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path: root/lib/pure/dynlib.nim
blob: a64b7f1386f5fd89a10ddfffdd2a704038b90089 (plain) (blame)
#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This module implements the ability to access symbols from shared
## libraries. On POSIX this uses the ``dlsym`` mechanism, on 
## Windows ``LoadLibrary``. 

  TLibHandle* = pointer ## a handle to a dynamically loaded library

proc LoadLib*(path: string): TLibHandle
  ## loads a library from `path`. Returns nil if the library could not 
  ## be loaded.

proc LoadLib*(): TLibHandle
  ## gets the handle from the current executable. Returns nil if the 
  ## library could not be loaded.

proc UnloadLib*(lib: TLibHandle)
  ## unloads the library `lib`

proc raiseInvalidLibrary*(name: cstring) {.noinline, noreturn.} =
  ## raises an `EInvalidLibrary` exception.
  var e: ref EInvalidLibrary
  e.msg = "could not find symbol: " & $name
  raise e

proc symAddr*(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): pointer
  ## retrieves the address of a procedure/variable from `lib`. Returns nil
  ## if the symbol could not be found.

proc checkedSymAddr*(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): pointer =
  ## retrieves the address of a procedure/variable from `lib`. Raises
  ## `EInvalidLibrary` if the symbol could not be found.
  result = symAddr(lib, name)
  if result == nil: raiseInvalidLibrary(name)

when defined(posix):
  # =========================================================================
  # This is an implementation based on the dlfcn interface.
  # The dlfcn interface is available in Linux, SunOS, Solaris, IRIX, FreeBSD,
  # NetBSD, AIX 4.2, HPUX 11, and probably most other Unix flavors, at least
  # as an emulation layer on top of native functions.
  # =========================================================================
    RTLD_NOW {.importc: "RTLD_NOW", header: "<dlfcn.h>".}: int

  proc dlclose(lib: TLibHandle) {.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
  proc dlopen(path: CString, mode: int): TLibHandle {.
      importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
  proc dlsym(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): pointer {.
      importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}

  proc LoadLib(path: string): TLibHandle = return dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW)
  proc LoadLib(): TLibHandle = return dlopen(nil, RTLD_NOW)
  proc UnloadLib(lib: TLibHandle) = dlclose(lib)
  proc symAddr(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): pointer = 
    return dlsym(lib, name)

elif defined(windows) or defined(dos):
  # =======================================================================
  # Native Windows Implementation
  # =======================================================================
    THINSTANCE {.importc: "HINSTANCE".} = pointer

  proc FreeLibrary(lib: THINSTANCE) {.importc, header: "<windows.h>", stdcall.}
  proc winLoadLibrary(path: cstring): THINSTANCE {.
      importc: "LoadLibraryA", header: "<windows.h>", stdcall.}
  proc GetProcAddress(lib: THINSTANCE, name: cstring): pointer {.
      importc: "GetProcAddress", header: "<windows.h>", stdcall.}

  proc LoadLib(path: string): TLibHandle =
    result = cast[TLibHandle](winLoadLibrary(path))
  proc LoadLib(): TLibHandle =
    result = cast[TLibHandle](winLoadLibrary(nil))
  proc UnloadLib(lib: TLibHandle) = FreeLibrary(cast[THINSTANCE](lib))

  proc symAddr(lib: TLibHandle, name: cstring): pointer =
    result = GetProcAddress(cast[THINSTANCE](lib), name)

