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path: root/tools/winrelease.nim
blob: 5a687cfaa8f898f406aa06d8dccbd2712f4c02a2 (plain) (blame)
## This is a small helper program to build the Win release.
## This used to be part of koch (and it still uses koch as a library)
## but since 'koch.exe' cannot overwrite itself is now its own program.
## The problem is that 'koch.exe' too is part of the zip bundle and
## needs to have the right 32/64 bit version. (Bug #6147)

import "../koch"

204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593
#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This file implements features required for IDE support.
## Due to Nim's nature and the fact that ``system.nim`` is always imported,
## there are lots of potential symbols. Furthermore thanks to templates and
## macros even context based analysis does not help much: In a context like
## ``let x: |`` where a type has to follow, that type might be constructed from
## a template like ``extractField(MyObject, fieldName)``. We deal with this
## problem by smart sorting so that the likely symbols come first. This sorting
## is done this way:
## - If there is a prefix (foo|), symbols starting with this prefix come first.
## - If the prefix is part of the name (but the name doesn't start with it),
##   these symbols come second.
## - If we have a prefix, only symbols matching this prefix are returned and
##   nothing else.
## - If we have no prefix, consider the context. We currently distinguish
##   between type and non-type contexts.
## - Finally, sort matches by relevance. The relevance is determined by the
##   number of usages, so ``strutils.replace`` comes before
##   ``strutils.wordWrap``.
## - In any case, sorting also considers scoping information. Local variables
##   get high priority.

# included from sigmatch.nim

import algorithm, prefixmatches, configuration
from wordrecg import wDeprecated

when defined(nimsuggest):
  import passes, tables # importer

  sep = '\t'

  Suggest* = ref object
    section*: IdeCmd
    qualifiedPath*: seq[string]
    name*: PIdent                # not used beyond sorting purposes; name is also
                                 # part of 'qualifiedPath'
    filePath*: string
    line*: int                   # Starts at 1
    column*: int                 # Starts at 0
    doc*: string           # Not escaped (yet)
    symkind*: TSymKind
    forth*: string               # type
    quality*: range[0..100]   # matching quality
    isGlobal*: bool # is a global variable
    contextFits*: bool # type/non-type context matches
    prefix*: PrefixMatch
    scope*, localUsages*, globalUsages*: int # more usages is better
    tokenLen*: int
  Suggestions* = seq[Suggest]

  suggestionResultHook*: proc (result: Suggest) {.closure.}
  suggestVersion*: int
  suggestMaxResults* = 10_000

#template sectionSuggest(): expr = "##begin\n" & getStackTrace() & "##end\n"

template origModuleName(m: PSym): string =

proc findDocComment(n: PNode): PNode =
  if n == nil: return nil
  if not isNil(n.comment): return n
  if n.kind in {nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr, nkObjectTy, nkRecList} and n.len > 0:
    result = findDocComment(n.sons[0])
    if result != nil: return
    if n.len > 1:
      result = findDocComment(n.sons[1])
  elif n.kind in {nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn} and n.len == 2:
    result = findDocComment(n.sons[1])

proc extractDocComment(s: PSym): string =
  var n = findDocComment(s.ast)
  if n.isNil and s.kind in routineKinds and s.ast != nil:
    n = findDocComment(s.ast[bodyPos])
  if not n.isNil:
    result = n.comment.replace("\n##", "\n").strip
    result = ""

proc cmpSuggestions(a, b: Suggest): int =
  template cf(field) {.dirty.} =
    result = -
    if result != 0: return result

  cf scope
  cf prefix
  # when the first type matches, it's better when it's a generic match:
  cf quality
  cf contextFits
  cf localUsages
  cf globalUsages
  # if all is equal, sort alphabetically for deterministic output,
  # independent of hashing order:
  result = cmp(,

