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19 files changed, 483 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 42c85932..3b3c51c7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/gmifetch: adapter/protocol/gmifetch.c
 	@mkdir -p "$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)"
 	$(CC) $(GMIFETCH_CFLAGS) adapter/protocol/gmifetch.c -o "$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/gmifetch" $(GMIFETCH_LDFLAGS)
-twtstr = src/utils/twtstr.nim src/utils/charcategory.nim src/utils/map.nim
+twtstr = src/utils/twtstr.nim src/utils/charcategory.nim src/utils/map.nim src/utils/twtuni.nim
 dynstream = src/io/dynstream.nim src/io/serversocket.nim
 $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/man: lib/monoucha/monoucha/jsregex.nim \
 		lib/monoucha/monoucha/libregexp.nim src/types/opt.nim $(twtstr)
diff --git a/src/config/toml.nim b/src/config/toml.nim
index 992a0cbc..2978585c 100644
--- a/src/config/toml.nim
+++ b/src/config/toml.nim
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import std/options
 import std/streams
 import std/tables
 import std/times
-import std/unicode
 import types/opt
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
   TomlValueType* = enum
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ proc reconsume(state: var TomlParser) =
 proc has(state: var TomlParser; i: int = 0): bool =
   return state.at + i < state.buf.len
-proc consumeEscape(state: var TomlParser; c: char): Result[Rune, TomlError] =
+proc consumeEscape(state: var TomlParser; c: char): Result[uint32, TomlError] =
   var len = 4
   if c == 'U':
     len = 8
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ proc consumeEscape(state: var TomlParser; c: char): Result[Rune, TomlError] =
     if num > 0x10FFFF or num in 0xD800..0xDFFF:
       return state.err("invalid escaped codepoint: " & $num)
-      return ok(Rune(num))
+      return ok(uint32(num))
     return state.err("invalid escaped codepoint: " & $c)
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ proc consumeString(state: var TomlParser; first: char): Result[string, string] =
       of 'r': res &= '\r'
       of '"': res &= '"'
       of '\\': res &= '\\'
-      of 'u', 'U': res &= ?state.consumeEscape(c)
+      of 'u', 'U': res.addUTF8(?state.consumeEscape(c))
       of '\n': ml_trim = true
       of '$': res &= "\\$" # special case for substitution in paths
       else: return state.err("invalid escape sequence \\" & c)
diff --git a/src/css/cssparser.nim b/src/css/cssparser.nim
index 1e56d11f..8ed54bf2 100644
--- a/src/css/cssparser.nim
+++ b/src/css/cssparser.nim
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import std/options
-import std/unicode
 import js/domexception
 import types/opt
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
   CSSTokenType* = enum
@@ -156,10 +156,9 @@ proc consume(state: var CSSTokenizerState): char =
   return state.curr
 proc consumeRChar(state: var CSSTokenizerState): char =
-  var r: Rune
-  fastRuneAt(state.buf, state.at, r)
-  if int32(r) < 0x80:
-    return char(r)
+  let u = state.buf.nextUTF8(state.at)
+  if u < 0x80:
+    return char(u)
   return char(128)
 proc reconsume(state: var CSSTokenizerState) =
@@ -230,10 +229,10 @@ proc skipWhitespace(state: var CSSTokenizerState) =
 proc consumeEscape(state: var CSSTokenizerState): string =
   if not state.has():
-    return $Rune(0xFFFD)
+    return "\uFFFD"
   let c = state.consume()
   if c in AsciiHexDigit:
-    var num = hexValue(c)
+    var num = uint32(hexValue(c))
     var i = 0
     while i <= 5 and state.has():
       let c = state.consume()
@@ -241,14 +240,14 @@ proc consumeEscape(state: var CSSTokenizerState): string =
       num *= 0x10
-      num += hexValue(c)
+      num += uint32(hexValue(c))
       inc i
     if state.has() and state.peek() in AsciiWhitespace:
       discard state.consume()
-    if num == 0 or num > 0x10FFFF or num in 0xD800..0xDFFF:
-      return $Rune(0xFFFD)
+    if num == 0 or num > 0x10FFFF or num in 0xD800u32..0xDFFFu32:
+      return "\uFFFD"
-      return $Rune(num)
+      return num.toUTF8()
     return $c #NOTE this assumes the caller doesn't care about non-ascii
diff --git a/src/css/cssvalues.nim b/src/css/cssvalues.nim
index 4b1cc957..a0bb1f1f 100644
--- a/src/css/cssvalues.nim
+++ b/src/css/cssvalues.nim
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import std/macros
 import std/options
 import std/strutils
 import std/tables
-import std/unicode
 import css/cssparser
 import css/selectorparser
@@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ import types/color
 import types/opt
 import types/winattrs
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
 export selectorparser.PseudoElem
@@ -605,34 +605,35 @@ func blockify*(display: CSSDisplay): CSSDisplay =
   of DisplayInlineFlex:
     return DisplayFlex
-const UpperAlphaMap = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".toRunes()
-const LowerAlphaMap = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toRunes()
-const LowerGreekMap = "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω".toRunes()
+const UpperAlphaMap = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".toPoints()
+const LowerAlphaMap = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toPoints()
+const LowerGreekMap = "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω".toPoints()
 const HiraganaMap = ("あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてとなにぬねの" &
-  "はひふへほまみむめもやゆよらりるれろわゐゑをん").toRunes()
+  "はひふへほまみむめもやゆよらりるれろわゐゑをん").toPoints()
 const HiraganaIrohaMap = ("いろはにほへとちりぬるをわかよたれそつねならむ" &
-  "うゐのおくやまけふこえてあさきゆめみしゑひもせす").toRunes()
+  "うゐのおくやまけふこえてあさきゆめみしゑひもせす").toPoints()
 const KatakanaMap = ("アイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノ" &
-  "ハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワヰヱヲン").toRunes()
+  "ハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワヰヱヲン").toPoints()
 const KatakanaIrohaMap = ("イロハニホヘトチリヌルヲワカヨタレソツネナラム" &
-  "ウヰノオクヤマケフコエテアサキユメミシヱヒモセス").toRunes()
-const EarthlyBranchMap = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥".toRunes()
-const HeavenlyStemMap = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸".toRunes()
+  "ウヰノオクヤマケフコエテアサキユメミシヱヒモセス").toPoints()
+const EarthlyBranchMap = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥".toPoints()
+const HeavenlyStemMap = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸".toPoints()
-func numToBase(n: int; map: openArray[Rune]): string =
+func numToBase(n: int; map: openArray[uint32]): string =
   if n <= 0:
     return $n
-  var tmp: seq[Rune]
+  var tmp: seq[uint32] = @[]
   var n = n
   while n != 0:
     n -= 1
     tmp &= map[n mod map.len]
     n = n div map.len
-  result = ""
+  var res = ""
   for i in countdown(tmp.high, 0):
-    result &= $tmp[i]
+    res.addUTF8(tmp[i])
+  return res
-func numToFixed(n: int; map: openArray[Rune]): string =
+func numToFixed(n: int; map: openArray[uint32]): string =
   let n = n - 1
   if n notin 0 .. map.high:
     return $n
diff --git a/src/img/painter.nim b/src/img/painter.nim
index c86ad0a2..40f2c79a 100644
--- a/src/img/painter.nim
+++ b/src/img/painter.nim
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 import std/algorithm
-import std/unicode
 import img/bitmap
 import img/path
 import types/color
 import types/line
 import types/vector
+import utils/twtuni
   CanvasFillRule* = enum
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ proc fillText*(bmp: Bitmap; text: string; x, y: float64; color: ARGBColor;
     textAlign: CanvasTextAlign) =
   var w = 0f64
   var glyphs: seq[Bitmap] = @[]
-  for r in text.runes:
-    let glyph = getCharBmp(uint32(r))
+  for u in text.points:
+    let glyph = getCharBmp(u)
     w += float64(glyph.width)
   var x = x
diff --git a/src/layout/engine.nim b/src/layout/engine.nim
index 6943958d..831df62e 100644
--- a/src/layout/engine.nim
+++ b/src/layout/engine.nim
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import std/algorithm
 import std/math
-import std/unicode
 import css/cssvalues
 import css/stylednode
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ import types/winattrs
 import utils/luwrap
 import utils/strwidth
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
 import utils/widthconv
