blob: 2b8aa212c9a06504753c19d1537ad016e7c2ffb5 (
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## print out a (global variable) string to stdout
# To run (from the subx directory):
# $ subx translate examples/ex6.subx -o examples/ex6
# $ subx run examples/ex6
# Hello, world!
== code
# instruction effective address operand displacement immediate
# op subop mod rm32 base index scale r32
# 1-3 bytes 3 bits 2 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 2 bits 2 bits 0/1/2/4 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes
# syscall(write, stdout, x, size)
# fd = 1 (stdout)
bb/copy-to-EBX 1/imm32
# initialize x (location to write result to)
b9/copy-to-ECX x/imm32
# initialize size
8b/copy 0/mod/indirect 5/rm32/.disp32 . . 2/r32/EDX size/disp32 . # copy *size to EDX
# syscall
b8/copy-to-EAX 4/imm32/write
cd/syscall 0x80/imm8
# syscall(exit, EBX)
b8/copy-to-EAX 1/imm32/exit
cd/syscall 0x80/imm8
== data
size: # size of string
0e 00 00 00 # 14
x: # string to print
48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 0a 00
# H e l l o , ␣ w o r l d ! newline null
# vim:nowrap:textwidth=0