proc symToSuggest(s: PSym, isLocal: bool, section: IdeCmd, info: TLineInfo;
                  quality: range[0..100]; prefix: PrefixMatch;
                  inTypeContext: bool; scope: int): Suggest =
  result.section = section
  result.quality = quality
  result.isGlobal = sfGlobal in s.flags
  result.tokenLen =
  result.prefix = prefix
  result.contextFits = inTypeContext == (s.kind in {skType, skGenericParam})
  result.scope = scope =
  when defined(nimsuggest):
    result.globalUsages = s.allUsages.len
    var c = 0
    for u in s.allUsages:
      if u.fileIndex == info.fileIndex: inc c
    result.localUsages = c
  result.symkind = s.kind
  if optIdeTerse notin gGlobalOptions:
    result.qualifiedPath = @[]
    if not isLocal and s.kind != skModule:
      let ow = s.owner
      if ow != nil and ow.kind != skModule and ow.owner != nil:
        let ow2 = ow.owner
      if ow != nil:

    if s.typ != nil:
      result.forth = typeToString(s.typ)
      result.forth = ""
    when not defined(noDocgen):
      result.doc = s.extractDocComment
  let infox = if section in {ideUse, ideHighlight, ideOutline}: info else:
  result.filePath = toFullPath(infox)
  result.line = toLinenumber(infox)
  result.column = toColumn(infox)

proc `$`*(suggest: Suggest): string =
  result = $suggest.section
  if suggest.section == ideHighlight:
    if suggest.symkind == skVar and suggest.isGlobal:
    elif suggest.symkind == skLet and suggest.isGlobal:
    if suggest.qualifiedPath != nil:
    when not defined(noDocgen):
    if suggestVersion == 0:
      if suggest.section == ideSug:

proc suggestResult(s: Suggest) =
  if not isNil(suggestionResultHook):

proc produceOutput(a: var Suggestions; conf: ConfigRef) =
  if conf.ideCmd in {ideSug, ideCon}:
    a.sort cmpSuggestions
  when defined(debug):
    # debug code
  if a.len > suggestMaxResults: a.setLen(suggestMaxResults)
  if not isNil(suggestionResultHook):
    for s in a:
    for s in a:

proc filterSym(s: PSym; prefix: PNode; res: var PrefixMatch): bool {.inline.} =
  proc prefixMatch(s: PSym; n: PNode): PrefixMatch =
    case n.kind
    of nkIdent: result = n.ident.s.prefixMatch(
    of nkSym: result =
    of nkOpenSymChoice, nkClosedSymChoice, nkAccQuoted:
      if n.len > 0:
        result = prefixMatch(s, n[0])
    else: discard
  if s.kind != skModule:
    if prefix != nil:
      res = prefixMatch(s, prefix)
      result = res != PrefixMatch.None
      result = true

proc filterSymNoOpr(s: PSym; prefix: PNode; res: var PrefixMatch): bool {.inline.} =
  result = filterSym(s, prefix, res) and[0] in lexer.SymChars and
     not isKeyword(

proc fieldVisible*(c: PContext, f: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
  let fmoduleId = getModule(f).id
  result = sfExported in f.flags or fmoduleId ==
  for module in c.friendModules:
    if fmoduleId ==
      result = true

proc suggestField(c: PContext, s: PSym; f: PNode; info: TLineInfo; outputs: var Suggestions) =
  var pm: PrefixMatch
  if filterSym(s, f, pm) and fieldVisible(c, s):
    outputs.add(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=true, ideSug, info, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, 0))

proc getQuality(s: PSym): range[0..100] =
  if s.typ != nil and s.typ.len > 1:
    var exp = s.typ.sons[1].skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
    if exp.kind == tyVarargs: exp = elemType(exp)
    if exp.kind in {tyExpr, tyStmt, tyGenericParam, tyAnything}: return 50
  return 100

template wholeSymTab(cond, section: untyped) =
  var isLocal = true
  var scopeN = 0
  for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
    if scope == c.topLevelScope: isLocal = false
    dec scopeN
    for item in scope.symbols:
      let it {.inject.} = item
      var pm {.inject.}: PrefixMatch
      if cond:
        outputs.add(symToSuggest(it, isLocal = isLocal, section, info, getQuality(it),
                                 pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, scopeN))

proc suggestSymList(c: PContext, list, f: PNode; info: TLineInfo, outputs: var Suggestions) =
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(list) - 1):
    if list.sons[i].kind == nkSym:
      suggestField(c, list.sons[i].sym, f, info, outputs)
    #else: InternalError(, "getSymFromList")

