//: Clean syntax to manipulate and check the screen in scenarios.
//: Instructions 'assume-screen' and 'screen-should-contain' implicitly create
//: a variable called 'screen' that is accessible to later instructions in the
//: scenario. 'screen-should-contain' can check unicode characters in the fake
//: screen
//: first make sure we don't mangle these instructions in other transforms
:(before "End initialize_transform_rewrite_literal_string_to_text()")
:(scenarios run_mu_scenario)
:(scenario screen_in_scenario)
scenario screen-in-scenario [
assume-screen 5/width, 3/height
run [
a:char <- copy 97/a
screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a
screen-should-contain [
# 01234
.a .
. .
. .
# checks are inside scenario
:(scenario screen_in_scenario_unicode)
# screen-should-contain can check unicode characters in the fake screen
scenario screen-in-scenario-unicode [
assume-screen 5/width, 3/height
run [
lambda:char <- copy 955/greek-small-lambda
screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, lambda
a:char <- copy 97/a
screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a
screen-should-contain [
# 01234
.λa .
. .
. .
# checks are inside scenario
:(scenario screen_in_scenario_color)
scenario screen-in-scenario-color [
assume-screen 5/width, 3/height
run [
lambda:char <- copy 955/greek-small-lambda
screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, lambda, 1/red
a:char <- copy 97/a
screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a, 7/white
# screen-should-contain shows everything
screen-should-contain [
# 01234
.λa .
. .
. .
# screen-should-contain-in-color filters out everything except the given
# color, all you see is the 'a' in white.
screen-should-contain-in-color 7/white, [
# 01234
. a .
. .
. .
# ..and the λ in red.
screen-should-contain-in-color 1/red, [
# 01234
.λ .
. .
. .
# checks are inside scenario
:(scenario screen_in_scenario_error)
% Scenario_testing_scenario = true;
% Hide_errors = true;
scenario screen-in-scenario-error [
assume-screen 5/width, 3/height
run [
a:char <- copy 97/a
screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a
screen-should-contain [
# 01234
.b .
. .
. .
+error: F - screen-in-scenario-error: expected screen location (0, 0) to contain 98 ('b') instead of 97 ('a')
:(scenario screen_in_scenario_color_error)
% Scenario_testing_scenario = true;
% Hide_errors = true;
# screen-should-contain can check unicode characters in the fake screen
scenario screen-in-scenario-color-error [
assume-screen 5/width, 3/height
run [
a:char <- copy 97/a
screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a, 1/red
screen-should-contain-in-color 2/green, [
# 01234
.a .
. .
. .
+error: F - screen-in-scenario-color-error: expected screen location (0, 0) to contain 'a' in color 2 instead of 1
:(scenarios run)
:(scenario convert_names_does_not_fail_when_mixing_special_names_and_numeric_locations)
% Scenario_testing_scenario = true;
def main [
screen:num <- copy 1:num
-error: mixing variable names and numeric addresses in main
$error: 0
:(scenarios run_mu_scenario)
//: It's easier to implement assume-screen and other similar scenario-only
//: primitives if they always write to a fixed location. So we'll assign a
//: single fixed location for the per-scenario screen, keyboard, file system,
//: etc. Carve space for these fixed locations out of the reserved-for-test
//: locations.
:(before "End Globals")
extern const int Max_variables_in_scenarios = Reserved_for_tests-100;
int Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios = Max_variables_in_scenarios;
:(before "End Reset")
assert(Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios < Reserved_for_tests);
:(before "End Globals")
// Scenario Globals.
extern const int SCREEN = Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios++;
// End Scenario Globals.
