summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/tests/parser
-rw-r--r--tcommand_as_expr.nim190log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--tdomulttest.nim303log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--tinvwhen.nim503log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--toprprec.nim622log stats plain blame
-rw-r--r--tprecedence.nim178log stats plain blame
n90' href='#n90'>90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134

discard """
  output: '''108
11 -1 1936

proc `++`(x: var int; y: int = 1; z: int = 0) =
  x = x + y + z

var g = 70
g ++ 7
g.`++`(10, 20)
echo g 

#let lv = stdin.readline
#var vv = stdin.readline
#vv = "abc" # valid, reassignment allowed
#lv = "abc" # fails at compile time

#proc square(x: int): int = x*x

template square(x: int): int =
  # ensure 'x' is only evaluated once:
  let y = x
  y * y

proc mostSignificantBit(n: int): int =
  # naive algorithm:
  var n = n
  while n != 0:
    n = n shr 1
    result += 1
  result -= 1

const msb3999 = mostSignificantBit(3999)

echo msb3999, " ", mostSignificantBit(0), " ", square(44)

proc filter[T](a: openarray[T], predicate: proc (x: T): bool): seq[T] =
  result = @[] # @[] constructs the empty seq
  for x in a:
    if predicate(x): result.add(x)

proc map[T, S](a: openarray[T], fn: proc (x: T): S): seq[S] =
  newSeq(result, a.len)
  for i in 0 .. <a.len: result[i] = fn(a[i])

  FormulaKind = enum
    fkVar,        ## element is a variable like 'X'
    fkLit,        ## element is a literal like 0.1
    fkAdd,        ## element is an addition operation
    fkMul,        ## element is a multiplication operation
    fkExp         ## element is an exponentiation operation 

  Formula = ref object
    case kind: FormulaKind
    of fkVar: name: string
    of fkLit: value: float
    of fkAdd, fkMul, fkExp: left, right: Formula

from math import pow

proc evaluate(n: Formula, varToVal: proc (name: string): float): float =
  case n.kind
  of fkVar: varToVal(
  of fkLit: n.value
  of fkAdd: evaluate(n.left, varToVal) + evaluate(n.right, varToVal)
  of fkMul: evaluate(n.left, varToVal) * evaluate(n.right, varToVal)
  of fkExp: pow(evaluate(n.left, varToVal), evaluate(n.right, varToVal))

echo evaluate(Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 0.4), nil)

proc isPolyTerm(n: Formula): bool =
  n.kind == fkMul and n.left.kind == fkLit and (let e = n.right; 
    e.kind == fkExp and e.left.kind == fkVar and e.right.kind == fkLit)

proc isPolynomial(n: Formula): bool =
  isPolyTerm(n) or 
    (n.kind == fkAdd and isPolynomial(n.left) and isPolynomial(n.right))

let myFormula = Formula(kind: fkMul,
                        left: Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 2.0),
                        right: Formula(kind: fkExp, 
                          left: Formula(kind: fkVar, name: "x"),
                          right: Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 5.0)))

echo isPolyTerm(myFormula)

proc pat2kind(pattern: string): FormulaKind =
  case pattern
  of "^": fkExp
  of "*": fkMul
  of "+": fkAdd
  of "x": fkVar
  of "c": fkLit
  else:   fkVar # no error reporting for reasons of simplicity

import macros

proc matchAgainst(n, pattern: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
  template `@`(current, field: expr): expr =
    newDotExpr(current, newIdentNode(astToStr(field)))

  template `==@`(n, pattern: expr): expr =
    newCall("==", n@kind, newIdentNode($pat2kind($pattern.ident)))

  case pattern.kind
  of CallNodes:
    result = newCall("and",
      n ==@ pattern[0],
      matchAgainst(n@left, pattern[1]))
    if pattern.len == 3:
      result = newCall("and", result.copy,
        matchAgainst(n@right, pattern[2]))
  of nnkIdent:
    result = n ==@ pattern
  of nnkPar:
    result = matchAgainst(n, pattern[0])
    error "invalid pattern"

macro `=~` (n: Formula, pattern: expr): bool =
  result = matchAgainst(n, pattern)

proc isPolyTerm2(n: Formula): bool = n =~ c * x^c

echo isPolyTerm2(myFormula), isPolyTerm2(Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 0.7))