proc suggestObject(c: PContext, n, f: PNode; info: TLineInfo, outputs: var Suggestions) =
  case n.kind
  of nkRecList:
    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n)-1): suggestObject(c, n.sons[i], f, info, outputs)
  of nkRecCase:
    var L = sonsLen(n)
    if L > 0:
      suggestObject(c, n.sons[0], f, info, outputs)
      for i in countup(1, L-1): suggestObject(c, lastSon(n.sons[i]), f, info, outputs)
  of nkSym: suggestField(c, n.sym, f, info, outputs)
  else: discard

proc nameFits(c: PContext, s: PSym, n: PNode): bool =
  var op = n.sons[0]
  if op.kind in {nkOpenSymChoice, nkClosedSymChoice}: op = op.sons[0]
  var opr: PIdent
  case op.kind
  of nkSym: opr =
  of nkIdent: opr = op.ident
  else: return false
  result = ==

proc argsFit(c: PContext, candidate: PSym, n, nOrig: PNode): bool =
  case candidate.kind
  of OverloadableSyms:
    var m: TCandidate
    initCandidate(c, m, candidate, nil)
    sigmatch.partialMatch(c, n, nOrig, m)
    result = m.state != csNoMatch
    result = false

proc suggestCall(c: PContext, n, nOrig: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
  let info =
  wholeSymTab(filterSym(it, nil, pm) and nameFits(c, it, n) and argsFit(c, it, n, nOrig),

proc typeFits(c: PContext, s: PSym, firstArg: PType): bool {.inline.} =
  if s.typ != nil and sonsLen(s.typ) > 1 and s.typ.sons[1] != nil:
    # special rule: if system and some weird generic match via 'tyExpr'
    # or 'tyGenericParam' we won't list it either to reduce the noise (nobody
    # wants 'system.`-|` as suggestion
    let m = s.getModule()
    if m != nil and sfSystemModule in m.flags:
      if s.kind == skType: return
      var exp = s.typ.sons[1].skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
      if exp.kind == tyVarargs: exp = elemType(exp)
      if exp.kind in {tyExpr, tyStmt, tyGenericParam, tyAnything}: return
    result = sigmatch.argtypeMatches(c, s.typ.sons[1], firstArg)

proc suggestOperations(c: PContext, n, f: PNode, typ: PType, outputs: var Suggestions) =
  assert typ != nil
  let info =
  wholeSymTab(filterSymNoOpr(it, f, pm) and typeFits(c, it, typ), ideSug)

proc suggestEverything(c: PContext, n, f: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
  # do not produce too many symbols:
  var isLocal = true
  var scopeN = 0
  for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
    if scope == c.topLevelScope: isLocal = false
    dec scopeN
    for it in items(scope.symbols):
      var pm: PrefixMatch
      if filterSym(it, f, pm):
        outputs.add(symToSuggest(it, isLocal = isLocal, ideSug,, 0, pm,
                                 c.inTypeContext > 0, scopeN))
    #if scope == c.topLevelScope and f.isNil: break

proc suggestFieldAccess(c: PContext, n, field: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
  # special code that deals with ``myObj.``. `n` is NOT the nkDotExpr-node, but
  # ``myObj``.
  var typ = n.typ
  var pm: PrefixMatch
  when defined(nimsuggest):
    if n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skError and suggestVersion == 0:
      # consider 'foo.|' where 'foo' is some not imported module.
      let fullPath = findModule(,
      if fullPath.len == 0:
        # error: no known module name:
        typ = nil
        let m = gImportModule(c.graph, c.module, fullpath.fileInfoIdx, c.cache)
        if m == nil: typ = nil
          for it in items(
            if filterSym(it, field, pm):
              outputs.add(symToSuggest(it, isLocal=false, ideSug,, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, -100))
          outputs.add(symToSuggest(m, isLocal=false, ideMod,, 100, PrefixMatch.None,
            c.inTypeContext > 0, -99))

