc toTable*[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): Table[A, B] =
## Creates a new hash table that contains the given `pairs`.
## `pairs` is a container consisting of `(key, value)` tuples.
## See also:
## * `initTable proc<#initTable>`_
## * `newTable proc<#newTable,openArray[]>`_ for a `TableRef` version
let a = [('a', 5), ('b', 9)]
let b = toTable(a)
assert b == {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
result = initTable[A, B](pairs.len)
for key, val in items(pairs): result[key] = val
proc `[]`*[A, B](t: Table[A, B], key: A): lent B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`.
## If `key` is not in `t`, the `KeyError` exception is raised.
## One can check with `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_ whether
## the key exists.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `[]= proc<#[]=,Table[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_ for checking if a key is in
## the table
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
doAssert a['a'] == 5
echo a['z']
get(t, key)
proc `[]`*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`. The value can be modified.
## If `key` is not in `t`, the `KeyError` exception is raised.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `[]= proc<#[]=,Table[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_ for checking if a key is in
## the table
get(t, key)
proc hasKey*[A, B](t: Table[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `contains proc<#contains,Table[A,B],A>`_ for use with the `in` operator
## * `[] proc<#[],Table[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
doAssert a.hasKey('a') == true
doAssert a.hasKey('z') == false
var hc: Hash
result = rawGet(t, key, hc) >= 0
proc contains*[A, B](t: Table[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Alias of `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_ for use with
## the `in` operator.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
doAssert 'b' in a == true
doAssert a.contains('z') == false
return hasKey[A, B](t, key)
proc hasKeyOrPut*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: B): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table, otherwise inserts `value`.
## See also:
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_
## * `[] proc<#[],Table[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
if a.hasKeyOrPut('a', 50):
a['a'] = 99
if a.hasKeyOrPut('z', 50):
a['z'] = 99
doAssert a == {'a': 99, 'b': 9, 'z': 50}.toTable
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: Table[A, B], key: A): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`. Otherwise, the
## default initialization value for type `B` is returned (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],Table[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a') == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z') == 0
result = default(B)
getOrDefaultImpl(t, key)
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: Table[A, B], key: A, default: B): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`.
## Otherwise, `default` is returned.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],Table[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z', 99) == 99
result = default(B)
getOrDefaultImpl(t, key, default)
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: B): var B =
## Retrieves value at `t[key]` or puts `val` if not present, either way
## returning a value which can be modified.
## Note that while the value returned is of type `var B`,
## it is easy to accidentally create a copy of the value at `t[key]`.
## Remember that seqs and strings are value types, and therefore
## cannot be copied into a separate variable for modification.
## See the example below.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],Table[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,Table[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,Table[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('z', 99) == 99
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'z': 99}.toTable
# An example of accidentally creating a copy
var t = initTable[int, seq[int]]()
# In this example, we expect t[10] to be modified,
# but it is not.
var copiedSeq = t.mgetOrPut(10, @[10])
doAssert t[10] == @[10]
# Correct
t.mgetOrPut(25, @[25]).add(35)
doAssert t[25] == @[25, 35]
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` or puts the
## default initialization value for type `B` (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
var a = {'a': 5}.newTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a') == 5
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'z': 1}.newTable
proc len*[A, B](t: Table[A, B]): int =
## Returns the number of keys in `t`.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toTable
doAssert len(a) == 2
result = t.counter
proc add*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) {.deprecated:
"Deprecated since v1.4; it was more confusing than useful, use `[]=`".} =
## Puts a new `(key, value)` pair into `t` even if `t[key]` already exists.
## **This can introduce duplicate keys into the table!**
## Use `[]= proc<#[]=,Table[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table without introducing duplicates.
template tabMakeEmpty(i) = t.data[i].hcode = 0
template tabCellEmpty(i) = isEmpty(t.data[i].hcode)
template tabCellHash(i) = t.data[i].hcode
proc del*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A) =
## Deletes `key` from hash table `t`. Does nothing if the key does not exist.
## .. warning:: If duplicate keys were added (via the now deprecated `add` proc),
## this may need to be called multiple times.
## See also:
## * `pop proc<#pop,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,Table[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toTable
delImpl(tabMakeEmpty, tabCellEmpty, tabCellHash)
proc pop*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: var B): bool =
## Deletes the `key` from the table.
## Returns `true`, if the `key` existed, and sets `val` to the
## mapping of the key. Otherwise, returns `false`, and the `val` is
## unchanged.
## .. warning:: If duplicate keys were added (via the now deprecated `add` proc),
## this may need to be called multiple times.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,Table[A,B],A>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,Table[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toTable
i: int
doAssert a.pop('b', i) == true
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'c': 13}.toTable
doAssert i == 9
i = 0
doAssert a.pop('z', i) == false
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'c': 13}.toTable
doAssert i == 0
var hc: Hash
var index = rawGet(t, key, hc)
result = index >= 0
if result:
val = move(t.data[index].val)
delImplIdx(t, index, tabMakeEmpty, tabCellEmpty, tabCellHash)
proc take*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, val: var B): bool {.inline.} =
## Alias for:
## * `pop proc<#pop,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
pop(t, key, val)
proc clear*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B]) =
## Resets the table so that it is empty.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,Table[A,B],A>`_
## * `pop proc<#pop,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toTable
doAssert len(a) == 3
doAssert len(a) == 0
proc `$`*[A, B](t: Table[A, B]): string =
## The `$` operator for hash tables. Used internally when calling `echo`
## on a table.
proc `==`*[A, B](s, t: Table[A, B]): bool =
## The `==` operator for hash tables. Returns `true` if the content of both
## tables contains the same key-value pairs. Insert order does not matter.
a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toTable
b = {'b': 9, 'c': 13, 'a': 5}.toTable
doAssert a == b
equalsImpl(s, t)
proc indexBy*[A, B, C](collection: A, index: proc(x: B): C): Table[C, B] =
## Index the collection with the proc provided.
# TODO: As soon as supported, change collection: A to collection: A[B]
result = initTable[C, B]()
for item in collection:
result[index(item)] = item
template withValue*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A, value, body: untyped) =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`.
## `value` can be modified in the scope of the `withValue` call.
User = object
name: string
uid: int
var t = initTable[int, User]()
let u = User(name: "Hello", uid: 99)
t[1] = u
t.withValue(1, value):
# block is executed only if `key` in `t`
value.name = "Nim"
value.uid = 1314
t.withValue(2, value):
value.name = "No"
value.uid = 521
assert t[1].name == "Nim"
assert t[1].uid == 1314
mixin rawGet
var hc: Hash
var index = rawGet(t, key, hc)
let hasKey = index >= 0
if hasKey:
var value {.inject.} = addr(t.data[index].val)
template withValue*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A,
value, body1, body2: untyped) =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`.
