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path: root/080zero-out.subx
blob: 2dee2665d08eb76c4e7c6502d587d107a4f412e4 (plain) (tree)
pre { line-height: 125%; } td.linenos .normal { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } span.linenos { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } td.linenos .special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } .highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .ges { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; backgro
# Fill a region of memory with zeroes.

== code
#   instruction                     effective address                                                   register    displacement    immediate
# . op          subop               mod             rm32          base        index         scale       r32
# . 1-3 bytes   3 bits              2 bits          3 bits        3 bits      3 bits        2 bits      2 bits      0/1/2/4 bytes   0/1/2/4 bytes

zero-out:  # start : address, len : int
    # pseudocode:
    #   curr/esi = start
    #   i/ecx = 0
    #   while true
    #     if (i >= len) break
    #     *curr = 0
    #     ++curr
    #     ++i
    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # . save registers
    # curr/esi = start
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           6/r32/esi   8/disp8         .                 # copy *(ebp+8) to esi
    # i/ecx = 0
    31/xor                          3/mod/direct    1/rm32/ecx    .           .             .           1/r32/ecx   .               .                 # clear ecx
    # edx = len
    8b/copy                         1/mod/*+disp8   5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           2/r32/edx   0xc/disp8       .                 # copy *(ebp+12) to edx
    # if (i >= len) break
    39/compare                      3/mod/direct    1/rm32/ecx    .           .             .           2/r32/edx   .               .                 # compare ecx with edx
    7d/jump-if-greater-or-equal  $zero-out:end/disp8
    # *curr = 0
    c6          0/subop/copy        0/mod/direct    6/rm32/esi    .           .             .           .           .               0/imm8            # copy byte to *esi
    # ++curr
    # ++i
    eb/jump  $zero-out:loop/disp8
    # . restore registers
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

    # . prologue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    5/rm32/ebp    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ebp
    # region/ecx = 34, 35, 36, 37
    68/push  0x37363534/imm32
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    1/rm32/ecx    .           .             .           4/r32/esp   .               .                 # copy esp to ecx
    # zero-out(ecx, 3)
    # . . push args
    68/push  3/imm32/len
    # . . call
    e8/call  zero-out/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               8/imm32           # add to esp
    # first 3 bytes cleared, fourth left alone
    # . check-ints-equal(*ecx, 0x37000000, msg)
    # . . push args
    68/push  "F - test-zero-out"/imm32
    68/push  0x37000000/imm32
    ff          6/subop/push        0/mod/indirect  1/rm32/ecx    .           .             .           .           .               .                 # push *ecx
    # . . call
    e8/call  check-ints-equal/disp32
    # . . discard args
    81          0/subop/add         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           .           .               0xc/imm32         # add to esp
    # . epilogue
    89/copy                         3/mod/direct    4/rm32/esp    .           .             .           5/r32/ebp   .               .                 # copy ebp to esp