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ proc addWordEOL(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState): bool =
       let leftstr = ictx.word.str.substr(ictx.wrappos)
       if ictx.hasshy:
-        const shy = $Rune(0xAD) # soft hyphen
+        const shy = "\u00AD" # soft hyphen
         ictx.word.str &= shy
         ictx.hasshy = false
       result = ictx.addWord(state)
@@ -723,34 +723,34 @@ proc addWordEOL(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState): bool =
       result = ictx.addWord(state)
-proc checkWrap(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState; r: Rune) =
+proc checkWrap(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState; u: uint32;
+    uw: int) =
   if state.fragment.computed.nowrap:
   let shift = ictx.computeShift(state)
-  let rw = r.width()
-  state.prevrw = rw
+  state.prevrw = uw
   if ictx.word.str.len == 0:
-    state.firstrw = rw
-  if rw >= 2:
+    state.firstrw = uw
+  if uw >= 2:
     # remove wrap opportunity, so we wrap properly on the last CJK char (instead
     # of any dash inside CJK sentences)
     ictx.wrappos = -1
   case state.fragment.computed{"word-break"}
   of WordBreakNormal:
-    if rw == 2 or ictx.wrappos != -1: # break on cjk and wrap opportunities
-      let plusWidth = ictx.word.size.w + shift + rw * ictx.cellWidth
+    if uw == 2 or ictx.wrappos != -1: # break on cjk and wrap opportunities
+      let plusWidth = ictx.word.size.w + shift + uw * ictx.cellWidth
       if ictx.shouldWrap(plusWidth, nil):
         if not ictx.addWordEOL(state): # no line wrapping occured in addAtom
           ictx.finishLine(state, wrap = true)
           ictx.whitespacenum = 0
   of WordBreakBreakAll:
-    let plusWidth = ictx.word.size.w + shift + rw * ictx.cellWidth
+    let plusWidth = ictx.word.size.w + shift + uw * ictx.cellWidth
     if ictx.shouldWrap(plusWidth, nil):
       if not ictx.addWordEOL(state): # no line wrapping occured in addAtom
         ictx.finishLine(state, wrap = true)
         ictx.whitespacenum = 0
   of WordBreakKeepAll:
-    let plusWidth = ictx.word.size.w + shift + rw * ictx.cellWidth
+    let plusWidth = ictx.word.size.w + shift + uw * ictx.cellWidth
     if ictx.shouldWrap(plusWidth, nil):
       ictx.finishLine(state, wrap = true)
       ictx.whitespacenum = 0
@@ -814,10 +814,9 @@ proc layoutTextLoop(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState;
       if c in AsciiWhitespace:
         ictx.processWhitespace(state, c)
-        let r = Rune(c)
-        ictx.checkWrap(state, r)
+        let w = uint32(c).width()
+        ictx.checkWrap(state, uint32(c), w)
         ictx.word.str &= c
-        let w = r.width()
         ictx.word.size.w += w * ictx.cellWidth
         ictx.lbstate.charwidth += w
         if c == '-': # ascii dash
@@ -825,15 +824,16 @@ proc layoutTextLoop(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState;
           ictx.hasshy = false
       inc i
-      var r: Rune
-      fastRuneAt(str, i, r)
-      ictx.checkWrap(state, r)
-      if r == Rune(0xAD): # soft hyphen
+      let pi = i
+      let u = str.nextUTF8(i)
+      let w = u.width()
+      ictx.checkWrap(state, u, w)
+      if u == 0xAD: # soft hyphen
         ictx.wrappos = ictx.word.str.len
         ictx.hasshy = true
-        ictx.word.str &= r
-        let w = r.width()
+        for j in pi ..< i:
+          ictx.word.str &= str[j]
         ictx.word.size.w += w * ictx.cellWidth
         ictx.lbstate.charwidth += w
   discard ictx.addWord(state)
diff --git a/src/layout/renderdocument.nim b/src/layout/renderdocument.nim
index 2ff8d484..67ecd311 100644
--- a/src/layout/renderdocument.nim
+++ b/src/layout/renderdocument.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import std/strutils
-import std/unicode
 import css/cssvalues
 import css/stylednode
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ import types/cell
 import types/color
 import types/winattrs
 import utils/strwidth
+import utils/twtuni
   # A FormatCell *starts* a new terminal formatting context.
@@ -77,10 +77,9 @@ proc findFirstX(line: var FlexibleLine; x: int; outi: var int): int =
   var cx = 0
   var i = 0
   while cx < x and i < line.str.len:
-    var r: Rune
     let pi = i
-    fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-    let w = r.twidth(cx)
+    let u = line.str.nextUTF8(i)
+    let w = u.twidth(cx)
     # we must ensure x is max(cx, x), otherwise our assumption of cx <= x
     # breaks down
     if cx + w > x:
@@ -203,9 +202,7 @@ proc setText(line: var FlexibleLine; linestr: string; x: int; format: Format;
   var j = i
   var nx = x # last x of new string
   while nx < targetX and j < line.str.len:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(line.str, j, r)
-    nx += r.twidth(nx)
+    nx += line.str.nextUTF8(j).twidth(nx)
   let ostr = line.str.substr(j)
   line.setTextStr(linestr, ostr, i, x, cx, nx, targetX)
   line.setTextFormat(x, cx, nx, ostr, format, node)
@@ -214,10 +211,8 @@ proc setText(grid: var FlexibleGrid; linestr: string; x, y: int; format: Format;
     node: StyledNode) =
   var x = x
   var i = 0
-  var r: Rune
   while x < 0 and i < linestr.len:
-    fastRuneAt(linestr, i, r)
-    x += r.twidth(x)
+    x += linestr.nextUTF8(i).twidth(x)
   if x < 0:
     # highest x is outside the canvas, no need to draw
diff --git a/src/local/container.nim b/src/local/container.nim
index 2c12c4ae..cb7738b8 100644
--- a/src/local/container.nim
+++ b/src/local/container.nim
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import std/options
 import std/os
 import std/posix
 import std/tables
-import std/unicode
 import chagashi/charset
 import config/config
@@ -32,6 +31,7 @@ import utils/luwrap
 import utils/mimeguess
 import utils/strwidth
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
 import utils/wordbreak
@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ proc popCursorPos(select: Select; nojump = false) =
   if not nojump:
-const HorizontalBar = $Rune(0x2500)
-const VerticalBar = $Rune(0x2502)
-const CornerTopLeft = $Rune(0x250C)
-const CornerTopRight = $Rune(0x2510)
-const CornerBottomLeft = $Rune(0x2514)
-const CornerBottomRight = $Rune(0x2518)
+const HorizontalBar = "\u2500"
+const VerticalBar = "\u2502"
+const CornerTopLeft = "\u250C"
+const CornerTopRight = "\u2510"
+const CornerBottomLeft = "\u2514"
+const CornerBottomRight = "\u2518"
 proc drawBorders(display: var FixedGrid; sx, ex, sy, ey: int;
     upmore, downmore: bool) =
@@ -446,7 +446,6 @@ proc drawSelect*(select: Select; display: var FixedGrid) =
   # move inside border
   inc sy
   inc sx
-  var r: Rune
   var k = 0
   var format = Format()
   while k < select.selected.len and select.selected[k] < si:
@@ -462,13 +461,13 @@ proc drawSelect*(select: Select; display: var FixedGrid) =
     while j < select.options[i].len:
-      fastRuneAt(select.options[i], j, r)
-      let rw = r.twidth(x)
+      let pj = j
+      let u = select.options[i].nextUTF8(j)
       let ox = x
-      x += rw
+      x += u.twidth(x)
       if x > ex:
-      display[dls + ox].str = $r
+      display[dls + ox].str = select.options[i].substr(pj, j - 1)
       display[dls + ox].format = format
     while x < ex:
       display[dls + x].str = " "
@@ -578,9 +577,8 @@ func findColBytes(s: string; endx: int; startx = 0; starti = 0): int =
   var w = startx
   var i = starti
   while i < s.len and w < endx:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(s, i, r)
-    w += r.twidth(w)
+    let u = s.nextUTF8(i)
+    w += u.twidth(w)
   return i
 func cursorBytes(container: Container; y: int; cc = container.cursorx): int =
@@ -596,11 +594,10 @@ func cursorFirstX(container: Container): int =
   let line = container.currentLine
   var w = 0
   var i = 0
-  var r: Rune
   let cc = container.cursorx
   while i < line.len:
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-    let tw = r.twidth(w)
+    let u = line.nextUTF8(i)
+    let tw = u.twidth(w)
     if w + tw > cc:
       return w
     w += tw
@@ -613,11 +610,10 @@ func cursorLastX(container: Container): int =
   let line = container.currentLine
   var w = 0
   var i = 0
-  var r: Rune
   let cc = container.cursorx
   while i < line.len and w <= cc:
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-    w += r.twidth(w)
+    let u = line.nextUTF8(i)
+    w += u.twidth(w)
   return max(w - 1, 0)
