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path: root/stats.txt
blob: 6abac27d63f98426856910e7a2f3f43db902c100 (plain) (tree)









## Lines in source files
                          Initial   -whitespace/comments/tests
apps/factorial.subx         120       44
apps/crenshaw2-1.subx       561      180
apps/crenshaw2-1b.subx      757      186
apps/hex.subx              1442      149
apps/survey.subx           4733      905
apps/pack.subx             5881      840
apps/dquotes.subx          1925      383
apps/assort.subx            905      183
apps/tests.subx             284      137
apps/sigils.subx           4641      896
apps/calls.subx            1785      448
apps/braces.subx            360      121
apps/mu.subx (incomplete) 11592     4165

## Total source lines needed including libraries
                          Initial   -whitespace/comments/tests/dead code
apps/factorial.subx        8436     1700
apps/crenshaw2-1.subx      8644     1925
apps/crenshaw2-1b.subx     8736     1931
apps/hex.subx              9065     1908
apps/survey.subx          10217     3248
apps/pack.subx            10589     2727
apps/dquotes.subx          9262     2468
apps/assort.subx           8686     2425
apps/tests.subx            8519     2214
apps/sigils.subx          10578     3043
apps/calls.subx            9242     2388
apps/braces.subx           8545     2111
apps/mu.subx (incomplete) 16250     6524

## executable size in KB
                          Initial   -tests/dead code
apps/crenshaw2-1            41        4.3
apps/crenshaw2-1b           42        5.2
apps/factorial              42        5.2
apps/hex                    45        5.0
apps/survey                 51        9.6
apps/pack                   54        7.6
apps/dquotes                46        6.5
apps/assort                 42        6.4
apps/tests                  41        5.8
apps/sigils                 54        9.1
apps/calls                  47        7.1
apps/braces                 42        5.9
apps/mu (incomplete)       193       33.0

## history of apps/mu.subx
                                                        date    commit  mu.subx   -tests/cmts  binary (KB excl. dead code)
parsing function headers                           2019 Oct 30  5725      621         277         6.9
function calls                                          Nov 10  5739     1202         346         7.2
code-generating primitive instructions                  Nov 17  5750     1923         363         7.3
arguments                                               Nov 30  5785     4038        1330        13
return values                                      2020 Jan 1   5878     5432        1457        15
compound types: `addr` and `array`                      Jan 20  5911     6023        1697        16
local variables and their reclamation                   Jan 27  5934     6340        1900        18
register locals and shadowing                           Jan 27  5940     6498        1940        18
blocks                                                  Jan 29  5948     7455        2534        22
break/continue instructions                             Jan 30  5964     7871        2558        22
cleaning up locals in the presence of early exits       Feb 9   6000     8554        2918        26
pointer dereferencing                                   Feb 20  6040     9053        3075        27
arrays, and indexing them with a non-literal
user-defined types, and getting fields in them          Mar 11  6135    11592        4165        33

g_literal_strings.insert("screen-should-contain-in-color"); :(code) void test_screen_in_scenario() { run_mu_scenario( "scenario screen-in-scenario [\n" " local-scope\n" " assume-screen 5/width, 3/height\n" " run [\n" " a:char <- copy 97/a\n" " screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a\n" " ]\n" " screen-should-contain [\n" // 01234 " .a .\n" " . .\n" " . .\n" " ]\n" "]\n" ); // checks are inside scenario } void test_screen_in_scenario_unicode() { // screen-should-contain can check unicode characters in the fake screen\n" run_mu_scenario( "scenario screen-in-scenario-unicode [\n" " local-scope\n" " assume-screen 5/width, 3/height\n" " run [\n" " lambda:char <- copy 955/greek-small-lambda\n" " screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, lambda\n" " a:char <- copy 97/a\n" " screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a\n" " ]\n" " screen-should-contain [\n" // 01234 " .λa .\n" " . .\n" " . .\n" " ]\n" "]\n" ); // checks are inside scenario } void test_screen_in_scenario_color() { run_mu_scenario( "scenario screen-in-scenario-color [\n" " local-scope\n" " assume-screen 5/width, 3/height\n" " run [\n" " lambda:char <- copy 955/greek-small-lambda\n" " screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, lambda, 1/red\n" " a:char <- copy 97/a\n" " screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a, 7/white\n" " ]\n" // screen-should-contain shows everything " screen-should-contain [\n" // 01234 " .