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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 527 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/src/config/config.nim b/src/config/config.nim
index 91b17dda..98d08442 100644
--- a/src/config/config.nim
+++ b/src/config/config.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 import tables
 import os
 import strutils
+import streams
+import config/toml
 import utils/twtstr
 import utils/radixtree
@@ -33,19 +35,11 @@ type
   ActionMap = Table[string, TwtAction]
-  StaticConfig = object
-    nmap: ActionMap
-    lemap: ActionMap
-    stylesheet*: string
   Config = object
     nmap*: ActionMap
     lemap*: ActionMap
     stylesheet*: string
-func getConfig(s: StaticConfig): Config =
-  return Config(nmap: s.nmap, lemap: s.lemap)
 func getRealKey(key: string): string =
   var realk: string
   var control = 0
@@ -106,6 +100,16 @@ func constructActionTable*(origTable: ActionMap): ActionMap =
     newTable[realk] = v
   return newTable
+func getAction(s: string): TwtAction =
+  if s == "NULL":
+    return NO_ACTION
+  return parseEnum[TwtAction]("ACTION_" & s)
+func getLineAction(s: string): TwtAction =
+  if s == "NULL":
+    return NO_ACTION
+  return parseEnum[TwtAction]("ACTION_LINED_" & s)
 proc readUserStylesheet(dir: string, file: string): string =
   if file.len == 0:
     return ""
@@ -120,75 +124,33 @@ proc readUserStylesheet(dir: string, file: string): string =
       result = f.readAll()
-proc parseConfigLine[T](line: string, config: var T) =
-  if line.len == 0 or line[0] == '#':
-    return
-  var cmd: seq[string]
-  var s = ""
-  var quote = false
-  var escape = false
-  for c in line:
-    if escape:
-      escape = false
-      s &= c
-      continue
-    if not quote and c == ' ' and s.len > 0:
-      cmd.add(s)
-      s = ""
-    elif c == '"':
-      quote = not quote
-    elif c == '\\' and not quote:
-      escape = true
-    else:
-      s &= c
-  if s.len > 0:
-    cmd.add(s)
-  if cmd.len == 3:
-    if cmd[0] == "nmap":
-      if cmd[2] == "NULL":
-        config.nmap[getRealKey(cmd[1])] = NO_ACTION
-      else:
-        config.nmap[getRealKey(cmd[1])] = parseEnum[TwtAction]("ACTION_" & cmd[2])
-    elif cmd[0] == "lemap":
-      if cmd[2] == "NULL":
-        config.lemap[getRealKey(cmd[1])] = NO_ACTION
-      else:
-        config.lemap[getRealKey(cmd[1])] = parseEnum[TwtAction]("ACTION_LINED_" & cmd[2])
-  elif cmd.len == 2:
-    if cmd[0] == "stylesheet":
-      config.stylesheet = cmd[1]
-proc staticReadConfig(): StaticConfig =
-  let default = staticRead"res/config"
-  for line in default.split('\n'):
-    parseConfigLine(line, result)
-  result.nmap = constructActionTable(result.nmap)
-  result.lemap = constructActionTable(result.lemap)
+func parseConfig(t: TomlValue): Config =
+  if "page" in t:
+    for k, v in t["page"].pairs:
+      result.nmap[getRealKey(k)] = getAction(v.s)
+    for k, v in t["line"].pairs:
+      result.nmap[getRealKey(k)] = getLineAction(v.s)
+  if "stylesheet" in t:
+    result.stylesheet = t["stylesheet"].s
+proc staticReadConfig(): Config =
+  result = parseConfig(parseToml(newStringStream(staticRead"res/config.toml")))
+  result.stylesheet = readUserStylesheet("res", result.stylesheet)
 const defaultConfig = staticReadConfig()
-var gconfig*: Config
+var gconfig* = defaultConfig
 proc readConfig(dir: string) =
-  var f: File
-  let status = f.open(dir / "config", fmRead)
