# env is an alist of ((sym . val) (sym . val) ...)
# we never modify `in` or `env`
# ignore 'screen-cell' on a first reading; it's a hack for sandboxes
# 'call-number' is just for showing intermediate progress; this is a _slow_ interpreter
fn evaluate _in: (addr handle cell), out: (addr handle cell), env-h: (handle cell), globals: (addr global-table), trace: (addr trace), screen-cell: (addr handle cell), keyboard-cell: (addr handle cell), call-number: int {
# stack overflow? # disable when enabling Really-debug-print
var screen-cell/eax: (addr handle cell) <- copy screen-cell
compare screen-cell, 0
var screen-cell-addr/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *screen-cell
compare screen-cell-addr, 0
# if screen-cell exists, we're probably not in a test
# errors? skip
compare trace, 0
var error?/eax: boolean <- has-errors? trace
compare error?, 0/false
var in/esi: (addr handle cell) <- copy _in
# show intermediate progress on screen if necessary
compare screen-cell, 0
var tmp/eax: int <- copy call-number
tmp <- and 0xf # every 16 calls to evaluate
compare tmp, 0
var screen-cell/eax: (addr handle cell) <- copy screen-cell
var screen-cell-addr/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *screen-cell
compare screen-cell-addr, 0
var screen-obj-ah/eax: (addr handle screen) <- get screen-cell-addr, screen-data
var screen-obj/eax: (addr screen) <- lookup *screen-obj-ah
compare screen-obj, 0
var y/ecx: int <- render-screen 0/screen, screen-obj, 0x70/xmin, 2/ymin
#? dump-cell in
#? {
#? var foo/eax: byte <- read-key 0/keyboard
#? compare foo, 0
#? loop-if-=
#? }
# trace "evaluate " in " in environment " env {{{
compare trace, 0
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x200)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "evaluate "
print-cell in, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " in environment "
var env-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address env-h
print-cell env-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
trace-lower trace
var in-addr/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *in
var nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? in-addr
compare nil?, 0/false
# nil is a literal
trace-text trace, "eval", "nil"
copy-object _in, out
trace-higher trace
var in-type/ecx: (addr int) <- get in-addr, type
compare *in-type, 1/number
# numbers are literals
trace-text trace, "eval", "number"
copy-object _in, out
trace-higher trace
compare *in-type, 3/stream
# streams are literals
trace-text trace, "eval", "stream"
copy-object _in, out
trace-higher trace
compare *in-type, 2/symbol
trace-text trace, "eval", "symbol"
debug-print "a", 7/fg, 0/bg
lookup-symbol in-addr, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell
debug-print "z", 7/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
compare *in-type, 5/screen
trace-text trace, "eval", "screen"
copy-object _in, out
trace-higher trace
compare *in-type, 6/keyboard
trace-text trace, "eval", "keyboard"
copy-object _in, out
trace-higher trace
# in-addr is a syntax tree
$evaluate:anonymous-function: {
# trees starting with "fn" are anonymous functions
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "fn", break
var in-addr/edx: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var fn?/eax: boolean <- fn? first