λa .\n" " . .\n" " . .\n" " ]\n" // screen-should-contain-in-color filters out everything except the // given color, all you see is the 'a' in white. " screen-should-contain-in-color 7/white, [\n" // 01234 " . a .\n" " . .\n" " . .\n" " ]\n" // ..and the λ in red. " screen-should-contain-in-color 1/red, [\n" // 01234 " .λ .\n" " . .\n" " . .\n" " ]\n" "]\n" ); // checks are inside scenario } void test_screen_in_scenario_error() { Scenario_testing_scenario = true; Hide_errors = true; run_mu_scenario( "scenario screen-in-scenario-error [\n" " local-scope\n" " assume-screen 5/width, 3/height\n" " run [\n" " a:char <- copy 97/a\n" " screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a\n" " ]\n" " screen-should-contain [\n" // 01234 " .b .\n" " . .\n" " . .\n" " ]\n" "]\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "error: F - screen-in-scenario-error: expected screen location (0, 0) to contain 98 ('b') instead of 97 ('a')\n" ); } void test_screen_in_scenario_color_error() { Scenario_testing_scenario = true; Hide_errors = true; run_mu_scenario( "scenario screen-in-scenario-color-error [\n" " local-scope\n" " assume-screen 5/width, 3/height\n" " run [\n" " a:char <- copy 97/a\n" " screen:&:screen <- print screen:&:screen, a, 1/red\n" " ]\n" " screen-should-contain-in-color 2/green, [\n" // 01234 " .a .\n" " . .\n" " . .\n" " ]\n" "]\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "error: F - screen-in-scenario-color-error: expected screen location (0, 0) to contain 'a' in color 2 instead of 1\n" ); } void test_convert_names_does_not_fail_when_mixing_special_names_and_numeric_locations() { Scenario_testing_scenario = true; run( "def main [\n" " screen:num <- copy 1:num\n" "]\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("error: mixing variable names and numeric addresses in main"); CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0); } //: It's easier to implement assume-screen and other similar scenario-only //: primitives if they always write to a fixed location. So we'll assign a //: single fixed location for the per-scenario screen, keyboard, file system, //: etc. Carve space for these fixed locations out of the reserved-for-test //: locations. :(before "End Globals") extern const int Max_variables_in_scenarios = Reserved_for_tests-100; int Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios = Max_variables_in_scenarios; :(before "End Reset") assert(Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios < Reserved_for_tests); :(before "End Globals") // Scenario Globals. extern const int SCREEN = next_predefined_global_for_scenarios(/*size_of(address:screen)*/2); // End Scenario Globals. :(code) int next_predefined_global_for_scenarios(int size) { int result = Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios; Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios += size; return result; } //: give 'screen' a fixed location in scenarios :(before "End Special Scenario Variable Names(r)") Name[r]["screen"] = SCREEN; //: make 'screen' always a raw location in scenarios :(before "End is_special_name Special-cases") if (s == "screen") return true; :(before "End Rewrite Instruction(curr, recipe result)") // rewrite 'assume-screen width, height' to // 'screen:&:screen <- new-fake-screen width, height' if (curr.name == "assume-screen") { curr.name = "new-fake-screen"; if (!curr.products.empty()) { raise << result.name << ": 'assume-screen' has no products\n" << end(); } else if (!starts_with(result.name, "scenario_")) { raise << result.name << ": 'assume-screen' can't be called here, only in scenarios\n" << end(); } else { assert(curr.products.empty()); curr.products.push_back(reagent("screen:&:screen/raw")); curr.products.at(0).set_value(SCREEN); } } :(code) void test_assume_screen_shows_up_in_errors() { Hide_errors = true; run_mu_scenario( "scenario assume-screen-shows-up-in-errors [\n" " assume-screen width, 5\n" "]\n" ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "error: assume-screen-shows-up-in-errors: missing type for 'width' in 'assume-screen width, 5'\n" ); } //: screen-should-contain is a regular instruction :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "screen-should-contain", SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 1) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'screen-should-contain' requires exactly one ingredient, but got '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!is_literal_text(inst.ingredients.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "first ingredient of 'screen-should-contain' should be a literal string, but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { if (!Passed) break; assert(scalar(ingredients.at(0))); check_screen(current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name, -1); break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN_IN_COLOR, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "screen-should-contain-in-color", SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN_IN_COLOR); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN_IN_COLOR: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 2) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'screen-should-contain-in-color' requires exactly two ingredients, but got '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!is_mu_number(inst.ingredients.