  {.error: "no implementation for dynlib".}
href='#n710'>710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896
#            Nim's Runtime Library
#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf, Dominik Picheta
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This module implements a simple logger.
## It has been designed to be as simple as possible to avoid bloat.
## If this library does not fulfill your needs, write your own.
## Basic usage
## ===========
## To get started, first create a logger:
##   ```Nim
##   import std/logging
##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
##   ```
## The logger that was created above logs to the console, but this module
## also provides loggers that log to files, such as the
## `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_. Creating custom loggers is also possible by
## inheriting from the `Logger<#Logger>`_ type.
## Once a logger has been created, call its `log proc
## <#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_ to log a message:
##   ```Nim
##   logger.log(lvlInfo, "a log message")
##   # Output: INFO a log message
##   ```
## The ``INFO`` within the output is the result of a format string being
## prepended to the message, and it will differ depending on the message's
## level. Format strings are `explained in more detail
## here<#basic-usage-format-strings>`_.
## There are six logging levels: debug, info, notice, warn, error, and fatal.
## They are described in more detail within the `Level enum's documentation
## <#Level>`_. A message is logged if its level is at or above both the logger's
## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter. The latter can be changed
## with the `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
## .. warning::
##   For loggers that log to a console or to files, only error and fatal
##   messages will cause their output buffers to be flushed immediately by default.
##   set ``flushThreshold`` when creating the logger to change this.
## Handlers
## --------
## When using multiple loggers, calling the log proc for each logger can
## become repetitive. Instead of doing that, register each logger that will be
## used with the `addHandler proc<#addHandler,Logger>`_, which is demonstrated
## in the following example:
##   ```Nim
##   import std/logging
##   var consoleLog = newConsoleLogger()
##   var fileLog = newFileLogger("errors.log", levelThreshold=lvlError)
##   var rollingLog = newRollingFileLogger("rolling.log")
##   addHandler(consoleLog)
##   addHandler(fileLog)
##   addHandler(rollingLog)
##   ```
## After doing this, use either the `log template
## <#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_ or one of the level-specific templates,
## such as the `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_, to log messages
## to all registered handlers at once.
##   ```Nim
##   # This example uses the loggers created above
##   log(lvlError, "an error occurred")
##   error("an error occurred")  # Equivalent to the above line
##   info("something normal happened")  # Will not be written to errors.log
##   ```
## Note that a message's level is still checked against each handler's
## ``levelThreshold`` and the global log filter.
## Format strings
## --------------
## Log messages are prefixed with format strings. These strings contain
## placeholders for variables, such as ``$time``, that are replaced with their
## corresponding values, such as the current time, before they are prepended to
## a log message. Characters that are not part of variables are unaffected.
## The format string used by a logger can be specified by providing the `fmtStr`
## argument when creating the logger or by setting its `fmtStr` field afterward.
## If not specified, the `default format string<#defaultFmtStr>`_ is used.
## The following variables, which must be prefixed with a dollar sign (``$``),
## are available:
## ============  =======================
##   Variable      Output
## ============  =======================
## $date         Current date
## $time         Current time
## $datetime     $dateT$time
## $app          `os.getAppFilename()<os.html#getAppFilename>`_
## $appname      Base name of ``$app``
## $appdir       Directory name of ``$app``
## $levelid      First letter of log level
## $levelname    Log level name
## ============  =======================
## Note that ``$app``, ``$appname``, and ``$appdir`` are not supported when
## using the JavaScript backend.
## The following example illustrates how to use format strings:
##   ```Nim
##   import std/logging
##   var logger = newConsoleLogger(fmtStr="[$time] - $levelname: ")
##   logger.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
##   # Output: [19:50:13] - INFO: this is a message
##   ```
## Notes when using multiple threads
## ---------------------------------
## There are a few details to keep in mind when using this module within
## multiple threads:
## * The global log filter is actually a thread-local variable, so it needs to
##   be set in each thread that uses this module.
## * The list of registered handlers is also a thread-local variable. If a
##   handler will be used in multiple threads, it needs to be registered in
##   each of those threads.
## See also
## ========
## * `strutils module<strutils.html>`_ for common string functions
## * `strformat module<strformat.html>`_ for string interpolation and formatting
## * `strscans module<strscans.html>`_ for ``scanf`` and ``scanp`` macros, which
##   offer easier substring extraction than regular expressions

