## special shortcuts for manipulating the editor
# Some keys on the keyboard generate unicode characters, others generate
# terminfo key codes. We need to modify different places in the two cases.
# tab - insert two spaces
scenario editor-inserts-two-spaces-on-tab [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [ab
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press tab
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
. ab .
.cd .
# we render at most two editor rows worth (one row for each space)
check-trace-count-for-label-lesser-than 10, [print-character]
scenario editor-inserts-two-spaces-and-wraps-line-on-tab [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcd], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press tab
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
. ab↩ .
.cd .
# we re-render the whole editor
check-trace-count-for-label-greater-than 10, [print-character]
after <handle-special-character> [
tab?:bool <- equal c, 9/tab
break-unless tab?
# todo: decompose insert-at-cursor into editor update and screen update,
# so that 'tab' doesn't render the current line multiple times
insert-at-cursor editor, 32/space, screen
go-render? <- insert-at-cursor editor, 32/space, screen
# backspace - delete character before cursor
scenario editor-handles-backspace-key [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abc], 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
press backspace
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.bc .
. .
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 3, [print-character] # length of original line to overwrite
after <handle-special-character> [
delete-previous-character?:bool <- equal c, 8/backspace
break-unless delete-previous-character?
go-render?:bool, backspaced-cell:&:duplex-list:char <- delete-before-cursor editor, screen
# return values:
# go-render? - whether caller needs to update the screen
# backspaced-cell - value deleted (or 0 if nothing was deleted) so we can save it for undo, etc.
def delete-before-cursor editor:&:editor, screen:&:screen -> go-render?:bool, backspaced-cell:&:duplex-list:char, editor:&:editor, screen:&:screen [
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
data:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
# if at start of text (before-cursor at § sentinel), return
prev:&:duplex-list:char <- prev before-cursor
return-unless prev, 0/no-more-render, 0/nothing-deleted
trace 10, [app], [delete-before-cursor]
original-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
scroll?:bool <- move-cursor-coordinates-left editor
backspaced-cell:&:duplex-list:char <- copy before-cursor
data <- remove before-cursor, data # will also neatly trim next/prev pointers in backspaced-cell/before-cursor
before-cursor <- copy prev
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
return-if scroll?, 1/go-render
screen-width:num <- screen-width screen
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
# did we just backspace over a newline?
same-row?:bool <- equal cursor-row, original-row
return-unless same-row?, 1/go-render
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
screen <- move-cursor screen, cursor-row, cursor-column
curr-column:num <- copy cursor-column
# hit right margin? give up and let caller render
at-right?:bool <- greater-or-equal curr-column, right
return-if at-right?, 1/go-render
break-unless curr
# newline? done.
currc:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal currc, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
screen <- print screen, currc
curr-column <- add curr-column, 1
curr <- next curr
# we're guaranteed not to be at the right margin
space:char <- copy 32/space
screen <- print screen, space
go-render? <- copy 0/false
def move-cursor-coordinates-left editor:&:editor -> go-render?:bool, editor:&:editor [
go-render?:bool <- copy 0/false
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
# if not at left margin, move one character left
at-left-margin?:bool <- equal cursor-column, left
break-if at-left-margin?
trace 10, [app], [decrementing cursor column]
cursor-column <- subtract cursor-column, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
# if at left margin, we must move to previous row:
top-of-screen?:bool <- equal cursor-row, 1 # exclude menu bar
break-if top-of-screen?
cursor-row <- subtract cursor-row, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
break-unless top-of-screen?
go-render? <- copy 1/true
# case 1: if previous character was newline, figure out how long the previous line is
previous-character:char <- get *before-cursor, value:offset
previous-character-is-newline?:bool <- equal previous-character, 10/newline
break-unless previous-character-is-newline?
# compute length of previous line
trace 10, [app], [switching to previous line]
d:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
end-of-line:num <- previous-line-length before-cursor, d
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
width:num <- subtract right, left
wrap?:bool <- greater-than end-of-line, width
break-unless wrap?
_, column-offset:num <- divide-with-remainder end-of-line, width
cursor-column <- add left, column-offset
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
break-if wrap?
cursor-column <- add left, end-of-line
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
# case 2: if previous-character was not newline, we're just at a wrapped line
trace 10, [app], [wrapping to previous line]
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
cursor-column <- subtract right, 1 # leave room for wrap icon
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
# takes a pointer 'curr' into the doubly-linked list and its sentinel, counts
# the length of the previous line before the 'curr' pointer.
def previous-line-length curr:&:duplex-list:char, start:&:duplex-list:char -> result:num [
result:num <- copy 0
return-unless curr
at-start?:bool <- equal curr, start
return-if at-start?
curr <- prev curr
break-unless curr
at-start?:bool <- equal curr, start
break-if at-start?
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
result <- add result, 1
scenario editor-clears-last-line-on-backspace [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [ab
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
assume-console [
left-click 2, 0
press backspace
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd .
. .
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 2
scenario editor-joins-and-wraps-lines-on-backspace [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor with two long-ish but non-wrapping lines
s:text <- new [abc def
ghi jkl]
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# position the cursor at the start of the second and hit backspace
assume-console [
left-click 2, 0
press backspace
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# resulting single line should wrap correctly
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc defgh↩.
.i jkl .
. .
scenario editor-wraps-long-lines-on-backspace [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor in part of the screen with a long line
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abc def ghij], 0/left, 8/right
editor-render screen, e
# confirm that it wraps
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc def↩ .
. ghij .
.┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ .
# position the cursor somewhere in the middle of the top screen line and hit backspace
assume-console [
left-click 1, 4
press backspace
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# resulting single line should wrap correctly and not overflow its bounds
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcdef ↩ .
.ghij .
.┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# delete - delete character at cursor
scenario editor-handles-delete-key [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abc], 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press delete
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.bc .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 3, [print-character] # length of original line to overwrite
assume-console [
press delete
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.c .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 2, [print-character] # new length to overwrite
after <handle-special-key> [
delete-next-character?:bool <- equal k, 65522/delete
break-unless delete-next-character?
go-render?:bool, deleted-cell:&:duplex-list:char <- delete-at-cursor editor, screen
def delete-at-cursor editor:&:editor, screen:&:screen -> go-render?:bool, deleted-cell:&:duplex-list:char, editor:&:editor, screen:&:screen [
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
data:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
deleted-cell:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
return-unless deleted-cell, 0/don't-render
currc:char <- get *deleted-cell, value:offset
data <- remove deleted-cell, data
deleted-newline?:bool <- equal currc, 10/newline
return-if deleted-newline?, 1/go-render
# wasn't a newline? render rest of line
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor # refresh after remove above
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
screen <- move-cursor screen, cursor-row, cursor-column
curr-column:num <- copy cursor-column
screen-width:num <- screen-width screen
# hit right margin? give up and let caller render
at-right?:bool <- greater-or-equal curr-column, screen-width
return-if at-right?, 1/go-render
break-unless curr
currc:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal currc, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
screen <- print screen, currc
curr-column <- add curr-column, 1
curr <- next curr
# we're guaranteed not to be at the right margin
space:char <- copy 32/space
screen <- print screen, space
go-render? <- copy 0/false
# right arrow
scenario editor-moves-cursor-right-with-key [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abc], 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press right-arrow
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a0bc .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 3, [print-character] # 0 and following characters
after <handle-special-key> [
move-to-next-character?:bool <- equal k, 65514/right-arrow
break-unless move-to-next-character?
# if not at end of text
next-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
break-unless next-cursor
# scan to next character
before-cursor <- copy next-cursor
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
go-render?:bool <- move-cursor-coordinates-right editor, screen-height
screen <- move-cursor screen, cursor-row, cursor-column
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 2/right-arrow
def move-cursor-coordinates-right editor:&:editor, screen-height:num -> go-render?:bool, editor:&:editor [
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor before-cursor:offset
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
# if crossed a newline, move cursor to start of next row
old-cursor-character:char <- get *before-cursor, value:offset
was-at-newline?:bool <- equal old-cursor-character, 10/newline
break-unless was-at-newline?
cursor-row <- add cursor-row, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
cursor-column <- copy left
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
below-screen?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-row, screen-height # must be equal
return-unless below-screen?, 0/don't-render
cursor-row <- subtract cursor-row, 1 # bring back into screen range
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
return 1/go-render
# if the line wraps, move cursor to start of next row
# if we're at the column just before the wrap indicator
wrap-column:num <- subtract right, 1
at-wrap?:bool <- equal cursor-column, wrap-column
break-unless at-wrap?
# and if next character isn't newline
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
break-unless next
next-character:char <- get *next, value:offset
newline?:bool <- equal next-character, 10/newline
break-if newline?
cursor-row <- add cursor-row, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
cursor-column <- copy left
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
below-screen?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-row, screen-height # must be equal
return-unless below-screen?, 0/no-more-render
cursor-row <- subtract cursor-row, 1 # bring back into screen range
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
return 1/go-render
# otherwise move cursor one character right
cursor-column <- add cursor-column, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
go-render? <- copy 0/false
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-next-line-with-right-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# type right-arrow a few times to get to start of second line
assume-console [
press right-arrow
press right-arrow
press right-arrow
press right-arrow # next line
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
# type something and ensure it goes where it should
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.0d .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 2, [print-character] # new length of second line
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-next-line-with-right-arrow-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 1/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press right-arrow
press right-arrow
press right-arrow
press right-arrow # next line
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
. abc .
. 0d .
. ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈.
. .
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-next-wrapped-line-with-right-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcdef], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press right-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.ef .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-next-wrapped-line-with-right-arrow-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# line just barely wrapping
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcde], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
# position cursor at last character before wrap and hit right-arrow
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press right-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 0
# now hit right arrow again
assume-console [
press right-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 1
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-next-wrapped-line-with-right-arrow-3 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcdef], 1/left, 6/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 1, 4
press right-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
. abcd↩ .
. ef .
. ┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 1
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-next-line-with-right-arrow-at-end-of-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# move to end of line, press right-arrow, type a character
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press right-arrow
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# new character should be in next line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.0d .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 2, [print-character]
# todo: ctrl-right: next word-end
# left arrow
scenario editor-moves-cursor-left-with-key [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abc], 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 1, 2
press left-arrow
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a0bc .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 3, [print-character]
after <handle-special-key> [
move-to-previous-character?:bool <- equal k, 65515/left-arrow
break-unless move-to-previous-character?
trace 10, [app], [left arrow]
# if not at start of text (before-cursor at § sentinel)
prev:&:duplex-list:char <- prev before-cursor
return-unless prev, 0/don't-render
go-render? <- move-cursor-coordinates-left editor
before-cursor <- copy prev
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 1/left-arrow
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-previous-line-with-left-arrow-at-start-of-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor with two lines
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# position cursor at start of second line (so there's no previous newline)
assume-console [
left-click 2, 0
press left-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-previous-line-with-left-arrow-at-start-of-line-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor with three lines
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s:text, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# position cursor further down (so there's a newline before the character at
# the cursor)
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press left-arrow
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.def0 .
.g .
check-trace-count-for-label 1, [print-character] # just the '0'
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-previous-line-with-left-arrow-at-start-of-line-3 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# position cursor at start of text, press left-arrow, then type a character
assume-console [
left-click 1, 0
press left-arrow
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# left-arrow should have had no effect
screen-should-contain [
. .
.0abc .
.def .
.g .
check-trace-count-for-label 4, [print-character] # length of first line
scenario editor-moves-cursor-to-previous-line-with-left-arrow-at-start-of-line-4 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor with text containing an empty line
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e:&:editor
# position cursor right after empty line
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press left-arrow
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.0 .
.d .
check-trace-count-for-label 1, [print-character] # just the '0'
scenario editor-moves-across-screen-lines-across-wrap-with-left-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor with a wrapping line
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcdef], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.ef .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# position cursor right after empty line
assume-console [
left-click 2, 0
press left-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1 # previous row
4 <- 3 # right margin except wrap icon
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-across-screen-lines-to-wrapping-line-with-left-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor with a wrapping line followed by a second line
s:text <- new [abcdef
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.ef .