 # Last cell for tab, first cell for everything else (e.g. double width.)
@@ -630,16 +626,15 @@ func cursorDispX(container: Container): int =
   var w = 0
   var pw = 0
   var i = 0
-  var r: Rune
+  var u = 0u32
   let cc = container.cursorx
   while i < line.len and w <= cc:
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
+    u = line.nextUTF8(i)
     pw = w
-    w += r.twidth(w)
-  if r == Rune('\t'):
+    w += u.twidth(w)
+  if u == uint32('\t'):
     return max(w - 1, 0)
-  else:
-    return pw
+  return pw
 func acursorx*(container: Container): int =
   max(0, container.cursorDispX() - container.fromx)
@@ -911,10 +906,10 @@ proc setCursorXY*(container: Container; x, y: int; refresh = true) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc cursorLineTextStart(container: Container) {.jsfunc.} =
   if container.numLines == 0: return
   var x = 0
-  for r in container.currentLine.runes:
-    if not container.luctx.isWhiteSpaceLU(r):
+  for u in container.currentLine.points:
+    if not container.luctx.isWhiteSpaceLU(u):
-    x += r.twidth(x)
+    x += u.twidth(x)
   if x == 0:
     dec x
@@ -1020,45 +1015,62 @@ proc cursorLineBegin(container: Container) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc cursorLineEnd(container: Container) {.jsfunc.} =
   container.setCursorX(container.currentLineWidth() - 1)
-type BreakFunc = proc(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): BreakCategory {.nimcall.}
+type BreakFunc = proc(ctx: LUContext; r: uint32): BreakCategory {.nimcall.}
-proc skipSpace(container: Container; b, x: var int; breakFunc: BreakFunc) =
+# move to first char that is not in this category
+proc skipCat(container: Container; b, x: var int; breakFunc: BreakFunc;
+    cat: BreakCategory) =
   while b < container.currentLine.len:
-    var r: Rune
     let pb = b
-    fastRuneAt(container.currentLine, b, r)
-    if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) != bcSpace:
+    let u = container.currentLine.nextUTF8(b)
+    if container.luctx.breakFunc(u) != cat:
       b = pb
-    x += r.twidth(x)
+    x += u.twidth(x)
-proc skipSpaceRev(container: Container; b, x: var int; breakFunc: BreakFunc) =
-  while b >= 0:
-    let (r, o) = lastRune(container.currentLine, b)
-    if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) != bcSpace:
+proc skipSpace(container: Container; b, x: var int; breakFunc: BreakFunc) =
+  container.skipCat(b, x, breakFunc, bcSpace)
+# move to last char in category, backwards
+proc lastCatRev(container: Container; b, x: var int; breakFunc: BreakFunc;
+    cat: BreakCategory) =
+  while b > 0:
+    let pb = b
+    let u = container.currentLine.prevUTF8(b)
+    if container.luctx.breakFunc(u) != cat:
+      b = pb
-    b -= o
-    x -= r.twidth(x)
+    x -= u.width()
+# move to first char that is not in this category, backwards
+proc skipCatRev(container: Container; b, x: var int; breakFunc: BreakFunc;
+    cat: BreakCategory): BreakCategory =
+  while b > 0:
+    let u = container.currentLine.prevUTF8(b)
+    x -= u.width()
+    let it = container.luctx.breakFunc(u)
+    if it != cat:
+      return it
+  b = -1
+  return cat
+proc skipSpaceRev(container: Container; b, x: var int; breakFunc: BreakFunc):
+    BreakCategory =
+  return container.skipCatRev(b, x, breakFunc, bcSpace)
 proc cursorNextWord(container: Container; breakFunc: BreakFunc) =
   if container.numLines == 0: return
-  var r: Rune
   var b = container.currentCursorBytes()
   var x = container.cursorx
   # meow
   let currentCat = if b < container.currentLine.len:
-    container.luctx.breakFunc(container.currentLine.runeAt(b))
+    var tmp = b
+    container.luctx.breakFunc(container.currentLine.nextUTF8(tmp))
   if currentCat != bcSpace:
     # not in space, skip chars that have the same category
-    while b < container.currentLine.len:
-      let pb = b
-      fastRuneAt(container.currentLine, b, r)
-      if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) != currentCat:
-        b = pb
-        break
-      x += r.twidth(x)
+    container.skipCat(b, x, breakFunc, currentCat)
   container.skipSpace(b, x, breakFunc)
   if b < container.currentLine.len:
@@ -1084,19 +1096,16 @@ proc cursorPrevWord(container: Container; breakFunc: BreakFunc) =
   var x = container.cursorx
   if container.currentLine.len > 0:
     b = min(b, container.currentLine.len - 1)
-    let currentCat = if b >= 0:
-      container.luctx.breakFunc(container.currentLine.runeAt(b))
+    var currentCat = if b >= 0:
+      var tmp = b
+      container.luctx.breakFunc(container.currentLine.nextUTF8(tmp))
     if currentCat != bcSpace:
       # not in space, skip chars that have the same category
-      while b >= 0:
-        let (r, o) = lastRune(container.currentLine, b)
-        if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) != currentCat:
-          break
-        b -= o
-        x -= r.twidth(x)
-    container.skipSpaceRev(b, x, breakFunc)
+      currentCat = container.skipCatRev(b, x, breakFunc, currentCat)
+    if currentCat == bcSpace:
+      discard container.skipSpaceRev(b, x, breakFunc)
     b = -1
   if b >= 0:
@@ -1119,32 +1128,33 @@ proc cursorPrevBigWord(container: Container) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc cursorWordEnd(container: Container; breakFunc: BreakFunc) =
   if container.numLines == 0: return
-  var r: Rune
   var b = container.currentCursorBytes()
   var x = container.cursorx
   var px = x
   # if not in space, move to the right by one
   if b < container.currentLine.len:
     let pb = b
-    fastRuneAt(container.currentLine, b, r)
-    if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) == bcSpace:
+    let u = container.currentLine.nextUTF8(b)
+    if container.luctx.breakFunc(u) == bcSpace:
       b = pb
       px = x
-      x += r.twidth(x)
+      x += u.twidth(x)
   container.skipSpace(b, x, breakFunc)
   # move to the last char in the current category
   let ob = b
   if b < container.currentLine.len:
-    let currentCat = container.luctx.breakFunc(container.currentLine.runeAt(b))
+    var tmp = b
+    let u = container.currentLine.nextUTF8(tmp)
+    let currentCat = container.luctx.breakFunc(u)
     while b < container.currentLine.len:
       let pb = b
-      fastRuneAt(container.currentLine, b, r)
-      if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) != currentCat:
+      let u = container.currentLine.nextUTF8(b)
+      if container.luctx.breakFunc(u) != currentCat:
         b = pb
       px = x
-      x += r.twidth(x)
+      x += u.twidth(x)
     x = px
   if b < container.currentLine.len or ob != b:
@@ -1168,35 +1178,27 @@ proc cursorWordBegin(container: Container; breakFunc: BreakFunc) =
   if container.numLines == 0: return
   var b = container.currentCursorBytes()
   var x = container.cursorx
-  var px = x
-  var ob = b
   if container.currentLine.len > 0:
     b = min(b, container.currentLine.len - 1)
     if b >= 0:
-      let (r, o) = lastRune(container.currentLine, b)
+      var tmp = b
+      var u = container.currentLine.nextUTF8(tmp)
+      var currentCat = container.luctx.breakFunc(u)
       # if not in space, move to the left by one
-      if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) != bcSpace:
-        b -= o
-        px = x
-        x -= r.twidth(x)
-    container.skipSpaceRev(b, x, breakFunc)
-    # move to the first char in the current category
-    ob = b
-    if b >= 0:
-      let (r, _) = lastRune(container.currentLine, b)
-      let currentCat = container.luctx.breakFunc(r)
-      while b >= 0:
-        let (r, o) = lastRune(container.currentLine, b)
-        if container.luctx.breakFunc(r) != currentCat:
-          break
-        b -= o
-        px = x
-        x -= r.twidth(x)
-    x = px
+      if currentCat != bcSpace:
+        if b > 0:
+          u = container.currentLine.prevUTF8(b)
+          x -= u.width()
+          currentCat = container.luctx.breakFunc(u)
+        else:
+          b = -1
+      if container.luctx.breakFunc(u) == bcSpace:
+        currentCat = container.skipSpaceRev(b, x, breakFunc)
+      # move to the first char in the current category
+      container.lastCatRev(b, x, breakFunc, currentCat)
     b = -1
-    ob = -1
-  if b >= 0 or ob != b:
+  if b >= 0:
     if container.cursory > 0:
@@ -1994,7 +1996,6 @@ proc drawLines*(container: Container; display: var FixedGrid; hlcolor: CellColor
       cell.format = cf.format
     if bgcolor != defaultColor and cell.format.bgcolor == defaultColor:
       cell.format.bgcolor = bgcolor
-  var r: Rune
   var by = 0
   let endy = min(container.fromy + display.height, container.numLines)
   for line in container.ilines(container.fromy ..< endy):
@@ -2002,8 +2003,8 @@ proc drawLines*(container: Container; display: var FixedGrid; hlcolor: CellColor