  if typ == nil:
    # a module symbol has no type for example:
    if n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skModule:
      if n.sym == c.module:
        # all symbols accessible, because we are in the current module:
        for it in items(c.topLevelScope.symbols):
          if filterSym(it, field, pm):
            outputs.add(symToSuggest(it, isLocal=false, ideSug,, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, -99))
        for it in items(
          if filterSym(it, field, pm):
            outputs.add(symToSuggest(it, isLocal=false, ideSug,, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, -99))
      # fallback:
      suggestEverything(c, n, field, outputs)
  elif typ.kind == tyEnum and n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skType:
    # look up if the identifier belongs to the enum:
    var t = typ
    while t != nil:
      suggestSymList(c, t.n, field,, outputs)
      t = t.sons[0]
    suggestOperations(c, n, field, typ, outputs)
    let orig = typ # skipTypes(typ, {tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink})
    typ = skipTypes(typ, {tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyPtr, tyRef, tyAlias, tySink})
    if typ.kind == tyObject:
      var t = typ
      while true:
        suggestObject(c, t.n, field,, outputs)
        if t.sons[0] == nil: break
        t = skipTypes(t.sons[0], skipPtrs)
    elif typ.kind == tyTuple and typ.n != nil:
      suggestSymList(c, typ.n, field,, outputs)
    suggestOperations(c, n, field, orig, outputs)
    if typ != orig:
      suggestOperations(c, n, field, typ, outputs)

  TCheckPointResult* = enum
    cpNone, cpFuzzy, cpExact

proc inCheckpoint*(current: TLineInfo): TCheckPointResult =
  if current.fileIndex == gTrackPos.fileIndex:
    if current.line == gTrackPos.line and
        abs(current.col-gTrackPos.col) < 4:
      return cpExact
    if current.line >= gTrackPos.line:
      return cpFuzzy

proc isTracked*(current: TLineInfo, tokenLen: int): bool =
  if current.fileIndex==gTrackPos.fileIndex and current.line==gTrackPos.line:
    let col = gTrackPos.col
    if col >= current.col and col <= current.col+tokenLen-1:
      return true

when defined(nimsuggest):
  # Since TLineInfo defined a == operator that doesn't include the column,
  # we map TLineInfo to a unique int here for this lookup table:
  proc infoToInt(info: TLineInfo): int64 =
    info.fileIndex.int64 + info.line.int64 shl 32 + info.col.int64 shl 48

  proc addNoDup(s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
    # ensure nothing gets too slow:
    if s.allUsages.len > 500: return
    let infoAsInt = info.infoToInt
    for infoB in s.allUsages:
      if infoB.infoToInt == infoAsInt: return

  lastLineInfo*: TLineInfo

proc findUsages(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; usageSym: var PSym) =
  if suggestVersion == 1:
    if usageSym == nil and isTracked(info,
      usageSym = s
      suggestResult(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=false, ideUse, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
    elif s == usageSym:
      if lastLineInfo != info:
        suggestResult(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=false, ideUse, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
      lastLineInfo = info

when defined(nimsuggest):
  proc listUsages*(s: PSym) =
    #echo "usages ", len(s.allUsages)
    for info in s.allUsages:
      let x = if info == and info.col == ideDef else: ideUse
      suggestResult(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=false, x, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))

proc findDefinition(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
  if s.isNil: return
  if isTracked(info,
    suggestResult(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=false, ideDef, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))

proc ensureIdx[T](x: var T, y: int) =
  if x.len <= y: x.setLen(y+1)

proc ensureSeq[T](x: var seq[T]) =
  if x == nil: newSeq(x, 0)

proc suggestSym*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; usageSym: var PSym; isDecl=true) {.inline.} =
  ## misnamed: should be 'symDeclared'
  when defined(nimsuggest):
    if suggestVersion == 0:
      if s.allUsages.isNil:
        s.allUsages = @[info]

    if gIdeCmd == ideUse:
      findUsages(info, s, usageSym)
    elif gIdeCmd == ideDef:
      findDefinition(info, s)
    elif gIdeCmd == ideDus and s != nil:
      if isTracked(info,
        suggestResult(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=false, ideDef, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
      findUsages(info, s, usageSym)
    elif gIdeCmd == ideHighlight and info.fileIndex == gTrackPos.fileIndex:
      suggestResult(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=false, ideHighlight, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
    elif gIdeCmd == ideOutline and info.fileIndex == gTrackPos.fileIndex and
      suggestResult(symToSuggest(s, isLocal=false, ideOutline, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))

