//: Allow tests to be written in mu files.
:(before "End Types")
struct scenario {
string name;
string dump_layer;
string to_run;
map<int, int> memory_expectations;
// End scenario Fields
:(before "End Globals")
vector<scenario> Scenarios;
//: How we check Scenarios.
:(before "End Tests")
time_t mu_time; time(&mu_time);
cerr << "\nMu tests: " << ctime(&mu_time);
for (size_t i = 0; i < Scenarios.size(); ++i) {
Trace_file = Scenarios[i].name;
if (!Scenarios[i].dump_layer.empty())
Trace_stream->dump_layer = Scenarios[i].dump_layer;
//? cout << Scenarios[i].to_run; //? 2
//? cout << "after: " << Memory[1] << '\n'; //? 1
//? cout << "After:\n"; dump_memory(); //? 1
for (map<int, int>::iterator p = Scenarios[i].memory_expectations.begin();
p != Scenarios[i].memory_expectations.end();
++p) {
if (Memory[p->first] != p->second) {
// todo: unit tests for the test parsing infrastructure; use raise?
cerr << Scenarios[i].name << ": Expected location " << p->first << " to contain " << p->second << " but saw " << Memory[p->first] << '\n';
Passed = false;
// End Scenario Checks
if (Passed) cerr << ".";
//: How we create Scenarios.
:(scenarios "parse_scenario")
:(scenario "parse_scenario_memory_expectation")
scenario foo [
run [
a <- b
memory should contain [
1 <- 0
+parse: scenario will run: a <- b
:(scenario "parse_scenario_memory_expectation_duplicate")
hide warnings
scenario foo [
run [
a <- b
memory should contain [
1 <- 0
1 <- 1
+warn: duplicate expectation for location 1: 0 -> 1
:(before "End Command Handlers")
else if (command == "scenario") {
//? cout << "AAA scenario\n"; //? 1
scenario parse_scenario(istream& in) {
scenario x;
x.name = next_word(in);
trace("parse") << "reading scenario " << x.name;
skip_bracket(in, "'scenario' must begin with '['");
ostringstream buffer;
slurp_until_matching_bracket(in, buffer);
//? cout << "inner buffer: ^" << buffer.str() << "$\n"; //? 1
istringstream inner(buffer.str());
inner >> std::noskipws;
while (!inner.eof()) {
string scenario_command = next_word(inner);
if (scenario_command.empty() && inner.eof()) break;
// Scenario Command Handlers
if (scenario_command == "run") {
handle_scenario_run_directive(inner, x);
else if (scenario_command == "memory") {
handle_scenario_memory_directive(inner, x);
else if (scenario_command == "dump") {
x.dump_layer = next_word(inner);
// End Scenario Command Handlers
else {
raise << "unknown command in scenario: ^" << scenario_command << "$\n";
return x;
void handle_scenario_run_directive(istream& in, scenario& result) {
skip_bracket(in, "'run' inside scenario must begin with '['");
ostringstream buffer;
slurp_until_matching_bracket(in, buffer);
string trace_result = buffer.str(); // temporary copy
trace("parse") << "scenario will run: " << trim(trace_result);
//? cout << buffer.str() << '\n'; //? 1
result.to_run = "recipe test-"+result.name+" [" + buffer.str() + "]";
void handle_scenario_memory_directive(istream& in, scenario& out) {
if (next_word(in) != "should") {
raise << "'memory' directive inside scenario must continue 'memory should'\n";
if (next_word(in) != "contain") {
raise << "'memory' directive inside scenario must continue 'memory should contain'\n";
skip_bracket(in, "'memory' directive inside scenario must begin with 'memory should contain ['\n");
while (true) {
if (in.eof()) break;
//? cout << "a: " << in.peek() << '\n'; //? 1
if (in.peek() == ']') break;
string lhs = next_word(in);
if (!is_number(lhs)) {
handle_type(lhs, in, out);
int address = to_int(lhs);
//? cout << "address: " << address << '\n'; //? 2
//? cout << "b: " << in.peek() << '\n'; //? 1
//? cout << "c: " << in.peek() << '\n'; //? 1
string _assign; in >> _assign; assert(_assign == "<-");
int value = 0; in >> value;
if (out.memory_expectations.find(address) != out.memory_expectations.end())
raise << "duplicate expectation for location " << address << ": " << out.memory_expectations[address] << " -> " << value << '\n';
out.memory_expectations[address] = value;
trace("parse") << "memory expectation: *" << address << " == " << value;
assert(in.get() == ']');
void handle_type(const string& lhs, istream& in, scenario& out) {
reagent x(lhs);
if (x.properties[0].second[0] == "string") {
//? cerr << x.name << ' ' << x.value << '\n'; //? 1
string _assign = next_word(in);
//? cerr << _assign << '\n'; //? 1
assert(_assign == "<-");
string literal = next_word(in);
//? cerr << literal << '\n'; //? 1
size_t address = x.value;
out.memory_expectations[address] = literal.size()-2; // exclude quoting brackets
for (size_t i = 1; i < literal.size()-1; ++i) {
//? cerr << "checking " << address << ": " << literal[i] << '\n'; //? 1
out.memory_expectations[address] = literal[i];
raise << "scenario doesn't know how to parse memory expectation on " << lhs << '\n';
void slurp_until_matching_bracket(istream& in, ostream& out) {
int brace_depth = 1; // just scanned '['
char c;
while (in >> c) {
if (c == '[') ++brace_depth;
if (c == ']') --brace_depth;
if (brace_depth == 0) break; // drop final ']'
out << c;
// for tests
void parse_scenario(const string& s) {
istringstream in(s);
in >> std::noskipws;
string _scenario = next_word(in);
//? cout << _scenario << '\n'; //? 1
assert(_scenario == "scenario");
string &trim(string &s) {
return ltrim(rtrim(s));
string <rim(string &s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))));
return s;
string &rtrim(string &s) {
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), s.end());
return s;