compare fn?, 0/false
# turn (fn ...) into (fn env ...)
trace-text trace, "eval", "anonymous function"
var rest-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var tmp: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/edi: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp
new-pair tmp-ah, env-h, *rest-ah
new-pair out, *first-ah, *tmp-ah
trace-higher trace
# builtins with "special" evaluation rules
$evaluate:quote: {
# trees starting with single quote create literals
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "'", break
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var rest-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var quote?/eax: boolean <- symbol-equal? first, "'"
compare quote?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "quote"
copy-object rest-ah, out
trace-higher trace
$evaluate:def: {
# trees starting with "def" define globals
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "def", break
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var rest-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var def?/eax: boolean <- symbol-equal? first, "def"
compare def?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "def"
trace-text trace, "eval", "evaluating second arg"
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
var first-arg-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
var first-arg/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-arg-ah
var first-arg-type/eax: (addr int) <- get first-arg, type
compare *first-arg-type, 2/symbol
error trace, "first arg to def must be a symbol"
trace-higher trace
rest-ah <- get rest, right
rest <- lookup *rest-ah
var second-arg-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
debug-print "P", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate second-arg-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "Q", 4/fg, 0/bg
trace-text trace, "eval", "saving global binding"
var first-arg/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-arg-ah
var first-arg-data-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get first-arg, text-data
var first-arg-data/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *first-arg-data-ah
var tmp-string: (handle array byte)
var tmp-ah/edx: (addr handle array byte) <- address tmp-string
rewind-stream first-arg-data
stream-to-array first-arg-data, tmp-ah
var first-arg-data-string/eax: (addr array byte) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var out2/edi: (addr handle cell) <- copy out
append-global globals, first-arg-data-string, *out2, trace
trace-higher trace
$evaluate:set: {
# trees starting with "set" mutate bindings
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "set", break
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var rest-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var set?/eax: boolean <- symbol-equal? first, "set"
compare set?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "set"
trace-text trace, "eval", "evaluating second arg"
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
var first-arg-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
var first-arg/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-arg-ah
var first-arg-type/eax: (addr int) <- get first-arg, type
compare *first-arg-type, 2/symbol
error trace, "first arg to set must be a symbol"
trace-higher trace
rest-ah <- get rest, right
rest <- lookup *rest-ah
var second-arg-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
debug-print "P", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate second-arg-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "Q", 4/fg, 0/bg
trace-text trace, "eval", "mutating binding"
var first-arg/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-arg-ah
var first-arg-data-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get first-arg, text-data
var first-arg-data/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *first-arg-data-ah
mutate-binding first-arg-data, out, env-h, globals, trace
trace-higher trace
$evaluate:and: {
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "and", break
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var rest-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var and?/eax: boolean <- symbol-equal? first, "and"
compare and?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "and"
trace-text trace, "eval", "evaluating first arg"
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
var first-arg-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
debug-print "R2", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate first-arg-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "S2", 4/fg, 0/bg
# if first arg is nil, short-circuit
var out-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- copy out
var out-a/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *out-ah
var nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? out-a
compare nil?, 0/false
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
rest-ah <- get rest, right
rest <- lookup *rest-ah
var second-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
debug-print "T2", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate second-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "U2", 4/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
$evaluate:or: {
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "or", break
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var rest-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var or?/eax: boolean <- symbol-equal? first, "or"
compare or?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "or"
trace-text trace, "eval", "evaluating first arg"
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
var first-arg-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
debug-print "R2", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate first-arg-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "S2", 4/fg, 0/bg
# if first arg is not nil, short-circuit
var out-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- copy out
var out-a/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *out-ah
var nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? out-a
compare nil?, 0/false
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
rest-ah <- get rest, right
rest <- lookup *rest-ah
var second-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
debug-print "T2", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate second-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "U2", 4/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
$evaluate:if: {
# trees starting with "if" are conditionals
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "if", break
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var rest-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var if?/eax: boolean <- symbol-equal? first, "if"
compare if?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "if"
trace-text trace, "eval", "evaluating first arg"
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
var first-arg-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
var guard-h: (handle cell)
var guard-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- address guard-h
debug-print "R", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate first-arg-ah, guard-ah, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "S", 4/fg, 0/bg
rest-ah <- get rest, right
rest <- lookup *rest-ah
var branch-ah/edi: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
var guard-a/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *guard-ah