//: give 'screen' a fixed location in scenarios
:(before "End Special Scenario Variable Names(r)")
Name[r]["screen"] = SCREEN;
//: make 'screen' always a raw location in scenarios
:(before "End is_special_name Special-cases")
if (s == "screen") return true;
:(before "End Rewrite Instruction(curr, recipe result)")
// rewrite 'assume-screen width, height' to
// 'screen:&:screen <- new-fake-screen width, height'
if (curr.name == "assume-screen") {
curr.name = "new-fake-screen";
if (!curr.products.empty()) {
raise << result.name << ": 'assume-screen' has no products\n" << end();
else if (!starts_with(result.name, "scenario_")) {
raise << result.name << ": 'assume-screen' can't be called here, only in scenarios\n" << end();
else {
:(scenario assume_screen_shows_up_in_errors)
% Hide_errors = true;
scenario assume-screen-shows-up-in-errors [
assume-screen width, 5
+error: assume-screen-shows-up-in-errors: missing type for 'width' in 'assume-screen width, 5'
//: screen-should-contain is a regular instruction
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
put(Recipe_ordinal, "screen-should-contain", SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN);
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 1) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'screen-should-contain' requires exactly one ingredient, but got '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
if (!is_literal_text(inst.ingredients.at(0))) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "first ingredient of 'screen-should-contain' should be a literal string, but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end();
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
if (!Passed) break;
check_screen(current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name, -1);
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
put(Recipe_ordinal, "screen-should-contain-in-color", SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN_IN_COLOR);
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 2) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'screen-should-contain-in-color' requires exactly two ingredients, but got '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(0))) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "first ingredient of 'screen-should-contain-in-color' should be a number (color code), but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end();
if (!is_literal_text(inst.ingredients.at(1))) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "second ingredient of 'screen-should-contain-in-color' should be a literal string, but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(1).original_string << "'\n" << end();
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
if (!Passed) break;
check_screen(current_instruction().ingredients.at(1).name, ingredients.at(0).at(0));
:(before "End Types")
// scan an array of characters in a unicode-aware, bounds-checked manner
struct raw_string_stream {
int index;
const int max;
const char* buf;
raw_string_stream(const string&);
uint32_t get(); // unicode codepoint
uint32_t peek(); // unicode codepoint
bool at_end() const;
void skip_whitespace_and_comments();
void check_screen(const string& expected_contents, const int color) {
int screen_location = get_or_insert(Memory, SCREEN)+/*skip refcount*/1;
int data_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "data", "");
assert(data_offset >= 0);
int screen_data_location = screen_location+data_offset; // type: address:array:character
int screen_data_start = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_data_location) + /*skip refcount*/1; // type: array:character
int width_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "num-columns", "");
int screen_width = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_location+width_offset);
int height_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "num-rows", "");
int screen_height = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_location+height_offset);
raw_string_stream cursor(expected_contents);
// todo: too-long expected_contents should fail
int top_index_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "top-idx", "");
int top_index = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_location+top_index_offset);
for (int i=0, row=top_index/screen_width; i < screen_height; ++i, row=(row+1)%screen_height) {
if (cursor.at_end()) break;
if (cursor.get() != '.') {
raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "each row of the expected screen should start with a '.'\n" << end();
if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false;
int addr = screen_data_start+/*length*/1+row*screen_width* /*size of screen-cell*/2;
for (int column = 0; column < screen_width; ++column, addr+= /*size of screen-cell*/2) {
const int cell_color_offset = 1;
uint32_t curr = cursor.get();
if (get_or_insert(Memory, addr) == 0 && isspace(curr)) continue;
if (curr == ' ' && color != -1 && color != get_or_insert(Memory, addr+cell_color_offset)) {
// filter out other colors
if (get_or_insert(Memory, addr) != 0 && get_or_insert(Memory, addr) == curr) {
if (color == -1 || color == get_or_insert(Memory, addr+cell_color_offset)) continue;
// contents match but color is off
if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n';
raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected screen location (" << row << ", " << column << ") to contain '" << unicode_character_at(addr) << "' in color " << color << " instead of " << no_scientific(get_or_insert(Memory, addr+cell_color_offset)) << "\n" << end();
if (!Hide_errors) dump_screen();
if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false;
// really a mismatch
// can't print multi-byte unicode characters in errors just yet. not very useful for debugging anyway.