import strutils, times
when not defined(js):
  import os

when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
  import std/syncio

  Level* = enum ## \
    ## Enumeration of logging levels.
    ## Debug messages represent the lowest logging level, and fatal error
    ## messages represent the highest logging level. ``lvlAll`` can be used
    ## to enable all messages, while ``lvlNone`` can be used to disable all
    ## messages.
    ## Typical usage for each logging level, from lowest to highest, is
    ## described below:
    ## * **Debug** - debugging information helpful only to developers
    ## * **Info** - anything associated with normal operation and without
    ##   any particular importance
    ## * **Notice** - more important information that users should be
    ##   notified about
    ## * **Warn** - impending problems that require some attention
    ## * **Error** - error conditions that the application can recover from
    ## * **Fatal** - fatal errors that prevent the application from continuing
    ## It is completely up to the application how to utilize each level.
    ## Individual loggers have a ``levelThreshold`` field that filters out
    ## any messages with a level lower than the threshold. There is also
    ## a global filter that applies to all log messages, and it can be changed
    ## using the `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
    lvlAll,     ## All levels active
    lvlDebug,   ## Debug level and above are active
    lvlInfo,    ## Info level and above are active
    lvlNotice,  ## Notice level and above are active
    lvlWarn,    ## Warn level and above are active
    lvlError,   ## Error level and above are active
    lvlFatal,   ## Fatal level and above are active
    lvlNone     ## No levels active; nothing is logged

  LevelNames*: array[Level, string] = [
  ] ## Array of strings representing each logging level.

  defaultFmtStr* = "$levelname "                         ## The default format string.
  verboseFmtStr* = "$levelid, [$datetime] -- $appname: " ## \
  ## A more verbose format string.
  ## This string can be passed as the ``frmStr`` argument to procs that create
  ## new loggers, such as the `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_.
  ## If a different format string is preferred, refer to the
  ## `documentation about format strings<#basic-usage-format-strings>`_
  ## for more information, including a list of available variables.
  defaultFlushThreshold = when NimMajor >= 2:
      when defined(nimV1LogFlushBehavior): lvlError else: lvlAll
      when defined(nimFlushAllLogs): lvlAll else: lvlError
  ## The threshold above which log messages to file-like loggers
  ## are automatically flushed.
  ## By default, only error and fatal messages are logged,
  ## but defining ``-d:nimFlushAllLogs`` will make all levels be flushed

  Logger* = ref object of RootObj
    ## The abstract base type of all loggers.
    ## Custom loggers should inherit from this type. They should also provide
    ## their own implementation of the
    ## `log method<#log.e,Logger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_.
    ## See also:
    ## * `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_
    ## * `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_
    ## * `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_
    levelThreshold*: Level ## Only messages that are at or above this
                           ## threshold will be logged
    fmtStr*: string ## Format string to prepend to each log message;
                    ## defaultFmtStr is the default

  ConsoleLogger* = ref object of Logger
    ## A logger that writes log messages to the console.
    ## Create a new ``ConsoleLogger`` with the `newConsoleLogger proc
    ## <#newConsoleLogger>`_.
    ## See also:
    ## * `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_
    ## * `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_
    useStderr*: bool ## If true, writes to stderr; otherwise, writes to stdout
    flushThreshold*: Level ## Only messages that are at or above this
                           ## threshold will be flushed immediately

when not defined(js):
    FileLogger* = ref object of Logger
      ## A logger that writes log messages to a file.
      ## Create a new ``FileLogger`` with the `newFileLogger proc
      ## <#newFileLogger,File>`_.
      ## **Note:** This logger is not available for the JavaScript backend.
      ## See also:
      ## * `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_
      ## * `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_
      file*: File ## The wrapped file
      flushThreshold*: Level ## Only messages that are at or above this
                           ## threshold will be flushed immediately

    RollingFileLogger* = ref object of FileLogger
      ## A logger that writes log messages to a file while performing log
      ## rotation.
      ## Create a new ``RollingFileLogger`` with the `newRollingFileLogger proc
      ## <#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,Positive,int>`_.
      ## **Note:** This logger is not available for the JavaScript backend.
      ## See also:
      ## * `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_
      ## * `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_
      maxLines: int # maximum number of lines
      curLine: int
      baseName: string # initial filename
      baseMode: FileMode # initial file mode
      logFiles: int # how many log files already created, e.g. basename.1, basename.2...
      bufSize: int # size of output buffer (-1: use system defaults, 0: unbuffered, >0: fixed buffer size)

  level {.threadvar.}: Level          ## global log filter
  handlers {.threadvar.}: seq[Logger] ## handlers with their own log levels