-  if status:
-    var line: TaintedString
-    while f.readLine(line):
-      parseConfigLine(line, gconfig)
-    gconfig.nmap = constructActionTable(gconfig.nmap)
-    gconfig.lemap = constructActionTable(gconfig.lemap)
-    gconfig.stylesheet = readUserStylesheet(dir, gconfig.stylesheet)
-    f.close()
-proc readConfig*() =
-  gconfig = getConfig(defaultConfig)
-  when defined(debug):
-    readConfig(getCurrentDir() / "res")
-  readConfig(getConfigDir() / "twt")
+  let fs = newFileStream(dir / "config.toml")
+  if fs != nil:
+    let t = parseToml(fs)
+    if "page" in t:
+      for k, v in t["page"].pairs:
+        gconfig.nmap[getRealKey(k)] = getAction(v.s)
+      for k, v in t["line"].pairs:
+        gconfig.lemap[getRealKey(k)] = getLineAction(v.s)
+    if "stylesheet" in t:
+      gconfig.stylesheet = readUserStylesheet(dir, t["stylesheet"].s)
 proc getNormalAction*(s: string): TwtAction =
   if gconfig.nmap.hasKey(s):
@@ -200,3 +162,9 @@ proc getLinedAction*(s: string): TwtAction =
     return gconfig.lemap[s]
   return NO_ACTION
+proc readConfig*() =
+  when defined(debug):
+    readConfig(getCurrentDir() / "res")
+  readConfig(getConfigDir() / "twt")
+  gconfig.nmap = constructActionTable(gconfig.nmap)
+  gconfig.lemap = constructActionTable(gconfig.lemap)
diff --git a/src/config/toml.nim b/src/config/toml.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfdb7763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/toml.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+import streams
+import tables
+import times
+import strutils
+import strformat
+import unicode
+import utils/twtstr
+  ValueType = enum
+  SyntaxError = object of ValueError
+  TomlParser = object
+    at: int
+    line: int
+    stream: Stream
+    buf: string
+    root: TomlTable
+    node: TomlNode
+    currkey: seq[string]
+  TomlValue* = ref object
+    case vt*: ValueType
+      s*: string
+      i*: int64
+    of VALUE_FLOAT:
+      f*: float64
+      b*: bool
+    of VALUE_TABLE:
+      t*: TomlTable
+      dt*: DateTime
+    of VALUE_ARRAY:
+      a*: seq[TomlValue]
+      ta*: seq[TomlTable]
+  TomlNode = ref object of RootObj
+    comment: string
+  TomlKVPair = ref object of TomlNode
+    key*: seq[string]
+    value*: TomlValue
+  TomlTable = ref object of TomlNode
+    key: seq[string]
+    nodes: seq[TomlNode]
+    map: Table[string, TomlValue]
+func `[]`*(val: TomlValue, key: string): TomlValue =
+  return val.t.map[key]
+iterator pairs*(val: TomlValue): (string, TomlValue) =
+  for k, v in val.t.map.pairs:
+    yield (k, v)
+func contains*(val: TomlValue, key: string): bool =
+  return key in val.t.map
+func isBare(c: char): bool =
+  return c == '-' or c == '_' or c.isAlphaNumeric()
+func peek(state: TomlParser, i: int): char =
+  return state.buf[state.at + i]
+func peek(state: TomlParser, i: int, len: int): string =
+  return state.buf.substr(state.at + i, state.at + i + len)
+proc syntaxError(state: TomlParser, msg: string) =
+  raise newException(SyntaxError, fmt"on line {state.line}: {msg}")
+proc valueError(state: TomlParser, msg: string) =
+  raise newException(ValueError, fmt"on line {state.line}: {msg}")
+proc consume(state: var TomlParser): char =
+  result = state.buf[state.at]
+  inc state.at
+proc reconsume(state: var TomlParser) =
+  dec state.at
+proc has(state: var TomlParser, i: int = 0): bool =
+  if state.at + i >= state.buf.len and not state.stream.atEnd():