     var i = 0 # byte in line.str
     # Skip cells till fromx.
     while w < container.fromx and i < line.str.len:
-      fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-      w += r.twidth(w)
+      let u = line.str.nextUTF8(i)
+      w += u.twidth(w)
     let dls = by * display.width # starting position of row in display
     # Fill in the gap in case we skipped more cells than fromx mandates (i.e.
     # we encountered a double-width character.)
@@ -2018,25 +2019,27 @@ proc drawLines*(container: Container; display: var FixedGrid; hlcolor: CellColor
     # Now fill in the visible part of the row.
     while i < line.str.len:
       let pw = w
-      fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-      let rw = r.twidth(w)
-      w += rw
+      let pi = i
+      let u = line.str.nextUTF8(i)
+      let uw = u.twidth(w)
+      w += uw
       if w > container.fromx + display.width:
         break # die on exceeding the width limit
       if nf.pos != -1 and nf.pos <= pw:
         cf = nf
         nf = line.findNextFormat(pw)
-      if r == Rune('\t'):
+      if u == uint32('\t'):
         # Needs to be replaced with spaces, otherwise bgcolor isn't displayed.
-        let tk = k + rw
+        let tk = k + uw
         while k < tk:
           display[dls + k].str &= ' '
           set_fmt display[dls + k], cf
           inc k
-        display[dls + k].str &= r
+        for j in pi ..< i:
+          display[dls + k].str &= line.str[j]
         set_fmt display[dls + k], cf
-        k += rw
+        k += uw
     if bgcolor != defaultColor:
       # Fill the screen if bgcolor is not default.
       while k < display.width:
diff --git a/src/local/lineedit.nim b/src/local/lineedit.nim
index ecfc3db8..edb6ee09 100644
--- a/src/local/lineedit.nim
+++ b/src/local/lineedit.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import std/strutils
-import std/unicode
 import chagashi/charset
 import chagashi/decoder
@@ -11,6 +10,7 @@ import types/winattrs
 import utils/luwrap
 import utils/strwidth
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
 import utils/wordbreak
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ type
     hist: LineHistory
     histindex: int
     histtmp: string
+    luctx: LUContext
     redraw*: bool
@@ -48,10 +49,8 @@ func newLineHistory*(): LineHistory =
 func getDisplayWidth(edit: LineEdit): int =
   var dispw = 0
   var i = edit.shifti
-  var r: Rune
   while i < edit.news.len and dispw < edit.maxwidth:
-    fastRuneAt(edit.news, i, r)
-    dispw += r.width()
+    dispw += edit.news.nextUTF8(i).width()
   return dispw
 proc shiftView(edit: LineEdit) =
@@ -69,17 +68,14 @@ proc shiftView(edit: LineEdit) =
         edit.shifti = 0
         while edit.shiftx > targetx:
-          let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.shifti - 1)
-          edit.shiftx -= r.width()
-          edit.shifti -= len
+          let u = edit.news.prevUTF8(edit.shifti)
+          edit.shiftx -= u.width()
   edit.padding = 0
   # Shift view so it contains the cursor. (act 2)
   if edit.shiftx < edit.cursorx - edit.maxwidth:
     while edit.shiftx < edit.cursorx - edit.maxwidth and
         edit.shifti < edit.news.len:
-      var r: Rune
-      fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.shifti, r)
-      edit.shiftx += r.width()
+      edit.shiftx += edit.news.nextUTF8(edit.shifti).width()
     if edit.shiftx > edit.cursorx - edit.maxwidth:
       # skipped over a cell because of a double-width char
       edit.padding = 1
@@ -89,9 +85,9 @@ proc generateOutput*(edit: LineEdit): FixedGrid =
   # Make the output grid +1 cell wide, so it covers the whole input area.
   result = newFixedGrid(edit.promptw + edit.maxwidth + 1)
   var x = 0
-  for r in edit.prompt.runes:
-    result[x].str &= $r
-    x += r.width()
+  for u in edit.prompt.points:
+    result[x].str.addUTF8(u)
+    x += u.width()
     if x >= result.width: break
   for i in 0 ..< edit.padding:
     if x < result.width:
@@ -99,18 +95,19 @@ proc generateOutput*(edit: LineEdit): FixedGrid =
       inc x
   var i = edit.shifti
   while i < edit.news.len:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(edit.news, i, r)
+    let pi = i
+    let u = edit.news.nextUTF8(i)
     if not edit.hide:
-      let w = r.width()
+      let w = u.width()
       if x + w > result.width: break
-      if r.isControlChar():
+      if u.isControlChar():
         result[x].str &= '^'
         inc x
-        result[x].str &= char(r).getControlLetter()
+        result[x].str &= char(u).getControlLetter()
         inc x
-        result[x].str &= $r
+        for j in pi ..< i:
+          result[x].str &= edit.news[j]
         x += w
       if x + 1 > result.width: break
@@ -143,10 +140,10 @@ proc submit(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc backspace(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   if edit.cursori > 0:
-    let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
-    edit.news.delete(edit.cursori - len .. edit.cursori - 1)
-    edit.cursori -= len
-    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
+    let pi = edit.cursori
+    let u = edit.news.prevUTF8(edit.cursori)
+    edit.news.delete(edit.cursori ..< pi)
+    edit.cursorx -= u.width()
     edit.redraw = true
 proc write*(edit: LineEdit; s: string; cs: Charset): bool =
@@ -171,7 +168,7 @@ proc write(edit: LineEdit; s: string): bool {.jsfunc.} =
 proc delete(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
-    let len = edit.news.runeLenAt(edit.cursori)
+    let len = edit.news.pointLenAt(edit.cursori)
     edit.news.delete(edit.cursori ..< edit.cursori + len)
     edit.redraw = true
@@ -192,55 +189,53 @@ proc kill(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc backward(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   if edit.cursori > 0:
-    let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
-    edit.cursori -= len
-    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
+    let u = edit.news.prevUTF8(edit.cursori)
+    edit.cursorx -= u.width()
     if edit.cursorx < edit.shiftx:
       edit.redraw = true
 proc forward(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.cursori, r)
-    edit.cursorx += r.width()
+    let u = edit.news.nextUTF8(edit.cursori)
+    edit.cursorx += u.width()
     if edit.cursorx >= edit.shiftx + edit.maxwidth:
       edit.redraw = true
 proc prevWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   if edit.cursori == 0:
-  let ctx = LUContext()
-  let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
-  if ctx.breaksWord(r):
-    edit.cursori -= len
-    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
+  let pi = edit.cursori
+  let u = edit.news.prevUTF8(edit.cursori)
+  if edit.luctx.breaksWord(u):
+    edit.cursorx -= u.width()
+  else:
+    edit.cursori = pi
   while edit.cursori > 0:
-    let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
-    if ctx.breaksWord(r):
+    let pi = edit.cursori
+    let u = edit.news.prevUTF8(edit.cursori)
+    if edit.luctx.breaksWord(u):
+      edit.cursori = pi
-    edit.cursori -= len
-    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
+    edit.cursorx -= u.width()
   if edit.cursorx < edit.shiftx:
     edit.redraw = true
 proc nextWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   if edit.cursori >= edit.news.len:
-  let ctx = LUContext()
-  let oc = edit.cursori
-  var r: Rune
-  fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.cursori, r)
-  if ctx.breaksWord(r):