.g .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
# position cursor right after empty line
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press left-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2 # previous row
4 <- 2 # end of wrapped line
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-across-screen-lines-to-non-wrapping-line-with-left-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# initialize editor with a line on the verge of wrapping, followed by a second line
s:text <- new [abcd
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# position cursor right after empty line
assume-console [
left-click 2, 0
press left-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1 # previous row
4 <- 4 # end of wrapped line
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
# todo: ctrl-left: previous word-start
# up arrow
scenario editor-moves-to-previous-line-with-up-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 2, 1
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 1
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a0bc .
.def .
. .
after <handle-special-key> [
move-to-previous-line?:bool <- equal k, 65517/up-arrow
break-unless move-to-previous-line?
go-render? <- move-to-previous-line editor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 3/up-arrow
def move-to-previous-line editor:&:editor -> go-render?:bool, editor:&:editor [
go-render?:bool <- copy 0/false
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
already-at-top?:bool <- lesser-or-equal cursor-row, 1/top
# if cursor not at top, move it
break-if already-at-top?
# if not at start of screen line, move to start of screen line (previous newline)
# then scan back another line
# if either step fails, give up without modifying cursor or coordinates
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- copy before-cursor
old:&:duplex-list:char <- copy curr
at-left?:bool <- equal cursor-column, left
break-if at-left?
curr <- before-previous-screen-line curr, editor
no-motion?:bool <- equal curr, old
return-if no-motion?
curr <- before-previous-screen-line curr, editor
no-motion?:bool <- equal curr, old
return-if no-motion?
before-cursor <- copy curr
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
cursor-row <- subtract cursor-row, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
# scan ahead to right column or until end of line
target-column:num <- copy cursor-column
cursor-column <- copy left
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
done?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-column, target-column
break-if done?
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
break-unless curr
currc:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal currc, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
before-cursor <- copy curr
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
cursor-column <- add cursor-column, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
# if cursor already at top, scroll up
break-unless already-at-top?
return 1/go-render
# Takes a pointer into the doubly-linked list, scans back to before start of
# previous *wrapped* line.
# Returns original if no next newline.
# Beware: never return null pointer.
def before-previous-screen-line in:&:duplex-list:char, editor:&:editor -> out:&:duplex-list:char [
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- copy in
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
# compute max, number of characters to skip
# 1 + len%(width-1)
# except rotate second term to vary from 1 to width-1 rather than 0 to width-2
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
max-line-length:num <- subtract right, left, -1/exclusive-right, 1/wrap-icon
sentinel:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
len:num <- previous-line-length curr, sentinel
break-if len
# empty line; just skip this newline
prev:&:duplex-list:char <- prev curr
return-unless prev, curr
return prev
_, max:num <- divide-with-remainder len, max-line-length
# remainder 0 => scan one width-worth
break-if max
max <- copy max-line-length
max <- add max, 1
count:num <- copy 0
# skip 'max' characters
done?:bool <- greater-or-equal count, max
break-if done?
prev:&:duplex-list:char <- prev curr
break-unless prev
curr <- copy prev
count <- add count, 1
return curr
scenario editor-adjusts-column-at-previous-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [ab
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 2, 3
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 2
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.ab0 .
.def .
. .
scenario editor-adjusts-column-at-empty-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 2, 3
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.0 .
.def .
. .
scenario editor-moves-to-previous-line-from-zero-margin [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# start out with three lines
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# click on the third line and hit up-arrow, so you end up just after a newline
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.0def .
.ghi .
scenario editor-moves-to-previous-line-from-left-margin [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# start out with three lines
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 1/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# click on the third line and hit up-arrow, so you end up just after a newline
assume-console [
left-click 3, 1
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 1
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
. abc .
. 0def .
. ghi .
. ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈.
scenario editor-moves-to-top-line-in-presence-of-wrapped-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcde], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
assume-console [
left-click 2, 0
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.0abc↩ .
.de .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
scenario editor-moves-to-top-line-in-presence-of-wrapped-line-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.defg↩ .
.h .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press up-arrow
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.0abc .
.defg↩ .
.h .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
# down arrow
scenario editor-moves-to-next-line-with-down-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# cursor starts out at (1, 0)
assume-console [
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# ..and ends at (2, 0)
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.0def .
. .
after <handle-special-key> [
move-to-next-line?:bool <- equal k, 65516/down-arrow
break-unless move-to-next-line?
go-render? <- move-to-next-line editor, screen-height
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 4/down-arrow
def move-to-next-line editor:&:editor, screen-height:num -> go-render?:bool, editor:&:editor [
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
last-line:num <- subtract screen-height, 1
bottom:num <- get *editor, bottom:offset
at-bottom-of-screen?:bool <- greater-or-equal bottom, last-line
break-if before-cursor
break-if at-bottom-of-screen?
return 0/don't-render
break-unless at-bottom-of-screen?
jump +try-to-scroll
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
break-if next
break-if at-bottom-of-screen?
return 0/don't-render
break-unless at-bottom-of-screen?
jump +try-to-scroll
already-at-bottom?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-row, last-line
# if cursor not at bottom, move it
break-if already-at-bottom?
target-column:num <- copy cursor-column
# scan to start of next line
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
break-unless next
done?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-column, right
break-if done?
cursor-column <- add cursor-column, 1
before-cursor <- copy next
c:char <- get *next, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
break-if next
break-if at-bottom-of-screen?
return 0/don't-render
break-unless at-bottom-of-screen?
jump +try-to-scroll
cursor-row <- add cursor-row, 1
cursor-column <- copy left
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
break-unless next
c:char <- get *next, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
done?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-column, target-column
break-if done?
cursor-column <- add cursor-column, 1
before-cursor <- copy next
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
return 0/don't-render
go-render? <- copy 1/true
scenario editor-adjusts-column-at-next-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# second line is shorter than first
s:text <- new [abcde
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# move to end of first line, then press down
assume-console [
left-click 1, 8
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor doesn't go vertically down, it goes to end of shorter line
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 2
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
assume-console [
type [0]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcde .
.fg0 .
.hi .
scenario editor-moves-down-within-wrapped-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcdefghijklmno], 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.jklmno .
. .