+    state.buf &= state.stream.readLine() & '\n'
+  return state.at + i < state.buf.len
+proc consumeEscape(state: var TomlParser, c: char): Rune =
+  var len = 4
+  if c == 'U':
+    len = 8
+  let c = state.consume()
+  var num = hexValue(c)
+  if num != -1:
+    var i = 0
+    while state.has() and i < len:
+      let c = state.peek(0)
+      if hexValue(c) == -1:
+        break
+      discard state.consume()
+      num *= 0x10
+      num += hexValue(c)
+      inc i
+    if i != len - 1:
+      state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid escaped length ({i}, needs {len})")
+    if num > 0x10FFFF or num in {0xD800..0xDFFF}:
+      state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid escaped codepoint {num}")
+    else:
+      return Rune(num)
+  else:
+    state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid escaped codepoint {c}")
+proc consumeString(state: var TomlParser, first: char): string =
+  var multiline = false
+  if first == '"':
+    if state.has(1):
+      let s = state.peek(0, 2)
+      if s == "\"\"":
+        multiline = true
+  elif first == '\'':
+    if state.has(1):
+      let s = state.peek(0, 2)
+      if s == "''":
+        multiline = true
+  if multiline:
+    let c = state.peek(0)
+    if c == '\n':
+      discard state.consume()
+  var escape = false
+  var ml_trim = false
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.consume()
+    if c == '\n' and not multiline:
+      state.syntaxError(fmt"newline in string")
+    elif c == first:
+      if multiline and state.has(1):
+        let c2 = state.peek(0)
+        let c3 = state.peek(1)
+        if c2 == first and c3 == first:
+          break
+      else:
+        break
+    elif first == '"' and c == '\\':
+      escape = true
+    elif escape:
+      case c
+      of 'b': result &= '\b'
+      of 't': result &= '\t'
+      of 'n': result &= '\n'
+      of 'f': result &= '\f'
+      of 'r': result &= '\r'
+      of '"': result &= '"'
+      of '\\': result &= '\\'
+      of 'u', 'U': result &= state.consumeEscape(c)
+      of '\n': ml_trim = true
+      else: state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid escape sequence \{c}")
+      escape = false
+    elif ml_trim:
+      if not (c in {'\n', ' ', '\t'}):
+        result &= c
+        ml_trim = false
+    else:
+      result &= c
+proc consumeBare(state: var TomlParser, c: char): string =
+  result &= c
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.consume()
+    case c
+    of ' ', '\t': break
+    of '.', '=', ']', '\n':
+      state.reconsume()
+      break
+    elif c.isBare():
+      result &= c
+    else:
+      state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid value in token: {c}")
+proc flushLine(state: var TomlParser) =
+  if state.node != nil:
+    if state.node of TomlKVPair:
+      var i = 0
+      let keys = state.currkey & TomlKVPair(state.node).key
+      var table = state.root
+      while i < keys.len - 1:
+        if keys[i] in table.map:
+          let node = table.map[keys[i]]
+          if node.vt != VALUE_TABLE:
+            let s = keys.join(".")
+            state.valueError(fmt"re-definition of node {s}")
+          else:
+            table = node.t
+        else:
+          let node = TomlTable()
+          table.map[keys[i]] = TomlValue(vt: VALUE_TABLE, t: node)
+          table = node
+        inc i
+      if keys[i] in table.map:
+        let s = keys.join(".")