-    edit.cursorx += r.width()
+  let pi = edit.cursori
+  let u = edit.news.nextUTF8(edit.cursori)
+  if edit.luctx.breaksWord(u):
+    edit.cursorx += u.width()
-    edit.cursori = oc
+    edit.cursori = pi
   while edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
-    let pc = edit.cursori
-    fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.cursori, r)
-    if ctx.breaksWord(r):
-      edit.cursori = pc
+    let pi = edit.cursori
+    let u = edit.news.nextUTF8(edit.cursori)
+    if edit.luctx.breaksWord(u):
+      edit.cursori = pi
-    edit.cursorx += r.width()
+    edit.cursorx += u.width()
   if edit.cursorx >= edit.shiftx + edit.maxwidth:
     edit.redraw = true
@@ -254,18 +249,17 @@ proc clearWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc killWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   if edit.cursori >= edit.news.len:
-  let oc = edit.cursori
-  let ox = edit.cursorx
-  edit.nextWord()
-  if edit.cursori != oc:
-    if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
-      let len = edit.news.runeLenAt(edit.cursori)
-      edit.news.delete(oc ..< edit.cursori + len)
-    else:
-      edit.news.delete(oc ..< edit.cursori)
-    edit.cursori = oc
-    edit.cursorx = ox
-    edit.redraw = true
+  var i = edit.cursori
+  var u = edit.news.nextUTF8(i)
+  if not edit.luctx.breaksWord(u):
+    while i < edit.news.len:
+      let pi = i
+      let u = edit.news.nextUTF8(i)
+      if edit.luctx.breaksWord(u):
+        i = pi
+        break
+  edit.news.delete(edit.cursori ..< i)
+  edit.redraw = true
 proc begin(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
   edit.cursori = 0
@@ -310,7 +304,7 @@ proc windowChange*(edit: LineEdit; attrs: WindowAttributes) =
   edit.maxwidth = attrs.width - edit.promptw - 1
 proc readLine*(prompt, current: string; termwidth: int; disallowed: set[char];
-    hide: bool; hist: LineHistory): LineEdit =
+    hide: bool; hist: LineHistory; luctx: LUContext): LineEdit =
   let promptw = prompt.width()
   return LineEdit(
     prompt: prompt,
@@ -324,7 +318,8 @@ proc readLine*(prompt, current: string; termwidth: int; disallowed: set[char];
     # - 1, so that the cursor always has place
     maxwidth: termwidth - promptw - 1,
     hist: hist,
-    histindex: hist.lines.len
+    histindex: hist.lines.len,
+    luctx: luctx
 proc addLineEditModule*(ctx: JSContext) =
diff --git a/src/local/pager.nim b/src/local/pager.nim
index 035ec2d7..3822eb77 100644
--- a/src/local/pager.nim
+++ b/src/local/pager.nim
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import std/posix
 import std/selectors
 import std/sets
 import std/tables
-import std/unicode
 import chagashi/charset
 import config/chapath
@@ -52,6 +51,7 @@ import utils/mimeguess
 import utils/regexutils
 import utils/strwidth
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
   LineMode* = enum
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ proc setLineEdit(pager: Pager; mode: LineMode; current = ""; hide = false;
   if pager.term.isatty() and pager.config.input.use_mouse:
   pager.lineedit = readLine($mode & extraPrompt, current, pager.attrs.width,
-    {}, hide, hist)
+    {}, hide, hist, pager.luctx)
   pager.linemode = mode
 proc clearLineEdit(pager: Pager) =
@@ -387,19 +387,19 @@ proc writeStatusMessage(pager: Pager; str: string; format = Format();
   if i >= e:
     return i
   pager.status.redraw = true
-  for r in str.runes:
-    let w = r.width()
+  for u in str.points:
+    let w = u.width()
     if i + w >= e:
       pager.status.grid[i].format = format
       pager.status.grid[i].str = $clip
       inc i # Note: we assume `clip' is 1 cell wide
-    if r.isControlChar():
+    if u.isControlChar():
       pager.status.grid[i].str = "^"
-      pager.status.grid[i + 1].str = $getControlLetter(char(r))
+      pager.status.grid[i + 1].str = $getControlLetter(char(u))
       pager.status.grid[i + 1].format = format
-      pager.status.grid[i].str = $r
+      pager.status.grid[i].str = u.toUTF8()
     pager.status.grid[i].format = format
     i += w
   result = i
@@ -461,9 +461,8 @@ proc drawBuffer*(pager: Pager; container: Container; ofile: File) =
       for f in line.formats:
         let si = i
         while x < f.pos:
-          var r: Rune
-          fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-          x += r.width()
+          let u = line.str.nextUTF8(i)
+          x += u.width()
         let outstr = line.str.substr(si, i - 1)
         s &= pager.term.processOutputString(outstr, w)
         s &= pager.term.processFormat(format, f.format)
@@ -576,6 +575,8 @@ proc initImages(pager: Pager; container: Container) =
       dispw = min(width + xpx, maxwpx) - xpx
       let ypx = (image.y - container.fromy) * pager.attrs.ppl
       erry = -min(ypx, 0) mod 6
+    if dispw <= offx:
+      continue
     let cached = container.findCachedImage(image, offx, erry, dispw)
     let imageId = image.bmp.imageId
     if cached == nil:
diff --git a/src/local/term.nim b/src/local/term.nim
index 263e6363..2f31104a 100644
--- a/src/local/term.nim
+++ b/src/local/term.nim
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import std/posix
 import std/strutils
 import std/tables
 import std/termios
-import std/unicode
 import bindings/termcap
 import chagashi/charset
diff --git a/src/server/buffer.nim b/src/server/buffer.nim
index 7af3cae0..4324944e 100644
--- a/src/server/buffer.nim
+++ b/src/server/buffer.nim
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import std/os
 import std/posix
 import std/selectors
 import std/tables
-import std/unicode
 import chagashi/charset
 import chagashi/decoder
@@ -51,6 +50,7 @@ import types/url
 import types/winattrs
 import utils/strwidth
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
   BufferCommand* = enum
@@ -412,9 +412,8 @@ func cursorBytes(buffer: Buffer; y, cc: int): int =
   var w = 0
   var i = 0
   while i < line.len and w < cc:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-    w += r.twidth(w)
+    let u = line.nextUTF8(i)
+    w += u.twidth(w)
   return i
 proc navigate(buffer: Buffer; url: URL) =
diff --git a/src/types/url.nim b/src/types/url.nim
index b676a2b5..ab2aa9c9 100644
--- a/src/types/url.nim
+++ b/src/types/url.nim
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import std/algorithm
 import std/options
 import std/strutils
 import std/tables
-import std/unicode
 import io/bufreader
 import io/bufwriter
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ import types/opt
 import utils/luwrap
 import utils/map
 import utils/twtstr
+import utils/twtuni
 include res/map/idna_gen
@@ -291,10 +291,9 @@ type
   IDNATableStatus = enum
     itsValid, itsIgnored, itsMapped, itsDeviation, itsDisallowed
-func getIdnaTableStatus(r: Rune): IDNATableStatus =
-  let i = uint32(r)
-  if i <= high(uint16):
-    let u = uint16(i)
+func getIdnaTableStatus(u: uint32): IDNATableStatus =
+  if u <= high(uint16):
+    let u = uint16(u)
     if u in IgnoredLow:
       return itsIgnored
     if u in DisallowedLow or DisallowedRangesLow.isInRange(u):
@@ -302,16 +301,15 @@ func getIdnaTableStatus(r: Rune): IDNATableStatus =
     if MappedMapLow.isInMap(u):
       return itsMapped
-    if i in IgnoredHigh:
+    if u in IgnoredHigh:
       return itsIgnored
-    if i in DisallowedHigh or DisallowedRangesHigh.isInRange(i):
+    if u in DisallowedHigh or DisallowedRangesHigh.isInRange(u):
       return itsDisallowed
-    if MappedMapHigh.isInMap(uint32(i)):
+    if MappedMapHigh.isInMap(u):
