# Mu synchronizes using channels rather than locks, like Erlang and Go.
# The two ends of a channel will usually belong to different routines, but
# each end should only be used by a single one. Don't try to read from or
# write to it from multiple routines at once.
# The key property of channels is that writing to a full channel or reading
# from an empty one will put the current routine in 'waiting' state until the
# operation can be completed.
scenario channel [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 3:literal/capacity
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
2:number, 1:address:channel <- read 1:address:channel
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 34
container channel [
# To avoid locking, writer and reader will never write to the same location.
# So channels will include fields in pairs, one for the writer and one for the
# reader.
first-full:number # for write
first-free:number # for read
# A circular buffer contains values from index first-full up to (but not
# including) index first-empty. The reader always modifies it at first-full,
# while the writer always modifies it at first-empty.
# result:address:channel <- new-channel capacity:number
recipe new-channel [
# result = new channel
result:address:channel <- new channel:type
# result.first-full = 0
full:address:number <- get-address result:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
full:address:number/deref <- copy 0:literal
# result.first-free = 0
free:address:number <- get-address result:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
free:address:number/deref <- copy 0:literal
# result.data = new location[ingredient+1]
capacity:number <- next-ingredient
capacity:number <- add capacity:number, 1:literal # unused slot for 'full?' below
dest:address:address:array:location <- get-address result:address:channel/deref, data:offset
dest:address:address:array:location/deref <- new location:type, capacity:number
reply result:address:channel
# chan:address:channel <- write chan:address:channel, val:location
recipe write [
chan:address:channel <- next-ingredient
val:location <- next-ingredient
# block if chan is full
full:boolean <- channel-full? chan:address:channel
break-unless full:boolean
full-address:address:number <- get-address chan:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
wait-for-location full-address:address:number/deref
# store val
circular-buffer:address:array:location <- get chan:address:channel/deref, data:offset
free:address:number <- get-address chan:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
dest:address:location <- index-address circular-buffer:address:array:location/deref, free:address:number/deref
dest:address:location/deref <- copy val:location
# increment free
free:address:number/deref <- add free:address:number/deref, 1:literal
# wrap free around to 0 if necessary
len:number <- length circular-buffer:address:array:location/deref
at-end?:boolean <- greater-or-equal free:address:number/deref, len:number
break-unless at-end?:boolean
free:address:number/deref <- copy 0:literal
reply chan:address:channel/same-as-ingredient:0
# result:location, chan:address:channel <- read chan:address:channel
recipe read [
chan:address:channel <- next-ingredient
# block if chan is empty
empty:boolean <- channel-empty? chan:address:channel
break-unless empty:boolean
free-address:address:number <- get-address chan:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
wait-for-location free-address:address:number/deref
# read result
full:address:number <- get-address chan:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
circular-buffer:address:array:location <- get chan:address:channel/deref, data:offset
result:location <- index circular-buffer:address:array:location/deref, full:address:number/deref
# increment full
full:address:number/deref <- add full:address:number/deref, 1:literal
# wrap full around to 0 if necessary
len:number <- length circular-buffer:address:array:location/deref
at-end?:boolean <- greater-or-equal full:address:number/deref, len:number
break-unless at-end?:boolean
full:address:number/deref <- copy 0:literal
reply result:location, chan:address:channel/same-as-ingredient:0
recipe clear-channel [
chan:address:channel <- next-ingredient
empty?:boolean <- channel-empty? chan:address:channel
break-if empty?:boolean
_, chan:address:channel <- read chan:address:channel
reply chan:address:channel/same-as-ingredient:0
scenario channel-initialization [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 3:literal/capacity
2:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
3:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 0 # first-full
3 <- 0 # first-free
scenario channel-write-increments-free [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 3:literal/capacity
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
2:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
3:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 0 # first-full
3 <- 1 # first-free
scenario channel-read-increments-full [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 3:literal/capacity
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
_, 1:address:channel <- read 1:address:channel
2:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
3:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 1 # first-full
3 <- 1 # first-free
scenario channel-wrap [
run [
# channel with just 1 slot
1:address:channel <- new-channel 1:literal/capacity
# write and read a value
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
_, 1:address:channel <- read 1:address:channel
# first-free will now be 1
2:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
3:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
# write second value, verify that first-free wraps
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
4:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
# read second value, verify that first-full wraps
_, 1:address:channel <- read 1:address:channel
5:number <- get 1:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 1 # first-free after first write
3 <- 1 # first-full after first read
4 <- 0 # first-free after second write, wrapped
5 <- 0 # first-full after second read, wrapped
## helpers
# An empty channel has first-empty and first-full both at the same value.
recipe channel-empty? [
chan:address:channel <- next-ingredient
# return chan.first-full == chan.first-free
full:number <- get chan:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
free:number <- get chan:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
result:boolean <- equal full:number, free:number
reply result:boolean
# A full channel has first-empty just before first-full, wasting one slot.
# (Other alternatives: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_buffer#Full_.2F_Empty_Buffer_Distinction)
recipe channel-full? [
chan:address:channel <- next-ingredient
# tmp = chan.first-free + 1
tmp:number <- get chan:address:channel/deref, first-free:offset
tmp:number <- add tmp:number, 1:literal
# if tmp == chan.capacity, tmp = 0
len:number <- channel-capacity chan:address:channel
at-end?:boolean <- greater-or-equal tmp:number, len:number
break-unless at-end?:boolean
tmp:number <- copy 0:literal
# return chan.first-full == tmp
full:number <- get chan:address:channel/deref, first-full:offset
result:boolean <- equal full:number, tmp:number
reply result:boolean
# result:number <- channel-capacity chan:address:channel
recipe channel-capacity [
chan:address:channel <- next-ingredient
q:address:array:location <- get chan:address:channel/deref, data:offset
result:number <- length q:address:array:location/deref
reply result:number
scenario channel-new-empty-not-full [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 3:literal/capacity
2:boolean <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
3:boolean <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 1 # empty?
