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path: root/init.soso
blob: 8753b4121a7b548fcd5735cf78ba09931eb3ffa9 (plain) (tree)




# Some OS-specific preliminaries for Soso.

# Memory layout
# 0x40000000 - 0x40001ffff - for ELF code+data
# 0x40002000 - 0x401ffffff - for heap
== code 0x40000000
== data 0x40001000

# Syscalls
# We don't have libc, so we need to know Soso's precise syscall layout.
# https://github.com/ozkl/soso/blob/master/kernel/syscalltable.h
== code

syscall_exit:  # status/ebx : int
    b8/copy-to-eax 8/imm32
    cd/syscall 0x80/imm8

syscall_read:  # fd/ebx : int, buf/ecx : addr, size/edx : int -> nbytes-or-error/eax : int
    b8/copy-to-eax 2/imm32
    cd/syscall 0x80/imm8

syscall_write:  # fd/ebx : int, buf/ecx : addr, size/edx : int -> nbytes-or-error/eax : int
    b8/copy-to-eax 3/imm32
    cd/syscall 0x80/imm8

syscall_open:  # filename/ebx : (addr kernel-string), flags/ecx : int -> fd-or-error/eax : int
    b8/copy-to-eax 0/imm32
    cd/syscall 0x80/imm8

syscall_close:  # fd/ebx : int -> status/eax
    b8/copy-to-eax 1/imm32
    cd/syscall 0x80/imm8