var skip-to-third-arg?/eax: boolean <- nil? guard-a
compare skip-to-third-arg?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "skipping to third arg"
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
rest-ah <- get rest, right
rest <- lookup *rest-ah
branch-ah <- get rest, left
debug-print "T", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate branch-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "U", 4/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
$evaluate:while: {
# trees starting with "while" are loops
var expr/esi: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
# if its first elem is not "while", break
var first-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, left
var rest-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get in-addr, right
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var first-type/ecx: (addr int) <- get first, type
compare *first-type, 2/symbol
var sym-data-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get first, text-data
var sym-data/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *sym-data-ah
var while?/eax: boolean <- stream-data-equal? sym-data, "while"
compare while?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "while"
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
var first-arg-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
rest-ah <- get rest, right
var guard-h: (handle cell)
var guard-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- address guard-h
$evaluate:while:loop-execution: {
compare trace, 0
var error?/eax: boolean <- has-errors? trace
compare error?, 0/false
break-if-!= $evaluate:while:loop-execution
trace-text trace, "eval", "loop termination check"
debug-print "V", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate first-arg-ah, guard-ah, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "W", 4/fg, 0/bg
var guard-a/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *guard-ah
var done?/eax: boolean <- nil? guard-a
compare done?, 0/false
evaluate-exprs rest-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
trace-text trace, "eval", "loop terminated"
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "function call"
trace-text trace, "eval", "evaluating list elements"
trace-lower trace
var evaluated-list-storage: (handle cell)
var evaluated-list-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- address evaluated-list-storage
var curr-out-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- copy evaluated-list-ah
var curr/ecx: (addr cell) <- copy in-addr
$evaluate-list:loop: {
allocate-pair curr-out-ah
var nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? curr
compare nil?, 0/false
# eval left
var curr-out/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *curr-out-ah
var left-out-ah/edi: (addr handle cell) <- get curr-out, left
var left-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- get curr, left
debug-print "A", 4/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate left-ah, left-out-ah, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "B", 4/fg, 0/bg
curr-out-ah <- get curr-out, right
var right-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get curr, right
var right/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *right-ah
curr <- copy right
trace-higher trace
var evaluated-list/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *evaluated-list-ah
var function-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get evaluated-list, left
var args-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get evaluated-list, right
debug-print "C", 4/fg, 0/bg
apply function-ah, args-ah, out, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "Y", 4/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
# trace "=> " out {{{
compare trace, 0
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x200)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "=> "
print-cell out, stream, 0/no-trace
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
debug-print "Z", 4/fg, 0/bg
fn apply _f-ah: (addr handle cell), args-ah: (addr handle cell), out: (addr handle cell), globals: (addr global-table), trace: (addr trace), screen-cell: (addr handle cell), keyboard-cell: (addr handle cell), call-number: int {
var f-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- copy _f-ah
var _f/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *f-ah
var f/esi: (addr cell) <- copy _f
# call primitive functions
var f-type/eax: (addr int) <- get f, type
compare *f-type, 4/primitive-function
apply-primitive f, args-ah, out, globals, trace
# if it's not a primitive function it must be an anonymous function
# trace "apply anonymous function " f " in environment " env {{{
compare trace, 0
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x200)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "apply anonymous function "
print-cell _f-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
#? write stream, " in environment "
#? var callee-env-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address callee-env-h
#? print-cell callee-env-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
trace-lower trace
var f-type/ecx: (addr int) <- get f, type
compare *f-type, 0/pair
var first-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get f, left
var first/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *first-ah
var fn?/eax: boolean <- fn? first
compare fn?, 0/false
var rest-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- get f, right
var rest/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *rest-ah
var callee-env-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
rest-ah <- get rest, right
rest <- lookup *rest-ah
var params-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, left
var body-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get rest, right
debug-print "D", 7/fg, 0/bg
apply-function params-ah, args-ah, body-ah, out, *callee-env-ah, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "Y", 7/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
error trace, "unknown function"
fn apply-function params-ah: (addr handle cell), args-ah: (addr handle cell), body-ah: (addr handle cell), out: (addr handle cell), env-h: (handle cell), globals: (addr global-table), trace: (addr trace), screen-cell: (addr handle cell), keyboard-cell: (addr handle cell), call-number: int {
# push bindings for params to env
var new-env-h: (handle cell)
var new-env-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- address new-env-h
push-bindings params-ah, args-ah, env-h, new-env-ah, trace
evaluate-exprs body-ah, out, new-env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
fn evaluate-exprs _exprs-ah: (addr handle cell), out: (addr handle cell), env-h: (handle cell), globals: (addr global-table), trace: (addr trace), screen-cell: (addr handle cell), keyboard-cell: (addr handle cell), call-number: int {
# eval all exprs, writing result to `out` each time
var exprs-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- copy _exprs-ah
$evaluate-exprs:loop: {
var exprs/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *exprs-ah
# stop when exprs is nil
var exprs-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? exprs
compare exprs-nil?, 0/false
break-if-!= $evaluate-exprs:loop
# evaluate each expression, writing result to `out`
var curr-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get exprs, left
debug-print "E", 7/fg, 0/bg
increment call-number
evaluate curr-ah, out, env-h, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell, call-number
