type channel {
id: (handle array byte)
name: (handle array byte)
posts: (handle array int) # item indices
newest-post-index: int
type user {
id: (handle array byte)
name: (handle array byte)
real-name: (handle array byte)
avatar: (handle image)
type item {
id: (handle array byte)
channel: (handle array byte)
by: int # user index
text: (handle array byte)
parent: int # item index
type post {
root: int # item index
comments: (handle array int) # item indices
# globals:
# users: (handle array user)
# channels: (handle array channel)
# items: (handle array item)
# flows:
# channel -> posts
# user -> posts
# post -> comments
# keywords -> posts|comments
# I try to put all the static buffer sizes in this function.
fn main screen: (addr screen), keyboard: (addr keyboard), data-disk: (addr disk) {
# load entire disk contents to a single enormous stream
draw-text-wrapping-right-then-down-from-cursor-over-full-screen screen, "loading data disk..", 3/fg 0/bg
var s-h: (handle stream byte) # the stream is too large to put on the stack
var s-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- address s-h
populate-stream s-ah, 0x4000000
var _s/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *s-ah
var s/ebx: (addr stream byte) <- copy _s
load-sectors data-disk, 0/lba, 0x20000/sectors, s
draw-text-wrapping-right-then-down-from-cursor-over-full-screen screen, "done", 3/fg 0/bg
# parse global data structures out of the stream
var users-h: (handle array user)
var users-ah/eax: (addr handle array user) <- address users-h
populate users-ah, 0x800
var _users/eax: (addr array user) <- lookup *users-ah
var users/edi: (addr array user) <- copy _users
var channels-h: (handle array channel)
var channels-ah/eax: (addr handle array channel) <- address channels-h
populate channels-ah, 0x20
var _channels/eax: (addr array channel) <- lookup *channels-ah
var channels/esi: (addr array channel) <- copy _channels
var items-h: (handle array item)
var items-ah/eax: (addr handle array item) <- address items-h
populate items-ah, 0x10000
var _items/eax: (addr array item) <- lookup *items-ah
var items/edx: (addr array item) <- copy _items
parse s, users, channels, items
# render
var env-storage: environment
var env/ebx: (addr environment) <- address env-storage
render-environment env, users, channels, items
var key/eax: byte <- read-key keyboard
compare key, 0
update-environment env, key
fn parse s: (addr stream byte), users: (addr array user), channels: (addr array channel), items: (addr array item) {