blob: 71b456b60a772dc5c0efc5fa91ccbe3bca6e5c87 (
plain) (
(selective-load "mu.arc" section-level)
(set allow-raw-addresses*)
(new-trace "read-move-legal")
(add-code:readfile "")
'((function! main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(stdin:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(r:integer/routine <- fork read-move:fn nil:literal/globals 2000:literal/limit stdin:channel-address)
(c:character <- copy ((#\a literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\2 literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\- literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\a literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\4 literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\newline literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine)
;? (set dump-trace*)
;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("schedule")))
;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("schedule" "run")))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
;? (prn " " routine)
(awhen rep.routine!error
(prn "error - " it)))
(when (~ran-to-completion 'read-move)
(prn "F - chessboard accepts legal moves (<rank><file>-<rank><file>)"))
; todo: we can't test that keys pressed are printed to screen
; but that's at a lower level
;? (quit)
(new-trace "read-move-incomplete")
(add-code:readfile "")
; initialize some variables at specific raw locations
;? (prn "== init")
(run-code test-init
(1:channel-address/raw <- init-channel 1:literal)
(2:terminal-address/raw <- init-fake-terminal 20:literal 10:literal)
(3:string-address/raw <- get 2:terminal-address/raw/deref data:offset))
(wipe completed-routines*)
; the component under test; we'll be running this repeatedly
(let read-move-routine (make-routine 'read-move memory*.1 memory*.2)
;? (prn "== first key")
(run-code send-first-key
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(c:character <- copy ((#\a literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value))
(wipe completed-routines*)
; check that read-move consumes it and then goes to sleep
(enq read-move-routine running-routines*)
(when (ran-to-completion 'read-move)
(prn "F - chessboard waits after first letter of move"))
(wipe completed-routines*)
; send in a few more letters
;? (prn "== more keys")
(restart read-move-routine)
(run-code send-more-keys
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(c:character <- copy ((#\2 literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\- literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\a literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value)
(c:character <- copy ((#\4 literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value))
; check that read-move consumes them and then goes to sleep
(when (ran-to-completion 'read-move)
(prn "F - chessboard waits after each subsequent letter of move until the last"))
(wipe completed-routines*)
; send final key
;? (prn "== final key")
(restart read-move-routine)
;? (set dump-trace*)
(run-code send-final-key
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(c:character <- copy ((#\newline literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value))
; check that read-move consumes it and -- this time -- returns
(when (~ran-to-completion 'read-move)
(prn "F - 'read-move' completes after final letter of move"))
(new-trace "read-move-quit")
(add-code:readfile "")
'((function! main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(stdin:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(dummy:terminal-address <- init-fake-terminal 20:literal 10:literal)
(r:integer/routine <- fork-helper read-move:fn nil:literal/globals 2000:literal/limit stdin:channel-address dummy:terminal-address)
(c:character <- copy ((#\q literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine)
(run 'main)
(when (~ran-to-completion 'read-move)
(prn "F - chessboard quits on move starting with 'q'"))
(new-trace "read-illegal-file")
(add-code:readfile "")
'((function! main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(stdin:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(dummy:terminal-address <- init-fake-terminal 20:literal 10:literal)
(r:integer/routine <- fork-helper read-file:fn nil:literal/globals 2000:literal/limit stdin:channel-address dummy:terminal-address)
(c:character <- copy ((#\i literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine)
;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("schedule")))
(run 'main)
;? (each routine completed-routines*
;? (prn " " routine))
(when (or (ran-to-completion 'read-file)
(let routine routine-running!read-file
(~posmatch "file too high" rep.routine!error)))
(prn "F - 'read-file' checks that file lies between 'a' and 'h'"))
(new-trace "read-illegal-rank")
(add-code:readfile "")
'((function! main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(stdin:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(dummy:terminal-address <- init-fake-terminal 20:literal 10:literal)
(r:integer/routine <- fork-helper read-rank:fn nil:literal/globals 2000:literal/limit stdin:channel-address dummy:terminal-address)
(c:character <- copy ((#\9 literal)))
(x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character)
(stdin:channel-address/deref <- write stdin:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine)
(run 'main)
(when (or (ran-to-completion 'read-rank)
(let routine routine-running!read-rank
(~posmatch "rank too high" rep.routine!error)))
(prn "F - 'read-rank' checks that rank lies between '1' and '8'"))
(new-trace "print-board")
(add-code:readfile "")
'((function! main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
(initial-position:list-address <- init-list ((#\R literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\r literal))
((#\N literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\n literal))
((#\B literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\b literal))
((#\Q literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\q literal))
((#\K literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\k literal))
((#\B literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\b literal))
((#\N literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\n literal))
((#\R literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\r literal)))
(b:board-address <- init-board initial-position:list-address)
(screen:terminal-address <- init-fake-terminal 20:literal 10:literal)
(print-board screen:terminal-address b:board-address)
(5:string-address/raw <- get screen:terminal-address/deref data:offset)
;? (set dump-trace*)
;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("run")))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(awhen rep.routine!error
(prn "error - " it)))
;? (prn memory*.5)
(when (~memory-contains-array memory*.5
(+ "8 | r n b q k b n r "
"7 | p p p p p p p p "
"6 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"5 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"4 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"3 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"2 | P P P P P P P P "
"1 | R N B Q K B N R "
" +---------------- "
" a b c d e f g h "))
(prn "F - print-board works; chessboard begins at @memory*.5"))
; todo: how to fold this more elegantly with the previous test?
(new-trace "make-move")
(add-code:readfile "")
'((function! main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity)
; hook up stdin
(stdin:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
; fake screen
(screen:terminal-address <- init-fake-terminal 20:literal 10:literal)
; initial position
(initial-position:list-address <- init-list ((#\R literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\r literal))
((#\N literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\n literal))
((#\B literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\b literal))
((#\Q literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\q literal))
((#\K literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\k literal))
((#\B literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\b literal))
((#\N literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\n literal))
((#\R literal)) ((#\P literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\_ literal)) ((#\p literal)) ((#\r literal)))
(b:board-address <- init-board initial-position:list-address)
; move: a2-a4
(m:move-address <- new move:literal)
(f:integer-integer-pair-address <- get-address m:move-address/deref from:offset)
(dest:integer-address <- get-address f:integer-integer-pair-address/deref 0:offset)
(dest:integer-address/deref <- copy 0:literal) ; from-file: a
(dest:integer-address <- get-address f:integer-integer-pair-address/deref 1:offset)
(dest:integer-address/deref <- copy 1:literal) ; from-rank: 2
(t0:integer-integer-pair-address <- get-address m:move-address/deref to:offset)
(dest:integer-address <- get-address t0:integer-integer-pair-address/deref 0:offset)
(dest:integer-address/deref <- copy 0:literal) ; to-file: a
(dest:integer-address <- get-address t0:integer-integer-pair-address/deref 1:offset)
(dest:integer-address/deref <- copy 3:literal) ; to-rank: 4
(b:board-address <- make-move b:board-address m:move-address)
(print-board screen:terminal-address b:board-address)
(5:string-address/raw <- get screen:terminal-address/deref data:offset)
;? (set dump-trace*)
;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("run")))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(awhen rep.routine!error
(prn "error - " it)))
;? (prn memory*.5)
(when (~memory-contains-array memory*.5
(+ "8 | r n b q k b n r "
"7 | p p p p p p p p "
"6 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"5 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"4 | P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"3 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"2 | _ P P P P P P P "
"1 | R N B Q K B N R "
" +---------------- "
" a b c d e f g h "))
(prn "F - make-move works; chessboard begins at @memory*.5"))