//: So far the recipes we define can't run each other. Let's fix that.
:(scenario calling_recipe)
def main [
def f [
3:num <- add 2, 2
+mem: storing 4 in location 3
:(scenario return_on_fallthrough)
def main [
1:num <- copy 0
2:num <- copy 0
3:num <- copy 0
def f [
4:num <- copy 0
5:num <- copy 0
+run: f
# running f
+run: {4: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
+run: {5: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
# back out to main
+run: {1: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
+run: {2: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
+run: {3: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
:(before "struct routine {")
// Everytime a recipe runs another, we interrupt it and start running the new
// recipe. When that finishes, we continue this one where we left off.
// This requires maintaining a 'stack' of interrupted recipes or 'calls'.
struct call {
recipe_ordinal running_recipe;
int running_step_index;
// End call Fields
call(recipe_ordinal r) {
running_recipe = r;
running_step_index = 0;
// End call Constructor
~call() {
// End call Destructor
typedef list<call> call_stack;
:(replace{} "struct routine")
struct routine {
call_stack calls;
// End routine Fields
routine(recipe_ordinal r);
bool completed() const;
const vector<instruction>& steps() const;
routine::routine(recipe_ordinal r) {
if (Trace_stream) {
trace("trace") << "new routine; incrementing callstack depth to " << Trace_stream->callstack_depth << end();
assert(Trace_stream->callstack_depth < 9000); // 9998-101 plus cushion
// End routine Constructor
//:: now update routine's helpers
//: macro versions for a slight speedup
:(delete{} "int& current_step_index()")
:(delete{} "recipe_ordinal currently_running_recipe()")
:(delete{} "const string& current_recipe_name()")
:(delete{} "const recipe& current_recipe()")
:(delete{} "const instruction& current_instruction()")
:(before "End Includes")
#define current_call() Current_routine->calls.front()
#define current_step_index() current_call().running_step_index
#define currently_running_recipe() current_call().running_recipe
#define current_recipe() get(Recipe, currently_running_recipe())
#define current_recipe_name() current_recipe().name
#define to_instruction(call) get(Recipe, (call).running_recipe).steps.at((call).running_step_index)
#define current_instruction() to_instruction(current_call())
//: function versions for debugging
//? :(before "End Globals")
//? bool Foo2 = false;
//? :(code)
//? call& current_call() {
//? if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
//? return Current_routine->calls.front();
//? }
//? :(replace{} "int& current_step_index()")
//? int& current_step_index() {
//? assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
//? if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
//? return current_call().running_step_index;
//? }
//? :(replace{} "recipe_ordinal currently_running_recipe()")
//? recipe_ordinal currently_running_recipe() {
//? assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
//? if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
//? return current_call().running_recipe;
//? }
//? :(replace{} "const string& current_recipe_name()")
//? const string& current_recipe_name() {
//? assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
//? if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
//? return get(Recipe, current_call().running_recipe).name;
//? }
//? :(replace{} "const recipe& current_recipe()")
//? const recipe& current_recipe() {
//? assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
//? if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
//? return get(Recipe, current_call().running_recipe);
//? }
//? :(replace{} "const instruction& current_instruction()")
//? const instruction& current_instruction() {
//? assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
//? if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
//? return to_instruction(current_call());
//? }
//? :(code)
//? const instruction& to_instruction(const call& call) {
//? return get(Recipe, call.running_recipe).steps.at(call.running_step_index);
//? }
:(after "Defined Recipe Checks")
// not a primitive; check that it's present in the book of recipes
if (!contains_key(Recipe, inst.operation)) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "undefined operation in '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
:(replace{} "default:" following "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
default: {
if (contains_key(Recipe, current_instruction().operation)) { // error already raised in Checks above
// not a primitive; look up the book of recipes
if (Trace_stream) {
trace("trace") << "incrementing callstack depth to " << Trace_stream->callstack_depth << end();
assert(Trace_stream->callstack_depth < 9000); // 9998-101 plus cushion
const call& caller_frame = current_call();
finish_call_housekeeping(to_instruction(caller_frame), ingredients);
// not done with caller
write_products = false;
fall_through_to_next_instruction = false;
// End Non-primitive Call(caller_frame)
void finish_call_housekeeping(const instruction& call_instruction, const vector<vector<double> >& ingredients) {
// End Call Housekeeping
:(scenario calling_undefined_recipe_fails)
% Hide_errors = true;
def main [
+error: main: undefined operation in 'foo'
:(scenario calling_undefined_recipe_handles_missing_result)
% Hide_errors = true;
def main [
x:num <- foo
+error: main: undefined operation in 'x:num <- foo'
//:: finally, we need to fix the termination conditions for the run loop
:(replace{} "bool routine::completed() const")
bool routine::completed() const {
return calls.empty();
:(replace{} "const vector<instruction>& routine::steps() const")
const vector<instruction>& routine::steps() const {
return get(Recipe, calls.front().running_recipe).steps;
:(after "Running One Instruction")
// when we reach the end of one call, we may reach the end of the one below
// it, and the one below that, and so on
while (current_step_index() >= SIZE(Current_routine->steps())) {
// Falling Through End Of Recipe
if (Trace_stream) {
trace("trace") << "fall-through: exiting " << current_recipe_name() << "; decrementing callstack depth from " << Trace_stream->callstack_depth << end();
assert(Trace_stream->callstack_depth >= 0);
if (Current_routine->calls.empty()) goto stop_running_current_routine;
// Complete Call Fallthrough
// todo: fail if no products returned