proc substituteLog*(frmt: string, level: Level,
                    args: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
  ## Formats a log message at the specified level with the given format string.
  ## The `format variables<#basic-usage-format-strings>`_ present within
  ## ``frmt`` will be replaced with the corresponding values before being
  ## prepended to ``args`` and returned.
  ## Unless you are implementing a custom logger, there is little need to call
  ## this directly. Use either a logger's log method or one of the logging
  ## templates.
  ## See also:
  ## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the ConsoleLogger
  ## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the FileLogger
  ## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the RollingFileLogger
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
    doAssert substituteLog(defaultFmtStr, lvlInfo, "a message") == "INFO a message"
    doAssert substituteLog("$levelid - ", lvlError, "an error") == "E - an error"
    doAssert substituteLog("$levelid", lvlDebug, "error") == "Derror"
  var msgLen = 0
  for arg in args:
    msgLen += arg.len
  result = newStringOfCap(frmt.len + msgLen + 20)
  var i = 0
  while i < frmt.len:
    if frmt[i] != '$':
      var v = ""
      let app = when defined(js): "" else: getAppFilename()
      while i < frmt.len and frmt[i] in IdentChars:
      case v
      of "date": result.add(getDateStr())
      of "time": result.add(getClockStr())
      of "datetime": result.add(getDateStr() & "T" & getClockStr())
      of "app": result.add(app)
      of "appdir":
        when not defined(js): result.add(app.splitFile.dir)
      of "appname":
        when not defined(js): result.add(
      of "levelid": result.add(LevelNames[level][0])
      of "levelname": result.add(LevelNames[level])
      else: discard
  for arg in args:

method log*(logger: Logger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.
            raises: [Exception], gcsafe,
            tags: [RootEffect], base.} =
  ## Override this method in custom loggers. The default implementation does
  ## nothing.
  ## See also:
  ## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the ConsoleLogger
  ## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the FileLogger
  ## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the RollingFileLogger
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_

method log*(logger: ConsoleLogger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs to the console with the given `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_ only.
  ## This method ignores the list of registered handlers.
  ## Whether the message is logged depends on both the ConsoleLogger's
  ## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter set using the
  ## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
  ## **Note:** Only error and fatal messages will cause the output buffer
  ## to be flushed immediately by default. Set ``flushThreshold`` when creating
  ## the logger to change this.
  ## See also:
  ## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the FileLogger
  ## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ##   for the RollingFileLogger
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var consoleLog = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   consoleLog.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
  ##   consoleLog.log(lvlError, "error code is: ", 404)
  ##   ```
  if level >= logging.level and level >= logger.levelThreshold:
    let ln = substituteLog(logger.fmtStr, level, args)
    when defined(js):
      let cln = ln.cstring
      case level
      of lvlDebug: {.emit: "console.debug(`cln`);".}
      of lvlInfo:  {.emit: "`cln`);".}
      of lvlWarn:  {.emit: "console.warn(`cln`);".}
      of lvlError: {.emit: "console.error(`cln`);".}
      else:        {.emit: "console.log(`cln`);".}
        var handle = stdout
        if logger.useStderr:
          handle = stderr
        writeLine(handle, ln)
        if level >= logger.flushThreshold: flushFile(handle)
      except IOError:

proc newConsoleLogger*(levelThreshold = lvlAll, fmtStr = defaultFmtStr,
    useStderr = false, flushThreshold = defaultFlushThreshold): ConsoleLogger =
  ## Creates a new `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_.
  ## By default, log messages are written to ``stdout``. If ``useStderr`` is
  ## true, they are written to ``stderr`` instead.
  ## For the JavaScript backend, log messages are written to the console,
  ## and ``useStderr`` is ignored.
  ## See also:
  ## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,File>`_ that uses a file handle
  ## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,FileMode,int>`_
  ##   that accepts a filename
  ## * `newRollingFileLogger proc<#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,Positive,int>`_
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var normalLog = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   var formatLog = newConsoleLogger(fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
  ##   var errorLog = newConsoleLogger(levelThreshold=lvlError, useStderr=true)
  ##   ```
  new result
  result.fmtStr = fmtStr
  result.levelThreshold = levelThreshold
  result.flushThreshold = flushThreshold
  result.useStderr = useStderr