# . . vim:nowrap:textwidth=0
h args 68/push "Abcd"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call stream-data-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 0, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-stream-data-equal-size-check"/imm32 68/push 0/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return # helper for later tests check-stream-equal: # f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte) # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # . save registers 50/push-eax # eax = stream-data-equal?(f, s) # . . push args ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 0xc/disp8 . # push *(ebp+12) ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 8/disp8 . # push *(ebp+8) # . . call e8/call stream-data-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 0x10/disp8 . # push *(ebp+16) 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp $check-stream-equal:end: # . restore registers 58/pop-to-eax # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return # scan the next line until newline starting from f->read and compare it with # 's' (ignoring the trailing newline) # on success, set f->read to after the next newline # on failure, leave f->read unmodified # this function is usually used only in tests, so we repeatedly write f->read next-stream-line-equal?: # f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte) -> result/eax: boolean # pseudocode: # currf = f->read # bound: f->write # currs = 0 # bound: s->size # while true # if currf >= f->write # return currs >= s->size # if f[currf] == '\n' # ++currf # return currs >= s->size # if (currs >= s->size) return false # the current line of f still has data to match # if (f[currf] != s[currs]) return false # ++currf # ++currs # # collapsing the two branches that can return true: # currf = f->read # bound: f->write # currs = 0 # bound: s->size # while true # if (currf >= f->write) break # if (f[currf] == '\n') break # if (currs >= s->size) return false # the current line of f still has data to match # if (f[currf] != s[currs]) return false # ++currf # ++currs # ++currf # skip '\n' # return currs >= s->size # Here the final `++currf` is sometimes unnecessary (if we're already at the end of the stream) # # registers: # f: esi # s: edi # currf: ecx # currs: edx # f[currf]: eax # s[currs]: ebx # # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # . save registers 51/push-ecx 52/push-edx 56/push-esi 57/push-edi # esi = f 8b/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . 6/r32/esi 8/disp8 . # copy *(ebp+8) to esi # var currf/ecx: int = f->read 8b/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 6/rm32/esi . . . 1/r32/ecx 4/disp8 . # copy *(esi+4) to ecx # edi = s 8b/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . 7/r32/edi 0xc/disp8 . # copy *(ebp+12) to edi # var currs/edx: int = 0 31/xor 3/mod/direct 2/rm32/edx . . . 2/r32/edx . . # clear edx # var c1/eax: byte = 0 31/xor 3/mod/direct 0/rm32/eax . . . 0/r32/eax . . # clear eax # var c2/ebx: byte = 0 31/xor 3/mod/direct 3/rm32/ebx . . . 3/r32/ebx . . # clear ebx $next-stream-line-equal?:loop: # if (currf >= f->write) break 3b/compare 0/mod/indirect 6/rm32/esi . . . 1/r32/ecx . . # compare ecx with *esi 7d/jump-if->= $next-stream-line-equal?:break/disp8 # c1 = f->data[f->read] 8a/copy-byte 1/mod/*+disp8 4/rm32/sib 6/base/esi 1/index/ecx . 0/r32/AL 0xc/disp8 . # copy byte at *(esi+ecx+12) to AL # if (c1 == '\n') break 3d/compare-eax-and 0xa/imm32/newline 74/jump-if-= $next-stream-line-equal?:break/disp8 # if (currs >= s->size) return false 3b/compare 0/mod/indirect 7/rm32/edi . . . 2/r32/edx . . # compare edx with *edi 7d/jump-if->= $next-stream-line-equal?:false/disp8 # c2 = s->data[currs] 8a/copy-byte 1/mod/*+disp8 4/rm32/sib 7/base/edi 2/index/edx . 3/r32/BL 4/disp8 . # copy byte at *(edi+edx+4) to BL # if (c1 != c2) return false 39/compare 3/mod/direct 0/rm32/eax . . . 3/r32/ebx . . # compare eax and ebx 75/jump-if-!= $next-stream-line-equal?:false/disp8 # ++currf 41/increment-ecx # ++currs 42/increment-edx eb/jump $next-stream-line-equal?:loop/disp8 $next-stream-line-equal?:break: # ++currf 41/increment-ecx # if (currs >= s->size) return true 3b/compare 0/mod/indirect 7/rm32/edi . . . 2/r32/edx . . # compare edx with *edi 7c/jump-if-< $next-stream-line-equal?:false/disp8 $next-stream-line-equal?:true: b8/copy-to-eax 1/imm32 # persist f->read on success 89/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 6/rm32/esi . . . 1/r32/ecx 4/disp8 . # copy ecx to *(esi+4) eb/jump $next-stream-line-equal?:end/disp8 $next-stream-line-equal?:false: b8/copy-to-eax 0/imm32 $next-stream-line-equal?:end: # . restore registers 5f/pop-to-edi 5e/pop-to-esi 5a/pop-to-edx 59/pop-to-ecx # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return test-next-stream-line-equal-stops-at-newline: # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # clear-stream(_test-stream) # . . push args 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call clear-stream/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 4/imm32 # add to esp # write(_test-stream, "Abc\ndef") # . . push args 68/push "Abc\ndef"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call write/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # eax = next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "Abc") # . . push args 68/push "Abc"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-next-stream-line-equal-stops-at-newline"/imm32 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return test-next-stream-line-equal-stops-at-newline-2: # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # clear-stream(_test-stream) # . . push args 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call clear-stream/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 4/imm32 # add to esp # write(_test-stream, "Abc\ndef") # . . push args 68/push "Abc\ndef"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call write/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # eax = next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "def") # . . push args 68/push "def"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 0, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-next-stream-line-equal-stops-at-newline-2"/imm32 68/push 0/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return test-next-stream-line-equal-skips-newline: # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # clear-stream(_test-stream) # . . push args 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call clear-stream/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 4/imm32 # add to esp # write(_test-stream, "Abc\ndef\n") # . . push args 68/push "Abc\ndef\n"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call write/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "Abc") # . . push args 68/push "Abc"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # eax = next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "def") # . . push args 68/push "def"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-next-stream-line-equal-skips-newline"/imm32 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return test-next-stream-line-equal-handles-final-line: # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # clear-stream(_test-stream) # . . push args 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call clear-stream/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 4/imm32 # add to esp # write(_test-stream, "Abc\ndef") # . . push args 68/push "Abc\ndef"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call write/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "Abc") # . . push args 68/push "Abc"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # eax = next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "def") # . . push args 68/push "def"/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-next-stream-line-equal-skips-newline"/imm32 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return test-next-stream-line-equal-always-fails-after-Eof: # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # clear-stream(_test-stream) # . . push args 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call clear-stream/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 4/imm32 # add to esp # write nothing # eax = next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "") # . . push args 68/push ""/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 0, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-next-stream-line-equal-always-fails-after-Eof"/imm32 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # eax = next-stream-line-equal?(_test-stream, "") # . . push args 68/push ""/imm32 68/push _test-stream/imm32 # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 0, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-next-stream-line-equal-always-fails-after-Eof/2"/imm32 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return # helper for later tests check-next-stream-line-equal: # f: (addr stream byte), s: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte) # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # . save registers 50/push-eax # eax = next-stream-line-equal?(f, s) # . . push args ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 0xc/disp8 . # push *(ebp+12) ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 8/disp8 . # push *(ebp+8) # . . call e8/call next-stream-line-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 0x10/disp8 . # push *(ebp+16) 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp # . restore registers 58/pop-to-eax # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return # . . vim:nowrap:textwidth=0