+        state.valueError(fmt"re-definition of node {s}")
+      table.map[keys[i]] = TomlKVPair(state.node).value
+      table.nodes.add(state.node)
+    state.node = nil
+  inc state.line
+proc consumeComment(state: var TomlParser) =
+  state.node = TomlNode()
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.consume()
+    if c == '\n':
+      state.reconsume()
+      break
+    else:
+      state.node.comment &= c
+proc consumeKey(state: var TomlParser): seq[string] =
+  var str = ""
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.consume()
+    case c
+    of '"', '\'':
+      if str.len > 0:
+        state.syntaxError("multiple strings without dot")
+      str = state.consumeString(c)
+    of '=', ']':
+      if str.len != 0:
+        result.add(str)
+        str = ""
+      return result
+    of '.':
+      if str.len == 0: #TODO empty strings are allowed, only empty keys aren't
+        state.syntaxError("redundant dot")
+      else:
+        result.add(str)
+        str = ""
+    of ' ', '\t': discard
+    of '\n':
+      if state.node != nil:
+        state.syntaxError("newline without value")
+      else:
+        state.flushLine()
+    elif c.isBare():
+      if str.len > 0:
+        state.syntaxError(fmt"multiple strings without dot: {str}")
+      str = state.consumeBare(c)
+    else: state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid character in key: {c}")
+  state.syntaxError("key without value")
+proc consumeTable(state: var TomlParser): TomlTable =
+  new(result)
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.peek(0)
+    case c
+    of ' ', '\t': discard
+    of '\n':
+      return result
+    of '[':
+      #TODO table array
+      state.syntaxError("arrays of tables are not supported yet")
+    of '"', '\'':
+      result.key = state.consumeKey()
+    elif c.isBare():
+      result.key = state.consumeKey()
+    else: state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid character before key: {c}")
+  state.syntaxError("unexpected end of file")
+proc consumeNoState(state: var TomlParser): bool =
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.peek(0)
+    case c
+    of '#', '\n':
+      return false
+    of ' ', '\t': discard
+    of '[':
+      discard state.consume()
+      let table = state.consumeTable()
+      state.currkey = table.key
+      state.node = table
+      return false
+    elif c == '"' or c == '\'' or c.isBare():
+      let kvpair = TomlKVPair()
+      kvpair.key = state.consumeKey()
+      state.node = kvpair
+      return true
+    else: state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid character before key: {c}")
+  state.syntaxError("unexpected end of file")
+proc consumeNumber(state: var TomlParser): TomlValue =
+  var repr: string
+  var isfloat = false
+  if state.has():
+    if state.peek(0) == '+' or state.peek(0) == '-':
+      repr &= state.consume()
+  while state.has() and isDigit(state.peek(0)):
+    repr &= state.consume()
+  if state.has(1):
+    if state.peek(0) == '.' and isDigit(state.peek(1)):
+      repr &= state.consume()
+      repr &= state.consume()
+      isfloat = true
+      while state.has() and isDigit(state.peek(0)):
+        repr &= state.consume()
+  if state.has(1):
+    if state.peek(0) == 'E' or state.peek(0) == 'e':
+      var j = 2
+      if state.peek(1) == '-' or state.peek(1) == '+':
+        inc j
+      if state.has(j) and isDigit(state.peek(j)):
+        while j > 0:
+          repr &= state.consume()
+          dec j
+        while state.has() and isDigit(state.peek(0)):
+          repr &= state.consume()
+  if isfloat:
+    let val = parseFloat64(repr)
+    return TomlValue(vt: VALUE_FLOAT, f: val)