debug-print "X", 7/fg, 0/bg
exprs-ah <- get exprs, right
# `out` contains result of evaluating final expression
# Bind params to corresponding args and add the bindings to old-env. Return
# the result in env-ah.
# We never modify old-env, but we point to it. This way other parts of the
# interpreter can continue using old-env, and everything works harmoniously
# even though no cells are copied around.
# env should always be a DAG (ignoring internals of values). It doesn't have
# to be a tree (some values may be shared), but there are also no cycles.
# Learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistent_data_structure
fn push-bindings _params-ah: (addr handle cell), _args-ah: (addr handle cell), old-env-h: (handle cell), env-ah: (addr handle cell), trace: (addr trace) {
var params-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- copy _params-ah
var args-ah/ebx: (addr handle cell) <- copy _args-ah
var _params/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *params-ah
var params/esi: (addr cell) <- copy _params
var params-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? params
compare params-nil?, 0/false
# nil is a literal
trace-text trace, "eval", "done with push-bindings"
copy-handle old-env-h, env-ah
# Params can only be symbols or pairs. Args can be anything.
# trace "pushing bindings from " params " to " args {{{
compare trace, 0
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x200)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "pushing bindings from "
print-cell params-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " to "
print-cell args-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " onto "
var old-env-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address old-env-h
print-cell old-env-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
trace-lower trace
var params-type/eax: (addr int) <- get params, type
compare *params-type, 2/symbol
trace-text trace, "eval", "symbol; binding to all remaining args"
# create a new binding
var new-binding-storage: (handle cell)
var new-binding-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address new-binding-storage
new-pair new-binding-ah, *params-ah, *args-ah
# push it to env
new-pair env-ah, *new-binding-ah, old-env-h
trace-higher trace
compare *params-type, 0/pair
error trace, "cannot bind a non-symbol"
trace-higher trace
var _args/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *args-ah
var args/edi: (addr cell) <- copy _args
# params is now a pair, so args must be also
var args-type/eax: (addr int) <- get args, type
compare *args-type, 0/pair
error trace, "args not in a proper list"
trace-higher trace
var intermediate-env-storage: (handle cell)
var intermediate-env-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address intermediate-env-storage
var first-param-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get params, left
var first-arg-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get args, left
push-bindings first-param-ah, first-arg-ah, old-env-h, intermediate-env-ah, trace
var remaining-params-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get params, right
var remaining-args-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- get args, right
push-bindings remaining-params-ah, remaining-args-ah, *intermediate-env-ah, env-ah, trace
trace-higher trace
fn lookup-symbol sym: (addr cell), out: (addr handle cell), env-h: (handle cell), globals: (addr global-table), trace: (addr trace), screen-cell: (addr handle cell), keyboard-cell: (addr handle cell) {
# trace sym
compare trace, 0
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x800) # pessimistically sized just for the large alist loaded from disk in `main`
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "look up "
var sym2/eax: (addr cell) <- copy sym
var sym-data-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get sym2, text-data
var sym-data/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *sym-data-ah
rewind-stream sym-data
write-stream stream, sym-data
write stream, " in "
var env-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address env-h
print-cell env-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
trace trace, "eval", stream
trace-lower trace
var _env/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup env-h
var env/ebx: (addr cell) <- copy _env
# if env is not a list, abort
var env-type/ecx: (addr int) <- get env, type
compare *env-type, 0/pair
error trace, "eval found a non-list environment"
trace-higher trace
# if env is nil, look up in globals
var env-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? env
compare env-nil?, 0/false
debug-print "b", 7/fg, 0/bg