# anonymous mmap not implemented
ef='#n381'>381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520
# .tlv file generated by https://github.com/akkartik/teliva
# You may edit it if you are careful; however, you may see cryptic errors if you
# violate Teliva's assumptions.
# .tlv files are representations of Teliva programs. Teliva programs consist of
# sequences of definitions. Each definition is a table of key/value pairs. Keys
# and values are both strings.
# Lines in .tlv files always follow exactly one of the following forms:
# - comment lines at the top of the file starting with '#' at column 0
# - beginnings of definitions starting with '- ' at column 0, followed by a
#   key/value pair
# - key/value pairs consisting of '  ' at column 0, containing either a
#   spaceless value on the same line, or a multi-line value
# - multiline values indented by more than 2 spaces, starting with a '>'
# If these constraints are violated, Teliva may unceremoniously crash. Please
# report bugs at http://akkartik.name/contact
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >-- some string helpers from http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringIndexing
    >-- index characters using []
    >getmetatable('').__index = function(str,i)
    >  if type(i) == 'number' then
    >    return string.sub(str,i,i)
    >  else
    >    return string[i]
    >  end
    >-- ranges using (), selected bytes using {}
    >getmetatable('').__call = function(str,i,j)
    >  if type(i)~='table' then
    >    return string.sub(str,i,j)
    >  else
    >    local t={}
    >    for k,v in ipairs(i) do
    >      t[k]=string.sub(str,v,v)
    >    end
    >    return table.concat(t)
    >  end
    >-- iterate over an ordered sequence
    >function q(x)
    >  if type(x) == 'string' then
    >    return x:gmatch('.')
    >  else
    >    return ipairs(x)
    >  end
    >-- insert within string
    >function string.insert(str1, str2, pos)
    >  return str1:sub(1,pos)..str2..str1:sub(pos+1)
    >function string.remove(s, pos)
    >  return s:sub(1,pos-1)..s:sub(pos+1)
    >-- TODO: backport utf-8 support from Lua 5.3
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >debugy = 5
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >-- helper for debug by print; overlay debug information towards the right
    >-- reset debugy every time you refresh screen
    >function dbg(window, s)
    >  local oldy = 0
    >  local oldx = 0
    >  oldy, oldx = window:getyx()
    >  window:mvaddstr(debugy, 60, s)
    >  debugy = debugy+1
    >  window:mvaddstr(oldy, oldx, '')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function check_eq(x, expected, msg)
    >  if x == expected then
    >    curses.addch('.')
    >  else
    >    print('F - '..msg)
    >    print('  expected '..tostring(expected)..' but got '..x)
    >    teliva_num_test_failures = teliva_num_test_failures + 1
    >    -- overlay first test failure on editors
    >    if teliva_first_failure == nil then
    >      teliva_first_failure = msg
    >    end
    >  end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >-- only for arrays
    >function map(l, f)
    >  result = {}
    >  for _, x in ipairs(l) do
    >    table.insert(result, f(x))
    >  end
    >  return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >-- only for arrays
    >function reduce(l, f, init)
    >  result = init
    >  for _, x in ipairs(l) do
    >    result = f(result, x)
    >  end
    >  return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >-- only for arrays
    >function filter(l, f)
    >  result = {}
    >  for _, x in ipairs(l) do
    >    if f(x) then
    >      table.insert(result, x)
    >    end
    >  end
    >  return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function find_index(arr, x)
    >  for n, y in ipairs(arr) do
    >    if x == y then
    >      return n
    >    end
    >  end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function trim(s)
    >  return s:gsub('^%s*', ''):gsub('%s*$', '')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function split(s, d)
    >  result = {}
    >  for match in (s..d):gmatch("(.-)"..d) do
    >    table.insert(result, match);
    >  end
    >  return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >window = curses.stdscr()
    >curses.curs_set(0)  -- we'll simulate our own cursor
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >menu = {
    >  {'^u', 'clear'},
    >  {'^w', 'write prose to file "toot" (edit hotkey does NOT save)'},
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function main()
    >  init_colors()
    >  while true do
    >    render(window)
    >    update(window)
    >  end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function init_colors()
    >  for i=0,7 do
    >    curses.init_pair(i, i, -1)
    >  end
    >  curses.init_pair(8, 7, 0)
    >  curses.init_pair(9, 7, 1)
    >  curses.init_pair(10, 7, 2)
    >  curses.init_pair(11, 7, 3)
    >  curses.init_pair(12, 7, 4)
    >  curses.init_pair(13, 7, 5)
    >  curses.init_pair(14, 7, 6)
    >  curses.init_pair(15, -1, 15)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >prose = ''
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >cursor = 1
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function render(window)
    >  window:clear()
    >  debugy = 5
    >  local toots = split(prose, '\n\n===\n\n')
    >  pos = 1
    >  debugy = 5
    >  for i, toot in ipairs(toots) do
    >    if i > 1 then
    >      pos = render_delimiter(window, '\n\n===\n\n', pos, cursor)
    >    end
    >    pos = render_text(window, toot, pos, cursor)
    >    print('')
    >    window:attron(curses.A_BOLD)
    >    window:addstr(string.len(toot))
    >    window:attroff(curses.A_BOLD)
    >  end
    >  curses.refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function render_delimiter(window, s, pos, cursor)