+  let val = parseInt64(repr)
+  return TomlValue(vt: VALUE_INTEGER, i: val)
+proc consumeValue(state: var TomlParser): TomlValue
+proc consumeArray(state: var TomlParser): TomlValue =
+  result = TomlValue(vt: VALUE_ARRAY)
+  var val: TomlValue
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.consume()
+    case c
+    of ' ', '\t', '\n': discard
+    of ']':
+      if val != nil:
+        result.a.add(val)
+      break
+    of ',':
+      if val == nil:
+        state.syntaxError("comma without element")
+      result.a.add(val)
+    else:
+      state.reconsume()
+      val = state.consumeValue()
+proc consumeValue(state: var TomlParser): TomlValue =
+  while state.has():
+    let c = state.consume()
+    case c
+    of '"', '\'':
+      return TomlValue(vt: VALUE_STRING, s: state.consumeString(c))
+    of ' ', '\t': discard
+    of '\n':
+      state.syntaxError("newline without value")
+    of '#':
+      state.syntaxError("comment without value")
+    of '+', '-', '0'..'9':
+      return state.consumeNumber()
+      #TODO date-time
+    of '[':
+      return state.consumeArray()
+    elif c.isBare():
+      let s = state.consumeBare(c)
+      case s
+      of "true": return TomlValue(vt: VALUE_BOOLEAN, b: true)
+      of "false": return TomlValue(vt: VALUE_BOOLEAN, b: false)
+      else: state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid token {s}")
+    else:
+      state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid character in value: {c}")
+proc parseToml*(inputStream: Stream): TomlValue =
+  var state: TomlParser
+  state.stream = inputStream
+  state.line = 1
+  state.root = TomlTable()
+  while state.has():
+    if state.consumeNoState():
+      let kvpair = TomlKVPair(state.node)
+      kvpair.value = state.consumeValue()
+    while state.has():
+      let c = state.consume()
+      case c
+      of '\n':
+        state.flushLine()
+        break
+      of '#':
+        state.consumeComment()
+      of '\t', ' ': discard
+      else: state.syntaxError(fmt"invalid character after value: {c}")
+  return TomlValue(vt: VALUE_TABLE, t: state.root)
diff --git a/src/css/parser.nim b/src/css/parser.nim
index ec2b6591..0c1f91cc 100644
--- a/src/css/parser.nim
+++ b/src/css/parser.nim
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-# CSS tokenizer and parser. It kinda works, though certain less specific
-# details of the specification might have been implemented incorrectly.
 import unicode
 import streams
 import math
@@ -73,49 +70,6 @@ type
 func `==`*(a: CSSParsedItem, b: CSSTokenType): bool =
   return a of CSSToken and CSSToken(a).tokenType == b
-func toNumber(s: seq[Rune]): float64 =
-  var sign = 1
-  var t = 1
-  var d = 0
-  var integer: float64 = 0
-  var f: float64 = 0
-  var e: float64 = 0
-  var i = 0
-  if i < s.len and s[i] == Rune('-'):
-    sign = -1
-    inc i
-  elif i < s.len and s[i] == Rune('+'):
-    inc i
-  while i < s.len and isDigitAscii(s[i]):
-    integer *= 10
-    integer += float64(decValue(s[i]))
-    inc i
-  if i < s.len and s[i] == Rune('.'):
-    inc i
-    while i < s.len and isDigitAscii(s[i]):
-      f *= 10
-      f += float64(decValue(s[i]))
-      inc i
-      inc d
-  if i < s.len and (s[i] == Rune('e') or s[i] == Rune('E')):
-    inc i
-    if i < s.len and s[i] == Rune('-'):
-      t = -1
-      inc i
-    elif i < s.len and s[i] == Rune('+'):
-      inc i
-    while i < s.len and isDigitAscii(s[i]):
-      e *= 10
-      e += float64(decValue(s[i]))
-      inc i
-  return float64(sign) * (integer + f * pow(10, float64(-d))) * pow(10, (float64(t) * e))
 func isNameStartCodePoint*(r: Rune): bool =
   return not isAscii(r) or r == Rune('_') or isAlphaAscii(r)