## `value` can be modified in the scope of the `withValue` call.
User = object
name: string
uid: int
var t = initTable[int, User]()
let u = User(name: "Hello", uid: 99)
t[1] = u
t.withValue(1, value):
# block is executed only if `key` in `t`
value.name = "Nim"
value.uid = 1314
t.withValue(521, value):
doAssert false
# block is executed when `key` not in `t`
t[1314] = User(name: "exist", uid: 521)
assert t[1].name == "Nim"
assert t[1].uid == 1314
assert t[1314].name == "exist"
assert t[1314].uid == 521
mixin rawGet
var hc: Hash
var index = rawGet(t, key, hc)
let hasKey = index >= 0
if hasKey:
var value {.inject.} = addr(t.data[index].val)
iterator pairs*[A, B](t: Table[A, B]): (A, B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## **Examples:**
## ```Nim
## let a = {
## 'o': [1, 5, 7, 9],
## 'e': [2, 4, 6, 8]
## }.toTable
## for k, v in a.pairs:
## echo "key: ", k
## echo "value: ", v
## # key: e
## # value: [2, 4, 6, 8]
## # key: o
## # value: [1, 5, 7, 9]
## ```
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mpairs*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B]): (A, var B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t` (must be
## declared as `var`). The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,Table[A,B]>`_
var a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k, v in a.mpairs:
v.add(v[0] + 10)
doAssert a == {'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 12], 'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 11]}.toTable
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator keys*[A, B](t: Table[A, B]): lent A =
## Iterates over any key in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,Table[A,B]>`_
var a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k in a.keys:
doAssert a == {'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 99], 'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99]}.toTable
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield t.data[h].key
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator values*[A, B](t: Table[A, B]): lent B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,Table[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.values:
doAssert v.len == 4
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mvalues*[A, B](t: var Table[A, B]): var B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t` (must be
## declared as `var`). The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,Table[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,Table[A,B]>`_
var a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.mvalues:
doAssert a == {'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 99], 'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99]}.toTable
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator allValues*[A, B](t: Table[A, B]; key: A): B {.deprecated:
"Deprecated since v1.4; tables with duplicated keys are deprecated".} =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t` that belongs to the given `key`.
## Used if you have a table with duplicate keys (as a result of using
## `add proc<#add,Table[A,B],A,sinkB>`_).
import std/[sequtils, algorithm]
var a = {'a': 3, 'b': 5}.toTable
for i in 1..3: a.add('z', 10*i)
doAssert toSeq(a.pairs).sorted == @[('a', 3), ('b', 5), ('z', 10), ('z', 20), ('z', 30)]
doAssert sorted(toSeq(a.allValues('z'))) == @[10, 20, 30]
var h: Hash = genHash(key) and high(t.data)
let L = len(t)
while isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
if t.data[h].key == key:
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------- TableRef -----------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): TableRef[A, B] =
## Creates a new ref hash table that is empty.
## See also:
## * `newTable proc<#newTable,openArray[]>`_ for creating a `TableRef`
## from a collection of `(key, value)` pairs
## * `initTable proc<#initTable>`_ for creating a `Table`
a = newTable[int, string]()
b = newTable[char, seq[int]]()
result[] = initTable[A, B](initialSize)
proc newTable*[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): TableRef[A, B] =
## Creates a new ref hash table that contains the given `pairs`.
## `pairs` is a container consisting of `(key, value)` tuples.
## See also:
## * `newTable proc<#newTable>`_
## * `toTable proc<#toTable,openArray[]>`_ for a `Table` version
let a = [('a', 5), ('b', 9)]
let b = newTable(a)
assert b == {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
result[] = toTable[A, B](pairs)
proc newTableFrom*[A, B, C](collection: A, index: proc(x: B): C): TableRef[C, B] =
## Index the collection with the proc provided.
# TODO: As soon as supported, change collection: A to collection: A[B]
result = newTable[C, B]()
for item in collection:
result[index(item)] = item
proc `[]`*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`.
## If `key` is not in `t`, the `KeyError` exception is raised.
## One can check with `hasKey proc<#hasKey,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ whether
## the key exists.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `[]= proc<#[]=,TableRef[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for checking if a key is in
## the table
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
doAssert a['a'] == 5
echo a['z']
result = t[][key]
proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) =
## Inserts a `(key, value)` pair into `t`.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `del proc<#del,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for removing a key from the table
var a = newTable[char, int]()
a['x'] = 7
a['y'] = 33
doAssert a == {'x': 7, 'y': 33}.newTable
t[][key] = val
proc hasKey*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `contains proc<#contains,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for use with the `in`
## operator
## * `[] proc<#[],TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
doAssert a.hasKey('a') == true
doAssert a.hasKey('z') == false
result = t[].hasKey(key)
proc contains*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Alias of `hasKey proc<#hasKey,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for use with
## the `in` operator.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
doAssert 'b' in a == true
doAssert a.contains('z') == false
return hasKey[A, B](t, key)
proc hasKeyOrPut*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A, val: B): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table, otherwise inserts `value`.
## See also:
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,TableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `[] proc<#[],TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
if a.hasKeyOrPut('a', 50):
a['a'] = 99
if a.hasKeyOrPut('z', 50):
a['z'] = 99
doAssert a == {'a': 99, 'b': 9, 'z': 50}.newTable
t[].hasKeyOrPut(key, val)
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`. Otherwise, the
## default initialization value for type `B` is returned (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,TableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a') == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z') == 0
getOrDefault(t[], key)
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A, default: B): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`.
## Otherwise, `default` is returned.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,TableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z', 99) == 99
getOrDefault(t[], key, default)
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A, val: B): var B =
## Retrieves value at `t[key]` or puts `val` if not present, either way
## returning a value which can be modified.
## Note that while the value returned is of type `var B`,
## it is easy to accidentally create an copy of the value at `t[key]`.
## Remember that seqs and strings are value types, and therefore
## cannot be copied into a separate variable for modification.
## See the example below.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],TableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,TableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('z', 99) == 99
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'z': 99}.newTable
# An example of accidentally creating a copy
var t = newTable[int, seq[int]]()
# In this example, we expect t[10] to be modified,
# but it is not.
var copiedSeq = t.mgetOrPut(10, @[10])
doAssert t[10] == @[10]
# Correct
t.mgetOrPut(25, @[25]).add(35)
doAssert t[25] == @[25, 35]
t[].mgetOrPut(key, val)
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` or puts the
## default initialization value for type `B` (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
var a = {'a': 5}.newTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a') == 5
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'z': 1}.newTable
proc len*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]): int =
## Returns the number of keys in `t`.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newTable
doAssert len(a) == 2
result = t.counter
proc add*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) {.deprecated:
"Deprecated since v1.4; it was more confusing than useful, use `[]=`".} =
## Puts a new `(key, value)` pair into `t` even if `t[key]` already exists.
## **This can introduce duplicate keys into the table!**
## Use `[]= proc<#[]=,TableRef[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table without introducing duplicates.