char expected_pretty[10] = {0};
if (curr < 256 && !iscntrl(curr)) {
// " ('<curr>')"
expected_pretty[0] = ' ', expected_pretty[1] = '(', expected_pretty[2] = '\'', expected_pretty[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(curr), expected_pretty[4] = '\'', expected_pretty[5] = ')', expected_pretty[6] = '\0';
char actual_pretty[10] = {0};
if (get_or_insert(Memory, addr) < 256 && !iscntrl(get_or_insert(Memory, addr))) {
// " ('<curr>')"
actual_pretty[0] = ' ', actual_pretty[1] = '(', actual_pretty[2] = '\'', actual_pretty[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(get_or_insert(Memory, addr)), actual_pretty[4] = '\'', actual_pretty[5] = ')', actual_pretty[6] = '\0';
ostringstream color_phrase;
if (color != -1) color_phrase << " in color " << color;
if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n';
raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected screen location (" << row << ", " << column << ") to contain " << curr << expected_pretty << color_phrase.str() << " instead of " << no_scientific(get_or_insert(Memory, addr)) << actual_pretty << '\n' << end();
if (!Hide_errors) dump_screen();
if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false;
if (cursor.get() != '.') {
raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "row " << row << " of the expected screen is too long\n" << end();
if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false;
if (!cursor.at_end()) {
raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected screen has too many rows\n" << end();
Passed = false;
const char* unicode_character_at(int addr) {
int unicode_code_point = static_cast<int>(get_or_insert(Memory, addr));
return to_unicode(unicode_code_point);
raw_string_stream::raw_string_stream(const string& backing) :index(0), max(SIZE(backing)), buf(backing.c_str()) {}
bool raw_string_stream::at_end() const {
if (index >= max) return true;
if (tb_utf8_char_length(buf[index]) > max-index) {
raise << "unicode string seems corrupted at index "<< index << " character " << static_cast<int>(buf[index]) << '\n' << end();
return true;
return false;
uint32_t raw_string_stream::get() {
assert(index < max); // caller must check bounds before calling 'get'
uint32_t result = 0;
int length = tb_utf8_char_to_unicode(&result, &buf[index]);
assert(length != TB_EOF);
index += length;
return result;
uint32_t raw_string_stream::peek() {
assert(index < max); // caller must check bounds before calling 'get'
uint32_t result = 0;
int length = tb_utf8_char_to_unicode(&result, &buf[index]);
assert(length != TB_EOF);
return result;
void raw_string_stream::skip_whitespace_and_comments() {
while (!at_end()) {
if (isspace(peek())) get();
else if (peek() == '#') {
// skip comment
while (peek() != '\n') get(); // implicitly also handles CRLF
else break;
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
put(Recipe_ordinal, "$dump-screen", _DUMP_SCREEN);
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
case _DUMP_SCREEN: {
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
case _DUMP_SCREEN: {
void dump_screen() {
int screen_location = get_or_insert(Memory, SCREEN) + /*skip refcount*/1;
int width_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "num-columns", "");
int screen_width = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_location+width_offset);
int height_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "num-rows", "");
int screen_height = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_location+height_offset);
int data_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "data", "");
assert(data_offset >= 0);
int screen_data_location = screen_location+data_offset; // type: address:array:character
int screen_data_start = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_data_location) + /*skip refcount*/1; // type: array:character
assert(get_or_insert(Memory, screen_data_start) == screen_width*screen_height);
int top_index_offset = find_element_name(get(Type_ordinal, "screen"), "top-idx", "");
int top_index = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_location+top_index_offset);
for (int i=0, row=top_index/screen_width; i < screen_height; ++i, row=(row+1)%screen_height) {
cerr << '.';
int curr = screen_data_start+/*length*/1+row*screen_width* /*size of screen-cell*/2;
for (int col = 0; col < screen_width; ++col) {
if (get_or_insert(Memory, curr))
cerr << to_unicode(static_cast<uint32_t>(get_or_insert(Memory, curr)));
cerr << ' ';
curr += /*size of screen-cell*/2;
cerr << ".\n";