       return itsMapped
   return itsValid
-func getIdnaMapped(r: Rune): string =
-  let u = uint32(r)
+func getIdnaMapped(u: uint32): string =
   if u <= high(uint16):
     let u = uint16(u)
     let n = MappedMapLow.searchInMap(u)
@@ -330,15 +328,15 @@ func processIdna(str: string; beStrict: bool): string =
   # UseSTD3ASCIIRules = beStrict (but STD3 is not implemented)
   # Transitional_Processing = false
   # VerifyDnsLength = beStrict
-  var mapped: seq[Rune] = @[]
-  for r in str.runes():
-    let status = getIdnaTableStatus(r)
+  var mapped: seq[uint32] = @[]
+  for u in str.points:
+    let status = getIdnaTableStatus(u)
     case status
     of itsDisallowed: return "" #error
     of itsIgnored: discard
-    of itsMapped: mapped &= getIdnaMapped(r).toRunes()
-    of itsDeviation: mapped &= r
-    of itsValid: mapped &= r
+    of itsMapped: mapped &= getIdnaMapped(u).toPoints()
+    of itsDeviation: mapped &= u
+    of itsValid: mapped &= u
   if mapped.len == 0: return
   mapped = mapped.normalize()
   var cr: CharRange
@@ -351,8 +349,8 @@ func processIdna(str: string; beStrict: bool): string =
     if label.startsWith("xn--"):
         let s = punycode.decode(label.substr("xn--".len))
-        let x0 = s.toRunes()
-        let x1 = normalize(x0)
+        let x0 = s.toPoints()
+        let x1 = x0.normalize()
         if x0 != x1:
           return "" #error
         # CheckHyphens is false
@@ -362,10 +360,10 @@ func processIdna(str: string; beStrict: bool): string =
           let L = cr.len div 2 - 1
           if cps.toOpenArray(0, L).binarySearch(c, cmpRange) != -1:
             return "" #error
-        for r in x0:
-          if r == Rune('.'):
+        for u in x0:
+          if u == uint32('.'):
             return "" #error
-          let status = getIdnaTableStatus(r)
+          let status = getIdnaTableStatus(u)
           if status in {itsDisallowed, itsIgnored, itsMapped}:
             return "" #error
           #TODO check joiners
@@ -396,7 +394,7 @@ func unicodeToAscii(s: string; beStrict: bool): string =
       s = label
     if beStrict: # VerifyDnsLength
-      let rl = s.runeLen()
+      let rl = s.pointLen()
       if rl notin 1..63:
         return ""
       all += rl
diff --git a/src/utils/luwrap.nim b/src/utils/luwrap.nim
index 6081cdf8..76a5b2e1 100644
--- a/src/utils/luwrap.nim
+++ b/src/utils/luwrap.nim
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 import std/algorithm
 import std/strutils
-import std/unicode
 import monoucha/libunicode
 import utils/charcategory
+import utils/twtuni
 proc passRealloc(opaque, p: pointer; size: csize_t): pointer {.cdecl.} =
   return realloc(p, size)
-proc normalize*(rs: seq[Rune]; form = UNICODE_NFC): seq[Rune] =
+proc normalize*(rs: seq[uint32]; form = UNICODE_NFC): seq[uint32] =
     if rs.len == 0:
       return @[]
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ proc normalize*(rs: seq[Rune]; form = UNICODE_NFC): seq[Rune] =
       raise newException(Defect, "Unicode normalization failed")
     if out_len == 0:
-    var rs = cast[seq[Rune]](newSeqUninitialized[uint32](out_len))
+    var rs = newSeqUninitialized[uint32](out_len)
     copyMem(addr rs[0], outbuf, out_len * sizeof(uint32))
     return rs
@@ -28,17 +28,15 @@ proc normalize*(rs: seq[Rune]; form = UNICODE_NFC): seq[Rune] =
 proc mnormalize*(s: var string) =
   if NonAscii notin s:
     return # no need to normalize ascii
-  s = $s.toRunes().normalize()
+  s = s.toPoints().normalize().toUTF8()
 # n == 0: upper, 1: lower, 2: case fold
 proc toUpperLU(s: string; n: cint): string =
   result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
-  for r in s.runes:
+  for u in s.points:
     var outa: array[LRE_CC_RES_LEN_MAX, uint32]
-    let n = lre_case_conv(cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint32]](addr outa[0]),
-      uint32(r), n)
-    for i in 0 ..< n:
-      result &= $Rune(outa[i])
+    let n = lre_case_conv(cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint32]](addr outa[0]), u, n)
+    result.addUTF8(outa.toOpenArray(0, n - 1))
 proc toUpperLU*(s: string): string =
   return s.toUpperLU(0)
@@ -49,19 +47,18 @@ proc toLowerLU*(s: string): string =
 proc capitalizeLU*(s: string): string =
   result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
   var wordStart = true
-  for r in s.runes:
-    if lre_is_space(uint32(r)) == 1:
+  for u in s.points:
+    if lre_is_space(u) == 1:
       wordStart = true
-      result &= $r
+      result.addUTF8(u)
     elif wordStart:
       var outa: array[LRE_CC_RES_LEN_MAX, uint32]
       let n = lre_case_conv(cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint32]](addr outa[0]),
-        uint32(r), 0)
-      for i in 0 ..< n:
-        result &= $Rune(outa[i])
+        u, 0)
+      result.addUTF8(outa.toOpenArray(0, n - 1))
       wordStart = false
-      result &= $r
+      result.addUTF8(u)
 type u32pair* {.packed.} = object
   a: uint32
@@ -74,10 +71,10 @@ func cmpRange*(x: u32pair; y: uint32): int =
     return -1
   return 0
-func contains(cr: CharRange; r: Rune): bool =
+func contains(cr: CharRange; u: uint32): bool =
   let cps = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[u32pair]](cr.points)
   let L = cr.len div 2 - 1
-  return cps.toOpenArray(0, L).binarySearch(uint32(r), cmpRange) != -1
+  return cps.toOpenArray(0, L).binarySearch(u, cmpRange) != -1
   LURangeType = enum
@@ -114,26 +111,26 @@ proc initScript(ctx: LUContext; lur: LURangeType) =
     doAssert unicode_script(p, cstring($lur), 0) == 0
-proc isAlphaLU*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): bool =
+proc isAlphaLU*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): bool =
-  return r in ctx.crs[lurLetter]
+  return u in ctx.crs[lurLetter]
-proc isWhiteSpaceLU*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): bool =
+proc isWhiteSpaceLU*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): bool =
-  return r in ctx.crs[lurSeparator]
+  return u in ctx.crs[lurSeparator]
-proc isHan*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): bool =
+proc isHan*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): bool =
-  return r in ctx.crs[lurHan]
+  return u in ctx.crs[lurHan]
-proc isHiragana*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): bool =
+proc isHiragana*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): bool =
-  return r in ctx.crs[lurHiragana]
+  return u in ctx.crs[lurHiragana]
-proc isKatakana*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): bool =
+proc isKatakana*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): bool =
-  return r in ctx.crs[lurKatakana]
+  return u in ctx.crs[lurKatakana]
-proc isHangul*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): bool =
+proc isHangul*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): bool =
-  return r in ctx.crs[lurHangul]
+  return u in ctx.crs[lurHangul]
diff --git a/src/utils/strwidth.nim b/src/utils/strwidth.nim
index 8c367991..4ce9aa12 100644
--- a/src/utils/strwidth.nim
+++ b/src/utils/strwidth.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-import std/unicode
-import utils/proptable
 import utils/map
+import utils/proptable
+import utils/twtuni
 include res/map/charwidth_gen
@@ -9,8 +8,7 @@ include res/map/charwidth_gen
 var isCJKAmbiguous* = false
 # Warning: this shouldn't be called without normalization.
-func width*(r: Rune): int =
-  let u = uint32(r)
+func width*(u: uint32): int =
   if u <= 0xFFFF: # fast path for BMP
     if u in CombiningTable:
       return 0
@@ -31,80 +29,56 @@ func width*(r: Rune): int =
 # Width, but also works with tabs.
 # Needs the column width of the text so far.
-func twidth*(r: Rune; w: int): int =
-  if r != Rune('\t'):
-    return r.width()
+func twidth*(u: uint32; w: int): int =
+  if u != uint32('\t'):
+    return u.width()
   return ((w div 8) + 1) * 8 - w
-func width*(s: string): int =
-  result = 0
-  for r in s.runes:
-    result += r.twidth(result)
+func width*(s: openArray[char]): int =
+  var w = 0
+  for u in s.points:
+    w += u.twidth(w)
+  return w
 func width*(s: string; start, len: int): int =
-  result = 0
+  var w = 0
   var i = start
   var m = len
   if m > s.len:
     m = s.len
   while i < m:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(s, i, r)
-    result += r.twidth(result)
-when NimMajor < 2:
-  template ones(n: untyped): untyped = ((1 shl n)-1)
-  template fastRuneAt(s: openArray[char]; i: int; result: untyped) =
-    result = Rune(0xFFFD)
-    if uint32(s[i]) <= 127:
-      result = Rune(uint32(s[i]))
-    elif uint32(s[i]) shr 5 == 0b110:
-      if i <= s.len - 2:
-        result = Rune((uint32(s[i]) and (ones(5))) shl 6 or
-          (uint32(s[i+1]) and ones(6)))
-        i += 1
-    elif uint32(s[i]) shr 4 == 0b1110:
-      if i <= s.len - 3:
-        result = Rune((uint32(s[i]) and ones(4)) shl 12 or
-          (uint32(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 6 or (uint32(s[i+2]) and ones(6)))
-        i += 2
-    elif uint32(s[i]) shr 3 == 0b11110:
-      if i <= s.len - 4:
-        result = Rune((uint32(s[i]) and ones(3)) shl 18 or
-          (uint32(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 12 or
-          (uint32(s[i+2]) and ones(6)) shl 6 or
-          (uint32(s[i+3]) and ones(6)))
-        i += 3
-    inc i
+    let u = s.nextUTF8(i)
+    w += u.twidth(w)
+  return w
 func notwidth*(s: openArray[char]): int =
-  result = 0
-  var i = 0
-  while i < s.len:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(s, i, r)
-    result += r.width()
+  var w = 0
+  for u in s.points:
+    w += u.width()
+  return w
 func twidth*(s: string; w: int): int =
   var i = w
-  for r in s.runes:
-    i += r.twidth(w)
+  for u in s.points:
+    i += u.twidth(w)
   return i - w
 func padToWidth*(s: string; size: int; schar = '$'): string =
   result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
   var w = 0
-  var r: Rune
   var i = 0
+  var pi = 0
   while i < s.len:
-    fastRuneAt(s, i, r)
-    w += r.width()
+    pi = i
+    w += s.nextUTF8(i).width()
     if w > size - 1:
-    result &= r
+    for j in pi ..< i:
+      result &= s[j]
   if w > size - 1:
     if w == size and i == s.len:
-      result &= r
+      for j in pi ..< i:
+        result &= s[j]
       result &= schar
   while w < size:
diff --git a/src/utils/twtstr.nim b/src/utils/twtstr.nim
index 0d65be50..f08b1131 100644
--- a/src/utils/twtstr.nim
+++ b/src/utils/twtstr.nim
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import std/math
 import std/options
 import std/os
 import std/strutils
-import std/unicode
 when defined(posix):
   import std/posix
@@ -11,14 +10,15 @@ when defined(posix):
 import types/opt
 import utils/charcategory
 import utils/map
+import utils/twtuni
 export charcategory
 func onlyWhitespace*(s: string): bool =
   return AllChars - AsciiWhitespace notin s
-func isControlChar*(r: Rune): bool =
-  return int(r) <= 0x1F or int(r) == 0x7F
+func isControlChar*(u: uint32): bool =
+  return u <= 0x1F or u == 0x7F
 func getControlChar*(c: char): char =
   if c == '?':
@@ -444,14 +444,13 @@ func matchNameProduction*(s: string): bool =
     return false
   # NameStartChar
   var i = 0
-  var r: Rune
   if s[i] in Ascii:
     if s[i] notin NameStartCharAscii:
       return false
     inc i
-    fastRuneAt(s, i, r)
-    if not NameStartCharRanges.isInRange(uint32(r)):
+    let u = s.nextUTF8(i)
+    if not NameStartCharRanges.isInRange(u):
       return false
   # NameChar
   while i < s.len:
@@ -460,9 +459,8 @@ func matchNameProduction*(s: string): bool =
         return false
       inc i
-      fastRuneAt(s, i, r)
-      if not NameStartCharRanges.isInRange(uint32(r)) and
-          not NameCharRanges.isInMap(uint32(r)):
+      let u = s.nextUTF8(i)
+      if not NameStartCharRanges.isInRange(u) and not NameCharRanges.isInMap(u):
         return false
   return true
@@ -483,8 +481,8 @@ func matchQNameProduction*(s: string): bool =
 func utf16Len*(s: string): int =
   result = 0
-  for r in s.runes:
-    if uint32(r) < 0x10000: # ucs-2
+  for u in s.points:
+    if u < 0x10000: # ucs-2
       result += 1
     else: # surrogate
       result += 2
diff --git a/src/utils/twtuni.nim b/src/utils/twtuni.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c617ac4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/twtuni.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+func nextUTF8*(s: openArray[char]; i: var int): uint32 =
+  let j = i
+  var u = uint32(s[j])
+  if u <= 0x7F:
+    inc i
+  elif u shr 5 == 0b110:
+    let e = j + 2
+    if likely(e <= s.len):
+      u = (u and 0x1F) shl 6 or (uint32(s[j + 1]) and 0x3F)
+    i = e
+  elif u shr 4 == 0b1110:
+    let e = j + 3
+    if likely(e <= s.len):
+      u = (u and 0xF) shl 12 or
+        (uint32(s[j + 1]) and 0x3F) shl 6 or
+        (uint32(s[j + 2]) and 0x3F)
+    i = e
+  elif u shr 3 == 0b11110:
+    let e = j + 4
+    if likely(e <= s.len):
+      u = (u and 7) shl 18 or
+        (uint32(s[j + 1]) and 0x3F) shl 12 or
+        (uint32(s[j + 2]) and 0x3F) shl 6 or
+        (uint32(s[j + 3]) and 0x3F)
+    i = e
+  else:
+    u = 0xFFFD
+    inc i
+  return u
+func prevUTF8*(s: openArray[char]; i: var int): uint32 =
+  var j = i - 1
+  while uint32(s[j]) shr 6 == 2:
+    dec j
+  i = j
+  return s.nextUTF8(j)
+func pointLenAt*(s: openArray[char]; i: int): int =
+  let u = uint8(s[i])
+  if u <= 0x7F:
+    return 1
+  elif u shr 5 == 0b110:
+    return 2
+  elif u shr 4 == 0b1110:
+    return 3
+  elif u shr 3 == 0b11110:
+    return 4
+  return 1
+iterator points*(s: openArray[char]): uint32 {.inline.} =
+  var i = 0
+  while i < s.len:
+    let u = s.nextUTF8(i)
+    yield u
+func toPoints*(s: openArray[char]): seq[uint32] =
+  result = @[]
+  for u in s.points:
+    result.add(u)
+proc addUTF8*(res: var string; u: uint32) =
+  if u < 0x80:
+    res &= char(u)
+  elif u < 0x800:
+    res &= char(u shr 6 or 0xC0)
+    res &= char(u and 0x3F or 0x80)
+  elif u < 0x10000:
+    res &= char(u shr 12 or 0xE0)
+    res &= char(u shr 6 and 0x3F or 0x80)
+    res &= char(u and 0x3F or 0x80)
+  else:
+    res &= char(u shr 18 or 0xF0)
+    res &= char(u shr 12 and 0x3F or 0x80)
+    res &= char(u shr 6 and 0x3F or 0x80)
+    res &= char(u and 0x3F or 0x80)
+func addUTF8*(res: var string; us: openArray[uint32]) =
+  for u in us:
+    res.addUTF8(u)
+func toUTF8*(u: uint32): string =
+  var s = ""
+  s.addUTF8(u)
+  return s
+func toUTF8*(us: openArray[uint32]): string =
+  var s = newStringOfCap(us.len shr 2)
+  s.addUTF8(us)
+  return s
+func pointLen*(s: openArray[char]): int =
+  var n = 0