t[].add(key, val)
proc del*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A) =
## Deletes `key` from hash table `t`. Does nothing if the key does not exist.
## .. warning:: If duplicate keys were added (via the now deprecated `add` proc),
## this may need to be called multiple times.
## See also:
## * `pop proc<#pop,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,TableRef[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newTable
proc pop*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A, val: var B): bool =
## Deletes the `key` from the table.
## Returns `true`, if the `key` existed, and sets `val` to the
## mapping of the key. Otherwise, returns `false`, and the `val` is
## unchanged.
## .. warning:: If duplicate keys were added (via the now deprecated `add` proc),
## this may need to be called multiple times.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,TableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,TableRef[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newTable
i: int
doAssert a.pop('b', i) == true
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'c': 13}.newTable
doAssert i == 9
i = 0
doAssert a.pop('z', i) == false
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'c': 13}.newTable
doAssert i == 0
result = t[].pop(key, val)
proc take*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B], key: A, val: var B): bool {.inline.} =
## Alias for:
## * `pop proc<#pop,TableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
pop(t, key, val)
proc clear*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]) =
## Resets the table so that it is empty.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,Table[A,B],A>`_
## * `pop proc<#pop,Table[A,B],A,B>`_
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newTable
doAssert len(a) == 3
doAssert len(a) == 0
proc `$`*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]): string =
## The `$` operator for hash tables. Used internally when calling `echo`
## on a table.
proc `==`*[A, B](s, t: TableRef[A, B]): bool =
## The `==` operator for hash tables. Returns `true` if either both tables
## are `nil`, or neither is `nil` and the content of both tables contains the
## same key-value pairs. Insert order does not matter.
a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newTable
b = {'b': 9, 'c': 13, 'a': 5}.newTable
doAssert a == b
if isNil(s): result = isNil(t)
elif isNil(t): result = false
else: equalsImpl(s[], t[])
iterator pairs*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]): (A, B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## **Examples:**
## ```Nim
## let a = {
## 'o': [1, 5, 7, 9],
## 'e': [2, 4, 6, 8]
## }.newTable
## for k, v in a.pairs:
## echo "key: ", k
## echo "value: ", v
## # key: e
## # value: [2, 4, 6, 8]
## # key: o
## # value: [1, 5, 7, 9]
## ```
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mpairs*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]): (A, var B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t`. The values
## can be modified.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k, v in a.mpairs:
v.add(v[0] + 10)
doAssert a == {'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 12], 'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 11]}.newTable
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator keys*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]): lent A =
## Iterates over any key in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k in a.keys:
doAssert a == {'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 99], 'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99]}.newTable
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield t.data[h].key
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator values*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]): lent B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.values:
doAssert v.len == 4
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mvalues*[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]): var B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t`. The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,TableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.mvalues:
doAssert a == {'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 99], 'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99]}.newTable
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------ OrderedTable -------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
OrderedKeyValuePair[A, B] = tuple[
hcode: Hash, next: int, key: A, val: B]
OrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] = seq[OrderedKeyValuePair[A, B]]
OrderedTable*[A, B] = object
## Hash table that remembers insertion order.
## For creating an empty OrderedTable, use `initOrderedTable proc
## <#initOrderedTable>`_.
data: OrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B]
counter, first, last: int
OrderedTableRef*[A, B] = ref OrderedTable[A, B] ## Ref version of
## `OrderedTable<#OrderedTable>`_.
## For creating a new empty OrderedTableRef, use `newOrderedTable proc
## <#newOrderedTable>`_.
# ------------------------------ helpers ---------------------------------
proc rawGetKnownHC[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, hc: Hash): int =
proc rawGetDeep[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, hc: var Hash): int {.inline.} =
proc rawGet[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, hc: var Hash): int =
proc rawInsert[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B],
data: var OrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B],
key: A, val: sink B, hc: Hash, h: Hash) =
data[h].next = -1
if t.first < 0: t.first = h
if t.last >= 0: data[t.last].next = h
t.last = h
proc enlarge[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B]) =
var n: OrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B]
newSeq(n, len(t.data) * growthFactor)
var h = t.first
t.first = -1
t.last = -1
swap(t.data, n)
while h >= 0:
var nxt = n[h].next
let eh = n[h].hcode
if isFilled(eh):
var j: Hash = eh and maxHash(t)
while isFilled(t.data[j].hcode):
j = nextTry(j, maxHash(t))
rawInsert(t, t.data, move n[h].key, move n[h].val, n[h].hcode, j)
h = nxt
template forAllOrderedPairs(yieldStmt: untyped) {.dirty.} =
if t.counter > 0:
var h = t.first
while h >= 0:
var nxt = t.data[h].next
if isFilled(t.data[h].hcode):
h = nxt
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc initOrderedTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): OrderedTable[A, B] =
## Creates a new ordered hash table that is empty.
## Starting from Nim v0.20, tables are initialized by default and it is
## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
## See also:
## * `toOrderedTable proc<#toOrderedTable,openArray[]>`_
## * `newOrderedTable proc<#newOrderedTable>`_ for creating an
## `OrderedTableRef`
a = initOrderedTable[int, string]()
b = initOrderedTable[char, seq[int]]()
initImpl(result, initialSize)
proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) =
## Inserts a `(key, value)` pair into `t`.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `del proc<#del,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for removing a key from the table
var a = initOrderedTable[char, int]()
a['x'] = 7
a['y'] = 33
doAssert a == {'x': 7, 'y': 33}.toOrderedTable
proc toOrderedTable*[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): OrderedTable[A, B] =
## Creates a new ordered hash table that contains the given `pairs`.
## `pairs` is a container consisting of `(key, value)` tuples.
## See also:
## * `initOrderedTable proc<#initOrderedTable>`_
## * `newOrderedTable proc<#newOrderedTable,openArray[]>`_ for an
## `OrderedTableRef` version
let a = [('a', 5), ('b', 9)]
let b = toOrderedTable(a)
assert b == {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
result = initOrderedTable[A, B](pairs.len)
for key, val in items(pairs): result[key] = val
proc `[]`*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A): lent B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`.
## If `key` is not in `t`, the `KeyError` exception is raised.
## One can check with `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ whether
## the key exists.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `[]= proc<#[]=,OrderedTable[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for checking if a
## key is in the table
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a['a'] == 5
echo a['z']
get(t, key)
proc `[]`*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`. The value can be modified.