when not defined(js):
  method log*(logger: FileLogger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
    ## Logs a message at the specified level using the given
    ## `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_ only.
    ## This method ignores the list of registered handlers.
    ## Whether the message is logged depends on both the FileLogger's
    ## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter set using the
    ## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
    ## **Notes:**
    ## * Only error and fatal messages will cause the output buffer
    ##   to be flushed immediately by default. Set ``flushThreshold`` when creating
    ##   the logger to change this.
    ## * This method is not available for the JavaScript backend.
    ## See also:
    ## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
    ##   for the ConsoleLogger
    ## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
    ##   for the RollingFileLogger
    ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
    ## **Examples:**
    ##   ```Nim
    ##   var fileLog = newFileLogger("messages.log")
    ##   fileLog.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
    ##   fileLog.log(lvlError, "error code is: ", 404)
    ##   ```
    if level >= logging.level and level >= logger.levelThreshold:
      writeLine(logger.file, substituteLog(logger.fmtStr, level, args))
      if level >= logger.flushThreshold: flushFile(logger.file)

  proc defaultFilename*(): string =
    ## Returns the filename that is used by default when naming log files.
    ## **Note:** This proc is not available for the JavaScript backend.
    var (path, name, _) = splitFile(getAppFilename())
    result = changeFileExt(path / name, "log")

  proc newFileLogger*(file: File,
                      levelThreshold = lvlAll,
                      fmtStr = defaultFmtStr,
                      flushThreshold = defaultFlushThreshold): FileLogger =
    ## Creates a new `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_ that uses the given file handle.
    ## **Note:** This proc is not available for the JavaScript backend.
    ## See also:
    ## * `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_
    ## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,FileMode,int>`_
    ##   that accepts a filename
    ## * `newRollingFileLogger proc<#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,Positive,int>`_
    ## **Examples:**
    ##   ```Nim
    ##   var messages = open("messages.log", fmWrite)
    ##   var formatted = open("formatted.log", fmWrite)
    ##   var errors = open("errors.log", fmWrite)
    ##   var normalLog = newFileLogger(messages)
    ##   var formatLog = newFileLogger(formatted, fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
    ##   var errorLog = newFileLogger(errors, levelThreshold=lvlError)
    ##   ```
    result.file = file
    result.levelThreshold = levelThreshold
    result.flushThreshold = flushThreshold
    result.fmtStr = fmtStr

  proc newFileLogger*(filename = defaultFilename(),
                      mode: FileMode = fmAppend,
                      levelThreshold = lvlAll,
                      fmtStr = defaultFmtStr,
                      bufSize: int = -1,
                      flushThreshold = defaultFlushThreshold): FileLogger =
    ## Creates a new `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_ that logs to a file with the
    ## given filename.
    ## ``bufSize`` controls the size of the output buffer that is used when
    ## writing to the log file. The following values can be provided:
    ## * ``-1`` - use system defaults
    ## * ``0`` - unbuffered
    ## * ``> 0`` - fixed buffer size
    ## **Note:** This proc is not available for the JavaScript backend.
    ## See also:
    ## * `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_
    ## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,File>`_ that uses a file handle
    ## * `newRollingFileLogger proc<#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,Positive,int>`_
    ## **Examples:**
    ##   ```Nim
    ##   var normalLog = newFileLogger("messages.log")
    ##   var formatLog = newFileLogger("formatted.log", fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
    ##   var errorLog = newFileLogger("errors.log", levelThreshold=lvlError)
    ##   ```
    let file = open(filename, mode, bufSize = bufSize)
    newFileLogger(file, levelThreshold, fmtStr, flushThreshold)

