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path: root/factorial.mu
blob: 02a4e2b073025b38d9b01d9436641f4007131ea4 (plain) (tree)
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.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
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.highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keywor
# example program: compute the factorial of 5

recipe main [
  x:number <- factorial 5
  $print [result: ], x, [ 

recipe factorial n:number -> result:number [
    # if n=0 return 1
    zero?:boolean <- equal n, 0
    break-unless zero?
    reply 1
  # return n * factorial(n-1)
  x:number <- subtract n, 1
  subresult:number <- factorial x
  result <- multiply subresult, n

# unit test
scenario factorial-test [
  run [
    1:number <- factorial 5
  memory-should-contain [
    1 <- 120
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE(line.words); ++j) { word& curr = line.words.at(j); if (curr.data.at(0) != '"') continue; ostringstream global_name; global_name << "__subx_global_" << Next_auto_global; ++Next_auto_global; add_global_to_data_segment(global_name.str(), curr, new_lines); curr.data = global_name.str(); } trace(99, "transform") << "line after transform: '" << data_to_string(line) << "'" << end(); } } segment* data = find(p, "data"); if (data) data->lines.insert(data->lines.end(), new_lines.begin(), new_lines.end()); } void add_global_to_data_segment(const string& name, const word& value, vector<line>& out) { trace(99, "transform") << "adding global variable '" << name << "' containing " << value.data << end(); // emit label out.push_back(label(name)); // emit size for size-prefixed array out.push_back(line()); emit_hex_bytes(out.back(), SIZE(value.data)-/*skip quotes*/2, 4/*bytes*/); // emit data byte by byte out.push_back(line()); line& curr = out.back(); for (int i = /*skip start quote*/1; i < SIZE(value.data)-/*skip end quote*/1; ++i) { char c = value.data.at(i); curr.words.push_back(word()); curr.words.back().data = hex_byte_to_string(c); curr.words.back().metadata.push_back(string(1, c)); } } //: Within strings, whitespace is significant. So we need to redo our instruction //: parsing. void test_instruction_with_string_literal() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "a \"abc def\" z\n" // two spaces inside string ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: a\n" "parse2: word: \"abc def\"\n" "parse2: word: z\n" ); // no other words CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("parse2", 3); } void test_string_literal_in_data_segment() { run( "== code 0x1\n" "b8/copy X/imm32\n" "== data 0x2000\n" "X:\n" "\"test\"/imm32\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "transform: -- move literal strings to data segment\n" "transform: adding global variable '__subx_global_1' containing \"test\"\n" "transform: line after transform: '__subx_global_1'\n" ); } void test_string_literal_with_missing_quote() { Hide_errors = true; run( "== code 0x1\n" "b8/copy \"test/imm32\n" "== data 0x2000\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "error: unclosed string in: b8/copy \"test/imm32" ); } :(before "End Line Parsing Special-cases(line_data -> l)") if (line_data.find('"') != string::npos) { // can cause false-positives, but we can handle them parse_instruction_character_by_character(line_data, l); continue; } :(code) void parse_instruction_character_by_character(const string& line_data, vector<line>& out) { if (line_data.find('\n') != string::npos && line_data.find('\n') != line_data.size()-1) { raise << "parse_instruction_character_by_character: should receive only a single line\n" << end(); return; } // parse literals istringstream in(line_data); in >> std::noskipws; line result; result.original = line_data; // add tokens (words or strings) one by one while (has_data(in)) { skip_whitespace(in); if (!has_data(in)) break; char c = in.get(); if (c == '#') break; // comment; drop rest of line if (c == ':') break; // line metadata; skip for now if (c == '.') { if (!has_data(in)) break; // comment token at end of line if (isspace(in.peek())) continue; // '.' followed by space is comment token; skip } result.words.push_back(word()); if (c == '"') { // string literal; slurp everything between quotes into data ostringstream d; d << c; while (true) { if (!has_data(in)) { raise << "unclosed string in: " << line_data << end(); return; } in >> c; if (c == '\\') { in >> c; if (c == 'n') d << '\n'; else if (c == '"') d << '"'; else if (c == '\\') d << '\\'; else { raise << "parse_instruction_character_by_character: unknown escape sequence '\\" << c << "'\n" << end(); return; } continue; } else { d << c; } if (c == '"') break; } result.words.back().data = d.str(); result.words.back().original = d.str(); // slurp metadata ostringstream m; while (!isspace(in.peek()) && has_data(in)) { // peek can sometimes trigger eof(), so do it first in >> c; if (c == '/') { if (!m.str().empty()) result.words.back().metadata.push_back(m.str()); m.str(""); } else { m << c; } } if (!m.str().empty()) result.words.back().metadata.push_back(m.str()); } else { // not a string literal; slurp all characters until whitespace ostringstream w; w << c; while (!isspace(in.peek()) && has_data(in)) { // peek can sometimes trigger eof(), so do it first in >> c; w << c; } parse_word(w.str(), result.words.back()); } trace(99, "parse2") << "word: " << to_string(result.words.back()) << end(); } if (!result.words.empty()) out.push_back(result); } void skip_whitespace(istream& in) { while (has_data(in) && isspace(in.peek())) { in.get(); } } void skip_comment(istream& in) { if (has_data(in) && in.peek() == '#') { in.get(); while (has_data(in) && in.peek() != '\n') in.get(); } } line label(string s) { line result; result.words.push_back(word()); result.words.back().data = (s+":"); return result; } // helper for tests void parse_instruction_character_by_character(const string& line_data) { vector<line> out; parse_instruction_character_by_character(line_data, out); } void test_parse2_comment_token_in_middle() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "a . z\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: a\n" "parse2: word: z\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("parse2: word: ."); // no other words CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("parse2", 2); } void test_parse2_word_starting_with_dot() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "a .b c\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: a\n" "parse2: word: .b\n" "parse2: word: c\n" ); } void test_parse2_comment_token_at_start() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( ". a b\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: a\n" "parse2: word: b\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("parse2: word: ."); } void test_parse2_comment_token_at_end() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "a b .\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: a\n" "parse2: word: b\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("parse2: word: ."); } void test_parse2_word_starting_with_dot_at_start() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( ".a b c\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: .a\n" "parse2: word: b\n" "parse2: word: c\n" ); } void test_parse2_metadata() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( ".a b/c d\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: .a\n" "parse2: word: b /c\n" "parse2: word: d\n" ); } void test_parse2_string_with_metadata() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "a \"bc def\"/disp32 g\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: a\n" "parse2: word: \"bc def\" /disp32\n" "parse2: word: g\n" ); } void test_parse2_string_with_metadata_at_end() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "a \"bc def\"/disp32\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: a\n" "parse2: word: \"bc def\" /disp32\n" ); } void test_parse2_string_with_metadata_at_end_of_line_without_newline() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "68/push \"test\"/f" // no newline, which is how calls from parse() will look ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: 68 /push\n" "parse2: word: \"test\" /f\n" ); } //: Make sure slashes inside strings don't trigger adding stuff from inside the //: string to metadata. void test_parse2_string_containing_slashes() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "a \"bc/def\"/disp32\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: \"bc/def\" /disp32\n" ); } void test_instruction_with_string_literal_with_escaped_quote() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "\"a\\\"b\"\n" // escaped quote inside string ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: \"a\"b\"\n" ); // no other words CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("parse2", 1); } void test_instruction_with_string_literal_with_escaped_backslash() { parse_instruction_character_by_character( "\"a\\\\b\"\n" // escaped backslash inside string ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "parse2: word: \"a\\b\"\n" ); // no other words CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("parse2", 1); }