## If `key` is not in `t`, the `KeyError` exception is raised.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `[]= proc<#[]=,OrderedTable[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for checking if a
## key is in the table
get(t, key)
proc hasKey*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `contains proc<#contains,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for use with the `in`
## operator
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a.hasKey('a') == true
doAssert a.hasKey('z') == false
var hc: Hash
result = rawGet(t, key, hc) >= 0
proc contains*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Alias of `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for use with
## the `in` operator.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
doAssert 'b' in a == true
doAssert a.contains('z') == false
return hasKey[A, B](t, key)
proc hasKeyOrPut*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, val: B): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table, otherwise inserts `value`.
## See also:
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
if a.hasKeyOrPut('a', 50):
a['a'] = 99
if a.hasKeyOrPut('z', 50):
a['z'] = 99
doAssert a == {'a': 99, 'b': 9, 'z': 50}.toOrderedTable
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`. Otherwise, the
## default initialization value for type `B` is returned (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a') == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z') == 0
result = default(B)
getOrDefaultImpl(t, key)
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, default: B): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`.
## Otherwise, `default` is returned.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z', 99) == 99
result = default(B)
getOrDefaultImpl(t, key, default)
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, val: B): var B =
## Retrieves value at `t[key]` or puts `val` if not present, either way
## returning a value which can be modified.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('z', 99) == 99
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'z': 99}.toOrderedTable
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` or puts the
## default initialization value for type `B` (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
var a = {'a': 5}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a') == 5
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'z': 1}.toOrderedTable
proc len*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B]): int {.inline.} =
## Returns the number of keys in `t`.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.toOrderedTable
doAssert len(a) == 2
result = t.counter
proc add*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) {.deprecated:
"Deprecated since v1.4; it was more confusing than useful, use `[]=`".} =
## Puts a new `(key, value)` pair into `t` even if `t[key]` already exists.
## **This can introduce duplicate keys into the table!**
## Use `[]= proc<#[]=,OrderedTable[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table without introducing duplicates.
proc del*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A) =
## Deletes `key` from hash table `t`. Does nothing if the key does not exist.
## O(n) complexity.
## See also:
## * `pop proc<#pop,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toOrderedTable
if t.counter == 0: return
var n: OrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B]
newSeq(n, len(t.data))
var h = t.first
t.first = -1
t.last = -1
swap(t.data, n)
let hc = genHash(key)
while h >= 0:
var nxt = n[h].next
if isFilled(n[h].hcode):
if n[h].hcode == hc and n[h].key == key:
dec t.counter
var j = -1 - rawGetKnownHC(t, n[h].key, n[h].hcode)
rawInsert(t, t.data, move n[h].key, move n[h].val, n[h].hcode, j)
h = nxt
proc pop*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], key: A, val: var B): bool {.since: (1, 1).} =
## Deletes the `key` from the table.
## Returns `true`, if the `key` existed, and sets `val` to the
## mapping of the key. Otherwise, returns `false`, and the `val` is
## unchanged.
## O(n) complexity.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
a = {'c': 5, 'b': 9, 'a': 13}.toOrderedTable
i: int
doAssert a.pop('b', i) == true
doAssert a == {'c': 5, 'a': 13}.toOrderedTable
doAssert i == 9
i = 0
doAssert a.pop('z', i) == false
doAssert a == {'c': 5, 'a': 13}.toOrderedTable
doAssert i == 0
var hc: Hash
var index = rawGet(t, key, hc)
result = index >= 0
if result:
val = move(t.data[index].val)
del(t, key)
proc clear*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B]) =
## Resets the table so that it is empty.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,OrderedTable[A,B],A>`_
## * `pop proc<#pop,OrderedTable[A,B],A,B>`_
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toOrderedTable
doAssert len(a) == 3
doAssert len(a) == 0
t.first = -1
t.last = -1
proc sort*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B], cmp: proc (x, y: (A, B)): int,
order = SortOrder.Ascending) {.effectsOf: cmp.} =
## Sorts `t` according to the function `cmp`.
## This modifies the internal list
## that kept the insertion order, so insertion order is lost after this
## call but key lookup and insertions remain possible after `sort` (in
## contrast to the `sort proc<#sort,CountTable[A]>`_ for count tables).
import std/[algorithm]
var a = initOrderedTable[char, int]()
for i, c in "cab":
a[c] = 10*i
doAssert a == {'c': 0, 'a': 10, 'b': 20}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a == {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 0}.toOrderedTable
a.sort(system.cmp, order = SortOrder.Descending)
doAssert a == {'c': 0, 'b': 20, 'a': 10}.toOrderedTable
var list = t.first
p, q, e, tail, oldhead: int
nmerges, psize, qsize, i: int
if t.counter == 0: return
var insize = 1
while true:
p = list; oldhead = list
list = -1; tail = -1; nmerges = 0
while p >= 0:
q = p
psize = 0
i = 0
while i < insize:
q = t.data[q].next
if q < 0: break
qsize = insize
while psize > 0 or (qsize > 0 and q >= 0):
if psize == 0:
e = q; q = t.data[q].next; dec(qsize)
elif qsize == 0 or q < 0:
e = p; p = t.data[p].next; dec(psize)
elif cmp((t.data[p].key, t.data[p].val),
(t.data[q].key, t.data[q].val)) * order <= 0:
e = p; p = t.data[p].next; dec(psize)
e = q; q = t.data[q].next; dec(qsize)