+  for u in s.points:
+    inc n
+  return n
diff --git a/src/utils/widthconv.nim b/src/utils/widthconv.nim
index b6495379..32a904f6 100644
--- a/src/utils/widthconv.nim
+++ b/src/utils/widthconv.nim
@@ -1,66 +1,64 @@
 import std/strutils
-import std/unicode
 import utils/map
+import utils/twtuni
 const CanHaveDakuten = ("かきくけこさしすせそたちつてとはひふへほカキクケコ" &
-  "サシスセソタチツテトハヒフヘホ").toRunes()
+  "サシスセソタチツテトハヒフヘホ").toPoints()
-const CanHaveHanDakuten = "はひふへほハヒフヘホ".toRunes()
+const CanHaveHanDakuten = "はひふへほハヒフヘホ".toPoints()
 const HasDakuten = ("がぎぐげござじずぜぞだぢづでどばびぶべぼガギグゲゴ" &
-  "ザジズゼゾダヂヅデドバビブベボ").toRunes()
+  "ザジズゼゾダヂヅデドバビブベボ").toPoints()
-const HasHanDakuten = "ぱぴぷぺぽパピプペポ".toRunes()
+const HasHanDakuten = "ぱぴぷぺぽパピプペポ".toPoints()
 # Halfwidth to fullwidth & vice versa
-const halfFullMap = (func(): seq[tuple[half, full1, full2: Rune]] =
+const halfFullMap = (func(): seq[tuple[half, full1, full2: uint32]] =
   result = @[]
   const map = staticRead"res/widthconvmap.tab"
   for line in map.split('\n'):
     if line == "":
     var i = 0
-    var half: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, half)
+    let half = line.nextUTF8(i)
     assert line[i] == '\t'
     inc i
-    var full1: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, full1)
-    var full2 = Rune(0)
+    let full1 = line.nextUTF8(i)
+    var full2 = 0u32
     if i < line.len:
       assert line[i] == '\t'
-      inc i
-      fastRuneAt(line, i, full2)
+      full2 = line.nextUTF8(i)
     result.add((half, full1, full2))
-func halfwidth(r: Rune): Rune =
-  if r != Rune(0): # special case to avoid comparison with f2
+func halfwidth(u: uint32): uint32 =
+  if u != 0: # special case to avoid comparison with f2
     for (h, f1, f2) in halfFullMap:
-      if f1 == r or f2 == r:
+      if f1 == u or f2 == u:
         return h
-  return r
+  return u
-const HalfDakuten = Rune(0xFF9E) # half-width dakuten
-const HalfHanDakuten = Rune(0xFF9F) # half-width handakuten
+const HalfDakuten = 0xFF9Eu32 # half-width dakuten
+const HalfHanDakuten = 0xFF9Fu32 # half-width handakuten
 # Note: in unicode, char + 1 is dakuten and char + 2 handakuten
 func halfwidth*(s: string): string =
   result = ""
-  for r in s.runes:
-    case r
+  for u in s.points:
+    case u
     of HasDakuten:
-      result &= halfwidth(Rune(uint32(r) - 1))
-      result &= HalfDakuten
+      result.addUTF8(halfwidth(u - 1))
+      result.addUTF8(HalfDakuten)
     of HasHanDakuten:
-      result &= halfwidth(Rune(uint32(r) - 2))
-      result &= HalfHanDakuten
+      result.addUTF8(halfwidth(u - 2))
+      result.addUTF8(HalfHanDakuten)
-      result &= halfwidth(r)
+      result.addUTF8(halfwidth(u))
-func fullwidth(r: Rune): Rune =
-  if r != Rune(0): # special case to avoid comparison with f2
+func fullwidth(r: uint32): uint32 =
+  if r != 0: # special case to avoid comparison with f2
     for (h, f1, f2) in halfFullMap:
       if h == r:
         return f1
@@ -68,45 +66,45 @@ func fullwidth(r: Rune): Rune =
 func fullwidth*(s: string): string =
   result = ""
-  var lastr = Rune(0)
-  for r in s.runes:
-    if lastr != Rune(0):
-      if r == HalfDakuten:
+  var lastu = 0u32
+  for u in s.points:
+    if lastu != 0:
+      if u == HalfDakuten:
         # flush with dakuten
-        result &= Rune(uint32(lastr) + 1)
-        lastr = Rune(0)
+        result.addUTF8(lastu + 1)
+        lastu = 0
-      elif r == HalfHanDakuten and lastr in CanHaveHanDakuten:
+      elif u == HalfHanDakuten and lastu in CanHaveHanDakuten:
         # flush with handakuten
-        result &= Rune(uint32(lastr) + 2)
-        lastr = Rune(0)
+        result.addUTF8(lastu + 2)
+        lastu = 0
-      result &= lastr
-      lastr = Rune(0)
-    let r = fullwidth(r)
-    if r in CanHaveDakuten:
-      lastr = r
+      result.addUTF8(lastu)
+      lastu = 0
+    let u = fullwidth(u)
+    if u in CanHaveDakuten:
+      lastu = u
-      result &= r
-  if lastr != Rune(0):
+      result.addUTF8(u)
+  if lastu != 0:
     # flush
-    result &= lastr
+    result.addUTF8(lastu)
 const kanamap = staticRead"res/kanamap.tab"
 func genFullSizeMap(): seq[(uint32, uint32)] =
   result = @[]
   for line in kanamap.split('\n'):
     if line.len == 0: break
-    let rs = line.toRunes()
-    assert rs[1] == Rune('\t')
-    result.add((uint32(rs[0]), uint32(rs[2])))
+    let rs = line.toPoints()
+    assert rs[1] == uint32('\t')
+    result.add((rs[0], rs[2]))
 const fullSizeMap = genFullSizeMap()
 proc fullsize*(s: string): string =
   result = ""
-  for r in s.runes:
-    let i = searchInMap(fullSizeMap, uint32(r))
+  for u in s.points:
+    let i = searchInMap(fullSizeMap, u)
     if i == -1:
-      result &= r
+      result.addUTF8(u)
-      result &= $Rune(fullSizeMap[i][1])
+      result.addUTF8(fullSizeMap[i][1])
diff --git a/src/utils/wordbreak.nim b/src/utils/wordbreak.nim
index c93d63ec..ff607fbe 100644
--- a/src/utils/wordbreak.nim
+++ b/src/utils/wordbreak.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import std/unicode
 import utils/charcategory
 import utils/luwrap
 import utils/strwidth
@@ -7,39 +5,39 @@ import utils/strwidth
 type BreakCategory* = enum
   bcAlpha, bcSpace, bcSymbol, bcHan, bcHiragana, bcKatakana, bcHangul
-func isDigitAscii(r: Rune): bool =
-  return uint32(r) < 128 and char(r) in AsciiDigit
+func isDigitAscii(u: uint32): bool =
+  return u < 128 and char(u) in AsciiDigit
-proc breaksWord*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): bool =
-  return not r.isDigitAscii() and r.width() != 0 and not ctx.isAlphaLU(r)
+proc breaksWord*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): bool =
+  return not u.isDigitAscii() and u.width() != 0 and not ctx.isAlphaLU(u)
-proc breaksViWordCat*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): BreakCategory =
-  if int32(r) < 0x80: # ASCII
-    let c = char(r)
+proc breaksViWordCat*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): BreakCategory =
+  if u < 0x80: # ASCII
+    let c = char(u)
     if c in AsciiAlphaNumeric + {'_'}:
       return bcAlpha
     elif c in AsciiWhitespace:
       return bcSpace
-  elif ctx.isWhiteSpaceLU(r):
+  elif ctx.isWhiteSpaceLU(u):
     return bcSpace
-  elif ctx.isAlphaLU(r):
-    if ctx.isHiragana(r):
+  elif ctx.isAlphaLU(u):
+    if ctx.isHiragana(u):
       return bcHiragana
-    elif ctx.isKatakana(r):
+    elif ctx.isKatakana(u):
       return bcKatakana
-    elif ctx.isHangul(r):
+    elif ctx.isHangul(u):
       return bcHangul
-    elif ctx.isHan(r):
+    elif ctx.isHan(u):
       return bcHan
     return bcAlpha
   return bcSymbol
-proc breaksWordCat*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): BreakCategory =
-  if not ctx.breaksWord(r):
+proc breaksWordCat*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): BreakCategory =
+  if not ctx.breaksWord(u):
     return bcAlpha
   return bcSpace
-proc breaksBigWordCat*(ctx: LUContext; r: Rune): BreakCategory =
-  if not ctx.isWhiteSpaceLU(r):
+proc breaksBigWordCat*(ctx: LUContext; u: uint32): BreakCategory =
+  if not ctx.isWhiteSpaceLU(u):
     return bcAlpha
   return bcSpace