# position cursor on first screen line, but past end of second screen line
assume-console [
left-click 1, 8
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor should be at end of second screen line
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 6
# ctrl-a/home - move cursor to start of line
scenario editor-moves-to-start-of-line-with-ctrl-a [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on second line, press ctrl-a
assume-console [
left-click 2, 3
press ctrl-a
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to start of line
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 2
5 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
after <handle-special-character> [
move-to-start-of-line?:bool <- equal c, 1/ctrl-a
break-unless move-to-start-of-line?
move-to-start-of-screen-line editor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
return 0/don't-render
after <handle-special-key> [
move-to-start-of-line?:bool <- equal k, 65521/home
break-unless move-to-start-of-line?
move-to-start-of-screen-line editor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
return 0/don't-render
# handles wrapped lines
# precondition: cursor-column should be in a consistent state
def move-to-start-of-screen-line editor:&:editor -> editor:&:editor [
# update cursor column
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
col:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
# update before-cursor
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
# while not at start of line, move
done?:bool <- equal col, left
break-if done?
assert curr, [move-to-start-of-line tried to move before start of text]
curr <- prev curr
col <- subtract col, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, col
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, curr
scenario editor-moves-to-start-of-line-with-ctrl-a-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on first line (no newline before), press ctrl-a
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press ctrl-a
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to start of line
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-to-start-of-line-with-home [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
# start on second line, press 'home'
assume-console [
left-click 2, 3
press home
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to start of line
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-to-start-of-line-with-home-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on first line (no newline before), press 'home'
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press home
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to start of line
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-to-start-of-screen-line-with-ctrl-a [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [123456], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1234↩ .
.56 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# start on second line, press ctrl-a then up
assume-console [
left-click 2, 1
press ctrl-a
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to start of first line
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1 # cursor-row
5 <- 0 # cursor-column
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
# make sure before-cursor is in sync
assume-console [
type [a]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a123↩ .
.456 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1 # cursor-row
5 <- 1 # cursor-column
# ctrl-e/end - move cursor to end of line
scenario editor-moves-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-e [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on first line, press ctrl-e
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
press ctrl-e
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to end of line
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
# editor inserts future characters at cursor
assume-console [
type [z]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 4
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123z .
.456 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 1, [print-character]
after <handle-special-character> [
move-to-end-of-line?:bool <- equal c, 5/ctrl-e
break-unless move-to-end-of-line?
move-to-end-of-line editor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
return 0/don't-render
after <handle-special-key> [
move-to-end-of-line?:bool <- equal k, 65520/end
break-unless move-to-end-of-line?
move-to-end-of-line editor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
return 0/don't-render
def move-to-end-of-line editor:&:editor -> editor:&:editor [
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
# while not at end of line, move
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
break-unless next # end of text
nextc:char <- get *next, value:offset
at-end-of-line?:bool <- equal nextc, 10/newline
break-if at-end-of-line?
cursor-column <- add cursor-column, 1
at-right?:bool <- equal cursor-column, right
break-if at-right?
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
before-cursor <- copy next
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
scenario editor-moves-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-e-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on second line (no newline after), press ctrl-e
assume-console [
left-click 2, 1
press ctrl-e
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to end of line
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 2
5 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-to-end-of-line-with-end [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on first line, press 'end'
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
press end
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to end of line
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-to-end-of-line-with-end-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on second line (no newline after), press 'end'
assume-console [
left-click 2, 1
press end
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to end of line
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-to-end-of-wrapped-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123456
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on first line, press 'end'
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
press end
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
10:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
11:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# cursor moves to end of line
memory-should-contain [
10 <- 1
11 <- 3
# no prints
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
# before-cursor is also consistent
assume-console [
type [a]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123a↩ .
.456 .
.789 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
# ctrl-u - delete text from start of line until (but not at) cursor
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-line-with-ctrl-u [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on second line, press ctrl-u
assume-console [
left-click 2, 2
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes to start of line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123 .
.6 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 10, [print-character]
after <handle-special-character> [
delete-to-start-of-line?:bool <- equal c, 21/ctrl-u
break-unless delete-to-start-of-line?
deleted-cells:&:duplex-list:char <- delete-to-start-of-line editor
go-render?:bool <- minimal-render-for-ctrl-u screen, editor, deleted-cells
def minimal-render-for-ctrl-u screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor, deleted-cells:&:duplex-list:char -> go-render?:bool, screen:&:screen [
curr-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
# accumulate the current line as text and render it
buf:&:buffer:char <- new-buffer 30 # accumulator for the text we need to render
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
i:num <- copy curr-column
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
# if we have a wrapped line, give up and render the whole screen
wrap?:bool <- greater-or-equal i, right
return-if wrap?, 1/go-render
curr <- next curr
break-unless curr
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
b:bool <- equal c, 10
break-if b
buf <- append buf, c
i <- add i, 1
# if the line used to be wrapped, give up and render the whole screen
num-deleted-cells:num <- length deleted-cells
old-row-len:num <- add i, num-deleted-cells
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
end:num <- subtract right, left
wrap?:bool <- greater-or-equal old-row-len, end
return-if wrap?, 1/go-render
curr-line:text <- buffer-to-array buf
curr-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
render-code screen, curr-line, curr-column, right, curr-row
return 0/dont-render
def delete-to-start-of-line editor:&:editor -> result:&:duplex-list:char, editor:&:editor [
# compute range to delete
init:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
update-top-of-screen?:bool <- copy 0/false
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
start:&:duplex-list:char <- copy before-cursor
end:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
at-start-of-text?:bool <- equal start, init
break-if at-start-of-text?
curr:char <- get *start, value:offset
at-start-of-line?:bool <- equal curr, 10/newline
break-if at-start-of-line?