if tail >= 0: t.data[tail].next = e
else: list = e
tail = e
p = q
t.data[tail].next = -1
if nmerges <= 1: break
insize = insize * 2
t.first = list
t.last = tail
proc `$`*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B]): string =
## The `$` operator for ordered hash tables. Used internally when calling
## `echo` on a table.
proc `==`*[A, B](s, t: OrderedTable[A, B]): bool =
## The `==` operator for ordered hash tables. Returns `true` if both the
## content and the order are equal.
a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.toOrderedTable
b = {'b': 9, 'c': 13, 'a': 5}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a != b
if s.counter != t.counter:
return false
if s.counter == 0 and t.counter == 0:
return true
var ht = t.first
var hs = s.first
while ht >= 0 and hs >= 0:
var nxtt = t.data[ht].next
var nxts = s.data[hs].next
if isFilled(t.data[ht].hcode) and isFilled(s.data[hs].hcode):
if (s.data[hs].key != t.data[ht].key) or (s.data[hs].val != t.data[ht].val):
return false
ht = nxtt
hs = nxts
return true
iterator pairs*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B]): (A, B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t` in insertion
## order.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## **Examples:**
## ```Nim
## let a = {
## 'o': [1, 5, 7, 9],
## 'e': [2, 4, 6, 8]
## }.toOrderedTable
## for k, v in a.pairs:
## echo "key: ", k
## echo "value: ", v
## # key: o
## # value: [1, 5, 7, 9]
## # key: e
## # value: [2, 4, 6, 8]
## ```
let L = len(t)
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mpairs*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B]): (A, var B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t` (must be
## declared as `var`) in insertion order. The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
var a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k, v in a.mpairs:
v.add(v[0] + 10)
doAssert a == {'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 11],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 12]}.toOrderedTable
let L = len(t)
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator keys*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B]): lent A =
## Iterates over any key in the table `t` in insertion order.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
var a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k in a.keys:
doAssert a == {'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 99]}.toOrderedTable
let L = len(t)
yield t.data[h].key
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator values*[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B]): lent B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t` in insertion order.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.values:
doAssert v.len == 4
let L = len(t)
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mvalues*[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B]): var B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t` (must be
## declared as `var`) in insertion order. The values
## can be modified.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,OrderedTable[A,B]>`_
var a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.mvalues:
doAssert a == {'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 99]}.toOrderedTable
let L = len(t)
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------- OrderedTableRef -------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newOrderedTable*[A, B](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): OrderedTableRef[A, B] =
## Creates a new ordered ref hash table that is empty.
## See also:
## * `newOrderedTable proc<#newOrderedTable,openArray[]>`_ for creating
## an `OrderedTableRef` from a collection of `(key, value)` pairs
## * `initOrderedTable proc<#initOrderedTable>`_ for creating an
## `OrderedTable`
a = newOrderedTable[int, string]()
b = newOrderedTable[char, seq[int]]()
result[] = initOrderedTable[A, B](initialSize)
proc newOrderedTable*[A, B](pairs: openArray[(A, B)]): OrderedTableRef[A, B] =
## Creates a new ordered ref hash table that contains the given `pairs`.
## `pairs` is a container consisting of `(key, value)` tuples.
## See also:
## * `newOrderedTable proc<#newOrderedTable>`_
## * `toOrderedTable proc<#toOrderedTable,openArray[]>`_ for an
## `OrderedTable` version
let a = [('a', 5), ('b', 9)]
let b = newOrderedTable(a)
assert b == {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
result = newOrderedTable[A, B](pairs.len)
for key, val in items(pairs): result[key] = val
proc `[]`*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]`.
## If `key` is not in `t`, the `KeyError` exception is raised.
## One can check with `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ whether
## the key exists.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `[]= proc<#[]=,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for checking if
## a key is in the table
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a['a'] == 5
echo a['z']
result = t[][key]
proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) =
## Inserts a `(key, value)` pair into `t`.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `del proc<#del,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for removing a key from the table
var a = newOrderedTable[char, int]()
a['x'] = 7
a['y'] = 33
doAssert a == {'x': 7, 'y': 33}.newOrderedTable
t[][key] = val
proc hasKey*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `contains proc<#contains,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for use with the `in`
## operator
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a.hasKey('a') == true
doAssert a.hasKey('z') == false
result = t[].hasKey(key)
proc contains*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A): bool =
## Alias of `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for use with
## the `in` operator.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
doAssert 'b' in a == true
doAssert a.contains('z') == false
return hasKey[A, B](t, key)
proc hasKeyOrPut*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A, val: B): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table, otherwise inserts `value`.
## See also:
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
if a.hasKeyOrPut('a', 50):
a['a'] = 99
if a.hasKeyOrPut('z', 50):
a['z'] = 99
doAssert a == {'a': 99, 'b': 9, 'z': 50}.newOrderedTable
result = t[].hasKeyOrPut(key, val)
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`. Otherwise, the
## default initialization value for type `B` is returned (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a') == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z') == 0
getOrDefault(t[], key)
proc getOrDefault*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A, default: B): B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`.
## Otherwise, `default` is returned.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `mgetOrPut proc<#mgetOrPut,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a.getOrDefault('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.getOrDefault('z', 99) == 99
getOrDefault(t[], key, default)
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A, val: B): var B =
## Retrieves value at `t[key]` or puts `val` if not present, either way
## returning a value which can be modified.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `hasKeyOrPut proc<#hasKeyOrPut,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_ to return
## a default value (e.g. zero for int) if the key doesn't exist
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,B>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a', 99) == 5
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('z', 99) == 99
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'z': 99}.newOrderedTable
result = t[].mgetOrPut(key, val)
proc mgetOrPut*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A): var B =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` or puts the
## default initialization value for type `B` (e.g. 0 for any
## integer type).
var a = {'a': 5}.toOrderedTable
doAssert a.mgetOrPut('a') == 5
doAssert a == {'a': 5, 'z': 1}.toOrderedTable
proc len*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): int {.inline.} =
## Returns the number of keys in `t`.
let a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9}.newOrderedTable
doAssert len(a) == 2
result = t.counter
proc add*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A, val: sink B) {.deprecated:
"Deprecated since v1.4; it was more confusing than useful, use `[]=`".} =
## Puts a new `(key, value)` pair into `t` even if `t[key]` already exists.
## **This can introduce duplicate keys into the table!**
## Use `[]= proc<#[]=,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A,sinkB>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table without introducing duplicates.
t[].add(key, val)
proc del*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A) =
## Deletes `key` from hash table `t`. Does nothing if the key does not exist.
## See also:
## * `clear proc<#clear,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a == {'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newOrderedTable
proc pop*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], key: A, val: var B): bool {.since: (1, 1).} =
## Deletes the `key` from the table.
## Returns `true`, if the `key` existed, and sets `val` to the
## mapping of the key. Otherwise, returns `false`, and the `val` is
## unchanged.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_ to empty the whole table
a = {'c': 5, 'b': 9, 'a': 13}.newOrderedTable
i: int
doAssert a.pop('b', i) == true
doAssert a == {'c': 5, 'a': 13}.newOrderedTable
doAssert i == 9
i = 0
doAssert a.pop('z', i) == false
doAssert a == {'c': 5, 'a': 13}.newOrderedTable
doAssert i == 0
pop(t[], key, val)
proc clear*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]) =
## Resets the table so that it is empty.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,OrderedTableRef[A,B],A>`_
var a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newOrderedTable
doAssert len(a) == 3
doAssert len(a) == 0
proc sort*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B], cmp: proc (x, y: (A, B)): int,