lookup-symbol-in-globals sym, out, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell
debug-print "x", 7/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
# trace "=> " out " (global)" {{{
compare trace, 0
var error?/eax: boolean <- has-errors? trace
compare error?, 0/false
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x200)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "=> "
print-cell out, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " (global)"
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
debug-print "y", 7/fg, 0/bg
# check car
var env-head-storage: (handle cell)
var env-head-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address env-head-storage
car env, env-head-ah, 0/no-trace
var _env-head/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *env-head-ah
var env-head/ecx: (addr cell) <- copy _env-head
# if car is not a list, abort
var env-head-type/eax: (addr int) <- get env-head, type
compare *env-head-type, 0/pair
error trace, "environment is not a list of (key . value) pairs"
trace-higher trace
# check key
var curr-key-storage: (handle cell)
var curr-key-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address curr-key-storage
car env-head, curr-key-ah, trace
var curr-key/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *curr-key-ah
# if key is not a symbol, abort
var curr-key-type/eax: (addr int) <- get curr-key, type
compare *curr-key-type, 2/symbol
error trace, "environment contains a binding for a non-symbol"
trace-higher trace
# if key matches sym, return val
var match?/eax: boolean <- cell-isomorphic? curr-key, sym, trace
compare match?, 0/false
cdr env-head, out, 0/no-trace
# trace "=> " out " (match)" {{{
compare trace, 0
var error?/eax: boolean <- has-errors? trace
compare error?, 0/false
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x800)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "=> "
print-cell out, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " (match)"
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
trace-higher trace
# otherwise recurse
var env-tail-storage: (handle cell)
var env-tail-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address env-tail-storage
cdr env, env-tail-ah, trace
lookup-symbol sym, out, *env-tail-ah, globals, trace, screen-cell, keyboard-cell
trace-higher trace
# trace "=> " out " (recurse)" {{{
compare trace, 0
var error?/eax: boolean <- has-errors? trace
compare error?, 0/false
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x200)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "=> "
print-cell out, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " (recurse)"
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
fn test-lookup-symbol-in-env {
# tmp = (a . 3)
var val-storage: (handle cell)
var val-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address val-storage
new-integer val-ah, 3
var key-storage: (handle cell)
var key-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address key-storage
new-symbol key-ah, "a"
var env-storage: (handle cell)
var env-ah/ebx: (addr handle cell) <- address env-storage
new-pair env-ah, *key-ah, *val-ah
# env = ((a . 3))
var nil-storage: (handle cell)
var nil-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address nil-storage
allocate-pair nil-ah
new-pair env-ah, *env-ah, *nil-ah
# lookup sym(a) in env tmp
var tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp-storage
new-symbol tmp-ah, "a"
var in/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
lookup-symbol in, tmp-ah, *env-ah, 0/no-globals, 0/no-trace, 0/no-screen, 0/no-keyboard
var result/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var result-type/edx: (addr int) <- get result, type
check-ints-equal *result-type, 1/number, "F - test-lookup-symbol-in-env/0"
var result-value-addr/eax: (addr float) <- get result, number-data
var result-value/eax: int <- convert *result-value-addr
check-ints-equal result-value, 3, "F - test-lookup-symbol-in-env/1"
fn test-lookup-symbol-in-globals {
var globals-storage: global-table
var globals/edi: (addr global-table) <- address globals-storage
initialize-globals globals
# env = nil
var nil-storage: (handle cell)
var nil-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address nil-storage
allocate-pair nil-ah
# lookup sym(a), env
var tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/ebx: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp-storage
new-symbol tmp-ah, "+"
var in/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
lookup-symbol in, tmp-ah, *nil-ah, globals, 0/no-trace, 0/no-screen, 0/no-keyboard
var result/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var result-type/edx: (addr int) <- get result, type
check-ints-equal *result-type, 4/primitive-function, "F - test-lookup-symbol-in-globals/0"