  # ------

  proc countLogLines(logger: RollingFileLogger): int =
    let fp = open(logger.baseName, fmRead)
    for line in fp.lines():

  proc countFiles(filename: string): int =
    # Example: file.log.1
    result = 0
    var (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(filename)
    if dir == "":
      dir = "."
    for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
      if kind == pcFile:
        let llfn = name & ext & ExtSep
        if path.extractFilename.startsWith(llfn):
          let numS = path.extractFilename[llfn.len .. ^1]
            let num = parseInt(numS)
            if num > result:
              result = num
          except ValueError: discard

  proc newRollingFileLogger*(filename = defaultFilename(),
                            mode: FileMode = fmReadWrite,
                            levelThreshold = lvlAll,
                            fmtStr = defaultFmtStr,
                            maxLines: Positive = 1000,
                            bufSize: int = -1,
                            flushThreshold = defaultFlushThreshold): RollingFileLogger =
    ## Creates a new `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_.
    ## Once the current log file being written to contains ``maxLines`` lines,
    ## a new log file will be created, and the old log file will be renamed.
    ## ``bufSize`` controls the size of the output buffer that is used when
    ## writing to the log file. The following values can be provided:
    ## * ``-1`` - use system defaults
    ## * ``0`` - unbuffered
    ## * ``> 0`` - fixed buffer size
    ## **Note:** This proc is not available in the JavaScript backend.
    ## See also:
    ## * `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_
    ## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,File>`_ that uses a file handle
    ## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,FileMode,int>`_
    ##   that accepts a filename
    ## **Examples:**
    ##   ```Nim
    ##   var normalLog = newRollingFileLogger("messages.log")
    ##   var formatLog = newRollingFileLogger("formatted.log", fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
    ##   var shortLog = newRollingFileLogger("short.log", maxLines=200)
    ##   var errorLog = newRollingFileLogger("errors.log", levelThreshold=lvlError)
    ##   ```
    result.levelThreshold = levelThreshold
    result.fmtStr = fmtStr
    result.maxLines = maxLines
    result.bufSize = bufSize
    result.file = open(filename, mode, bufSize = result.bufSize)
    result.curLine = 0
    result.baseName = filename
    result.baseMode = mode
    result.flushThreshold = flushThreshold

    result.logFiles = countFiles(filename)

    if mode == fmAppend:
      # We need to get a line count because we will be appending to the file.
      result.curLine = countLogLines(result)

  proc rotate(logger: RollingFileLogger) =
    let (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(logger.baseName)
    for i in countdown(logger.logFiles, 0):
      let srcSuff = if i != 0: ExtSep & $i else: ""
      moveFile(dir / (name & ext & srcSuff),
              dir / (name & ext & ExtSep & $(i+1)))

  method log*(logger: RollingFileLogger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
    ## Logs a message at the specified level using the given
    ## `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_ only.
    ## This method ignores the list of registered handlers.
    ## Whether the message is logged depends on both the RollingFileLogger's
    ## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter set using the
    ## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
    ## **Notes:**
    ## * Only error and fatal messages will cause the output buffer
    ##   to be flushed immediately by default. Set ``flushThreshold`` when creating
    ##   the logger to change this.
    ## * This method is not available for the JavaScript backend.
    ## See also:
    ## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
    ##   for the ConsoleLogger
    ## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
    ##   for the FileLogger
    ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
    ## **Examples:**
    ##   ```Nim
    ##   var rollingLog = newRollingFileLogger("messages.log")
    ##   rollingLog.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
    ##   rollingLog.log(lvlError, "error code is: ", 404)
    ##   ```
    if level >= logging.level and level >= logger.levelThreshold:
      if logger.curLine >= logger.maxLines:
        logger.curLine = 0
        logger.file = open(logger.baseName, logger.baseMode,
            bufSize = logger.bufSize)

      writeLine(logger.file, substituteLog(logger.fmtStr, level, args))
      if level >= logger.flushThreshold: flushFile(logger.file)