order = SortOrder.Ascending) {.effectsOf: cmp.} =
## Sorts `t` according to the function `cmp`.
## This modifies the internal list
## that kept the insertion order, so insertion order is lost after this
## call but key lookup and insertions remain possible after `sort` (in
## contrast to the `sort proc<#sort,CountTableRef[A]>`_ for count tables).
import std/[algorithm]
var a = newOrderedTable[char, int]()
for i, c in "cab":
a[c] = 10*i
doAssert a == {'c': 0, 'a': 10, 'b': 20}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a == {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 0}.newOrderedTable
a.sort(system.cmp, order = SortOrder.Descending)
doAssert a == {'c': 0, 'b': 20, 'a': 10}.newOrderedTable
t[].sort(cmp, order = order)
proc `$`*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): string =
## The `$` operator for hash tables. Used internally when calling `echo`
## on a table.
proc `==`*[A, B](s, t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): bool =
## The `==` operator for ordered hash tables. Returns true if either both
## tables are `nil`, or neither is `nil` and the content and the order of
## both are equal.
a = {'a': 5, 'b': 9, 'c': 13}.newOrderedTable
b = {'b': 9, 'c': 13, 'a': 5}.newOrderedTable
doAssert a != b
if isNil(s): result = isNil(t)
elif isNil(t): result = false
else: result = s[] == t[]
iterator pairs*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): (A, B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t` in insertion
## order.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## **Examples:**
## ```Nim
## let a = {
## 'o': [1, 5, 7, 9],
## 'e': [2, 4, 6, 8]
## }.newOrderedTable
## for k, v in a.pairs:
## echo "key: ", k
## echo "value: ", v
## # key: o
## # value: [1, 5, 7, 9]
## # key: e
## # value: [2, 4, 6, 8]
## ```
let L = len(t)
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mpairs*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): (A, var B) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t` in insertion
## order. The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k, v in a.mpairs:
v.add(v[0] + 10)
doAssert a == {'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 11],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 12]}.newOrderedTable
let L = len(t)
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator keys*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): lent A =
## Iterates over any key in the table `t` in insertion order.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for k in a.keys:
doAssert a == {'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99], 'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8,
let L = len(t)
yield t.data[h].key
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator values*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): lent B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t` in insertion order.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.values:
doAssert v.len == 4
let L = len(t)
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mvalues*[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]): var B =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t` in insertion order. The values
## can be modified.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,OrderedTableRef[A,B]>`_
let a = {
'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8]
for v in a.mvalues:
doAssert a == {'o': @[1, 5, 7, 9, 99],
'e': @[2, 4, 6, 8, 99]}.newOrderedTable
let L = len(t)
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------ CountTable -------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CountTable*[A] = object
## Hash table that counts the number of each key.
## For creating an empty CountTable, use `initCountTable proc
## <#initCountTable>`_.
data: seq[tuple[key: A, val: int]]
counter: int
isSorted: bool
CountTableRef*[A] = ref CountTable[A] ## Ref version of
## `CountTable<#CountTable>`_.
## For creating a new empty CountTableRef, use `newCountTable proc
## <#newCountTable>`_.
# ------------------------------ helpers ---------------------------------
proc ctRawInsert[A](t: CountTable[A], data: var seq[tuple[key: A, val: int]],
key: A, val: int) =
var h: Hash = hash(key) and high(data)
while data[h].val != 0: h = nextTry(h, high(data))
data[h].key = key
data[h].val = val
proc enlarge[A](t: var CountTable[A]) =
var n: seq[tuple[key: A, val: int]]
newSeq(n, len(t.data) * growthFactor)
for i in countup(0, high(t.data)):
if t.data[i].val != 0: ctRawInsert(t, n, move t.data[i].key, move t.data[i].val)
swap(t.data, n)
proc rawGet[A](t: CountTable[A], key: A): int =
if t.data.len == 0:
return -1
var h: Hash = hash(key) and high(t.data) # start with real hash value
while t.data[h].val != 0:
if t.data[h].key == key: return h
h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
result = -1 - h # < 0 => MISSING; insert idx = -1 - result
template ctget(t, key, default: untyped): untyped =
var index = rawGet(t, key)
result = if index >= 0: t.data[index].val else: default
proc inc*[A](t: var CountTable[A], key: A, val = 1)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc initCountTable*[A](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): CountTable[A] =
## Creates a new count table that is empty.
## Starting from Nim v0.20, tables are initialized by default and it is
## not necessary to call this function explicitly.
## See also:
## * `toCountTable proc<#toCountTable,openArray[A]>`_
## * `newCountTable proc<#newCountTable>`_ for creating a
## `CountTableRef`
initImpl(result, initialSize)
proc toCountTable*[A](keys: openArray[A]): CountTable[A] =
## Creates a new count table with every member of a container `keys`
## having a count of how many times it occurs in that container.
result = initCountTable[A](keys.len)
for key in items(keys): result.inc(key)
proc `[]`*[A](t: CountTable[A], key: A): int =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`.
## Otherwise `0` is returned.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault<#getOrDefault,CountTable[A],A,int>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `[]= proc<#[]%3D,CountTable[A],A,int>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,CountTable[A],A>`_ for checking if a key
## is in the table
assert(not t.isSorted, "CountTable must not be used after sorting")
ctget(t, key, 0)
template cntMakeEmpty(i) = t.data[i].val = 0
template cntCellEmpty(i) = t.data[i].val == 0
template cntCellHash(i) = hash(t.data[i].key)
proc `[]=`*[A](t: var CountTable[A], key: A, val: int) =
## Inserts a `(key, value)` pair into `t`.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],CountTable[A],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `inc proc<#inc,CountTable[A],A,int>`_ for incrementing a
## value of a key
assert(not t.isSorted, "CountTable must not be used after sorting")
assert val >= 0
if val == 0:
delImplNoHCode(cntMakeEmpty, cntCellEmpty, cntCellHash)
let h = rawGet(t, key)
if h >= 0:
t.data[h].val = val
proc inc*[A](t: var CountTable[A], key: A, val = 1) =
## Increments `t[key]` by `val` (default: 1).
var a = toCountTable("aab")
a.inc('b', 10)
doAssert a == toCountTable("aaabbbbbbbbbbb")
assert(not t.isSorted, "CountTable must not be used after sorting")
var index = rawGet(t, key)
if index >= 0:
inc(t.data[index].val, val)
if t.data[index].val == 0:
delImplIdx(t, index, cntMakeEmpty, cntCellEmpty, cntCellHash)
if val != 0:
proc len*[A](t: CountTable[A]): int =
## Returns the number of keys in `t`.
result = t.counter
proc smallest*[A](t: CountTable[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] =
## Returns the `(key, value)` pair with the smallest `val`. Efficiency: O(n)
## See also:
## * `largest proc<#largest,CountTable[A]>`_
assert t.len > 0, "counttable is empty"
var minIdx = -1
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val > 0 and (minIdx == -1 or t.data[minIdx].val > t.data[h].val):
minIdx = h
result.key = t.data[minIdx].key
result.val = t.data[minIdx].val
proc largest*[A](t: CountTable[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] =
## Returns the `(key, value)` pair with the largest `val`. Efficiency: O(n)
## See also:
## * `smallest proc<#smallest,CountTable[A]>`_
assert t.len > 0, "counttable is empty"
var maxIdx = 0
for h in 1 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[maxIdx].val < t.data[h].val: maxIdx = h
result.key = t.data[maxIdx].key
result.val = t.data[maxIdx].val
proc hasKey*[A](t: CountTable[A], key: A): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `contains proc<#contains,CountTable[A],A>`_ for use with the `in`
## operator
## * `[] proc<#[],CountTable[A],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,CountTable[A],A,int>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
assert(not t.isSorted, "CountTable must not be used after sorting")
result = rawGet(t, key) >= 0
proc contains*[A](t: CountTable[A], key: A): bool =
## Alias of `hasKey proc<#hasKey,CountTable[A],A>`_ for use with
## the `in` operator.
return hasKey[A](t, key)
proc getOrDefault*[A](t: CountTable[A], key: A; default: int = 0): int =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`. Otherwise, the
## integer value of `default` is returned.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],CountTable[A],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,CountTable[A],A>`_ for checking if a key
## is in the table
ctget(t, key, default)
proc del*[A](t: var CountTable[A], key: A) {.since: (1, 1).} =
## Deletes `key` from table `t`. Does nothing if the key does not exist.
## See also:
## * `pop proc<#pop,CountTable[A],A,int>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,CountTable[A]>`_ to empty the whole table
var a = toCountTable("aabbbccccc")
assert a == toCountTable("aaccccc")
assert a == toCountTable("aaccccc")
assert a == toCountTable("aa")
delImplNoHCode(cntMakeEmpty, cntCellEmpty, cntCellHash)
proc pop*[A](t: var CountTable[A], key: A, val: var int): bool {.since: (1, 1).} =
## Deletes the `key` from the table.
## Returns `true`, if the `key` existed, and sets `val` to the
## mapping of the key. Otherwise, returns `false`, and the `val` is
## unchanged.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,CountTable[A],A>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,CountTable[A]>`_ to empty the whole table
var a = toCountTable("aabbbccccc")
var i = 0
assert a.pop('b', i)
assert i == 3
i = 99
assert not a.pop('b', i)
assert i == 99
var index = rawGet(t, key)
result = index >= 0
if result:
val = move(t.data[index].val)
delImplIdx(t, index, cntMakeEmpty, cntCellEmpty, cntCellHash)
proc clear*[A](t: var CountTable[A]) =
## Resets the table so that it is empty.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,CountTable[A],A>`_
## * `pop proc<#pop,CountTable[A],A,int>`_
t.isSorted = false
func ctCmp[T](a, b: tuple[key: T, val: int]): int =
result = system.cmp(a.val, b.val)
proc sort*[A](t: var CountTable[A], order = SortOrder.Descending) =
## Sorts the count table so that, by default, the entry with the
## highest counter comes first.
## .. warning:: This is destructive! Once sorted, you must not modify `t` afterwards!
## You can use the iterators `pairs<#pairs.i,CountTable[A]>`_,
## `keys<#keys.i,CountTable[A]>`_, and `values<#values.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## to iterate over `t` in the sorted order.
import std/[algorithm, sequtils]
var a = toCountTable("abracadabra")
doAssert a == "aaaaabbrrcd".toCountTable
doAssert toSeq(a.values) == @[5, 2, 2, 1, 1]
doAssert toSeq(a.values) == @[1, 1, 2, 2, 5]
t.data.sort(cmp = ctCmp, order = order)
t.isSorted = true
proc merge*[A](s: var CountTable[A], t: CountTable[A]) =
## Merges the second table into the first one (must be declared as `var`).
var a = toCountTable("aaabbc")
let b = toCountTable("bcc")
doAssert a == toCountTable("aaabbbccc")
assert(not s.isSorted, "CountTable must not be used after sorting")
for key, value in t:
s.inc(key, value)
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) <= (1, 0):
proc merge*[A](s, t: CountTable[A]): CountTable[A] =
## Merges the two tables into a new one.
a = toCountTable("aaabbc")
b = toCountTable("bcc")
doAssert merge(a, b) == toCountTable("aaabbbccc")
result = initCountTable[A](nextPowerOfTwo(max(s.len, t.len)))
for table in @[s, t]:
for key, value in table:
result.inc(key, value)
proc `$`*[A](t: CountTable[A]): string =
## The `$` operator for count tables. Used internally when calling `echo`
## on a table.
proc `==`*[A](s, t: CountTable[A]): bool =
## The `==` operator for count tables. Returns `true` if both tables
## contain the same keys with the same count. Insert order does not matter.
equalsImpl(s, t)
iterator pairs*[A](t: CountTable[A]): (A, int) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## **Examples:**
## ```Nim
## let a = toCountTable("abracadabra")
## for k, v in pairs(a):
## echo "key: ", k
## echo "value: ", v
## # key: a
## # value: 5
## # key: b
## # value: 2
## # key: c
## # value: 1
## # key: d
## # value: 1
## # key: r
## # value: 2
## ```
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mpairs*[A](t: var CountTable[A]): (A, var int) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t` (must be
## declared as `var`). The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,CountTable[A]>`_
var a = toCountTable("abracadabra")
for k, v in mpairs(a):
v = 2
doAssert a == toCountTable("aabbccddrr")
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator keys*[A](t: CountTable[A]): lent A =
## Iterates over any key in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,CountTable[A]>`_
var a = toCountTable("abracadabra")
for k in keys(a):
a[k] = 2
doAssert a == toCountTable("aabbccddrr")
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield t.data[h].key
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator values*[A](t: CountTable[A]): int =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,CountTable[A]>`_
let a = toCountTable("abracadabra")
for v in values(a):
assert v < 10
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mvalues*[A](t: var CountTable[A]): var int =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t` (must be
## declared as `var`). The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,CountTable[A]>`_
var a = toCountTable("abracadabra")
for v in mvalues(a):
v = 2
doAssert a == toCountTable("aabbccddrr")
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------- CountTableRef --------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc inc*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A, val = 1)
proc newCountTable*[A](initialSize = defaultInitialSize): CountTableRef[A] =
## Creates a new ref count table that is empty.
## See also:
## * `newCountTable proc<#newCountTable,openArray[A]>`_ for creating
## a `CountTableRef` from a collection
## * `initCountTable proc<#initCountTable>`_ for creating a
## `CountTable`
result[] = initCountTable[A](initialSize)
proc newCountTable*[A](keys: openArray[A]): CountTableRef[A] =
## Creates a new ref count table with every member of a container `keys`
## having a count of how many times it occurs in that container.
result = newCountTable[A](keys.len)
for key in items(keys): result.inc(key)
proc `[]`*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A): int =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`.