var result-value/eax: (addr int) <- get result, index-data
check-ints-equal *result-value, 1/add, "F - test-lookup-symbol-in-globals/1"
fn mutate-binding name: (addr stream byte), val: (addr handle cell), env-h: (handle cell), globals: (addr global-table), trace: (addr trace) {
# trace name
compare trace, 0
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x800) # pessimistically sized just for the large alist loaded from disk in `main`
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "bind "
rewind-stream name
write-stream stream, name
write stream, " to "
print-cell val, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " in "
var env-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address env-h
print-cell env-ah, stream, 0/no-trace
trace trace, "eval", stream
trace-lower trace
var _env/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup env-h
var env/ebx: (addr cell) <- copy _env
# if env is not a list, abort
var env-type/ecx: (addr int) <- get env, type
compare *env-type, 0/pair
error trace, "eval found a non-list environment"
trace-higher trace
# if env is nil, look in globals
var env-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? env
compare env-nil?, 0/false
debug-print "b", 3/fg, 0/bg
mutate-binding-in-globals name, val, globals, trace
debug-print "x", 3/fg, 0/bg
trace-higher trace
# trace "=> " val " (global)" {{{
compare trace, 0
var error?/eax: boolean <- has-errors? trace
compare error?, 0/false
var stream-storage: (stream byte 0x200)
var stream/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- address stream-storage
write stream, "=> "
print-cell val, stream, 0/no-trace
write stream, " (global)"
trace trace, "eval", stream
# }}}
debug-print "y", 3/fg, 0/bg
# check car
var env-head-storage: (handle cell)
var env-head-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address env-head-storage
car env, env-head-ah, 0/no-trace
var _env-head/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *env-head-ah
var env-head/ecx: (addr cell) <- copy _env-head
# if car is not a list, abort
var env-head-type/eax: (addr int) <- get env-head, type
compare *env-head-type, 0/pair
error trace, "environment is not a list of (key . value) pairs"
trace-higher trace
# check key
var curr-key-storage: (handle cell)
var curr-key-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address curr-key-storage
car env-head, curr-key-ah, trace
var curr-key/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *curr-key-ah
# if key is not a symbol, abort
var curr-key-type/eax: (addr int) <- get curr-key, type
compare *curr-key-type, 2/symbol
error trace, "environment contains a binding for a non-symbol"
trace-higher trace
# if key matches name, return val
var curr-key-data-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get curr-key, text-data
var curr-key-data/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *curr-key-data-ah
var match?/eax: boolean <- streams-data-equal? curr-key-data, name
compare match?, 0/false
var dest/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get env-head, right
copy-object val, dest
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> done"
trace-higher trace
# otherwise recurse
var env-tail-storage: (handle cell)
var env-tail-ah/eax: (addr handle cell) <- address env-tail-storage
cdr env, env-tail-ah, trace
mutate-binding name, val, *env-tail-ah, globals, trace
trace-higher trace
fn car _in: (addr cell), out: (addr handle cell), trace: (addr trace) {
trace-text trace, "eval", "car"
trace-lower trace
var in/eax: (addr cell) <- copy _in
# if in is not a list, abort
var in-type/ecx: (addr int) <- get in, type
compare *in-type, 0/pair
error trace, "car on a non-list"
trace-higher trace
# if in is nil, abort
var in-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? in
compare in-nil?, 0/false
error trace, "car on nil"
trace-higher trace
var in-left/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get in, left
copy-object in-left, out
trace-higher trace
fn cdr _in: (addr cell), out: (addr handle cell), trace: (addr trace) {
trace-text trace, "eval", "cdr"
trace-lower trace
var in/eax: (addr cell) <- copy _in
# if in is not a list, abort
var in-type/ecx: (addr int) <- get in, type
compare *in-type, 0/pair
error trace, "car on a non-list"
trace-higher trace
# if in is nil, abort
var in-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? in
compare in-nil?, 0/false
error trace, "car on nil"
trace-higher trace
var in-right/eax: (addr handle cell) <- get in, right
copy-object in-right, out
trace-higher trace
fn cell-isomorphic? _a: (addr cell), _b: (addr cell), trace: (addr trace) -> _/eax: boolean {
trace-text trace, "eval", "cell-isomorphic?"