3 <- 0 # full?
scenario channel-write-not-empty [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 3:literal/capacity
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
2:boolean <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
3:boolean <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 0 # empty?
3 <- 0 # full?
scenario channel-write-full [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 1:literal/capacity
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
2:boolean <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
3:boolean <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 0 # empty?
3 <- 1 # full?
scenario channel-read-not-full [
run [
1:address:channel <- new-channel 1:literal/capacity
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 34:literal
_, 1:address:channel <- read 1:address:channel
2:boolean <- channel-empty? 1:address:channel
3:boolean <- channel-full? 1:address:channel
memory-should-contain [
2 <- 1 # empty?
3 <- 0 # full?
# helper for channels of characters in particular
# out:address:channel <- buffer-lines in:address:channel, out:address:channel
recipe buffer-lines [
#? $print [buffer-lines: aaa
#? ]
in:address:channel <- next-ingredient
out:address:channel <- next-ingredient
# repeat forever
line:address:buffer <- new-buffer, 30:literal
# read characters from 'in' until newline, copy into line
c:character, in:address:channel <- read in:address:channel
# drop a character on backspace
# special-case: if it's a backspace
backspace?:boolean <- equal c:character, 8:literal
break-unless backspace?:boolean
# drop previous character
#? close-console #? 2
#? $print [backspace!
#? ] #? 1
buffer-length:address:number <- get-address line:address:buffer/deref, length:offset
buffer-empty?:boolean <- equal buffer-length:address:number/deref, 0:literal
break-if buffer-empty?:boolean
#? $print [before: ], buffer-length:address:number/deref, 10:literal/newline
buffer-length:address:number/deref <- subtract buffer-length:address:number/deref, 1:literal
#? $print [after: ], buffer-length:address:number/deref, 10:literal/newline
#? $exit #? 2
# and don't append this one
loop +next-character:label
# append anything else
#? $print [buffer-lines: appending ], c:character, 10:literal/newline
line:address:buffer <- buffer-append line:address:buffer, c:character
line-done?:boolean <- equal c:character, 10:literal/newline
break-if line-done?:boolean
# stop buffering on eof (currently only generated by fake console)
eof?:boolean <- equal c:character, 0:literal/eof
break-if eof?:boolean
#? close-console #? 1
# copy line into 'out'
#? $print [buffer-lines: emitting
#? ]
i:number <- copy 0:literal
line-contents:address:array:character <- get line:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
max:number <- get line:address:buffer/deref, length:offset
done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:number, max:number
break-if done?:boolean
c:character <- index line-contents:address:array:character/deref, i:number
out:address:channel <- write out:address:channel, c:character
#? $print [writing ], i:number, [: ], c:character, 10:literal/newline
i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
#? $dump-trace #? 1
#? $exit #? 1
reply out:address:channel/same-as-ingredient:1
scenario buffer-lines-blocks-until-newline [
run [
1:address:channel/stdin <- new-channel 10:literal/capacity
2:address:channel/buffered-stdin <- new-channel 10:literal/capacity
3:boolean <- channel-empty? 2:address:channel/buffered-stdin
assert 3:boolean, [
F buffer-lines-blocks-until-newline: channel should be empty after init]
# buffer stdin into buffered-stdin, try to read from buffered-stdin
4:number/buffer-routine <- start-running buffer-lines:recipe, 1:address:channel/stdin, 2:address:channel/buffered-stdin
wait-for-routine 4:number/buffer-routine
5:boolean <- channel-empty? 2:address:channel/buffered-stdin
assert 5:boolean, [
F buffer-lines-blocks-until-newline: channel should be empty after buffer-lines bring-up]
# write 'a'
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 97:literal/a
restart 4:number/buffer-routine
wait-for-routine 4:number/buffer-routine
6:boolean <- channel-empty? 2:address:channel/buffered-stdin
assert 6:boolean, [
F buffer-lines-blocks-until-newline: channel should be empty after writing 'a']
# write 'b'
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 98:literal/b
restart 4:number/buffer-routine
wait-for-routine 4:number/buffer-routine
7:boolean <- channel-empty? 2:address:channel/buffered-stdin
assert 7:boolean, [
F buffer-lines-blocks-until-newline: channel should be empty after writing 'b']
# write newline
1:address:channel <- write 1:address:channel, 10:literal/newline
restart 4:number/buffer-routine
wait-for-routine 4:number/buffer-routine
8:boolean <- channel-empty? 2:address:channel/buffered-stdin
9:boolean/completed? <- not 8:boolean
assert 9:boolean/completed?, [
F buffer-lines-blocks-until-newline: channel should contain data after writing newline]
trace [test], [reached end]
trace-should-contain [
test: reached end