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path: root/archive/1.vm/exception1.mu
blob: df4754e5e8e82f4732dd6760b965b0cffd263c70 (plain) (tree)



# Example program showing exceptions built out of delimited continuations.

# Since Mu is statically typed, we can't build an all-purpose higher-order
# function called 'try'; it wouldn't know how many arguments the function
# passed to it needs to take, what their types are, etc. Instead, until Mu
# gets macros we'll directly use the continuation primitives.

def main [
  foo false/no-exception
  foo true/raise-exception

# example showing exception handling
def foo raise-exception?:bool [
  # To run an instruction of the form:
  #   try f ...
  # write this:
  #   call-with-continuation-mark 999/exception-tag, f, ...
  # By convention we reserve tag 999 for exceptions.
  # 'f' above may terminate at either a regular 'return' or a 'return-with-continuation-mark'.
  # We never re-call the continuation returned in the latter case;
  # its existence merely signals that an exception was raised.
  # So just treat it as a boolean.
  # The other inputs and outputs to 'call-with-continuation-mark' depend on
  # the function it is called with.
  exception-raised?:bool, err:text, result:num <- call-with-continuation-mark 999/exception-tag, f, raise-exception?
    break-if exception-raised?
    $print [normal exit; result ] result 10/newline
    break-unless exception-raised?
    $print [error caught: ] err 10/newline