# --------

proc logLoop(level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  for logger in items(handlers):
    if level >= logger.levelThreshold:
      log(logger, level, args)

template log*(level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs a message at the specified level to all registered handlers.
  ## Whether the message is logged depends on both the FileLogger's
  ## `levelThreshold` field and the global log filter set using the
  ## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   addHandler(logger)
  ##   log(lvlInfo, "This is an example.")
  ##   ```
  ## See also:
  ## * `debug template<#debug.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `info template<#info.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `notice template<#notice.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `warn template<#warn.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `fatal template<#fatal.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  bind logLoop
  bind `%`
  bind logging.level

  if level >= logging.level:
    logLoop(level, args)

template debug*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs a debug message to all registered handlers.
  ## Debug messages are typically useful to the application developer only,
  ## and they are usually disabled in release builds, although this template
  ## does not make that distinction.
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   addHandler(logger)
  ##   debug("myProc called with arguments: foo, 5")
  ##   ```
  ## See also:
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `info template<#info.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `notice template<#notice.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  log(lvlDebug, args)

template info*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs an info message to all registered handlers.
  ## Info messages are typically generated during the normal operation
  ## of an application and are of no particular importance. It can be useful to
  ## aggregate these messages for later analysis.
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   addHandler(logger)
  ##   info("Application started successfully.")
  ##   ```
  ## See also:
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `debug template<#debug.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `notice template<#notice.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  log(lvlInfo, args)

template notice*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs an notice to all registered handlers.
  ## Notices are semantically very similar to info messages, but they are meant
  ## to be messages that the user should be actively notified about, depending
  ## on the application.
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   addHandler(logger)
  ##   notice("An important operation has completed.")
  ##   ```
  ## See also:
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `debug template<#debug.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `info template<#info.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  log(lvlNotice, args)

template warn*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs a warning message to all registered handlers.
  ## A warning is a non-error message that may indicate impending problems or
  ## degraded performance.
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   addHandler(logger)
  ##   warn("The previous operation took too long to process.")
  ##   ```
  ## See also:
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `fatal template<#fatal.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  log(lvlWarn, args)

template error*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs an error message to all registered handlers.
  ## Error messages are for application-level error conditions, such as when
  ## some user input generated an exception. Typically, the application will
  ## continue to run, but with degraded functionality or loss of data, and
  ## these effects might be visible to users.
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   addHandler(logger)
  ##   error("An exception occurred while processing the form.")
  ##   ```
  ## See also:
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `warn template<#warn.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `fatal template<#fatal.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  log(lvlError, args)

template fatal*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  ## Logs a fatal error message to all registered handlers.
  ## Fatal error messages usually indicate that the application cannot continue
  ## to run and will exit due to a fatal condition. This template only logs the
  ## message, and it is the application's responsibility to exit properly.
  ## **Examples:**
  ##   ```Nim
  ##   var logger = newConsoleLogger()
  ##   addHandler(logger)
  ##   fatal("Can't open database -- exiting.")
  ##   ```
  ## See also:
  ## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `warn template<#warn.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  ## * `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_
  log(lvlFatal, args)

proc addHandler*(handler: Logger) =
  ## Adds a logger to the list of registered handlers.
  ## .. warning:: The list of handlers is a thread-local variable. If the given
  ##   handler will be used in multiple threads, this proc should be called in
  ##   each of those threads.
  ## See also:
  ## * `getHandlers proc<#getHandlers>`_
    var logger = newConsoleLogger()
    doAssert logger in getHandlers()

proc getHandlers*(): seq[Logger] =
  ## Returns a list of all the registered handlers.
  ## See also:
  ## * `addHandler proc<#addHandler,Logger>`_
  return handlers

proc setLogFilter*(lvl: Level) =
  ## Sets the global log filter.
  ## Messages below the provided level will not be logged regardless of an
  ## individual logger's ``levelThreshold``. By default, all messages are
  ## logged.
  ## .. warning:: The global log filter is a thread-local variable. If logging
  ##   is being performed in multiple threads, this proc should be called in each
  ##   thread unless it is intended that different threads should log at different
  ##   logging levels.
  ## See also:
  ## * `getLogFilter proc<#getLogFilter>`_
    doAssert getLogFilter() == lvlError
  level = lvl

proc getLogFilter*(): Level =
  ## Gets the global log filter.
  ## See also:
  ## * `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_
  return level

# --------------

when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
  var L = newConsoleLogger()
  when not defined(js):
    var fL = newFileLogger("test.log", fmtStr = verboseFmtStr)
    var rL = newRollingFileLogger("rolling.log", fmtStr = verboseFmtStr)
  for i in 0 .. 25:
    info("hello", i)

  var nilString: string
  info "hello ", nilString