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "first ingredient of 'screen-should-contain-in-color' should be a number (color code), but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } if (!is_literal_text(inst.ingredients.at(1))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "second ingredient of 'screen-should-contain-in-color' should be a literal string, but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(1).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case SCREEN_SHOULD_CONTAIN_IN_COLOR: { if (!Passed) break; assert(scalar(ingredients.at(0))); assert(scalar(ingredients.at(1))); check_screen(current_instruction().ingredients.at(1).name, ingredients.at(0).at(0)); break; } :(before "End Types") // scan an array of characters in a unicode-aware, bounds-checked manner struct raw_string_stream { int index; const int max; const char* buf; raw_string_stream(const string&); uint32_t get(); // unicode codepoint uint32_t peek(); // unicode codepoint bool at_end() const; void skip_whitespace_and_comments(); }; :(code) void check_screen(const string& expected_contents, const int color) { int screen_location = get_or_insert(Memory, SCREEN+/*skip address alloc id*/1) + /*skip payload alloc id*/1; reagent screen("x:screen"); // just to ensure screen.type is reclaimed int screen_data_location = find_element_location(screen_location, "data", screen.type, "check_screen"); // type: address:array:character assert(screen_data_location >= 0); //? cerr << "screen data is at location " << screen_data_location << '\n'; int screen_data_start = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_data_location+/*skip address alloc id*/1) + /*skip payload alloc id*/1; // type: array:character //? cerr << "screen data start is at " << screen_data_start << '\n'; int screen_width_location = find_element_location(screen_location, "num-columns", screen.type, "check_screen"); //? cerr << "screen width is at location " << screen_width_location << '\n'; int screen_width = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_width_location); //? cerr << "screen width: " << screen_width << '\n'; int screen_height_location = find_element_location(screen_location, "num-rows", screen.type, "check_screen"); //? cerr << "screen height is at location " << screen_height_location << '\n'; int screen_height = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_height_location); //? cerr << "screen height: " << screen_height << '\n'; int top_index_location= find_element_location(screen_location, "top-idx", screen.type, "check_screen"); //? cerr << "top of screen is at location " << top_index_location << '\n'; int top_index = get_or_insert(Memory, top_index_location); //? cerr << "top of screen is index " << top_index << '\n'; raw_string_stream cursor(expected_contents); // todo: too-long expected_contents should fail for (int i=0, row=top_index/screen_width; i < screen_height; ++i, row=(row+1)%screen_height) { cursor.skip_whitespace_and_comments(); if (cursor.at_end()) break; if (cursor.get() != '.') { raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "each row of the expected screen should start with a '.'\n" << end(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } int addr = screen_data_start+/*length*/1+row*screen_width* /*size of screen-cell*/2; for (int column = 0; column < screen_width; ++column, addr+= /*size of screen-cell*/2) { const int cell_color_offset = 1; uint32_t curr = cursor.get(); if (get_or_insert(Memory, addr) == 0 && isspace(curr)) continue; if (curr == ' ' && color != -1 && color != get_or_insert(Memory, addr+cell_color_offset)) { // filter out other colors continue; } if (get_or_insert(Memory, addr) != 0 && get_or_insert(Memory, addr) == curr) { if (color == -1 || color == get_or_insert(Memory, addr+cell_color_offset)) continue; // contents match but color is off if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n'; raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected screen location (" << row << ", " << column << ") to contain '" << unicode_character_at(addr) << "' in color " << color << " instead of " << no_scientific(get_or_insert(Memory, addr+cell_color_offset)) << "\n" << end(); if (!Hide_errors) dump_screen(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } // really a mismatch // can't print multi-byte unicode characters in errors just yet. not very useful for debugging anyway. char expected_pretty[10] = {0}; if (curr < 256 && !iscntrl(curr)) { // " ('<curr>')" expected_pretty[0] = ' ', expected_pretty[1] = '(', expected_pretty[2] = '\'', expected_pretty[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(curr), expected_pretty[4] = '\'', expected_pretty[5] = ')', expected_pretty[6] = '\0'; } char