# if we went past top-of-screen, make a note to update it as well
at-top-of-screen?:bool <- equal start, top-of-screen
update-top-of-screen?:bool <- or update-top-of-screen?, at-top-of-screen?
start <- prev start
assert start, [delete-to-start-of-line tried to move before start of text]
# snip it out
result:&:duplex-list:char <- next start
remove-between start, end
# update top-of-screen if it's just been invalidated
break-unless update-top-of-screen?
put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, start
# adjust cursor
before-cursor <- copy start
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, left
# if the line wrapped before, we may need to adjust cursor-row as well
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
width:num <- subtract right, left
num-deleted:num <- length result
cursor-row-adjustment:num <- divide-with-remainder num-deleted, width
return-unless cursor-row-adjustment
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-row-in-editor:num <- subtract cursor-row, 1 # ignore menubar
at-top?:bool <- lesser-or-equal cursor-row-in-editor, cursor-row-adjustment
break-unless at-top?
cursor-row <- copy 1 # top of editor, below menubar
break-if at-top?
cursor-row <- subtract cursor-row, cursor-row-adjustment
put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
def render-code screen:&:screen, s:text, left:num, right:num, row:num -> row:num, screen:&:screen [
return-unless s
color:num <- copy 7/white
column:num <- copy left
screen <- move-cursor screen, row, column
screen-height:num <- screen-height screen
i:num <- copy 0
len:num <- length *s
done?:bool <- greater-or-equal i, len
break-if done?
done? <- greater-or-equal row, screen-height
break-if done?
c:char <- index *s, i
# newline? move to left rather than 0
newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-unless newline?
# clear rest of line in this window
done?:bool <- greater-than column, right
break-if done?
space:char <- copy 32/space
print screen, space
column <- add column, 1
row <- add row, 1
column <- copy left
screen <- move-cursor screen, row, column
i <- add i, 1
loop +next-character
# at right? wrap.
at-right?:bool <- equal column, right
break-unless at-right?
# print wrap icon
wrap-icon:char <- copy 8617/loop-back-to-left
print screen, wrap-icon, 245/grey
column <- copy left
row <- add row, 1
screen <- move-cursor screen, row, column
# don't increment i
loop +next-character
i <- add i, 1
print screen, c, color
column <- add column, 1
was-at-left?:bool <- equal column, left
clear-line-until screen, right
break-if was-at-left?
row <- add row, 1
move-cursor screen, row, left
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-line-with-ctrl-u-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on first line (no newline before), press ctrl-u
assume-console [
left-click 1, 2
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes to start of line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.3 .
.456 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 10, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-line-with-ctrl-u-3 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start past end of line, press ctrl-u
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes to start of line
screen-should-contain [
. .
. .
.456 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 10, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-final-line-with-ctrl-u [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start past end of final line, press ctrl-u
assume-console [
left-click 2, 3
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes to start of line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123 .
. .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 10, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-wrapped-line-with-ctrl-u [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
# first line starts out wrapping
s:text <- new [123456
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1234↩ .
.56 .
.789 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# ctrl-u enough of the first line that it's no longer wrapping
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# entire screen needs to be refreshed
screen-should-contain [
. .
.456 .
.789 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 45, [print-character]
# sometimes hitting ctrl-u needs to adjust the cursor row
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-wrapped-line-with-ctrl-u-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
# third line starts out wrapping
s:text <- new [1
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1 .
.2 .
.3456↩ .
.78 .
.9 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# position cursor on screen line after the wrap and hit ctrl-u
assume-console [
left-click 4, 1 # on '8'
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
10:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
11:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1 .
.2 .
.8 .
.9 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# cursor moves up one screen line
memory-should-contain [
10 <- 3 # cursor-row
11 <- 0 # cursor-column
# line wrapping twice (taking up 3 screen lines)
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-wrapped-line-with-ctrl-u-3 [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
# third line starts out wrapping
s:text <- new [1
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 4, 1 # on '8'
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1 .
.2 .
.3456↩ .
.789a↩ .
.bcd .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
assume-console [
left-click 5, 1
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
10:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
11:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1 .
.2 .
.cd .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# make sure we adjusted cursor-row
memory-should-contain [
10 <- 3 # cursor-row
11 <- 0 # cursor-column
# adjusting cursor row at the top of the screen
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-wrapped-line-with-ctrl-u-4 [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
# first line starts out wrapping
s:text <- new [1234567
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1234↩ .
.567 .
.89 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# position cursor on second screen line (after the wrap) and hit ctrl-u
assume-console [
left-click 2, 1
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
10:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
11:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.67 .
.89 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# cursor moves up to screen line 1
memory-should-contain [
10 <- 1 # cursor-row
11 <- 0 # cursor-column
# screen begins part-way through a wrapping line
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-wrapped-line-with-ctrl-u-5 [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
# third line starts out wrapping
s:text <- new [1
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
# position the '78' line at the top of the screen
assume-console [
left-click 4, 1 # on '8'
press ctrl-t
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.78 .
.9 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
10:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
11:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# make sure we updated top-of-screen correctly
screen-should-contain [
. .
.8 .
.9 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
10 <- 1 # cursor-row
11 <- 0 # cursor-column
# the entire line is deleted, even the part not shown on screen
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.2 .
.8 .
.9 .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# screen begins part-way through a line wrapping twice (taking up 3 screen lines)
scenario editor-deletes-to-start-of-wrapped-line-with-ctrl-u-6 [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
# third line starts out wrapping
s:text <- new [1
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
# position the 'bcd' line at the top of the screen
assume-console [
left-click 4, 1 # on '8'
press ctrl-t
press ctrl-s # now on 'c'
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.bcd .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
press ctrl-u
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
10:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
11:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# make sure we updated top-of-screen correctly
screen-should-contain [
. .
.cd .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
10 <- 1 # cursor-row
11 <- 0 # cursor-column
# the entire line is deleted, even the part not shown on screen
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.2 .
.cd .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# ctrl-k - delete text from cursor to end of line (but not the newline)
scenario editor-deletes-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-k [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on first line, press ctrl-k
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
press ctrl-k
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes to end of line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.1 .
.456 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 9, [print-character]
after <handle-special-character> [
delete-to-end-of-line?:bool <- equal c, 11/ctrl-k
break-unless delete-to-end-of-line?
deleted-cells:&:duplex-list:char <- delete-to-end-of-line editor
# checks if we can do a minimal render and if we can it will do a minimal render
go-render?:bool <- minimal-render-for-ctrl-k screen, editor, deleted-cells
def minimal-render-for-ctrl-k screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor, deleted-cells:&:duplex-list:char -> go-render?:bool, screen:&:screen [
# if we deleted nothing, there's nothing to render
return-unless deleted-cells, 0/dont-render
# if the line used to wrap before, give up and render the whole screen
curr-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
num-deleted-cells:num <- length deleted-cells
old-row-len:num <- add curr-column, num-deleted-cells
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
end:num <- subtract right, left
wrap?:bool <- greater-or-equal old-row-len, end
return-if wrap?, 1/go-render
clear-line-until screen, right
return 0/dont-render
def delete-to-end-of-line editor:&:editor -> result:&:duplex-list:char, editor:&:editor [
# compute range to delete
start:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
end:&:duplex-list:char <- next start
at-end-of-text?:bool <- equal end, 0/null
break-if at-end-of-text?
curr:char <- get *end, value:offset
at-end-of-line?:bool <- equal curr, 10/newline
break-if at-end-of-line?
end <- next end
# snip it out
result <- next start
remove-between start, end
scenario editor-deletes-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-k-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start on second line (no newline after), press ctrl-k
assume-console [
left-click 2, 1
press ctrl-k
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes to end of line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123 .