    >  local newpos = pos
    >  for i=1,string.len(s) do
    >    if newpos == cursor and i ~= 1 then
    >      if s[i] == '\n' then
    >        -- newline at cursor = render extra space in reverse video before jumping to new line
    >        window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >        window:addch(' ')
    >        window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >        window:addch(s[i])
    >      else
    >        -- most characters at cursor = render in reverse video
    >        window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >        window:addch(s[i])
    >        window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >      end
    >    else
    >      window:addch(s[i])
    >    end
    >    newpos = newpos+1
    >  end
    >  return newpos
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >-- https://gankra.github.io/blah/text-hates-you
    >-- https://lord.io/text-editing-hates-you-too
    >-- manual tests:
    >--   cursor on some character
    >--   cursor on (within) '\n\n===\n\n' delimiter (delimiter is hardcoded; things may break if you change it)
    >--   cursor at end of each line
    >--   render digits
    >-- positions serve two purposes:
    >--   character to index into prose
    >--   cursor-printing
    >-- sequence of stories
    >--   focus on rendering a single piece of text, first get that rock-solid
    >--   split prose into toots, manage transitions between toots in response to cursor movements
    >--   cursor movement: left/right vs up/down
    >-- what is the ideal representation?
    >--   prose + cursor has issues in multi-toot context. when to display cursor?
    >function render_text(window, s, pos, cursor)
    >  local newpos = pos
    >--?   dbg(window, '--')
    >  for i=1,string.len(s) do
    >--?     dbg(window, tostring(newpos)..' '..tostring(string.byte(s[i])))
    >    if newpos == cursor then
    >--?       dbg(window, 'cursor: '..tostring(cursor))
    >      if s[i] == '\n' then
    >        -- newline at cursor = render extra space in reverse video before jumping to new line
    >        window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >        window:addch(' ')
    >        window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >        window:addstr(s[i])
    >      else
    >        -- most characters at cursor = render in reverse video
    >        window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >        window:addstr(s[i])
    >        window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >      end
    >    else
    >      window:addstr(s[i])
    >    end
    >    newpos = newpos+1
    >  end
    >  if newpos == cursor then
    >    window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >    window:addch(' ')
    >    window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
    >  end
    >  return newpos
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function update(window)
    >  local key = curses.getch()
    >  local h, w = window:getmaxyx()
    >  if key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
    >    if cursor > 1 then
    >      cursor = cursor-1
    >    end
    >  elseif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT then
    >    if cursor <= #prose then
    >      cursor = cursor+1
    >    end
    >  elseif key == curses.KEY_DOWN then
    >    cursor = cursor_down(prose, cursor, w)
    >  elseif key == curses.KEY_UP then
    >    cursor = cursor_up(prose, cursor, w)
    >  elseif key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == 8 or key == 127 then  -- ctrl-h, ctrl-?, delete
    >    if cursor > 1 then
    >      cursor = cursor-1
    >      prose = prose:remove(cursor)
    >    end
    >  elseif key == 21 then  -- ctrl-u
    >    prose = ''
    >    cursor = 1
    >  elseif key == 23 then  -- ctrl-w
    >    local out = io.open('toot', 'w')
    >    if out ~= nil then
    >      out:write(prose, '\n')
    >      out:close()
    >    end
    >  elseif key == 10 or (key >= 32 and key < 127) then
    >    prose = prose:insert(string.char(key), cursor-1)
    >    cursor = cursor+1
    >  end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function cursor_down(s, old_idx, width)
    >  local max = string.len(s)
    >  local i = 1
    >  -- compute oldcol, the screen column of old_idx
    >  local oldcol = 0
    >  local col = 0
    >  while true do
    >    if i > max then
    >      -- abnormal old_idx
    >      return old_idx
    >    end
    >    if i == old_idx then
    >      oldcol = col
    >      break
    >    end
    >    if s[i] == '\n' then
    >      col = 0
    >    else
    >      col = col+1
    >    end
    >    i = i+1
    >  end
    >  -- skip rest of line
    >  while true do
    >    if i > max then
    >      -- current line is at bottom
    >      if col >= width then
    >        return i
    >      end
    >      return old_idx
    >    end
    >    if s[i] == '\n' then
    >      break
    >    end
    >    if i - old_idx >= width then
    >      return i
    >    end
    >    col = col+1
    >    i = i+1
    >  end
    >  -- compute index at same column on next line
    >  -- i is at a newline
    >  i = i+1
    >  col = 0
    >  while true do
    >    if i > max then
    >      -- next line is at bottom and is too short; position at end of it
    >      return i
    >    end
    >    if s[i] == '\n' then
    >      -- next line is too short; position at end of it
    >      return i
    >    end
    >    if col == oldcol then
    >      return i
    >    end
    >    col = col+1
    >    i = i+1
    >  end
    >function test_cursor_down()
    >  -- lines that don't wrap