actual_pretty[10] = {0}; if (get_or_insert(Memory, addr) < 256 && !iscntrl(get_or_insert(Memory, addr))) { // " ('<curr>')" actual_pretty[0] = ' ', actual_pretty[1] = '(', actual_pretty[2] = '\'', actual_pretty[3] = static_cast<unsigned char>(get_or_insert(Memory, addr)), actual_pretty[4] = '\'', actual_pretty[5] = ')', actual_pretty[6] = '\0'; } ostringstream color_phrase; if (color != -1) color_phrase << " in color " << color; if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n'; raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected screen location (" << row << ", " << column << ") to contain " << curr << expected_pretty << color_phrase.str() << " instead of " << no_scientific(get_or_insert(Memory, addr)) << actual_pretty << '\n' << end(); if (!Hide_errors) dump_screen(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } if (cursor.get() != '.') { raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "row " << row << " of the expected screen is too long\n" << end(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } } cursor.skip_whitespace_and_comments(); if (!cursor.at_end()) { raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected screen has too many rows\n" << end(); Passed = false; } } const char* unicode_character_at(int addr) { int unicode_code_point = static_cast<int>(get_or_insert(Memory, addr)); return to_unicode(unicode_code_point); } raw_string_stream::raw_string_stream(const string& backing) :index(0), max(SIZE(backing)), buf(backing.c_str()) {} bool raw_string_stream::at_end() const { if (index >= max) return true; if (tb_utf8_char_length(buf[index]) > max-index) { raise << "unicode string seems corrupted at index "<< index << " character " << static_cast<int>(buf[index]) << '\n' << end(); return true; } return false; } uint32_t raw_string_stream::get() { assert(index < max); // caller must check bounds before calling 'get' uint32_t result = 0; int length = tb_utf8_char_to_unicode(&result, &buf[index]); assert(length != TB_EOF); index += length; return result; } uint32_t raw_string_stream::peek() { assert(index < max); // caller must check bounds before calling 'get' uint32_t result = 0; int length = tb_utf8_char_to_unicode(&result, &buf[index]); assert(length != TB_EOF); return result; } void raw_string_stream::skip_whitespace_and_comments() { while (!at_end()) { if (isspace(peek())) get(); else if (peek() == '#') { // skip comment get(); while (peek() != '\n') get(); // implicitly also handles CRLF } else break; } } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") _DUMP_SCREEN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "$dump-screen", _DUMP_SCREEN); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case _DUMP_SCREEN: { break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case _DUMP_SCREEN: { dump_screen(); break; } :(code) void dump_screen() { int screen_location = get_or_insert(Memory, SCREEN+/*skip address alloc id*/1) + /*skip payload alloc id*/1; reagent screen("x:screen"); // just to ensure screen.type is reclaimed int screen_data_location = find_element_location(screen_location, "data", screen.type, "check_screen"); // type: address:array:character assert(screen_data_location >= 0); //? cerr << "screen data is at location " << screen_data_location << '\n'; int screen_data_start = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_data_location+/*skip address alloc id*/1) + /*skip payload alloc id*/1; // type: array:character //? cerr << "screen data start is at " << screen_data_start << '\n'; int screen_width_location = find_element_location(screen_location, "num-columns", screen.type, "check_screen"); //? cerr << "screen width is at location " << screen_width_location << '\n'; int screen_width = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_width_location); //? cerr << "screen width: " << screen_width << '\n'; int screen_height_location = find_element_location(screen_location, "num-rows", screen.type, "check_screen"); //? cerr << "screen height is at location " << screen_height_location << '\n'; int screen_height = get_or_insert(Memory, screen_height_location); //? cerr << "screen height: " << screen_height << '\n'; int top_index_location= find_element_location(screen_location, "top-idx", screen.type, "check_screen"); //? cerr << "top of screen is at location " << top_index_location << '\n'; int top_index = get_or_insert(Memory, top_index_location); //? cerr << "top of screen is index " << top_index << '\n'; for (int i=0, row=top_index/screen_width; i < screen_height; ++i, row=(row+1)%screen_height) { cerr << '.'; int curr = screen_data_start+/*length*/1+row*screen_width* /*size of screen-cell*/2; for (int col = 0; col < screen_width; ++col) { if (get_or_insert(Memory, curr)) cerr << to_unicode(static_cast<uint32_t>(get_or_insert(Memory, curr))); else cerr << ' '; curr += /*size of screen-cell*/2; } cerr << ".\n"; } }