# A callee function that can raise an exception has some weird constraints at
# the moment.
# The caller's 'call-with-continuation-mark' instruction may return with
# either a regular 'return' or a 'return-continuation-until-mark'.
# To handle both cases, regular 'return' instructions in the callee must
# prepend an extra 0 result, in place of the continuation that may have been
# returned.
# This change to number of outputs violates our type system, so the call has
# to be dynamically typed. The callee can't have a header.
def f [
  raise-exception?:bool <- next-input
    break-unless raise-exception?
    # throw/raise: 2 results + implicit continuation (ignoring the continuation tag)
    return-continuation-until-mark 999/exception-tag, [error will robinson!], 0/unused
  # normal return: 3 results including 0 continuation placeholder at start
  return 0/continuation-placeholder, null/no-error, 34/regular-result
pan>= /*skip exemplar*/1; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) { if (!equal(ingredients.at(i).begin(), ingredients.at(i).end(), exemplar.begin())) { result = false; break; } } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; } :(scenario equal) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: location 1 is 34 +mem: location 2 is 33 +mem: storing 0 in location 3 :(scenario equal_2) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 34 3:bool <- equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: location 1 is 34 +mem: location 2 is 34 +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario equal_multiple) def main [ 1:bool <- equal 34, 34, 34 ] +mem: storing 1 in location 1 :(scenario equal_multiple_2) def main [ 1:bool <- equal 34, 34, 35 ] +mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") NOT_EQUAL, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "not-equal", NOT_EQUAL); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case NOT_EQUAL: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 2) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'equal' needs two ingredients to compare in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } const reagent& exemplar = inst.ingredients.at(0); if (!types_match(inst.ingredients.at(1), exemplar) && !types_match(exemplar, inst.ingredients.at(1))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'equal' expects ingredients to be all of the same type, but got '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); goto finish_checking_instruction; } if (SIZE(inst.products) > 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'equal' yields exactly one product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!inst.products.empty() && !is_dummy(inst.products.at(0)) && !is_mu_boolean(inst.products.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'equal' should yield a boolean, but got '" << inst.products.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case NOT_EQUAL: { vector<double>& exemplar = ingredients.at(0); products.resize(1); bool equal_ingredients = equal(ingredients.at(1).begin(), ingredients.at(1).end(), exemplar.begin()); products.at(0).push_back(!equal_ingredients); break; } :(scenario not_equal) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- not-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: location 1 is 34 +mem: location 2 is 33 +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario not_equal_2) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 34 3:bool <- not-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: location 1 is 34 +mem: location 2 is 34 +mem: storing 0 in location 3 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") GREATER_THAN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "greater-than", GREATER_THAN); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case GREATER_THAN: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) <= 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-than' needs at least two ingredients to compare in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(i))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-than' can only compare numbers; got '" << inst.ingredients.at(i).original_string << "'\n" << end(); goto finish_checking_instruction; } } if (SIZE(inst.products) > 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-than' yields exactly one product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!inst.products.empty() && !is_dummy(inst.products.at(0)) && !is_mu_boolean(inst.products.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-than' should yield a boolean, but got '" << inst.products.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case GREATER_THAN: { bool result = true; for (int i = /**/1; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) { if (ingredients.at(i-1).at(0) <= ingredients.at(i).at(0)) { result = false; } } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; } :(scenario greater_than) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- greater-than 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario greater_than_2) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 34 3:bool <- greater-than 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 0 in location 3 :(scenario greater_than_multiple) def main [ 1:bool <- greater-than 36, 35, 34 ] +mem: storing 1 in location 1 :(scenario greater_than_multiple_2) def main [ 1:bool <- greater-than 36, 35, 35 ] +mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") LESSER_THAN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "lesser-than", LESSER_THAN); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case LESSER_THAN: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) <= 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'lesser-than' needs at least two ingredients to compare in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(i))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'lesser-than' can only compare numbers; got '" << inst.ingredients.at(i).original_string << "'\n" << end(); goto finish_checking_instruction; } } if (SIZE(inst.products) > 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'lesser-than' yields exactly one product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!inst.products.empty() && !is_dummy(inst.products.at(0)) && !is_mu_boolean(inst.products.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'lesser-than' should yield a boolean, but got '" << inst.products.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case LESSER_THAN: { bool result = true; for (int i = /**/1; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) { if (ingredients.at(i-1).at(0) >= ingredients.at(i).at(0)) { result = false; } } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; } :(scenario lesser_than) def main [ 1:num <- copy 32 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- lesser-than 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario lesser_than_2) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- lesser-than 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 0 in location 3 :(scenario lesser_than_multiple) def main [ 1:bool <- lesser-than 34, 35, 36 ] +mem: storing 1 in location 1 :(scenario lesser_than_multiple_2) def main [ 1:bool <- lesser-than 34, 35, 35 ] +mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") GREATER_OR_EQUAL, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "greater-or-equal", GREATER_OR_EQUAL); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case GREATER_OR_EQUAL: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) <= 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-or-equal' needs at least two ingredients to compare in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(i))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-or-equal' can only compare numbers; got '" << inst.ingredients.at(i).original_string << "'\n" << end(); goto finish_checking_instruction; } } if (SIZE(inst.products) > 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-or-equal' yields exactly one product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!inst.products.empty() && !is_dummy(inst.products.at(0)) && !is_mu_boolean(inst.products.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-or-equal' should yield a boolean, but got '" << inst.products.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case GREATER_OR_EQUAL: { bool result = true; for (int i = /**/1; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) { if (ingredients.at(i-1).at(0) < ingredients.at(i).at(0)) { result = false; } } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; } :(scenario greater_or_equal) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- greater-or-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario greater_or_equal_2) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 34 3:bool <- greater-or-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario greater_or_equal_3) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 35 3:bool <- greater-or-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 0 in location 3 :(scenario greater_or_equal_multiple) def main [ 1:bool <- greater-or-equal 36, 35, 35 ] +mem: storing 1 in location 1 :(scenario greater_or_equal_multiple_2) def main [ 1:bool <- greater-or-equal 36, 35, 36 ] +mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") LESSER_OR_EQUAL, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "lesser-or-equal", LESSER_OR_EQUAL); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case LESSER_OR_EQUAL: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) <= 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'lesser-or-equal' needs at least two ingredients to compare in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(i))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'lesser-or-equal' can only compare numbers; got '" << inst.ingredients.at(i).original_string << "'\n" << end(); goto finish_checking_instruction; } } if (SIZE(inst.products) > 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-or-equal' yields exactly one product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!inst.products.empty() && !is_dummy(inst.products.at(0)) && !is_mu_boolean(inst.products.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'greater-or-equal' should yield a boolean, but got '" << inst.products.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case LESSER_OR_EQUAL: { bool result = true; for (int i = /**/1; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) { if (ingredients.at(i-1).at(0) > ingredients.at(i).at(0)) { result = false; } } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; } :(scenario lesser_or_equal) def main [ 1:num <- copy 32 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- lesser-or-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario lesser_or_equal_2) def main [ 1:num <- copy 33 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- lesser-or-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 1 in location 3 :(scenario lesser_or_equal_3) def main [ 1:num <- copy 34 2:num <- copy 33 3:bool <- lesser-or-equal 1:num, 2:num ] +mem: storing 0 in location 3 :(scenario lesser_or_equal_multiple) def main [ 1:bool <- lesser-or-equal 34, 35, 35 ] +mem: storing 1 in location 1 :(scenario lesser_or_equal_multiple_2) def main [ 1:bool <- lesser-or-equal 34, 35, 34 ] +mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") MAX, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "max", MAX); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case MAX: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) <= 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'max' needs at least two ingredients to compare in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(i))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'max' can only compare numbers; got '" << inst.ingredients.at(i).original_string << "'\n" << end(); goto finish_checking_instruction; } } if (SIZE(inst.products) > 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'max' yields exactly one product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!inst.products.empty() && !is_dummy(inst.products.at(0)) && !is_mu_number(inst.products.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'max' should yield a number, but got '" << inst.products.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case MAX: { int result = ingredients.at(0).at(0); for (int i = /**/1; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) { if (ingredients.at(i).at(0) > result) { result = ingredients.at(i).at(0); } } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") MIN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "min", MIN); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case MIN: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) <= 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'min' needs at least two ingredients to compare in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(i))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'min' can only compare numbers; got '" << inst.ingredients.at(i).original_string << "'\n" << end(); goto finish_checking_instruction; } } if (SIZE(inst.products) > 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'min' yields exactly one product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!inst.products.empty() && !is_dummy(inst.products.at(0)) && !is_mu_number(inst.products.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'min' should yield a number, but got '" << inst.products.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case MIN: { int result = ingredients.at(0).at(0); for (int i = /**/1; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) { if (ingredients.at(i).at(0) < result) { result = ingredients.at(i).at(0); } } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; }