@@ -273,7 +227,7 @@ proc consumeNumber(state: var CSSTokenizerState): tuple[t: tflagb, val: float64]
         while state.has() and isDigitAscii(state.curr()):
           repr &= state.consume()
-  let val = toNumber(repr)
+  let val = parseFloat64($repr)
   return (t, val)
 proc consumeNumericToken(state: var CSSTokenizerState): CSSToken =
diff --git a/src/io/buffer.nim b/src/io/buffer.nim
index 36700e12..18e4a3d6 100644
--- a/src/io/buffer.nim
+++ b/src/io/buffer.nim
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ proc renderPlainText*(buffer: Buffer, text: string) =
-const css = staticRead"res/default.css"
+const css = staticRead"res/ua.css"
 let ua_stylesheet = newStringStream(css).parseStylesheet()
 #TODO refactor
diff --git a/src/io/pipe.nim b/src/io/pipe.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/io/pipe.nim
diff --git a/src/utils/twtstr.nim b/src/utils/twtstr.nim
index 2dd8615b..d437be6a 100644
--- a/src/utils/twtstr.nim
+++ b/src/utils/twtstr.nim
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import tables
 import json
 import bitops
 import os
+import math
 when defined(posix):
   import posix
@@ -40,15 +41,6 @@ func fitValueToSize*(str: string, size: int): string =
     return str & ' '.repeat(size - str.runeLen)
   return str.maxString(size)
-func buttonFmt*(str: string): seq[string] =
-  return "[".ansiFgColor(fgRed) & str.ansiFgColor(fgRed).ansiReset() & "]".ansiFgColor(fgRed).ansiReset()
-func buttonFmt*(str: seq[string]): seq[string] =
-  return "[".ansiFgColor(fgRed) & str.ansiFgColor(fgRed).ansiReset() & "]".ansiFgColor(fgRed).ansiReset()
-func buttonRaw*(str: string): string =
-  return "[" & str & "]"
 func remove*(str: string, c: string): string =
   let rem = c.toRunes()[0]
   for rune in str.runes:
@@ -198,6 +190,83 @@ func skipBlanks*(buf: string, at: int): int =
   while result < buf.len and buf[result].isWhitespace():
     inc result
+func parseInt64*(s: string): int64 =
+  var sign = 1
+  var t = 1
+  var d = 0
+  var integer: int64 = 0
+  var e: int64 = 0
+  var i = 0
+  if i < s.len and s[i] == '-':
+    sign = -1
+    inc i
+  elif i < s.len and s[i] == '+':
+    inc i
+  while i < s.len and isDigit(s[i]):
+    integer *= 10
+    integer += decValue(s[i])
+    inc i
+  if i < s.len and (s[i] == 'e' or s[i] == 'E'):
+    inc i
+    if i < s.len and s[i] == '-':
+      t = -1
+      inc i
+    elif i < s.len and s[i] == '+':
+      inc i
+    while i < s.len and isDigit(s[i]):
+      e *= 10
+      e += decValue(s[i])
+      inc i
+  return sign * integer * 10 ^ t * e
+func parseFloat64*(s: string): float64 =
+  var sign = 1
+  var t = 1
+  var d = 0
+  var integer: float64 = 0
+  var f: float64 = 0
+  var e: float64 = 0
+  var i = 0
+  if i < s.len and s[i] == '-':
+    sign = -1
+    inc i
+  elif i < s.len and s[i] == '+':
+    inc i
+  while i < s.len and isDigit(s[i]):
+    integer *= 10
+    integer += float64(decValue(s[i]))
+    inc i
+  if i < s.len and s[i] == '.':
+    inc i
+    while i < s.len and isDigit(s[i]):
+      f *= 10
+      f += float64(decValue(s[i]))
+      inc i
+      inc d
+  if i < s.len and (s[i] == 'e' or s[i] == 'E'):
+    inc i
+    if i < s.len and s[i] == '-':
+      t = -1
+      inc i
+    elif i < s.len and s[i] == '+':
+      inc i
+    while i < s.len and isDigit(s[i]):
+      e *= 10
+      e += float64(decValue(s[i]))
+      inc i
+  return float64(sign) * (integer + f * pow(10, float64(-d))) * pow(10, (float64(t) * e))
 proc expandPath*(path: string): string =
   if path.len == 0:
     return path
@@ -599,4 +668,3 @@ proc fullwidth*(s: seq[Rune]): seq[Rune] =
 proc fullwidth*(s: string): string =
   return $fullwidth(s.toRunes())