.4 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 9, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-k-3 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start at end of line
assume-console [
left-click 1, 2
press ctrl-k
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes just last character
screen-should-contain [
. .
.12 .
.456 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 8, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-k-4 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start past end of line
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
press ctrl-k
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes nothing
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123 .
.456 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 7, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-k-5 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start at end of text
assume-console [
left-click 2, 2
press ctrl-k
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes just the final character
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123 .
.45 .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 8, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-end-of-line-with-ctrl-k-6 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [123
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# start past end of text
assume-console [
left-click 2, 3
press ctrl-k
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# cursor deletes nothing
screen-should-contain [
. .
.123 .
.456 .
. .
# no prints necessary
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-deletes-to-end-of-wrapped-line-with-ctrl-k [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# create an editor with the first line wrapping to a second screen row
s:text <- new [1234
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 4/right
editor-render screen, e
# delete all of the first wrapped line
assume-console [
press ctrl-k
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows an empty unwrapped first line
screen-should-contain [
. .
. .
.567 .
.┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# entire screen is refreshed
check-trace-count-for-label 16, [print-character]
# scroll down if necessary
scenario editor-can-scroll-down-using-arrow-keys [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with >3 lines
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# position cursor at last line, then try to move further down
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen slides by one line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.c .
.d .
after <scroll-down> [
trace 10, [app], [scroll down]
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
max:num <- subtract right, left
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- copy top-of-screen
top-of-screen <- before-start-of-next-line top-of-screen, max
*editor <- put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, top-of-screen
no-movement?:bool <- equal old-top, top-of-screen
return-if no-movement?, 0/don't-render
# Takes a pointer into the doubly-linked list, scans ahead at most 'max'
# positions until the next newline.
# Returns original if no next newline.
# Beware: never return null pointer.
def before-start-of-next-line original:&:duplex-list:char, max:num -> curr:&:duplex-list:char [
count:num <- copy 0
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- copy original
# skip the initial newline if it exists
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-unless at-newline?
curr <- next curr
count <- add count, 1
return-unless curr, original
done?:bool <- greater-or-equal count, max
break-if done?
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
curr <- next curr
count <- add count, 1
return-unless curr, original
return curr
scenario editor-scrolls-down-past-wrapped-line-using-arrow-keys [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with a long, wrapped line and more than a screen of
# other lines
s:text <- new [abcdef
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.ef .
.g .
# position cursor at last line, then try to move further down
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.ef .
.g .
.h .
scenario editor-scrolls-down-past-wrapped-line-using-arrow-keys-2 [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# editor starts with a long line wrapping twice
s:text <- new [abcdefghij
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
# position cursor at last line, then try to move further down
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line containing a wrap icon
screen-should-contain [
. .
.efgh↩ .
.ij .
.k .
# scroll down again
assume-console [
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.ij .
.k .
.l .
scenario editor-scrolls-down-when-line-wraps [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 5/width, 4/height
# editor contains a long line in the third line
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
# position cursor at end, type a character
assume-console [
left-click 3, 4
type [g]
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# screen scrolls
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.g .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 3
4 <- 1
scenario editor-stops-scrolling-once-bottom-is-visible [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with 2 lines
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
# position cursor at last line, then try to move further down
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# no change since the bottom border was already visible
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
scenario editor-scrolls-down-on-newline [
assume-screen 5/width, 4/height
# position cursor after last line and type newline
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
assume-console [
left-click 3, 4
type [
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# screen scrolls
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.c .
. .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 3
4 <- 0
scenario editor-scrolls-down-on-right-arrow [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 5/width, 4/height
# editor contains a wrapped line
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
# position cursor at end of screen and try to move right
assume-console [
left-click 3, 3
press right-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# screen scrolls
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.gh .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 3
4 <- 0
scenario editor-scrolls-down-on-right-arrow-2 [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 5/width, 4/height
# editor contains more lines than can fit on screen
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
# position cursor at end of screen and try to move right
assume-console [
left-click 3, 3
press right-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# screen scrolls
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.c .
.d .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 3
4 <- 0
scenario editor-scrolls-at-end-on-down-arrow [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
s:text <- new [abc
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
# try to move down past end of text
assume-console [
left-click 2, 0
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# no change
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 0
scenario editor-combines-page-and-line-scroll [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with a few pages of lines
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
# scroll down one page and one line
assume-console [
press page-down
left-click 3, 0
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen scrolls down 3 lines
screen-should-contain [
. .
.d .
.e .
.f .
# scroll up if necessary
scenario editor-can-scroll-up-using-arrow-keys [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with >3 lines
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# position cursor at top of second page, then try to move up
assume-console [
press page-down
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen slides by one line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.c .
.d .
after <scroll-up> [
trace 10, [app], [scroll up]
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- copy top-of-screen
top-of-screen <- before-previous-screen-line top-of-screen, editor
*editor <- put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, top-of-screen
no-movement?:bool <- equal old-top, top-of-screen
return-if no-movement?, 0/don't-render
scenario editor-scrolls-up-past-wrapped-line-using-arrow-keys [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with a long, wrapped line and more than a screen of
# other lines
s:text <- new [abcdef
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.ef .
.g .
# position cursor at top of second page, just below wrapped line
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.g .
.h .
.i .
# now move up one line
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.ef .
.g .
.h .
scenario editor-scrolls-up-past-wrapped-line-using-arrow-keys-2 [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 4 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# editor starts with a long line wrapping twice, occupying 3 of the 4 lines
s:text <- new [abcdefghij
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
# position cursor at top of second page
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.k .