## Otherwise `0` is returned.
## See also:
## * `getOrDefault<#getOrDefault,CountTableRef[A],A,int>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
## * `inc proc<#inc,CountTableRef[A],A,int>`_ to inc even if missing
## * `[]= proc<#[]%3D,CountTableRef[A],A,int>`_ for inserting a new
## (key, value) pair in the table
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,CountTableRef[A],A>`_ for checking if a key
## is in the table
result = t[][key]
proc `[]=`*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A, val: int) =
## Inserts a `(key, value)` pair into `t`.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],CountTableRef[A],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `inc proc<#inc,CountTableRef[A],A,int>`_ for incrementing a
## value of a key
assert val > 0
t[][key] = val
proc inc*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A, val = 1) =
## Increments `t[key]` by `val` (default: 1).
var a = newCountTable("aab")
a.inc('b', 10)
doAssert a == newCountTable("aaabbbbbbbbbbb")
t[].inc(key, val)
proc smallest*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] =
## Returns the `(key, value)` pair with the smallest `val`. Efficiency: O(n)
## See also:
## * `largest proc<#largest,CountTableRef[A]>`_
proc largest*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] =
## Returns the `(key, value)` pair with the largest `val`. Efficiency: O(n)
## See also:
## * `smallest proc<#smallest,CountTable[A]>`_
proc hasKey*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A): bool =
## Returns true if `key` is in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `contains proc<#contains,CountTableRef[A],A>`_ for use with the `in`
## operator
## * `[] proc<#[],CountTableRef[A],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `getOrDefault proc<#getOrDefault,CountTableRef[A],A,int>`_ to return
## a custom value if the key doesn't exist
result = t[].hasKey(key)
proc contains*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A): bool =
## Alias of `hasKey proc<#hasKey,CountTableRef[A],A>`_ for use with
## the `in` operator.
return hasKey[A](t, key)
proc getOrDefault*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A, default: int): int =
## Retrieves the value at `t[key]` if `key` is in `t`. Otherwise, the
## integer value of `default` is returned.
## See also:
## * `[] proc<#[],CountTableRef[A],A>`_ for retrieving a value of a key
## * `hasKey proc<#hasKey,CountTableRef[A],A>`_ for checking if a key
## is in the table
result = t[].getOrDefault(key, default)
proc len*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): int =
## Returns the number of keys in `t`.
result = t.counter
proc del*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A) {.since: (1, 1).} =
## Deletes `key` from table `t`. Does nothing if the key does not exist.
## See also:
## * `pop proc<#pop,CountTableRef[A],A,int>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,CountTableRef[A]>`_ to empty the whole table
del(t[], key)
proc pop*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], key: A, val: var int): bool {.since: (1, 1).} =
## Deletes the `key` from the table.
## Returns `true`, if the `key` existed, and sets `val` to the
## mapping of the key. Otherwise, returns `false`, and the `val` is
## unchanged.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,CountTableRef[A],A>`_
## * `clear proc<#clear,CountTableRef[A]>`_ to empty the whole table
pop(t[], key, val)
proc clear*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]) =
## Resets the table so that it is empty.
## See also:
## * `del proc<#del,CountTableRef[A],A>`_
## * `pop proc<#pop,CountTableRef[A],A,int>`_
proc sort*[A](t: CountTableRef[A], order = SortOrder.Descending) =
## Sorts the count table so that, by default, the entry with the
## highest counter comes first.
## **This is destructive! You must not modify `t` afterwards!**
## You can use the iterators `pairs<#pairs.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_,
## `keys<#keys.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_, and `values<#values.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## to iterate over `t` in the sorted order.
t[].sort(order = order)
proc merge*[A](s, t: CountTableRef[A]) =
## Merges the second table into the first one.
a = newCountTable("aaabbc")
b = newCountTable("bcc")
doAssert a == newCountTable("aaabbbccc")
proc `$`*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): string =
## The `$` operator for count tables. Used internally when calling `echo`
## on a table.
proc `==`*[A](s, t: CountTableRef[A]): bool =
## The `==` operator for count tables. Returns `true` if either both tables
## are `nil`, or neither is `nil` and both contain the same keys with the same
## count. Insert order does not matter.
if isNil(s): result = isNil(t)
elif isNil(t): result = false
else: result = s[] == t[]
iterator pairs*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): (A, int) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## **Examples:**
## ```Nim
## let a = newCountTable("abracadabra")
## for k, v in pairs(a):
## echo "key: ", k
## echo "value: ", v
## # key: a
## # value: 5
## # key: b
## # value: 2
## # key: c
## # value: 1
## # key: d
## # value: 1
## # key: r
## # value: 2
## ```
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mpairs*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): (A, var int) =
## Iterates over any `(key, value)` pair in the table `t`. The values can
## be modified.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
let a = newCountTable("abracadabra")
for k, v in mpairs(a):
v = 2
doAssert a == newCountTable("aabbccddrr")
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val)
assert(len(t) == L, "table modified while iterating over it")
iterator keys*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): A =
## Iterates over any key in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,CountTable[A]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,CountTable[A]>`_
let a = newCountTable("abracadabra")
for k in keys(a):
a[k] = 2
doAssert a == newCountTable("aabbccddrr")
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield t.data[h].key
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator values*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): int =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t`.
## See also:
## * `pairs iterator<#pairs.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## * `keys iterator<#keys.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## * `mvalues iterator<#mvalues.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
let a = newCountTable("abracadabra")
for v in values(a):
assert v < 10
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
iterator mvalues*[A](t: CountTableRef[A]): var int =
## Iterates over any value in the table `t`. The values can be modified.
## See also:
## * `mpairs iterator<#mpairs.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
## * `values iterator<#values.i,CountTableRef[A]>`_
var a = newCountTable("abracadabra")
for v in mvalues(a):
v = 2
doAssert a == newCountTable("aabbccddrr")
let L = len(t)
for h in 0 .. high(t.data):
if t.data[h].val != 0:
yield t.data[h].val
assert(len(t) == L, "the length of the table changed while iterating over it")
proc hash*[K,V](s: Table[K,V]): Hash =
for p in pairs(s):
result = result xor hash(p)
result = !$result
proc hash*[K,V](s: OrderedTable[K,V]): Hash =
for p in pairs(s):
result = result !& hash(p)
result = !$result
proc hash*[V](s: CountTable[V]): Hash =
for p in pairs(s):
result = result xor hash(p)
result = !$result