trace-lower trace
var a/esi: (addr cell) <- copy _a
var b/edi: (addr cell) <- copy _b
# if types don't match, return false
var a-type-addr/eax: (addr int) <- get a, type
var b-type-addr/ecx: (addr int) <- get b, type
var b-type/ecx: int <- copy *b-type-addr
compare b-type, *a-type-addr
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> false (type)"
return 0/false
# if types are number, compare number-data
# TODO: exactly comparing floats is a bad idea
compare b-type, 1/number
var a-val-addr/eax: (addr float) <- get a, number-data
var b-val-addr/ecx: (addr float) <- get b, number-data
var a-val/xmm0: float <- copy *a-val-addr
compare a-val, *b-val-addr
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> false (numbers)"
return 0/false
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> true (numbers)"
return 1/true
compare b-type, 2/symbol
var b-val-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get b, text-data
var _b-val/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *b-val-ah
var b-val/ecx: (addr stream byte) <- copy _b-val
var a-val-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get a, text-data
var a-val/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *a-val-ah
var tmp-array: (handle array byte)
var tmp-ah/edx: (addr handle array byte) <- address tmp-array
rewind-stream a-val
stream-to-array a-val, tmp-ah
var tmp/eax: (addr array byte) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var match?/eax: boolean <- stream-data-equal? b-val, tmp
trace-higher trace
compare match?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> true (symbols)"
compare match?, 0/false
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> false (symbols)"
return match?
# if a is nil, b should be nil
# (assumes nil? returns 0 or 1)
var _b-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? b
var b-nil?/ecx: boolean <- copy _b-nil?
var a-nil?/eax: boolean <- nil? a
# a == nil and b == nil => return true
compare a-nil?, 0/false
compare b-nil?, 0/false
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> true (nils)"
return 1/true
# a == nil => return false
compare a-nil?, 0/false
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> false (b != nil)"
return 0/false
# b == nil => return false
compare b-nil?, 0/false
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> false (a != nil)"
return 0/false
# a and b are pairs
var a-tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var a-tmp-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address a-tmp-storage
var b-tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var b-tmp-ah/ebx: (addr handle cell) <- address b-tmp-storage
# if cars aren't equal, return false
car a, a-tmp-ah, trace
car b, b-tmp-ah, trace
var _a-tmp/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *a-tmp-ah
var a-tmp/ecx: (addr cell) <- copy _a-tmp
var b-tmp/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *b-tmp-ah
var result/eax: boolean <- cell-isomorphic? a-tmp, b-tmp, trace
compare result, 0/false
trace-higher trace
trace-text trace, "eval", "=> false (car mismatch)"
return 0/false
# recurse on cdrs
cdr a, a-tmp-ah, trace
cdr b, b-tmp-ah, trace
var _a-tmp/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *a-tmp-ah
var a-tmp/ecx: (addr cell) <- copy _a-tmp
var b-tmp/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *b-tmp-ah
var result/eax: boolean <- cell-isomorphic? a-tmp, b-tmp, trace
trace-higher trace
return result
fn fn? _x: (addr cell) -> _/eax: boolean {
var x/esi: (addr cell) <- copy _x
var type/eax: (addr int) <- get x, type
compare *type, 2/symbol
return 0/false
var contents-ah/eax: (addr handle stream byte) <- get x, text-data
var contents/eax: (addr stream byte) <- lookup *contents-ah
var result/eax: boolean <- stream-data-equal? contents, "fn"
return result
fn test-evaluate-is-well-behaved {
var t-storage: trace
var t/esi: (addr trace) <- address t-storage
initialize-trace t, 0x10, 0/visible # we don't use trace UI
# env = nil
var env-storage: (handle cell)
var env-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address env-storage
allocate-pair env-ah
# eval sym(a), nil env
var tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp-storage
new-symbol tmp-ah, "a"
evaluate tmp-ah, tmp-ah, *env-ah, 0/no-globals, t, 0/no-screen, 0/no-keyboard, 0/call-number