proc warnAboutDeprecated(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
  if s.kind in routineKinds:
    let n = s.ast[pragmasPos]
    if n.kind != nkEmpty:
      for it in n:
        if whichPragma(it) == wDeprecated and it.safeLen == 2 and
            it[1].kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}:
          message(conf, info, warnDeprecated, it[1].strVal & "; " &
  message(conf, info, warnDeprecated,

proc markUsed(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; usageSym: var PSym) =
  incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
  if s.kind == skEnumField and s.owner != nil:
    incl(s.owner.flags, sfUsed)
  if {sfDeprecated, sfError} * s.flags != {}:
    if sfDeprecated in s.flags: warnAboutDeprecated(conf, info, s)
    if sfError in s.flags: localError(conf, info,  "usage of '$1' is a user-defined error" %
  when defined(nimsuggest):
    suggestSym(info, s, usageSym, false)

proc useSym*(conf: ConfigRef; sym: PSym; usageSym: var PSym): PNode =
  result = newSymNode(sym)
  markUsed(conf,, sym, usageSym)

proc safeSemExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
  # use only for idetools support!
    result = c.semExpr(c, n)
  except ERecoverableError:
    result = ast.emptyNode

proc sugExpr(c: PContext, n: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
  if n.kind == nkDotExpr:
    var obj = safeSemExpr(c, n.sons[0])
    # it can happen that errnously we have collected the fieldname
    # of the next line, so we check the 'field' is actually on the same
    # line as the object to prevent this from happening:
    let prefix = if n.len == 2 and n[1].info.line == n[0].info.line and
       not gTrackPosAttached: n[1] else: nil
    suggestFieldAccess(c, obj, prefix, outputs)

    #if optIdeDebug in gGlobalOptions:
    #  echo "expression ", renderTree(obj), " has type ", typeToString(obj.typ)
    let prefix = if gTrackPosAttached: nil else: n
    suggestEverything(c, n, prefix, outputs)

proc suggestExprNoCheck*(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
  # This keeps semExpr() from coming here recursively:
  if c.compilesContextId > 0: return
  var outputs: Suggestions = @[]
  if c.config.ideCmd == ideSug:
    sugExpr(c, n, outputs)
  elif c.config.ideCmd == ideCon:
    if n.kind in nkCallKinds:
      var a = copyNode(n)
      var x = safeSemExpr(c, n.sons[0])
      if x.kind == nkEmpty or x.typ == nil: x = n.sons[0]
      addSon(a, x)
      for i in 1..sonsLen(n)-1:
        # use as many typed arguments as possible:
        var x = safeSemExpr(c, n.sons[i])
        if x.kind == nkEmpty or x.typ == nil: break
        addSon(a, x)
      suggestCall(c, a, n, outputs)

  if outputs.len > 0 and c.config.ideCmd in {ideSug, ideCon, ideDef}:
    produceOutput(outputs, c.config)

proc suggestExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
  if exactEquals(gTrackPos, suggestExprNoCheck(c, n)

proc suggestDecl*(c: PContext, n: PNode; s: PSym) =
  let attached = gTrackPosAttached
  if attached: inc(c.inTypeContext)
    if attached: dec(c.inTypeContext)
  suggestExpr(c, n)

proc suggestStmt*(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
  suggestExpr(c, n)

proc suggestEnum*(c: PContext; n: PNode; t: PType) =
  var outputs: Suggestions = @[]
  suggestSymList(c, t.n, nil,, outputs)
  produceOutput(outputs, c.config)
  if outputs.len > 0: suggestQuit()

proc suggestSentinel*(c: PContext) =
  if c.config.ideCmd != ideSug or c.module.position != gTrackPos.fileIndex.int32: return
  if c.compilesContextId > 0: return
  var outputs: Suggestions = @[]
  # suggest everything:
  var isLocal = true
  var scopeN = 0
  for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
    if scope == c.topLevelScope: isLocal = false
    dec scopeN
    for it in items(scope.symbols):
      var pm: PrefixMatch
      if filterSymNoOpr(it, nil, pm):
        outputs.add(symToSuggest(it, isLocal = isLocal, ideSug, newLineInfo(gTrackPos.fileIndex, -1, -1), 0, PrefixMatch.None, false, scopeN))

  produceOutput(outputs, c.config)