.l .
.m .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
# move up one line
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.ij .
.k .
.l .
.m .
# move up a second line
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.efgh↩ .
.ij .
.k .
.l .
# move up a third line
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.efgh↩ .
.ij .
.k .
# same as editor-scrolls-up-past-wrapped-line-using-arrow-keys but length
# slightly off, just to prevent over-training
scenario editor-scrolls-up-past-wrapped-line-using-arrow-keys-3 [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with a long, wrapped line and more than a screen of
# other lines
s:text <- new [abcdef
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 6/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcde↩ .
.f .
.g .
# position cursor at top of second page, just below wrapped line
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.g .
.h .
.i .
# now move up one line
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows partial wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.f .
.g .
.h .
# check empty lines
scenario editor-scrolls-up-past-wrapped-line-using-arrow-keys-4 [
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with some lines around an empty line
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 6/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
. .
.c .
.d .
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.d .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈┈ .
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
. .
.c .
.d .
scenario editor-scrolls-up-on-left-arrow [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 5/width, 4/height
# editor contains >3 lines
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
# position cursor at top of second page
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.c .
.d .
.e .
# now try to move left
assume-console [
press left-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
3:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
# screen scrolls
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.c .
.d .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 1
scenario editor-can-scroll-up-to-start-of-file [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with >3 lines
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# position cursor at top of second page, then try to move up to start of
# text
assume-console [
press page-down
press up-arrow
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen slides by one line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# try to move up again
assume-console [
press up-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen remains unchanged
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# ctrl-f/page-down - render next page if it exists
scenario editor-can-scroll [
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# scroll down
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows next page
screen-should-contain [
. .
.c .
.d .
after <handle-special-character> [
page-down?:bool <- equal c, 6/ctrl-f
break-unless page-down?
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
page-down editor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
movement?:bool <- not-equal top-of-screen, old-top
return movement?/go-render
after <handle-special-key> [
page-down?:bool <- equal k, 65518/page-down
break-unless page-down?
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
page-down editor
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
movement?:bool <- not-equal top-of-screen, old-top
return movement?/go-render
# page-down skips entire wrapped lines, so it can't scroll past lines
# taking up the entire screen
def page-down editor:&:editor -> editor:&:editor [
# if editor contents don't overflow screen, do nothing
bottom-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, bottom-of-screen:offset
return-unless bottom-of-screen
# if not, position cursor at final character
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- prev bottom-of-screen
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
# keep one line in common with previous page
last:char <- get *before-cursor, value:offset
newline?:bool <- equal last, 10/newline
break-unless newline?:bool
before-cursor <- prev before-cursor
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
# move cursor and top-of-screen to start of that line
move-to-start-of-line editor
before-cursor <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
*editor <- put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, before-cursor
# jump to previous newline
def move-to-start-of-line editor:&:editor -> editor:&:editor [
# update cursor column
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
cursor-column:num <- copy left
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
# update before-cursor
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
init:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
# while not at start of line, move
at-start-of-text?:bool <- equal before-cursor, init
break-if at-start-of-text?
prev:char <- get *before-cursor, value:offset
at-start-of-line?:bool <- equal prev, 10/newline
break-if at-start-of-line?
before-cursor <- prev before-cursor
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
assert before-cursor, [move-to-start-of-line tried to move before start of text]
scenario editor-does-not-scroll-past-end [
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
# scroll down
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen remains unmodified
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
scenario editor-starts-next-page-at-start-of-wrapped-line [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines for text
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# editor contains a long last line
s:text <- new [a
# editor screen triggers wrap of last line
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 4/right
editor-render screen, e
# some part of last line is not displayed
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.cde↩ .
# scroll down
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows entire wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.cde↩ .
.fgh .
.┈┈┈┈ .
scenario editor-starts-next-page-at-start-of-wrapped-line-2 [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines for text
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# editor contains a very long line that occupies last two lines of screen
# and still has something left over
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 4/right
editor-render screen, e
# some part of last line is not displayed
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.bcd↩ .
.efg↩ .
# scroll down
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows entire wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.bcd↩ .
.efg↩ .
.h .
# ctrl-b/page-up - render previous page if it exists
scenario editor-can-scroll-up [
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# scroll down
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows next page
screen-should-contain [
. .
.c .
.d .
# scroll back up
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows original page again
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
after <handle-special-character> [
page-up?:bool <- equal c, 2/ctrl-b
break-unless page-up?
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
editor <- page-up editor, screen-height
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
movement?:bool <- not-equal top-of-screen, old-top
return movement?/go-render
after <handle-special-key> [
page-up?:bool <- equal k, 65519/page-up
break-unless page-up?
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
editor <- page-up editor, screen-height
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
movement?:bool <- not-equal top-of-screen, old-top
# don't bother re-rendering if nothing changed. todo: test this
return movement?/go-render
def page-up editor:&:editor, screen-height:num -> editor:&:editor [
max:num <- subtract screen-height, 1/menu-bar, 1/overlapping-line
count:num <- copy 0
top-of-screen:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
done?:bool <- greater-or-equal count, max
break-if done?
prev:&:duplex-list:char <- before-previous-screen-line top-of-screen, editor
break-unless prev
top-of-screen <- copy prev
*editor <- put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, top-of-screen
count <- add count, 1
scenario editor-can-scroll-up-multiple-pages [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# initialize editor with 8 lines
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
# scroll down two pages
assume-console [
press page-down
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows third page
screen-should-contain [
. .
.e .
.f .
.g .
# scroll up
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows second page
screen-should-contain [
. .
.c .
.d .
.e .
# scroll up again
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows original page again
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.c .
scenario editor-can-scroll-up-wrapped-lines [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 5 lines for text
assume-screen 10/width, 6/height
# editor contains a long line in the first page
s:text <- new [a
# editor screen triggers wrap of last line
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 4/right
editor-render screen, e
# some part of last line is not displayed
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.b .
.cde↩ .
.fgh .
.i .
# scroll down a page and a line
assume-console [
press page-down
left-click 5, 0
press down-arrow
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows entire wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.j .
.k .
.l .