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 1, 5), 5, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 2, 5), 6, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 3, 5), 7, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line final char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 4, 5), 8, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line end')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 5, 5), 5, 'cursor_down: bottom line first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 6, 5), 6, 'cursor_down: bottom line mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 7, 5), 7, 'cursor_down: bottom line final char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abc\n\ndef', 2, 5), 5, 'cursor_down: to shorter line')
    >  -- within a single wrapping line
    >  --   |abcde|  <-- wrap, no newline
    >  --   |fgh  |
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefgh', 1, 5), 6, 'cursor_down from wrapping line: first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefgh', 2, 5), 7, 'cursor_down from wrapping line: mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefgh', 5, 5), 9, 'cursor_down from wrapping line: to shorter line')
    >  -- within a single very long wrapping line
    >  --   |abcde|  <-- wrap, no newline
    >  --   |fghij|  <-- wrap, no newline
    >  --   |klm  |
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefghijklm', 1, 5), 6, 'cursor_down within wrapping line: first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefghijklm', 2, 5), 7, 'cursor_down within wrapping line: mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefghijklm', 5, 5), 10, 'cursor_down within wrapping line: final char')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
    >function cursor_up(s, old_idx, width)
    >  local max = string.len(s)
    >  local i = 1
    >  -- compute oldcol, the screen column of old_idx
    >  local oldcol = 0
    >  local col = 0
    >  local newline_before_current_line = 0
    >  while true do
    >    if i > max or i == old_idx then
    >      oldcol = col
    >      break
    >    end
    >    if s[i] == '\n' then
    >      col = 0
    >      newline_before_current_line = i
    >    else
    >      col = col+1
    >      if col == width then
    >        col = 0
    >      end
    >    end
    >    i = i+1
    >  end
    >  -- find previous newline
    >  i = i-col-1
    >  if old_idx - newline_before_current_line > width then
    >    -- we're in a wrapped line
    >    return old_idx - width
    >  end
    >  -- scan back to start of previous line
    >  if s[i] == '\n' then
    >    i = i-1
    >  end
    >  while true do
    >    if i < 1 then
    >      -- current line is at top
    >      break
    >    end
    >    if s[i] == '\n' then
    >      break
    >    end
    >    i = i-1
    >  end
    >  -- i is at a newline
    >  i = i+1
    >  -- skip whole screen lines within previous line
    >  while newline_before_current_line - i > width do
    >    i = i + width
    >  end
    >  -- compute index at same column on previous screen line
    >  col = 0
    >  while true do
    >    if i > max then
    >      -- next line is at bottom and is too short; position at end of it
    >      return i
    >    end
    >    if s[i] == '\n' then
    >      -- next line is too short; position at end of it
    >      return i
    >    end
    >    if col == oldcol then
    >      return i
    >    end
    >    col = col+1
    >    i = i+1
    >  end
    >function test_cursor_up()
    >  -- lines that don't wrap
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 1, 5), 1, 'cursor_up: top line first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 2, 5), 2, 'cursor_up: top line mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 3, 5), 3, 'cursor_up: top line final char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 4, 5), 4, 'cursor_up: top line end')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 5, 5), 1, 'cursor_up: non-top line first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 6, 5), 2, 'cursor_up: non-top line mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 7, 5), 3, 'cursor_up: non-top line final char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef\n', 8, 5), 4, 'cursor_up: non-top line end')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('ab\ndef\n', 7, 5), 3, 'cursor_up: to shorter line')
    >  -- within a single wrapping line
    >  --   |abcde|  <-- wrap, no newline
    >  --   |fgh  |
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 6, 5), 1, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 7, 5), 2, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 8, 5), 3, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: final char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 9, 5), 4, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: wrapped line end')
    >  -- within a single very long wrapping line
    >  --   |abcde|  <-- wrap, no newline
    >  --   |fghij|  <-- wrap, no newline
    >  --   |klm  |
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 11, 5), 6, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 12, 5), 7, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 13, 5), 8, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: final char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 14, 5), 9, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: wrapped line end')
    >  -- from below to (the bottom of) a wrapping line
    >  --   |abcde|  <-- wrap, no newline
    >  --   |fg   |
    >  --   |hij  |
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 9, 5), 6, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: first char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 10, 5), 7, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: mid char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 11, 5), 8, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: final char')
    >  check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 12, 5), 8, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: to shorter line')