# doesn't die
check-trace-contains t, "error", "unbound symbol: a", "F - test-evaluate-is-well-behaved"
fn test-evaluate-number {
# env = nil
var env-storage: (handle cell)
var env-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address env-storage
allocate-pair env-ah
# tmp = 3
var tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp-storage
new-integer tmp-ah, 3
evaluate tmp-ah, tmp-ah, *env-ah, 0/no-globals, 0/no-trace, 0/no-screen, 0/no-keyboard, 0/call-number
var result/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var result-type/edx: (addr int) <- get result, type
check-ints-equal *result-type, 1/number, "F - test-evaluate-number/0"
var result-value-addr/eax: (addr float) <- get result, number-data
var result-value/eax: int <- convert *result-value-addr
check-ints-equal result-value, 3, "F - test-evaluate-number/1"
fn test-evaluate-symbol {
# tmp = (a . 3)
var val-storage: (handle cell)
var val-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address val-storage
new-integer val-ah, 3
var key-storage: (handle cell)
var key-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address key-storage
new-symbol key-ah, "a"
var env-storage: (handle cell)
var env-ah/ebx: (addr handle cell) <- address env-storage
new-pair env-ah, *key-ah, *val-ah
# env = ((a . 3))
var nil-storage: (handle cell)
var nil-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address nil-storage
allocate-pair nil-ah
new-pair env-ah, *env-ah, *nil-ah
# eval sym(a), env
var tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp-storage
new-symbol tmp-ah, "a"
evaluate tmp-ah, tmp-ah, *env-ah, 0/no-globals, 0/no-trace, 0/no-screen, 0/no-keyboard, 0/call-number
var result/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var result-type/edx: (addr int) <- get result, type
check-ints-equal *result-type, 1/number, "F - test-evaluate-symbol/0"
var result-value-addr/eax: (addr float) <- get result, number-data
var result-value/eax: int <- convert *result-value-addr
check-ints-equal result-value, 3, "F - test-evaluate-symbol/1"
fn test-evaluate-primitive-function {
var globals-storage: global-table
var globals/edi: (addr global-table) <- address globals-storage
initialize-globals globals
var nil-storage: (handle cell)
var nil-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address nil-storage
allocate-pair nil-ah
var add-storage: (handle cell)
var add-ah/ebx: (addr handle cell) <- address add-storage
new-symbol add-ah, "+"
# eval +, nil env
var tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp-storage
evaluate add-ah, tmp-ah, *nil-ah, globals, 0/no-trace, 0/no-screen, 0/no-keyboard, 0/call-number
var result/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var result-type/edx: (addr int) <- get result, type
check-ints-equal *result-type, 4/primitive-function, "F - test-evaluate-primitive-function/0"
var result-value/eax: (addr int) <- get result, index-data
check-ints-equal *result-value, 1/add, "F - test-evaluate-primitive-function/1"
fn test-evaluate-primitive-function-call {
var t-storage: trace
var t/edi: (addr trace) <- address t-storage
initialize-trace t, 0x100, 0/visible # we don't use trace UI
var nil-storage: (handle cell)
var nil-ah/ecx: (addr handle cell) <- address nil-storage
allocate-pair nil-ah
var one-storage: (handle cell)
var one-ah/edx: (addr handle cell) <- address one-storage
new-integer one-ah, 1
var add-storage: (handle cell)
var add-ah/ebx: (addr handle cell) <- address add-storage
new-symbol add-ah, "+"
# input is (+ 1 1)
var tmp-storage: (handle cell)
var tmp-ah/esi: (addr handle cell) <- address tmp-storage
new-pair tmp-ah, *one-ah, *nil-ah
new-pair tmp-ah, *one-ah, *tmp-ah
new-pair tmp-ah, *add-ah, *tmp-ah
#? dump-cell tmp-ah
var globals-storage: global-table
var globals/edx: (addr global-table) <- address globals-storage
initialize-globals globals
evaluate tmp-ah, tmp-ah, *nil-ah, globals, t, 0/no-screen, 0/no-keyboard, 0/call-number
#? dump-trace t
var result/eax: (addr cell) <- lookup *tmp-ah
var result-type/edx: (addr int) <- get result, type
check-ints-equal *result-type, 1/number, "F - test-evaluate-primitive-function-call/0"
var result-value-addr/eax: (addr float) <- get result, number-data
var result-value/eax: int <- convert *result-value-addr
check-ints-equal result-value, 2, "F - test-evaluate-primitive-function-call/1"