.m .
.n .
# now scroll up one page
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen resets
screen-should-contain [
. .
.b .
.cde↩ .
.fgh .
.i .
.j .
scenario editor-can-scroll-up-wrapped-lines-2 [
# screen has 1 line for menu + 3 lines for text
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# editor contains a very long line that occupies last two lines of screen
# and still has something left over
s:text <- new [a
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 4/right
editor-render screen, e
# some part of last line is not displayed
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.bcd↩ .
.efg↩ .
# scroll down
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen shows entire wrapped line
screen-should-contain [
. .
.bcd↩ .
.efg↩ .
.h .
# scroll back up
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
# screen resets
screen-should-contain [
. .
.a .
.bcd↩ .
.efg↩ .
scenario editor-can-scroll-up-past-nonempty-lines [
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# text with empty line in second screen
s:text <- new [axx
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 4/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.axx .
.bxx .
.cxx .
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.cxx .
.dxx .
.exx .
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.exx .
.fxx .
.gxx .
# scroll back up past empty line
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.cxx .
.dxx .
.exx .
scenario editor-can-scroll-up-past-empty-lines [
assume-screen 10/width, 4/height
# text with empty line in second screen
s:text <- new [axy
e:&:editor <- new-editor s, 0/left, 4/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.axy .
.bxy .
.cxy .
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.cxy .
. .
.dxy .
assume-console [
press page-down
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.dxy .
.exy .
.fxy .
# scroll back up past empty line
assume-console [
press page-up
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.cxy .
. .
.dxy .
# ctrl-s - scroll up by one line
# todo: scenarios
after <handle-special-character> [
scroll-up?:bool <- equal c, 19/ctrl-s
break-unless scroll-up?
go-render?:bool, editor <- line-up editor, screen-height
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 5/line-up
return go-render?
def line-up editor:&:editor, screen-height:num -> go-render?:bool, editor:&:editor [
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
max:num <- subtract right, left
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
new-top:&:duplex-list:char <- before-start-of-next-line old-top, max
movement?:bool <- not-equal old-top, new-top
break-unless movement?
*editor <- put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, new-top
return movement?
# ctrl-x - scroll down by one line
# todo: scenarios
after <handle-special-character> [
scroll-down?:bool <- equal c, 24/ctrl-x
break-unless scroll-down?
go-render?:bool, editor <- line-down editor, screen-height
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 6/line-down
return go-render?
def line-down editor:&:editor, screen-height:num -> go-render?:bool, editor:&:editor [
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
new-top:&:duplex-list:char <- before-previous-screen-line old-top, editor
movement?:bool <- not-equal old-top, new-top
break-unless movement?
*editor <- put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, new-top
return movement?
# ctrl-t - move current line to top of screen
# todo: scenarios
after <handle-special-character> [
scroll-down?:bool <- equal c, 20/ctrl-t
break-unless scroll-down?
old-top:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
cursor <- next cursor
new-top:&:duplex-list:char <- before-previous-screen-line cursor, editor
*editor <- put *editor, top-of-screen:offset, new-top
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, 1
go-render?:bool <- not-equal new-top, old-top
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
return go-render?
# ctrl-/ - comment/uncomment current line
after <handle-special-character> [
comment-toggle?:bool <- equal c, 31/ctrl-slash
break-unless comment-toggle?
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
data:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
before-line-start:&:duplex-list:char <- before-start-of-screen-line editor
line-start:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-line-start
commented-out?:bool <- match line-start, [#? ] # comment prefix
break-unless commented-out?
# uncomment
data <- remove line-start, 3/length-comment-prefix, data
cursor-column <- subtract cursor-column, 3/length-comment-prefix
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
go-render? <- render-line-from-start screen, editor, 3/size-of-comment-leader
break-if commented-out?
# comment
insert before-line-start, [#? ]
cursor-column <- add cursor-column, 3/length-comment-prefix
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
go-render? <- render-line-from-start screen, editor, 0
# Render just from the start of the current line, and only if it wasn't
# wrapping before (include margin) and isn't wrapping now. Otherwise just tell
# the caller to go-render? the entire screen.
def render-line-from-start screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor, right-margin:num -> go-render?:bool, screen:&:screen [
before-line-start:&:duplex-list:char <- before-start-of-screen-line editor
line-start:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-line-start
color:num <- copy 7/white
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
screen <- move-cursor screen, cursor-row, left
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
end:num <- subtract right, right-margin
i:num <- copy 0
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- copy line-start
render-all?:bool <- greater-or-equal i, end
return-if render-all?, 1/go-render
break-unless curr
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-if newline?
color <- get-color color, c
print screen, c, color
curr <- next curr
i <- add i, 1
clear-line-until screen, right
return 0/dont-render
def before-start-of-screen-line editor:&:editor -> result:&:duplex-list:char [
cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next cursor
break-unless next
cursor <- copy next
result <- before-previous-screen-line cursor, editor
scenario editor-comments-empty-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press ctrl-slash
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.#? .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 5, [print-character]
scenario editor-comments-at-start-of-contents [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [ab], 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
press ctrl-slash
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.#? ab .
. .
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 10, [print-character]
scenario editor-comments-at-end-of-contents [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
e:&:editor <- new-editor [ab], 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, e
assume-console [
left-click 1, 7
press ctrl-slash
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.#? ab .
. .
memory-should-contain [
4 <- 1
5 <- 5
check-trace-count-for-label 10, [print-character]
# toggle to uncomment
assume-console [
press ctrl-slash
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
4:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-row:offset
5:num/raw <- get *e, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.ab .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 10, [print-character]
scenario editor-comments-almost-wrapping-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# editor starts out with a non-wrapping line
e:&:editor <- new-editor [abcd], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# on commenting the line is now wrapped
assume-console [
left-click 1, 7
press ctrl-slash
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.#? a↩ .
.bcd .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
scenario editor-uncomments-just-wrapping-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
# editor starts out with a comment that wraps the line
e:&:editor <- new-editor [#? ab], 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.#? a↩ .
.b .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
# on uncommenting the line is no longer wrapped
assume-console [
left-click 1, 7
press ctrl-slash
run [
editor-event-loop screen, console, e
screen-should-contain [
. .
.ab .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .